THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY DECEMBER 29. 1916. -FPj RENT Ap'ts and Flats South. SOLID COMFORT. Krot a warm awtmant to tin CAR. I.n.E, :6 s.. 18tb 8U We turn tan tti HEAT, and plenty of It. Han you have no coal Dills, no water bills, ao now snoveiinff; i.t floor apt. ready Jan. 132.60 luranwr; 941.50 winter. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 1 Omaha Nat'L Bids. Phone Dow. 1016. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WHAT have you for rnt In the way of four, five and Ix-room modem up-to-date apartments? Prefer ence will be given to those it bet ter districts of the city. Want to deal direct with owners. No agents. Telephone Douglas 101. Furnished Houses, Flats. i BOOMS Sod bath, modenf tarnished apart- meat. Reply, statins pries, to FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE room. 634-1 South 16th street, will be for rent March 1st; 83x60, foil base-roen-t, steam heat. Can partition to make , two stores with frontage of IS feet each. CONRAD YOUNG, 123 Brandels Theater Bid;. Douf. 157L BTORB FOR RENT. MlS-lf North 14th St. store worn, tli It, btisement and one targe display win dow. Good location for retail store or shop. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler lhti, 33. Ross Bldg. Ill SOUTH 15th, Jan. 1, steam heat. 1904 N. 24th St.. good brick, $23.00. JOHN N. FR EN Z B R.Doug las 864 tfPIENDID Farnam St. retail location. F. P. wead, 310 B. 18th 8L, Wead Bldg. MODERN store, istb St.. near postoiTlos tow rent. u. r. nieoDina. Offices and Desk Room. , CKS1RABL.U office rooms in the reiuodelei Crounso block. Ill N. 16tb St (opposite tiO to fit per month. Conrad Young. 831 Brandels Theater. Eoag. 1671. FOR RENT Furnished private office. 8x1; ft., with separate entrance. Very desirable tor nre insurance specuLls. call room 901 , City Nafl Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 7M. CHOICE o:lcc space. Balrd Bldg., 17th and uougias. Aicuague inv. jo. Miscellaneous. 114 CALIFORNIA Good substantial barn, loft, room for eight -horses. Douglas 2440. LARGE, light basement. 16th and Howard, cneap. wngni jasDury. uoug. lbl. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WARKHOOat Packing storaffe and roo. In,. 211 N. 11th BL Phone Doug-la 994. Globe Van and Storage Co, For real moving service try us. Largs t-horae padded vans. Storage, $2 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you ,. QUICKER, CHEAPER. AND SAFER. Phone Tyler 230 or Douglas 433S. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. v Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office- at Raymond Furniture) Co., 1618 aud 1615 Howard St Phone D. 6524. ' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. . Separate locked roorrj for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and j snipping. ( OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., IQg a lOth Bt Douglas 4161. T. H "Dtrtpr. Express and Movln. U j. AVliDLf . Packing and storage FIDELITY FREE Phono Douglas 1S8 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. ' 16th and Jackson St. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., 1528 Cass St uougias 1717. ramus stored a specialty. ULdggdrU n.25 per hour. Van and Storage Otx, Moving Packing. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1488. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM. stucco, 7-r modern. Lot value, .,vou; bouse value, 9,ooo. All for, 16.000. 319 No. 88th Ave. Doug. 2947. FOR SALE My property at 2MB Capitol Ave: Price $3,600. Chester A, Lewis, - r. an. u. a.. Liincom, neo. North. KOUNTZB PLACE Eight-room modern house, and a bar gain at $3,850. Not a new house, but tn repair and well built Largs lot and garage, uasy terms. . . , NORRIS & NORMS. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Dongiss 4370. I WILL sell my new modern six-room homo, located north part of city upon a Payment of $730 cash and also take as part payment y a 116 moaei iigut o-passenger car. Am leaving umana. juy nouse is a real home. Oak finish aud built-in features. Built lour years. Auareas Bias, Bee M1NNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave. , near 24th St., can bo bought at a bargain. mis lot must do soia. ewe ms quick. C A. urimnwi, B.g umana Nat. Bank Bldg. MUST be sold within the next ten days. cneap and easy terms. Modern five-room house. 2822 N. 37th. Owner. Douglas 1688, KOUNTZE PLACE, restricted district resi dence for sale. A. V Knlest 1615 N. 11th. South. 