i i ' - f . : ' THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY DECEMBER 291916. ' . 1 I 1 IIIWH I H I I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED IV EDWARD RQSEWATEIt. v VICTOR BOSEWATER, EDITOR. THK BEB PUBU8HINQ COMPANY, FBOP1UKTOK Bnterea at Omasa poetaffloe aa eacaad-ctasa mttf. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. it , ':, . Br Carrier , Dally u luv Mc. ...... Dally without Sunday ,...4Se...... Kv.nlng and (Sunday 4?c,,r Fenln( without Sunday ISe.. Sunday Bee enly w i . . i ., j a......... Bh thpaa vnara In and notlee of chance af addreee or Irregularity BT Halt par year. ... .... ..i. S.SS .... .... I.M advance, 'II.. IB llveny to Omaha Boa. Clrcalallon Department, REMITTANCE. t remit draft, emroae or poeta! order. Only t-emt ittjli taken In paym.nl of .mall accounts. Pereonal ctoeM. esc.pt an Omaha and eastern ascaanse. not acceptea. v OFFICES. Amaha The Bee Building. Sooth Omaha-SII N atrrat. t.'ounell Bluffa M North Mala street Lincoln 62 Little Building. Chicago (IS People's Om Building. New fork Room MS. :l rifth avatltta. St tuoula ICS New Bank of Commerce. W'aahlnrtaa 7)t Rourlseolb street. N. W . CORRESPONDENCE. Address communb-atloni relating to nawa and editorial mailer to Omaha Bra. Bdltortal Department s 1 NOVEMBER CIRCULATION. 55,483 Daily Sunday 50,037. riairhl Williams, circulation msnsgar of The "" PMthln company, bain duly aorn. says that tha avrr.tra oTrciilatfon for tha montk of Moraaabar, Mlt. wa U.Ut dally, and ,0)T Bunday -bwiOHT WILLIAMS. Orotllatlon Vanaiar. Bnbaorlbad In my praaanra and awotn tt bafora ma '" " PW,ab,crw"AB.JON. Naurr Subacrlbor. lutriBf tlw llT Umportrfly haaiM hara Tha Baa majlod to th.m. AJ drau will ba cfeanf ad u oftaa raquirad. Just watch the Omaht federal land bank iprout and growl ' Recent event! oupport the impression that Son-in-Law McAdoo ie a wis old acout . ' Still, as we nnderitand it, the new' aviation school Is not intended as t reformatory for high fliers, v." ' ' '." '' I i Possibly the New Year water wagon la not i - worth while, "still it offers needful exercise for the May-day event. -- v. '; - "," ' j The probletfi presented by those consolidated t railway franchises puts up to Omaha the same i old Morganatic question: "Can you unscramble te'r f I The Russian bear has no time for peace talk 'just now. The task of replenishing its stock of . ammunition for the spring killing forbids wasting thought on aide issues. i ' Some time must pass before the land banks make t perceptible impression orf farm loan busi ness. Federal loans make for red tape, which must be first unwound. 1 , t , ' Water rates and light rates are bqth to come down in Omaha 'ogther with the advent of the new year. Other items of the high cost of living, however, seem to be going up all together. , Na Call for Salllaf School Uadi. . . Discussion is again waging over the regularly recurring proposal to sell the remaining Ne braska state school lands. For this plan the customary arguments are - advanced that the leasing system stops improvements and prevents conversion into tax-paying land holdings and actually produces less income to the school fund than would accrue from reinvestment of the pro ceeds of sale. But we have gone over (bis ques tion time and again and had reason to believe it was settled for good on its merits some fifteen years ago when the legislature passed a law stopping all further sales, except where options then existed in unexpired leases, and decreed that all the remaining school land should be held in perpetuity as school endowment. So far aa we .can see, nothing has happened since that time to impair the soundness of this decision and if there are abuses tinder the leas ing system they can certainly be remedied with out selling the land. To that end, we suggest that the Objections raised can be readily met by making the leases for lonfr periods but subject to reappraisement at intervals not exceeding five years and adding a stipulation that lessee pay into the county treasury an amount, in addition equal to the local taxes he would pay on the accepted valuation, the same as if he owned it or eased ft from private parties. , Longer term leases would encourage improvements as much as s sale contract and the payment .in lieu of local taxes would remove an exemption that seems unfair to the eounty. The clamor for putting the school lands on the market need not disturb .the conscientious law-maker, for it doubtless emanates from folks who expect to profit by the sale. We have had scandals growing out of school fund investment in bonds and securities