Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1916, Image 14

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Market is Strong and Wheat
Prices Climb Eight to
Ten Cents.
Omaha. December 12. 1(11.
The ni (rata sltuattos e jry etrong
teday, and. while the -jerelpte of all cereals
were light tha local cash aemana wu r
cellent and moat of tha samples that havs
bran held over for I he last few daya wars
Mill riurliw the aarlv trading hours.
There waa alao an excellent demand for
all eereale and wheat prices ranted rrom
t to la eenu Miner. No. I hard wheat
said for 11.11 to 11.11 and No. I waa
dieted st 11. el to I1.C4.
Millers were In the tnarkst for all kinds
of milling wheat, hut hard winter was a
hotter seller than tha durum, which sold
around II. M to II. St. .
The corn market wss also strong, and
with an azcellent demand for this cereal the
market ruled from 2 to I cents higher, j
White corn again took the lead and sold
at a 1'Ccnt premium over the yellow. No.
3 and No. I wbito selling around ST rents,
while the yellow corn of the same . grade
brought from It to II cento. -
There waa a good Inquiry for mired corn,
tha No. I grade selling at 11 cenla and
the hulk of No. I at lift cenls. ,
Oats advanced about I eenta and the
demand for this cereal waa ascelient at
tha prevailing prices.
Rye and barley were vary oilier, on ac
count of light receipts, rya being quoted
IH cents higher and barley unchanged.
Liverpool Cloao Whtat, ateady to lc
higher; earn, firm, unchanged.
Primary wheat receipts. SIMM hu. and
ehlpments bo., against receipts of
l.l.MI bu. and shipments of 771,00(1 bu.
last year.
Primary corn receipts Were 770,000 bu.
and shlpmenta 111,000 bu., agalnut receipts
of 700.000 bu. and shlpmsnis of bu.
stst year. -'
Primary eata receipts were 441,000 bu. and
shipments 471.000 bu..' sgslnst receipts of
t4i,ooo bu. and shipments of e' bu. last
laer, . . , ,
Wheat. Corn,
Corn. Oals.
fhlcago .............. SI 101.
Minneapolis ,...115
tmluth ,., II
Omaha I - !4 I
Kansas City It . 27 u
. Loul ,41 , HI 11
Winnipeg ., ...141 ...
v These salea were reported today ;
, Wheat No, 1 hard winter; 1 car, II. 41;
1 oar, 1.17; I cam, ll.UVs. No. I hard
winter; 1 car, 11.14; I oar, 11.13 1 car,
11.11. Na, hard winter; 1 car, 11. H:
1 ear (smutty), 11.11, Na. I aprlng:
1-1 car, 11.11. No. I durum: If car, 11.11;
I oars, 11.10. ' No, I durum miied; 1 car,
Ml. No. I ml ted: 1 car, 11.17, No. I
mixed durum: l-l car, II. Bl. No. 4 mixed:
1 ear.'; cars, 11.13; 1 car (light),
Rre Na. Ii t ears, No. S: 1 car,
Cora Na, I white, 1 car, 17c. No. I while.
1 car, lie No. 4 white, 1 oar, lac. No. I
yellow. oars, lie; l car, KI4c.No, I yel
low, 1 ear, IIHo. cars, lee. No, I yel
low, 1 car, lie- No. I mixed, 1 car, lie; 3
cam, Sio. No, I mixed, 1 car. 11 an; I
ears, lie; 1 ear, lifco; I oars. ISfce. No, 4
mixed. 1 ear, II lie No, I mixed, 1 car, llo.
Oats Standard, I car, 10o. No.' I while,
1 oar, lie; I cars, 50(41-. No. 4 white, 1 ear,
lie- Sample white, 1 car, 60 Ur; 1 car, 10c.
Omaha Caak Priced-Wheat No. I hard.
ll.Uftl.ll; No. hard, I1.I3UV1.I4; No.
4 hard, Il.ll4ll.ltti. Corn: No. I white,
11 017c; No. I white, llti(M7c; No. 4
white, IIUVHc: No. I white, l5t5lio;
No I white, 11915c, No. 3 yellow, llttV
14 tic; No. I yellow, IKMIHc: No. I yi.
low, I. ti lie; No. S yellow, ItHlltic: No.
