Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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ttntersS at Omaha poatorrioa aa aecond-claae inattaf.
'I Pally and Sunday........
' Dally wtlhavt Sunday....
i Kventftff and Sunday
Kvenlns wttbaat Sunday.
Sunday Hae only.
By Carrlar
per month.
By Mall
per year.
iuit. a..n,t. ihnM MtH In advanaa. 110.09,
Send nolle, or chant 'of addreaa or trrasularltr la de
livery la Omaha Bee, Circulation Department.
Remit by draft, etpreaa or poital order. Only l-oent otampa
I. taken In payment of amall aeeounta. Poreonal ahoclia, on Omaha and eaitern oichante, not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Building-.
South Omaha ISIS N etreet.
Council Bluffa 14 North Main etraot.
Lincoln 30 Little Building.
Chicago lit People'e Oaa Building.
Nrw Torn Room 101. l Fifth aee.
(It. Ioulo Mi Nxw Bank of Commerce.
Waahlngton 7ao Fourteenth atroot. W. W.
Addreaa commnnlcttlona relating t. nmwt and adltartal
matter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department
55,483 Daily Sunday 50,037.
might Wllllama. rtrcolatlns manager mt The BM
Publlahlng company, being duly awom, aaya that the
arerage circulation for the monlk) of November. 110. was
Mi3 dally, and o.0S7 Sunday.
DWIQHT WILLIAMS. Circulation VanBger.
Babacrlbed In my praeenco and sworn to before sea
tb.ii 2nd day of Deeember, 1010.
, . C. W, CAKtOM, Nourr Publlo.
SubecriWa Laving Ik city temporarily
hould hav. Tha Baa mailad la Item. A
drug will bm chug ad aa of lorn aa raciBirad.
Last call for early Chriatmai ihopping!
And don't forget the unfortunate! who are un
derclothed and shivering for want of fuel ,,
The moral wickedness of W1I street is further
emphasized by wholesale divorcing of war brides.
'The most difficult task friendship imposes on
any man is living up to a congratulatory welcome.
No matter how much longer the war lasts,
peace talk is in the air and wilt continue until
the finish. ' . , .
Now that we have once mors our- full com
plement of bishops, Omaha wilt again occupy its
proper place on the church map.;.. ; i ,
If Mr. Bryan is grooming himself for 1920 he
is doing it without waiting for the aid or consent
of President Wilson or any other democrat on
earth. j;5 ; i !l ; :
The egg king ot Chicago, cell s clear bill of
health from the federal probers of the H. C of L,
Now let the monarch give a like certificate with
tht goods. '' . -
Under the circumstances the "safety first"
rule will require the soldier boys to make the
trip from tropical Texas to sub-Arctic Nebraska
by easy stages.
Governor Neville's first problem wilt' be to
keep himself free from fatal entanglement with
the gang of political highbinders who are, trying
to j assert their ownership, of. him. : -, ,
Even though the brotherhoods desert the ship
and railroad managers chuck the, winter-suit, it
is confidently believed Mr. Adamion will (taint
up (or his' stop-watch law, vocally valiant and
unafraid. - - ; !' , , .',,'..
One of the munition mills down east dec
orsted the stockholders' Christmas trees with a
special dividend of 100 per. cent . .This style of
decoration supports the assertion that war is a
; good thing in spots.
. If practical experience is desirable before the
administration seriously undertakes furthering
'. international peace, some valuable pointers might
! J be had by promoting a peace conference between
it the federalized National Guard and the regular
In spite of $50,000 worth of spiritual uplift
i dispensed in Omaha some twelve 'months ago,
j our divorce records for 1916 point suspicionsty
I to an increased percentage of misfits. ) Possibly
our improved facilities for matrimonial back
sliding draws a bit of outside business.
f i One of the city planning experts says mil
, lions of dollars hsve been wasted in foolish 'im
provement" experiments in developing Omaha.
but that millions of dollars may be saved by exer
cising common sense and longer vision in future
improvements. This is only another way of tell
ing us that for cities, as welt as Individuals, expe-
rience is the best schoolmaster, though the ex-
pense bills come even higher.