but nothing like the scan dals that could easily be otgotten from the sale of school lands. ' - ' The Drive in Print Paper "St. Lao la Claba Daiacraf In his exhaustive disquisition on street rail way franchises, Corporation Counsel Lambert speaks of "shuffling cards." What is his favorite game auction, poker or pinochle? You guess The best New Year's wish we can offer our incoming governor is that he will get his eyesj opened to what the gang of democratic political highbinders arc handing him before they tie tqoT many titi cans, to him. ' - ' ! ' . . Weather reports of the present week simplify ' the winter tourist task of picking s suitable cli mate. The great variety offered serves to ernphs siae the fact that the corn belt article alone in sures the real comforts of home. ."Fifty per cent of the criminals of the world," says an uplifter, "can be traced to incompetent mothers." The other half may be credited to in competent dads. An even split of wickedness is a notable concession coming from a purveyor of the old Adam. . 1 ; v , " Duty prompts the Missouri Pacific railroad to challenge, the right of the state railway com mission to interfere with train schedules. Still, as s matter of courtesy, a acid 'of cheerful recog nition will come its way if the commission ap proves the railroad request. ' ' r ' . ',','. .... , .-! ' : We art the children of an age and a land of limitless opportunity, we of Omaha and of the eighth federal, land Ibank- district World Herald. .-... ..-,,, ; Well, it-is good to get ourselves properly, de fined, located and labeled even at this stage Of the garnet ' 1 , , : i At the 2-cent-per-voter limit for campaign ex pense for United .States senators, the candidate. i running for that office in Nebraska would have to hold his outlay down to $6,000. We know s lot of people whQ,would like to have for s year's salary the difference between $6,000 and what the ' last successful candidate really spent to be re elected. " ' '' ' '. , . Omaha and th Reserve Bank. ' , The location of one of the twelve federal land banks In Omaha should not stop our efforts to se cure a reserve bank whenever the question of relo cation is opened up. Prospects for readjustment of the several existing districts, or 'their subdivi sion, are not remote. That an extension of the service of the federal reserve system is necessary is recognized by the financial authorities of the country, who look to see some steps to the end taken before long. Reasons that warranted the1 location of the land loan bank in Omaha' are equally good arguments "for the establishment here of reserve bank. The importance of the city as, a commercial and industrial center, as a primary market, and distributing point, is being more snd snore recognized throughout the coun try.' Our claim should be impressed on and kept before the federal reserve board, to the end that Omaha will be read to urge them successfully when the' change comes. . . , - Rights of Neutrals in Peace Negotiations. . Germany'! suggestion that neutrals will not be permitted to participate in the peace negotiations until after the belligerents have agreed on terms opens a broad question. The right of neutral na tions to take part, in any settlement of war issues that may affect them has been too well established hi time! past to admit of serious questionvnow. War involve not merely the active belligerents, but directly or indirectly all their neighbors, and in the present instance this means all the world. If the neutrals are to be concerned with whatever measures are taken to secure the future peace of the world they must have a stake in determination of the conditions on which their international re-1 lations are to depend. . Everv oeace treaty made in Eurooe within the last two centuries has contained the germ or a future war and hostilities invariably have been resumed at the earliest date possible. - Much of this has been due to the intervention, of neu trals in the peace negotiations, noncombatants hastening to seize as much as they could out of the redistribution, of territoriar or other rights. This practice is not so likely to prevail in the approaching conference, at . which the greater question will be how much of its ambition each of the great powers of Europe is willing to forego thatliarmony may prevail, . ? For the United States the. whole proceeding is novel. While we are chief among the neutral nations, we have kept aloof from the family quar rels of Europe, and it may be the time has not yet come when we will voluntarily abandon the "splendid isolation" to which we were dedicated by