Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Blackens Name of Dead Woman
and Says He Has Nothing
Left to Live For.
Commission of Archbishop Harty (J, P, EMPLOYES TO
To Cathedral Church of Omaha GET A GOOD BONDS
With no display of emotion exctpt
once when he wept as he told of
hit children, Floyd W. Fuller, aged
49, who murdered Effie Dorothy Rader
Carberry, 29, Wednesday night when
he alighted from a afreet car at
Twenty-fifth avenue and Farnam
street, because she would not return
to him, sat calmly at police headquar
ters and related in detail the story
of his relations with the slain woman.
. His story, told as he puffed placidly
it a cigar he had requested, was to
blacken the name of the woman he
had slain after she had refused to
resume unlawful relations with him.
Id conclusion he declared that he did
not regret his deed and pleaded that
he be hanged at once.
"Kow that she is gone, there is
nothing for fne to live for," he cried.
"I will offer no defense and I wish
they would take me out and hang me
now. He it under heavy guard so
that he may not harm himself.
Story of Their Relations.
' According to Fuller's tale, he first
met the murdered woman at Kimball
two years ago. She had left her hus
band in Nevada and had gone to Kim
ball to live with her mother. Short
ly afterward, he said, she. induced him
to sell his shop and they'-motored to
Ogden, Utah, where they kept house
for about a month. As the result of
a quarrel he left her there and re
turned to Nebraska. Soon after they
went to Denver and they were mar
ried there in September, 1915. Then
they located in Lexington, where FuN
lcr bought a butcher shop.
"It was in Lexington," said Ful
ler, "that she first begun to deceive
me. As I learned afterwards, when
I was at work the entertained men
at oor home and frequently took fel
lows joyriding in my car. I heard
reports of this kind at that time, but
I would not believe them. When 1
asked her about her trip to Omaha
the said she had come to Omaha to
see her husband and- admitted that
she had never been divorced.
She Left Him for Good.
1 tried to induce her to go to her
mother at Sidney and there get a di
vorce so we could be legally married.
I agreed to pay all her expenses and
.when she left she held up her right
hind and swore that she would do
inothing wrong. : But she did not go
Ito Sidney; the came to Omaha. That
was last April. I came here to see
; ber several times. When she was in
jured in an automobile accident last
August I visited her at the hospital
and there, on my knees, I begged her
to return to me. but she refused.
"I got work as manager of the
meat department at Basket Store No.
24, at Twenty-second and Farnam.
Some times I cot to talk to her, but
she would not listen to me when I
asked her to come back to me. For
tome time I carried a gun . and in
tended to kill her, but soon I becsme
interested m my work and felt better,
to I left the gun at home.
"Last week I bought the county
rights for the tale of a newly-invented
gat burner, which makes gat out
of coal oil, and I went to York to
ttarf work. Three burners were sup
posed to have been (hipped to me
there, but they did not come. After
I waited three or four days I returned
to Omaha Saturday night in a pretty
bad frame of mind. ,yr.
Searched for His Victim,
"I engaged a room at the Mer
chants hotel and searched the streets
for Dorothy. Last night I taw her
waiting for a car at Sixteenth and
Farnam. I wanted to kill her there,
but I did not on account of the crowd.
At Twenty-fifth the got off and to
did I. I ttopped her and asked her
if she would not return to me. She
sneered and then I opened fire.
"I planned to kill myself and I
tried, but the gun would not tjo off.
I guess something was wrong with the
safety. I'm sorry that the job was
only half done, for I have nothing
to live for, now that she is gone, I
will not try to get freedom, for I can
sot return to my family after all the
disgrace I have brought them. - I
wish they would take me out and hang
me now.
: Fuller will be charged with murder
in the first degree and will be given
a preliminary examination Friday.
Two Negroe$ Charged
With, Highway Robbery
Highway robbery was the charge
arainst John ' W. Garlin and Ernest
Wright, both colored, when arraigned
in South Side police court Thursday
mornics. .bach -wa held under $500
bonds. They held up and strong
armed Jack Hobey, 5 103 South Twenty-sixth
street, Wednesday night, the
police Say, and took from him a watch
.. and $1: : -
Steve Amch. was held under. 41,000.
bonds on the charge- ot assaulting
sault it sttlt in a precarious condition
although" the alleged attack occured
on the night of November JO. Amch
was arrested Wednesday.- , ,
fifteen Couples Hasten :
To Wed Before Christmas
The annual 'pre-Chrurrnas rush at
the Douglas county marriage license
clerk's office was in evidence Wednes
day when ,4ftn .couples, most of
them from out-of-town, took the first
steps in the "till death do us part"
game. Many of the prospective brides
trom nearby towns declared that they
could save the railroad fare to Omaha
by doing their Christmas, shopping
v. here. , - v
, ' Chamberlain's Tablets.
