Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Brief City News
Pbthnaa WrtHtoia- Sjhisa MbelM.
Ba Boat Frbtt I New Bmma
Tlae Claaaas, We, at Carer'a Web. Ill
Be Meal far the lMKCIUla'l In,
ln W. K. Feata. bow at 1011 first Nat'L
January Victor Records on sale to
day at orchard & Wllhelm's.
Boonstra With Carrr Oacar" Boon
stra, formerly with the Bee Hive
Cleaning works, has joined forces with
me carey Cleaning company.
Banquet to Employe Members of
ine nrm 01 toe xveorasKa 1,-ycie com
pany will entertain their employes at
a banquet and entertainment at the
Kome hotel Friday evening at
To Entertain Old George
Crook Woman's Relief corps No. 88
will entertain the George Crook post
Tiday evening, December iis, at
Woodmen halL . Twenty-fourth and
Ames avenue.
Steals Corn From Elevator Found
guilty of the theft of four sacks of
corn from the Holmquist Elevator
company Fred Ingstraum, watchman
at the Keystone hotel, was fined $40
and costs in police court by Judge
Foster. i
Northwestern' Local Service ' Re
gained Effective at once, all Iowa
local trains, which arrived and de
parted from Council Bluffs, while the
union Pacific bridge was beins moved,
will from now on arrive and depart
irom tne umana union station.
Clerk in Bankruptcy Court John J.
Jacobs, a clerk at Paxton & Galla
gher's, filed a voluntary bankruptcy
petition in the United States district
oourt He listed his liabilities at
S6.SS7.17 and his assets at 13,215. Of
the later he claims 1175 exemiji.
: Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland.
Jewish Philosophy
- - ' - Subject of Lecture
Dr. Schmarja Levin, former mem-
- ber ot the Russian Duma, and Zion
ist leader, addressed a large audience
at the Russian synagogue last eve
ning on the "Philosophy of Judaism."
Jewish philosophy, be said, was .based
on human nature. It was collective
instead of being individual and its
foundation was laid on the old saying
of "love thy neighbor as thyself."
He drew a parallel between cosmo
politanism and internationalism. The
former was the ideal of a country, he
said, bnt the latter was the ideal of
the world. -i..
"What-is it that has kept the Jew-
Uli nennl tnofthr 4nr 7 (Win vmnI"
he asked. "It. is not because they
are physically strong. It is not be
cause they are afforded protection.
The only thing that has kept them to
gether is their philosophy, their re
ligion ; and their belief in the Old
Testament" ;
i 3yi STnifPS an wi Man n
" " " i
Alinhtinn Frnm Par
. Lawrence Le Bron, aged 70 years,
who lives at 1417 Pinkney street,
was knocked unconscious when he
attempted to get off a street car at
Thirty-eighth and Farnam streets.
He was on the steps of a front exit
when an Omaha Taxicab company
machine, driven by W. H. Cowles,
2324 Harney, passed the car and
struck one of the trolley's doors, which
knocked the old man down. He was
taken home and given medical at
tention. '
! SBacttve Coach TiuaUauut.
eaverr taken aa neede4 will soothe and
check roar eon h and bronchial irritation.
Alt drnssiata. Advartlaamant. -
Right There for a Running Catch
! 1
Compulsory Health
Insurance Is Urged
By Yale Professor-
Columbus. 0 Dec. 28. Presidents
of four national organizations, the
American Economic association, the
American Sociological society, the
American Statistical Association and
the American Association for Labor
Legislation, delivered addresses at a
joint meeting of three organizations
here tonight It was the opening of
a four days' convention and was pre
sided over by Dr. W. O. Thompson.
president of Ohio State university.
Prof. Irvipg Fisher of Yale univer
sity, president o the American Asso
ciation for Labor Legislation, in his
address tonight spoke in favor of the
nation-wide campaign now under way
for compulsory health insurance.'