George Washington in exchange for a share in the polities W Europe sure to entangle ns if we enter. ; ' . ' :" In no other war .have the neutrals been so intimately involved as in this, and no lasting peace can be made without the fall approval of all the nations of the world-r - 'r War's Exiremest Cruelty PkBaaalaala Imtf, Germany's peace Drooosals have not termi. nated the war the reign of frightfulnesa is not yet at an end; the latest tidings of horror, emanat ing from London, announce that owing to the scarcity of metal non-war manufactures must be curtailed, with the result that no more women's hair pins are to be made in: England. The news ,will cause unhrerssl sufferintr on both sides of the ' Atlantic, as mnyof the better gradea of hairpins come from abroad. . , - If one will sum up the various crises during any day wherein the hairpin figures as a life saver, he will readily perceive the weight of this i baleful edict. In the early morning the good wife skewers the matutinal coiffure with in inHcHnii. number of hairpins, which will be put to divers uses before being returned to the bureau. What . tales might be told ot recalcitrant huttnitH shoes, whose daily tyranny grinds the feet of the poor. What unending: vistas mav be conjured i.r, of the knots solved, the corks removed, the locks ? licked, the clocks probed all with the same eminine weapon'. Man may scorn, but he will use the despised hairpin. He will twang shafta of wit at its ubiquity and versatility, but finally borrow one. He will try all other tools 'first, i but the humble hairpin last and most effectivelv Surely this prohibition will be resented by all , the militant- women of England. They should rise in their war-begotten might and declare it an imoioos tyranny. Let them rinhtfullv rnrein that while unbelievable thousands of hairpins wouia dc required to onua one small bridge, one alone is sufficient to conquer the equally strategic ana numerous kuiis oetween button 'V and hole in these Mays of spatterdashes. Sparc v- to us the insignificant but indispensable hairpin ; forfend from the scutcheon this impending blot, persroraas AiuKmj - -. The year 1916 will close as the most remark able and profitable in the history of the paper trade and prospects are it will be exceeded m this respect-by 1917. - . , ' In the news print paper industry it may safely be said the larger percentages of the 1917 output have, been contracted for. Reports from Canada state 80 per cent of that country's output has been placed under contract at prices 50 per cent to 100 per cent higher than current rates. The International Paper company, whose output is 60 rr - .a nrinr ia nnrfrratnod to have Vir tually sold its possible production of'this material for next year. .. . Other companies are in the same condition and spot material in 1917 will be scarce and obtainable at prices materially above the prevailing contract price of $3.10 net. ' ''.." The markets in wrapping and other papers and paper products are not protected by contract to the same-extent aa news, but prices have shown a larger percentage of increase. These products will be more subject to price fluctuations during .the coming year. There is an acute shortage of all lines and the present trend of prices ia upward, with not even the remotest sign of a recession in either demand or price. , , -' Consumers are buying'only to the extent of their current requirements and there are no signs of stocking up in any quarters. This is consid ered a favorable sign for continued high prices. The Union Bag and Paper company probably has shown the largest increase in net earnings, which are now understood to be at the rate of $500,000 monthly, equivalent' to more than $60 a share on the outstanding capital stock. Earnings in tlfe first six months of the current fiscal year were at the rate of $123,500 monthly, which was an increase of 500 per cent over the last half of the 191,5-16 fiscal year. . : ' Earnings of $500,000 monthly are almost 1,950 per cent in extess of the monthly earnings during the period from August 1, 1915, to January 31, 1916. For the fiscal year ended January 31, 1916, the company showed a deficit of $84,480. ' The International Paper company is said to be earning at a rate-of $850,000 to $900,000 monthly. Predictions are freely made that the net earn ings, ia January will exceed $1,000,000. For the full year 1915, net profits were only $1,219,515. Current reported earnings are, therefore, about 730 per cent higher than fhey were in the com pany's last fiscal year. .The American Writing Paper" company's cur rent earnings are