Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A
Various People Commemorate
the Birth of the Savior of
By A. R. DROHv
" 'Twas the night before Christ
CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR THE OMAHA POOR Hundred of baskets loaded with good
things to eat and distributed by the Salvation Army from fundi raised by the "Santas" on the
street comers, will bring some seasonable joy where otherwise doom would have reiraed.
... The Christian peoples of the world
are about to celebrate the birth of
Hun on whom their' religion it
' founded. .'
. We are apt to think that Chris
tians are a comparatively small body
, with the "millions who sit in heathen
, darkness. But this is not true. On
, the contrary they number hundreds
i of millions more than the adherents
of any other religion. The latest fig
ures say there are 564,510.000 Chris-
nans in the world. The Confucian
v;iis and Taoists come next, with a
combined aggregate - Of 300,830,000.
The Mohammedans are third with
1.825.000 adherents. The great na
tions of the world are all Christian
nations and most of the others are
governed by Christians.
And so, from the frozen poles to
the tropics and all around the globe,
mailV oeoDlei. anpalt-tnor man Ian.
guages, are rejoicing over the birth
of the Saviour,
( ' ; Curious Beliefs. , '; J '
I lit day is celebrated in many curt,
ous ways and there are many curi
ous beliefs concerning., strange
things that occur then.
In the German Alps they believe
that cattle have the gift of speech on
Christmas eve. It is a sin, however,
to be an eavesdropper on their con
versation.' A farmer's servant, it is
said, once tried this and heard the
fnlliavvincr rnnvurultnn "Aa ...ill a.-..-
hard wnrlr fhia wmI. ..'.A -t
eaiu una. vi
I the cattle. "Yes", the farmer's serv
ant is neavy aim tne road to the
..haira-la mbwI . 1 I, i : i
..v.. jmm ivnn auu aiccp, rcpueu
, the other. And the apochryphal
anecdote concludes with the Infor
mation that the servant died that
wecic. ......
Some nennle hliiv afan that I.
ymg, cattle kneel and the sheep go
... ivws0iun w wuiisiiuaa eve.
They celebrate the day by shooting
firecrackers in some parts of Texas.
In Russian villages the ' people
imitu io me nome oi tne resident
nobleman on Christmas eve, where
they sing csrols and receive gifts of
small coins. A masquerade follows
, mis ana isier in me evening tney re
turn to the nobleman's house and are
.vniertauied around Christmas tree
;v .-. y Street Fair.'.
'.. in utr uiu rans me oer cele
bration takes the form of s street fair
mat continues all . through Decem
ber. Roulette wheels and sit sorts of
games of chance, side shows snd the
like sre parts of I remember
spending many s ''dix centime" cop
per ior a cnance on tne "rouge snd
usually paying for my recklessness by
seeing the "noir" win. frizes sre
boxes of candy snd other nicknacka.
inere is a leie Uinstmai eve and
the "reveillon," or Christmas svs sup
per, at midnight, is as big an affair as
our kiiruiiuas Dinner. .
, In Scandinavia snd parts of Ger
IHinv tha-v nlac rnnlai 1m al,-
, --'-j r -i. v a ... aim in iii-
dnwa to Ifoht "Kri.tln." - v.:.
., . , 7. ....v,
Kringle, on-his way snd put cskes
wui in me snow ior mm.
In Peru, where the weather is very
hot st Christmas, they have big rev
elry on Christmas eve. There sre
ice siaus witn cnairs where people
can cool off. Orf Christmas dsy they
cmciuDcr ine laniice oi react Dy nav
ins a bull fiirht.
And so, all over the great, round
world, the hundreds of millions will
soon be celebrating, each nation ac
cording to its taste, . ,
Ana our way is the' best of all.
; " " N ;
-111 I I f V
Woodmen of the World of Local! And Girls in Court House Wear
Damps Active in Working to that Christmasj Smile as
Increase, Membership. . ' Gifts Come.,
Regents Will Ask State Legis
lature to Appropriate Money
for the Building
isn't it?
