Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1916, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Use the telephone for
Bee Want Ad. Tyler 1000
VOL. XL VI. NO. 167.
tt TrilM. tt HtNIt,
Representatives 'of Koads and
Brotherhoods Fail to Beach
Agreement on Adamson
Eight-Hour Law.
Unionists Oppose Plan of Set-
tlement Along Lines of
" ' Switchmen Award. .
New York, Dec. 28. Resumption
of conferences here today between
representatives of the railroads and
the employes brotherhoods was
quickly terminated. The conferees
had been in session less than two
hours when an adjournment was
taken and no announcement was made
as to whether future 'meetings would
be held..' The brotherhood chiefs
. were obviously disturbed when the
session ' ended. Neither side would
be quoted as to what had taken place.
It was learned, however, that the
roads suggested that the dispute be
tween them over the application of
the Adamson law, if upheld by the
supreme court, be settled on the basis
of the switchmen's award which, the
railroad managers held, gave the
switchmen on the roads involved nine
' hours pay for eight hours of work.
Representatives of the brother
hoods, it was asserted, declined to ac
cept a settlement on such a' basis.
They are declared to have pointed in
sistently to the Adamson act and to
have demanded that an agreement be
reached under the act. Such a settle
ment they held would grant them
ten hours n v for eight hours of work.
It was, uV lerstood that during the
conference today, the brotherhoods
suggested the creation of a federal
commission representing both sides,
which would consider and settle ar
bitrarily all future disputes regardless
of whether the Adamson act was de
clared constitutional. The proposal
was not given consideration, however,
it was stated in view of the failure
of the conferees to agree on how the
act ought to be worked out.
The railroad managers will continue
their individual conferences here, it
was stated. The plans of the brother
hoods were not announced.
Night Patrolman
Seeks to Subdue
. Rapid City, S. D., Dec. 28. (Spe
cial Telegram.) As Night Patrolman
Hawks entered a hotel here at an
early hour this morning in response
to a call for help, Ehsor Spiking shot
Him through the heart, killing him in
stantly. Spiking had been making
disturbance in the hotel, seeking to see
a woman with whom he was friendly.'
The hotel manager had called the
patrolman. Spiking is thought to have
been intoxicated. He is a carpenter
and has been serving on a jury in
court. ,
The sheriff and deputies were called
and found Spiking holding people who
had been aroused at the hotel in the
dining room. He made a dash
through a back door, but was caught.
Answer of Carranza is
Now in Lane's Hands
Washington, Dec. 28. Luis Ca
brera, chairman of the Mexican com
mission, has arrived, bearing the
answer of Carranza to the demand of
the American representatives that he
ratify or repudiate the protocol signed
at Atlantic. City. He has made ar
rangements with Secretary Lane to
submit the answer today.
The character of Carranza's reply
has not been reveale,, but it was
generally believed it i was another
suggestion for modifications and con
tained the insistence that the Ameri
can troops in Mexico be withdrawn
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair, colder.
. Temperatures at Omaha YwUrday.
Hour. Deg".
Highest yesterday
Lowest yesterday
Mean temperature .
Precipitation ... . .
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
compared with the last two years:
Normal temperature 22
Deficiency for the day 11
Total excess since March 1 187
Normal precipitation 02 inch
Deficiency for the day 02 inch
Total rainfall since March f .. .10. 62 Inches.
Deficiency since March 1 12. inches
Deficiency for cor. period, llfi. 2.14 Inches
Deficiency for cor, period, 1114. 1. 20 Inches
Benorts From Stations at 7. P. M.
Station and State Temp. High
of Weather. 7 p.m. ' est,
Cheyenne, clear 4
Davenport, clear IS
Denver, clear 8
Des Moines, pt cloudy 14
Dodge City. pt. cloudy 23
Tender, clear
North Plat tec clear,,. $
umaha, clear IS
Pueblo, clear 20
Salt Lake City, cloudy . IS
Santa Fe, clear 24
Sheridan, part cloudy. 4
Sioux City, clear.,...
v&lentlne. clear 4
T" indicates trace or precipitation,
Indicates below sera.