-George E. Vincent of Minnesota,
president of the American Sociologi
cal Society, discussing "countryside
and nation," declared that as an in
dustry farming pays the average farm
er less than day wages; that only in
creases, in land values gives him a de
lusive sense of prospering from agri
culture; that tenancy is increasing dis
concertingly even in the best farming
regions such Iowa and Illinois; that
the rural population is increasingly
foot loose and migratory and that by
reason ot tnese conditions education,
social life, political responsibility,
moral standards and religious func
tions are being neglected alarmingly
ana anaerminea.
. News Notes of Beatrice.
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.)
W. E. Rife was yesterday elected
a member of the Board of City Com
missioners to succeed the late G. T.
Reynolds, who died in this city re-
.1 if. t .
ccuuy. air. iuic is engagea in me
.grocery i business here and is recoe
nized as one of the leading business
men ot tne city. .
J. B, Buchanan, a resident of
Beatrice since 1865, died at the home
ot his sister, Mrs. Emma Dwyer, in
this city last evening, aeed 62 years.
Loyd Hafferty of Liberty, a boy 12
years of age, is lying at a local hos
pital in a critical condition with a
fractured skull and broken arm, the
result of being struck on the head and
arm with a chain while scuffling with
a boy named Dick Randall. The at
tending physician has hopes for his
recovery. , ' i .
'.i' . taava far Bodapeat. i,:,. (
1 tendon. Doe. St. A Vienna dispatch for
warded by way of Amsterdam oara that
Emperor Charles and Bmpreea Zlta of Aus
tria left the Aoatrlan capital today, ac
companied by a large aolte, for their coro
nation at Bndepeot.
I Hurry Up, Folks! !
Onry One More Day to Get
That Diamond, Watch or
Other Jewelry at the Big
Trustees' Sale
trustees of a big wholesale jewelry com-
a-ma An 4-li 1ao4-' Inn ff rTi oi i ' Ki re
race to raise $50,000 cash for creditors:
f Money must be paid by January 1.
Actual Wholesale Cost
This is your last chance to get Silverware, Cut Glass,
Watches, Diamonds and High Quality Jewelry of all kinds
at practically your own price. .,
Big Stock to Select From-Qoods Must Sell
Don't Miss This Extraordinary Opportunity.
(Next Door East of Myers-Dillon Drug Co.)
Trustees' Sale Positively Closes Saturday, 9 P. M.
Thursday, Dec. 28, 1916.
Phone Douglas 137.
The "Round-Up" Sale
It just another name for our end of the year clearaway our season of putting our house in order
for the New Year. It IS in all Drobabilitv the most remarkable elearinir tale we have ever had.
You can't afford to overlook the extreme values offered in this "Round-up" sale of .
A DETERMINED effort to clear stock before the beginning of the New Year. Every garment in our carefully
selected stock ia included in the "Round-up."
Coats Reduced
$15.00 coals saw $10.00.
S1S.7S coati stow f 11.17.
J 19.50 coati now $13.00. ,
$25.00 coals now $16.67.' 1
$29.50 coats bow $19.67.
Dresses Reduced
$19.50 dross bow $9.75. '
$25.00 drosses now $12.50.
.$35.00 drassas aow $17.50.
$39.50 drossos now $19.75.
$45.00 drmsss bow $22.50.
Coats Reduced
$39.50 coati now $19.75.
$45.00 coals bow $22.50.
$49.50 coals bow $24.75.
$55.00 coala aow $27.50.
$65.00 coats bow $32.50.
Suits Reduced
$19.50 suits bow $9.75.
$26.00 snits bow $13.50.
$29.50 suits bow $14.75.
$35.00 suits bow $17.50.
$45.00 suits aow $22.50.
Skirts Reduced
$5.95 skirts at $2.98.
$6.50 skirts at $3.25.
$7.50 skirts at $3.75.
$8.50 skirts at $4.25.
$1230 skirts at $6.25.
