Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    -7 K
I (a SSKrA ' If hfi ift. intuit L- I II II """ ( MA&IE-CAN T WHY '
TVV - 1 J RHT OdVVN TO LOOK ffl ' fj " , I
Work for Reform and Catting
Out Evils that Hare Crept
; Into Amateur Sports.
New York, Dec. 28. Physical di
rectors and professors in charge of
athletics at the leading colleges and
universities -of the country gathered
here today for the eleventh annual
conference of the National Collegiate
Athletic association. Nearly 200 in
stitutions are represented. - ( '
. The convention was opened with an
address by Dean' Le Baron R. Briggs
of Harvard. Major Paltrier E. Pierce,
who was instrumental in saving foot
ball several years ago, spoke on ''Col
lege Athletics as Related to National
Making of Fighting Men.
H. Tail McKenzie professor of phy
sical education at the University of
Pennsylvania, presented a special ar
ticle on the physical preparation of
soldiers for the English army, en
titled, "The Making and Remaking
of a Fighting Man."
In his absence the reading was dele
gated to another Pennsylvania dele
gate. Other papers include one on
"The Value of Foot Ball," by Prof.
-H. G. Gettell of Amherst college.
For severat years the association
rias worked for the betterment of col
lege athletics and has exerted wide I
ijinucncc m enccung mc rcioniis ui
evils which endanger amateur sports.
The evil .which this year's convention
plans to attack i proselyting and this
will be discussed by the head masters
of several preparatory schools.- ''. .
On Military Training.
It is expected that thev papers on
this subject will bring out many sig
nificant facts relative to the practice
in all its forms, including promises
of scholarships, membership in fra
ternities and positions which, wilt
guarantee the student expenses dur
ing his college course.
Another subject that aroused much
interest among the delegates was
military training, in view of the action
taken on the subject at the annual
meeting of the Athletic Research so
ciety yesterday. The society went on
record unanimously as opposed to
military training and adopted a reso
lution that it believes in compulsory
physical education in all schools and
colleges in the United States instead
of military training.1 ' -
Benefit Athletic
Show Will Be Held
For Johnny Gilsey
Marin Plestina, Al - Greenwood,
Young Lawler, Bat Garrison and
nearly a score of other Omaha wrest
lers and boxers will take part in a
big benefit athletic carnival which will
be held at Washington hall this eve
ning for Johnny Gilsey, former pugi
list, who is in an Omaha hospital.
A dozen events are on the program.
All of the athletes have donated their
services and George Medlock, who is
running the event, declares it will be
a show more than worth the money.
The entire proceeds of the show
will go to Gilsey. For almost a year
Gilsey has been in Omaha and the
greater part of the time he has been
in a hospital. When local sport en
thusiasts learned he was without
funds, they arranged the big benefit
.carnival tor, tonignt.
Gilsey is, not only well known, in
Omaha but alt over the west. Half
a dozen years ago he was one of
the Best welterweights in the land.
He was a fighter of the old school,
taking on anybody that ' wanted to
mix. He even went outside of his
. class and fought middleweights. He
once fought Stanley Ketchell, de
clared by many V have been the
greatest raiaaieweigni. oi mem an arm
-tune of the greatest fighters that ever
fc. tA in a alove. Gilsev's last fiffht
llvas with -Art Magirl. He knocked
Magirl out in ttfestmra rouna. snon
ly after this bout he becanTt ill and
now is connnea to ine nospuai.
The carnival at Washington hall to
night starts at 8 o'clofC v .
Toe Stecher May Meet
"Strangler" Lewis at Frisco
San Francisco, Cal., Dee. 28. Joe'
Stecher, Nebraska wrestle,-, will meet
"Strangler" Lewis or Ad Santel here
February 22. it.-was announced today
by Frank Schufcr, local wrestling pto
' motet, who said Stecher had wired
acceptance from Dodge City, Neb., of
terms offered. Sante) and Lewis meet
here February 2. - . v
, ObUlM Foraed
Kl Paio. Tx.. Dec. 81. -VI It obtained &
forced loB of 10A.400 ) sl from rrldnts
nf Trirreort aftr th rwrent rapturo of that
town, Mexican from Torraon reportnl hr
. today. There wax no looting, no aufd.