Life Insurance Alarm
-New York. Wares-
Life insurance officials are'accustomed to view
with alarm the physical condition of Americana;
it is their trsde. and they are exceeding apt at it
But not often do thev oaint so doleful a nortrait
of physical decrepitude as is contained in E. E.
Kittennouse s diagnosis ot the average citizen, or
"per' capita person." This typical American, it
seems, is bald at 43 from trying to crowd the
experiences of two lifetimes into one; muscularly
wcas, inq aim-joimcQ uccauac nc never walks
when he can ride; the health of his teeth and
Rums is impaired from eating too much soft
tood; his digestive organs are showing signs of
rebellion and "he is .seriously overstraining his
heart arteries, kidneys, nerves and digestion."
A aodaenng ana prematurely old young man,
sans teem, sans taste, sans everything at the
very time of life when be should be in his prime.
It is a pathetic picture. But where do the insur
ance men find the original? It is to be feared
that their typical American, their per capita per
son, is sn insurance type only an actuarial and
not an actual .man. .-.-' ..-...
There are. of courser, men of whom this is a
correct diagnosis. They exist in New York snd
other large cities snd they are paying the penalty
lof a life .of self-indulgence,' life of equal excess
in the pursuit of money ancr ot pleasure. Even
thev are finding in coif , and motoring a oartial
antidote for the processes of decay. But how
negligible is their number: by comparison with
the tens of millions of workers in industry and
lasriculturel the vast armies of toilers who make
jup the population of the United States and who
more truly aeservc to oe consiaerea average
Americans, lhey at least are manifesting no con.
spinous signs of physical decadence. 1 here is
!a general impression, indeed, that their relatively
gooa neaun ana lengtn ot lite is wnat enables
the insurance companies to show such marked
prosperity, t '
But an insurance company which did not
hold the mirror up to physical decay would be
untrue to its traditions. Yet it is hardly neces
sary to set up a bogy-man of disesse and de
crepitude as a "type" of American citizen.
Wilson's Plea to the Belligerents.
The note from the president of the United
States urging the nations of Europe now at war
to exchange views in hope that a basis for peace
msy be divulged is not entirely a surprise. Many
signs of its forthcoming have been noted, most
significant being the speech by Senator Stone
at St. Louis last week as the immediate preface
for the president's actions, and the reasons now
given by Secretary Lansing are very similar to
the arguments put forward by the chairman of
the senate foreign affairs committee maintaining
the right of the United States to intervene.
More interest will attach to the reception of
the note in Europe than to the reasons for its
being sent It is couched in terms that make
plain the desire of the United States to be of
real assistance to all without prejudicing the
rights or interests of any. The suggestion does
not involve mediation, although it may lead up
to a request for such action.
The propriety of the president's action may
well be discussed without impugning his motives.
The German note, inviting peace proposals, has
not yet had its answer from either of the gov
ernments addressed, although each of the Entente
Allies has expressed a purpose of exchanging
notes with Germany on the subject. So delicate
is the present situation that words uttered with
the best of intentions by an outsider may sound
presumptuous or obtrusive and be liable to mis
construction. Interests of the United States and
other neutrals have been so strained that all
have been close to war for many months, and all
are equally concerned in every proceeding that
may lead to peace. That one neutral nation
should act alone may not serve to quiet jealousies
at this time, more than usual, so near the surface.
The novelty of the proceedings, it will be ob
served, is in line with Mr. Wilson's well estab
lished disregsrd for precedent or form. His
notes express the universal desire of the world to
day, but make small allowance for the play of
opposed interests. This, however, is not vital
just now, for conclusions as to the effect of the
communication must awatt developments.
Increase in City Population.
The Census bureau has just snnounced its
estimate of increase in the population of cities
of the country, basing its calculations on the
ratio of increase between 1900 and 1910 and carry
ing out the totals on that proportion. This gives
Omaha 166,470, which figure is quite 8,000 to
10,000 below that suggested by other rules for
estimating as reliable as the one adopted by the
census authorities. While not inclined to make
extravagant claims of population for the city,
The Bee calls attention to the fact 'that the reg
istration of voters, the school census, the Water
Board's survey, and other sources that are depend
able, put the total number of Omaha's residents
at a figure much closer to 180,000.