L. A. WBUJH. Meteorologist
a 6 a. m 7
& A 7 a. m 6
jft Vja a A 8a. ra
VJy t a. m
2 I 10 a, m 7
fwA. M I 11 m
WGjyffiV? JL
yrJU w D 1 p. m is
2 p. m... 17
YtrtTSa 5 P- m , iff
fiSfUJWtt 6 p. m 15
' ' 7 p. m it
I p. m li
CompmratlTe Loral ltecordi.
Iffll. 11&, 1914. 1611.
.. 17 2 SZ S2
I 22 ' it
.. 13 17 27 24
.00 .00 .01 .00
Nebraska Troops Reaching
Fort Crook Saturday to Be
Greeted by a Band.
Mayor Dahlman appointed Com
missioners Butler, Jardine and Kugel
to serve as a committee to make suit
able arrangements to receive the re
turning Nebraska National Guard sol
diers from the Mexican border.
It is expected the troops will ar
rive at Fort Crook Saturday after
noon or evening. The Postoffice band
has been offered for the occasion and
the Elks will co-operate.
The Fourth Nebraska regiment left
Llano Grande Tuesday afternoon. The
committee expects to meet the boys
at Fort Crook and everything will
be done to impress the guardsmen
with the thought that Omaha ap
preciates their services, even if they
did not get into actual battles.
. Genuine Welcome.
"We were not able to give the sol
diers the send-off they deserved, -o
it is up to us to make their home
coming a genuine welcome," said
Mayor Dahlman at a meeting of the
city council.
An automobile party from the city
hall to Fort Crook will be a feature
of the reception.
The guardsmen will be encamped
at Fort Crook until mustered out of
the federal service.
Every Man, Woman
And Child Invited
To the Reception
Salt Lake City1, Utah, Dec. 28.
Departing from the time-honor cus
tom of inaugural balls, with all their
pomp and splendor, Governor-elect
and Mrs. Simon Bamberger have an
nounced that they will give an inau
gural reception in true democratic
style at the capitol the night of Janu
ary 5.
The reception will be held from 8
to 10 o'clock and will be a public af
fair. No special invitations will be
issued and no tickets will be sold.
Every man, woman and child in Utah
is invited to come and get acquainted
with the chief executive and the first
lady of the state, as well as the newly
elected officers.
It will be a strictly informal fuii
tion. The man in overalls and the
woman in calico will be just as wel
come as the man in evening clothes
and the woman in silks. The governor-elect
has announced that this is
to be his and Mrs. Bamberger's inau
gural, reception, strictly non-partisan
and non-sectarian and that he will
foot all the bills. He lays emphasis
on the fact that it is to be a demo
cratic affair, tnly democratic with a
small "d."
Trade Unions and
Societies Wishing ,
Success for Wilson
The Hague, Dec. 28. (Via Lon
don, Dec. 28. Floods of cablegrams
are being sent to President Wilson by
trade unions, social welfare societies,
religious bodies of all denominations
and Other organizations, wishing him
success in what they regard as his ef
forts I to bring about peace. The
Dutch" socialist party sent the follow
ing message to the president today:
'The Dutch socialist party supports
in the strongest way your initiative
in favor of peace and appeals to the
belligerent powers to accept your
proposal" ' ,
The newspapers, in voluminous ar
ticles, regard the situation rather
hopefully, with the exception of the
anti-German Telegraf, which favors
a war to a finish and sneers at Ger
many's answer, using the words "If
it can be called an answer." The
Telegraaf says the central powers
are grateful to President Wilson.
New Wealth Acts
As Dynamo Within
George A, Roberts
Because his "war brides" have been
so good to him as to have presented
him with about a half million dollars
is not reason enough for George A.
Roberts, Omaha grain v man, to sit
back and rest. Instead, he has
bought, for more than $100,000, the
South Side grain elevator of the Up
dike Elevator company.
"I am new in the elevator business,
but I have faith in Omaha's future,"
said Mr. Roberts, discussing his new
venture. "I believe this city is com
ing to the front rapidly and can sup
port not only one, but many more
Mr. Roberts will get possession of
his new purchase just as soon as the
Updike concern can use its new
1,500,000-bushel elevator now being
built in Council Bluffs.