Clarence Rowland ,has teen -re-engaged
to manage the White Sox in
1917. He has been in charge of the
White Sox for two years. Because
of the fact that he never played nor
managed, in the) big leagues before
coming to Chicago, Comiskey's ex
periment .in hiring such a man was
closely watched. Much money was
snent bv Comiskev in strengthening
the club, including $50,000 paid to
the Athletics for bddie Collins in tne
autumn of 1914. In both of his years
in Chicago Rowland has finished
third. During both of these 'years it
was the sreneral opinion in Chicago
that the White Sox as a team wasJ
the begt club' in the- league and With
proper handling would have won the
pennant. v . -'V
Uni Girls Navigate Kitchens '
Wearing Their Pedometers
Vermilion, S. D'., Dec. 28. (Spe
cial.) With pedometers strapped to
their ankles, four women students of
the home economics department of
the-University of South Dakota are
trying to discover how many steps
can be saved by replanning the kitch
ens in their homes. Written reports
will be made after The university re
opens in January. , it
A squad of thirty girls from the
home economics, department will
draw up efficiency plans for the home
kitchen based -on experience during
the holidays in helping in the house
work. Some of the questions of
kitchen efficiency to be answered are:
Could steps be saved by abolishing
the oantrv?
Can the number of steps the
kitchen-to the dinner table be re-v
duced by shifting the furniture? k.
Is it necessary to walk around the
stove to get the fuel?
One girl, wearing a pedometer,
proved that walking through the pan
try added two blocks a day to the
distance she traveled from the
kitchen to the dining room in prepar
ing and serving meals.
Crowley Denies Knowledge of
Attempt to Dynamite Ships
San Francisco, Dec. 28. Charles C.
Crowley, private detective and ac
cused bomb platter in the hire of the
German, in "the United
States districtcourt ilcnled today any
knowledge of or part in an alleged
conspiracy to dynamite entente mu
nition shipments in Canada and this
country. .-.'-
Crowley's denials were directed at
the story of Louis J. Smith, also a
defendant jn the government indict
ment, but an infermcr,' Smith and
Crowley worked together in the
northwest tond Canada, according to
Smith's testimony, in plots to dyna
mite ships leaving Seattle and Tacoma
and trains in eastern Canada.
Crowley's direct testimony al! went
to show that he was not in Tacoma
and Seattle in May, 1915, when Smith
said he was and when a barge of
dynamite exploded in Seattle harbor.
Bellevue Players to
Put on a Show at Wakefield
The. Bellevue Players,1 the dra
matic club of Bellevue college, will
put on "The Mollusc" for its first
performance this evening, at Wake
field, Neb. The members of the cast
have been rehearsing the play all
week at Bellevue under the direction
of Prof. Edwin L. Ruls. The cast
leaves this morning and will reach
Wakefield by noon.
Arrangements are being made to
play other towns during the holidays
and to give a home performance
after the-New Year.
Sport Calendar Today
flwlmmtnirl CollonW t City of New Turk
fslmt xtw York uolnrnllr, at Now York.
Boxing! VIA Moron ogaliMt Jn Rlvora,
twenty round, ot Now Orloonoi Loo John
Hon jralnnt Wllllo JsekMn, ton round, at
New York; Jlmmr Osrdnrr affalnNt 1Ioh
eonter Joe Riven, twelve rounds, at Booton.
Des Moines ' Quintet ' Cancels
Game With Local Champs,,
Collegians Substituted.
The Des Moines Gas company Tasr
pket ball team, champions of central
Iowa, who were scheduled to play
the Brandeis stores squad, local cham
pi6ns, at the Young Men's Christian
association Saturday night, have can-,
celed the game because Manager
Isaacson of the Brandeis would not
submit to their demands for a larger
Rather than -disappoint fans who
expected to sec a real game on Satur
urday night, Isaacson has arranged
for a contest with a team of crack
college tossers who are in Omaha for
the holiday vacation. The game will
be played at 9 p. m. .Saturday night,
and fans of the indoor sport -will have
a . chance to see some of their old
favorites in action after an absence of
several years. v .