Chamberlain's Tablets are intended
- especially for stomach troubles, bili
ousness and constipation, and have
met with much success in the treat
ment of those diseases. People who
' have suffered fcryears with stomach
trouble and have been unable to ob
tain any permanent relief, have been
completely cured by the use of these
tablets. ' Cliambcrlaiu't 'Tablets are
also of great . value for biliousness.
Chronic be perman
ently cured , by taking Chamberlain's
' 1 abk-t wbserYlng' the. plain printed
dirfctaanf-aiitt.'tacV bottle. Adv. v
Two bulls came from Koine to
Omaha, one being the notice of the
appointment of Archbishop Harty and
the other an address to the people of
the diocese. e
The bull is written on parchment in
Latin. It is signed by two cardinals
and bears the papal seal on a large
lead medallion. This seal shows the
heads of St. 1'eler and St. Paul, with
a cross on one side, and on the other
the words, "Benedictus I'apa XV,"
Pope Benedict XV."
The translation of the first bull is I
as follows:
"Benedict, Bishop, servant of the
servants of (iod, to our venerable
brother, Jeremiah J. Harty, hitherto
Archbishop of Manilla, Archbishop
Bishop-elect of Omaha, health and
the apostolic benediction.
I he ofhee committed to our lowli
ness by the eternal l'rince of pastors
of ruling, governing and fostering the
universal church, lays upon us the
burden of diligently seeing that there
be consecrated for all churches pre
lates who with knowledge and power
may nourish unto salvation the nock
of the Lord,
"Whereas, the Cathedral Church of
Omaha, which is suffragan to the
Metropolitan church of Dubuque, and
of which the last bishop was Richard
Scannell of blessed memory, is, by
hit death, deprived for the time
being of itt pastor. We desire to
provide unto salvation as well for
the same church of Omaha as for its
flock in the Lord, by the plenitude of
apostolic power, release you, hitherto
the Archbishop ot Manila, trom the
horid by which you are held to the
Metropolitan Uiurch ot Manila and,
after . consulting Our Venerable
Brothers, the Cardinals of the Holy
Roman Catholic church, transfer vou
by-apostolic authority to the same
Cathedral Church of Omaha. And,
as we have appointed you Bishop and
Pastor, so also do we fully commit to
you the care, government and ad
monition of the Church of Omaha in
matters spiritual and temporal, with
all the rights, privileges, duties and
obligations inhering in this pastoral
charge. .
"We wish, however, that as you
have hitherto borne the title of Arch
bishop, you shall, in taking posses
sion of this new See, hear the title of
Archbishop, Bishop of Omaha. We
further wish that besides complying
with the other obligations of law, be
fore you engage yourself in any way
in the government and administration I All
of the aforesaid church ot Omaha,
you be bound to make confession of
Catholic faith and take the customary
oaths in the presence of a Catholic
prelate, whomsoever you prefer, who
is in favor with and in communication
with the Apostolic See, according to
the forms in the present letters, and
to send them over the signature anc1
seal of yours, and the said prelate
within six months, to the Apostolic
"Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, in
the year of Our Lord, 1916, on the
16th day of May, in the second year
of our pontificate."
To Clergy and People.
Following is the address of Pope
Benedict to the clergy and people of
the diocese, read at the installation
Benedict bishop, servant of the
servants of God, to our beloved sons,
the clergy and people of the city and
diocese of Omaha, health and apos
tolic benediction.
On this day we, in the plentitude
of apostolic power releasing our ven
erable brother, Jeremiah James
Harty, hitherto archbishop of Manila,
from the bond whereby he was held
to the eMrtopolitan church of Manila,
have, by our apostolic authority and
after consultations with our venera
ble brothers, the cardinals of the
holy Roman church, transferred him
to your cathedral church of Omaha,
for the time being deprived of its
pastor, and have set him over that
church as its bishop and pastor; per
mitting him, moreover, to retain the
title of archbishop, and so to be
styled henceforth archbishop bishop)
ot Umaha.
Wherefore, We exhort you all and
strictly enjoin upon you to receive
with devotedness the same Jeremiah
James, archbishop bishop, as your
father and the shepherd of your souls,
and to pay him due honor and to
show due obedience and reverence to
his aslutary counsels and commands,
that he may rejoice to find in you de
voted sons, and you in him a kindly
We wish, moreover, and command,
that by the care and office of the or
dinary who now rules your diocese,
these our letters be publicly read
from the pulpit in the same cathedral
church, on the first occurring holiday
of obligation.
