THE BEE: OMAHA, DECEMBER 1916. Want-Ad Rates CASH WITH ORDER. I i per word each Insertion - (Set solid no dlsolay.) Ada Paragraphed or Pat' Id Dlsplsr Style. to par Una......... ona tlma T par Una thraa conseeotrva timaa (Count els worda to tba Una.) CBAItOH BATES. la par tlna... ana tlma Is par Una thraa eenaecottva tlmea (Co ant six words to tha Una.l Rparlal Bataat ina - nrf Ranch Lands. fe par Una. ........ .three oonaaratlva tlmao (Connt Hi worda U tha Una.) FOREIOV ADVERTISIJIO tTNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS. Ir Bar word... ana til ISr par word thraa cnnsecotlya tlmeo NO AD TAKKN rOR LESS THA A TOTAL OF Ma OB LaWH . THAU la A DAY. CARDS OF THANKS, DEATH AND TJ- KRUL NOTICES. par Una ...each Insertion rillnlinam eharf M cents.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (Na ehance of copy allawad.) Ona Una M Two linos or mora par Una 11.10 (Coast aim words to tha Uas.1 (Contract rataa as application.) THE BEE win not pa responsible (or not than ana Incorrect lasartlon ae an edrer. tlsement ordarad for mora than ona tlma. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts riven ay Tha Baa In payment for Want Ads. as no mistake csn ha rectifies witnovc mem. USB THE TELEPHONE If yets cannot con venient) hrtn- ar.Jteod la your sds. Ask " for Want tlvHBt. and rou will re ceive tha eemr food aarvlca sa when oa v Uvarug your ad at tha of flea. . -t. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMN! CLOSE. BTENINO EDITIONS 1I: M. yORNINO EDITIONS ,...:! P. X. MOVIE PROGRAM. fsnau affarlsars of the Mel Matte. Pie lira Theaters la Omaha, (Change Pally.) Downtown. PRINCESS. 1117-1 DOUQLAS i to PRESENTED HERE FOB la , ANOTHER BIO DAT. A BRAND NEW SERIAL, with ' FRANCIS FORD and ORACB ODNARD, "THE PURPLE MASK." LAST EPISODE OF- THE , TELLOW MENACE." North. DIAMOND, I4TH AND LAKE THE HOUSE OF THREE DEUCES." , (ITH GRANT POLICE REPORTER.). , "TARGET OF DREAMS" ' -THE ROAD TO FAME." ORAND. 1ITU AND BINNET WILFRED LUCAS IN 'THE RUMMY." " J4TH AND LOTHROP ALICE BRADY . "MISS PETTICOATS." South. AI'OLLO, IITHAND LEAVENWORTH PARAMOUNT PICTURE, MAT MURRAY In . i , 'TO HAVE AND TO'HOLD." BOULEVARD. I3D AND LEAVENWORTH EDNA GOODRICH, in 'THE HOUSE OF LIES PARAMOUNT PICTOORAPH. COLUMBIA, 10TH AND HICKORY PATHS PRESENTS , "LOVE TRAIL." i - "PHIELDINO SHADOW." poatjjT. " ififii" 'lbaVenworth 'THE". SHJRJ nmG SHADOW". , ,v DKAMA x AND COMEDY. West. INUKE. , UST ,AND UNDERWOOD LEW FIELDS in "THE MAN WHO STOOD STILT," TWO-RKKL KEYSTONE COMEDY. MONROE, 1616 FARNAM CARLYLB BLACKWEI.L, IN 1 "SHADOWS OF DOUBT." , OMAHA. 40TU AND DODGE BEN WILSON In 'THE MAINSPRING." . 1 ; ALSO A QOOD COMEDY. ' South Side. ORPHEUM, SITU AND U "LABS OF THE HIMriERI.ANDH." With ' IIRI.KN HOLMIJS. ' "THE WICKED CITV," I "REHABILITATED."' CARD OF THANKS, , ' Wa deaira to' thank the many friends who were so kind to us during tha Illness, death and hurtal of our beloved daughter, Garnet. MR. AND MRS. W, K. GIDEON, ane'a Tt-nimfflnffmawKJae FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V tiUFFY A JOHNSTON, emhalmera and ra 7 neral directors. tn S. llth, Tyler Kit. blliJJE KIEPB1., undertaken and anv naJmerm 1 U a nth St. Douglas Ills. FtORISTS. uust uualit:: cut (-lowers or . plants., Art Combinations shipped etfefy. where,, Excellent service to our custom era In psst years recommends. HESS A ' BWOBODA. 1411 Farnam Bt Doug, nil. LARGEST ASSOKTMUNT of fresh Dowers. delivered or shipped anywhere, L. HEN. PERSON, 1511 Farnsm St, Pous:. 1111; ?r" LEfcLLAfcMON lilt Douglas St. ' ' Doog, 1841. PARKER Flower Shop. Ill 8. nth. I). 11. , AJOONAOHIIE. 1!S llariiey, Doug. 1081. MATH, National Florlat. 1M Farnam St FRATERNAL ORDERS. , CROUNHE HALL. . Opposite noatofflce. New halt for 'lodge maetiugs and dances. Excellent floor, YOUNG A DOHKRTY. lit Brandeis Theater fildg. Doog. 1171, MARRIAGE LICENSE?. Per rnUit to "wed, nave been issued to the following: Nm and Residence. : " , xge. Frank Voiek, Omaha ......., 33 aUa-ry JotuiDk, Omh. i Kloyd L. Rydar, Omaha - Urace Johnaon, Ottawa, Kan. Si Willtam KraJ. Omaha. 21 Lllllt Wolk. Omaha,. , j Ban P. Comatock, Leran, la...,,. it Kay B. Bock, Council BlulTa, U. ....... 2i M. Hobart Coonrart, Omaha.... 1 Carria M. Batty. Omha.. , 20 Clarem R, Logan, Moornm, Neb..., St Vlrdat M. La, Bounty, Moortbeld, Nb. tS Mathiaa P. Smith, Omah. ss Mary Walltn, Omaha.,,,., BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Htrths Ouiserpe alia Angelina BeTiar. ntlna. Iltl South Slila, girt; Carmela and Addalerate Urero, H orlh Tweflty-lirtli avonue, hoy; OultH'ppe and Marls Spedale. 113! North Seventeenth, girl; Milan and Mlllca Drakeullc, :I0 W, boy; Milan and Anna Topolovtc, snot R, boyt Frank and Mary Welna, lilt South Twonty-eaventh. boy; Elmer and leabella Hhlrely, J:0l North Twenty-flflh avenue, boy. Deaths Frederick Baker, !, Ill Sooth Thiny-drst; charle. W. Chllua, SI. alio !orth Slstieth avenue', Ella C. Lander, l l North Klfty-llrst; Uulsepplna Franco I month, 1110 North Seventeenth; A, C Kllnn, 41, 1311 Fowler avenue: Mlas Lena Scblflbanur. ll, . in ),, Thlrty-nlnth; fcdward Hallat. J jnonths, Jill Li Henry W. Kearney. . hospital; Thomas Pettlt. II, 14 North Thirty-second. J BUILDINO PERMITS. The following building permit, have. been Issued: Km J, Moore. 