Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Edwin Erie Sparki at Prohibl-
Mon Meeting Gives Idea of
1 Educating- Youth. '
Lexington, Ky, Dec. 28. The obli
gation of American college and uni
versities to train the moral aide of
college students, along with the men
tal and physical, was the , central
I heme of an address by Edwin Erie
.Sparks, formerly of the history de
partment of the University -of Chi
cago and now president of tne Penn
sylvania State college, before the first
night session of the national conven
tion of the Intercollegiate Prohibi
tion association this evening.
President Sparks' subject was
"Making the Entire Man," and his
address was a demand for all-around
student training. '
College are Seeding Grounds.
"The colleges are the seeding
ground of the future and they must
accept their obligation," said Dr.
hparks. '
Tracing the successive conceptions
of education, from the early idea of
training the intellect alone, and then
the recognition of the need of physi
cal and industrial training as well, he
pointed out the necessity for train
ing students also in moral ideals in
order to fit them for their highest
usefulness." This training, he said, can
no longer be given to the best ad
vantage in the American home, owing
to the forces of modern civilization,
which are effecting its disintegration.
"Nor can it be done with the best
results in the public schools where
the students are immature," he added.
Each Graduate a Leader.
"We must turn to the college," de
clared Dr. Sparks, "because each
graduate is not only a factor in him
self, but he will become a leader
capable of influencing others. I am
happy to say that most colleges are
recognizing and accepting the obliga
tion of making the entire man men
tally, physically and morally. I can
name a college where no new in
structor hat been asked to take a
place on faculty for, the last six years
unless he. acknowledges hit share of
'this obligation, v. - ...
"The day has passed when we can
accept an instructor, no matter how
much erudition he possesses, nor how
deeply he has specialized in his sub
ject, if he claims that his duty is
fulfilled when he teaches the subject
matter of his class room." ,
(CeaUaued from Fas 0J .
statement-of this position by Ger-
" many either had been communicated
to tie United State government; or
soon would be. !..
Germany, it it said, it looking to
the . United States tot make every ef
fort to bring about a peace confer
ence and to that end is ready to con
sider any suggestions from the presi
dent. As the case stands now the
German government considers it ha
met all the suggestions in the presi
dent's note and a statement to, that ef
fect has been made by Count von
Bcrnstorff, the German ambassador.
- Need United States.
Germany) it is stated authoritatively,
never ha believed that acting alone
it would be able to bring about a con-
. ference and now that the influence of
neutral hs been brought to bear
for one, the German official have
taken their view a step further, and
believe they cannot be successful
' without assistance of the United
State. They believe, that the United
States, in view of it vital interest in
the settlement of the war, would not
be adverse to participating because it
has been represented as desiring most
of all to see the peace terms make
"- provision for the future security of
the world. , Without participation by
- the United States in that phase it Is
felt the results would be without ef
fect. - ... - .
There were intimation today that
Germany's position on all these
points had been conveyed by Foreign
Minister Zimmerman to Ambassador
Gerhard at their recent conference
and that Germany's terms were prob
ably conveyed in the highest con
fidence .for the information of Prcsi-
dent Wilson,
Reserve for Round Table
It was said 'today that Germany
had no intention of asking the entente
. to make public its terms and at the
, same time would not publicly divulge
her own under any consideration.
The view expressed in German
circles here is that the Teutonic
terms when laid before the entente
delegates will be such as to admit of
- their acceptance.
Count von Bernstorff, the German
ambassador, reiterated again today
'that he felt a conference would result
from the present situation and that
he considered it in a light of op
Germany's position is represented
as one of willingness to impart its
terms in a confidential manner first,
if that is absolutely necessary to a
conference, but still preferring to re
serve them for presentation at a round
table, where they could be discussed
with more freedom.
Bigg-Barth. '
Miss Ida M. Barth, daughter of
Oeorge ). Bart!i,and Mr. Lester K.
Biggs, both of Lorton, Neb., were
married by Rev. Charles W. Savido-e
at 12 o'clock Wednesday. They were
accompanied Dy Mrs. ). t. Biggs and
Jessie oeraioine Biggs, i ,
Walker-Scholtng. r
Miss Anna Scholting, daughter of
Jacob Scholting of Albright, and Mr.