Interesting in this connection is the informa
tion that the trend of population to the cities
is unabated. Nothing surprising nor regrettable
can be found m this. The modern city, especially
the American type, offers such conditions of
life as must be attractive to man under normal
Influences. Comforts and conveniences increase
every day, and, while the competition for these
msy be keen, the industrious and esterpriging sre
assured of reward for their efforts, while the less
successful are assured of advantages that are
only to be found in targe cities.' These touch
life on alt ides and need not be enumerated.
Disadvantage, also are found, but they are slowly
being overcome, as' man is brought more and
more to a realization of his obligation to lighten
the burden of his fellows.
"Back to the land" has failed of its purpose,
for the reason that the city affords much more
of opportunity for the man of amall capital or
no means but his labor capacity than does the
country. Farming is carried on aong such tines
today as minimize the hardship, but snccess
depends on capital beyond the control of the
man who: can make his way in the city though
beldto work for wages.
. Again the Constitution Between Friends.
Again are we constrained to ask, "What's the
constitution between friends, "anyway?" Here
comes the attorney general with a report to the
governor calling for an additional appropriation
of some $225,000 for special activities of the
state's legal department daring the next two
years. The money is to be used, ostensibly, to
hire help to prosecute liquor cases, to follow up
Nebraska's interest in the railroad rate legisla
tion, to pursue alleged trusts and monopolies, to
prosecute irrigation suits and other minor mat
ters. Besides distributing this neat sum in the
form of retainers and fees to friendly outside
lawyers, the attorney general would keep his
present force of five assistants and enlarge it
by the addition of two more stenographers.
All of which reminds us that the attorney
general is supposed to be the special guardian
of the sacred document known as the constitu
tion of the state which, in turn, has several pro
visions relating to the law department itself.
The constitution, for example, creates the office
of attorney general and attaches to it the muni
ficent salary of $2,000 a year but does not specifi
cally provide for any office help whatever. On
the contrary, it declares, in so many words, not
only that "no other executive office shall be
created," but also that "there shall be no allow
ance for clerk hire in the office of the attorney
general." We know that the supreme court long
ago got around this inhibition by ssgely decid
ing that a "stenographer" is not a "clerk," but
still we do not believe it was the intention of
the constitution framtrs to make the I attorney
general's position merely a funnel through
which . fat stipends should be poured into the
pockets of favored lawyers, hand-picked for polit
ical considerations, to represent the state in litiga
tion that should be conducted by regular snd
responsible law officers.
If the constitutional strait-jacket around the
attorney general's office is outgrown, let us
change it in the proper way instead of riding it
down roughshod, regardless of consequences.
A summary of interest charges on farm loans
in Nebraska shows a range of SH per cent and
commission in the southeast to 10 per cent snd
some over in the northwest. The latter figure
approaches extortion. ; The highcost of money
undoubtedly retards development! and presents a
condition which should command legislative action.
- Premier Lloyd-George emphasises in spirit
the historic remark of fighting Paul Jones: "I
have just begun to fight." Britain haa done its
bit so far, but the empire must do a vastly greater
bit to achieve visible results. J '
Teaching the Young Mind
-St Laola Glebe-Dei
The cost of educating pupils in the public
schools of the United States is high, but nobody
doubts that it is worth the price being paid, or
the higher prices which will yet be paid, since
there can be no doubt that expenditures along
this line will increase rather than diminish. The
bureau of education in the Department of the
Interior, estimating on the basis of a known ex
penditure of $800,000,000 in 1914, concludes that
the nation's educational expenditure during 1916
Has been not less than $1,000,000,000; If the figure
looks large, one need only contrast it with the
sums we expend annually for drinks, tobacco
and other sources of evanescent joy, to find how
small it is by comparison, and to realize how
much more it yields in lasting results.