471 North Thlrty-grat avonue, frame dwelling, J.m; ttlchard Mathear, 411, California, frame dwelling IJ.M. MUikln Kibtn, 111! Barney, frame dwelling. a,iM, ', , SPECIAL NOTICE 1 a gtockwell. corsets. Baldrtga bloo7 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IP you loao any thin and will advertise here, yog will aurcly rcovir It If found by an horteat nraon. Rttmarkablo recov ciioa ara brought about every day through in la co itmn. THK HONK8T WAT If you And omthlnr of value, or a keepaako of value only to the owner, la to Insert a small ad. The owner of the art tele In moat casts Is will iny lo refund thr coat of advertising. OMAHA it COrNClirBLUKPOTRlsW RAILWAY COMPANY. Parsons hsvlns last iirns srllfls wniild fdo well to rail up the office of the Omaha rounrtl BlulTa Struct Railway com pan; to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. , Many articles aah day se turned In and tba company la anxious to restore tnera. to the rightful owners. Ca Tyler o. STOLEN- 17 Pord. bad ly sea rred and muddy, engine No. 1430666, Iowa Heense. nearly new, Ooodyear'a tires, non-skid back; contains telephone supplies under oaca seat cuaniOB Notiry r. J. ueyor, pianey, in. Reyrd for apprehension. In tha KLKv AN Hon I ha of Ills The Bee galnfd. , . .t.1,119 paid ads MORIO THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gain of (be other two Omaha nanera. Lowest Rate. Best Results. Beat Service LOST Between 10th and Hickory and M0 mrKory, a bill fold containing currency and silver; city engineer's license and lodge receipt. 5 reward on return to C u. HcsiuiiFn, 830 Hickory. TAKK.V by mistake from Union station, Saturday at 1 a, m.. one black bag ron talnlng tady'a apparel; liberal reward tor return ot same with oenlents Intact. Teiepnone tnjutn j7, LOST A pair of amethyst rosary beads wnn name aoa aata; two beads mteaing. Plnder pleaae return to K. Kennedy, Hay den Bros.' lace dept. and receive reward. LOST By South Side carrier boy. Satur- ay, (MCKetbooK and bag containing montjy. Aswaro. UOSIIO iMllSSOn, 91 ii B. wt. LOST Sunday, between )5th and Poppte. ion ana zrin ana Lrsavenwortb 8ts child s white fur scarf. Reward. 1101 8. iftitt Ave. 'Phone Harney 1077. FOUND . , a sanitary Soda Fountain. ORKEN'8 PHARMACY. 16th and Howard. LOST Diamond rlna at ITnlon ststlnn ttrdajM nighlj libera reward. Webster 4411. LOST Mink muff In Hay den' a basement uaiuraay night. Howard. Call Benson 136. LOST Red fos fur In Hayden's store Satur nay nignt. wenstor 779. Reward, LONT Black fur gauntlet glove. Reward, mono Webster lit. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods? In tha ELEVEN Months of 111! Tha Baa valued. ...11,110 paid ads MURK THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED sain of the other two Omaha Daoara. Lowest Hsts. Best Results. Best Servlca. HIOH-ORADK, new furniture, including Ar- aeou ana vegnesten rugs fsxiz); solid brass bads, bo aprlngs; beautiful Clroas lan 4reaseri also other desirable articles. weDster tB. 8TOVES. ALL KINDS. See us first. Prloes right, uuy Furniture Co., 107 8. 14th uoyai rurnituro co., zii N. uth St BUY a Little Giant Ironing taole. It slvas ansoluto satisfaction. The LIUlo Giant Manufacturing Co., Omaha. STOVES, furniture, run. bddlng and linen ot all kinds. Open Dolgoff, 1111 N. 24th. St till 9 p. Pianos and Muaicm Instrument!. FOR SALE Bueac her, low pttoh. tenor. aaiophone with oaas, sliver-plated, almost new. fioo casn. writs u, i. jJlcklnaon, " Store and Office Fixtures. FOR flALB Abstract books, 100 volumes, record anal index syatem 1 only sot of abstract books la oounty. 01 171, Tecumaen. neo, Sewing Machines. ' SEWING MACHIN13S We rent, repair, sell needles and parts 1 sui sawing marntnee, t 1 MICKRIB : NEBRASKA CVCLU CO, ' Hth and Harney fits. Doug. 166 Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALK BILLIARD TABLKS, Brand new, oaronr and pocket, with eomnte outflt, l H; second-hand tables at re dueod prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar stores, drug, deii eateaan and anda fountain Axturea, THB BKUNHWIOK-BALKU-COLLUNDKR , CO,, tuf-tua noutn lvtn t. BARBICK shop and pool hall, Will, sell 1107 rar- pool table separately. nam St. Red Vm, 1 Machinery and Engines. NKW AND" 8Kt'ONi H AND"" MOTORIC UXl-KHT BLKC'THICIANS AND MACHINISTS. 1 LB BRON BLRUTRICAL WORKS, , 1 311-30 Bo. 12th Bt, O nulia. BO II, KltS, steam, electric, turn engines, pipes. ,Qroas wrecking Co., Uls C amine. Printing and Office Supplies. " COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., alao public mono. Phone for prices, Douglas ssoa.' 6i9 raxton bik. Q13T our prtcea on job printing. UNITKU eTATSsB HlNX"NO CO., Boe Bldg. Douglas 1171, WATKRS BARNHAttT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel, Doug. lltO, S!4 8. ISth St. Typewriters snd Supplies. NBW machines sold the same as rent $1 rr month, See us before you buy or rent Shipped any place en ten days rree inai. tuita Typewriter Kxchangu, 410 R. Jtth St.. Omaha, Neb, 1 TYI'BWRITKRS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver tvuewrller 1 months far Central Typewriting Kxobaugo, HQp ram am. KM1NUTONH, Monarchs and Smyth Pre- miera for rent; sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting company. D, 1284. WW BUT. i sell and exchange typawrtters. Guaranteed typewriters, $10 up. Writs for Hat. Midland Co,, Bee Bids. CARBON paper $1 a box andup; 'second eherta, bdc a ream. Midland Co. D. 2147. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- trcaaea made over In now ticks at half the price of new ones. I All youi; own foathera back Whan we renovate, . 1807 Cuming St. Douelas 1407. ' ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE. rrwrteeniB ana pougiaa. Bottled la bond whtaky, o. 11.00, $1.11, full quart ' MY high atandard of quality will be main tained; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelle whiaky, 13.34; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock, mall order houce.1 Doug. TICK, 11J-124 N. 16th St. DICHKtf, aaffa. scalee, showcasea. shelving. etc, Wa bauy, )). Omaha Fixture and Supply Co,. 41 4-14-18 B. 11th. Doug. 1724. DRT KINDL1NQ WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. UARNET ,117. ONI). Iron stand and 3D job tjfcx cases. cheap, y, S. Printing Co. WANTED TO BUY. flTTTTMAM p" Highest Prlcos V W 1 1 iUViN e.r irurnlluro. Ruse. Clothes, rienoa. Offtea Kurntture, Trunks, Bhoes. I)ouglasJI7l. Res Webster 4204. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, need deeks. bought, sold and traded. .1. t Reed. Kamam. DIAMONDS.Wti.'., JENKINS" .ei1, etr. ned Kit, ttes ., Douilas ,032. WAVf to buy goals' milk" for sick child. Phone Walnut 3111. i ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOH1LS atoragel dry and clean, IS. 50 . par month. Keys.. Uounvil Bluffa, la. Accountantt. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. Bll Ramgo Bldg.. Phone Doug. SKI. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION. Side, Knife. Bus Pleating Cov Buttons, 11 ems t Itching. Neb. Pleating and Button Co., 411-1 PaalOtt Bik, R. 4141. Attorney at Law. FRANCIS MuUUAN, 511 Bee. Douglas 40M. ' Bakeries'. '. CAKV1S, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments. 2. H. Rggdwr, 1604 N. 14th. W. SI37. ORTMANS NEW KNQLAND BAKKHY. tit N. 11th . BHAJSCH Kft PU BLI: MARKKT AND HAYDKN 1IROTHKRS. 'OUR MOTTO" dU a.T'1 kiH UAhJiD QOODS ANNOUNCEMENTS Baths. DR BENDA Sulphur, steam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MA8HAOB. Private apartments for ladies, with lady attend ants. llf Farnam. Phong Doug. i77. RITT ENKOVSB i Si"nltarlum;"all hinds baths. zjv-eitjalrl Bik. lTth and Douglas. Stasis Inat., lto Hirnoy, electric and other natna, maassgo. l, 7017. Open even logs Buttons and Pleatin&r. VAN Aft HAN Dress Pleating and Button vx., tf,-t raxton hik. Doug. 3101. Accor diott, kntfe, side, space, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, ptcot rusmg. pinning, rucning, covering but tons; all atyles and all sites. Price list fro. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paz ton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha St Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATER ESS, eicellant caoH, special attention to parties and Bun day dinners. Prices reasonable. Doug. 4I, w a ntep Whoever Is Id Deed of good caterers call Mrs. Rickertt Tyler-1633 lummn waitresses. Chirorjractic. Drs; Johnston, 1324 W. ,o. W. BHjg. D. 45JI, Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment ur. iiurnorn, Kose blag Palmer school grsduate. Doug. 1347. Dr. Frances Dawson, C02-3 Rose Bid. T. li Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. P. 116 Carpenters and Contractors.. LES8ARD BOW, 1081 Cuming. Tyler lilt. Cuitotnera. LAROEHT stock of costumes for tbeatrleals sna masquerades in ths country for sale or rent. L.ieoen si son, 1114 Howard. thkatkicjai, gowns, full dress suits, for rent, an h. 17th. John Peldmsa D. ma. Detectivea. JAMia ALLAN, 31! Neville Bik. Evidence seourea in Mil cases, Tyler 11SI, Interstate Detective Ass'n., 4I Rsmga BTdg Dentiata. DrBradbury. No Pain. I12W. o. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rms, 101 Rose Bldg, D. till. DancinsT Academv. KBBP DANCING ACADEMY, 21th and Par- nam; niaaa sion. and rrl. ava. Assemblies imuxif weo. ana sat. eve. Private lessons. D. 7810. BALL TUE8.. THURS. AT.. BTTN BtVgi ITKOM. mim. hvk. ill a, llth Bt Op. Fontenelle. M18 APNEA M ALLOT. Phone, Doug. Itll. Dreaamauine:. EXPERIENCED dressmsker want, sewing or ine nay in private families Har. 4081. 1-plec. dresses a speclsluj remodeling; work sueran.een. oze a. ZBtn Ava. H. 44aa. H Dowell Dressmaking School, 200 Balrd Brd. OOWNS, d ssmaking by day. Iliss Cos. H. 1601 Ureaam'Jc'g, plainer fsncy, reaa. Ty. 1161-W. D making by the day. 1104 Daren. P. J70I. Terry Dresemakg col, fOlh and Farnam. LADIES' .suluTremodeled. Douglas lYtl. DRESSMAKIN6 WORK OL'AR. D. Illi' Evervthina lor Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, bsi piesung, covsred buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em. broidery,) beading, braiding, eordlng, eye, let cut Work, buttonholes, nenn.nte. IDEAL, BUTTON AND PLEAT1NO CO.. eve uougias SIX. Douglas 1181. SWITCH R8 from coiublngs. It up. Dyed, ec. jars, m. Brlllhart, 831 Paiton Bldg. ' Fixtures and Wirinsr. FlTTRK'TM Electric washing machines, SUAVAVAia ei-p,r,fl ronM ra.ains lampa. izit 'aiming Bt. Douglas 8111. furnace Cleaning. BORNBMAN. fur., chlm. clesiilng. D. TIM. EL8A88ER, furnace rlcancra: work guar menu, oral prices. Wil o. Ilia D. I43S. Hair Dreaslnar. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 807 Bslrd Bldg. Manl- curing, toilet articles. Douglas 1181. lob Printing:. GATE CTTT Printing Co., high-grads print lg lull N. 34th. Phona Web. 1617. Justices of the Peace. TV. BR ITT. 301 Barker Block. Painting and Paper Hanging. IF you want cheap work don't call ma. guarantee my work, painting and paper nanging. usu iismcy .831, 'Uarlson. Patent Attorneva! H, A. STVRtHB, 130 Brandeis Th. D. tilt. Hasseurts. STEAM and tub baths, massage and bath. n. aas wevine Bit., I n., 16th and Har. MArlflAOK andchlropody. 210 Balrd Bldg, MIHS Ln.LY-MaasagVbat ha3'3yFa7nam7 Pianos for Rent. 8.0 per mo. A. tlospe Co.. lfill Dcuglaa, Patents. i r PATENTS prooured, bought and aold. Inter- natlonal Patent Co.. 683 Rrandel,. D. lilt. Rue Manufacturers. FLUFF ruas from old carpets: Tsa runs a specially; cleaning ano alterations. I'eery yug rncrory, 2.1, fuming. Keq 3343. Shoe Parlors. SII1NB CLEAN, BRONZE. 1131 Farnam. Towel Supplies, i , Omaha Towel rJupply. 307 8. llth. Di 131. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcementa and piiatlna. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644,. 