understood , to be between $350,000 and $400,000 monthly. These earnings compare with a deficit ot j;6,y55 shown tor ivia operations. The United Paper Board company, which has not yet been listed on the New York Stock exchange), is earning between $160,000 and $200,000 monthly. Net earnings after charges for the fiscal year 1915-16 was only sligntiy in excess of $159,000. i " Stocks of news print paper on hand with United States and Canadian mills in November, according to figures compiled by the News Print Manufacturers' association, show the heaviest de cline this year. 1 -j- N : Tonnage on hand on October 31 was 60,312, compared with 53,224 on November 30, a decrease ot more than ,uuu. stocks now are at tne low est point they have reached this year and show s decline of 33,000 tons from the high level. , The outout of forty-three mills reporting aver aged 5,221 tons daily, a new high record, exceed ing the return' of any previous month with -the exception of May, when forty-four mills reported daily production of 5,305 tons. Shipments in November totaled l,ws tons. , . .. . i ronAVi Thought Nugget for the Day. . Speech Is the (olden harvest that followetb, the flowering of thought Tupper. One Tear Ago Today in trie War. Russians captured Important city of Kashan, Perata. L League to avert future wars by means or world couri launcnoa i New York. t , Paris reported that French re mained masters of trenches recently vim In rhA Vmurea. Swedish forts fired on Oerman.tor j pedo boats pursuing a. Steamer UH Swedish waters. .. Solution for.th fpel Problem. v. Shortage of fuel in the large consuming cen ters has directed attention again to devices for securing better combustion of coal and conse quently greater economy in its use." Much expert mentation has been had for the purpose of dis covering means whereby the energy stored in the fuel may be transmuted into available power at a less expense, and considerable advance has been made, although the results are yet available only for the larger users of fuel These have already effected great economies in fuel consumption and will be able to lave in greater degree. How to make the saving for the little fellow is the more pressing phase of the problem just now. His needs are such a are not well adapted to any of the devices or methods available, and so he is compelled by circumstances to see the larger part of the theoretical value of his fuel go out of the chimney in smoke. The inventor who will provide an effective smoke-consumer for a low. pressure heating plant, or. for the small factory, the laundry or similarly situated establishment, will be hailed as a benefactor indeed. In the meantime such methods as are' available should be applied. v ' -.: - King Ferdinand of Bulgaria bulks large in peace conference dispatches. His speed in plung ing to the front is one of the notable upheavals of war time. Trimmed and humbled to the dust by his neighbors four years ago, Ferdinand is now the champion of the Balkans, while his for mer haughty neighbors are nowhere. The tran sition from humble pie to a gorging feast of ter ritorial loot measures' the importance of jumping on the right side of the fence. " , . ' . V The hope of salvation for Boston goes glim. mering.- A wet majority of 23;400 constitutes a showing of gross sinfulness that strains the r deeming power ot tne sawdost trail. Demand on Canadian mills was particularly heavy during the month, as stocks' in that terri tory show a decline of 3300 tons, compared with minor increases shown in both October and Sep tember, These mills; however, showed, substan tial increases in production, the daily average beim 1.827 tons, compared with a low for the month of 1,613 tons.. The dairy average output of mills in American territory showed a small decrease. It is evident that unless economies practiced by the publishers result in a material decrease in consumption, the market will face an even more serious shortage when the spring de mand sets in, as the mills promise little in the way of increased, production. . : . In Omaha Thirty Years Ago Today. $enstal George M. O'Brien ia lying dangerously 111 at his residence, 610 South Eighteenth. -He is attended by Drs. Lelsenrinx and Neville. A hackman employed by Atwood Fox, in driving rapidly around the corner "at Sixteenth and. Farnam, knocked down a young lad by the Woful Wanton Waste We are undoubtedly the most wasteful people in the 'world. In America frugality, is almost a lost art. Countless men and women are actually suffering, both physically and mentally, because thev do not know how to stop waste in their .own homes. Waste is a' devastating thing. It goes on unucr uui ccb, 11 gucs vu nunc wc sleep it is always going on. There ia as much difference between honest wear and tear and waste as there is between an honest man and a thief. We waste our time, our money, our food. In a household about 85 per cent of the beat from the furnace is wasted. , Our children take more than they can eat and waste the rest, but before we correct them we should look at our own plates. The amount of gas wasted id jets un necessarily keot bnminsr in a sinsrle davall over the United States would, if we could compute it, be a staggering indictment of our folly. The American business man goes on the principle that it is easier for him to make more money to pay for the waste in his home than it is to "waste his time in trying to stop it His wife is uncon sciously influenced by his example. What can we do about it? Something, any way. Wecan talk about it, gesticulate about it, think about it, and make up our minds right now to fight, it in every way possible. , , name of Freddie Young. The hack passed over the boy's boay, but as he was very closely bundled up, ha was uninjured. . M. W. Hartlgan, ' the well known boiler-maker, broke his leg by fall ing on the lsdewalk. He lay for some time uacqnsclous, but was finally picked up and taken, home in the oatrol wagon. - - Probably the oldest watch In Omaha Is one owned by Mrs. George Heyn, an heirloom which has been in the family i for 1 200 years. It has been handetj down from generation to gen eration and was given to Mrs. Heyn some time' ago by her mother. It was made In Vienna by Anton Dor ches, artist ' ' ' Mrs. Warren Chase gave a small din ner party in honor of her daughter, Miss Kate Chase. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Keller,' Lieutenant and Mrs. Kennon, Miss Kounoie, - Miss Earle, Messrs. Ring-wait. Will and Frank Hamilton and Will Doane This DayIn History. ' . ' ' 1800 Charles Goodyear, Inventor of the process of vulcanising rubber, born at New Haven. Died in New York City July 1, 1860. " 1806 Asa Packer, founder f Le high, born at Groton, Conn. Died in Philadelphia May 10, 1870. . 1809 William E. Gladstone, ' fa mous Englist) statesman, born at Liverpool. Died at Hawarden May 10, 1808. 1837 Steamer Caroline, on Amer ican side of Niagara river, was fired and sent over falls by Canadian sol diers under Colonel McNab. 1848 Constituent assembly sitting at Rome decreed deposition of pope. 1867 Canton, China, taken by a force i of British and French. " 1862 General Sherman assaulted the confederate works at Chickasaw bayou in order to gain the rear lot Vicksburg, but waa repulsed. 1884 Forty persons perished by fir at a Christmas festival at Silver Lake,. Ore. ' 1901 Coronation durbar at Delhi began with State -entry Into Dalhl. of -Lord Cnrson', accompanied by the duke and duchess of Connaugat '. - - ... H . . ,V ' The Day We Cetebrate. " ( ' , Wilber L. Burgess, head of the Bur-geas-Granden company, dealing In lighting fixtures, is 47 years old day. He was born right here In Doug las county. - -I R. A. Leuasler, assistant general manager of the street railway eom pany, ia 60- years old. He ia a native of St Louis Meyer feondon, socialist representa tive in congress from N,ew York City, who has been chosen president of -people's relief . committee for Jewish war sufferers, born in Russia forty five years ago today. , Horace Chilton, former I United States senator from Texas, born In Smith county, Texas, sixty-three years ago today. , - - - , 1 Charlotte Walker, prominent as an emotional actress, born at Galveston, Tex., thlrtv-eieht years ago today. wr. William f. rew, president oi Trinity college. Durham, S. C. born at Greenviue, a. u, lorry-nine years Ejro today. - dees Wlllard, world's ' champion heavyweight pugilist born In Pot tawatt&mie eounty, TCansas, twenty, nlna years ago today. People and Events JL The first Mrs. Bob Fitzsimmons. foot-loose and full of experience, is doing a modified Billy Sunday revival in Chicago. Local reports say the former Mrs. Bob lands on Satan's slats every time and lays mm out in tnree rounds. A husky Chicago girl of 27, being short of rhriatmaa coinl donned man's clothes and shov eled coal the greater part, of a day before her long hair crept out ot her fur cap. and gave her away. However, she won $3 and a pair of blis tered hands. . - , . t Tradition, if not experience, insinuate that an awakening follows the trance of the honeymoon. The nature of the awakening varies. Sometimes it is a jolt . A bride suing for divorce in Pitts burgh alleges Hhat her jolt was the discovery that her husband has a wooden leg. She made the discovery three weeks after the wedding, and forthwith shook the deceiver. In so many words she tells the court nothing less than a whole man goes with her. '. , . : jeal Malaga grapes ih large bunches, 400 poajtids of them retailing at 60 cents a pound, together with 5,000 Killarney roses, were the principal decorations Of the bower in the St Louis club,' where the coming-out party of Miss Katherine A. Parker waa staged.. Besides the centerpiece of fruit and flower, the' walls oi ball room and dining room were covered with lattice work of papier-mache I through which southern smilax twined. 