Cigars from California -Likely
to Be Explosive
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 28. Seven
teen cigar "bombs" of twenty-five,
mailed on a train in California to ad
dresses in Iowa, Nebraska and other
middle western states and along the
Pacific coast, have yet to be accounted
for, according to postoffice inspectors
The "bombs" were mailed Decem
ber 22. One of them was received
by a man in Brawley, Cal., and in an
attempt to smoke the cigar he was
severely injured about the face. Seven
other of the "bombs" have been
traced to their destinations. Post
masters in various towns and cities
throughout the country have been
asked to watch for the cigar packages.
Jury Finds Against Defendants
in Celebrated Federal Court
Case After Being Out
Six Hours.
Trial Is One of Costliest and
Longest in History of the
Local U. S. Court.
Albert A. Hastings, Silver Creek,
Neb., guilty.
Charles W. West, Lincoln, guilty.
, J. E. Shircliff, Sauke Center, Minn,
B. F. Burwinkle, guilty.
John Bolecy, Omaha, guilty; mercy
of court recommended.
F. Guidinger, Minneapolis,, not
guilty. v
W. Hinkley, Brayton, S. D., guilty.
J. Sidney Smith, Omaha, guilty.
A. C. Smith, Omaha, guilty.
..Charles M. Thompson, Omaha,
guilty; mercy of court recommended.
Joseph C. Wharton, McCracken,
Kan, pleaded guilty.
A. O. Perry, Omaha, pleaded guilty.
L. R. West, Osceola, la., dismissed.
- The "wild horse" jury, after being
out six hours and twenty minutes,
brought in verdicts yesterday after
noon branding nine of the eleven de
fendants "guilty" on the charge of
conspiring to use the mails to defraud
in the selling of wild mustangs on the
government reserve in Coconino
county, Arizona.
F. Guidinger of Minneapolis and
L. R. West of Osceola, la., were
found not guilty and exonerated of
all blame in the fraud. Judge Wood
rough had instructed the jury that
not enough prima facia evidence had
been shown by the government to
hold the latter in connection with
the case and ordered the jurymen not
to bring a verdict of guilty against
Recommends Leniency.
As to John Bolecy and Charles M.
Thompson, both of this city, the jury
recommended that the leniency of the
Omaha and Joseph C. Wharton of
McCracken, Kan., entered pleas of
guilty prior to the beginning of the
The defendants were allowed to re
tain their liberty on their former
bonds and were given thirty days be
fore -sentence -is- to -Ie- imposedito
file motions before the court.
Upon hearing the verdict, all of the
defendants found guilty said that they
would ask for a new trial, and if that
was refused, declared they would ap
peal the case. ' -
One of the dramatic incidents of
the case occurred at the reading of
the verdicts, when Mrs. A. Hastings,
wife of Al Hastings, Silver Creek,
Neb., burst into tears upon hearing
the conviction of her husband. One
of her two small boys cried: "You
shan't take my papa; I won't let you."
Several other of the defendants' wives
burst into tears.
Harks Back to 1914.
In 1914 the federal grand jury in
dicted forty-two persons for having
a hand in the selling of phantom and
imaginary wild horses which the
United States Live Stock company
claimed were running the range in
Coconino county. Since the first in
dictment was returned a number of
the defendants have died and others
have been released from. the. charge.
Several others have been granted
separate'trials, and besides the thir
teen tried the last three weeks
charges still remain against fifteen.
The case was one of the costliest
and longest ever tried at the federal
court here. The government subpoe
naed nearly 100 witnesses from all
parts of the country, while witnesses
for the defense totaled half this num
ber. .
Fife Threatens to
Destroy Brewing
Company's Plant
Fire starting from either defective
wiring or an overturned stove, broke
out inthe warehouse and cold stor
age plant of the Schlitz Brewing
compony at Ninth and Leavenworth
streets early last evening and threat
ened to destroy the entire group of
The fire department made little
headway in extinguishing the blaze,
as exploding barrels of beer gave it
fresh starts in dozens of places as
fast as the flames were conquered
in other parts of the plant. There
were several hundred barrels of beer
stor in the warehouse.
Black Hills Forest Roads
To Be Officially Logged
Deadwood, S. D., Dec. 28. Auto
mobile roads within the Black Hills
forest will be logged by the forest
officers for the benefit of automobile
tourists, according to a statement
issued by the office of the forest su
perintendent. It is planned to have this work
completed before the 1917 tourist
season opens. The data is to be
gathered in such form as to be in
convenient shape for use of travelers
in the Hills region. Particular ef
fort will be given to roads that will
be of interest to the tourist who
comes from a distance. Routes of
travel will be laid out so that tourists
may take the most convenient method
in traveling through the forest and
still see the most important places of
These roads logs will cover all in
formation as to roads, bridges, hills,
stopping places, and other points of
convenience, the statement says.
