Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Killing Cattle Stronger and
Active,' Feeders Steadjr
Sheep Steady.
Omahs. Dec.mbor SI, Hit.
Receipts were: Cattle. Bon. Saeap
Monde., holiday.
Official Timdir S.MJ MM U.JS8
Official Wednesdsy ... .
Esllmats Thursday ... I.m !. l'.MO
roar days tale wsek..ll,77 .' .u
Same days last week..3MM ,ll s.IM
Ham deye 1 wks. MO.21.171 SO.JM 1.5
Kama days 1 wka, Mo.3J.67l !.7t 73,002
Sim. days wke. UI M.Us ,. H.0
Bam. dan lut rear...ll.Hl eO.Ul 11.424
Receipts and disposition of llee stock at
th Union Stock yards, omana, lor twenty,
four hours ending at I o'olook. p. m., yo
terday;, ,
Catlle.Hoss. Sheep. Id's.
C... M. 1 St F ....
W abash ,
Missouri Pacific ...
Union Pacific .....
C. N. W. east . . .
C. N. W., wast ,
C, St. P. M tO.
C, B. aaat ..
C , B. at Q . west ..
C, R, I. P., east
C. R. 1 P.. west
IlltDols 'Central ...
Cblcaco Ot. West ,
11 i, ..
ii" it
14 14
7 71
.. 1
Total reoelpli It
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Morris ft Co
Swift ft Co
Cudshy Packtne Co..
Armour ft Co. ..v..
J. W. Murphy
I Lincoln Packlnv Co.
, (4 ....
. 14 .... ....
It .... ....
11. .... ....
. Ill
71 .... ....
13 .... ....
4 .... :. ....
It ..... ' ....
14 .... ....
1 .... ....
11 ....
4 .... ....
4 "
10 .... ....
7 ... ....
;' I
11 .... ....
in .... ....
47 ....
. Mouth Omaha Pack. Co.
lluntncer Oliver ...
Illll 4k Son
r. B. Lewis
J. B. Root Co
J. H. Bulla .,
P. O. Kellom
Werthetmer Deaen ,
Sullivan Bros
Rothschild A Kreba ..
Mo. Kan. Calf Co. .
II latins
Huffman .............
Meyers ,
Olsssberff ............
Heker .....
Banner Bros ........
John Harvey
Ienrils Francis .....
Jensen ft Lungren ....
Other buyers ..t.V...
Totals 4,411 14.114 14,411
Cattle Receipts this morning were large
for a Thursday, IM ears being reported In.
This makes the total for the week to date
13.717 bead, a good showing, considering
that It la a holiday week . .
Killers, although In Urge supply for a
Thursday, ware In food demand and rea
sonably active sellers at strong prices. Most
of the cattle on sale worn of common qual
ity. Good feeders were steady, but sunk
tattle were slow, common grades being; a
little lower than last week.
. (iuotatlona on Came iuuu ta eboloa V "ar
il. beeves. tia.31Cll.ltl good ta choice
romfed beeves. Ilt.ooiyll.eo; (air to good
eomf.-d beeves, ll.7tlt.M: common to (sir
eemfed beeves. 17.2101.7'! fool to oboloe
grass beeves, 17.7601 0: fair ta food grass
beeves, 11.7101.71 eommoa ta fair grass
beeves, 16.7101 111 ood to obolce heifers,
17. tool. Ml (ood ta choice cows! 14.760
7.71; fair to goad news. IS 110171: common
as fair cows. 14.600 6. 71; prima feeding
steers,; good to choice feeders.
Il.7101.3t; fair to good feeders. M.71f.It:
sommon ta fair feeders. $.eei 7t; good
to choice etaabcra.; stock nailers,
la.2oie0; stock eows, Il.n07.o; atock
calves, 11.0191.10; veal calves, 11.1)0010.00;
best bulls, stags, ate. 1.91197.10; bologna
bulls. 11010171.
atspreesntatlvs sales:
At. Pr. No.
Ml 16 II ......
143 7 10 11.,..
Av. Pr.
. Ill II II
. Ill I 40
,. 711 1 II
.1160 10
,.1310 II 10
.. 171
7t it!!!!
.. on
.. tot
7 10
1 11
I ..1010
11 ...1011
t Ill
. ...... .1141
, a...
... Ill I 10 I..,,.... 130
... 171 t 10 ' I., 131
... 107 T 00 . t .. 707
... no t ii : I........ tit
... 101 I 71 i 141
7 10
I to
... Ill I oo l.i.i,,.. Ml I to
... 171 I 00 i 1,,, 10S0 I It
...1400 I 10 1. ...... .1400 T It
...Hit in '
' ' CALVES. '. - ) '
l........ in t 76 4 , iir 1
1.. ...... 410 fit 4........ Ml lit
I Ill 10 , 1 Ill It 00
J 14t 10 II
Hogs -After running vary moderate for
a eoupls of days receipts got back Into their
normal atrlds today, 111 ears or something
Ilka 14.100 heed, being In sight at mldfore
hoon. with prospects that a few more might
get In. The total for the week la atlll very
small, and even allowing for the fact that
Monday was a Holiday, thla doea not com
pare very favorably with 11,110 last week,
10.221 two waska ago and 10,031 last year.
So far aa the packera were eooeeraod the
market was another rather slow affair.
Shipper trade waa active, order buyara tak
ing a pretty good a ha re of the run on early
rounds at prices that wale strong to aa
much aa 10c up, er genei-ll. u nickel higher
than yesterday, J '
Ths killer trade was never very active.
Shipping activity helped aellera out on the
better klnda, and quite a bit of atoll moved
oo packing account at prices that were
stsady ta as much aa a nickel higher. Buy
ers were all slow about taking hold, though,
and It took moat of the forenoon to make
anything like a clearance at the early ar
rivals. Last trains were being yarded at the time
of cloelng tab) report. Buyero ehowed little
Interest in anything except weighty classes,
which up to this time had sold In about the
same notches all day. MUod and butcaera
were alow snd, if anything, easier on late
rounds, while lights were sticky and hard
to sell at any pries. The general market
looked a little higher, despite ths lata weak
noes The spread is steadily growing wider,
there being a good ahowlng today all the
way from II 16 ta 10.20, with quite a
prickling aa high aa 110.10, ths top.
Representative sales:
.'. Av.' So. Pr. - No. Ay.