Inspection of the bureau of education's bulle
tin leads to wonder that the annual cost is not
greater. The magnitude of the work being done
is disclosed in the figures showing attendance and
number of teachers employed. The number of
pupils enrolled in public kindergaten and ele
mentary schools rose from 16,900,000 in 1910 to
17,935,000 in 1914, a gain of more than 1.000,000
in the four years. In the same period the num
ber of students in the public schools increased
from 915,000 to 1,219,000, and this latter figure
grew to 1,329,000 in 1915. The increase shown
in the five years was something in excess of
400,000. Evidently, larger numbers are passing
from the grammar school grades into the high
school grades than formerly. Another encourag
ing condition is to be found in the fact set out in
the bulletin that approximately 93 per cent of
the high school students are attending high
schools teaching four-year courses. The old
fashioned high school with or two or three-year
course is going out of date. Of the 11,674 public
high schools, 8,440 give full four years' training.
There are 706,000 teachers. The averaee
teacher's salary is $525. The number of male
teachers in the elemenatry schools has decreased
20 per cent since 1900, and even in the high
schools women teachers are crowding out the
men. In 1900 teaching positions in public high
schools were divided about evenly between the
sexes. At present the women outnumber the
men by 8.000. These are figures at which the
anti-feminizationists will cry out, and it may be
wondered indeed, if boys in high schools are to
be trained and inspired for military service,
whether the masculine leaven in the teaching
forces of such institutions should not be increased
rather than diminished. .
The Rise of Commoners
St. Lauls Globe-Democrat
The kings and the nobility may have started
the great war, but they. are not conducting it.
It is a severe jolt to the European doctrine of
blue blood that so many of the big figures arc
commoners, men of lowly families who have
arisen to their places of eminence by sheer force
of personal ability and character. It is not merely
in the army that this is true. Napoleon over a
century ago upset Bourbon notions in military
affairs, when he made marshals of France of
men who began life as humble artisans. This
great lesson was one of the blessings he left to
offset the crime of his bloody career. The two
leading statesmen of the Entente Allies are not
only commoners, but their early careers made it
improbable that any crisis should ever arise that
would cause the whole people to turn to them
for leadership. ,
' David Lloyd-George came from the Welsh
yeomanry. Orphaned in childhood, he was edu
cated by his mother's brother, a shoemaker, from
whom he took the name Lloyd, in gratitude. He
began his public career by defending nonconform
ism. He was a recognized guerrilla in Parliament
His opposition to the Boer war was strong enough
to bring his loyalty .into question, and he had
to disguise himself to escape angry mobs. He
was later, loathed by .people of property because
of his sweeping reforms and his odious tax meas
ures. He cynically called a new source of taxa
tion "another hen roost to rob." Yet be is now
premier of Great Britain and virtual dictator, by
act of Parliament. . ,
Ariatide Briand, the French premier, comes
from a bourgeois family. He began his Dublic
activities as an anarchist. It was as a socialist
ne was elected a deputy fourteen years ago. He
was the father of the law of separation and ac
cepted .the portfolio of public instruction aria"
worship in order that he might personally super
vise its enforcement, for which he was read out
of his party.- For a time he seemed to have no
friends, but now he dominates France as Lloyd
George does the United Kingdom. Such is pop.
ular confidence in him that he moves the military
heroes about like chessmen.
And in Germany also the commoner is com
ing into his own. Alfred Zimmerman in th firet
minister of the German foreign office ever ap
pointed outside the nobility.
Dangers p Electoral System
-New York WorM-
Berond anv doubt West Virtrinia went rrnnh.
lican in the recent election. Mr. Hughes carried
the state by over 2700 plurality. Yet five weeks
after the election it is established that President
Wilson will receive one electoral vote against
seven for Mr. Hughes. - This is due solely to
the substitution of Colonel N. S. Scott as a re
publican elector after the resignation of J. W.
Dawson. It was clearly one of those accidents
of politics by which the will of the majority of
. i . in... ,: , , , r .
inc voters in west Virginia is aeiearea and oy
which the will of the maioritv in the United
States in certain circumstances might have been
defeated. .
Under the oresent electoral system a situa
tion might have arisen where this one democratic
elector in West Virginia who slipped through by
chance would have decided the presidential elec
tion. After weeks of suspense arid confusion, by
the shift of a few random votes in a republican
state it might prove that a democratic president
had been elected; or the ease might be reversed
under similar ..conditions elsewhere.
