Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Eegal Splendor Marks Ceremo
nies at New Catholic
(CtmttaiMd fram Ice Am.)
Bishop J. Henry Tihen of Lincoln.
Very Rev. John Jeannette of Omaha
read the address of welcome from
the Omaha priests and at the very
close of the ceremony the new bishop
himself made a brief address.
Pays Fine Tribute.
Bishop Tihen, in his sermon, paid
a most glowing tribute to the per
sonality of the new bishop of Omaha.
"Had it been left to your choice.
Catholics of Omaha, to choose your
own bishop, and had you known him.
you would have chosen Archbishop
Harty," he said. "He is a man of
ability without ostentation or ego
tism; zeal without harshness. He
never asks others to do as much as
lie docs himself. While he carefully
apportions the burdens to the shoul
ders of others according to their
strength, he seems to take it for
granted that no burden is too great
for him.
"To the citizens of Omaha and Ne
braska lie brings - the message.
'Peace' He comes to take a part in
your civic life, in your political af
fairs. "Are you surprised that I say that?
You might well be if I used it in a
certain sense. But I do not use it
in the sense that means a meddle
somcv interfering, pernicous way, a
way that is injurious to religion as
to other activities.
"In that way he will not take part.
He may never mention such thing,
from the pulpit. His name may
never appear as a leader in civic af
fairs. But he will take a part, though
a silent part and a powerful part, for
he stands for that principle enunci
ated by Christ. 'Seek ye first the king
dom of heaven.' .
"He will stand for that which is
fair against that which is foul, for the
noble against the ignoble. And that
God who was with him in St. Louis,
where he won the heart of the whole
people; who was with him in Manila,
where he was beloved by all. that j
God will be with him still as he min
isters here among us."
"The office of the priest is so high
and sacred because it is divine that
we are apt to think that' individuality
and personality count for nothing.
And, to a certain extent, that is true.
The Catholic priest and the Catholic
layman and woman understood the
sacredness of this high office and are
so imbued with its sacredness that
they are inclined to put it ahead of
the man.
God Chooses Men.
"But personality- has much to do
with the office. God prefers to
choose from among men. J he hrst
apostles were men of strong person
alities The charm of ocrsonalitv. the
power of mentality, the sweetness of
morality and the ardor of spirituality
.are important and these arc splendid
ly embodied in tne new Disnop or
Bishop Tihen then referred to the
war in Europe. "Had we the patriot
ism of the world instead of the pa
triotism of locality there would be
no world deluged in blood," he de
clared. "The sage declared,. ' love
my family more than myself, my coun
try more than my family, humanity
more than my country and God above
Referring again to the new bishop
he spoke of the aloneness that must,
to a certain-degree, be his,
"He will be, to some extent, 'solus
in monte,' alone on the mountain," he
said. "He will 'tread the winepress
alone.'. He will bear his burdens him
self and much of the initiative of the
diocese must come frrrn him. He will
be alone, yet not alone, for God is
with him."
The bishop speaks clearly and dis
tinctly and with great deliberation.
He stood near the front of the sanc
tuary, fully vested and with the cro
sier in his hand. He turned first to
the throne, where sat Archbishop
Keane, and thanked him for the
honor of his presence. He thanked
Bishop Hennessy and Bishop Tihen
for the prominent parts which they
had taken, the "illustrious and vener
able members of the hierarchy, the
clergy of the diocese."
"The thought of your sublime call
ing and the grace that God has be
stowed upon you must make you con
tinue to be men of sacrifice," he said.
"You have always been a noble clergy
and I give thanks to the great, good
God that He has called me to minis
ter among you.
"To the laity, whom I see here for
the first time, I will say that the tra
ditions of Omaha have strengthened
me and the history of Omaha, with
the name of Creighton, will be a
source of light and joy to me.
Salutes Non-Catholic.