Bh. Pr. 1
40 II 71
111 11
... I Ii
... 10 Of
... 10 10
... II It
5. .1(4
II. .Ill
III. 111
11. .101
70. .211
40.. 271
It. .111
I 60
r to
, 10 00
, 10 it
it at
u it
71. .Ill
74. .Ill
II. .101
74.. Ill
4.. 141
Sheen Another fairly liberal sheep and
lamb ran put tn its appearance today. Early
eetlmatea placed the aupply at forty-four
loads, or 10.100 head, but lodging by the
amount at atuff reported back at 11 a'olock
these Aguree will probably bo overran. So
far this week total offerings are 11,111
head, aa compared with 21,114 laat week,
ft. Ill twe weeks ago and 11,134 a year
The early rounds of the lamb market
lacked the life ehown on previous deya of
the week, Packera were all looking around,
but were talking generally easier prlcee.
while aellera thought that with small rune
and stronger prices everywhere else, they
were entitled to aeme advance here. What
little atuff sold early looked about etaady.
one bunch af lamba waa sold aa high aa
113. II, the now top made yesterday, while
good handy weight owe made a new mark
for the aeaaon of ft.lf, coming within tic
of the record for the yards. A fair ta pretty
eood kind sold around fl.71OI.l0.- A load
of clipped lamba made fll.10, a new yard
When the bulk of the eapvly did atart ta
move. It waa at prloaa that were ateady to
e much as 10c above yeaterday. A few
vara of choice lambu sold aa high aa 111 10
(all.ll, the latter price being a new record
for this pelat, with the big end of. the de
sirable atuff around 111.21 and lean. The
general run af the offerings waa of a very
good quality. When the later lamba began
romlng In. they found early arrivals pretty
well cleared and llttla dolna. Barker art.
uenlly wlahlag to wait nntll everything waa
. yareru ewiore niaain weir laat Purchases.
, Not a feeder had been offered np to mid
day. -
Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lamhn.
good to choice, 313.1001116: lamha. .1,
10 giod, 112.10013.10; Iambs, clipped. 110.7!
erii. is; tamos, leeaere, 111.000 12.21; year
lings, good to choice, fio.iooil li; year
lings, fair to good, 11.26 0 10.60; yearlings,
feeders. ti.00Ot.00; wethers, fair to choice.
fi.iOOlOOO; ewes, good to choice, 11.750
1.2s; swes, fair to good, 17.10ejl.76; ewes.
awes, feeding.
1 16
II 11
II 00
II 11
13 21
11 71
II 00
I ti
II 10
It It
Cattle Steady, Hogs Wank at 10c Advance,
Mteep Strang. .
Chicago. Dee. tl. Cattle Receipts, 12,000
head; market, steady; native beef settle.
17.20Oll.10: western steers. l7.Zftaio.oo
stockero snd feeders. 11.3101.11; eows and
heifers. I4.30O10.00: calves. I1.71O12.10.
Hogs Receipts. 40,000 hesd; market,
weak at loo advance; bulk of sales, I10.21O
10.11; light, 11.10010.10; mixed, 110.100
10.71: heavy. lll.20O10.10: rough. 110.210
10.36 nigs. I7.71OS.40.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 17.900 head
market, sirens:; wethers,; ewes.
l,140Ol.7i; lambs, 111. 21O13.10.
St. Louis Live stock Market,
St Louis. Deo. II. Cattle Receipts. 1,100
head; market higher; native beef steers,
17.10011-10: yearling steers and heifers,
ll.10Oll.i0: cows. 16.S0Ot.60; stockers and
feeders, I6.10O7. 71: southern quarantine
steers. Ii.loot.t0; prims . southern beef
steers, II. 00 01.00; beef cows and heifers.
14.2107.10: prima yearlings steers and half.
era. 17.1001.00: native calves, 11.10011.00.
Hogs Receipts, 11.400 heed; market.
steady; strong; . lights, piss.
I7.76OI.60; mixed and butchers, 110.400
10.70; good heavy. 110.11010.71; bulk.
Sheep and Lamea Receipts, so neso
market strong to shads higher; lambs. 11.00
13.66: swes. I1.00O1.I0: yearlings, lia.oo
011.11. (
Stent CUT Lie Steak Market, '
Sloui City. In.. Dec II. Cattle Receipts.
1.100 head; market strong; beef stesrs, 11.00
OI0.I0: butchers. I7.00OI.7S: fat eows and
heifers, 11.7101.00; canners. f4.36Ol.S0;
stockers snd feeders, lt.160t.00; calves,
ie.onoi.lo; bulls, stags, stc;
feeding eows and heifers. I4.10O7.00.
Hogs Kecelpto, 10,100 . headl market
steady to 1010c higher; lights, II.I0O
1.10: mlsed. ll.liO10.0l: heavy, 110.100
10.21; pigs, I7.71OI.I0; bulk of salee. It if
neeo and Lamba Renelnta. l.nea need:
market ateady; fed muttona, f7.10O10.10;
wethers, I! 25O1.00; swea, 17. 1601. 60;
iambs, ill. 21011.00.
sTansaa City Live Stock Market,
Kansas City, Pee. II. Cattle Receipts.
1,100 head; marltet, higher; prime fed
steers, 110.11011.21; dressed beef steers, western steers, l7.00O10.3i
cows, ti.3i0l.iO; heifers, II. 00O10.60;
bulls, fi.60O7.60; ' stockers and feedera,
ll.00OI.10: calves. It.00 011.00.
Hogs Receipts. 10.000 head: market.
higher: Duly of sales. I.; heavy.
110.4(010.10; packers and butchers, 110.16; Hints, 11.710 lo.3i ; pigs, 11.400
Sheep and Lambs Rscelpts, 4,1000 hsad
market, higher; lambs, 111.71011.31; year
lings, ll0.1iO11.7f; wsthsrs, fl.00O10.00;
St. Joseph live Stock Market.
St. Joseph, Mo., Dec, II Cattle Re
ceipts, 1,000 head; market atrong to loo
higher: ateera, I7.oaoil.oo; eowa and hell.
era. I4.I0O10.00: calves. lt.00OU.lf..
Hoge Receipts, 14,000 head; market
steady to strong; top, flftfO; bulk of eaiea,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, Ibeaa;
market stronff; lamba, fll.00OU.3f; owss,
' : . Live steak In Sight.
Reeetpte of Ires stock at the flva principal
western markets yeaterday:
cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Kansas City ......... 1.600 10.000 4,100
st Louis 1.600
11,400 , too
40,000 11,000
Chicago .....12,000
Omaha 4,00a
Sioux City,, , l.too
14,100 10,100
10,600 1,000
,...11,700 11,100 11,100
Peoltry Alive: Springs. Ife: hens. 1-lbs.
and up. l4Vo; nans, under 4 lb. HVio;
atags. too; old oooka, not aucka, I" lbs.
and aver, llttc ducks, undsr tv lbs., llo:
B, 10a: turkeys, 1 lbs. and evsr, lac:
turksys, under I Iba, lto: torksys, eld
toras, lto; guinea. He; plgaaos. per dom..
lio; turkeya, dry picked. No. 1, bens and
yeuaf tome, Ifcc; old tome, lie; turkeya,
No. 1, lto; ducks. No. 1, 4 lbs. and ever,
llo; dueka, undsr 4 lbs., 14tto; ducks. Mo.
lee; gesso, no. a, 110; ol eoeks, lie.