A new Isboratory to cost S120.000
is now contemplsted for the college
of medicine of the University of Ne
braska st Forty-seeond and Dewey
Of course the proposition is contin
gent nnnn th ruffonta tif h 1 Im..
sity of Nebraska being stole to get this
appropriation from the legislature st
tne coming session, cut a laboratory
there are 50 per cent more students in
me mcuicai scnooi now man tnere
were when the legislature was in ses
sion two VMM a an I hr mm
then ninety-six students, while there
arft'at nrputit tnm IIS
.mere Is st present but the one
building for the medical school, snd
thia t ntirilv ItiaMMMflt It Um
- ...wuvub.v. - v.. im
propriation la voted, the new labora
tory owning is ro oe duiii soutn ol
opposite end of the campus. This
will be in sccordance with the sreneral
architectural pian wnicn was drawn
up some nve or six years ago, which
Vnnimnlati,1 ' tU -nainlata anitul A
viaiih jiinuiut.ciii uuiiuiuki arrangcu
in a statciy quaarsngie. sne lues
was that buildings should be sdded
from year to year to complete the
system. ,
The regents will . incorporate In
their annual report to the governor
nntif nf ih nmA i4 ttii mb. k..!M
ing. . They will also ask for an ap-
uiiivu VI fWfVW ctuip tilC
state hospital which is now under
vwaasii . v'vyii vit vauipuo. II til
the legislsture appropriated $75,000
two years ago lur tills structure, It
was merely 10 cover ine cost ot
, Gerard Sees Herr
' Zimmerman on Note
Berlin, Deo. 2i (Vis London).
Jsmes W. Gerard,' the Amerlcah am
bsssador. at noon todav Had a ' con.
ferenee with Dr. Alfred Zimmerman,
foreign secretary, during which Presi
dent Wilson's note was one of the
rhief tnnirt nt Hiiitnn Tk A.l
can ambassador was also able to give
jierf Zimmerman the American
sundpoint, having come to Germany
dent Wilson and. Secretary of Stste
Joseph C.. Grew,, the American
rhirM H'affair. rrivA
Wilson's- note yesterday and imme-
uiateiy preseniea u 10 ur. Zimmer
man a nrl haM ,.. V. L:m , .AHJ.H.L.
discussion concerning the document
building, snd no appropriation st the
time was made for the equipment
This was left to future legislatures.
it win cost ou,wu to equip it. as it
should be equipped.
Th KnilHinor nrnmit tiaa ttaAn
good on this structure, with the ex
ception of a few halts necessitated on
account of car shortage which made
it 4mnnaaiM r rra, MrtiM maAk1.
when they were most needed and also
wii atwuni ui Dig war oracra in me
east whirh flnaHi. it harH tn n ihut
metal snd certain other metals neces
sary st stated times to go ahead with
the work. '
However, if the appropriation is
voicu ior tne equipment, it la ex
pected that the hospital will be ready
.w ifcvu.s paviciiia auuui may 1, jyi.
Christmas at City Hall
Present for Each
One at Rose water
School Christmas
There was s "present for everybody
who sttended the Christmas treat
BtVatl Kt. .ka n.intn.l J
pupils of the Edward - Roaewater
school last evening. From the large
Christmas tree thst wss draped with
presents each of the parents was
given some token, while the attend
ants . were presented with popcorn
balls and cane candy.
The Christmas nrnarram avftiffi u.aa
held around the tree was as vsried ss
it wss interesting. What appeared to
take best wss the pageant represent
ing Christmas scenes riven hv the
pupils of the Fourth grade, ' Five
floats attractivelv decorated made un
me event.
A rarttatmn "Tttj, V;U T!