Marion M. Walker of Ralston were
married Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
by Urv. Charles W. Savidee. at the
uiidcnce of the bride's parents, Twen--Seventh
..fid Harris streets, Al
uright. The' attendants were Miss
Sophia Schotiing, Mi. Alfred Heisner,
Mies Leona Buxter and Mr. H. L.
Bradley. A tstry large company of
: invited guests vefe present and a
waoput supper was served. .
Results of Practical Christmas Giving
Omaha, Dec. 27. To the Editor of The Bee: In behalf
of the Associated Charities, I wish to thank you very sincerely
for the publicity given our work through The Omaha Bee
at Christmas time.
All the families mentioned in your paper were bounti
fully taken care of and in addition we received very gen
erous donations of money, shoes and clothing. We feel con
fident thafr-every one had a happy Christmas this year-, for
which a great deal of credit is due The Bee. Again thanking
you, we are, very truly yours,
ING met with a splendid response, even better this year than
ever before.
Clothing, shoes, food supplies and money came in a
continual generous stream both to The Bee and directly ,to
the Associated Charities. This association investigates all,
cases thoroughly so that the givers had the added satisfac
tion of knowing that their donations went to REALLY DE
SERVING families, especially- those made up of dependent
women and helpless children.
A vast deal was done by those responding to The Bee's
appeal toward making a real Merry Christmas for the de
serving poor. -
Many of these contributors sent in their bundles of good
things and their cash anonymously. Those who sent their
names received letter of acknowledgement from the Asso
ciated "Charities. None of them wanted any self adver
tising. The heartfelt gratitude of the deserving poor who were
made happy by their gifts through the Associated Charities
is their ample reward. ,.. . .
Land Commissioner Advocates
Commission to Do the -
', (From a Staff Correapondent.V
Lincoln, Dec. 28. (Special.) Con
troversy elver the 'sale of school lands
is one of the live issue of the day
and it is probable that the coming
legislature will be called upon to take
action in the matter. Land Commis
sioner Beckmann ia much opposed to
tne sale ot tne lands, and in speaking
of the matter gives his ideas a fol
lows: ' . . v
I am strongly of the belief that
the atate should not sell the school
lands it now holds. The state made
a great mistake when it sold as much
of ita lands as it did and the tax
payers begin to realize this. ,
whether he is a merchant, owner of
a manufacturing! establishment, stock
man or igrmcr, in laci, any man uoing
business of any kind, will take an in
voice every so often to ascertain
whether the method of doing business
has been profitable, and if he finds
he ha not been doing a profitable
business he will try to find out where
the trouble lies and after locating the
mistakes that have been made will
endeavor to remedy the same. I think
the state of Nebraska should pursue
the same method. Let us see whether
the way -the -state baa dealt with it
educational lands, or what ia com
monly called the state school lands,
has been profitable or not, i claim
it has not, and if we find it ha not
then we should find out where we
have made mistakes and should try
to correct them.
If we investigate the records we
will find that the state of Nebraska
acquired 2,978,095.05 acres of land, of
which there , it now deeded 1,091,
731.71 acres; held under tale contract,
233,971.14 acres; held under lease con
tract, l,o5U,WU.yi acres, inis leaves
a little more than half of the original
acquired school lands unsold.
- Appraising Land.
"In 1883 the' legislature passed
law that the appraiteri ot school
lands should be made np of three dis
interested freeholders of the county
in which the land is located; said ap
praisers to be appointed by the county
treaturer, county clerk and county
judge. In 1891 the law wat amended
so -that the appraisers be made ,up
of members of the' county board,
which law is still in effect. The cont-
stitution of Nebraska provides that
no school land can be sold for less
than $7 an acre. I wish it had said
$20 an acre instead of $7, then there
would be a great portion of the land
still unsold. V
"It is true that the appraisement
of leased landa it too low, but this
is also true of lands appraised for
selling purposes. Superintendent
Thomas estimated that the tchool
lands the state now holds would sell
for about $20,000,000. To realize this
amount the land would have to sell
on an verage of a little more than
$13 an acre. I make the prediction
that if the appraisements are maoe
the tame at heretofore that it would
not bring more than about one-half
of thi amount. .
Favors Commission
"I would advocate that we do away
with our present system of appraise
ment and that a commission of three
members be appointed by the gov
ernor or by the Board of Educational
Lands and Funds to do this work.