Butter 110,
Kate Fresh. Me. 1. case. Ill.H. Me. I.
eaaa. 17,10; oran,,oaBe,,1
I'ueeee quotauona oy una uo.t
Cheese Domestic Swiss, 43c i block Swiss.
Ilal twin obeeee llfee; triplets. 1701 daisies,
370- young America. Hot Blue Label brick,
17o: limberger, !7o; New Turk white, llo;
Roquefort, lio.
Bauer cuts Rio: No. line; No. t,
ll'eo; No. (. lie, Loins: No. 1, Slot No, i,
i7o; No. t. 11140. Chucks: No. I, 11 tie;
No. 3. 11140: ft,, j, 10, Plata!, No, L
lllto; No. 3. lotto; No. t, 10a.
Oleomargertne Natural eeier, per lb.:
Premium, 24c , Challenge, Hal kersey.
101,0; Lily, llViCl Lincoln, lilt. White,
per lb, I Snowaaka, 11.
Oranges vale, Ota. 100a, 114s, it is hex;
Vaia. Ilia. Ilia 11.71 boxi Vala. lota. Ilia
liOe, 11.00 hex. Plerlda Ills, 11.71 box;
rionje, itaa, li.oa box; rienda. uta, loos,
vala late box; Vale, lite, ti 61 sex.
411a. lit. 14.11 box. Navels. Its, lota. Ilia.
14. VI boil Navels, lfta, 06.10 boil Navels,
ether sites, ft.2! bos. Lemons, fancy, loos.
IWs, 11.04 box; oboloe, low, lioa, If.ll boi.
Orapefrtilt 34a 14.00 box; 41s, 14.11 box;
14a, 14.71 eon 04a, to, lie, 11 00 box.
Ore pea. Emperors, fl.lo erata; kegs, 14.71
ksg; Malaga, extra ohotee. 17. M ksg; fancy.
I7.SS keg; extra fancy, 11.10 ass. Apples,
Va Tork Imperial, 11.00 kbt; Me. Pin.
plea, fl.Olt B, R, Jonathana. 171a smaller.
11.71 bos: Blue Rlbboo Jonathans, larger,
1.00 bail 174s. smaller, 11.16 hex.
vegotaaisa rota toes. bu.1 sweet
poutoea. vtrglnua, lift bbti haapera. hemp. : onlone, Spanish. II.00 orate,
red. yellow. 4o lb. Tometoea. 11. lue.
Cucumbers, 11.00 do Cabbage. 140 lb.
Kuuregose, 1 via up. Turnips, onrrota. lujo
lb. Ceiery, Michigan, lOei des, California,
loo dos.; in rough, 11.10 orate. Cranberries.
Cape ood, 11.00 bbl.i boxes, box.
Jersey, bbL Belle and Cherry, 11.00
bbl.i Belle Bugle, Howe, at 110.10 bbi.
Cocoenuta, 97.10 each; dosen, 11,00 dosen.
Celery. Callfarnla Mammoth, per dea.
Mleoellaneeos Peanut No. 1 raw. th
iol roast, lb., lot Jumbo, raw, Ih, let Jum
bo,, roasted, lb lto, Dror. dstea. oaaa.
11.11; his. ease, IL00; No, I BngUah wel
outa. lb, llwc
"' Coffee Mnrhet, '
Ttew Tork. Dee. II. The coffee market
showed Increased atrength and activity to-
uay, wun wan street ana ootton trade buy
ing, attributed to the combined Influence
of peace talk and the ocean freight situa
tion, Ths opening was comparatlvaly qulst
with Orst prices ' unchanged to 1 point
higher, but the market very soon firmed up.
with March selling at l.7lo and July at
l.llo In the late trading. The close waa
I to It point higher, and people eroona the
ring estimated the day's business at' fully
100,000 baga. Otoalng blda: January, l.tlc:
February, 1.70c; March, 1.70; April. l.Kc:
May, l.ltot Juns, l.!4o; July, l.tlc; August
1.03c; Beptembar, O.Olo; October, 1.13a; No
vember, l.llo, . , .
Spot ateady; Rio la, l.o: Santos 4s.
lOKo. It was reported that sales of Santos
4s had been made In the coat and freight
market late yesterday at lOHo, London cred
its, with Santos Is and 4s offered today
at 11.10c. Cost and freight and Rio 7a at
l.lfi, American credits. Freights are re
ported aceree with moat offers t. a. b.
The official cables reported a decline of
II rela at Rio and of II to 10 re la In Santos
futures. Bio cleared 11,000 baga for New
Orleans and Santoe 41,000 baga far Nsw
Getsoa Marts.
New Tork. Dec II. -Cotton future
opened steady; January, 17.37o; March.
17.73c; May, 17.97e; July, 17.99ej October,
14.41c .
Spot cotton qntst;ulddUng npland, 17.40c
Sales. 990 bales.
Cotton future closed ateady; January,
17.03c; March, 17.34c; May, 17.43c; July.
17.44c ; October, 11.13c Cotton closed with
May at 17.49o and the generul list steady,
but from 33 to 39 point net lower.
Liverpool. Deo. 1 A. Cotton 8 pot, higher;
good mtddttttg. l.79d; middling, 10.94d;
lew middling. 19.49d; good ordinary, 10. lid;
ordinary, 9.93d. Sales, 9,900 bale.
Sugar Market.
New Tork. Dec II.-
oentrlhigal, 4. He; molasses, 4.17c Refined,
easy and 10 points lower; cut loaf, 4.00a;
crushed, T.99; mould A 7.39c; cube,' 7.1So;
XXXX powdered, 7.90c; powdered, 9.94c;
One granulated, l.llo; diamond A, 9.31c;
confectioners' A. 9.79cj No. 1, 9.70c Fu
ture were firmer en covering and a little
demand from outside source prompted by
the Arm fewllag Ut the spot market. At
nooo price were 1 to 9 point higher.
plain to eulle, li.KOI 36;
Representative sales t
Ill fed ewes
147 fed lambs
431 Idaho lambs
401 fed lam be
121 fed Iambs
41 culls
40 fed tombs
03 fed swes
17 fed lambs
124 fed lambs
47 cults
Cash Wheat is Strong and
Slightly Higher Prices Sole
the Market.