Given at Rome at St Peters in the
year of our Lord 1916, on the 16th
day of May, in the second year of
our pontificate.: P. P.
Who Receive Less Than
$1,800 a Tear to Get an
Extra Month's Pay.
Christmas Rush
Makes Trains Late
Passenger trains in and out of
Omaha arc running front one to three
hours late and there is no hope for
any improvement in the service un
til after the rush of business incident
to sending Christmas presents is over.
Railroad men assert that passen
ger trains are late simply by reason
of the vast quantity of parcels post
mail that is being handled. At the
Omaha depots the platforms are piled
high with the Christmas going pack
ages and the storage rooms are filled
to the ceilings. This stuff all has to
move on the trains and with a few
minutes' delay at each station, loading
and unloading the packages, in a
few hundred miles the delay has run
into hours.
Fall Has Passed and We Now
, Begin Three Months of ,
By A. R. GROH.
This weather that we've been hav
ing the last few days, good people,
was fall weather. t
Winter, according to the jrreproach
able, irrefutable and irresistible alma
nac, began yesterday. So we may now
look for tome real winter tempera
tures. - Get out your overcoat, ga
loshes, ear tabs, muffs, furs, mufflers,
scarfs, gloves, mittens and put on
your heaviest "undies."
Old Man Winter came to Omaha
for a three months' stay last night at
10 o'clock. He has a trunkful of
snowstorms, two suitcases filled with
cold waves and Gladstone bag full
ot ice.
A special guard of coal men, deal
ers m overcoats, sleds, skates and
the like were at the station to pro
tect the old man trom violence at the
hands off indignant citizens.
Winter begins, you know, when the
sun reaches its farthest point south,
At 1U o clock last night the orb of day
started back again toward the north
and spring. That's a pleaaant
tnougnt, anyway.
Shortest Day of Teas.
It was the shortest dav of the year.
The sun rose at 7:48 a. m. and sets
at 4:56 p. m, making a day only nine
nouri ana ten minutes in length.
l he days will remain the same
length until December 30, which is
one minute longer. December 31 will
be two minutes longer, and so on.
The lowest temperature ever re
corded in Omaha was 32 below zero.
Valentine holds the record for the
state with 38 below. The record cold
the United States was registered
at Williston, N. D and Miles City,
Mont. 49 degrees below zero. At
Key West, Ha,, the lowest ever re
corded was 41 degrees above zero.
Old .Uabnel, Daniel Fahrenheit in
vented, the . thermometer by which
we can tell how cold we are. That
was in i20. . ' n
Some animals go into a torpid con
dition and sleep all through the cold
weather. 1 hey, don t have . to face
the north wind or buy coal or over
coats. . Their heart beats sink from
150 a minute to fifteen and their res
piration from 500 an hour to four
teen. Blood of Fish Cold.
. .The normal body temperature of
mammals is 98 to 102 degrees Fahren
heit. That of birds is from 108 to
112. The blood of fish is cold.
. After you have added these inter
esting facts to your fund of useful
information we will proceed witn
what we were saying about the ar
rival of winter. We were commenting
upon the mild fall weather with only
9 degrees below zero and upon the
prospect ot real winter weatner now.
Well, that picture is too dark. We
have seen many a winter here in
Omaha when the didn t
get down as low as zero. We may
have October weather in January or
February. That's one of the beauties
of Nebraska climate, its infinite va
riety. Do you remember last New
Year's day? It was like June.
Prob'ly the worst of the winter is
past Better be looking over the
seed catalogues because it'll be time
to start the garden before you
know it
There will be a Christmas present
hung up for every Union Pacific em
ploye whose annual salary is under
$1,800. and there are between 10,000
and 12,000 of them. This present is
to be an additional month's pay, given
as a bonus for efficient services and
to aid in combatting the high cost of
Notice that the Union Pacific is
srive its emoloves an extra month'
pay comes trom He YorK, wnere
the directors of the company are now
holding the annual meeting. This
action caused great joy among the
employes at headquarters, in the
shops and out along the line.
The bonus will be to members of
the brotherhoods as well as to all
others, there being no discrimination,
and it is asserted that with a small
proportion all of the engineers and
conductors will share in the distribu
lion. There are some of these men
whose salaries exceed $1,800 per year
and, of course, they will not get in
under the bonus distribution.