I rallow, HOIItic; No. I yellow, Helen;
No. I mixed, liKffime; No. I mixed,
lits()imoi No. 4 mixed. Ilolloi No: I
Oats No. I white, 11011 tin standard,
(rlla.d. liiMl. Oals: llWlltici slen
der. lOKVllc; No. I white, 50'iOtle; No.
4 white, 0ile Barley: Malting.
No. 1 feed, Htfljr. Ryei No. t, 11.11; No. a,,
. Oaah Firturee Market. ?""';
Tha future wheat sltuallon waa bullish
again today and substantial gaina were
made In botn the May and July opttone,
May wheat closing about 4 centa higher
and July, i eenu above tha opening quo
tations. There 'area Very little peaco talk heard
during today's aeasion and the main factor
seemed ta be the reports of good export
business, and, although there waa no con
firmation of these rumors, It had tha effect
of creating a, bullish sentiment.
The corn . market waa helped eonaid
arably by the strong cash situation and
also by the fact that the car situation doae
hot show any Improvement.
Trade In the local pit waa confined chiefly
ta corn and wheat and there waa a good
business In these markets,
Oata enntlnued quiet, with a J-eent gain
In the May, while December waa nominally
iieelunad. ... '
l.ocal range of options;
Art. Open. High, l.ow.1 cioaeTj fear
Wh't. T i
fee. 1 7 1 I7ti 117 ' 1 171 IS7
May I II 1 4 in '4 1 1H IMS
July I lift 1 u iso 1 ilk lioti
I0, 14 M ,. M I4ti
J lay .11 lilt tl ; 11 II 4b
uly 17 IIU 17K . . IIH 17'
Oat. , " , ' I
Dee. . IV M Mlt v U 44i
May 4lti Hjf 41 tj ' to 44 '
Chicago closing prices, furnished The Dee
by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers.
311 South Sixteenth street. Omaha; .
- ATt. 1 Open. ) lllgh. f,owT'ciose, Tea.
wm: i . 1 ",' " I
eo. IMIiltlti
May I II 1 II lilts 1 II 111
July 1 lot I Willi 111111
Corn, , .
Dec, ' 11 . 13 11 lit, i
May ll4 . 3 tl ta - 13 lati
July. Iltilttt 13 III! l!H IIVj
Ilec. 4IH '.-4lli IIH ' 41 ti 41
May 11 .". 3H Hti ilti 11
July: 41 U 41 Jit, 0
Jan. 11 It !t 10 tl IB if 10 tl 71
May 31 ti 31 70 31 It II 11 tl to
laird, v , .
Jan. li II l 7 15 i it at it I!
May it ii ii it tt li ii . ii oo
Whs., .... I
Uaa. 11 10 11 17- II in h t it 71
. May II to JliO 14 111 14 !7 14 IB
CHICAGO CBAJN AND PROVISIONS.' as ta Peace Outlook Makes
-. Wheat Market Nnrvaaa.
Chicago. Dec. tt. Assertions that export
business today waa en a large scale and
that Kuropean asqulsltlons yesterday hail
been double the amount which had been
currently eetlmated were rhieriv e.nnH.
aibla for a decided upturn today In the
price of wheat. Closing quotations were
atrong, to to 4o net higher, with May
at 11.17 ta 11.11 and July at ll.uti to
11.11. Other ataples, too showed gains
w xto v aujc eats ajo to lc and pro
visions to to lie. "
Peace uncertainties mads the wheat trade
nervous during tha first hour or so, opln
kina being greatly at variance as to how
ina newa al hand from Indon, Washington
and olher eapltala should be Interpreted.