'Where to EaT EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DKl.ICATKBHEN, 106 FARNAM, SWAPPERS COLUMN IF TOU have anything to trade, make op a - . (sua run it m in is column Tor even days It only costs 3 60 and lo per answer. This offer Is good only In Omaba, and exctodfs Real Jfiatate, caab offera and Business rropertles For Bale or Trade. These, as well as mail orders for use of Swappers' Column, must pay regular rates, On or two answers are sufficient to make your trade and the whole trans. action only costs about Oc. Try It. CAMERAS, 6x7 and 8x10. In nerfect con. dltlon ; ,31 Wlnrhestor repeating rifle ; typewriter; ' H-horao power eleotrlo motor: Mann's bone grinder: Incubator: brooder; , Blngle-Oomb White v Minorca cockerels and pullets, also ote Single Comb Black Minorca cockerel and 1 dos. puliets, to exchange for anything I can use. Address 8. O, ill. Bee. hi the E1.RVKN Months of fjjjl The Bee gained. ... 61.910 paid ads MORW THAN POUBLH tha COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha panem IsOwest Itate. Best R faults. Beet nervine LITTLlfi AD In this column will brine about some remarkable exchanges. FULL.LOODi:t) Irish water spaniel re- tnover pup, rmai, 4 montha old. will snap for poultry or what, have yeuT Box a. v. i3B, cue. A ITTO MOBILE repair ahop, good location. gooa toois, tow rent, win trado for Ford car or good vacant lot, , Inquire lJ!6 Bo. join. - ONE buffalo coat; aa good as newt cheat ia. 10 swap ror oid model Ford or some other light car. Box B C 734, Bee, WE1 awap or buy kodaks; films developed rree; one-day service. Ease Kodak Studio, Neville Bik,, Uth and Harney. FOR BALE or trade, for food auto, a iSSft piano, e. 1;. BUSINESS CHANCES ANTED Partner with small capital for musical comedy company ot II people. In tvin after holidays. This is 4 great t'hencp for the right party. Wrile at once for particulars, ltobt. Doming, S36 Ne ville lllk., tn care of Gate City Theatrical CeXcnange, umana. AN KSTA B LI S.H KD tnanuf act urer wan ta g4nrai salt's manager to open office and manage - salesmen, :t00 to 00 capital nooHstutry. Money-making possibilities un limited. III pay expenses to Chicago If you are man vn want. Acme Brass Works. inc. 101 x Kfpubllc Bldg., Chicago. FOR MALE The entire machine ahop equipment, lathes, planers, drill press, key-scater. oiy-acetylene welding out At, rorge arid anvil, gasoline ntoragu outfit. auto ambulance truck, stock of supplies, etc,; will also lease building. Pel ton Gas oline Engine Works. Lyons. Iowa, Lye itfoi la the ELEVEN Months of 1114 The Bee gained. , . .6S,ift paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gala of tna other two Omaha iMoere Lowest Rate, Best Results. Best Bervlee FOR SALE A good aland tn town of 1.(04; seven smaller towmt to draw from; com bined millinery, tleanlng and pressing; also have dressing combined: will sell rboap. Have taken aomeatead and must Irave short ly. RESTAURANT and Cafe, making good money; reasonable price; a I ls clear. In Vesttgatlnn solicited. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. Jt-14 city Nauieaal Bid. Doug, ItiX. BUSINESS CHANCES A BARGAIN In only meai market In good western Nebraska town, will v right f taken at once. Ion't wait to write, com and see. Deal dlrot with owner, James Baxon. LrHwoNeo, Neb. BAhBKR SHOP and pool hall doing fine ousiness : very reasons ble : sick nesa. INTBRSTATB BBALTT OO., ISt-80 City Nat. Bldg. Douglas IM2. DO TOU WISH TO SELL TOUR Blifcl NKK3 AND TURN IT INTO CASH ? IF HO, fiKK OMAHA SALVAGE CO., 760 UMAMA WATIONATj BANK BLDG. STOCK of merchandise, 8. 000.00, southeastern Nebraska town, at 1 good bar. gain. Fine business opening. Address 1 750, Bee. , ( FOR Good, clean stock of hard wars. live town, central Nebraska. Jood reason for selling. Be quick. Address T 86 T. Bee. A No. 1 bottling works, established business, fully equipped, easy terms. Let mo show you tins, unas, JMas'.n (Jrd, Neb. MOTION ptctore machines, new and re built), theaters, supplies. Omaha Film oxruanga, ma ho. jtn St, WILLI AM 8, established 2t years. To boy or sell business se him. 411 MoCagu Bldg. ' Reference, U. B, National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have . closed out mors mdse. stocks than any other firm in V. 8. Write for terms. IF TOU want to sell or buy a buslneas or rooming house call en Buscb ac Borghoff, nv wong--aeraia mag, fnone d. uif. WB BUY, ws sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films. Oo -operative f ,na ""PPiy UQ Bromley Bldg. FOR BALE by owner, drug store, dwelling and stock: sqoare deal. Address ewrer. til West 8th Ave.. Denver. Colo. TO OUT In or out of business, call on OAN1E8TAD. 438 Bee Bldg. Doug. I47T. OUARANTT plan; get In or out builneas. AU siatos. y. v. KntesC Bn Bldg.. Omaha. Rooming H oases. 111-16 SOUTH 36TH ST. The Uwant. 84 rooms ror sale, furnished for sleeping and housekeeping. Terms. ROOMINO HOUSES, all sixes, great bar gains. 41 Ross Bldg, Phono Tyler 1411 SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. lBc PER LINK. Day work or business ads, regular rates IMtnes on week., .. ,,.....lfte I line ona week ,.....,4e Each extra tine, lte per week. WISH to make connection with department atore in state or ivenrasKa interested, in opening up an automobile agency and ac cessory department. Would bo willing to inveoi m me aoove project to prove mean business. Address Y 766. Bee. In the ELK YEN Months of 1I1S Ths Bee gained .... 6I,10 paid ads MORS THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gain of tba ether two Omaha nanem - Lowest Rats, Best Results. Best Berries EXPERIENCED farmer and stock raiser, past middle age (single) of Danish de scent, wishes position as foreman; refer. encea. Phone South 1711. Write 1 Anton jepson, south Omaha, f YOUNG farmer, SI years, of age, single wishes to learn ihe blacksmith trade. Ad dress Fraik Betka, Routs No. 1, Exeter, Nebraska. YOUNG man, U years of age, 4 years' rail road experience, wouia Hue to make change; outside work preferred. Bos ?4 7, Bee. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wishes steady position, good references; can do own repairing, call Harney 1261, WANTED By young man, place to work ror ooara wnus attending college. Doug. 4001. 