Striking a
Order Looking to Relieving the
Freight Congestion of Roads
Ready to Be Issued.
Washington, Dec. 28. Representa
tives of railroads throughout the
country today appeared before the In
terstate Commerce commission to
show cause why the' . commission
should not take into its own hands
the car shortage situation heretofore
dealt with by the roads themselves
and issue drastic ordefs to relieve
congestion. f ; i
TJie.. rdatw .WhiU-tle-.omm!SSKii
apparently is prepared to issue, unless
the roads show cause why it should
not, would require the roads to re
turn to connecting lines all foreign
cars on' their tracks after unloading.
Heretofore the railroads have en
deavored to cope with the situation
by requiring roads in the east, where
the congestion is greater, to return
to connecting lines monthly a larger
number of foreign cars than received.
Disregard Requirement
This requirement is said to have
been largely disregarded by certain
eastern roads with resultant upset of
the relief plans.
While congestion of traffic is said
to be somewhat less at present than
recently, the improvement in condi
tions apparently has not been as rapid
as the commission expected it
would be.
One of the phases of today's hear
ing was the claim advanced by cer
tain railroad interests that the com
mission apparently was without
authority to issue such an order as
cited in today's summons.
George Hodges, secretary of the
car service committee created by the
American Railway association, the
first witness, said that it had been
agreed that the committee should have
all the authority of the railroad ex
ecutives over car. distribution. The
Grand Trunk, he said, had refused to
be bound by the rules, which had im
posed an increase in the per diem
rate for rental. He said thirty-seven
inspectors were out checking up the
Grocers Fear Ink
Flavor if Storage
Eggs Are Stamped
New York, Dec. 28. Danger of an
ink flavor in coffee settled by egg
shells was advanced as one reason
against stamping "cold, storage" on
eggs in argument before the supreme
court, on application of John J. Dil
lon, state commissioner of foods and
markets, for an injunction against
sellinK eggs not so marked. An
other argument was that the individ
uality of eggs as to shape made the
labeling of each one impracticable.
The arguments were presented by
grocerymen's counsel. A represen
tative of the state attorney general's
office argued in support of the appli
cation that the failure of some stores
to apprise their customers of the sort
of eggs they were buying made the
stamp order necessary. The court
reserved a decision.
Bryan the Speaker at the
Prohibition Convention
Lexington, Ky Dec. 28. The na
tional convention of the Intercolle
giate Prohibition association, which
opened here at 2 o'clock this after
noon had William J. Bryan as the
chief speaker. He came as' a cham
pion of national prohibition.
Prior to Mr. Bryan's address Mayor
James C. Rogers delivered an address
of welcome on behalf of.the city and
Colonel George W. Bain, veteran pro
hibition orator, welcomed the conven
tion on behalf of the temperance or
ganizations of Lexington. Dr. D.
Leigh Colvin, national president of
the Intercollegiate Prohibition asso
ciation, presided. i .
Balance - Be Honest With Yourself
Nebraska Metropolis Selected
Headquarters for Fifth Good
Roads Division.
Omaha has been selected is head
quarters for the fifth, federal good
roads' division. This means that the
federal government work on good
roads in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and
Missouri will be administered from
Omaha. ,
The government will in all prob
ability take quarters for this, admin
istrative office in-. the Pouglas county
court house. A few weeks ago County
Commissioner John Lynch notified
Congressman Lobeck that the com
missioners would be glad to provide
quarters in the court house for this
office if it were located at Omaha.
Kansas City was in the field seeking
to be chosen as headquarters for the
fifth district.
The federal government has ap
propriated a good roads fund, of
which $8,500,000 is apportioned to the
district of Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa
and Missouri. The condition is that
before the federal money is available
for road building in any state, that
state must appropriate an amount of
money for roads, equal to the amount
of federal money it seeks to use.