In California there was a difference of more
than 2,000 votes between the first and last Wilson
electors, and similar discrepancies can be found
in most of the states. Machinery -so faulty an-
so liable to break down in critical circumstances
snouia not ne longer continued in use. The coun
try has once more had a plain warning that the
present electoral system is obsolete and should
be changed before the next national election.
i BBBBBar leaar jr r
Thought Nugget for the Day.
For ha who Is honest Is noble.
Whatever his fortune or birth.
Alice Can-.
One Year Ago Today to the War.
Turco-German expedition against
Efrypt begun.
.Sharp artillery combats on British
front In the west.
aipuse of Commons voted without
division to increase British army to
4,000,000 men.
Japanese liner Taxaka Maru, with
15.000,000, sunk In Mediterranean by
English financier" issued appeal to
public to give money to win war.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago Today. ,
Mrs. Kitchen entertained at dinner
General and Mrs. Crook and Mrs.
A children's german waa given by
Mia Flora Webster, Miss Almy be
ing In charge. Among those present
were Henry Clarke, M. Colpetier,
Oeorge Crounse, Will Henry, E. Trox
ell, Ross Towle, Ralph Connell, L.
Squires, Fred Lake, F. Webster,
George Dandy, Asa Sbiverlck and Joe
A photograph of the new Paxton
building at Sixteenth and Farnam,
taken from the drawings, represents
a pair of cable cars rounding the cor-
People and Events
Maxine Elliott is' back' in New Yorlr rtn a
vacation from Belgium relief work, looking her
best and wearing a royal decoration conferred by
ning swocri oi Belgium.
Walter P. Smith, the 19-vear-olrt snn ni a
Kansas City millionaire, is doing time as a floor
walker in a Hartford, Conn., store for eloping
with a Connecticut belle without giving papa the
high Sign. However, he rides to and from the
job in wife's limousine, so that working out
papa's sentence of a year'a work isn't a great
The pioneer suffrage state of Colorado har.
bora the "meanest man." Divorced from the
woman he promised to "love, honor and sup
port" the court holds him to the last pledge by
requiring an allowance of $45 a month. On two
recent occasions the alimony in pennies, smoth
ered with thick molasses, reached its destination.
Sweets lor tne sweet, enr .Mt
Four Chicago youths out for olunder stole
automobiles, stuck up many persons for coin and
jewelry and did the' highwayman act with the
ardor and recklessness of youth. Since the police
gathered the kids into jail sob-squads poured out
their lamentations and are still at it. Even shed a
few tears. But the wave of sympathy didn't
reach the victims of the holdup kids.
ner of Fifteenth and Farnam like a
pair or blind mice moving around wltn
but little knowledge of where they
are going or by what means they are
The following children took part In
an entertainment given at the high
school by Mrs. Tipton's and Miss El
der's classes: Misses Flora Adier,
Belle Adier, Lizzie Mitchell, Mattie
Polaxk, Alice Cady; Masters Allan Fal
coner, Jacob Rosenstein and Henry
Miss Blvta Currie. a prominent
young lady of Schuyler, has spent the
holidays with Miss Bertha Van Camp
on Twentieth.
Dr. Doherty and the other attaches
of Brownell Hall have moved tnto the
new structure on South Tenth, where
they will be ready to receive pupils
on tne tn or next montn. 'mere win
be ej, least fifty boarders In attend
Stors A Her have Imported about
fifteen cases of hops from Wurtem-
berg, Germany. It Is understood that
these hops will hereafter be regularly
imported Dy tills nrm.
This Day in History.
1789 Levi Woodbury, who, as sec
retary of the treasury, established the
Independent treasury system, born at
Francestown, N. H. Died at Ports,
mouth, N. H.. September 4. 1851.
1803 Americans took possession of
1807 Congress passed an embargo
act prohibiting foreign commerce.
1824 Congress voted to Lafayette and a tow:l7tlp of land in
any part of the United States he might
1847 Abd-el-Kader, general of the
Algerians, defeated and captured by
tne rreaon. ...
' 184S Howell Cobb of Georgia elect
ed speaker of the Thirty-first congress
on tne sixty-rourtn ballot
1861 Confederate commissary and
ordnance stores at Nashville destroyed
by Are.