"Round-Up" of Blouses
$3.95 to $5.00 Blouse at $2.50 '
Crepe de chins and pass; willow blouses, in flesh and white;
also a few in dark shades ; a wide assortment of styles; were
$3.05 to $5.00, at $2.50.
$5.95 to $8.50 Blouses at $3.50.
. Slouses of lace net, georgette crepe and chiffon, in all suit
shades; flesh and white; dressy blouses and taillenr models.
Burfelaa Co. Sacaod Floar. : . '
Childs' Coats at
$5.00 coats at $2.50. '
$7.50 coats at $3.75.
$10.00 coati at $5.00.
$12.50 coats at $6.25. .
$15.00 coats at $7.50. :
Dress Goods 35c
. This lot includes such weaves
as sareas. psasmas. batistes
military coatings and mixtures
in a big range ot colors; lengtns
ltt to o yards, wuitbs, as to o
inches; were 50c to $1.00, yard,
at 35e.
$1.25 to $1.95 Dress
1 Goods 79c
v Short length of Trench serg
es, storm serges, batistes, wool
crepe, wool taffeta, mixtures,
etc., regular price $1.26 to
$1.95, at, yard, 79c
Bai real Naaa CaUDowa-Statn Stars.
Silks for 69c
Including plain and striped
messalines, figured foulards,
striped tab silks, silk poplins,
canton crepes, crinkled crepes,
figured charmeuse, etc., lengths
1 to 5 yards, widths 82 to 42
Inches; were $1 to $1.50, for,
yard, 69e. ( ,
50c Silk Poplins 29c.
Silk poplin in neat designs
and pretty colorings; 24 inches
wide, lengths . from 1 to 10
yards. Regular price 50c, yard,
at, 29c
Bursaaa-Naah Ca.Dwa-Stirs Store.
White Goods, 9c
1 Short lengths of plain and
fancy white goods, check cross
bars, stripes, voiles, marquiset
tes, batistes, scrims, India lin
on, lawns, etc., 27 to 36 inches
wide; also cambrics, muslins,
nainsooks, longcloths, etc., to
19c, at 9c yard.
Shirting Flannel 10c
Odd lengths of 34-inch stripe
half wool, shirting flannel;
Round-up sale price, 10c yard.
Black Sateens 15c
Highly mercerized sateens,
black only, lengths suitable for
men's shirts, petticoats, cost
linings, etc., st 15c yard.
Devonshire Cloth 6c
Short mill lengths of 32-ineh
Devonshire cloth in demand for
children's clothes, plain shades
as well as stripes and fancies,
usually 25c a yard, 6 He
Serpentine Crepe 9c
Lengths suitable for long
and short kimonos, pretty styles
of Serpentine crepe, light and
dark colors, 18c material, 9c yd.
Apron Checks 3 Vic
' In all the wanted blue and
black even checks, warranted
fast colors, 3 He yard.
Blanket Samples 2 Vic
Traveling salesman's bound
sample blankets, 2 Ho each.
Burseaa-Naeh Co..Dwa-3taira Stars.
Soap! Soap!
Diamond C laundry soap, Fri-
day, special-JO bar$, 24c
Fels Napntha soap, special,
Friday-10 3gc
20 mule team borax, pound
package, at !0c. .
Sunbrite cleanser, 6c can
3 for 10c
Bnhr-$Nwti CDtymteir. Star.
Round-Up of Women's
Winter Coats
At $3.95
That Were to $10.00
A RADICAL clearawav of women's
il good warm winter coats that bor-1
der on the sensational. . Made of
mixtures, plaids and' cheviots
with large shawl collars, also
chin chin collars, loose flare and belt
ed models; were to $10.00, for $3.95.
Women's $15.00 Coats at
Coats of fancy novelties, mixtures.
plaids and wool velours ; long or short
with large shawl collars or titrht col
lars, belted and flare models; were to
$15.00, for $5.50.
" ' Bursase-Naafc Ce. Daa-Stmke Stars.