Thus if Nebraska hopes to get $1,500,
000 of the federal money for road
building in the state, the-legislature
this winter must appropriate that
amount for roads. The work of con
structing the roads is to be super
vised and managed by the govern
ment office in Omaha. 1
Dakota Legislature
Asked to Take Part
In Prohibition War
Pierre, S. D., 28. One of the most
vital issues to come before the law
makers of South Dakota is a pro
posed law which will put into force
the prohibition amendment to the
state constitution, adopted by the
voters in the November election. It
is necessary that the legislature pass
an act placing a penalty upon the vio
lation of the prohibition measure be
fore the law becomes operative. Re
ports indicate a general demand
throughout the state that the law be
made as stringent as possible and
that heavy penalties be placed upon
the violation of the prohibition pro
vision. Some of the most ardent
prohibition supporters are pressing
for a clause which will prohibit the
importation of liquor into the state
for home consumption.
Another important measure, which
probably will be considered, is legisla
tion which would curb the activities
of the. so-called I. W. W. bands that
have caused riots throughout the
state, virtually seizing trains and
menacing towns in the agricultural
districts in the harvest season.
Suffrage will come up for consid
eration, it is believed. The women
of the state undaunted by their de
feat in the former elections, will ask
for a re-submission of the suffrage
amendment to the voters in the next
general election to be held in 1918.
At a recent meeting of the South Da
kota Universal Suffrage league the
women passed a resolution calling
for a new vote and an active cam
paign is being waged throughout the
state for its consideration.
Steamer Supposed to Have
Been Lost Reaches Port
Block Island, R. I., Dec. 28. The
Clyde line steame Ozama, for which
four coast guard cutters had been
searching along the New England
coast, anchored inside the break
water here today. -
The Ozama left Portland, Me., De
cember 21 for New York, and had
not been heard from until it appeared
here. It is believed ft was blown to
sea in the storms uf the last week.
Hope of Finding Steamer that
Sent Distress Calls Christ
mas Day is Abandoned.
Nantucket, Mass., Dec. 28. The
steamship Maryland is regarded as
probably lost. Search for the vessel
and crew by the coast guard cutters
Acushnet and Gresham, begun after
the Maryland's wireless calls of dis
tress were suddenly silenced Christ
mas night, was abandoned without
having developed any trace of the
steamship by either. Flotsam found
by the cutters could not be identi
fied as being' from the 'Maryland
Hope for the safety of the steamer's
thirty odd men lies in the possibility
that they were picked, up from the
ship's boats by a passing steamer.
The cutter had circled for more
than thirty hours in the vicinity of
the position given by the Maryland's
wireless operator. When they turned
back today from their search they
took tip the hunt for another missing
vessel, the steamer Ozama of the
Clyde line, bound from Portland, Mel,
for New York, without cargo. Since
leaving Portland, December 1, the
steamer had not been reported and
Clyde line officials sought the assis
tance of the coast guard service in
searching for their craft.
Germany Asserts
Delto Was Chartered
To the Belligerents
Berlin, Dec. 28. (Via London, Dec.
28.) The reply of the German gov
ernment to another of the American
inquiries in regard to steamships sunk
by submarines, in this instance relat
ing to the destruction of the Nor
wegian steamship Delto with Amer
icans in the crew, asserts that the
steamship was chartered for trans
port purposes to a belligerent gov
ernment and hence its destruction
was legitimate.
This reply which has been delivered
to the American embassy says that
so far as was possible the safety of
the crew was provided for. The men
were given half an hour in which to
enter the boats. The weather was
clear and the distance to the shore
was not excessive.
The settlement of the Marina case,
which hinges on the question
whether the steamship was a govern
ment transport, is being delayed pend
ing receipt of further advices from
Washington. The American govern
ment has transmitted for information
two statements from the British gov
ernment claiming that the vessel was
engaged in carrying horses as part of
its cargo on east-bound voyages, but
was under no engagement for west
bound trips and therefore could not
be regarded as a transport. Germany
is waiting to learn what interpretation
the American government gives these
statements. There has been no fur
ther developments in the case of the
Cold Weather Causes Much
Suffering in Arjzona Towns
Tucson, Ariz., Dec. 28. Aroused by
suffering among the poor and sick
because of the lack of coal, the Asso
ciated Charities of Tucson, the mayor
and wealthy people of the city are
co-operating todav in the purchase
and distribution of wood. The rail
roads today ordered that coal ship
ments be given the right of way to
Arizona towns.