That aaid commission visit all tchool
lands that are to be appraised for
leasing ourooses and aooraise the
land at its true value, so a to be fair
to the state, as well as to the lease
holder. This would cost the state no
more than it does at the present
time, and I am sure we would have
more unilorm and oetter appraise
ments, and, perhaps, receive four or
five time more income from bur
school lands in rentals, and this would
be only fair to the taxpayers. It will
cost a certain amount to keep our
schools going and what we lose on
income from our school lands is to
be made up by the taxpayers. . The
state could, after the appraisement
is made, make public the appraise
ment and set a time when said land
would be leased to the highest bidder.
There is no good reason why the
state ' should not receive as good
rental on ita school lands at private
parties are doing." - ,
Hay Have Jumped in River.
Yankton, S. D., Dec. 28.(Special.)
Jens Jensen, aged 39, of this city, is
believed to have committed suicide by
jumping in an airhole in the Missouri I
near his home on the river bank. He j
left a note of goodbye and said he
wat going to the river. He had pre-1
viously threatened tuicide. A wife I
and two sons are confident Jensen is !
in the river, but doubt it expressed I
by the officers I
National Base Ball
Commission Allows'
'New Orleans Claim
Cincinnati, O., Decl 28. The Na
tional! Base Ball commission today
allowed a claim made by President A.
J. -, Heincmann of the New Orleans
Base Ball club against Charles Frank,
formerly employed as scout by the
Cleveland club and now president of
the Atlanta club, for $1,629. Attor
neys representing Frank denied the
jurisdiction of the commission in the
case owing to the debt being of a
personal nature. The attorneyt also
claimed that Frank admitted having
contracted the debt but that he had
compromised it for a lesser amount,
according to the commission's find
ings, 'a
The commission ruled, however.
that it had uniformly exercised juris
diction in the adjustment of financial
obligations between parties connected
with organized base bail, it one or
more were identified with the major
league. The finding then goes no to
hold that the compromise was abro
gated through the fact that one of its
conditions was -not lived up to by
Mr. Frank. ' J
Wants Darcy to Meet Mike
r Gibbons in the Twin Cities
Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 28. Har
ry Sherman, local boxing promoter,
today offered a parse of $25,000 for
a ten-round boxing contest between
Mike Gibbons of St. Paul and Les
Darcy of Australia, the fight to be
staged in either Minneapolis or- St.
Paul. The winner would receive 75
per cent and the loser 25 per cent.
Four, of the leading boxing experts
of. the country would act as judges
and the fighters would abide by their
decision in case neither man had a
marked advantage. .,
No Second Reply to Wilson x
.: Sent by German Kaiser
New York, Dec' 28. A statement
out out in certain ticker services today
crediting the German Overseas News
Agency with the statement that Ger
many had made .a second reply to
Pretident Wilson's note apparently is
erroneous. The Associated Press also
received a wireless dispatch, on which
this ttatement wat based, and investi
gation discloses that this dispatch
was a belated section of the Berlin
wireless of Tuesday last, t -
Argentine Crop Only
About One-Half Normal
Washington, Dec. 28. Argentina's
grain harvest this year will be one of
the poorest the country ever has seen,
due to injury by drouth and locusts.
Consular reports received today
said the amount of grain available
for export this year will total not
more than 1,000,000 tons. Normally
2,500,000 tons are exported. Cereal
prices in the republic are the highest
ever known. 1 ' .
Reply of Austria to the
Wilson Peace Note Arrives
Washington, Dec. 28, Austria's
reply to- President Wilson's peace
note was received late- today. It is
understood to1 be substantially - the
same as Germany 8. '
Obituary Notices.
day at 10 a. m. at Geneva, aged 44
years. She was the wife of Thomas
Tyson, who took tne body to Anoover,
III., their old home.
plorer, author and Inventor, died at
New York yesterday. In 190 Mr.
TJader led an expedition into the But
African jungles (or tne American Mu
seum of Natural History. ,
- . T. rweat Grin.
Coldi oauee vrtpI.axattve Urenoo
Quinine remove rti. There la only on
BROMO tJUININK." B. W. Qrove'e alane
turft on box. Si.