Omaha, Vttetmbw SS. 1111.
bah wheat cntina! itron today, with
a vry food cash demand, and an advancw
of y, to S mdU on ih dlflanot cradw
at this nrel.
Th No. S hard wtatod advaneod only
ootit. whlla th No. t hard ioid on a com
paraUvly better baali, Ui No. S crado
illna. in noma iniunim at ieont aa
ranco. There waa a very food demand for
durum and apiinr wheat, bat tneoo vario-
tlea did not aell at the uoual preroloro over
th hard and most of the No, i aurum
old from tn IS entfl under the No.
hard, while No. t mtini aold from to T
eenta under the hdm grade of hard winter.
No. 3 hard winter brought from 917
to IL7T; No. t bard aold from $1.7. to
$1.71, and the No. 4 grade ranged In price
from $1.15 to $1.71.
The corn market waa axeellent. ana aa
the receipt of thla cereal were very light
moat of the offering were oitrpoaea 01 ai
nrlcea rn In from cent higher to
eent lower. ' Yellow corn continued to
command a premium, bat white corn sold on
much better beat in comDanson wun
yellow eorn than It did yeterdar. NO,
yellow being quoted at tl to 17 centa and
No. I whit at about the aame price.
The better grade of mixed corn oia
about the aame a yesterday ana no.
mixed old a trifle under yeaterday' market.
There wa not much trading tn cash
oat and this market waa quoted unchanged,
although a few of today aale were male
a ta alight decline.
Rece ot. however, were extremely iignt
and the demand was aufflclently active to
take care of the offering.
Rya wa low and barley was very active.
with good receipt or ootn tneae eereaia.
Clearance were: wneet ana noar, eqaat
to ta$,OO0 bushel, oorn, 1,00. bashalaj
oats, ftv.ootj bushel.
uverpoot oioea: wneat, ejia np; eorn.
ttvld up.
primary wneat receipt were j-',vu
bushel and shlpmenu 741,000 bushels,
against receipt of 144,000 bushel and
shipment f 7t.O0O bushel last year.
Primary corn receipt were 1,387,000 bush
el and! shipments 416,000 bushels, against
receipts of 1,046,000 bushel and shipment
or S3 3, 090 bushel last year.
primary oats receipts were 117,000 Basn
ets and shipments 699,000 bushels, against
receipt of 721,000 bushel and shipment
o( Ml, 000 bushel last year.
, Wheat. Corn.
Chicago SI
Minneapolis , 31
Duluth 17
Omaha 11
Kansas City 17
St. Lou Is C7
Winnipeg .............. 13
These sale ware reported today!
Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 car. 11.77:
I cars, $1.71; 1 car, 91.7$. No. I hard win
ter: I oar, $1.71; 1 car, 11.76m cars.
91. 7b. no 4 hard winter: 1 car. 11.71: 1
car, 11.17;' ear, 1.U. No, I spring: H
oar, fj.s. no. 4 spring; 1 car (to id.),
$1.60. Bample spring; I car, 11.11; 1 car.
$1.10. No. I durum: ear, $1 17.1 No. 3
durum: 1 oar, fl.K; ear, $1.46. No. 4
mixed: 4$ car, $1.73. No. 9 mixed durum:
1 car, $1.71; 1 .car. 11.47; 1 car. 11.11.
Rye -no i: it gacits, 91.30. sample: 1-9
car, fi.JT.
Barley No. S: 1 ear. 91.01. No. 4: t
car. 92c; 1 car, lie; 1 oar, 90c Rejected:
1 .ear, UM.e; 1 car, 7c
Corn No. 3 white! 1 ear. 37c No. I white:
I ears, 37c; 3 car. 99c No. 3 yellow: 1 car.
$7He. No. I yellow; I car, 97c; 1 oar, tltte;
1 cars, ic: no yeiiowi 4 can, souo: 1
car, 9lo, No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 94 He; 3 cars.
im. no. i muted: 1 cars, km: 4 car. isttc
No. 4 mixed: 3 car, 3$ lie.
oatsNo, 3 white: 1 car. 01c no. i
whltet 4 cars, 50 c; 1 oar. 600. No. 4
mie: 1 car. tone sample wnue: 1 oar.
$0ttc; 1 car, 9o.
omana wash rrice wneat no. I hard.
$1.74-4.91.77; No. $ hard, $1.7401.79; No. 4
hard, 91.$4Mf1.7l; lto. 3 durum, $1,190
07: ho. 1 durum. ii.itsBi.aa. corn: No. 3
white, IIHOae; No, 9 white, 19037c; No.
mi. aitfasHe; No. 0 white, s&vOSc;
9 white. 99Ao: No. I yellow. 14
4fd7"e: No. I yellow. 110 97c; No. 4 yellow.
t60Uc; No. I yellow, B.ttOSCc; No. 9
yellow, I6936 c; No. I mixed, gl4n;
No. $ mixed, 99HOI4e: No. 4 mixed, 90
$Ue; No, $ miied. 94099e; Mo. 9 mixed.
4tfBlte. uats: no. s waits, sqio.ic;
sundard, 60JIlc; No. I whits, SOUjO
I0c; No. 4 white. 90ttO0ttc Barley:
Mailing. 99eO$1.10; No. 1 feed. SlOtSc
Rye: No. t, Jl.Jli O1-30; No. I, $1.39
Wheat was rather doll today and held
within a narrow range and closed - un
changed en Mar and c lower on the July
KxDortera were again An tn market ror
wheat, but very little business was reported
In this article, and the probabilities are
that very little) wheat will be aold from thla
market until the eastern embargoes are
lifted. Ths present grain embargoes have
practically placed the eastern business at a
standstill, and if the situation con tin 0 as
much longer ths trad will be placed in a
very uncertain position.
The corn market today waa extremely
quiet, with only a few trade tn the May
option, which closed unchanged.
Oat showed very little change, and with
light trading this article closed Ho lower.
lecal range of options:
Art, j Open. High. I Low. Close. Tea.
Dec I 99 1 99 199 1 1 99 147 .
May 170 1 Tltt 19 170171
July 1 19 1 39 1341 1 34 ft 114
Com. j .