Extra Dividend.
An extra dividend of 2 per cent
was also voted on the common stock
of the company and a plan adopted
for life insuranccc for employes whose
salaries are under $4,000 per year.
The Union Pacific, however, is not
the only concern hereaways that re
members its employes with a distribu
tion of cash at this Christmas time.
The Nebraska Telephone company
will give each of its 1,000 employes
cash equal to three weeks' salary.
The Western Union Telegraph
company distributes something like
$11,000 among its employes. Each
messenger receives a cash gift of $25
and all other employes whose annual
salaries are under $2,000, a bonus of
6 per cent of the salary for the year.
Employes of the Standard Oil com
pany who receive less than $3,000 per
year get a minimum of 25 cents per
day bonus for the year up to 10 per
cent of their salary.
The General Electric company gives
a bonus of 10 per cent of the annual
salary to such employes whose sal
aries are $2,500 or less per year.
The International Harvester com
pany distributes a 10 per cent bonus
to the Nebraska employes. There
are some 200 of them.
Perslntrnca Is lha Cardinal Virtu. In
Advert lalns.
totj'--'-iviJVE SPECIAL"" 'MnDrww'w,wow
m ir i rr-r r w rr yt 7P,.n m wmwm liwrs &r m.s lw M(catKi
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tion. Taka a doaa teaurat. Only Ita. All
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Give yonr Want Ad a chance
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, : Green's Delicious
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An nTf to pleas bar. OMna in
today and aaUat that Chriataaa
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: Plaaaw DomU
Inner Player
The World's Greatest
Eight yean of constant
study are summed op in the
introduction of this marvel
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approached by any other
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INNER PLATER solo notes
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For Sab by the
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Piano Hoaa faa Omaha,
214-216-218 So. 18th St.
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WrQ' S -j Your
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annf UM in) wwam hf UUaf adiaatac
uf our tftiaUMat,
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Tit fUKKH Bnlpto-Oilorl UtMral
Water Is dtfliterrd to Omaba la five aL
Juts ll.M. 30g nfuadad mtm rug U ra
Brown Pirk Mineral Springs
ZMii tnd O Su.. -flout alh Pboaa Soul 7
OitaoaittM niriWaa. la Caana.
A Christmas of S
Satisfaction is guaranteed every
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The Satisfaction of owning a piano with
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The Satisfaction of owning a piano of un
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The Satisfaction of owning a piano at once
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strument of unsurpassed beauty
The Satisfaction of knowing that it is im
. possible to secure better piano value.
Convenient terms of purchase
Burgess-Nash Company
ALMOST within earshot of Xmas Bells, the
season of "Social Function" impending, the
thought of appropriate apparel occupies ourminds
Men's Shop
fk Wealth of Wondrous
Party Frocks
MADAME will be enrap
tured with the witchery
of these superb gowns in
maline, net and tulle over taf
feta and cloth o' gold and sil
ver. The delicate pastelle
shades and two tones CTeate
most illusively delightful ef
fects that find an added
piquancy in the discreet trims
of buds, flowers, ribbons, gold
or silver edgings, spangles,
fish scale sheaths and passe
menterie. Unusual Value at $15.00
Unusual Value at $19.75
Unusual Value at $25.00
Evening Clothes
For formal functions,
full dress suits or din
ner coats of soft, rich,
authentic fabric; cut
and tailored with the
elegance and correct
ness essential to this
type of apparel
For as Little as
Twenty-five Dollars
Every Additional Dress Accessory
in the Same Exclusive Shop
. . .
Enjoy a Tropical
" Winter" in Hawaii, and the
South Seas
and free yourself from the dread of winter in a land of continuous
summer, where outdoors invites you from January to December. Once
r1 T un 3nfVi Smc vnu nrill remain until rhelasr
V . VUU ICU UK ArfUAV V WVV mvuu, J V .
i i!-- m'j minute available for your winter vacation. Honolulu, Waikiki
ycSjrfF"" beach with its surf-boat riding, and a score of other attxac-
tions make your visit a continuous pleasure mp.
Then let us suggest a voyage to Hawaii in connection vrith your Califor
nia visit. You can never find a more interesting and pleasant combination.
Union Pacific System
does more; than just cany you to your Pacific Coast destination it provides all the
travel luxuries, carries you through the most interesting and prosperous sections of
the west, and provides a journey of sight-seeing and an accurate panorama of the
progress of the west by carrying you over the path that history has chosen to follow.
For California literature and money-aarint information about your
westward trip, apply to . '
1324 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Phone Douglas 4000