Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 A
Omaha Masons Take Special
Train to Arnold to Confer
Scottish Rite Degree. '
Twenty-five Scottish Rite Masons
of Omaha journeyed to Arnold, Cus
ter county. Nebraska, in a special
train over the L'nion Pacific Saturday
to confer the Scottish Rite degree
upon sixty Arnold candidates. The
party was led by Frank C. Patton,
and including the fourteenth were
venerable master, and degrees up to
conferred. In addition to the Oma
hans, some 100 Scottish Rite Masons
of Custer county attended the event.
Those who made the trip from Omaha
were :
Frank C. Patton
Krlgar 'Bowlrs
.tohn W. Cooper
Krifar L. Hoar
Charles L. Shook
Zora D. Clark
B. T
Carl K. Herring
Jam.s B. Cain Jr.
Arthur C. Panroaat
Thomas Johnson
Walter MarCtino
John H. Groaaman
John R. Hl-lne.
(t.-orsr W. Platnor
K. D. Bellla
Claude Talbot
Dr. N. C. PHnre
.1. M. Henry
.1. K. Brrfnar
Tlnley I.. Comba
r.uv I,. Axtell
Frank M. Pond
charlea MarAdam
W. McCllnlot'k.
Woodmen of the World.
Schiller camp, No. .104. of the
Woodmen of the World, will meet on
Thursday evening at German Home
to transact its regular business and
install its officers for the year 1917.
South Omaha. No. 211, has closed
a lease for the term of one year on
the third floor of the Lewis block,
known as Odd Fellows hall, opposite
the postoflicc. South Side, and will
hold its first meeting there Wednes
day evening, January 10, to install its
officers for the ensuing year. Dr. F.
M. Faulk will be again installed as
consul commander, Frank Helm as
advisor and A. E. Carter as clerk.
Nebraska Lipa, No. 183, will hold
its first annual meeting for 1917 on
Thursday evening at Bohemian Tur
ner hall, Thirteenth and Dorcas
streets. The old officers were all re
elected and the meeting will be in the
nature of a good-fellow gathering
with renewed plcdgs foer hearty co
operation. ,
Benson camp, No. 288, will give' a
New Year's party on Tuesday even
ing at Woodmen of the World hall,
Benson. This camp's membership
has reached 150 members, making it
one of the strongest suburban camps
in the organization.
Paderewski camp, No. 522, members
have decided to make all payments
for monthly dues to Security State
bank. South Side, instead of to the
clerk, Stanley Ulanecki, as hereto
fore. A reorganization of this camp
is promised for the January meeting.
German American camp, No. 104,
. holds its first regular meeting for the
month on Tuesday evening, at New
. Bohemian Turner hall, Thirteenth and
v Dorcas streets. That old veteran
Woodman, Henry Jeasen, has been
" re-elected clerk for another year.
Omaha Seymour camp. No. 16, will
hold a public joint installation of offi
cers for the year 1917 with Frazer
Grove, No. 1, Tuesday evening at
Crounse hall. Colonel L. E. Tatter
son, sovereign auditor, will act as in
Mailing officer.
Tribe pf Ben Hur.
Mecca court -will give its 'fourth
dance of the season, January 4. Janu-
ary 11 installation of officers will be
Odd Fellows.
Oaniha lodge o. 2, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, will install
officers for 1917 Friday evening.
Members from lodges 10, 20, 183, 216,
225, 148, 221 and 225 are expected to
be present. You can also bring a
friend if you know he would be in
terested in Odd Fellowship, as the
installation is to be an open one.
Brothers Rev. J. F. Poucher and Rev.
J. K. Flockhart are expected to be
present. Light refreshments will be
Royal Neighbors of America.
Pansy camp. So. 10. Royal Neigh
bors of America, will hold its annual
installation of officers Friday evening
at the Swedish auditorium. An in
teresting program has been prepared.
Knights and Ladies of Security.
Omaska council, No. 2295, will give
a flower dance monday, January 1,
1917, at the Swedish auditorium, Six
teenth and Chicago streets.
Ladies Auxiliary to Clan Gordon.
The next regular meeting of the
Ladies Auxiliary lo Clan Gordon No.