Jimmy Gardner, the basket ball and
foot ball star who expects to leave
the University of Nebraska in Feb
ruary to enroll at Cornell, will be one
of the gsards on the team. The other
guard win De reaay urove, tormcr
Central High star, who is now playing
with Nebraska Wesleyan.
At center for the collegians will be
Harvey Nelson, center on the Ne
braska team, and also a former Cen
tral High man. . The forwards will be
Johnny Collins.' sensational South
High star, and now a regular at Ne
braska, Paul Flothow, Central High
grad and Cornbuker candidate, and
.Pml Jones, also a wornnusKer iryoui.
Paul Flothow is captain of the col
legians and expects to aidd another
nan or two before the .game Saturday
night. , -
The Brandeis will use their regular
lineup against the collegians, with the
exception of Hird Stryker, who is
out of the city. It will be the first
chance of fans to see the local champs
in action in a regular game.
Virgil Rector, Les Burkenroad,
Ernie Adams, , Morrie Cohn, Bob
Koran, Warren Ritchie and Jule
Schmidt compose the Brandeis team.
Gold Sent to Paris Twelve
Years Ago Has Now Returned
New York. Dec. 28. The largest
single day's importation of gold into
this country was recorded today with
the deposit of $33,000,000 by J. P.
Morgan & Co. in the New York and
Philadelphia assay offices. Of this
sum $25,000,000 deposited here was in
the form of American eagles, being
the identical gold which was shipped
to Paris in April, 1904, during the
Roosevelt administfation by this gov
ernment as part of the payment of
$40,000,000 made to the old French
Panama Canal company for its equi
ties in the canal.
It was brought back to this country
in the same boxes jn which it was
sent abroad, and in which it has been
kept for nearly thirteen years. This
gold represented the first importation
in the form of American gold eagles
since the' present movement began;
the bulk of previous receipts was in
bar gold and other forms. ,
Today's consignments bring the
total gold importation for the year up
to $678,000,000, exceeding by several
hundred milliens the jnflow for any
previous year.
Bank of England is Made
Federal Reserve Agent
Paris, Dec. 28. The appointment of
the Bank of England as agent for the
Federal Reserve bank of New York
is likely to be followed '-y the con
tusion of a simi.m ... .'...gement with '
the Bank of France. . !
The Journal says the development J
demonstrates that the relations t be
tween the United States and the en-i
tente allies .are more 'cordial than
might have been believed at the time
the federal reserve board last ir.ontb
warned United States banks against
the acceptance of treasury notes of
the belligerents, the effect of which .
this new development, it is believed, I
will go far toward obliterating.
General Herrera and Colonel j
' Orozsco Are Reported Killed!
El Paso, Tex., Dec. . 28. General
Lewis Herrera, Colonel Manuel
Orozsco, Carranza officers,' and Vil
la's secretary, a man named Garcia,
were i reported here today to have
been killed personally -by Villa after
the recent. occupation of Torreon.
Garcia, who is understood to 'have
been at one-ime with a band of In
dustrial Workers of the World in
California, was said to have been
killed for destroying property of for
eigners at Bermejillo against Villa's
orders. Herrera and Orozsco, were
among prisoners captured. : i
Mora orris a
(Greatest Temptation
"Women," in the opinion of Jacob
H. Schiff, the noted banker, consti
tute the greatest temptation to young
men in New Ybrk, according to Dr.Uf
Fred Winslow Adams of St. Andrew's
Methodist Episcopal church, who puts
the query to many prominent men and
women and then read the answers,
to his congregation.
"The desire for pleasure the kind
typified in the glamour and, glare "of
i Broadway, joi the theaters and cba
rets," is the temptation which voung
Americans Build : y",
, Railway in China
'(Correspondence of ?he Associated. Press.)
' Peking, Nov. 20. Work will begin
at once upon the railway which the
American International corporation is
to finance in Hunan and Kwangsi
provinces. Through an agreement
between the Chinese government and
the American contractors a route orig
inally agreed upon for this line is to
be somewhat modified. ' The railway
will start from Chuchow, in Hunan
province. Chuchow is the southern
terminus of a railway which now ex
tends south from C.-iangsha, the capi
tal of Hunan province. The line to
be built by Americans will extend
south, through - Hengchowfu and
from that point will run southwest to
Kweilin, then southwest to Nanning,
on the West river. A spur of the rail
road will extend to Yanchow, - in
Kwangtung province, a port of con-,
siderable commercial importance on
the Gulf of Tongking.