1 was ' a gorgeous setting for youth and beauty and elders of St Louis' social 400. ;'. ( v- . - " Pity the sorrows - of 'the poor rich I Mrs. Florence Flonnan of New York has oodles of money coming, but she is young and the years which release the wherewith in bunches move slowly. At 25 she gets $100,000, and a like sum at the age of 40. Meanwhile it it a huge strug gle making ends meet and support a husband and baby on an annual allowance of $25,000 a year. A touching appeal to court to advance a slice of the first $100,000 is under consideration by a magistrate whose heart throbs responsive to the cry of distress. . Timely Jottings and Reminders. This Is the fortieth, anniversary of Paclflo Exoreas on the . Lake Shore road crashed through the bridge spanning the creek at Ash tabula,, O., carrying with It 180 persons, more than half of whom' met a frightful death. i - The twenty-eighth annual show the New York Poultry and Pigeon association, the oldest and1 largest ex hibitlon of its kind in America, opens In Madison Square garden today and will continue until January 1. Boll weevil preparedness clubs of Tennessee, Arkansas and 'Mississippi are to be organised at a conference of farmers of the three states, to' be held today at Little Rock. The Maxim Munitions corporation is to dispose of its machine gun plant at New Haven by auction today. Here, after the corporation will specialise in the manufacture of cartridges. A national conference to discuss the subject of highway engineering Instruction In the civil engineering curricula of universities and-colleges is to be held today at tne Automobile Club of America in New York City. Storyette of the Day. . She had attained some suecess as an authoress and after her marriage decided to write a novel Some months later she complained to her husband: "Mv new novel goes but slowly, dear: but mv oublisher assures me It would go into the thousands If we'd Just get up some sort of a sensation for In stance get you to enter divorce pro ceedings! : The husband mediated thoughtfully a few moments. "Well." he said. "I can't afford that! but I'm willing to run away!" New York Times. ' ' . BITS FROM EVERYWHERE. Taamsaia tun adopted the 'aayUafet aa- iaf" plaa. . . la Honduras three amps of aa raUad a iw. . - Japan has bad sixty aapHals, saaay at wblca ara now aim vUlaSM af asly ataaty na to aa KngtUaman, Colafwl Laieaster SUakosa, its tint aavspaper, pab- liaaea ovsr ninaty yaasavase. . The Bolivian aoyarnmant new maintains a motor-bus sarvica) aa a lSS-mila stretch of road at tns too of the Aadax. I It Is officially aathnatad that than are nearly 1,090, 00 square aula on tee main land of Canada a till anrolofaa, - 1 Vaaasaele la boUtting a 'mooters biirhway SS! milaa Ions froaa Caracas to Baa Crts to tal In tha axtrean waiters part af tha ro ot! alio. - , Cleaning Snow From Walks. Omaha.- December 2Y-To the Editor of The Bee: . It seems to me that it would be a good plan for our city commissioners to strictly enforce the ordinance requiring residents ot the city to clean snow from their walks within twenty-four hours from the time tha snow quits falling. If all snow should ba . Dromotlv cleaned from the walks, even if the fall is light especially on- sloping streets, there would not be so much danger to pedestrians. There are many blocks where one or two families clean all snow from their walks aa soon, as It Is through falling, while the rest either do not clean them at all or else do a half way Job by cleaning a pathway and leaving most of the snow on the walks. . A great many of the sloping walks have been made very dangerous this week on the South Side by the failure of property owners to clean off the Ugbt snow that fell Saturday and Sun When property owners at the bot tom' of a sloping street clean off their walks and people further, up the slope do not then the ones at the bottom of the slope have to take all the Ice that comes from the unclean ed walks from the melting snow. The rain Christmas night made sloping streets where the snow had not been cleaned from the walks ex tremely dangerous by only partiy melting the snow that had been left on the walks before the rain tell. I hope the city commissioners will in sist on every resident of the city cleaning off their walks promptly aftar each snow and greatly lessen, the dan ger to all who have occasion to use the walks. I cleaned my walks from snow three times recently before the snow had ceased falling and then did not have milnhr in tfnn ntt nrhnn tha 1 how finally quit falling. V FRANK A. AGNEW. Wayside Thoughts of a Traveler. Detroit Mich..