"I salute our non-Catholic friends
and citizens. 'Other sheep I have
which are not of this fold,' said the
Master. It will be a source of the
deepest joy to me to give them en
couragement, to show them the
beauty of our faith and the wondrous
power which we have in the Catholic
church in the sacramental system."
He referred feelingly to his former
archdiocese of Manila, "a gem of
Christianity in the midst of 400,000,
000 who are not Christians."
He paid a high compliment to the
Catholic sisters who teach and minis
ter in hospitals in Omaha.
A glowing tribute he paid to the
late Bishop Scannell, his predecessor.
"Though he could not live to see
this splendid cathedral finished," he
said, "God has given him a greater
joy and I know that he is today in
DIOCESE OF OMAHA Upper picture show procession of prelates moving to the St.
Cecilia' Cathedral for. the ceremony; Archbishop Harty is uncovered, at the rear of
the line. Lower picture shows the archbishop on his throne after the ceremony.
come mostly from disorders of
the stomach, liver and bowels.
Regulate these organs and keep
free from headaches by using
3M mrwhara. h Wm, 10c 2Se.
:?vp - - I i It
' t 1 it 6IVEN BY AN ENTER-
a temple infinitely more beautiful than
this. And thoUTi. he is not here in
the flesh I believe i.o is here with us
in spirit,"
"tor myself," he finished. "I shall
know nothing but Jesus Christ. I
shall glory in nothing but in Jesus
Christ, I shall set forth the intensity
'of His love, tjic tenderness of His
sympathy and shall point out the way
which, if followed, results in the
greatest fruitfulness in life and a
blessed hereafter."
O fficers of thjr Throne.
Officers of the throne were:
Assistant priest. Right Rev. Mgr.
A. IS. Colaneri, Prot. Ap; first as
sistant deacon. Very Rei John Jen
nette, V. F.; second assistant deacon.
Very Rev. M. F. Cassidy, V. F.; book
bearer, Rev. John Cotter; candle
bearer, Rev. T. O'Sullivan; miter
bearer, Rev. J. Hallinan; crozier
bearer, Rev. D. Neligan.
Officers of the mass: Celebrant,
Right Rev. J. J. Hennessy, D. D.,
bishop of Wichita; assistant priest,
Right Rev. Mgr. J. Rucsing, V. F.;
deacon, Very Rev. Ferdinand
Schnuettgen, D. D., V. F.; subdeacon.
Rev. Joseph Chundelak; book bearer,
Rev. P. R. Kelly; candle bearer, Rev.
D. Teahon; miter bearer, Rev. T.
Carmody; thurifer, Rev. M. A.
Masters of ceremonies: Rev. James
W. Stenson and Rev. Hugh Gatcly.
Grain Embargo
May Reach Omaha,
Railroad Men Say
Following the example set by the
Northwestern and the Milwaukee rail
roads a couple of days ago, all of the
other roads operating to the east have
placed an embargo on shipments of
everything except meats and perish
able freight to points beyond Chicago.
1 he embargo applies to freight com-
ing in off connecting lines.
Railroad men believe that by mak- i
ing this embargo complete it is soon ;
going to relieve the situation and that
within a short time the eastern and
central railroad terminals will be
ciearea up and cars- sent back into :
the territory where Ihcy belong. How- 1
ever, after that they look for another
I congestion, with a grain embargo thai 1
, may reach Omaha. I
At this time the Omaha elevators t
are full to overflowing and the same
conditions maintain in Chicago, Min-1
neapons, St. Louis and Kansas City.
Grain men assert that with the rais
ing of the eastern embargo and the
release of freight cars, these cars will
go back into the grain producing
country and there be loaded. The
loads will start toward the grain mar
kets and then it will be but a short
time until the congestion will be as
acute at grain storage terminal points
as it now is along the Atlantic coast.
Complete Set of China Dinner
Ware W Beinf Prevented te the
Patrons of the Palace Clothing
Gift In Appreciation of the
Splendid Patronage Thu Firm
Has Enjoyed the Pael Year.
