Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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    5 A
Sunday, December 24, 1916. -
Phone Douglas 137'
Burgess-Nash Announce for Tuesday a Rousing
Closing Our Most Successful Year
Christmas Service
WE realize that the rush and hurry
during the Christmas season, and
especially during the last few days, are
attended with shortcomings in more
ways than one.
" When you check over your gift list,
you may find that a package has been
misdirected; the gift for a dear one
overlooked 'or some article undelivered.
That there may be no disappointments
on Xmas morning we have arranged for
capable attendants to be in charge, at
the store Sunday who will assist you
in adjusting these little irregularities.
This store can be depended upon
for last-minute service.
Telephone Douglas 5183-L or call at
Harney Street Door.
Remnants of SILKS
Were $1.00 to $1.5', lor 69c
ALL the short lengths left from this season's
selline. including plain and striped mes-
salines, figured foulards, striped tub silks, silk
poplins, canion , crepes, cnnmeu
.nwL .f icmrad : ch&roieuse. ,i etc. :
lengths 1 to 6 yards; widths 32 to 42
inches; were ?1 to Sl.oU,- lor, yard
50c Silk Poplins, 29c
Remnants of silk pfffffln in neat designs aid
pretty colorings; 24 inches wide; lengths from
1 to 10 yards. Regular price 50c, yard, 29c
BurKMl-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Round-Up of 'Women's
ACLEARAWAY of all the broken lots and
odd pairs of women's boots, party and house
slippers. The reductions made are less than the
cost of making.
Novelty boots, tan Russia vamp, white calf
top, button; were $9.00, pair $6.95. -'
Gray kid vamps with gray cloth top, lace; were
$9.00, for 6.95.
Bronze Kid, Dutton and lace,
turn soles; $6.00 values for
$4.65. j ' s
Black kid vamps, gray buck
top, turn sole, lace; were $8,
for $6.45. .
Tan Russia calf lace boot,
welt soles; were $6.50, $4.65.
v All the short lines of black
kid and calf skin, lace and
button, welt soles, our special
$4.00 lines. $3.25.
- All the short lines of black kid, patent and calf
skin, button and lace boots; our best $5.00 grade
for $3.65.
Odd lots of dancing and party slippers, values
from $5.00 to $7.00, choice for $3.85.
Women's Knit Slippers in all colors; the $1.25
kind for 95c.
Women's Knit Slippers in all colors, the $1.35
kind for $1.00.
Women's Knit Slippers in all colors, the $1.50
kind for $1.15. ,
. The best grade of Women's Felt Slippers, fur
and ribbon trimmed for $1.19.
, Green's Genuine Comfy Slippers, in all col-
f' ors, at $1.45.
Eiderdown Bed Sox, 29c. Co. Second Floor
Probably the most remarkable clearaway that we have ever had!
If we operated merely on present market conditions, we would probably not hold our usual
r., j,,v i j-u: i ; J - ..., a l . . il. .
iwuuuup ui cieaittway tins yvai iui uoxgain guuua cue scarce a ncn s iccui. ,
. Almost every kind of merchandise in our store is .worth more than its present market price; and when pres
ent stocks are sold out we will have to pay more for the same goods often for goods that are not equal in quality.
. Every newspaper tells you the stoiy of rapidly advancing prices. But we are merchants not speculators!
We are not here to make the most dollars possible out of our customers this year. We are here TO GIVE THE
BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. This year and every year for a whole lifetime we hope.
We are, therefore, going to clean up ourv stocks and take our chances on the future no matter what we
have to pay when we go into the market again, because we don't count anything a loss when it becomes our cus
tomers' gain. - - y
Never has there been a time since we have been in business that it Was so definitely S y . ' t
to our customers' advantage, to lay in full supplies of all goods likely to" be needed " QuojujMAw4
while the opportunity is here.
'.' Annual "Round-Up" of Women's, Misses and Children's
Goats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts,
Blouses and Furs
SELDOM,-if ever, have you been afforded the opportunity to se-cp;
lect from such vast assortments of clean, fresh stocks and in 1 t1;
such a variety. Remarkable price reductions nave Deen maae ana
our entire assortment of coats, suits, dresses,' blouses, ; skirts and
'urs, every garment in our carefully selected stock Is included in
his !lRound-;up." v ,-''.