Dec 9T 97 9T ST 97
May II 1 19 98 r 99 19
July 17 9714 $?ttj $7U $$
Oats. . . I
Dec' 44 49 44) , 49 . 49
May 91 91 H 91 91
" Chicago closlng' prloes, furnished TheBee
by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
919 South Sixteenth atreet. Omaha;
Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Ye.
wht. t T
Dec 1 94 1 99 199 1 99 199
May 1 73 1 73 171 X 73 . 179
July 1 49 X 40 137 1 39 141
Dec 91 93 91 91 93
May 9! 93 tl 92 93
July 99 93 91 91 93
Dec , 49 30 49 49 90
May 93 99 93 93 99,
July 91 91 90 91 31 J
Pork. -A
Jan. 3T 39 3T $ 97 39 ST 30 3T 39
May 39 9T 19 90 19 77 39 90 19 90;
Jan, 19 99 19 $9 16 10 19 9T II 93
May 19 OS 19 09 111 90 1$ 37 19 00
Jan. 13 99 14 90 13 90 19 99 13 9e
May 1 14 39 14 43 14 14 40 14 33
Wheal BeUa Off, RalUe and Thea Makes
Chicago, Doe. 31. Deorankm which wa
manifest In the wheat market nearly all
the time today, seemed to be tchlefly due
to the he vines of New Tork atock quota
tions. Ths close waa unsettled. o to 3o
net lower, with May at $1.73 to 91. T 3.
and July at $1.33 to $1.39. Corn lost c
to ltvnd o-ta a shade to c Provisions
finished unchanged to 99e down.
Sympathy with the break la stock de
veloped a soon a wheat trading began and
waa later offset only to limited extent
by Indications Ithat libera) purchase of
wheat were being made for the entente
allies. In this connection, bear showed a
disposition to emphasise assertions that esti
mates of the amount of export business had
been overdrawn, and to Interpret the Wall
Street breaks a largely owing to increased
changes of a peaos conference. On the
other hand, gossip was current that em
bargoes on rail shipments to the oeaboard
soon would be relieved, especially at Balti
more, on account of the greater number of
vessel now there and arriving. Bulls de
rived aome comfort also tram word that
action ot wheat In country elevators north
west were only one-quarter of last year's
Rallies from ths early setharhs tn the
wheat market war strongest within a half
hour of the end of the season, but at no
time carried the price range a a whole
a bo to yesterday closing level. Realising
sale by holder developed on all hard spot
In the market, and were notably supyle
monted by pressure from speculatl short
In the final transaction ot the day.
Corn sagged with wheat. Lightness of
receipt failed to act aa a counterbalance
except temporarily and tn a relatively slight
degree. Oat were steadied aomewhat by
purchases made against al on corn. There
also were signs of an Increasing demand
from the seaboard.
Liquidating ) weakened provisions,
notwithstanding that hog quotation were
higher. Rather free unloading of lard was
said to have been done by house with
eastern connections.
Chicago (Jah Prlcee Wheat, No. I and
No. S red and No. 3 and No. I hard, oonv
inal. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 9109e; No.
4 yellow, 49O0e; No. 4 white, 9e0c
Oats: no. 9 white, 0ltffZe; atanaard,
42013c; Rye: No. I nominal. Rarley: 16c 0
91-33- Heeds: Timothy, 93-&-0; Clover,
9il.00O17.09. Provisions: Pork, $29.90; lard,
IIS.BO: nil, SI1.ISH11.S7.
Bggs Receipt, 3,929 cases! market
Potatoee Higher: receipts. 30 ears :
Washington, Idaho, Colorado and Oregon
waits, 91.7001-90; Michigan white, 91-700
i.7: Wisconsin wnitc 11.0011.70.
Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 17 OIK
springs, 19 e; turkeys, Z3c. ,
New Tork 4aml Market.
New Tork, Dec. 39. Flour Firm; spring
patent, ss.foot.o; winter patents, li.zoo
..v. winter straights. I7.ss4vi.3t.
Wbeatr-Spot irregular; No. t hard,
II. M: No. 1 northern. Duluth. 12.01 y
No. 1 northern, .Manitoba, $3.09, f. o. .
Corn Spot easy: No. 3 yellow. 91.04
-!- WWW lOTH.
Oats Hoot ateady: standard. 39v0Oe.
Hay Quiet; No. 1, $1.0001-09; No. 3, 990
sine; jvo. s, stejeoc; snipping, 704 tec.
Hops Rteady:' state. ' common to choice.
7911, 45090c; 1919, 1014c; PaciOo coast,, uoiw 111. 10110,
Hide-Steady: Boxota. 43c: Central
America. 4Z4iuc
ieatner -jrirm: nemloes: flrsta. E7c: sec.
Provisions Pork, firm nia. 933.000
a. dw ; lamuy, 11. og 3 j. on : snort clear.
$31.00034.00. . Beef, Arm; mess, $33,000
..: lamiir. iza.teaz7.DO. Lm. wtiak:
miaaie west, ilO.ooif
t w uun; city, no; country, 110
u-HUi special, iic
uuner eteady: reoelot. 3.110 es
creamery, 4i042c; firsts, 4740c
oonnaa, aitswsstgc
.ggs uareiy steadyt recent. 3.4R4
casesi rreea gatnerea extra nrsts, 48040c;
firsts, 44 0 47c; refrigerator specials, marks,
fancy, 19 0 340; seconds to firsts, 93 03&c
iiueasj oioay : receiDU. .2lt Doxes
sUte, held specials, 34 034c; lUta av
ersg fancy, 210 Ho.
rouitry Ltivc nrra: chicken. 30031 Uc
fowls, 3O021e: turkey. 38010c. Dressed.
quiet; chickens, 11027c; fowls, 14023c,
wraejrs, ivic
Ksn City GraU Market.
City. Dec 39. Wheat No.
hard, $1.73 01.79: No. 3. I1.7O0L77: No.
3 red, 91.740L79; December, $1.73; May,
$1.70.- .
Corn No 3 nUxed. 830390! No. 3
white, 390R9c; No. 3 yellow, 99 09ta;
uecemner,- HwC; siay, wvc.
Oats No. I whit. 9404c; No. 3 mixed.
nye ii.ssoi.s. - "
Hay Unchasnnd: kaflr and mUo malsa.
r MlnnssmsHs firahx;
Minneapolis. Dec 34. Wheat: May.$1.73
01.73; July, $1.71. Cash: No. 1 hard.
Ii.7i01.iih; no. i northern, i.T&0
l.7no; no. j nor inem, i.7iH0l7f.
uern No. I yellow. 70t7c
Oal No. 9 whit, 49049c
Flour Higher.
Barley 77c0$
Rye 41.JI01.14. ' .
Bran $39.000 19.99. -
, BL Lovte Oram Market.
t Louis, Dec 31. Wheat No. 9 red.
nominal; No. 3 hard, nominal; December,
11.77: May. 11.72.
Corn No. 3. 93 091c: No. I whit. 93
wsatc; uecemoer. stc; nay. sc
lau-inc x, e; no. 1 wnito, nominaL
nye no, 3, nominal.