In order to cxprera their gratifi
cation of the splendid business
they have enjoyed during the year,
The Palace Clothing Co., 14th and
Douglas Streets, have secured sev
eral hundred sets of china dinner
dishes, and are presenting them to
their friends this week.
With every purchase of a Suit
or Overcoat at $16.00 or over goes
this handsome set of dishes with
the compliments of The Palace,
and if any of their natrons are un
able to get down town during the
Wbv lim. thA .Iam will k. I,m,'
open until 9 o'clock every even
ing. This is a wonderful opportunity
for any man who is wondering
what to give to mother, wife or
sweetheart, as there is nothing
that would please them more.
These suits at $16.00 are the
regular high quality always sold
at this store. There has been no
raise in prices, and the best value
at $15.00 in town will be found
here, as well a a range of choice
that will please every taste. It
will repay you to make a visit to
the store before Christmas just
to see how attractive this free set
of dishes really is.
Dr. Franklin Miles, tb Grmt Specialist,
Give New Book and a 92.M Nettro
patliie Treatment Free a Trial.
Sick - people whose nerves are weak or
deranged who have weak heart, stom
ach, bowels, bladder, kidneys or llTer;
blues, headache, dlxstness or dullness ; nerv
ous dyspepsia, irritability, cold hands and
feet, shortness of breath, palpitation or Ir
regular heart-beat, drowsiness, nervousness,
sleeplessness, trercvbllntr, wandering pains,
backache, Irritable sptne, rheumaliom, ca
tarrh, constipation, hysteria would do well
to accept I)r. Miles' liberal offer. You may
never have another opportunity. Write
His Book contains many remarkable
rures after five to twenty physicians and
specialists failed, and also endorsements
from Bishops, Clergymen, Statesmen, Ed
itors, Business Men. Farmers, etc.
Mend for Remarkabel Cores In Your Stte.
His Improved Special Treatments for thea
diseases are the result of 30 years' evperl
ence and are thoroughly aclenttflc and re
markably successful, so much so that he
doea not hesitate to offer Free Trial Treat
ments to the sick that they may test them
free. Wrie at once.
Describe your case, and he will send you
a two-pound Free Treatment and Book. Ad
dress. Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. N8 7K to
71. Franklin St., Elkhart, Ind.
Dancing is hard on the feet. After one
stepping and tangoing, your feet ache and
burn, they are tender-and Inflamed, and a
good night's sleep is generally out of the
question, no matter how tired you may be,
A society girl who Is a confirmed lover of
dancing has found a way to enjoy all the
dancing she wants without the attendant
foot troubles. Here Is her secret: She buys
a package of Wa-Ne-Ta at the drug-store
for a quarter. When she gets home she
bathes her feet a few minutes In warm wa
ter In which have been dissolved two or three
tablets of this wonderful preparation. Then
she goes to bed and sleeps Ilka a healthy
baby. Wa-Ne-Ta takea all the soreocMs.
burning, sweaty unpleasantness from the
feet and leaves them cool and comfortable.
Wa-Ne-Ta added to the bath water is
classing and purifying, removing Impurities
and banishing body odors. If your druggist
hasn't Wa-Ne-Ta. send us 10 cents to covr
packing and shipping charges and we will
send you a sample package to your address
prepaid. L. C. andon Co., South Bend, Ind.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists..
requires it for the third time
Home Builders, Inc., will for the third time increase
its capitalization soon after the New Year.
There remains but a few thousand shares unissued
of the present authorized capitalization of Participat
ing Shares.
When these shares are exhausted, the new shares
will be issued Non-participating Par value $1.00.
Otherwise, they will be like the present shares now
being issued.
The Present Participating Shares have grown in
value from $1.00 to $1.20 each. Besides receiving the
semi-annual cash dividend of 7 per annum, they
will continue ever to participate in the future Surplus
Profits yearly and grow as the Surplus Profits grow.
Dividends will also increase accordingly, being 8.4 ",'c
on par value January 1st, 1917.