Coats Reduced One-Third hd One-Half
Coats were $15.00, now. .$10.00
Coats were $16.75, nowi .$11.17
Coats were $19.50;now . '.$13.00
Coats were $25.00, now, .$16.67
Coats were $29.50, now, .$19.67
Coats were $35.00, now. .$23.34
Coats were $39.50, now. .$19.75
Coats were $45.00, now. .$22.50
Coats were $49.50 now. .$24.75
Coats were $56.00, now. .$27.50
Coats were $65.00, now. .$32.50
Coats were $75.00, now. .$37.50
Tailored Suits Reduced to Half Price
Suits were $19.50, now..$ 9.75
Suits were $2500, now. $12.50
Suits were 1 $29.50, now . . $14.75
Suits were $35.00, now.. $17.50
Suits were $39.50, now. .$19.75
Suits were $45.00, now . .$22.50
Skirts Price
Skirts were $ 5.95, now. . . . .$2.98
Skirts were $ 6.50, now. . . . .$3.25
Skirts were $ 7.50, now. . . .$3.75
Skirts were $ 8.50, now.-. ; . .$4.25
Skirts were $12.50, now $6.25
Skirts were $15.00, now $7.50
Presses were
Dresses were
Dresses were
Dresses were
Dresses were
Dresses were
$19.50, now.'..$ 9.75
$25.00, now... $12.50
$35.00, now.i .$17.50
$39.50, now... $19.75
$45.00, now... $22.50
$59.50, now. . . $29.75
Child's Coats Vt Price
-" Am to IS Yoara
Coats were $ 5.00, now. '.!.'(.'. $2.50
Coats were $ 7.50, now. .... .$3.75
Coats were $10.00, how. ; . , . .$5.00
Coats were $12.50, now ...... $6.25
Coats were $15.00, now'. ... . .$7.50
Coats were $16.50, now. . .v. .$8.25
Children's Coats at Vi Price Important "Round-Up" of Blouses
Age 2 to 6 Years,
tttt t-vdcxt'G ...h nlnoVi zihelrnf r.hin-
(W llLju lLjn j mow, f"u"p ; '
lntVia onH fflnrv mixtures: va-
Lllllia) wiwauviWMiu '
riety of styles for ages 2 to 6 years y Dr;r(fc
reg. price $3.98 to '$22.50; at exactly '2
Children's Bonnets, y rnce
n ai a ...tiraf lnah pnrHiirov and Bilk Don-
rancy cuiuieu r , , .
with fur or ribbons: regular 1 D.--
price $1.60 to $7.98, at exactly. Z I IltC
r Children's Fur, Va rnce
All children's furs, variety of styles,! D-J-a
at exactly - mlvv
Women's Knit Scarfs, at 98c
Knit or aneora scarfs, wide selection of colors; were
$1.60 to $2.50. Sale price, 68c.
THE most attractive blouses we've ever of
fered at such splendid savings.
$3.95 to $5.00 Blouses, at $2.50
Crepe de chine and pussy-willow blouses, in flesh and
white; also a few in dark shades; a wide assortment of
styles; were $3.95 to $6.00, at, $2.50.
$5.95 to $8.50 Blouses, at $3.50
Blouses of lace net, georgette crepe and chiffon, in
nil suit shades; flesh and white; dressy blouses and tail
leur models.
$8.95 to $12.00 Blouses, ajt $5.00
Handsome georgette crepe, lace, net and chifon
blouses, in suit shades, and a few in Kent colors.
$15.00 to $19.50 Blouses, $7.50 and $9.75
High-class blouses in embroidered and beaded chiffon
and georgette crepe; also dainy laces and nets.
Burt'eaa-N.'tah Co. Second Floor
RIBBON Remnants Vi Price
ODD ahd end lengths of plain or fancy ribbons
in various widths and lengths, specially
priced for the "Round-up" 1 o
at r 2 rnce
Burtosa'Naah Co, Main Floor.
Jewelry Novelties That Were
to 50c, in the "Round-Up" 11c
A ROUNDUP of all odd lots from the
sample line of Morris, Mann &
Rielly, including brooches, bar pins,
beads, tie clasps, hair pins,
barrettes, combs, etc., intended
to retail to 50c, for
50c Sterling Silver Deposit, 29c '"
Including bowls, glasses; sherbets, sugar
bowls, eto. J Were to 60c, for 29e. .
- 50c Novelties, Reduced to 19c
A small lot of grained ivory powder boxes,
hair receivers; were 60c, for 19c
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Mala Floor.
Remnants of Dress Goods
That Were to $1, for 35c
THIS lot includes such weaves ,as
serges, panamas, batistes, military
coatings and mixtures In a big range of
colors; lengths 1V2 to 5 yds; widths 36
to 54 in.; suitable for skirts,
dresses and children's coats;
were 60c to $1.00, yard, at. . .