, .-. . , .w ,tlll U(IUlC
Christmas," was given by Charlesl
orown, ana a dramatization, "The
Wiser Way," was presented by Glenn
Hunn and Pari ParaUv 1n t;;
songs and folk dances were offered by
me pupus. ADout l,uw wee present.
Baron Astor's Sheet
Dislikes U. S. Note
T.AtuHrtn Titr "y Tn Um
on President Wilson'$ note the pall
Mall Gazette . aharnlv
president , '
TTo revive s term once familiar in
Americsn politics," it says, "he as
sumes the attitude of a Ttnow-noth-
lna.F: H" (Inaa tint Mali L.
a- - " ' - - - Ulfll 1IC
makes the blood of every honorable
man in turope boil when he pro-
teaaea .Jnakilitw tn rliatMm:.!.
j .v. u..i,uiaM UiC UU-
jects and professions of the two
aiues, ....
Th Ja.t.... .U.a D
ident Wilson conveva an inanlt whan
he draws a narallel - betwtfn the.
Ten Accused of Attempting to
Secure Licenses in-Illinois
by "Short Qut.'' '
Chicago, Dec. 23. Ten persons, two
of them Chicago physicians, and the
remainder medical students, their in
structors snd others, were indicted
here today in connection with alleged
fraudulent attempts to obtain medical
licenses from the Illinois State Board
of Health last July..
Two indictments were returned
against each defendant on testimony
offe'red by. Dr. St Claire Drake, sec
retary of the state board, and Fred
Frr, said to have been a member of
the alleged ring., One charges con
spiracy to operate a connaence game
and the other conspiracy to obtain
claims of "civilised races" and
pretensions" ot the Germans.
Central Park Children
See Santa Claus Come
Five hunfft-frt Cntrt Pt.fl
rathered at- the s.rhnr.1 ban... : sl:.
3. . 7 ," . "UUJv in lilts
istnet last night to have a Christmas
Tha li.. .11 '.' .
..v vii au.iva an were given a
treat and then the older ones listened
ta a nrnirrnm . ,nlal..'.. r tr
English made an address, following
one by President Frsnk Sterling, in
Doctor Called Barely
In Time to Save Dawson
, Failure of- "absent treatment" ad
ministered by his wife to stoo the
flow of blood from a reptured artery,
may cost the life of David Dawson,
colored, 4114 Grant street. Dawson is
at St Joseph's hospital, where his
condition is regarded ss serious. -.
Dawson,' who is employed,' as a
janitor at the Neville block, was at
work esrly last night, when an artery
m ma ictt icg, wnicn nau oeen weak
ened by an ulcer, bursted. His wife,
employed as a janitress there, who is
a mnilaa nfa ilt nt 'Miwina "
would not allow a doctor to attend
to ner nusosna, Dut insisted that ab
sent treatment" ha tnnlnvrf
When Dawaran haratna,..
however, others intervened and call
ei Police Surgeon . Earl Connolly.
rue now or oiooo was stoppea ana
Dawson wss removed to the hospital
regardless of his wife s protests.
Omaha Will Wear Ermine ;
'., , For Christmas Holidays
- Because of the slowly rising tem
perature and the unsettled weather
conditions, the prospects sre excel
lent that Omaha will be greeted with
ft tvhit Oiri,ma Tha .
mruld not positively forecast a snow-
an, uoi mu inn ronoitlons were
favorable for one. The weather has
cosuoneS Its rapid rate of modcra
MaVOr Dahlman larill hava
maa n nnrr ar nnmia aafttn h.a a a n. i..
mciuuing Austin j, Collctt, son -in
law. and larlf anrt Tim ra..
who are on a visit from Santo Do-mimro.
Citv 1 Attorney !R ine haa amnaitA
rremoiu 10 visit nis parents in his
oiu nome town.
Secretary ftmirtra nf tha nAarj .