0071B1 ..oiiege. , AUTO school student wants work for room and board: auto Hoe preferred. X Wells. 101 b. min. NEAT appearing young man wishes nosl- uon as cnaurreur. cau Dooglaa and as- for nr. fock. EXPERIENCED floorman wants job la biackamita shop, w. H. Pollard, lbs N. tn bl WAWTifiU By experienced oolored man, worn as janitor or porter. Ph. Web. 1618. WANTED Work by flrst-claas Janitor. Douglas 1144. WORK wanted by a first -class plumber, Tel, walnut 36JH, WANTKD Position as bell boy. Call Doug- Feinale. EXPERIENCED, capable woman will take charge of hotel, rooming house or any paying position. Write Mrs. Alien, 2110 Douglas. 4 EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes position ror bachelor or widower. Room 6T, Elms notm. airs, rtorion. THE BEE charge! for "Situation ads" la lower 1 nan any otner form of advertising not snougn to cover too nasi 01 printing. EXPERIENCED raultigraph operator wants position tn city, can furnish references. Write R. Snowden, 2M0 Douglas fit. aJlTUAT.ON' as bookkeeper, cashier or au- dlting small set of boohs by hour. D. 3S84. WOMAN with a child wants place to keep noose; wages to per ween, weoater I92t. EXPERIENCED colored chambermaid wants position. References Webster SOS?. RELIABLE colored girl wants housework or chambermaid, - Tel. Doualas 1442. CASHIERING or office work, beet ot ref erences. Teiepnone Harney 0eS. ( Experienced colored woman wants general housework. Douglas Olt. WANTED By competent lady, position as housekeeper, box y-tdz, Bee. OFFICE or house cleaning by man or worn- 1. tjoirax 4088, Hotels and Restaurant. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCYT 1410 Davenport Bt, Douglas Hit, . Headquarters for hotsl h-lp. Laundry and Day Work. FOR experienced bundle washing oaU Web- ster isiT. I'rompi delivery. DAY work orhousec leaning exp. Web. 445T. Plain dinners: clean.: sweeping. "' Web, itii. Launr'y wk. Call Del. Reas. Guar. Web. 4J7 LAUNDRY carefully done. Web. 42S1. For day work or gen. housework. Ty. 1IS4-W. EX. LAVNDRE33, bundle wash. W,eb. 3141. CHAMBER, day or laundry work. Har. lt&. ANY kind of day work. Webster 6711. Ex. lady wants wash. Guar. Web. 4001. Ex. colored lady wants day work. H. $.U. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. SALES MANAGER and - correspondent (Iowa), S,lt"0,00; corporation accountant, $1,300.00; acooununt (Iowa), $1,404.00; sateamen, groceries, $1,200.00 and ex penses; automobile accessories, $1,100.90 and expenses; automobiles, $1,000.00 and commission ; nurseries, $1,200.00 and ex pense ; district managers, efficiency men, traveling and local reporters sird general office arntiitents, salaries, $66,00 ur. CO-Oi'ERATIVB REFERENCE CO., , 1014-14 City National Bank. , Eat. 10 yoare. ' IF ACTUALLY QUALIFIED , For esaeutlve, manuraeturlna or teebiUoal posllten, csrrytng a sslsry of 11,801 sod tip. eommunlcste with undersigned eoun el, who will negotlat. atrletly confiden tial preliminaries for snefa positions. A aKnvics ok I'NiquK charactkb. , i. F. L. SPENCE, 1016 Clly National bap a Bldg. BOOKKKEPBR, ' to take complete charge for amall wholeaala houaa, prefer man with experience handling collecUons, 78 to begin. VTestern "Keferenco A Bond Ase'n, Inc., I5S Omaha National Bank Bldg. KXPgRIENCED ACCOUNTANT and book keeper, with thorough knowledge of rail road accounts snd general books; good salary and permanent work for right man. References. Address Box 1871, Bee. SALESMAN (STAPI.K LINK) Ti.00 SALESMAN (INVESTMENT) 1.0.01 - TH W CANO AOBNCT, 100 BEB BLDQ. STENO., oot-o-tewD, 180; ateno., out -o-town. 848; ateno., 170; office boy, 138. WATTS RKf CO.. IIP Brandeis Th. Bldg. Profession, and Trades. Drug Positions All States CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE! CO, 101l-l City NsUonal Bank Bldg. ' WANTED At once, first-class tar gravel roofer; apply to Joaeph H. Bastings, Neb. and Still. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED ADVERTISING SOLICITOR FOR ROAD WORK. MUST BE BUSINESS OBITER. ONE WITH EXPERIENCE PREFERRED, .BUT NOT NKCBSSART. CALL THURSDAY BETWEEN I AND I P. at. CHAS. JOB, HOTEL -NEVILLE. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCK AND BOND SALESMAN MUST BE HIGH GRADE MAN. We can offer to enthusiastic, cap- v able stock and bond salesmen as desirable a connection as there Is In th west. The security to bo handled Is unusually attractive and good territory ia open In Nebranka. Iowa, Mlftsouii and Kansas, This organization f widely known, has the full confldnnce of tha public end Is disponed to moke moat satis factory arranit-amentii -with Its SMles men who, If tlicy hnve the ability. ran make between If.. 000 to $x,000 a year. Applicallimi will be treated confidentially hik! Intorvlewa ar ranged, Give brief outline of past connections anil experience. - Address Box 9&$, Bee. SALESMEN WANTED To sell Sal-Tonik direct to farmers; alao at wholesale to tleaiera. Sal-Ton Ik. the medicine condl went (salt and pepper) 60-th. block, for all farm animals. -Worm destroyer, dis ease preventive, conditioner. No trouble , to feed, no feeders, no during, no waste. Stock lick the block, "doctor themxelve .automatically." A big field; big demand easy seller. Commission proposition, with uoerai weekly advancement on commis sions. -Write at once for sales-producing circular and information. Guarantee Vet erinary Co., Stock Yards, Sioux City, la. WIfl desire the services of two experienced salesmen; men with good experience and address. Two excellent territories will pe openea, one in lows anyone in iweDrasaa; a splendid opportunity for an energetic, ambitious man and a splendid future for a producer. The Adder Alacnine com pany, 203 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Two