$1.25 to $1.95 Dress Goods, 79c '
Short lengths of dress goods, including French
serges, storm serges, batistes, wool crepe, wool
taffeta, mixtures, etc.; regular price 7Q .
$1.25 to $1.95, at, yard, . . . . .-. , 1 17 C
Burgtai-Naah Co. Mala Floor.
riuuio uu
Handkerchiefs. One-Half Price
ACLEARAWAY of all soiled 'and mussed
handkerchiefs, including
35c Handkerchief) 15c
Women's and Men's plain linen, initial and em
broidered handkerchiefs; were to 85c, Jg
' 15c Handkerchiefs, 7Vc
Women's embroidered and plain handkerchiefs
fancy colors and corners; were to 16c, for TM
BurfoM-Naak Co. Mala Floor.. , ,
Good '. 'arm BLANKETS
In the "Round-Up" Sale
A SPECIAL price reduction that will appeal
to every housewife. u
$2.50 Beacon Blankets, $1.59 ,
' Fancy jacquard beacon blankets, conffortable
full size; regular price $2.60,-pair, $1.59.
$10 Silk Comforters, $6.95
Comforters, with floral silK
covering, plain borders in vari
ous colors, regularly $10.00,
for $6.95.
$4 Comforters for $2.95
Silk mull covered comforters,
for twin beds; pretty Persian
and floral designs; regularly
$4.00, sale price, $2.95.
$8.50 Auto Robes, $5.98
Strictly all wool Oregon City auto robes, over
twenty-five drfferent styles to choose from;
regularly $8.60, sale price, $5.98, , '
$2.50 Blanket Robes, $1.35
Blankets for bath robes, full size, complete
with cords and frogs to match; regular pries
$2.60, sale price, $1.35. '
Bursaas-Naah Co. Down Stair Storo
Great Round-Up of Winter Coats
In the Down Stairs Store Tuesday
A RADICAL clearaway of women's coats at prices that border on
the sensational. Three groups like this:
Women's $10.00 Coats, $3.95
Made of mixtures, plaids and cheviots with large fQ QC
shawl collar, also chin chin collars, loose flare and sjJeJ-SJj
belted models; were to $10.00, for. . t w
Women's $15.00 Coats, $5.50
Coats of fancy novelties, mixtures, plaids and wool velours;
long or short, with large shawl collars or tight col- Pf
lars, belted and flare models; we're to SlS-OOvhJj.JJlJ
Women's $25.00 Coats, $8.50
Plushes, fancy novelties, mixtures, plaids, ve-jq Ff
lours and fancy plushes, fur trimmed, fitted and ,BOaOJ
flare models; were to $25.00, for awew w
Round-Up of
BiirgM-NBh Ca.
. Down Stairs Stars
That Were to $5.00, for $1.00
A wonderful offering, including a great variety
of kinds of fur and styles' of neck pieces, that
were to $5.00, at; your choice
American Semi Porcelain
Usually Priced to 35c Each
WITH a gold band decoration, fancy
shapes, very light in "weight. Includ
ed in the lot, Tuesday, are :
Cups and saucers, bakers,
soup plates, nappies, din
ner plates, gravy boats,
bowls, sugars, creamers,
jugs, pickle dish
es, meat platters,
etc.; usually to
35c, each
Cut Glass Tumblers, 10c 1
Cut glass table tumblers, thin lead- blown
with pretty daisy cutting; bell shape. Ea., 10c
Bargoaa-Naah Co. Dawa Stalra Storo
Round -Up of Enameled and
Aluminum Ware for Tuesday
SOME of the lota are snjall and we cannot promise to. have
a complete assortment for the day, values are extremely
big. Here s an idea'of what to expect: -
Pure Aluminum Ware Usually
to $1.50, at 69c
Consisting of lipped preserving ket- JA
ties, rice boilers, Berlin sauce pans, pat- t)H(
ent safety kettles, fry pans, coffee pots. ..T
Blue or Gray Enameled Ware Reduced.
Oval dish pans, blue,
enameled outside, white
lined ; 69c value, 39c. i
Berlin kettles with
enameled cover; blue
enamel outside, .white in
side 69c value, 39c. .
Gray enameled lippei
sauce pans, 4-quart size;
20c value, at 10c -. .
Gray ' enameled water
pails; 10-quart size; value
49c, at 29c. . . ;
Burfa-Naah Co. Down Stalra Storo