Education is confined to his home
witn a sugnt indisposition.
scnooi teacners will have two weeks
in which to recover their anlnmk
after eating plum pudding and other
luienae ucncacies. -
EmDlovea Of thft enarinearintv Am
nartment sent thtir a-tatrtria tsa I D
Ford, interned at Rochester, ' Minn.,
purse oi money ana , Christmas
caras. ' 'i
1. P. Rlltlar araa rnaimiaaian.. 1.
being remembered at St. Catherine's
nospitai. ,
vieorge rarss, neaa ot tne street
denartment. will innaat ' aa Ca..a
Claus at the municipal Christmas tree
ceieoration Sunday evening in the
"Hank" Tntnn a-KUf nt aha a.j
armes, will warble at the many Christ-
i "cc cxeixisea.
- Alvin C Patten raf thaa rtta. laal.a
office recovered in tim tn m.u
week-end visit to the city hall and
join in tne cnorus ot "Merry Christ
mss." '
Th head Of fflfa fta.raartma.nta aa
der the mayor presented his honor
Kirn a reamer easy cnair.
ittv F.lry-trarian Ctrrmn raw-atwawt a
small band flash lamp because he is
atraid to go Rome in the dark. .
Cttn Pmaarwtlir Mrfiinra nr. 11 nta..
-J " . " " " .....
Santa Claus st. home for the first
Whli-h ha arnraaaaa kla
, 7" .rH,.u aaia icarct ai
leavinav Omaha 1? W c: i j
i . , t. . . : " wmuiria, ncau
ot the United Improvement clubs, in
unci lane ssia ne noped it would
be possible to keep Mr. English here
ss hesd of the Iocs) boy scouts.
Tha ratharino u,a. .lu . I
-K.iwa aa large
ss sny one of the social center meet
ings yet held. ,,f
Chtistmaa aardnna fna lKlPr w
Miara In tha Arkansas alata p-nllaollar,
vara laauad by Oovarnor Oaaraja w. Haya
Amons thoaa tra.d ara aitht paraons con
vtetad at aarond dasraa murder, whoat mn
laneaa aseraealad 117 yaara.
moneV Under ' fa nralanaaa TW
Drake asserted that an investigation
"is being made. in several states in
connection with the sffair," mention
ing Texas in particular. . :
, Only the First Step.
' '.'Illinoia is nnlv the first atAn in n,.r
investigation," he said. Those indicted
were: Dr. Fred Fellnura anA n.
Frank Achats, Chicago, physicians;
John Sharp, president, the Rev. I. O.
Bennett, principal, and J. B. White,
instructor nf tha fiavannn-t 'aIIa.
of chiropractic. Davennort. la
Charles Williams, a Chicago salesman
of medical appliances! R. D.1 Moore
and Phillip Gregg of Princeton, 111.;
Silas WesleV 0f Chicago, and Miss
Artilla Judd of Waterloo, la.; all
medical students.. .. '
' Dr. nraLra rUaranA that ".l...'
, ' - .. ...aav mc aula;
induced at least forty-one medical tu-
uents to pay money tor a guarantee
that inflnianra utm.I1 ha . I .l..
thev mitrht nail tha avamin.i-.
quired for a license by the Illinois
state, board. Dr. Achats was accused
of supplying fraudulent medical di-
nlnmaa: Tir. Dralra ..haaalna. al...
In Atlt raaa a rtinlnma mm ai n
... .... -r'VMI- a. wail .TJ ai -
quette university, Milwaukee, was
supplied a student Dr. Fellows, he
alleged, was the "brains" of the
It was said' that most of the vic
tims of the alleged conspiracy were
student at the Davenport school and
that" Farr, for sums ranging from
$5ff to $550, guaranteed that they
would pass the examination. Williams
is rharireH with nnfnlalina- tl, l. .
c ...... .....v.u.t.p ...v ji .a, i ivi
students st the college," while the in-
uicicu scnooi autnorities are charged
with artinar (nr tha. "rinn." Tk. ....
dents named in the indictments are
said to have paid to have influence
exerted and then having obtained
other students, who slso paid. The
alleuert rino- i aid tn hai.a Aku:..j
about $50,000 in its operation.