The extension of this railway to the
sea makes it of far greater importance
than the original tine which was to
have Nanning as its termnius. "
At Chuchovrthe railway will con
nect with an important line the Eng
lish have partially constructed to
wards the east, which will eventually
be extended to Nanking. The British
line taps a very rich mineral section
and the line which the Americans are
to build also runs through territory in
Hunan province which is heavily min
eralized. In Kwangsi province the
new line will traverse a very rich ag.
ricultural country giving railway con
nection to many important districts
which are now served chfefly by water
transportation oh small streams , in
capable of ' accommodating steam
The proposed line will form a link
in an all-rail route from Peking di
rectly south to the sea by way of
Hankow. '
We will rive free of
ekargo wltk soar foil
ajiartt of Prime Bre at
chorees prepaut
I Prmhrnt
of a flat kind
painted Bread
and butter rhino
Plato, a Dottle of
fiao port orlae, a
(old atebod wfais.
aer g l a a s, a
pocket corkscrew
and a 1917 ealen.
Tkia whisker la
bottled expreaalv
for oov trade aad
la aold direst to
poo. Wo faaran
taa tkia wklskop
to bo bettor then
otbor kick trade
old ire that tolls
at doable the
price. .
Orders trait at
the Booklet roost
sail for -It ate.
Oar roforoneo le
Oraeka Notarial
Mall roar oraers so
IStk' end Collloraes Sts- Ooaaa, Nek.
if :
Ti.' A
Lf -writ, ?Sj
Dram for
of Boys and Girls
- JACOB H fiCHIFr m '
women in New York should be
warped against,N in the ' opinion, of
Miss Kauienne a. uavis, lormer
commissioner of corrections in charge
an cjty prisons and for many years
superintendent of the Bedford Re
formatory for Girls.
""Being of the age of nearly three
score and ten, I am not very compe
tent to say what is ,the most suscepti
ble temptation to young men in New
York," said Mr. Schiff, "but I believe
I shall not be far. from correct if I
say 'women.
--Overcome by Gas
Found1 overcome by gas fumes,
when .the door of his room was
forced open, ilaurice Alpriu, 80
years, a recluse, who for some time
had lived in a single room at 4204
North Twenty-fifth, street, is at Wise
Memorial hospital, where his .condi
tion is regarded as being serious. Al
prin is the father of A. D. Alprin,
Omaha "junk-king." " ' -
Mrs. Gussie BJoomfield, who lives
in 'the same house, detected gas yes
terday afternoon, called men from the
gas company. They found Alprin's
door locked, and after an officer was
called, it was forced in. The police
surgeon said there was little chance
of the aged man's recovery.
Alprin, who has a son and daugh
ter here, came to America from Rus
sia thirteen years ago. He lived
alone. His son, A. D. Alprin, is a
junk dealer. He also has a daughter,
Mrs, Sarah Shames, living at Twenty
second and Burt streets.
the PURE E00D.VfflSK!!Y
A HouseKbld Necessity at all Times
El- . GROTTE BROS, CO. :s3 jS
Gonoral Dittrilntort
' : Christmsu Coming." ' Take Home Bottle of Celebrated
, Sold at All Good Bar and By Jarris Brandy Company, St Joe, Mo. V
The Bee by George McManus 1 !
Over Two ad Quarter Millions
Found in Missives
, A Sent Astraj. "
(Corrnnpondence of The AseoclMnd Press.)
, Washington, Dec, 18. More than
$2,20,000 worlh of checks-, drafts
money orders and other valuable
papers were found in undelivcrable
letters by the dead letter office dur
ing the last year, and practically all
were restored to their owners. First
Assistant' Postmaster. General Dan
iel C, Roper, , in his annual report,
announces that the dead letter di
vision handled 10,8.19,890 letters and
parcels during the year, a slight In
crease over the previous year. One
third of these letters and parrels, or
3,677,194 was delivered; 101,485 con
tained things of value without clue
to their senders and were held for
claimants,; 7,019,436 had to be de
stroyed Ind 41,775 were still being
investigated. r 1
Office Self-Sustaining.