1009 GEORGIA AVE. $.1,806. This bouse . is a bargain; consists of reception hall, living room, dining room, large kitchen, pantry on first floor; one lmmenso big bed room, two good-sized bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath on second floor. First class condition throughout; all mod. Can pell on easy terms. D. V. SHOLES CO., ,16 aty N. B. Bldg. Dour. 41. Miscellaneous. ONLY ONE LEFT Brand new bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, all modern, oak finish, handsomely fin ished and decorated. Choice east front lot; only S blocks to carllne. Price only $3,100, easy monthly payments, or lot iftKen as urst payment RASP BROS., . ' 0$ McCaguo Bldg., Doug. 1653. NEW BUNGALOWS. 6, 4 AND 1 ROOMS. ' Strictly modern and up-to-date; oak finished and oak floors; built-in features. Ideal location; low prices; ihone us for appointment; ws will bo glad to show you. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1009. - Ground fir, McCague Bldg. HOUSES WANTED. WB HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE MONEY IN ALL PARTS OF TMJS WU I. 4V.1BT iuua JrKUriS-tTY WITH TJS FOR RESULTS. O'NEILL'S REAL ESTATE ft INS. AGNCT, Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. Jo the ELEVEN Months of 1911 ; The le gained.... 68,910 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha papers Lowest Rats. Best Results. Best Service GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSH, well located, for $2,000,00. . . ' w. H. GATES, 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. uougia 139. NEW bungalow; air. -I. and gardening; your ttmw and p- t; uiv with $400, rent I hiMMM m.1 111 SUA 9 KM n mi Ml FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc, $3,760; $209 cash, balance monthly Colfax 7885. F. J. TEBBENS CO. "or real estate bargains. 406 Omaha Nat Bank. Horsea Live Stock Vehicles ' For Sale. TWO fresh cows for sale. Call Walnut a&ss-t REAL ESTATE Unimproved Norvh. AFTER looking at MINNK LUSA, WO dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lota. IF YOU will come out today you will undsrstand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 748 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 1ST. Miscellaneous. ('-FT. LOT, 8108, Fins lots to select from. 31 oaah. It week. Box 6181. Bee. RLAI ESTATE Suburban ACREAGE AND SHALL FARMS. A fine list within ten mile radius of 16th and Farnam. Some special bargains. ukukuk. q. WALLACE. 614 Keellne Bldg. Benson. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUY THIS LOT. $10.00 down and $10.00 per month; pHoe $300.00: !, 50x128; located oa Locust St, between Clark and Burubam, not far from school and car tin Goo. B. Wright, Bee o it ice, Omen a. Dundee. DUNDEE. $600 DOWtt AND $35 A MONTH, 0-room, strictly modern, orsna new oun- galow, on comer lot oak floors and oak finish throughout. Full cement basement furnace heat, located In the newest part or Dundee. Price f 4,000,.. or wtu , discount for cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1781 EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE Large lot on Dodge St. near 48d; new residences on all sides. Will sell at bar gain on roaaonabl terms or will build to your order. Call owner. Walnut 188Q. SEVERAL lota, building "restriction. $8.' 600.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow Circle. $400.00 to $1,000.00. W. I. 8ELBY SONS. Dong. 1610. Florence. NETHAWAY has three-acreage tracts at $260 per acre before Jan. L TeL Florence ' 32B. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands. Etc. HAVE two 160 -acre farms and one 80-acrt farm, eastern Nebraska, to trade for city property. ARCHER REALTY CO.. 680 Bntndfl Bide BARGAIN; leaving city; sell or trado room nouse: strictly modem: neany new; alt improvements In; lot 50x120 ft ; hardwood floors ; garage : $2,900. 2615 Fort St, OwnerM. Smith, Room 606 rtl Tlntnl ' A 12-ROOM rooming .house for sale or ex- cnange lor equity in iois or nouse ana lot, or good car;-good location, call Doug las 688b alter s p, m, 320 ACRES In Lincoln Co., . to trade for 9ei,uuu- nome in umana. investigate.. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 829-30 -City Nat'l. Doug. 8862. TRADES TRADES TRADES. Farms. Cattle. Ranches. New Anart ments. Flats, etc. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Block. WE have some good homes and rentarpop rues ror wen. or la. land. Kawara f. William r Omaha Nat'l Rank- RM ' Ranch a clallst, sell or trade ranches for oity propeny. k. ranis, ove tsranaets uiag, REAL ESTATE Investments FARNAM STREET '22x132 Feet -. 1 Located between 2Qth and 24th St. Small improve- ment. Lowest price per front foot Jn this block. For full particulars' phone or see GEORGE AND . . COMPANY 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 756. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND ' SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET ft SON. RHUn RTTTT. TIERS RHARKfi participate In Surplus Proflte wblcb have Increased 91.00 to 91.20 per share on which T per cent dividend, are paid January 1st. Order now and save the In- AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. Fiscal Areata. Omaha. 971,000. Income 12 per cent; one year old vorj. uuo 11W.11UU, uLuri.... ..u,uuv ana will accept 920,000 tn trade; balance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS ft CO.. . Douglas llU City Nat'l Bank Bids. INVESTMENT. Corner, 1jM In, two houMs. annual rent 1730. mce, ,. a P. BO8TW10K ft SON. W0 Be. Bldg. Trier IMS. WE have clients with cash who are looking for good, nrst-class, close-in Investment property. HI ATT COMPANY, I4S-7-9 Omaha Nat'L Bk. Bldg. Trier 60. , REAL ESTATE. V WJ1 COLFAX, tot Keellne Bldg. Dong. 4279. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTE1 4, 6 and 0-roomed houses that can be sold for $100 oaah, balance 315 per month;, give complete description ftrst letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1330 Farnam. Tel. Poug. 1084. WANT TO BUY 1 to $ houses, or flat for Investment,; will pay caab. PRICE MUST BE RIGHT, have $8,000 to $6,000 to In vest prefer 4 or 5-room partly modern houses. Give full particulars. Address P. O. Box 888, Omaha, Neb. WB have, CLIENTS with cash who are loouing ror good, nrst-class, oiose-in in vestment propprty, HIATT (COMPANY, , C, 246-7-9 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 80. COME to us with yojr real bargain,. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. Douglas 490. " LIST your 9 and 4-ruom houses with us. WHJ SELL THKM. .. 0830UKB It SALT T CO., Doug. 1474. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans, Mortgigog. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates, a. &H, and t per cent Roaaonabl. commission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 9I South 17th, Omaha. Neb. SHOPEN ft CO.. PRIVATE MONET. 9 PER CENT to per cent on best olamt city residences la amount 93.000 up; alas farm loana. Reasonable commission. PKTKK3 TRUST CO.. 1139 Farnam St 93,000 MORTGAGE bearing tV, per cent smtann.; secured by property valued at 97.100. Talmago-Loomla Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. ; NO DKLAT. . , W. T. GRAHAM. ' BEE BLDO. OMAHA homes, East Nebraska (arms. O'KEKFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1914 Omaha Nat'l. Phone Dong. 4T19. FARM and city loans, 6-&tt and 9 per ceat. W. H. Thomas. Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1444. 6 MONET HARRISON ft MORTON, 919 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm imort gages. Kloh Inv Co., Omaha. REAL KPTATK LOANS WANTED. THOa L. McOARRT. KE KLINE BLDO. TfcJU REP 4844. REAL ESTATE loans. 8 per cent D. E. BUCK A CO., , 81 J 'Omaha Nat. Bank. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loana Invest, rates. E. H. LOUOEE, Inv.. 63$ Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly, F D. Wead, wend Bidg-. U'b and farnam sis. I sld GARVIN BROS.N..VB.crBhrd.. CITY and farm loans, 5, b and 6 per cent. a. H. uximont a Co., ill Keellne mag. Stocks and Bonds. WB BUY AND SELL Onahaman Iron Co. Cuyuna-Sultana Iron Co. American Telagraphone. American Manganese Mfg. Co. N. W, States Portland Cement. C. E. UPDIKE, INC., 610 Andrus Bldg-. Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE 100 shares American Tele- graphone toiv 2fi0.00. 16,000 Uncle Sa:tt Oil for $100.00, 300 Afterthought Copper for $300.00. A. L. Deibel. Little Rock, Ark. Abstracts of Title. Ifar Title, Ouarautee and Abstract Co., IVclI 306 a ' 17th St.. ground door. Bonded by Maw. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO- oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 306 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. GALLACHER & NZLSON, Represent prompt, pay insurance com panies. 644 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, Ind. notes as security. 