Mow Tork Money Msfket.
New Tork. Dec 18. Mercantll Paper
404 per cent.
sterling Exchange f o-day bills, 94.71'
commercial 90-day bill on banks, 4.7i
commercial 40-day bills, $4.71 ; demand,
14.73; cable. 94.74 7-14.
Hi Ivor Bar, 79c; Mexican dollar, i8e.
Bond Government, ateady ; railroad.
kSier. -
Tim Loans Steady; sixty days, 404
per cent; ninety days, 404 per cent; six
months, 8 04 per cent.
call Money steady; high, 9 per eent;
low, 9 per eent; ruling rate, I per cent;
last loan, 9 per cent; closing bid, 2 per
cent: offered at 1 per cent.
U. S. ref. 2s re. 99 L. A N. Tin. 4s.. 97
do 3s oouoon.. HM K A T lit 4 74a
U. fl. I s rg..,.100Mo. Pac. C 9 103
do coupon .,.101 siont. row.
U. 8. 4s reg..U0 N. T. C. d. 8s. .111
"do coupon ..liQVj'N. T. city oucioou
Am. SmU 6s... 106 New Hav. c. 9s.ll0
A T A T o 4s 104 No. Pacific 4s. 94
Anglo-French 9s 92 do 3 96
Atchison gen 4 86 O. S. L. r. 4. . 03
B, it O. 4 .... 93 Pro. T. 9b T. Is.100
Beth. St. r. 9.101-Penn. c 4a.l0
Cen. Pacific 1st 91 do gen. 4s.l02
ds O. 4..s 85 Reading gen. 4s 86
B. A O. i. 4s 9X4t.Frlsco ref. U... 83
Milwaukee c. 9s.l09i8o. Pac. cv. 8S.10XU
C R I A P r. 4s 79 do rst 4s 92
Col. & a r. 4 748o. Ry. 9s 101
A R. O c 4 80 Union Pacific 4a 88 1.
Erie gen. 4s.... 72 "do cv. 4s.... 93
Gen. Else. 6 ..104 TJ. & Rubber 4. 103
at. No, 1st 4sl00U. & Steel 9s.. 109
It). Cen. rof. 4 91 West. Union 4 97
K. C. a r. 9 90 Dom, of Can... 99
Iaoadoai riamMUl Market,
London, Dec 38. American securities
were Idly steady today. Heavy maturities
of treasury bill keep the money market
ay. viscount rate were quiet.
London, Dec 31. Stiver Bar, 94 d.
Money 4 per eent
Dlsconnt Rate Short and three months'
bill. 90$ per cent '
' Bank Clearing.
Omaha. ' Dec II. Bank crsarinrs for
Omaha today were 94,489.113.49, and for the
corresponding day last year, $3,499,089.33.
Svaperatod Apple aad Dried frilt,
New Tork. Dec 38. Brano rated Apples-
Dull; fancy, lo; choice, 909e; prime, 70
7c Dried Fruits Prunes, qulst; Califor
nia, 9010c; Oregon. 9 010c Apricots,
Arm; choice 14 o; extra choice, 17c; fancy,
17c Peach, steady; choice, 7o; extra
oholco, 3 o : fancy, I o. Raisins, easy :
choice to fancy aeeded, 10011 c; seedless.
ivvizno; itonaon layers, at.., .
Now Tork Menal Market.
New Tork. Dec 33. Metals--opor. dull:
electrolytic, first, second and third quarters.
9. 00038.., nominaL iron, steady and
unchanged. Tin, Arm; spot, $40.60040.79
At lxjndon Coppor: Spot. 139 10: fu
ture, fill; electrolytic 161. Tin: Spot.
1,17 16; lutwes, 178 16.
' Melal Market
New Tork. Doc 19. Metal Th metal
exchange quotes lead 7.8007.91c. Spelter,
dull; spot, east fit. Louis delivery. 10c
At London: Lead, 130 10s; spelter, 51,
Veteran Blacksmith
Dies of Pneumonia
James White. 65 years of aire and
(or thirty-five years an expert black
smith imthe service of the Union Pa
cific, died late Wednesday night at
his home at 514 North Sixteenth
street. Death was due to pneumonia.
Mrs. White is the only survivor.
. Funeral services were held Thurs
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
tbe Cole-Mclvay parlors, at tblb.rzr
nam street The body was sent to
Detroit for interment.
Socialists Request City
To Take Street Railway
"The city commissioners and legal
authorities are "requested" by the so
cialist party of Omaha "to proceed
immediately to take over street rail
way property, to be used and operated
for the benefit of the city of Omaha."
The netition. bearinsr the names of
John T. Goings, J. N. Carter and Ed
mund R. Brumbaugh, the socialistic
committee, was presented Thursday to
Mayor Dahunan.
Youthful Auto Driver
v Goes to Juvenile Court
George Dinlile. 2424 South Nine
teenth street. fa youthful automobile
driver, charged with having violated
rules of the road, has been turned
over to juvenile court authorities by
Police Judge roster.
Pound a Quick Cure for Croup.
When a child has croun no time
should be lost, and the remedy that
will give the quickest relief and is
pleasant and sate to take is the most
desirable. Mrs. S. Cartwright, Col
lin gsvi lie, lit, says, "When my child
was small he was subject to croup. I
found that Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy gave the quickest re net and that
he never objected to taking it" Adv.
' - )
Market .Again Experiences An
other Depression Due to
Diplomatic Questions.
New Tork, Dee. 29. With inttmstionsl
tiff sir the Oermmn peace proposals snd
the Msxtcs,n situation.!, leotnin larre
on the financial horlson, the stock market
UHlay experienced another depression
prices. (Speculative favorites, psrticulsrlr
mow wnicn simerea most in tne recent
severe reversals, were asraln singled out by
the short laureate, provoking fresh liqulda.
Extreme recessions rans from S to 19
points In these groups, with here and there
some feeble rallies at ths close. A fsw
actual sains were scored In shares more or
less exempt from professional pressure and
rails for the most Dart yielded only mod
The marked dlzerence between today's
operations and those of recent sessions was
tne smaller volume of offerings, total sales
a moan tins; to barely one million she res.
against the 9,900,000 to 9.000,900 share turn,
over In the turbulent davs of last week.
races were heavy at the start, but made
their greatest declines after the publication
on Wail street news tickers of what pur
ported to be a second note from Germany
which was regarded as bearing adversely
on tne peace situation. Although this com
munication proved to be a delayed forecast
of tbe Berlin note of the early week, tbe
market failed to recover except In the rane
of isolated specialties. The sharpt declines
mit toiiowea were concurrent witn nivy
selling or Mexicans, causing renewed ap
prenension in that auarter.