1 ...
Round-Up of
' x That Were to $5.00
A wonderful offering, including a great; variety, of
kinds of fur and styles of neqk pieces, collars, scarfs,
stoles, etc., that were to $5.00. We con- A
eider the values very extreme at, your I I II I
...A....... T a v v
Bwsaaa-Naab Ca OenrataW Stars.
choice . ,
WomenV High Shoes
s At a Fraction of the Cost
of Making
Three big groups in a "Round-up" Friday offering the
season's greatest values in footwear.
$3.00 to $3.50 Values for $1.19.
Lot 1 All the small sizes of kid skin
patent and gun metal lace and button
high shoes, $3.00 and $3.50 grades $1.19
Women's $4.00 Shoes $1.69
Lot 2 All the short lines and odd
pairs of our patent, kid and dull calf
high shoes, worth to $4.00, at $1.69.
Women's $5.00 Shoes. $2.19
Lot 3 Choice of all the better grades
ana lines irom tne second Floor
department; all leathers, goodyear
welt soles, worth to $5.00, at $2.19.
$1.00 Felt Slippers, 39c
Women's and children's felt and knit slippers, many
different kinds to select from, worth to $1, choice for 39c
Boy's high cut tan and black oil grain leather, spe
cial at $2.95 and $2.45.
- Burgawa-Nuh Coy-Oowa-Stmiri Star.
OMEN'S Winter
Underwear, 69c
-Odd lots of women's win
ter underwear, vests, pants
and onion suits, were 11.00 to
11.25, for 6 Be
Union Suits 60c '
, White cotton, fleece lined,
low neck, short sleeves, ankle
length, 50c.
Union Suits 50c
Boys' gray cotton union suits,
fleece lined, closed crotch, 60a.
25c Hose at 15c
Odd lots of women's and chil
dren's cotton hose that were to
26c, Friday, at ISc a pair.
Bgrsasa-Naak Cfc-Dam-Stalra Stars,
00L Knit Caps
or Hoods 12V2C
Women's and 1 children's all
wool knit hoods or caps, big as
sortment of styles, kinds and
colors; Round-up sale price, at,
each, 12Hc
Bath Robes $1.89.
Women's bath robes, medium
and dark colors, good quality
fleeced materials, all sizes, at,
each, tl.89. , V
Bur aaa-Naaa Ca.-Dm-Staira Stars.
Insertions. 2Vk
German and French val laces,
and insertions in a variety of
designs, 2c -
Embroideries 7 Vic
Embroidery edges, insertions
and headings, assortment of de
signs, yard, 7Je. .
Neckwear at 5c
Big lot of women's neckwear,
soiled and mussed from display,
t Sc.
Handkerchiefs at 7 Vic
Women's handkerchiefs,
slightly soiled and mussed, 7 J
Handkerchiefs at 3c
Women's and children's
handkerchiefs, very special, at
3c each. - ; f
Bnrsaaa-Naali C&Dawa-3tir Stars.
In toe "Ronnd-Up"
white cooking ware : -
ianng disb, 38c land, 15c
Shirred egg dish, 23c kind, 8e
Oval bakers, 19c kind. 9e.
Mixing bowls, 69c kind, 25c
Butcher Knives 10c .
Good anaUtv stoil hlarfa
sorted sizes, at 10c. .
Water Pails 35c
Galvanized iron avarjn.
first quality 14-quart size, spe
cial, at, 35c.
Coal Hods 35c
Galvanized iron "anal VnJ.
at 35. -1-.-"-
' Coal Hods 25c
Japanned coal. hoA -
size, '25c .-t ,
Dust Mops 39c
CKaUMifAlIv i?vnmtA sl
mora. triantrlA Ka.w anmni.,.
. 11 t vvasssstafcaa
with handle. 39c. ;
BnrgMsvNuk CaDwro-Stetr Star.
UHL1XJ 1 mm u 1
1 1 1 1 M I