63, Order of Scottish Clans, will be
held at the home of Mrs. William
liritton, 2511 Chicago street, Wednes
day afternoon.
Junior Mechanics Meet.
Junior O. U. A. M., Omaha coun
cil No. 1, will hold installation of its
officers at the hall in Labor temple
Saturday evening, January 6.
Woodmen Circle.
W. A. FVascf r;rove, No. 1, Wood
man Circle, wilt hold a joint installa
tion of officers with Omaha Seymour
camp, No. In, Woodmen of the
World, on Tuesday evening. This is
to be an open meeting, to which all
members and their friends are in
vited. The installation is to be fol
lowed by a social hour and informal
The card party and dance given by
the Emma B. Manchester Grove, No.
156, Woodmen Circle, at their hall in
the Crounse block Thursday evening
was largely attended and those pres
ent spent a most enjoyable evening.
The next regular dance given by the
Grove will be held January 25, and
will be in the form of a masquerade.
Order of Eagles.
Omaha Aerie, No. 38. Fraternal Or
der of Eagles, will hold a public in
stallation of officers-elect for the year
1917 at their hall, 416 South Seven
teenth street, Thursday evening. The
following named officers will be in
stalled: Prealdent A. W. TafBart.
Vlf President A. P. Watt.
Chaplain A. Orlmea.
Secretary P. C. Hchroerier.
Trsaaurrr J. ft. Pehrena, sr.
Conductor J. K. Diamond.
Inalde Guard1 A. Mayhew.
OutaUle Guard A. T. Menely.
Trustee Charles R. Rles.
Physicians Dr. W. A. Hosteller and Dr.
H. lllrschmann.
White Shrine,
The Sojourners club of Malva
White Shrine will meet Tuesday af
ternoon at the Masonic temple. Com
mittee in charge are Mrs. E. L.
Dodder, Mrs. Sam Dresher, jr.; Mrs.
John, Douglas and Mrs. Mary Drury.
Fraternal Aid Union.
Mondamin lodge, No. Ill, Fra
ternal Aid Union, will hold its annual
installation of officers Tuesday eve-
RAIN, snow, cold, winds all the ..t
elements of Fall, Winter and Spring mean noth
ing to the owner of the Maxwell Sedan.
With heavy glass windows on all four sides of the
body; with the inside warm and comfortable. Winter
is stripped of its one-time terrors.
In pleasant weather, of course, the windows can
be lowered into their rattle-proof compartments
resulting in an open car with a sun-proof, noise-proof,
rain-proof top, exceptionally attractive in appearance.
Under this fine Sedan body there is an exact
duplicate of the Maxwell Stock Chassis that made
the World's Non-Stop Endurance Record of 22,022
miles, averaging 22 miles to the gallon of gasoline!
Touring Car $595
Roadster 580
Town Car
C. W. Francis Auto Co.
2216-18 Farnam St Omaha, Neb.
Deferred Payments If Desired
ning at 8:15. It is alto announced
that on January 16 a prize masque ball
will be given. Steinhausen's orchestra
will furnish the music and six prizes
will be grven to the best costumed.
Banner lodge, No. 11, Fraternal
Aid Union, will hold a public installa
tion of its officers at the Labor temple
Tuesday evening, January 2, 1917.
Spanish War Veterans.
The General H. W. Lawton aux
iliary will dold its regular meeting and
installation of officers at Memorial
hall next Wednesday afternoon at 2
p. m.
W. C. O. T.
Friday evening the St. Anges court,
W. C. O. T elected officers for the
coming year:
Chief ranger. Mrs. Anna Calwell; vice
chief rancor. Mra. Theresa Webber: finan
cial secretary, Mrs. Josephine Rheflhan: re
cording secretary, Miss Anna Cuff: treasurer.