- Dec. 27. To the Editor of The Bee: I happened to be in Gary, Ihd., one day recently on a strictly business mission, and most of the street and club talk related to the moot features of a proposed prison which should be the "most modern" In the state large, costly, ornate and cause much boasting and great pride. Ye, gods on high Olympus, "sez I to meself, sea I," are they expecting some extraordinary wave of crime for this city of the ideal school system, or vnai is u f . I round out that Gary has a trulv sensible, practical (mark the word) and far-looking school system, con-, tinual use of facilities and opportuni ties supplied by a generous and widely (and wisely) used investment Very naturally the inherent merit of this civic feature has developed a fame away from home that has coma back to Gary. The folks there are might ily proud of their school system, and with good season. So they naturally look with an Investigating and ambi tious eye to the possibilities of any new propositions. ' . H so happened that at two interna tional conventions 1 had handled pa pers toucninr tne Gary school sys tem; the Gary "awakening" (as I call it in scnool work and life: for old as well as the merely young would within a feneration eliminate, at least to a very large extent the need for large prisons. , - With every person of even very ordi nary vision I will stand for the "mod ern" element That's Just what they used to do with the colts and calves on the small farms where I worked a bey; viz., "train them right and they will go right" Which means patience wnere tney stumDle, continual repeti tion of the lesson and eventual victory for usefulness. . And, here's the point! Sunday In Detroit i saw a program lor a public Christmas tree celebration in a great open square In the business center. and 1 went to see It -Wise workers In charge realized It would require an extra large tree to make any sort of showing in the noble space pro vided. So they secured co-operatton of the city park department which dug up, elevated onto a long truck or two and carried It to the square "some tree, believe me." Derricks and heavy block and tackle were required to handle it- When the tree was placed, decorated and loaded it v quite worthy the occasion. Disagree ably stormy weather could not keen away "the mob." The outside crowd a corral of living, laughing, half-cry. Ing, enthusiastic men and -women-surrounded an inside group of over 1,000 children, recruited from the va rious recreation centers. The war bling, singing youngsters. In the Yule tide costumes of ancient England, were equipped even to the "lanterns of the watch" a most beauteous sight indeed! Then flanking the Juvenile partici pants were the Catholic Choral society, the "Billy" Sunday choir, organized last fall when the whirling evangelist was In Detroit and other similar or ganizations. A band in-the center car ried the theme, and 10,000 spectators on the ground and In the hundreds ot hotel windows surrounding Joined In one vast, swelling anthem that seemed to blend Into the music even tha fast-falling snow flakes. It w inspiring to a degree! And everybody had the words on printed slips distributed by a thought ful committee. Truly, Detroit's pub- celebration waa many miles to see. ' And, with Gary's most beneficial school system carried Into every Sity nu. Omaha and Detroit and with such celebrations as illuminants of the wide spread Christmas "giving,- wm it not always, everywhere, be better, wiser and very, very much cheaper i cultivate and conserve the child rather than punish and degrade the adult at suoh a tremendous cost? R. r AROUND THE CITIES ' n..tr fa Datrait. whar a dronth impends, hotel man shoo away the earloas by posting the sisai "Don't as as want we era amna to dot What are you evins to dor' Em phasis on the "you." ' f -Down in old 4tT Joe a dieting aqnad Is trying to cat ondar Chieaco'a SO-east grub fast. The limit of high llvtng for St. Joe's