The puxxla found no nolution thai ...
orally accepted, but It served to keep the
market fluctuating meanwhile; within ltic
. teieei nsuree. Tnen ad
vlcea were current that a British neik
alod waa again In the market as an active
burer of wheat. A decisive ,rtv,.,. iR
values begaa and waa acelerated by goaslp
that a big flset of steamers soon would
arrive at the eastern seaboard to relieve
llio existing freight congestion there. De
spite reactions due ta profit taking the up
turn. gained in force riant to the close
Rumors that a warlike note from the
entente allies to. the central powers was
forthcoming did a good deal to Increase
the bullish aentlment near the end of the
session.- when shorts were evening up for
the three holiday, ahead beginning tomor
row. It waa nut until after tho close that
many tradera wsreaware of tha founda
tion of the rumora, a Petrograd dispatch
available early In the mornlna le the
effect that ths formal answer to the Ger
man offer of a peace conference would be
aa already outlined by government officials
mere im nesiin uvai.
Provisions were neglected. Illaher sunt..
liens im hogs formed tho mala basis of
Chicago Cash Prteer Wheat: No. t red,
11.11; No. I red. 11.11; No. 1 hard, nominal:
No. 3 hard, nominal. Com: No. I yellow.
lit4r: No. 4 yellow, Oltilrltiec; No. 4
waits, tiafir. uste: n. j white, nom
inal: etaartard. tlti trite. Rye; No. t.
Itarley-.. tferll.t0. Scads: Clover, ilt.oon
1I.S0; flMothy, t-M0i.fO. Provtelons:
Para. !: ;; lard, l UiH.i; ribs. 113.11
Iwtter Vnchsngcd."
. i-tv Receipt, t.iel cases; unchanged.
t-eusfoea Heceipis, tweniy-riva t-ars; un-
Pooh.ry Alive, wesfc: ' fowls, i4t17o;
Killing Cattle Slow and Lower,
Feeders About Steady
Sheep Steady to Lower.
Omaha, DAcember 11,4111.
Rereloti were: Cattte. Hon. Sbetp.
Cfflcfal Monday 1.nt f.737
Offlrl.l Tuc-day ..... .7 a,,4i II, 41
Official Wedneaday ... &.IZ2 K.MI I.SS4
UTtW ThurMlay ,., . 1,313
Kslimata Friday ...... 1.100 li.99 4.100
Ffva dTi fhU . SB.tBt 71.130 41.084
Km daya laat wmk. .14.005 71.I0S H,4
Ham, dnya 3 wka. asjo,X4,l6ff 7,st T7,47
earn daya 3 wka. ino.SI.ai9 00,21.5 64,300
Hame daya 4 wka. M(o.41.S06 0I.C7B M.I21
8am dafa laat year ..10,301 70.04. 10,104
Cattlf Rotftiiota wr fair for a Friday,
1,000 headxbelnii reported In, Tha trade,
however, waa very alow and dull, buyera
havlnar aonarenlly fllld their requirement
earlier in the week. I'rlcea ranged genera I ly
a little lower thin veeterriav or arc and l.O
juc tower than lmul wediHsaaay. mooKerm
and feed era on , the other band ware m
light supply, and tha trade did not ahow
much o ha nire, prfoea being about atedy.
uuoiatlona on tattle Oood to unotce year-
Una beevea. S1O.2&0 1 1. 60: rood to eholcei
corn fed beevea. 910,00011.00; fair to good
corn fed beevea. S, 7.(3)10. 00: common to fair
corn fad bevea. f7.:6tf.7l: good to choice
graaa beevea. $7.760.flfl; fair tu good graan
oeevea, 9B.i&tTi.T; romtnon to rair graaa
beevea, t&.7O0C7&; good to choice he If era,
17.00 1.60; good lo choice nowa, $6.Tfr4fiP
7.7 : fair to good cowi, 96 760 76; fommott
rair cowa,; on me leening
ateera, 10.4000.00; good to choice fettle re,
97.79.2i; fair to good feedera. K. 717. 26;
common to fair feeder. 94.0009. It; good
to choice etockera, I7.009l.26; atork be I fere.
it.ztoi do: atock cowa. i6.oo7.flo; aiocK
calvea, 94.0091.60; veal calvea, Il.00ftl0.00;
beer bulla. atAga, ate, 70.00 0 7. OP; bologna
bulla, IS. 003.6. 76. :
Hoge A very good fog run ahowed up
for a Xrlday, recelpia of 169 lokda. or about
11,000 head, showing a derided Inrreaaa ovr
Thursday. The week'a total of 79,130 hettd
la 7,000 larger than laat week and Z.non
heavier than laat year,, but aeveral hun
dred head amallar than iwq week ago.