40 -mo, H. H. gds., total cost, $s.t; 840 " Indorsed notes, total cost, $8.40. Smeller, larger am'ta., proportionate rats, PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organized by Omaha Business Men, 438 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty. 66. FARM AND RANCH LANDS T Florida Lands. FARMING IN FLORIDA Our lands., are extremely fertile Clay subsoil, rrao tlcally twelve months' growing season. Abundant, well distributed rainfall. Good fer trucking and citrus culture. Close to transportation, on branch oi uixie nign Way settled and prosperous community, Chance for big profits to right men. Our book, "Farming tn Florida," tells all. Write for free copy today. O. P. Swope Land company, oviedo, aeminoio county, Florida. PALM BEACH COUNTY We havo the record crop truck, garden and citrus rruit land in the united states. Buy lanu on easy terms from A. Parsons & Son. 653 Brandeis Bldg. Phone Douglas 740. Note A - personally conducted excursion to the Sunny South leaves Omaha -January 2d; already some of Omaha's leading business men have joined us. Make your renei-vat ton early. Liaise alfalfa in Florida (Natal Ha vi tiiia winter. First cutting, so days: $50 to $80 annually On $60 land. 631 PaxtoB Bitt. Wslnut 358T (evenings). Minnesota Lands, BARGAIN 430-acre stock farm. irm, 45 miles from Minneapolis; about 130 acres under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture land; will cut several hundred tons good quality hay; fair set buildings; good soil; an excellent farm for Stock; $36 per acre; one-half cash Schwab Bros. 1038 Ply mouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and $6 montply; no interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; closo to S big markets. Write for photographs and full 'informa tion. Munger, A-l 19, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. GREAT BARGAINS $6 down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Pries only $200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs. Mo. ' FOR SALE, or will trade for Omaha resi dence property, well Improved stock and grain farm of 160 acres. Owner, W. P. Campbell, Qulro, Mo. , Nebraska Lands. NEAR SOUTH OMAHA. '840 acres: Best crop-growing land In the state. Corn making 75 bushels to acre; 250 tons alfalfa raised on placo this year. This Is all valley laud, all level snd tillable axcept a few acres around buildings and feed lots. Modern house, good barn. large sheep barn, corner! b, hog houses and all necessary buildings for cattle, hog and sheep feeding. Water piped to all buildings and feed lota. Fine blue grass pasture. All heavy black loam soil. Located uear grade and high schools and only one-baif mile from Interurban car line. For price and tirms Inquire of C. R, Combs, 808 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug. 8816. 480 ACRES six miles from Ogallala, Neb., 340 acres being armed, all smootn land, lair Improvements, this can be divided In quar ter sections If buyers desire only part Yielded forty bushels of corn and forty bushels of wheat to the acre. Ons sec tion of school land goes with the deal A snap at the price, $14,400. one-third cash, balance 6 years. J. F. Turner Council -Huffs, Iowa. CAN sell or exchange any land you have to afler. . C. J Canan, McCague Bldg. INVESTMENTS ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS AND OUR STOCK WILL ADVANCE TO $109 PER SHARE NOW SELLING at Take advantage of this advance by mailing in your application for stock today. Our stock increases in value every year, and this advance, together with the 7 guaranteed dividend earn ings, makes a high-class investment for you. All of our Real Estate, Mortgages, Con tracts Apartment Houses and Additions we own . protects your money at all times. We have never declared less than 9 dividend earnings. BUY BEFORE THE ADVANCE We have made three purchases to be de veloped the coming year, wnich will assure you of a good dividend for 1917. , Hastings 1614 Harney Streets FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 940 A OR US, Kimball county, wheat land, at sis. ov per ac.j .11 tuianiet good loca tion. . Buy this 19 yon want a real snap. 1. a. CAMPBELL ft jON, Kimball, Nek. DOUO. Co. larnis; 90 ac. 3100. 140 at. . 9176; 20 ac.. 9100; 40 ac, 93&0. W. T. Smith Co., 914 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. 140-A. GRAINS; rent. Imps, nnc TOLAND ft THt'UBULU ' D. 4707. 444 Bee Bldg. Wisconsin Lands. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen oral crop state in the union. Settlors wanted; lands for sale at low prices or easy terms; excellent lands ror siooa raising. Ask for booklet 86 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant; state acres wanted. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for book let oa Apple Orchards. Addres Land Com missioner Soo Railway, Minneapolis. Minn POULTRY AND PET STOCK tfAMAOED' 'screenings. $1.60 nundred. A. w. Wagner, vol N. isto. AUTOMOBILES ETRAORblNAJYVALUB IN USED CARS Two 1816 Overland Roadsters; a fw Overland tourings; Ovorlsnd coupe; Cole coupe. Fords, Buicks. Btudebakers and others. All thoroughly overhauled and in A-l order. Prices romarkabiy low. List of bargains furnished to out-of-town buy ers on request, ucmonsi rations maas. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. Used Car Dept., 2047 Farnam St. ppone Douglas J.oz. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 3308 Farnam SL Douglas 3810. 1816 Moon Touring, sacrifice. 191t Maxwell Touring, $33t. 1816 Chevrolet. $360. 1 8 16 Stearns-K night Touring, sacrifice, GOOD spark plugs, three for $1; 83.50 doaen, Mattox. 1428 So, 16th. In the ElWeN Months of 131T Tbs Bee gained, . . .63,810 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gain of the two Omaha pipers iwwest Rats. Best Results. Best Service USED CARS AT REAL PRICES C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Douglas 658. 8318-18 Farnam St. USED magnetocs, magneto repairs, magneto repair parts. Mattot. 1426 So. 16th. S.O.S. MOTOR CO. -SsSt 3406 Leavenworth and Fireproof storage, $6 per month, Day and night service. Phone Tyler TIT. BALL and roller bearings. Mattox, 1426 So. 16th. 1 7-pass. 6 cyl. Franklin $360.00 1 6 cyl Franklin, speedster 360.00 1 single cyl. motorcycle 35,06 TELL & BINKLEY, " .' 3318 Harney St. Doug;1540. CORD tires for Fords, 80x3, $8.66; 20x3 V.. $11.66. Zwlebsl Bros. L. 4878, 8518 Far nam St 1 WE will trade yon a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 30tb and Harney. Douglas 6161. i THE Fontenells Automobile Co. All kinds auto repair work at reasonable prices. OH. gas and accessories. 316 S. 18th. D. 4448 Cross Lowngarage, 316 S. 84th, . Psrts for Hup 80, Oldsmobile, Apperson, L. H, C. Careful repairing; pull-in ssrvlue. BERTSCHY ''kan-Ftx-It Southeast cor . ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas T288, -xrAuto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service oar al ways ready." Omaha Garage. 3010 Har ney Sl Tyler 666. Auto Tires and Supplies. t GUARANTEED TIRES ' AT H PRiCE? f Below Is a partial list of our I 1b 1 vul canized tiros: 80x3 ....$6.60 84x4 ....$ 1.6$ .. 30x8. 6.50 . 85x4.., 11.1$ . liix .... $.35 36X4.,.. 11. 46 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING CO., 1516-1$ Davenport , : Douglas 881. Aiito Repairing gndainting. $IP4 reward for magneto ws can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfor, 310 N. 18th. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prices right. 316 a 18th St. D. 7380. Motorcycles and Bicycles. BARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machines. Victor Boos, "The Motorcycle Man." 3708 Leavenworth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS James A. Kennedy and wife to Wilson T. Graham, southwest corner Twenty-fourth and Blondo streets, 70x130; N undivided one-talf $ I Home Terrace Co. to James t. Wake night, Twenty-third street, fifty feet north of P street, east side, 130x $00 ' 1 Home Terrace Co. to Susie Wake- night, southwest corner Forty-second and D street 50x130... 1 John Rush and wife to Frank S. . Selby, northeast corner mitietn And Isard streets. 60x136 1 Thomas Truelsen and wife to John M. . Anderson, Thirty-sixth strost, sixty two feet . north of Howard street - 63x88 , $.000 John M. Anderson and wire to John a. Cavers. Tttlrty-sixtn street, sixty-two feet north of Howard street. 63x83. 1 Ellen Swanson to Esther Stanford. Binasy street, 100 feet east of Forty-second street north aids, 60x120. 1 Fred Meta and wife to Harriet M. Sr.hnorr, northeast corner Firty-sec- ond and. Capitol avenue, 60x136,... 8 Joseph Bareher et al, to Frank Ben- baw, southeast corner Forty-fourth and DodRe streets. 144x128.5 1 Hastings A Heyden to Arthur Swerd- feger, Kansas avenue, 246 reet east of Forty-second street, north side, 120x375 - 6TB Barker Co. to George Daniel, Marcy street, 180.3b reet west or Forty second street south side, 45x108... 1 Freda B. Frankfurt and husband to Hastings & Huyden, northwest cor- ' north Nineteenth avenue and Jones streets. 73.03x80 2 Theresa Hannlgan and husband to George E. Yager and wife, north east corner Twenty-sixth and F streets, 120x160 2 Barker Co. to Jay L, Tennant, Thirty third street, 81.7 feet south of Myrtle avenue, east side, 42x120 1 INVESTMENTS $1.07 PER SHARE & Heyden Phone Tyler 50. GIRLS, THREE MORE DAYS LEFT FOR YOD This Present Leap Year is Go ing Fast and'Then Chance is Gone. ANOTHER IN FOUR YEARS By A. R. GROH. "Why don't you write up the fact that there are only three more days left in leap year?" a certain bache lor asked me. I hadn't thought of the idea, but it struck me' favorably. And, oh, girls, when I had looked into this bachelor's eyes I felt it was nothing less than a duty, a positive duty, It would have touched your hearts, too, girls. There was a