In addition to the. valuable papers,
with a face value ot W.JUJ.UV, tound
in 1 undelivcrable letters, many con
tained stamns. and. some currency
was found loose in the mails. The
stamps ana currency unciaimcu, to
gether with proceeds from the sale
of. articles of merchandise removed
from undelivcrable letters, aggre
gated $53,665 and $11,000 was realized
from six months' operation of a new
postal regulation requiring collection
of 1 cent on advertised letters, mak
ing the total net revenue $64,665. Mr.
Roper says that the revenue esti
mated under present conditions for
a year would oe approximately $75,-
000, which would make the dead let
ter division self-sustaining.
To prevent the unnecessary accu
mutation of letters containing val
uable enclosures."- a provision ' was
contained in the last postal appro-1
pi lauuii . tmyw ituuhuig m limit ' vt
time that such letters shall be held
awaiting reclamation from fonr years
to two years. The Postoffice depart
ment has decided to discontinue the
final disposition of dead parcels by
the postofficei at Pittsburgh and
Ceveland. Such matter formerly go
ing to Pittsburgh will, be sent to
New York City, while that in Ohio,
formerly going to. Cleveland, will be
sent to Cincinnati, and matter from
the southern peninsula .of Michigan
will go to Chicago. , . .
On account of the large growth in
the parcel post business, experience
has demonstrated that the accumu
lation of "this matter at the points
designated for handling dead parcels
has become so large as to make it
difficult to find space for its accom
modation. Regulations provide, in
the case of insured parcels, that
claims for indemnity must be filed
within six months, and it has been
found there is very little call for lost ,
parcels after the lapse of that time.
Accordingly an order will be issued
amending the regulations so as to re
duce the time for holding such parcels
prior to sale from twelve months to
six months. Last year J95,161 par
cels. were found undeliverable.
, Dead mail received by the division
of dead letters during the year eon-- :
tainrd 677,700 1 misdirected letters,
115,766 unaddressed letters, 228,700 ;
letters held, for postage, 440,200 let-
ters written on hotel paper by per
sons unknown to the hotels and 104,
700 letters bearing fictitious . sig
natures. 1 '
Mexicans Fire Across Border
When Trooper Strikes Match
F.l Paso, Tex, Dec. 28. After a
personal investigation General Bell, .
commanding the border division here,
announced today that the exchange of .
rifle shots across the border last night
between Mexican and-- American
troops, started from the Mexican side -when
one of tht Kentucky infantry
outposts struck a match. No one was '
hurt, . , . ' ' ' I -
General Bell said he would formally
notify the Juarez authorities or the
shooting, uenerai jose uurguia,
commander of Juarez, also instituted
an investigation. ,
OgdenAdds $3,000 for
' x Arrest of Bomb Plotters
..Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 28. The
Ogden Commercial club has added -$3,000
to reward offered for the ap
prehension of the bomb plotters who .
attempted to blow up the residence
of Governor Spry Christina i day.t;.
This, with the&nwv&s offered by the ,,
city, and the counts and individual .
subscriptions,- brings the reward j(
money to $8,500. , .
Chief of Police White admitted tor
day that the mystery ja no nearer
solution today than it was immedi-,
ately i following the finding of . toe
bomb buried in the snow, in front of ,
the governor's home. t- , . ; ; i
County Dads Talk Over "
New Bridge at Waterloo
The county 'commissioners of,
Douglas and Saunders counties held
a joint session -at the court house
yesterday afternoon to discuss plans
for the construction of the Yutan
bridge at South Waterloo. The
bridge has been under construction
for some time. It was decided to meet
again Saturday, at which time State
Engineer Johnson ol Lincoln will ap
pear before the couaty boards. :
A Spleadirf Couch Medicine. V
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a number of times during the
past two or three years for colds,
cought and hoarseness, and am
pleased to say it has always given me '
prompt relief. I consider Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy a splendid medi
cine and have recommended it to
many of my friends, who have used
it and likewise praise it highly," write
Mrs. W. F. Frantz, Golden, N. Y,
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