With much of the atuff late In arriving
again today and pakera gnnemlly reluct
ant is pay tha prevailing nrteee, the market"
waa anotbor or tha Irregular affaira that
have bean common Ibla week. Shipping
outlet waa very good and outalde buyer
tarted thlnga by putting up drovea on a
nickel higher baata. Packer were alower
about coming acroaa, '.rylng hard to make
their purehaaea at yeaterday a figure, and
tho killer trade never did become very
Jtrely. but to tha and Iha bulk uf tha af-
ferlnga aold ateady to aa much aa a dime
highar or generally a nickel abovo Thura-
4ay. . . -
Tha cloao waa tba moat vnoveti tima of
day. Shlppej-e' were atlll In the market
late, and aa packora atlll wanted good hoge
anything dealrable sold aa high aa at any
time, of day, Llghta and common mlieri
ktnda, which had not been very good aell
era at any time of .he day. were a drag
late, and when packera left the yarda aev
oral care were atlll In flrat handa.
Prlcea averaged un about a nickel higher
than yeaterday. Bulk aold at 99.75010. to,'
and towarda the cloae good weighty atuff
reached 910.30, Today'a quotation are. the
highest In about threa moptba and break
all lecamler record.
Sheep The run of aheep waa tolerably
liberal for a Friday and exceeded expecta
tion.. Bomewnat. cnuto houaa eatimatei
placed the run at twenty, care, or 1,909 head,
but' the total run waa, larger than that, aa
the fig urea given did not Include aoma eight
cam of drlvelna. The five daya aupplyfl
toota up ai.oit neaa, oeing ii,oo amaiier
thas laat week and over 36,000 abort of two
weeks ago, but 0.000 greater than a yoar
ago, , - -
on early reunda packera had decided y
baariah Ideaa, deaplta tha fact that other
market! wired firm proapacla. Buyer, com
plained that I her waa more atuff here
than Jhey could handle, aa aome hnuaen
were not killing today, and Maid tha aherl-
it 0f,f4ra prevented their ahlpplng anough
dreaoao mutton to relieve the attune Ion. Ho
with only a part or the aupply In tha oena.
and aellars anklng ateady to atronger prlcea,
in tie waa done on- nrat rounda, iater on
hide which had been generally lower were
ralaad aomewhat, and before laat tralna got
in a gooa anara or ina earty arrival or
lamba ' had changed hands at prlcea that
were largely ateady to In no caae more than
10c lower, tip to 11 o'clock the beat prjee
paid -aa I II. 00, but practically all the
good lamba aold there, and It will b re
membered t nattily a few loada aold above
that yeaterday' Tho few old aheep that aold
early were about steady, one load of good
twea equaling yeaterday' top of 99.09,
wnen later arrival came in most of
them were of rangers, and packera, who
alrrady had about all tha lamba they cnuld
ue wre doing little. A coup la of loada of
.tod fed weaterna on the laat train eet a
new top for tho day of 919.06. Ileav evree
sold at IS. 80. Only one car of clipped
iemt waa nern, i oey were not or trie beet
and sold at 911.40.
(lorn Dared with week aaro fat lam he ere
1 flA.lic higher on the ffxul ktnde at laaet.
Aged atock la aetllng at an advance of S60
40c over laat Friday: Feeders hove been
In rather light aupply aH week not anough
navmg Dean nera to make markets moat
days. They bava held a fairly evea coarae
all week.
Quotations on sheep and 4amba: laamba,
good to choice, 912.96019.06; lamba, fair
la good, 912.96019.16; lamba, clipper, 910.76
11.60: lamba. feedera. 9M. 00012.26; year
lings, good to- choice. 9)0 60011.36; year
lings, fair to good, 90 26010,60; yearlings.
feeders, 97.0001.00; weiaera, isir vo cbomh
9b. 600 10.00; ewes, good to choice. 9. 400)
00: ewes. faJr to good. 97.3608.64); ewes.
niain ta eulls. 36.OO4wO.60: awes, feeding.