1864 General Sherman, after tak
ing possession of Savannah, seized
85,000 bales of cotton as a prize of
1880 George Eliot Mary Ann
Evans), famous English novelist died.
Born November 22, 18111.
1894 Captain Dreyfus of the
French army found guilty of betray
ing state secrets to a foreign power.
The Day We Celebrate.
Robert H. Manley, commissioner
Commercial club of Omaha, is 39 to
day. He was born at Lincoln and
as a newspaper man worked on sev
eral Chicago papers before taking his
present position. He was formerly ad
vertising manager for J. L. Brandels
ft Bona
Robert W. Patrick, attorney-at-law
in the Ramge building, was born
December 22, 1858, right here in
Omaha He Is a graduate of Yale
and. Columbia university law school
and was assistant United States attor
ney under Grover Cleveland's presi
dency. Frederick W. Clarke, vice president
Nebraska National bank, Is 53 to
day. He was born in Mount Pleas
ant la., and has been in the bank
ing business since 1884.
Hon. Charles L. . Saunders Is cele
brating his birthday today. He was
born in Mount Pleasant la., and was
still In the infant class when his
father was appointed in 1861 by Abra
ham Lincoln to be war governor for
the territory of Nebraska
Frank B. Kellogg, United States
senator-elect from Minnesota, born at
Potsdam, N. Y., sixty years ago to
day, i
Bainbridge Colby, eminent New
York lawyer and one of the organiz
ers of the progressive party, born in
St Iiouls forty-seven years ago today.
Edna Goodrich, noted stage beauty
and former wife of Nat Goodwin, born
at Logansport, Ind., thirty-three years
ago today.
Opie Head, well-known Chicago au
thor and journalist born at Nashville,
Tenn., sixty-four years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Schools and colleges throughout the
country will close today for the Christ
mas vacation.
Congress and the supreme court of
the United States will adjourn today
for a recess over the Christmas holi
days. Mir Robert Borden, Canadian pre
mier, will close a coast-to-coast na
tional service campaign with a speech
tonight In Toronto.
The Yale university musical clubs
will leave New Haven today for a
holiday concert tolir that will take
them as far west as Omaha and Kan
sas City.
Chicago admirers of Frits Pollard,
the Urown university foot ball star,
are to honor him with a banquet to
night Zandonai's opera, "Frencesca da
Rimini," is to'be given its first Amer
ican production tonight at the Metro
politan opera house in New York City,
with Mmei Frances Alda in the stellar
Storyette of the Day.
William Gillette, the actor,' was
showing George H. Broadhurat, the
playwright over his country estate.
They arrived at tha sheepfold, and at
sight of their master the woolly In
mates came bleating to the bars.
"See how the little things love me,
George!" said the owner, proudly.
"Love, thundert" said Broadhurst.
"They corns to you because they are
hungry and they think you are going
to feed them."
"George," said Gillette, "when you
have reached a certain age that passes
for, love."
j MBtcr4LCis W Sjjj (TprP
Barbarity of Rabbit Courting.
Omaha, Dec. 21. To the Editor ol
The Bee: The legislature will be
asked to pass a bill which will put
a stop to rabbit coursing in Nebraska.
The January Issue of the National
Humane Review will have the follow
ing from Dr. W. T. Hornaday, cura
tor of the New York Zoological park
and founder of the Permanent Wild
Life Protection fund:
"I am profoundly surprised and
shocked that at this date there exists
In the state of Nebraska any men
who can And 'sport" In the rabbit
coursing recently held near Omaha,
and described in your Humane Re
view for December.
"The first instinct of- true sports
men Is to give the game at least a
semblance of a square deal; and many
go even so far as to be merciful to
helpless game.
"But with all the talk of mental
and moral uplift apparently there yet
remain In this country a very con
siderable number of men who are not
onty anxious but willing to kill breed
ing female deer, slaughter elk that are
half-buried in snow, slaughter mag
nificent bull elk for their two ugly,
worthless 'tusks." kill doves in their
nesting season and slaughter nesting
egrets for their plumes. Now on top
of that we have the evolution of the
great and ennobling pastime of rabbit
coursing! '
"I fancy that the next session of
tne Nebraska legislature .will make
mighty short work of the rabbit
coursers. There are plenty of good
people in Nebraska who will look upon
that disgusting pastime with horror.
and who will take steps to suppress
it with a stern hand. Let us trust
to nenraska and await events with
confidence." h. S. M.