flrst-claas salesmen to spe cializes on the new edition of "Dr. Elliott's nvo-foot shelf." Heal aalesmen can earn from $71.00 to 1160.00 per week. Address F. V Browning, 313 Balrd Bldg., orcaiipeiween jtr and iz a. m. ; THE OLD LINE Bankera' life of Lincoln The Company of Blr Settlements. Liberal Contract to Anenta. KiMy, Ellis A Thompson. General Agents. uoiig. zai. fii-n city watt UK. Bldg. WANTED. High grade stock salesman who would be interested lo handling flrst-olass umana proposition. TAN DA AD SKC. INV. CO, y Suites t and I, Wead Bldg. See Mr. Wolfe. Mgr. WANTEtJ A HIGH GRADE CITY SALES- MAN TO BKLL AUTO ACCESSORY, EST ED. LEADS FURNISI'ED. GOOL UUAKAnTEU AND COMMISSION. AP PLT MORNINGS. $70 BRANDEIS BLDQ. WANTED Delivery aalesmaa; light work; married and aober man preferred; steady worn; wagea 914 per week. L O. O. P. or A. F. and A. M. preferred. Box Hi. Bee. ATTENTION, GUARDSMEN 10 hoe tiers; permanent contract. Apply Mr. Lundgren, $1$ McCague Bldg. Trade schools. v "WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THB BARBER TRADB Few weeka qualify to run ahop or work for ethers; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduates In leading positions everywhere: compara tively no expense; catalog mailed free. MOIsER BARBER COLLEGE, , 110 & 14th St., Omaha, Nob, 1 , (EsUblUihed I.a.3.) AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONET. - v Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. ' NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N. 1817 N. 20th St., Omaha., Bend for Free Catalogue. , OOOD MEN WANTED. ' To learn auto trade tor the many po sitions now open. Fine training work la auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, : SOS 3 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, mors 1 nan matte your expenses wnue learning. Wagea or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin; U0 J Dodge St TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. Boys. BOY of couple yearn' experience In prlnt- .pg pi-nee, jug Mc-jague mag. 1 Miscellaneous. ARMS' OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN wanted Able-bodied unmarried men under age of 35; cltlsens of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Bng leh language. For Information apply to Recruiting Off leer, Army Bldg., 15th and Dodge fits., Omaha, Neb.; no N. 10th St.. Lincoln, Neb.; 837 1th St., Sioux City, Iowa; 897 Stb Ave.. Des Moines. Iowa. OMAHA, railway fnall clerk examinations coming, f?. month, sample quesuons free. Write Immediately. Franklin In stituts. Dept. SSI W. Rocberer. N. T. WANTED Young men as railway mall chirks; 76 per month; sample examina tion questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 321 R. Rochester. N. T. WANTED A good sober man with a boy or two old enough to work on a farm or one that Is willing to board an '.etxa man. Add reaa T 766, Bee. WANTED Names of men 18 or ever, wish ing to become government railway mall clerks. Commence $?i month. Vacations. T 72S. Bee. MEN wanted to enlist tn Signal Corps at nee, report at lanooiB. , HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. 1100.09 MONTH. Get government Jobs. Men ana women wan tea, tuiet ox positions open Vree.' Franklin Institute, Dept. lit A, Rochester. N. T. - HELP WANTED FEMALE Storea and Offices. YOUNG lady to take orders oer telephone, good salary to capable party.' Gjrl with some office expe rience preferred. State exoerience t fully in first letter. Address Box Wii, ee. - BKKPK., (out city), 76.00; Bkkpr and Hteno., 176.00; KKpr. and Steno., 166.00 three Stenoga., $7&, St, 66; multtgraph upr. ana we cirn, ids; nie cierK, 135 cashier, 4; Compt Opr., $40, $4K; P. B X. Opr., MA;'blller and. typist, 165; Steno. 40. CO-OPERATrVB REFERENCE CO.. , 1016-16 City National Bank. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, salary IAS. This position Is In a small up-town office; prefer young lady, 38 to 3t years or aK, 1 Western Reference A Bond Ass'n. Jnc. 753 Omaha National Bank Bldg. TOUNG lady stenographer, prefer one with , some experience, pleasant office, good vhsnce for advancement, salary to start Western Reference A Bond Ass'n, Inc.,' id4 umana, inuona. nana slag. COMPTOMETER OPR.... ..I7B.00 ... SO. 00 .. Z5.00 .. 50.00 STENOGRAPHER CLERK (DIR OFFICE). COMPTOMETER OPR.,. STENO.. BEGINNER) 10.00 THB CANO AGENCY, 00 BEE BLDG. STENO., 160: steno.. 140: cornDt. od.. tem porary. compt. op., w, gin to answer phone, grocery store. 13&. WATTS REF. CO.. 140 Brandeis Th. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER wsnted at onoe. Also good experienced typists. Good wages. Apply at once. A, A. Berry Seed Co., Clarinda. Ia, BILLING CLERK and steno., 15O-0. STKNOORAPH Kit, Council IfJluffs, 46. THK MARTI CO.. 182? W. O. W Bldg. STENOGRAPH KH, Council BlulTa, 4&. 8tenot;ra-rhnr and hilling clerk, S6. THE MARTI CO., 132? W. O. W. Bldg. Protessiona and Trades. WANTED Girls' with common school edu cation, between is and 11 years, to take Up local and long distance telephone work. C. W. Lambert, HIT Douglas St WANTED An experienced marker and sorter. Adams Laundry, 1113 California. Household md Domestic. WANTED An ex. white" girl for housework in family of three; must good cook: no laundry: lod wages. Hyoea, Harner e4760. Mrs. W. J. WANTED A clean young white girl gen era! , nousewora in a laimiy 01 4 eauiisj no washing; wages 13 per week. Call Walnut 77. - ' 1 CAPABLE airl for general housework where were are sraait cmiaren. good home and liberal wsgea. Webster 8 SO. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; goou wares, jura, isatttan Mantel. liO 8. 