96.00OT.26; ewsa, breeders, all ages, 99.00
Representative sales;
91 fed awes
9 fed ewea
9 euTT ewes
231 fed lam be
220 fed lambs ,!.
260 fed lamba
46 call lamba
v ,Av. Pr.
..,-,104 9 36
116 3 96
OS 7 60
7 1 10
90 13 95
79 12 95
09 U U
Cattle fltroag, Bogs Htreag a ad Higher,
ftheea Htroag. "
Chlcsgo, Dec, 23 Cattle Receipts, 8.000
head: market, stropj:; native oeer caiuai
97.00011.76' western ateera. 97.00010.00;
atockera and feeder. 16.1600.10; cowi and
heifers, 94.00019.00; calvea, M-60011.76.
Hoge Receipt. 33,000 head; market.
Strong to 6010c above yesterday'a average:
bulk of aales, .O01i.iO; light, 90.600
10.20; raised, 9.90010.40; heavy. 99.906
10.60: rough, 99.0010.00- plga, 97.&O09.26.
Shoep and Lanibe Receipt, 2.000 head;
market, strong we there. 99.00 0 10.90; ewes,
993609.46; lambs.lli. 26013.46.
- Hi. Lools IJvo Nteock Markea.
St. touls. Doc, 22. Cattle Receipt. 8,100
head : market steady; native beef steers,
97.600 11.60; yearling ateera and heifers.
99,60011.60; row. 96.iO09.6O; etockera and
feeders, 16.1007.75; prime southern beef
steers, 98,0009.00; rows and heifers, 94.26
07.60; prime yearling steers and heifers,
17.6009.00; natlv calves. 90.00012.00.
Hogs Receipts, 14.000; market higher;
tight, 10.00010.60; plga, 97.7609.26; mlied
and butchera, 910.00010,66; good heayy,
9lO.40A10.66: bulk of salea. 310.10010.60.
Hheep and Iambe Receipts. 2.600 head;'
market steady; lamps. ijB.uuOTia.uo; ewes,
96.0009.76; yearling awes. 96.0003.7; year
lings. 99.OO01).93. i
, Kaaeee City Mre Htock Market.
Kansas City, Pec. ' Si. Cattle Recelpia.
1,000 head; market, eteadyrprtme fed steers,
flO.fiO011.26; dressed beef sters, 7.6O0
10.29 ' western steers. 94.60 0 10.26; cows.
96.2609.-2; heifers, 99.00010.60: stacker
and feeders. 96.7608.00; bulla, 96-6007,26;
calves, 90.00011.00.
Hogs Recelpia, 3.000 head; market,
steady: bulk of sales, 99.30W10.26 heavy.
910.26010.30; packera and bMhrff, 99.900
10.30; lights, 99.60010.16: pigs, 9. 0009.26.
fihtep snd lsambs Rncelpta, 3.000 head;
market, higher; lambs. 913.60013.16; year
lings, 110 60 011.60; withers, 99.6O09.6O
ewes, 9,iM0.i). . t - -
Woni City Urm Htock Market.
flloux City. la., Dec. 32. Cattle Receipts,
1,000 jiead; market steady; beef ateera, 99.00
010.60; butchera, IS.76ff8.76. fat cows and
heifers. 96-7609.00; cannera. 94.6006.60;
stockers and feeders. 94.2609.00; calves,
99.OO0I.M;., bulls, stags, etc.. 9&-6O09.7&;
feeding cows and heifers, 94.60 0 7.00.
Hogs----Receipts, 12,009 head; rnarket
steady; llghta, 99.2609.90; mixed. 99:663
9.90. heavy. 9.960lO:i6; plga, 97.5009 00;
bulk of aales, 99.06010.00.
Hheep and Lambs Receipts 1,600 head,
market steady; for muttons, 97.6O01O.6O;
wethers, 9 0009.00; ewes, 97.6009 36;
lambs, 911.36 011.60.
i . J '
M. Jeaeah Uve Bteek Market.
m, Joseph, Mo., Dec. 32. Cattle Re
ceipts, 600 head; market steady; steers,
97,60011.60; cows and heifers, 4. 60010. 00;
calves. 17,00011.00.