I u-nl, paid by thtr city, lo tit. i.tir
I buyiug and arrange ft.r Huli-smit'ii to
j wait on the people. Let tht; ni.Y
'come to sutll a warehouse and ni-t:..-
their purchases, taking the good.s wtih
; them, or paying a small ehartfe fci
j delivery of articles too heavy to be
tt'.'ten home on the street ear. In thi
, way all unnecessary middlemen ctu!tl
be done away with, also an expensiv c
' Investment in fixtures, shelving, hi;,
: srlass fronts and display windows, n - -
dut-ing investment to actual goods in
stock, and everything being bought
and stored in bulk, reducing handling
to a minimum.
As for me, I would rather have my
can of corn or tomatoes handed me
over a rough board counter, taken
directly out of the case from among
hundreds of other cases at a wart
house, and get the goods at a living
price, minus expensive service and
costly display, than to pay two or
three prices with those luxuries.
Let us have a municipal warehouse
established, with a purchasing agent
who will furnish goods at cost, from
our edibles on the table to the clothes
we wear and the coal we burn.
Reduced Cost of Living.
Omaha, Dec. 21 To the Editor of
The Rm- Th... a , ,,
. ...... u wc BOCIttl ICIIICUIBB
being prescribed by different persons
u ui Biuiizaiions w reduce ine nigh
cost of living, any of which, if carried
out on a large enough scale, might
have the desired effect but the aver
age business man knows and the
shrewd tradesman would "bank" his
fortune on the impossibility of the
dear people holding : together long
enough to cause one article of food
to become 5 per cent cheaper by the
boycott system, much less lowering
food prices in general, and should any
organised body of buyers cause a
small cut In price of an article the
commission man is making 30 per cent
on. up go their hats In the air on the
wonderful victory, when the facts are
Mr. Buttsrfat lowers the price of but
ter t cents per pound and still holds
his poultry and eggs at the same
price, or vice vera, his business going
merrily on. Increasing each .month.
Boms seem to think a co-operative
store is tha solution, but by the time
you pay your manager, salesmen,
bookkeeper and for delivery service,
figuring out dividends you are en
titled to, I am afraid you wlil have
a multiplicity of figures: they will be
a great deal like the figures the dif
ferent home builders loan companies
dispense to us; you would pay in
your money, take out your goods, hire
a Philadelphia lawyer to explain how
you have been allowed a dividend on
the earnings of the store and at the
same time being presented with a due
bill each month to cover a deficiency,
while the regular store across the
street is still doing a land office busi
ness at the same old price.
What we need most is a municipal
warehouse, with a city purchasing
Circumcision of the Tonsils.
Omaha, Dec 81. To the Editor of
The Bee: This new name for the re
moval of a part of the tonsils, as
announced in The Bee, is another at
tempt to exploit the people, and is
in violation of the fundamental physio
logical laws for health and right
The massacre of the tonsils by ex
ploiters who work for pecuniary re
wards tor themselves has been so
thoroughly shown the last four years
that a new method to catch the un
wary has now been devised by these
same exploiters, who have never
learned the natural physiological
method of obedience to law, correct
living and a relatively pure blood
stream as the condition of well
During the first twenty-live years of
my experience In my profession I re
moved hundreds of tonsils because I
had been taught it was the . only
thing to do in the case. But study and
close thinking in time caused me to
repudiate my early teachings in many
things. The mania and obsession for
operations has pervaded the profes
sion as well as the laity because It is
in harmony with the almost universal
principle of successful business inter
ests to take advantage ot the simple
minded tor personal gain. There is
not the least shadow of truth in the
statement that the tonsils are the gate
way through which germs enter the
body and cause disease. Any physi
cian that holds to this Idea is either
Ignorant or dishonest. If he does not
know the latest scientific physiologi
cal truths as to right living and right
thinking he is Ignorant. If he does
know, and still holds to tonsil re
moval, then he Is dishonest.