War and semi.war stocks were again the
center of the general movement, which' soon
took In shares of all descriptions. United
States Steel waa In free supply at a groi
loss of 99k points with virtually no recovery.
and allied stocks broke 9 to 9 points, with
M in Uuir States Steel( 9 to 9 for petro
leums, copnes and surars and about as
much for other specialties whose course has
oeen guiaea Dy the munitions ana equip
There were some confusing cross currents.
notably in shipping shares. Atlantic, Quit
and west indies showing n extreme loss
of over 9 points, while Mercantile Marines
were actually strong.
weakness extended to the bond list witn
new low record for Anglo-French 9s at
J and a 9-potnt break In Chile Copper 7s,
Industrial bonds also made concessions In
keeping with stocks Total sales, par value.
94,036,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and rang of prices of
iue leading blocks:
open. High. ww. iiose.
Am. Beet Sugar...,
Z.bOO 89 yk B i ft SB
American uan ....
Am. Car A Pdrv..
- S.Z00 47 4B
S,3nv BbTfc
12,100 77
94 94
Amer. Locomotive.
Araer. S. A R
Am. Sugar Refln..
75 70
103 103
109 109
134 129
39 35
90 30
104 104
99 96
93 92
93 22
44 49
23 24
165 169
1.20ft 109
mer. Tel. Tel..
m. Z.. Im. ft 8....
1,400 135
1,900 - 97 H
19,000 92
Anaconda Copper..
Atchison ,
Baldwin Loco. ....
Baltimore it Ohio.
1 200
Brook. Ked. Tr...
Butte ft Sup. Cop,.
Calif Petroleum .
900 24
200 19
Canadian Pacific..
central Leather ..
99,600 b
ou-Ji ox
65 94
92 91
24 124
si sin
94 63
Chesapeake ft Ohio
Chi., Mil. ft St P.
Chi. ft S, W '
Cht., R. L ft P....
Chi no Copper ....
l.VUV St.
900 124
. 1,900 34
9,9000 63
4 is a
92 92
43 44
21 22
99 99
29 28
24 34
199 169
Colo, Fuel ft Iron.
3,1110 4ft
Corn Products Ref. 10.700
Crucible Steel .... 99,000 93
Distillers' Secur.... 1,900 30
Erie 9,900 24
General Electric .. 300 197
Gt. North. Dfd
Ot North. Ore ctfs. 1,200
16 tn nit
mmou central .... .....
Int. Con. Corn... 100
Inspiration Copper, 17,209
Int. Har. of N. J
Int M. M. pfd ctfs. 29,300
K. C. Southern ... 200
Kenneoott Copper. 19,999
faoulsvllle ft Nash
Mexican Petroleum 21,900
SI 14
Miami Copper ....
M., K. ft T pfd....
4 900
Missouri racmo .
Montana Power ...
National Lead ....
Nevada Conner . . ..
01 11 1514 1514
3D, 1U114 1UZ IDS
soo ii isy; 5114
1,100 2414 21 13
New Tork Central
N. Y., N. H. ft H.
Norfolk ft Western.
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mslt ......
Ray Cons. Copper..
..zoo la.!, lo? lo.
1,200 53 llaj 11
2.500 13114 121 135
, 101H
NO 1014 KH 2014
3.100 K 11 it
2,100 2 3514 2514
21.300 103 101 102
Hep. iron ft steel..
Shattuck AH. Cop..
Southern Pacific ..
2,100 71 75 7114
1,100 ,714 tfi (I
11,100 32 21 31
21,100 101 104 104
1,000 221 " 211 222
12 100 141 147 141
Southern Railway .
Studebaker Co . . .
Texas Company ...
Union Pacific ....
Union Pacific pfd.
U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 21,100 112 10714 110
U. 8. Stesl ...
Zftft.ftOD 20T 1V 1U
U. a Steel pfd.
Utah Copper . .
Wabash pfd "B'
Western union
1.000 120 11,14 11,
11,100 102 ' II
300 10 11 2,
1.000 It ,1
Wastlnrhoose Klec.
6.400 51 11 65
Total sale, for ths day, 1,000,000 shares.
Omaha Lads Visit With
Head of the Kearney School
A steady stream of boys poured
into the office of Gus Miller, proba
tion officer, in the court house, all day
long to visit with R. V. Clark, super
intendent of the State Industrial
school at Kearney, who spent the
day in Omaha. The boys were ones
who at one time or another in their
careers thus far have had their food
and lodging paid for by the state at
the Kearney institution. Mr. Clark is
interested in what becomes of "his
boys" after they ser e their time in
the institution, and as Omaha fin
ishes a greater number than any one
city, he always has a busy time re
newing old acquaintances when he
visits here.
Union Pacific Starts
Big Advertising Campaign
The opening gun in the biggest ad
vertising campaign ever attempted by
railroad has been hrea by tne Union
Pacific. This campaign will extend
over six months, will entail large dis
play advertisements and will cost well
over $100,000. The campaign is to be
more along educational lines, to in
form of the great country of the west
and middle west, than as a direct
method of soliciting business.
Nebraska Pioneers Will
Celebrate Saturday Night
The Douglas Comity Association of
Nebraska Pioneers will give a New
Year's social and dancing party Sat
urday evening at Lyric hall in the
Lyric building, Nineteenth and Far-
nam streets. An interesting program
wilt be rendered. All members and
their friends are invited. Refresh
ments will be served. Parties enter
ing the dining room will be admitted
by card only.
ce Carnival With Music
At Hanscom Park Monday
Skating and dancing to the synco
pating melodies of a saxaphone or
chestra will be the privilege of those
who journey to Hanscom Park's pond
Monday afternoon between the hours
of 2 and 5 o'clock. The ice carnival
promises to attract many persons.
Rabbi Cohn Reappointed
To Public Welfare Board
Rabbi Frederick Cohn has been re
appointed member of the Board of
Public Welfare, to serve lor five
years. 1 he city council confirmed
the mayor's reappointment.
Am Esmv Pleaaant lAUtlre,
On. er nr. Sr.- Ktnr'a Near Ufa Pills at
Blsht Insures . free and easy movement af
the bowele. llo. All druss tsta. 44r. ,
Veteran Sailroad Man Well
Known in Omaha Dies
in Chicago.
' S. A. Hutchison, manager of the
tours department of the Union Pa
cific and Northwestern, died Wed
nesday everting at Lhicago atter an
illness, extending over a period of
some months.