37th. Harney 5711. COMPETENT girl for general housework: no laundry work; gooa wsgfa. i eoath S7th Ht Phone Harney J311. WANTED Middle aged woman for light houMworK, s m ramiiy. wai. v. or ad dress MM Bee, ,, HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. GIRL to assist with Ughf housekeeping, no washing, modern apartment, good pay. Harney 44 4 h. WASTED A reliable' girl to assist with the housework.,. 2423 Capitol Ave. Phone Doug. 397. WANTEDUxperlenoed' girl " or general housework, 1 In family; references; 4201 8. 22d St. EXPBRIEX('f;D girl for general housework. mtb. A. K. Kiflemillfr. Fort Omaha. WANTED A plrl for npnerat housework. 3903 Dgwey Avo. Harney 3462. GOOD girl laundry. for general housework: 519 S. 26th Ave. Miscellaneous. Six bright, capable girls to travel with, lady manager doing demon stration work. Experience not neces sary but must be between ages of 18 and 26, and able to give first-class reference as to character. Straight salary and railroad fare paid. Call Tuesday and Wednesday. Good rich Drug Company, 130S-1 Har ney St. EDUCATIONAL MID-WINTER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE y Day School, January 2d Night School, Januaiy 3d Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, , stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas lfiit. - llth and Harney cite. VAN BANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bids. mi amii'i alOV. A-rUgjiam O0 V. THE SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. um or private instructions complete. toursee, roouv - w easier ttt, for formation. M. C A. Day and Night 8ehooL Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accented com ing kmod; eny appiicauons favored. Harps fur. Loretta De Lone, ICS Lyric Bid. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA ' Dr. B. It Tarry esres piles. Aetata i siner racial diseases without sutvteal aperatlon. Cor. guarutaad and as mooay paid until cured. Writ, for book en no. tal disease, with testimonials. DR. K. R. TARRY, 148 Bee BM(., Omaba, N.a. THK Salvation Army Industrial noine so- iiciw your 01a ciouiing, rurslttire, maga slnes Wa coneet. Wo distribute. Mono Doug. 4138 and our wagon will oaU. Call and Inspect our new boms. 1110-1111.1114 RUPTUR&tioeeeefully treated without wi-Biust vpenuoD. jat or write Dr. "-. vw owe PiOg. STAATS INSTITUTE. 1601 Harney; n " aai4aaHBg., IIW Si KIOOS. UPOU 1.1 wm w -aw in, w 1 b, m. tVOUg. iU91. DR. BTJRKE, . OUAHA'8 MEN'S HPtTi-T t tiw ill CROCNSB BI.K. OPPOSITE P. O. e MISS NASH, MAE BRUOMAN, scientific maaseuffe ana Daina, ZQ8 Karbaca Bik. nm .j.i. LUELLA WEBSTER, maaseuae, ill Paiton i a. m. to . p. m. Ked 8400. SCIENTIFIC massage. 520 Be, Bldg. Phons MAGNETIC massage34S4 ComingT Manicuring and mass. ltH Farnam. RmT Graduate masseur. Appointment only D. 6236, MISSES LILLY AND GOULD Bath, ma: sago,, 1323 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 1410 FOR RENT HOUSES West r FOR RENT, , - Seven rooms, with sleeping porch and un room, mantel and grate, hardwood fin ish, polished. floors, tiled bath room and every convenience, Including garage, ex ceptionally fine view; quiet neighborhood. X H. DUMONT CO.. 4U-U Kocllne Bldg. Phone Doug. t99. 1303 HOWARD ST. A l-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porcn. New furnace. Room for one oar a u -i-wirs-n nnust rent, 30, ALFRED THOMAS, I0 firsi Nat Bk. Bldg. FOR RENT room house, modern except heat Three-quarter basement . lOvl "iwiw. iimuire next aoor. North. FREE RENT TO JAN. 1ST. -106 N. ISd, 4-r. flat, .teel range, gas ptmiv, niTinr,! csdidoi, wsier PSIO, IB. RASP BROS. , DOUO. 15Sa. MEW, modern residence, 8004 Dlondo, 118 per month.' Inoulra 71 J .V. list. Phone I'oufrisa un. m. .lerK. NEW bunsalow, l-room, strictly all modern, half block to car, 128. Located 29th and ron rs. nra 16.1. , , FOUR good rooms, modem except heat, 3 blocks to car. '4011 N. 861h St. Coital 3218. t-R.. mod. cottage, 3544 N. 28th Ave., Ill Tel. 4711. South. CLOSE IN BARGAIN 605 SOUTH 18TH ST. . 8lx fine large rooma, .very ona newly v.iiercu ion woooworK painted through out, floors are in fine oonditlon. Jiere you have no carfare. Special Inducements If taken at once. payne & Plater co., 1 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Doug. 1018. FOB RENT, It: 3061 S. 38th Aft., 6-reom cottage, newly papered;, city, water. Call 7-ROOM ern bouse oak finish 1811 Phone Hsmejr 184&: 120.00. Park Ave. 6-RM. mod. flat 810 a llth. first Trust Co. D. 1181. , l-R. mod, flat. 3310 8. 4th. 1.0. Tel. H. 4711. Miscellaneous. PORTKR SHOTWE1.L. , , HOUSKS AND COTTAGKS. PARTLT MODBRN. 4-R. S401 Psrker, III. 4-R.-.18IS Carter Lake Blvd., 114. ALL MODKRN EXCEPT HEAT. t-R. 2110 Saratoga Bt., 111. ;BTRlCTl.r MODERN. I-R. 111! Farnam St., 138. , -R. S327 N. 97lh 8t. (new). 121. 8-R U14 Laird, with garage, 838. I-R. 1808 N. llth St., 130. t-R. 2808 Dewey Ave close In, 140. 10-R. 2321 Dodge St., close lo. 140. t Wa have others. See our complete list PORTER at 8HOTWELL. Phone D. 1013. ' 2113 a 17th St. ' SPECIAL INDUCEMENT. 810 2818 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms 30 680 8. 18th Aye., 6-room, modern, very desirable. 1.10 1141 S. 83d St.. I rme., very good. 130147 8. 17tk St., I ran., very good at ii 3703 Farnam 8L, I rms.. mod., hot water heat. 931 30.3 Dodge St., 8 rms., modern. 40 1101 a 3d St, I rms., mod.: garage If desired. CLOVER j SPAIN. Douglas 8388. MI-30 City National t rooms, 1811 N, 17th St $12.50 ? rooms, lilt Burt 8L, modern ... , 21 0 T rooms, HOC B. Jlth St., modern . . 17 (,0 ; BENSON Sc MYERS CO.,, 424 Omaba Mat. Bank Bide. FOR RENTj-ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTER8I If you full' to find tha room yon desire among these sds call at Tha Beo office for a Room List Olv.. complete detailed description o( va rum rooms In sll parts of th. Jt7. If more convenient phons Th. Bs. Went Ad Dept. snd give your name end address snd a list will Da melted to you at once. New lists are lasucd every week. Furnished Rooms. In the ELEVEN Monliie of 1911 The Bee gained. .. .11.110 paid sds MORE THAN DOUBLB the COMBINED gsin of tha other two Omaha p.p. re Lowest Rste. Best Results. Beet Sorrier YOU NO men arriving In Omaba will find warm room, good board and help In ae eurlng a poaition at Father Flanigan'. hotel, social club In connection. 