Tonsil removal has been held out
to the people as a sure cure for rheu
matism and several other diseases.
Rheumatism originates in a poisoned
blood stream, as is also true In the
great majority of all other diseases.
When people learn that a debili
tated system, caused by Internal pois- '
ons produced by Improper combina
tions of foods and the lack of proper
exercise to remove accumulation of
waste matters is the fundamental fac
tor in nearly all diseases, and when
they learn to lay aside the supersti
tions and falsities of those who would
work them for personal gains and get
the new scientific and monistic prin
ciples of right thinking and right liv
ing, then wlil the prevailing systems
of medicine, that favor drug and sick
habits, be reformed along modern
thought lines and physicians become
teachers instead of operators and dope
givers. L. A. MERRIAM, Ml D.
Candies and Ci?ars
Our assortment of "Seal
ed at the Factory" Con
fections is larger and bet
ter than ever before.
Our Can dips have nil hepn
received within the last
two or three days, and
are therefore absolutely
l-lb. box Maxixe Cherries, Ofi-
for oyc
l-lb. box Triola Sweets, qa
for JfC
1- lb. box Martan Assorted Cf
Chocolates...... OUC
Ligeett's Dainty Dutch Deligrht
H;lb., 30c; Mb., 60c; d f r(
2- pounds P A eaSU
Liggett's Elect Chocolates, a very
choice high-grade confection, -lb.,
40c: l-lb., 80c; & f aa
2- lb. box iPloOU
3- lb. box, $2.40) sjy ff
5-lb. box for ij4aUU
Liggett's Fruit Cordials, something
a little different and finer than is
ordinarily found; -lb., 50c; l-lb.
box, $1.00; 2-lb. box QQ
Woodward Candies, in great var
ieties. Chocolates and Bon Bons
in K-lb. l-lb., 2-lb., 3-lb,
pkgs., per lb., 50c to. . .
Do your shopping in our
beautiful new 19th street
store. It will be a pleasure.
, By the Box f
We are in a position to make very low prices
on cigars by the box, and furnish brands that
will make acceptable Christmas Presents for
the most fastidious smokers. Come to our
cigar cases and talk it over with our experts.
Foil Wrapped Manila Cigars
Florentine sise, OP
box of 12 OOC
(The above makes a nice pack
age for a small Xmas gift)
Lady Curzon Choice Domestic
Invincible size, a mild fan aa
smoke, box of 25 Ja&aUU
Hand Made 3-50-2, $ f f
tin of 26 iplalFU
La Providencia, Clear Havana,
a very small but choice dn
cigar, box of 50. ". PaS
Chancellors, Imper- i or
iale size, box of 26. . . p 1 aOO
Black and White, a cigar sold from
ocean to ocean, we handle in club
honse, londres, invincible and per
fecto shapes, box of An pa
60 for pZaO(l
Webster Havana, 15c At- r-A
size, box of 50 )OeOU
La Preferencia, Victoria, 10c
straight size box of i a a
60 for 34.UU
CUBANOID After Dinner size, a large, rich smoke,
cannot be excelled; box of 25 for
Pletora Choice Porto Rican, makes
a very full, rich dJO CA
smoke,, box of 50 POaJU
Royal Sovereign, Invincible size,
r...f.25 .....$2.25
Flor de Murat, a choice blend of
shade, grown Havana and Porto
Rican Tobacco. 15c Frontenac
size, box of 25
Rol Tan, 10c straight
size, box of 25
El Teano, 15c size,
box of 60
La Saramita, 10c straight. Admiral
tr.1.0.'.?0 $4.00
Cuba-Roma, Breva size, many
cigars sold 3 for 25c are not as
good, box of 50 a JQ
Reio, 10c straight. Common Sense
size, box of 60 As a a
for $4.00
Robert Burns' Conchas Regalia
size, box of 50 $3 50
El Paxo, 15c High (- j-a
Life size, box of 60. . . PO.OU
Smoking Tobaccos, all the
standard brands in handsome
l-lb. glass jar humi- QA
dors, per package. tUC
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co.