When you consider that 100 of these Participating
Shares are now worth $120.00. you will appreciate
their growing value always yielding 7 per annum in
cash dividends on new valuation.
Moreover, any shares you secure before January
1st will participate in the division of the Surplus Prof-"
its for the past six months.
What remains of the old shares on January 1st will
be advanced in price. Order now, by mail or in person,
for any number of tfyese shares at $1.20 each and get
the increase.
American Security Co., Fiscal Agents
S. W. Corner 17th and Douglai Sli.
Phone Douflat SO 13.
Omaha, Neb.
Poisoned Candy
Sent to Two Girls
Through the Mail
I.os Angclrs, Cal.. Pro. .'I An in
vestigation of the origin of a box of
poisoned candy, sent throtighg the
mails to two young women clerks in a
local grocery store, was taken up here
today by the secret service depart
ment ot te district attorney's of
fice Miss l.eoua L'arr turned tli .-a...!.-
over to the authorities, .saying she
suspected poison, as she had been
made ill a week ago by drinking milk,
which, she said, her physician later
' found contained wood alcohol.
i Acronpanying the candy addressed
I to Miss Carr and her fellow clerk.
! Miss Gertrude ("ox, was a typewrit
ten note which read:
"With best wishes. Miss l'arr. for
giving information kindly on the
'phone, and Miss Cox's kind attention
! to orders.
i (Signed.) "A CUSTOMER."
Chemical analysis, representatives
of the district attorney said, showed
the candy to contain a deadly poison."
I .
I tiie vour Want Ad a chance to
make good. Run it in The Pee.
Graves Overcome
By Gas from Stove
When Charles Overman, conductor
on a south Thirteenth street car gave
the signal to Lincoln Graves, motor
man, to go ahead, there was no re
sponse. Overman hastened to the for
ward end of the car and found Graves
unconscious. He had been overcome
by tbe carbon dipxidt gas from the
stove in the vestibule. Police Sur
gron Meyers attended him. lirave.i
continued at work after he was re
stored to consciousness.
A Good Cup of Coffee
Is Always Welcome
An Electric Percolator will please any dainty house
wife who appreciates the fact that to be really en
joyed, coffee must be served piping hot and free
from grounds. '
An Electric Percolator
Is a Practical Gift'
An Electrically prepared breakfast coffee cooked
to a delicious goodness in the Percolator, crisp,
warm toast made on the Electric Toaster, and Eggs
boiled just right in the Electric Egg Boiler is the
easy way to start the day.
Stop at Our Show Room Today
American Electric Co., .
520 S. 16th St. D-1481
Angelo Electric Co.,
1907 Farnam St. D-2448.
Beaton & Laier,
415 S. 16th St. D-335.
Brandeis Stores,
16th and Douglas Sts. D-2020.
Burgess-Granden Co.,
1511 Howard St. . T-681.
Burgess-Nash Co.,
16th and Harney Sts. D-137.
Burkhart, Frank C,
219 S. 19th St. D-78.
Burns, Jos. M., & Co.,
4532 S. 24th St. So-890.
Corr, James, Electric Co.,
207 S. 19th St. D-4466.
Durkin, Thomas,
2221 Cuming St. D-2519.
Hayden Bros. Store,
16th and Dodge Sts. D-2600.
Luhr & Luhr, ' .
1714 St. Mary's Ave. D-2275.
Nebraska Cycle Co.,
15th and Harney Sts. D4662.
Omaha Electrical Works,
1214 Harney St. D-1181.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.,
414 S. 16th St. D-313.
Rogers, Milton, & Sons Co.,
1515 Harney. T-124.
Sherwood, W. W.,
, 215 S. 20th St. D-7633.
Williams, E. B.,
308 S. 18th St. .T-1011.
Wolfe Electric Co.,
1810 Farnam St. T-1414.
Omaha Electric Light
& Power Co.
Geo. H. Harries, Pres.
"'HI JL1W " I
A Household Necessity at all Times'
General Di.tributor. OMAHA. NEBR.