101 N. 13th. Phone Tyler 3671. 1 WANT two gentlemen for atraetlvo front room furnished above average: t beds; modern home; walking dlstanoa; serve breakfast. Harney 3198. ' : SUNSHINE! APARTMENTS. Tor men oolv. Comfortable steam heated rooms. - Rate 12.60 and ap par week. 608 N. 17th Bt NICELY fnrniahed room In strictly mod ern home; walking dlstanoa or conven ient to Farnam car. Reasonable. Barney 83. 813 Park Avo. 3121 H CALIFORNIA Two furnished rooms. modern, with heat, reasonable. Harney 4001. - 3712 JACKSON Newly furnished, atrletly modern room, private home, walking dls-; references required. Harney 3632. TWO nice, beautifully furnished rooms for rent in private home. 2623 Capitol Ave, Phone Dong. S77. DOUGLAS. 2316 Three well furnished rooms; warm; modem; walking distance, Douglas 8417. - CHICAGO 2510 In private home; large soutn iront room with alcove; aiae side ronm. FURNISHED rooms for rent; modern, see- ond floor. 1328 Capitol Ave. $1.50 week. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private bath If desired. 2181 Douglas, Dong. 1741. LARUE room, steam heated. 2 SI 7 Harney. jaoaern in every respect. STEAM heated rooms, $3,50 and up. 101 a 17th St LIGHT' housekeeping rooms, modern, every- tning furnished. Phone Tyler 2S4W. PLEASANT, cozy room, reasonable, walking aistance, suited for gentleman. Har. 4083. "START the New Tear right." Have mod 'era steam-heated room at Harney' 319.. HEATED room for respectable working men. 1428 Decatur St. Webster 4674. MODERN furnished room with private fan- uy; warning qatancs. rtea B4-J. PUKN. mod. rooms; 1 bik to car: good board next door. Harney S017. STRICTLY modern, steam-heated walking distance. Phone Red 4232. COMFORTABLE south ,room; warm,; ern; on car line, 'ryier zzst. 219 & 30TH Two nicely-furnished modern; Doys preferred. Reasonable. 64 S. .8TH Nicely furnished warm housekeeping suite. 14, Housekeeping Rooms. HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR TOTJ tu nKNT mi H.eoe HOME FOR 25 PBR MONTH. CAN SUPPLY GAR AGS IF NECESSARY. CALL WALNUT 468. FARNAM, 2822 Three nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas range. MODERN, steam-heated room, Tory caeft fortable for gentleman. . D"C 76. SLEEPING rooms, plenty of heat; very comfortable, Douglas 707T. MODERN suite of rooms, &. 2I2T Harney St. Hfcr. 4636, 322. DODGE St. Steam -heated rooma; in suite. Board and Room. FRONT ROOM, plenty of steam beat and hot water; will make rates for two la room. 2114 Dooglaa NICELY furnished warm rooms and board. 5 per week. 2521 California, st phone Douglas 4926. AT TUE GREENWOOD-Two large steam neated rooms, exoeilent board. 2oe4 Leav enworth. 21364 LEAVENWORTH The Greenwood. board and room, steam heated, comfort able. LARGE beautiful warm room for two; also single room; neat noarq. in bo. th 8L 2633 CALIFORNIA -Nicely furnished warm room and hoard., week. Pouglaa 4116. NICELY furnished and excellent board. Harney 2258. 2421 Harney. 2621 HARNEY Nicely furnished room and excellent board. Harney 23.2. 6012 CALIFORNIA ST. Strictly modern, In jjunaee. wainuc ibbs. Unfurnished Rooms. STEAM heated 2-room flat for light houieT Keeping. i.ia n. zin nt. f?ooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THB BBB WANT-AD DEPT. and find OUt all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It'a a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. H!. 60 1114 Cblcato St. 11-r, all mod, Oood for rooming houaa. B. A. wour. ; 114 Ware Bik. Dontias INI; 1138 SOUTH 31ST, with (ante, tor 1 ears, .. isue nortn, moaern, 7 rooms, 183.60. , JOHN N. FRBNZEB. DOUGLAS 884. HOUSES FOR HENT. CKEIOU. SONS & CO., 181 BEE BLDQ. DOUO. ltd. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED ... TRAVERTON ' ' FIREPROOF". 14TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined taste. Apartment Is completely equipped for housekeeping; up to 'date and-comiortable, TRAVER BROS., TeL Doug. 6884.' 706 Omaha Nat Bank. Or Call Web. 4S36. MY dining room, kitchen and bedroom for no use Keeping, euganuy lurnlshed. to te spectable parties, i Carolina ApUu, 609 S 2 2d. Douglas 8183. PHONE Ernest Sweet, New Hamilton. 24th ana jrarnam, u. i i a, oeiore engaging your apt. Best location. Prlcep reasonable, ST. CLARE. Harney $47. 3 -room apartments. 14th and Harney. NEW, comfortable suite of rooms or apart ments completely iuxnisnea; best loca tion. 220 N. 23d. FOR RENT Ap'ta and Flats West FOR RENT. 6-roera flat $16.01 4 -room flaf 11. 04 W. fi. FRANK. Doug. 1S00. . kOliNevlUe Block. VERY choice (-room steam heated apart won i on vtbih r arnam Wt. JOHN W. ROBBIXS, 1803 FARNAM. North. ERY cosy It-room apartmnit in fine apart-' mnt nouBf. norm, wcotor 7641. 19 t'RANKLIN 6 rooms, modern ezizeot heat. Phone Doug. 234v. South. SOLID COMFORT. Rent a warm apartment In the CAR- I.YLK. 626 S. 18ih St. We furnish the HEAT and plenty of it Here you have , no coal bills, no water bills, no snow shoveling. 1st floor apt. ready Jan. 1; 132.60 summer! 2.B0 winter. i l'A.Nl & SLATER fft . tit Omaha Nat'l BlUgl I'hone Doug. 1011. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WB want more mirl spartments ts rent. The favt that we have -practically -Cleaned out our big Met Is concluslre proof of the efficiency of our rental ay,tem. If you want to kf.i jour placea rented see Payne A Staler Co., "Omaha's Rental Men," III On. Nat. Uk. Bids. Dou. 1018. POULTRY AND PET STOCK UAMAilKD scrernlnga. 11 0 a hundred. A. w. Wagner. 0i N. lSih. i I5 n ' 't K ' i