sort of look of ebbing hopes, of dumb despair, the mute loneliness that the bachelor must bear. He had been cheerful earlier in the year, when hope beat high. But now, with only three days left, his disap pointment was such that he could not conceal it. No bride had come . to claim him for her own.' No fair maidetwhad asked him to be hers. "It's a mighty good idea," 1 said cheerfully. "I'll write it up. Mebby it'll do some good. Lots of fine girls read The Bee. So I comforted him. And here, you see, it is, all written up. Only Three Days. Three days! That's a short time, girls. Still, much can happen in three days. Three seconds is long enough time to ask a question, you know. Before their lonely riresidies sit W, Farnam Smith. Earl Gannett, Dr. W. O. Bridges, Jerry Howard, "Ben" Warren, Stockton Heth, Robert Burns, Harry Koch, Dr. Leroy Crunv mer and a 'ost of other of our citi zens. Kood, sober, substantial men who would make hrst-class husbands. Oh, think of this, girls, and do not harden your hearts. It really is your duty to do the pro posing. 1 he wisest men know that man is merely clay in your hands. You let him fondly fancy that he is the "big noise." You find it easiest to handle him that way. the -vis dom of a thousand generations of man-managers has taught you that a little natterv to vour vain lord and master" (silent laughter) goes a long way. And this is as it should be. You are the conservator of the race. You should be the one to choose the man you want to bind to your chariot wheels. First Leap Year. The first leaD year law was passed in Scotland in the year 1288. "It is statut and ordaint, the law read, that during the rein of hir maist blissit Mcareste tor ilk yeare knowne as leoe veare ilk mavden ladve shall hae liberte to bespeakc ye man she. likes. Albeit he refuses ta taik hir to be his lawful wyfe he shall be mulcted in ve sum ane oundis or less. Anoarently woman has done her dutypretty wen mishear, tor tnere haveoeen 2,726 marriages in Doug las county, while last year there were but 2.404. . , , . . A goodly harvest tor Hymen, nut. still, U sweet and gentle creatures, there are many unclaimed bachelors in Umana. Some of them conceal their anxiety under a cloak of jesting.,' "l have es. caned so far;" they cry with an e-tag gerated gaiety. But, ah, there is a hollow ring in it that bespeaks the desoair that is in their hearts as hope ebbs with every passing day. When they are alone at nome then thev drop their masks. Then they dream of the happiness ot a home and a loving wife and all that sort of tinner, von know. Ah, if this, write-up rescues even one bachelor from his loneliness it shall not have been written in vain, Bridges to Insist On the Water Board Taking Out Permit Building Inspector Bridges an. nounced that he will stop work on the building being erected by the Metro politan Water board at the Walnut Hill station unless General Manager Howell applies for a building permit according to law. "I made several trips to the Wal nut Hill station, sought the architect and talked with the engineer of the Water board, but nobody seems to know how much the building is go ing to cost or when a permit will be taken out. 1 don t see why K. Howell should evade the building laws ot the city any more than any. body else," remarked Mr. Bridges, Beauty. There is an old saying that beauty is only skin deep, but that is far from the truth. Beauty is tounded on good health without that there is no real beauty. You can cover up a muddy or sallow complexion with face pow der, but it will not be beautiful. A homely woman in good health is usually mgre interesting and more charming than' a - bilious dyspeptic beauty. , Constipation and a sluggish liver impair good looks. If you are troubled in this way take Chamber lain's Tahlets and voa will soon be looking better and feeling better. Advertisement. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Bohemian Catholic fiokol Building Co. to Whltesell Automatic Wire Stretcher Co., Thirteenth street, 415 feet sooth of William street, sast side, 60x139 1.500 Thomas Jk O'Nel) and wife to John Mkwald, Twenty-first street, fifty feet north of M streets, west side, 26x130 1 Thomas J. O'Nell to Thomas D. Boyle, Twenty-flrst street, seventy-live foot north of M street, 26x130, west side, 1 LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' M RESTING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Building Company will be held at the office of that company at Omaha at 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, January 10, Itl-T, for the porpooe of electJtur directors for the ensuing