Columbus Camp, No. 69. Woodmen
of the World, will meet Sundav. De
cember 31, at the Prague hotel, Thir
teenth and William streets, for initia
tion. The degrees will be conferred
in fult form. ' -
Hungarian Petofi. No. 478, will meet
next Friday evening in Bohemian hall,
Thirteenth and Martha A,,.,
the clerk and deputy, has promised
rcai acuvuv. l nis is tne first meeting
called to boost the membership.
Comenius Cimn Xn 7A u.;n
Saturday evening, December '30. in
mciz nan. i hirteenth and William.
The protection degree will be coil-
Druid Tan'm K'a '9! ...a....: i :..
members last Monday night in Druid
hall with a Christmas tree and a mu
sical nrntrram Tn tha t;aa.k..: -i-
. . "v un,, iviatiiui Ul
gifts each child present was remem
bered. 'This was the third, annual
gathering of Druid Camp members
with Welcome Grove, its anviliarv.
as its guest. '
Aloha Camn Ki 1 ' aill ...a...:.
members' anrt fr'tmnAa' T,...J.
, - .....vo luaaua, eve-
ninR in Mvrtle ha with a f1i, .i..
"iJ other entertaining features.
The American flag was flying over
the Woodmen of the World hall, three
miles West nf Omaha n lha nj.
street road, last Sunday, which indi-
j-aicu mat a meeting was being held
bv Panio Ca'mn 971 T i
aS'the McArHIe anarial famil..
anu it is among the oldest m Wood
craft. Special efforts are being made
to double its membership. ;
Drake Service
' )
If Greetings and Good Wishes
Happiness at Christmas
v Prosperity Throughout
the Year
-Woodmen Circle.
W. A. Fraser r.rnv Mn 1 vtr j
, - ,
men Circle, isgiving a "White Christ
mas enieriitnmmn .nj ,
t ..a aiiu IlllUIIIlill
dance in Crounse hall next Friday eve-
A special meeting of Emma B.
Manrhacta-r r..rt. r tea: ...:u l.
l a j n v-.v.v, aiaa. iu. wm DC
held pecember 26 in room .307 Wood
men of the' World building.
Women's Relief Corps.
Phil Kearnev Tnrna Mn 1A1
its election nf nffiran a rnit
, " ."vv.a oa auilUWS;
President, Mrs. Mary Eastman; senior
vice Dresident. Mr. AI,V B,
junior vies, president, Mrs. Carrie
uuck; secretary, Mrs. Josephine Car
roll; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Cress:
chaplain, Mrs. Mary tisy; conductor,
Mrs. Lottie Anderson;, guard. Miss
Kathleen Carroll: deleeate to denart.i
ment rnnvantinn tra li:, D.
alternate, Mrs. Carrie Glick; patriotic
instructor, , Mrs. JoseDhllK Larrnl
press correspondent, Mrs. Marv
Cress. Officers will be installed Jan
uary 20. ' , .
Women's Catholic Order Foresters.
St. Marv'a Pmart XT. C7T -I J
L e a. - Z. ' ciCailCU
tne tollowmir nftirara at th 1Aa .
r meeting: Chief ranger, Mrs. Alice
urcnnan; vice cniet ranger, Mrs. Anna
vunrov: treasurer Mr Ma, ir.ii...
recording secretary, Miss Elizabeth
Kennelly; financial secretary, Mrs.
Mary Volz; trustees, Mrs. Nora Ryan,
Ellen Hanlon and Rose Ryan; dele
gate to national convention in Mil-
wauiree, wis., Mrs. Alice Brennan; al
ternate, Mrs. Mary Voli. Installation
uv.urs January j. .
. Lawton Auxiliarv.