Mr. Hutchison was very well
known in Omaha, especially among
railroad men. He was located in
Omaha for several years as traveling
passenger agent and later assistant
general passenger agent of the Union
Pacific and his position in the tours
department brought him to this city
several times a year.
M. Hutchison was born in Philadel
phia in 1858. He started in the rail
road business with the Pennsylvania
lines, with which he became a passen
ger conductor. He entered the serv
ice of the Union Pacific as a traveling
passenger agent at Buffalo in 1886.
Id 1893 he came to Omaha as general
traveling passenger agent. He re
mained in Omaha until 1900 and then
joined the tours department of the
Union Pacific and Northwestern,
first going to Boston . and then to
He is survived by his widow and
two daughters.
Omaha Buildings
To Show Increase
For Present Year
This will be the record year for
building operations in Omaha. The
operations, according to the building
department in the city hall, will ex
ceed 1915 by nearly $2,000,000.
The total to date is $7,253,057, with
several buildings in sight. The total
of 1915 was $5,385,005. .
The previous high mark was in
1909, when permits were issued for
the new court house and City Na
tional Bank building in the same year,
thus raising the amount to a high
Holdups Land Two Victims,
But Third One Gets Away
Tack- Tolliver's wrestling ability
did him no good when two burly
men strong-armed him at Nine
teenth and Jackson streets and took
$4 away from him., iolliver lives at
1814 Worth 1 wenty-etghth street.
M. J. Myers, 4642 Nicholas street,
was accosted in front of his home
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock by
a negro, who, backed up by a gun.
demanded that he throw up his
bands. Myers obeyed, but with an
uppercut which stunned the negro
until Myers could run into the house.
John Johnson of Wykoff, Minn.,
was held up at 4 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon by one man at Ninth and
Jackson streets and relieved of $16k
Pool Hall Licenses Are
Held Up Until Next Week
At the suggestion of Commissioner
Kugel the city council held over' for
consideration next week sixty-one
pool hall applications.
"I think we shonld consider the
advisability of cutting them out of
residence districts entirely," remarked
Mr. Kugel.
"Whv not limit them to on to each
block? asked Commissioner With'
Mr. Kugel added that he is con
vinced that gambling is conducted in
many pool halls, but it is hard to get
cne evidence.
Omaha to Bjenefit by the
New Homestead Law
. That Omaha will benefit greatly by
the new homestead law which will
permit a homesteader to take a maxi
mum of 640 acres of land instead of
merely 320 acres, is the belief- of S.
B. Howardcolonization agent for the
Burlington. - Mr. Howard declares
stock farmers will homestead 640-acre
tracts while they would not touch
320-acre tracts, and that as there are
a number of such tracts in Montana
and Wyoming, Omaha will be the re
ceiving point lor the stock when it is
shipped to market (
Earlv Settler Dies 1
After Lingering Illness
John Brice, 60 years of ace. 1513
Ohio street, died late Wednesday
menc alter a long uiness witn stom
ach trouble.
Mr. Brice came to Omaha thirty
five years ago and for the last sev
eral years has conducted the Brice
Auto and Repair works, at 311 South
Twelfth street Besides his widow Mr.
Brice is survived by one daughter,
Mrs. Catherine Meis. and two sons.
John and James.
$2,000 First Mortgage
For Sale
This mortgage runs three and a
half years at 6 per eent and is
on a quarter section of land in
one of the good counties of
eastern Nebraska. Owners of
this mortgage must have the
money and will give good dis
count on the same.
Address "ABC" care of Omaha
Bee. '
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25cat all druggists.,
Per on all? eontfeetl, all expense tovn
to Florid and Havana leave Omaha Jan
nary lMh, February Sftth, March 12th.
For particolara inquire, of
W. E. BOCK C P. A, C M. A Si P. fty.
1317 FaraaM 5U Osaka, Neb.
Blockade Which Tied Up Traf
' fic for Sixteen Honrs is
Cleared Up.
swnw form teet deep
After being completely tied up for
sixteen hours, Union Pacific trains
have begun to move again, and it is
expected that passenger traffic along
this line will be returned to normal
before many more hours. .
' For sixteen hours not a train'
moved on the Union Pacific between.
Laramie and Rawlings, in Wyoming.'
A snow blockade of thirty miles pre
vented the turning of a wheel. Four
feet of snow covered the track for
this distance and, with a fierce wind
blowing the snow so that a person
could not see his hand extended out
in front of him, it was found impossi
ble to clear away the blockade until
the storm abated sufficiently for the
crews to go to work.
Over twenty trains were tied up by
the blockade. Many of these trains
were annulled and resumed their
journey as sections of other trains.
Several trains coming into Omaha
from the west are running in four
and five sections. ,
The blockade has been cleared
away and as soon as the annulled
trains reach their destinations it is
believed the traffic will be quickly re- ,
stored to normal.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Home Bh!W?I!
will pay
on $1.20 val-
U shares Jan.
1st or 8.4
on par. ,
Surplus Profits in five
years have increased the
valuation of shares from
$1.00 to $1.20.
' They will be more Jan
uary 1st.
f You can order now and
, save the increase. Shares
. $1.20 each in any number
American Security Co.
Fiscal Agents ":
1 17th and Douglas Sts
O in aha, Neb. ,
Start the
New Year
By having your 'goods
packed, moved, stored
and shipped the right
way our way.
"Safety First"
806 So. 16th St
, Phone Doug. 4163.
bster 202
Daily 2U5 Niht SilS Thla Week
Alien at, riewara
Bernard St Scartb;
Frisco; Brooks A
Lereilar Orpheum
Travel Weeklv.
PRICES Gallery, lOei Beat Seat., (except
Saturday an. Sunday), 2&C.
li if u IB, mvh, ouv ana , -JV.
SPECIAL Two Shows New Year'e Eva.
3UNLTAT niUrll, UblCMBr-K 31
First Show, 7:30; Second Show, 9 140
, , Seats Now Sell tn(
r Mats., 15-U-Me.
n't, U-tS-SeVISe.
Lew Kelly "Hello, H-Y.".
Mr. Kelly as "Prof. Dope" Exactly ss Dreteatnl
br sua ISO times ta tee Columbia Theater. Bread
war. last Hunmer. Lon II w.n i.. t.., ,r...
M ujH'?h. "" envaeel allow In Uiwa.
trmai rerrormanee Friday Nile.)
Ladles' Dime Matinee Week Days.
Sat Mat. ft Wk: "20th Century Maids."
HertJe Beau. Claudia Celeman
Frea-Act Feature Photoplay
'WAV' flMiiikUtS
A Deliahtiul Comedy With a Good Stwy
and Romance.
TA Theater af ,
First Presentations
' in ...