Mra. Nellie; trustees. Mrs. Rose
Kearnan, Mrs. Julia Mansan, Mrs. Victoria
V'ana: conductors. Mrs. Hose Kearnan, MUs
Catherine Cuff: sentinels, Mre.Cecslla Burke,
Mrs. Anns. Connors: physicians. Dr. McCrsnn,
Dr. Hhannahan. Mrs. Anna Calwell was
elected as delegate to the triennial conven
tlona In lfl7. Mrs. Jossphlns fiheehan as
Vim Truck for Every
Use Has Been Provided
A rather impressive conception of
the various uses made of light motor
trucks by the business world of today
is brought out by a pamphlet printed
by the manufacturers of the Vim
The truck, as the manufacturers
think of it, is the chasis, and the
mere mention of a Vim truck doesn't
signify much about the body design.
There are twelve distinct body de
signs shown in the Vim catalogue
one for most every need.
To give an idea of the scope of
th truck manufactures line one
must include the taxicab, passenger
'bus, fire apparatus, undertaker's
hearse, salesman's delivery car, mail
wagon and several styles of open and
enclosed truck bodies.
Mrs. Kilker, Who Came to This
City Before the War, is Dead
Mrs. Elizabeth Kilker, wife of the
late Frederick A. Kilker, passed away
Friday evening after a serious opera
tion December 13. She was born in
Allentown, N. J., April 5, 1851, and
at the age of 5 years came to Omaha,
where she has resided until the last
few years, which have been spent in
Benson. She is survived by four
children and one grandchild Mrs.
H. E. Hutton, Mrs. E. G. Wiseman,
A. L. Kilker, F. A. Kilker, Master
Frederick Wiseman.
Funeral services will be held from
her son's home, 2604 North Fifty
seventh street, Benson, at 3:30 p. m.
Sunday, where all friends are invited.
Interment will be made at the Pios
pect Hill cemetery.
Bellevue Makes New Rule
For Mid-Year Freshmen
Special inducements for high school
students who wish to enter college at
the second semester are offered by
Bellevue colloge, which announces
that it is registering freshmen for a
mid-year class. Bellevue college au
thorities have been of the opinion for
some time that provison for mid-year
students should be made.
, , Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Salesman Charged
With Cutting Firm
Prices for Own Gain
Lured by attractive promises of
easy money offered "for bargains" by
two South Side merchants. Emmet
Pearson, 23 years old. 1747 South
Forty-eighth street, sold for less than
half their value, police assert, sev
eral hundred dollars worth of dry
goods while employed as a salesman
by the M. E. Smith company, whole
sale dry goods dealer.
As a result, Pearson, who during
his five years as an employe of the
concern worked his way up from of
fice boy to salesman, is held for in
vestigation at the city jail, and. it is
said, has confessed to his part in the
In addition to the two South Side
merchants, Pearson's sweetheart, a
clerk in a local department store,
profited to the extent of about $150
in clothes, police say, as the result of
the young salesman's operations.
Pearson himself received only $17 for
his efforts.
Suspicion fell on Pearson, it is said,
November 1, when an inventory!
taken by the company disclosed a
shortage of $6,000 in the stock on his!
floor. Detectives were put to work i
in the building and irregularities, po- j
lice assert, were traced to Pearson.
Pearson, however, stoutly denies that
he disposed of that amount of goods.
In Ins contession to the police
Pearson is said to have told of hav
ing been approached by the two
merchants, who told him they would
give him handsome tips if he would
give them "bargains." Attracted by
this otter, 1'earson would mark down
the price of goods to a minimum.
This minimum price would be paid
gM ssssasssa mtmm mmmm sstsasg
j Perry Lock j
: Steering Wheel !
I a positive I
! Theft !
Insurance j
No two locks have keys
(alike. Front wheels are wild
when car is locked. I
Ask us about it now. Phone I
. Douglas 3217. J
(Auto Device Sales Co. I
894 Brandeii Bldg.
Omaha Nk
Lata smm mm sssssaasi sal
Besides the
wasteful always costly. A man
need not be an engineer to
know that the light engine of
1 I 11 vts 1 nu is ine most emcient cnasiia lor n. won in j
1 -T -'ijsa lle world price is $845. Fitted with any ana I
ft jLaL-ira LfM trehre types of body handsomely designed 1
B L d""" and strongly bail! suitable for a hundred lines A
js 'f"i iaBa! X f business price complete. Model Ft (Open S3
tlTlPS Eapi),De Luxe, (Closed Panel), J725. g-
jj0w Ubvu gaEAHs jjjjjl
SBSr.sajSalcs and Service Stations in 624 Cities unjSSS- :
and the goods delivered, and Pearson suited in Pearson's arrest. The orig- J h i uV
was expected to get his "bit on the inal price of these goods, it is said, slclan .ho eIclaimed:
outside. The merchants were not so totaled $196, while the store received! ..wh, wr,tcheii uitsritntino rubbish r
generous as they had promised, Pear- for them only $20. '. thi? who ever heard of iurh ears?"