I The General H. W. Lawton Auxil
iary to uimp j,ee torby elected of-
2-5! IOIIOW- rresident, Mrs.
-.nris wnnstensen; senior vice presi
dent, Mrs. A. Russell; junior vice
president, Mrs. A. Gladden; chaplain,
Mrs. Walter Tnnae.
, , J , VUIIUIA.IV1, .VI IS,
vvaiter n, tAne; assistant conductor,
Mrs. A. tdgar; patriotic instructor,
Mra. O Whinaana.H. kl.a :. if '
a- "I'l'v. ..., aiiaaunaUl, iairS.
Frank Osbnm- murrl Mra r ci.ii.
asisianr gura, Mrs. tan Wye.
Knights and Ladies of Seeuritv
Omaska rniinril XTa ...:n
. i " . r: . -'' Klve
nower oance Monday evening, Jan
uary i. 11, at tne Swedish and tn
The real Christmas spirit permeated
nearly every nook and corner of the
court house on the last day of the
week. It was the spirit of giving
and receiving. As the maioritv nf
the offices closed at noon, Saturday
morning presented the last opportu
nity for the members- of . the big
court house family to exchange pres
ents and Yuletide greetings before
scattering to their respective homes
to spend Sunday and Monday
Nearly every office was piled high
with gifts. Practically every depart
ment head was the reciptent of some
sort of gift from the members of his
office force. Harry Pearce, register
oi ueeas, spent tne morning walk
ling about in a smoking jacket of
elaborate design which his employes
gave mm. '
The girl stenographers and private
Secretaries in thp nifTarant nffinaa
seemed to be the favored ones. They
were KCDI OUSV ail momma nnvran.
ping gift boxes and fluttering from
office to. office in the excitement of
telling each other what they got.
Miss Charlotte Martin, private sec
retary in the office of County Attor
ney Maanav. an L.Aur aa,A.. J-
of Omahans in all walks of life, who
as oeen on tne job for seven
years, 'got enough candy, perfumery
and iewelrv tn strarU a amall n.n,.l.
nent store. Her gifts were from law
vers, business men, court house em
ployes and detectives whom she has
greeted with Iw rh.V,. "nnA .,
jng" hundreds of times during the
Omaha National
Gives Bonuses to
Help Beat EC, L.
The Omaha National bank distrib
uted substantial bonuses to all its em
ployes who have beenwith the institu
tion a year or more.l Christmas Dfes-
ents of cash were Riven to emoloves
of less than a year's service.
The bonuses were based on the an
nual salaries of the employes and
were characterized as "substantial"
by J. DeF. Richards, -cashier, who
made the announcement of the gilt
uisinouuon. - . ' . : , .'
"The bonuses 'ae more in the na
ture of ammunition to be used against
the H. C. of L. than Christmas pres
ents," Mr. Richards stated. They will
aid materially in- felping the boys
uvcr ine nump.
Dresher Brother Plant to
Put Plenty of Action Into
January Fur Pepart
ment Business.
Antone Kith, Furrier, Will
Make New Fur Garment
; at 25 Off During
A "Bargaih Month1' In a Dry
Cleaning Establishment! Never
heard of such a thing before, have
you! ; '
Well, it's a fact, nevertheless,
for Dresher Brothers, the Dry
Cleaners A Dyers, at 2211-2217
rarnam street, will offer a ONE
THIRD reduction oft all repair
work done in their Fur Denart
ment during January. ;
Not only that, but Dresher will
nffpr nfinr.irraTTnTCT nm -n
- -" " - - vHiia wi t un alt
NEW Fur Garments that may be
maoe np in ineir r ur department
aunng ine montn oi January.
Think nf tha nnnnrtnnita. IVat
prKsenie ILSeil U3 you. HOT ln-
srance, you may nave that large
scarf of yours made into a vastly
mors iasmonaoie small One;, your
DilloW muffs mnv hp maatn intn
the present stylish round muffs:
you may have new collars and
cuffs put onto your fur coats; you
mav have vnur f lira antimalv
lined and all at a discount of
ONE-THIRD, if only the work is
done here during January'.