prise feeders is 10 eents s day a refular bars-sin -counter rate. A newly planned apartment taDdlag in Naw York, adjoining tha Grand Central terminal, will out 18,000.00 for site aad buildina. Tha ni-oanotafra look for a aWSS return of TOOO.OOO on the ivaatawnt . Galveston sdaea it oat warm that hastOs aircraft coming into tha metropolis of the suit hurricane belt will get aa artillery re caption on the London plan. Anti-aircraft guni hare beea mounted in the city by t tha federal govsnamant . St Joaaph la talking on an oil pise line from Kansas, with a big oQ refinery at the borne base. Tha Doberty interests, whiek control some Kansas fields, as wall as natu ral gas properties, have given St. Joseph! tea a hint to get together aad say something. Chicago invested SS6.000 fa an- vp-te- dste market boose. located in Sooth Chi eaco, and is diligently .seeking tenants for , tha stalls. It has beea idle for almost a rear. Even now. with the H. C of L. ia the saddle, tha market aoaat doesn't make a' movo to rive the rider a fall. - According to the Chicago Tribune tea families own a werr large part of the city's real estate. Five families ara supported by enormous land holdings aad one family owns 4 per cent of all Chicago's land. The ten families an nonresidents Snd are steadily increasing their holdings. Their interest la the city's w elf ara lies in the revenue de rived. It lacks tha personal ttoaeh, the civic spirit which enites a eommaaity for progress' and betterment Tha Tribune aag gests that the nonresident land-holding aril, common to ail oitiea, aaooid ba cheeked by imposing an .inncntance tax so graenstea that no family or group of families can ever accumulate so mack property as to destroy the fact of our repoblie. LINES TO LAUGH. ' Mjrlitrmt If, u yon claim, , yavr ear vu going at a Terr flow rate, hardly nor- . Inr. In fact, how waa It that this man you truck was knocked two blocks ahead? ' Motorlatt The only way I can explain, your honor. Is that the man Is In -the rubber busineBsK Baltimore Ajnerican, Ned Do yon meaty to say she Isn't ner vous even during a eeVeYe thunder shower T Alys Not unless there ts a young man ' around. SomervlUe Joui-nal. , v . ,, , ., scarce. X can "Errand bors ara Terr rarnlah you with an office rtrLM "These Innovations disturb ma. I can't get used to 'em." "Tou won't notice tha difference. This girl can whistle." Louisville Courier Jour- , TpsAR Kiti.lCABlBBUc, v. , irwiwarmije W mat lAray-vMxr do ' NOUellWECr? ' ' .HE'S fTto6my too BUSY HS TOPttal ', - 3"W") -' . doing: with that -ttction- "What ara ' ary " ; . .1 ; . - . fI gotta little spare ttme how," replteel the umpire. 'Tm Just looking np a few of them name the Boston highbrow roeteVs called me." Brooklyn Eagle. Aunt I suppoeie, Edith, yon said, TMb Is no sudden V when Mr. Slowboy psvosod, - Niece No; I fully Intended ts, but I was so excited I forgot and exclalmeei "At last!" Boston Traiiacrtpt. , . , . . "How fart can this ear , i 81xty miles aa hour." . f - 'Thank you. That will relieve me af tha necessity of trying to ltnd out Its maxlmua speed for myself." Detroit Free Press. THE WILLOW, v Elisabeth Akers. 0 willow why forever weep. As one who mourns an endless wreegt What hidden woe can 11a so deep? What utter grief ean last so long? j ' The spring makes haata with step elate Tour life and beauty to renew; She even bids the rosea wait, . An gives her first sweet oara to ye The welcome redbreast foldshis wteg. To pour for syou his freshest strait; . - ' To you the earlier bluebirds sing, V ... Till all your itgnt stems tiarui The sunshine drapes your limbs with Hgat The rain braids diamonds in your hair; .. The breeae makes love to yon at night, But still you droop, and still despair Beneath your boughs at fall of dew, " By lovers lips Is softly told - - The tale that, all the ages through. Baa kept the world from growing old. - But stllC thooghi .typrtl's buds unfold, ', Or summer seta the earth aleaf. Or autumn pranks your robes with gold. Ton sway and sigh la graceful grief. Mourn on forever, unconsoled. ' And keep four secret, faithful tree; i No heart In all the world ean hold A sweeter grace than constancy. ' You will find a number of real bar gains in slightly used furniture ' , pianos, machinery, typewriters, etc7 " listed in the For Sale Miscellaneous columns of The Bee. Reading them -everj day will save many dollars. i jjlj'iHmtb'l Persistence is the cardinal vif-; ?...-"' . ' "7 ,'l-.' , tue in advertising; -no matter, how good advertising may be in other respects, it 'must lie run frequently and constant ly to be really successful