year and the t ran not ion of such other business as may properly oome before the meeting. By order of the president . N. P. FUIL, Secretary. S40-D27dl0t STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hastings snd Northwestern Railroad company for the election of soven directors and tn. transaction of such other business ss may come before tbe meeting will be held at tbe office of B. B.'CalvIn, No. 1414 Doda-e street. Omaha. Nebraska, on Monday. tbe 1st day of January, A. D, 1017, at 11 o'clock a. ra. T. M..ORH, BISHOP TO PREACH NEW ' YEAR'S SERMON. f I Bishop H. C. Stuntx' will deliver the New Year's sermon at the Trinity Methodist church Sunday evening. The bishop has not decided just what his topic will be. s FARMERS BUY MORE AUTOS, LESS TOOLS Indications Art; Machinery Sales Will Show railing Off for the Last Year. MUST BUT NEXT TEAS It is estimated by W. D, Hosford of the John beere Flow company that the total sales of implements during the year will show little, if any, above last year's record, and that it may be a trifle below. . 1 This Mr. Hosford attributes to the heavy sales of automobiles which brought about a drain upon tbe farm ers. ' "Indications are," said Mr. Hos ford. "that so many farmers bought automobiles, this year that they made their old farm machinery do through the year as far as possible in ,order to meet the cost of an automobile. Next year we confidently look for the biggest year in the history of the im plement business in Omaha. It is olain that if they made their old ma chinery do this year they cannot make it do again next year, and that is the year they will nave to buy imple ments." The imolement men are well satis fied, however, with the year's business, and say it was a prosperous one, even if the vqlume did not pile up higher than last year. d..:j.. f ,1,. ki !-,-!. ment jobbers . handle automobiles also, 10 they 'really got the benefit of the big demand for cars. In mak ing up the figures for year's business, however, imolement men separate the automobile business from the strictly farm implement business. Council Approves Applications for ' Most of Licenses TIim i-Miri-i1 sit tin as an t. cise board, approved 150 applications lor saloon licenses irora January a w April 30. . Cifttr-ttiri.. anntiratinna wri. htM over Tor consideration Friday morn ing on account oi a question as 10 mc sufficiency of personal bonds which were offered. No question has been raised against the validity of accepting $333.34 as one-third of a year's license. Buffalo Meat is Cooked Like Other Kinds of Game lake Rosoff, proprietor of the Pub lic and Empress markets, received from Fort Pierre, S. D., a buffalo, parts of which will adorn many tatles on New Year's day. The -carcass weighed 1,830 pounds. Mr. Rosoff has received so many inquiries as to the proper way to cook buffalo meat that he has made the following statement: "It should be bandied the same as any wild game. Roasts should be cooked two and one-half hours with plenty of water over' them and then let steam for two hours to get the proper tenderness and flavor. Steaks should be cooked a little longer than ordinary steaks. If this buffalo meat is tough it is the fault of the. cook and not of the meat This buffalo was 5 years old and one of the best ever shipped to this market." Clever Crook Collects A Money from Housewives Threes-Omaha housewives within the last two days have been victims of a clever swindler at work in resi dential districts at what is known to the police as the "reuben blue." Mrs, Helen Bennett, 617 South Sixteenth street, lost $10, as did Mrs. R. Ro land, 2219 South Seventeenth street Mrs. Lutie Davis, 1715 Cass, was miked of ?5. "Reuben Blue" calls at the houses and tells the housewives that he has for sale, at very low prices, eggs, meats and choice vegetables ' fresh from the farm. His wagon is "just around the corner" and he takes their order and their money. Then he vanishes. - , s Police officials have a good descrip tion of the man and detectives are at work on the case. NO OMAHAN WANTED FOR BANK BOARD. Committee Which Brought the Bank Here Would Bar Lo cal Directors. GIVE OTHER CITIES CHANCE If any Omaha man wants to get on the board of directors of the pro posed Omaha federal farm loan bank he will receive no encouragement from the Omaha committee which worked so hard to get a land bank here. .The committee feels' that get ting the bank is enough for Omaha and that the directorate should be . chosen from other cities within the district, such as Lincoln, Des Moines and some South Dakota or Wyoming cities. - This was brought out at a meeting