Sneftkinc nf fnra ranrilnfa wnn
that furs will look better and" wear
Detter it Drought here to" be
"glased" now and then. "Glazing"
flira trivaa tham that hralliont-iahina
and delightful fluff. ' ' ,
All fur work at Dreshers Is of
course done under the supervision
of Antnna T. If iah ' a TTiaaa lTv.At
h.u.., a u uawci a
of authoritative experience. By
me way, your lurs may be dyed
hem at A hm.fl.ain fiman anwH
And if you have any furs to be
stored they may be stored as usual
in the inimitable Dresher Fur
Storage Vaults.
Rpmpmhpr Fnr Panainna. Daa.
gains in January Also Bargains
in the making up of new furs.
nrnn ar. iirpanara- immanaa niont
2211-2217 Farnam St and have
a namnnnl taIIt mrit.h Ma trial.
Iphva vnnr wnrlr at Ttranitaia Pai
gess-Nash or Dresher The Tailors,
or phone Tyler 845 for a Dresher
man. Dreshers pay parcel post or
express charge , one way on all
out-of-town , shipments. Adv, ,
. - , aJWUIl auuiw
nurrt. Sixteenth and Chicago street
Raymond's Christmas
greeting finds expression in all that the
sentiment of the Yuletide means; coupled
with the fact of this being our own FIRST
Christmas, it affords us a double pleasure.
There remains no better or moire appro
priate thing to be said than that we wish
for all a full measure of merriment f good .
cheer and every pleasure the Joyous sea '
son brings. ",f , . :
I ' j ... TJ
Early Street Car Service
Christmas Morning, Dec. 2516
For the accommodation of persons attending church services on Christmas
morning, earlier-than-regular street car service will be furnished on most lines.-
The Service Will Be As Follow:
First Car Subaaquant Service
.3:52 a.m. 5:00 a.m., then every 5 minute"
4:20 a.m. 5:20 a.m., then every 10 minutes
.6:00a. m. 5:45a. m., then every 10 minutes
.4:20 a. in. 5:05 a. m., then every 10 minutes
.4:46 a.m. 5:30 a.m., then every 10 minutes
. 6 :05 a. m.
,6:35 a. m.-
-S:20 a. m.,
-5:50 a. m.,
then every 10 minutes,
then every 10 minutes.
Leaving Depots (northbound)
Leaving Dundee
: Leaving 46th and Cuming, . .
Leaving Depots i .
Leaving 33d and Parker.
Leaving Depots
Leaving 30th and Spaulding. .
Leaving 24th and Ames .(southbound) . . .4:60 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
Leaving 24th and Kansas Ave , . 5 :30 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
Leaving Florence. . . . 5:56 a. m Regular Sunday schedule
Leaving S2d and Valley. .: 5:35 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
Leaving 29th and Dupont 6 :80 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
Leaving 24th and Ames (eastbound) ... .4:46 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
Leaving 4 2d and Grand... , 6 :20 a. m Regular Sunday schedule.
Leaving 43d and "Q". ........... .6:87 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
Leaving 13th and Vinton (southbound).. 4 :83a.m.
LpAvinir 13th and Vinrnn nnrthhnnnall ' 4-17 m
Leaving Albright.
Leaving Benson
Leaving School for Deaf. . .
Leaving Elmwood Park. .. .
Leaving 24th and Lake
Leaving 44th and "L".
4:48 a.m. 4:66, 6:05, then regular Sunday schedule.
5:00 a. m. 5:46 a. m., then regular Sunday schedule.
5 :69 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
. ....... 5 :49 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
........ 6 :16 a. m. Regular Sunday schedule.
........5:30a.m. Regular Sunday schedule.