Since Christmas abnormal cold has
prevailed and the adobe houses of the
poor were not equipped for lbs emer
gency. Bread and Flour Tickets
Are to Be Issued in Sweden
Copenhagen (Via London), Dec.
28. A Stockholm dispatch to the
Kkstrabladet says that bread and
flour tickets will be issued in Sweden
after January 15. -J ,
Terms Are Substantially Same
as Contained in Message
Sent from Berlin by
Wire Last Tuesday. T
Prevention of Future Wars to
Be Taken Up After End of
the Present Conflict. ,:
Washington, Dec. 28. The offi
cial text of Germany's reply to Presi
dent Wilson's peace note was re
ceived here early today. , So far as
was known It was unaccompanied by
any other communication and was
said to be substantially the same as
the unofficial text received Tuesday
from Berlin. . -
The official text, which differs some
in phraseology from the unofficial,
"The imperial government has ac
cepted and considered in the friendly
spirit, which is apparent in the com
munication of the president, the noble
initiative of the president looking to ,
the creation of bases for the founda
tion of a lasting peace.
"Th president discloses the aim
which lies next to his heart and leaves
the choicest way open.
"A direct exchange of views ap- .
pears to the imperial government as
the most suitable way of arriving, at .
the desired result. The impeifial
government I has the honor, there- ,
fore, in the atnse of its declaration of ;
December 12, which offered the hand
for peace negotiations to propose ,
speedy assembly on neutral ground
of delegates of the warring states. ,
"It is also the view of the imperial ,
government that the great work for
the prevention of future wars can
first be taken up only after the end
ing of the present conflict of exhaus-"
tion. The imperial government is,
ready when this point has been
reached to co-operate with the United
States in this sublime task."
Germany Will Not Block Way. ;
Germany, it was made known, wilt
not permit the road to peace nego
tiations to be blocked by a refusal of
the entente belligerents to enter a,
conference without prior knowledge
of its terms. It has been forecasted:
that the entente powers would base
a refusal on such a condition. .
, The central powers are represented t
as willing to permit a confidential
exchange-of -broad tentative terms ...
through President Wilson, should it
become necessary to do so to bridge
the gap which threatens to prevent a
gathering of peace delegates. -There :
were ' broad intimations today that-
(Continue rf T . CM OM.)
Avalanche in Alps .V
Threatens to Wipe
Out Entire Village
Berne' (Via x'aris), Dec 28.-The
destruction of the village of Cham
poy, a tourist resort in the canton of
Valais, is threatened by the sudden
onset of a number of avalanches in
the Alps, coupled with- a land slide. I
Several houses have been erushed
and the whole population has evacu
ated the village. Swiss troops and
200 interned French prisoners of war
are working day and night to pre
serve the rest of the village. ,! i ' . j '
An enormous avalanche has swept
away many Alpine huts near bun
plon pass, killing two men and many
Thirty Thousand-Dollar
Loss by Fire at Denver
Denver, Colo., Dec. 28. Damage
n( Ctflrifin was r-aufleil tiV a fire in the
building of the Proudftt-Ormsby Cpm-
- .L 1- i i .1..
mission company, in inc ncan ui wis
wholesale district, early today. .
Frozen water mains were interfering
with the, work of the fire department.
One fireman was slightly Injured.
Cause of the fire is unknown. I
Fifth Raise in Oil Prices
In the Last Thirty Days
Independence, Kan, Dec. 28. The
fifth increase within thirty days of 10
cents a barrel for crude oil was posted
here today by the Prairie Oil and Ga
company. The new price is $1.40. i
Over Hundred Thousand
For Electric Street Lights
City Electrician Curran advised the
city council that $117,500 will be "
available during 1917 for maintenance
of electric street lights.
No Bee Issue '
New Year's Day '
The Bee will observe the
New Year's day holiday,
along with the other Oma
ha dailies, by omitting
publication for that day.
pur usual exhaustive sta
tistical review of Omaha's
i dust rial progress and
other activities will be
printed in our Sunday is
sue. As the edition will be
strictly limited because of
the white paper shortage,
you will please order in ad
vance all extra copies which
you may want to send out-of-town
Annual Review Sunday
Get Your Ads in Early .