son declared ' Utor sfndlns; Iti sons; back h wrols
r r . l i. t a ,, ' (under The title: "Mls'.aken diagnosis: no
Une Ot tne Boxes Ot goods Sold to , Mistaken Diagnosis. , s(l. me heart vusslhle Sish, rslsts,
the two merchants fell into the hands i A , wlt ln ml,, "There s a Sigh In ! almost entirely to the lungs ana dla,
of detectives, and this directly re- My Heart, " was sent by a young man to phragm" Boston Transcript. ,;
Nothing Succeeds
Like Success
If a man builds the best automobile made
the world will wear a path to his door and his
success will grow and grow. So it is with the
Reo success. The Reo has no peer or near com
petitor until you go beyond the thousand-dollar
mark. Then the comparisons lie in favor of th'e
Reo because it represents an honest value, shorn
of all extravagances and unnecessary finery.
That is not to say that Reo models are in the
least incomplete. They are complete in every
detail. They have every necessary refinement
and necessity to extreme comfort.
We extend the heartiest of New Year's
- greetings to our friends and friends to be, and
in this connection we ask you to consider the
deep meaning of success. It means that we
have satisfied our customers. We have suc
ceeded and we hope and know that 1917 will
bring greater success and many new Reo
friends. We want to number you among Reo
Jones-Opper Co.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Distributers Eastern and Northern Nebraska
and Western Iowa.
fox Package Delivery ?
YOU know that no matter what you buy, or where you buy it whether
you take it home or have it sent you pay for having it sent home.
Sometimes it costs more than the article is worth to deliver it some
times a mere fraction of the value the charge depends altogether
on what the merchant knows about the cost of his delivery service.
The Retail Stores of this country deliver
four times as many packages as are handled
by all railroad and steamship lines put together.
447,1 16 merchants and trades
men, there are two million farmers and rracfe
growers who have the delivery problem to
Whether by team and wagon, by second
hand or converted pleasure car, or by the
heavy motor-truck teaming, hauling and
package delivery are costing the people of
America twice as much as they should.
One great department store pays over
$4,000,000 a year for package delivery
and finds that $3,000,000 goes just to drive
the dead weight of its heavy trucks.
Another department store goes to the
other extreme uses light pleasure cars with
wagon bodies; and finds that the inevitable
overloading cuts down the life of the cars
and causes constant replacement.
Makeshift methods are always
a pleasure car designed to carry five pass
engers with at most 750 lbs. live load,
cannot be loaded day after day to 1,000 lbs.
dead weight and more without giving out
He must know that the heavy truck, with
its 4,000 or 5,000 lbs. dead weight cannot
be practical for light package delivery.
The problem of efficient package delivery
is the problem of handling a load of 1 ,000 lbs.
There is not a delivery car in the market that
will do this so efficiently as the VIM Delivery Car
the first car designed specifically for this service.
The VIM Delivery Car is produced by men who
know more about this package-delivery problem
than any other group of men in the country.
It has three years' record of most astonishing
efficiency. Its capacity 1,000 pounds delivering
its loads with a remarkable economy in gasoline,
a high all-'round efficiency easy to handle and
no time lost in fussing and "regulating."
Twenty Thousand Merchants have made
their VIM Delivery Car Pay
for Themselves
These men are buying on our deferred payment
plan. Their savings and the increased radius of
doing business with a VIM are paving for the car.
The same proposition is available to every live
merchant and business man in America.
I II sat .1 . re- . .1 f !. 1. 1
Nih " roc
A. H. Jones
Hastings, Nebraska.
Distributer Southern and Western Nebraska
and Northwestern Kansas. ,