H M I I I H ! I I M 1 1 ! I M I
Thut'a what VAtl trmt avwv itav 11
in the year at this popular drag 1
I- store. Phone your want today. J
W Deliver the Good.
16th aatl hwari St.
Pima Oraglaa MS.
Papers of Paris Say Move is a
Trap and Allies Will Not
Make Peace on Terms. '
Paris, Dec. 28. The morning news
papers today are unanimous in pro
nouncing the German answer to Presi
dent Wilson's note to the belligerents
a polite refusal to comply with his
Germany, savs the Matin, inten
tionally reverses the terms of Presi
dent Wilson's note and requests rep
resentatives ot the nations at war to
seat -themselves at a conference table
and talk at random without knowing
what they intend to say. It knows
the allies will never make peace on
the terms which it at present is dis
posed to offer, but during the period
of temporary slackening in hostilities
it wilt be able , to obtain fresh sup
plies, while secretly planning new
military operations, just as it prepared
for mobilization during the diplomatic
conversations of July, 1914.
i;l:i :.i t:
vmic hiviub eMUBiaiiiuii lu me
United States' by a clear exdanation
of our duties, it behooves us now
more than ever to keep a close watch
on the movements of the enemy at
an hour when it is attempting to
hoodwink ns." . -
Not t Loyal Answer.
The Petit Parisien says: "The re
ply of Germany and Austria-Hungary
is not a direct loyal .answer to the
American suggestiona. It is only a
hypocritical expedient. President
Wilson asks the belligerents to state
their conditions. The central powers
ignore this and simply offer a con
ference without any preliminaries.
That is a trap in which they very
naively thought to catch the allies.
"One understands the haste with
which they replied without waiting
for the concerted note of the allies.
which it is a pity was not sent Presi
dent Wilson earlier..
"President Wilson asked for guar
antees for the maintenancec of last
ing peace. Berlin and Vienna post-
?oned their explanations until later,
he president of the United States
can in no way declare himself satis
fied. As for the allies, their reply
to the Washington cabinet is made
much easier." , : . , ,
Not Suffciently Enlightened.
Stephan Pichon writes in 'the Petit
Journal: "The American note, regard
ing the inspiration of which we are
as yet not sufficiently enlightened, has
at least had the merit of unmasking
a German maneuver. That is a self
evident truth which we formulated
here from the very first. It is now
fully proved that it is that. It would
suffice for neutrals to ask Germany
for the details of the peace it wished
to conclude to make it impossible
for it to furnish them." t
In the Figaro Alfred Capus says:
"Germany in its answer to President
Wilson proposes a meeting of dele
gates at a neutral city. That city, if
it "was specified, would remain for
ever famous as the scene of the
greatest trap in history. France, not
to speak of our allies, would come
out the. vassal of , its adversaries, of
today- and so many prodigious sacri
fices, so much glory won in marvel
ous battles would have only served
to make of us a subject and a fallen
people." . .
Thomai, J, Wall, vnral avnt of the
punenger departmnt, and W. d. Black,
tTtvvc.lnr paiMngr ant, both connected
with the Canadian Pacific railway la Cht
caio, wera In Omaha Wednesday on eom
pany boalnwifc - s
I TtFff TM
"The Holidar Seuoo U an Meal time
to have ua do roar dentiatry. Don't
'wait another day or hour atart now
and set into condition for the beat
year'e wolc of your life. Practical,
atnsible people, these days, are look-
ins after their teeth firat."
Heavioat Bridie
Work, ner tooth,
Wonder Platen
worth tlSte2S,
$5, $8, $10
Beat Silver Fill
Beat 13k
Wt ! yva r rthmd your money.
We stoaae you or refund
Uth and Farnam 1324 Fanum St
f Phono Douslaa 2S72.
Mound City, Missouri, September 11, 1916.
Bankers Life Insurance Company, , .
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Gentlemen: I hereby acknowledge receipt of your check
for $1,268.11, handed me today by Mr. W. O. Miller, your gen
eral agent at Kansas City, Mo., in settlement of my policy, No.
8920, on which I had made fifteen payments. I had paid into
your Company a total of $945.00, thus I received in cash
$323:00 more than I had paid into the Company, besides hay
ing had my life insured for $1,500.00 for fifteen years. ' I cer
tainly am thankful to you for your very liberal settlement with
me. I feel that I can recommend your Company to anyone de- .
siring insurance. I am
504 x Very Truly Yours,
(Signed) JOHN U. CROSEN.