of the committee held at noon in tbe Commercial club rooms to jolly one another on the good fortune they had in getting i bank for Omaha. " A telegram was (hen sent to the Federal Harm Loan board at Wash ington as follows: Note of Thanks. v Th, Comn.relal club of Omaha, on behalf of all th. psopl. of th. cllr, wtshas Its oommlttM to .Kprsaa to yon thslr .ntbosl astlo appreciation of your action tn looattn, ' on, bank In Omaha and arranfflna such a . promising- dlstrtoL Wo pladg oor sup port to your effort, to mak. tha operation of th. bank snooos.rul from its Innptloa. -(Btciwd) . FRANK H. UTERS. FRANCIS A. BROOAN. THOMAS C. BTRNSJ, , JOHN U M'CAODB, LUTHCR DRAKK, C. C. ROSEWATBB. ' A. r. STRTKEB, - ROBERT H. MAKUrr, . . . , 8. V. PARRliUi. , . The suggestion was made at this meeting that the old First National bank building at Thirteenth and Far nam streets, now to be abandoned by the bank people for their new quar ters, would make an 'excellent loca tion for the new federal bank. The property was acquired some months ago by A. E. Cook of Chicago, and ' at the time Mr. Cook made no an nouncement as to what hi plans were for the future use of the build ing. It was pointed oat by Chairman Myers of the committee that here is IS a building suitably equipped with vaults both in the banking rooms and in the basement Faithful Democrats Ready to Fill Jobs In New Land Bank A lot of Omaha democrats could not go to sleep last night, so deep were their thoughts concerning the new federal farm loan bank which has been awarded to Omaha. The situation carries with it several choice appointments with which they hope the democratic administration will re member its own. When the bank shall have been established here in fact, it will be necessary to have somebody - in charge. A story comes from Wash ington to the effect that Arthur Mul len, national committeeman, while there sought to groom Chris Gruen ther for the job. Chris abides at Columbus and stands ace-high with the Mullen wing of the Nebraska democracy. He was campaign man ager for, Senator Hitchcock during the recent vote-getting contest and a sort of entente cordiale exists between . Messrs. -Hitchcock, Mullen and Gruenther. But the suggestion is said to have been rebuffed as being impregnated with too much politics.' Carol S. Montcotnerv. anothar democratic wheel horse, has ' been mentioned for tbe place and Frank G. Odell's name has Seen heard in con-' nection with a position of some kind in the federal farm loan bank service. Lane Finds Train ., Congestion in East -, Worse Than West "Congestion may be great on the western lines; in fact it is so great we have deemed it expedient to de clare an embargo, but the Union Pa cific is like a lily pond compared to the railroads in the east," declares Charles Lane, general freight agent of the Union Pacific, who has just returned from a short Christmas va cation at Grand Rapids. ' "In Detroit" said Lane, "there are 25,000 cars and that terminal is com pletely plugged up. It is impossible to bo through the town. The con gestion is simply appalling. And that congestion in Detroit, of course, affects all points east , "You know they say home is the place you get the best and Of which you complain the most That's the way witn our western roads. Out here we complain of the congestion on our own roads, but the Union Pa cific is free and clear compared to the roads in the east" Five Wives Get Their Freedom from Husbands Showing signs of getting a hot box in the overtime race toward the last of the year, the Douglas county di vorce mill is unusually1 busy these days turning out decrees. The grist for the last twentyfour hours is as follows: Catherine Zoucha from Thomas Zoucha. Gladys J. Boesche from Herman G. Boesche. v Belle Moore from Edward - R. Moore. Rose Vanous from Louis Vanous. , Nettie Oldaker from George OI dtker. . . , . Petitions filed: Grace M. Allen against David B. Allen, cruelty alleged. Ella S. Grace against Herbert L. Grace, cruelty alleged. Clear Weather Rule; All Over the State, Clear weather continues to prevail all over the state of Nebraska. Re ports to the local railroad headquar ters show no stormy, snowy r windy weather at any points in the state. Several points, however, report very cold weather. Randolph, on the Bur lington, is the coldest spot in 'the state, the mercury dropping to 18 de rrees1elow aero at that point. BaokUs Nl,ht Coach Ba-evM. Dr. Ball's Ptno-Tar-Hon.y taksn a llttS.- at a lira, will stop your eourh, sooth, lrrtta- . Hon. Only Sis. All drusslsts. Adr, FOR SALE. Ses P. D. Wead. 910 8. 14th St - Sl7D-2dl04 "votary. uC CIZ-