Hogs Racelpta, 1,900 head; market
steady; top, . 910.30; ,bulk of salea, 9.760
10.10. . F
flheep and Lamba Receipts, J. 000 head;
market, steady; lamba, 912.00013.10; ewes,
99.9003.71, , - - . .
''v V-
Coffee Market.'
New Tork. Ioc. 33. The market for cof
fee fixture was loos active today and fluc
tuations were narrow, -in opening was
unchanged to 1 point highar on a little
scattered buying. . which may have re
flected covering or replacing by some of the
sellers oh yesterday'a oarly newa from
Washington, but otherwise there was very
little demand and prlcea eased of? slightly
under realising. The market will not reopen
until next Tuesday morning and the Irreg
ular fluctuations probably reflected evening
up for over the three-day ' adjournment.
The cloae waa net unchanged to 4 points
lower. Icember.J.IOc; January, 1.46c; Feb-,
ruary, 9.63c; March. 141c; April. Lfte;
May, 3.74c. June, 9.11c: July, S.Mr J Au
gust, 9.98c;'Heptember, 9.99c; October, 9.06c;
November, 9. He. Spot, quiet but steady; Rio
Ts, 9n; Hantoa 4s. 10o; eost and freight
offers were reported about unchanged, with
Santos 4s quoted at 9.00c, f. o b.. Brasll.
American credits. The official cables .showed
an unchanged market at Rio and advances
of 100 it 160 rels at 8entos.
-" Oil aa
Ravannah, " Oa.. Dec, 33. -Turpentine,
steady. 6.t4fcc: a1s. 4 bbla.: receipts, 243;
shipments, 4; stock, 39,914. i j
Rosin Firm i salea, 749 tibia.;" receipts,
1,361; shlpmenta, 43; atock, 4,643. tjuotst
A. B , ih B. F, .00c O, H, 6.06c; 1,
4.10c; K, 4.20c;M, 9.40c; IN, 9.89c; WU,
7.00c; WW. 7.30c
Copperville P. O., Mohave County, Ariiona.
A Big Copper Showing
' Over, two milet of wide vein outcrop. A mile of
underground developments. Ettimated "ore in tight"
$4,000,000. Approximately half million dollars ex
pended on mine and mill. ,
Four Big Ore Shoots
Deep Granite Formation
Persistent Mineralization
Treasury Shares
Application will be made to list on t
Boston Curb Exchange .
, . Subscriptions . to treasury shares should be in
hand immediately in view of probability of over-subscription.
Buy it for early indicated dividends buy it
for large prospective profits in the market -
: . ' '. - STOCK BROKERS .
Suit 801 -802-803-804-C05 . -
TaiapaoaaaUM.ta! Kis-stit 85 Devonshire St, Boston.
Both the Celebrated
Pathe and Every
American Record
1 Made
Jol Models from v W
Y 570 to $175
lie !1I
All Phonographs In One
The Famous Brunswick
Balke-Collender Company,
of Chicago, has perfected a
final'- type phonograph,
which embodies .the best
features of the best phono
graphs .made. , This truly
artistic music-maker is how
on exhibition at the store
named below.
They will enjoy demon
strating, to music lovers,
this combination of perfec
tions which, in addition,
possesses individual refine
ments found in no other
phonograph. "
With the Brunswick you
hear the, world's great
singers as they really Bound
on stage and concert plat
forms. You enjoy the faith
ful record of all instrumen
tal music, with no hint of
mechanical reproduction.
Plays All Records
The s Brunswick plays all
records both the cele
brated Pathe, which intro
duces you to the musical
celebrities and composK
American record made.
' This is accomplished by
two sound boxes, one for
Pathe records, one for other
makes. These are supplied
without extra charge. They
; make your choice of selec
t tion unlimited. - ! ; v
' Exclusive Tone Regulator
'Av "Vox Humana" tone
regulator a perfection of
the Brunswick governs
musical production through
the "throat" of the machine.
You can play your favorite
records as you want them
played. if
Equipment included sap
phire bahV jewel point and
steel needles; 12-inch turn
table, automatic stop.
! Prices from $70 to $175.
'. !. V,-- ;v. .
We invite every music lover
j tto hear the Brunswick at
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