We .are ready to make agency contracts
with new men for 1917. Write Home Office
for particulars. . i
29. 1916--
Thousands of 'Buss-Roumanian
Prisoners Captured and the
" Enemy is Hurled Back.
Berlin, Dec. 28. (By ' Wireless to
Sayville.) The defeat of the Russo
Roumanian forcet by the invading
Teutonic army has been completed,
it is announced officially. Russian
troops which attempted to regain lost
ground were thrust back and ejected
from their new positions with heavy
losses. In yesterday's fighting the
Austro-German forces took 3,000
Eight airplanes were lost by the
entente allies in yesterday's fighting
on the western front, the war office
Report' Made by French.
Paris, Dec 28. French troops last
night repulsed small attacks near
Lechcnoy, on the Somme, and on the
eastern slope of Hill 304, west of the
Meuse, in the Verdun region, the war
office announced today.
Mines sprung by the French near
Beuvraignes, on the Somme front,
.caused great damage to the German
defenses. One of the explosions pro
duced a crater 120 yards long and
forty yards wide.
The French flying corps yesterday
attacked several blast furnaces and
steel mills. The airplanes were aided
in the attacks by two dirigibles.
Villa Changes His Mind and
Will Not Kill Foreigners
El Paso, Tex., Dec. 28. That Fran
cisco Villa has altered his attitude
toward Americans and other foreign
ers found in Mexico is the belief of
friends of Villa h,ere, who' today an
nounced they had appealed to him
not to kill any more foreigners.
This appeal was sent Villa during
his occupation of Chihuahua City J
easily than any other habit, but the start must be made now
not tomorrow NOW. ' ::'':" 1
To aid in this resolution to get ahead, we will open for you, or
-anyone you name, a Savings Account upon the receipt of $1,
and give the same rate of .earnings , (5 to 5J per cerit), the
same security (first mortgages on improved farms or y city
homes) that we give the person placing a thousand dollars
with us. ; : ' .-' ; '
Or uponlpaymenf of $1.00 (repayable upon -return of
bank), we will loan one of our Home Savings Banks (book
-form), which is most convenient for saving the pennies and
dimes. ' : , :. ; ' ,
All money shares in earnings from the date received at this,
office. ' ... -
Delays are dangerous-time slips away DO IT NOW.
The Conservative Sayings & Loan Ass n.
.- Resources, $12,750.00 ,
1614 Harney Street , -
ASSETS $10,800,000.00
The document, it was said, reached I
him after a number of foreigners
there had been killed, but the fact
that no foreigners were molested
after Villa's occupation of Torreon
was cited to show that Villa has
heeded the appeal. 1
It was said by Villa partisans here
that Torreon would be established as I
Hudson Seal Coats
, Specially Priced
1 4',
$135 and on
A New
This spending business is as much a
i j i ii -I '
j- mauer 01 naDix as
Anyone knows that after a certain
time the man who has lived up to his
income expects that as his normal
condition, 'and just automatically
. spends all he gets and often a little
more. The savings habit may be cul
tivated iust as easily and even more -
P, W. KUHNS, Secy.
Reserve, $350,000.
Matured ia th.
of Lincoln, Nebraska
Nam of maamd. John U.'Croaen
Reaidenc. Mound City, Miaaouri
Amount of policy..... $1,800.00
Total promium. paid Company ... $945.00
Total caeh paid Mr. Crown $1,268.11
And 15 Yeara Inauranco for Nothing.
It's easy to sell Bankers Life Policies.
They mature to the satisfaction of every '
.f policyholder. Why not try it?
Villa's provisional headquaters. He
was said to have increased his com
mand to 10,000 troops and it was pre
dicted a campaign for the control of
the entire state of Chihuahua wojild
be inaugurated.
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good. Run it in The' Bee.
Beautifully styled
coats of fine Hudson
Seal. Some plain, oth
ers trimmed wit h
Marten; Fox and
Wolf each garment
is of exceptional mer
it and priced remark
ably low.
The Reduced Prices
Are as Follows:
$105 $115
up to "$310.50
Year s
anyunng eise.
Omaha, Nebraska. v