Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Cattle Fairly Active and Steady
to Strong Sheep Highest
Ob Becord for December.
Omaha, December 21. lilt
Itseetpts weret
Cffletal Monday ...
Official Tender ..
Official Weaaeedar
Bettnate Tharadar
Wm dan thtt week.. 33.011
Sana ears iut wk. . .33.171
Sana daya S wea, ago. 32,171
Mama daya I wka. ago.30.t4t
Sana daya 4 wka. aa-o.3l.KI
Basse daya laat yaar.. 11.131
Receipts and dtapoaltlon of live atock a
the Union Sleek Tarda, Omaha, (or twenty
four boura ending u 1 p, m yeatcrday:
CatUa. Bon. Sheep.H'r's.
Caltla. Hogs. Sheep.
.10.101 13.301 1.727
. 3,711 13.401 11.411
, ,I23 II. Ml 1.334
. l.0 7.0M 1.100
I4.11T 33.321
0.223 31.410
41.744 T3.0O2
C4.420 44.174
03.071 40.(11
70.313 33.301
C. M. 4 8L P.... .
Wabaah 1 1 3
Mlaaouri Pacific... 3 1
Union Pacific !S :
C. X. W. eaat. 13 ,11
C. K. W., wait.. 13 35 0
C 8t. P., H. a O. I I I
C B. Q.. east... It 4 .
C, B. Q west.. 23 I t 1
CHI P., nut 0 3
I'.. R. L P.. weal... 1 . 1
Illinois Centre).... 4 ' 4
Chicago OL Waal. 1 0
Total receipts. ...113 121 : 1
Cattle. Hora. Sbep.
Morris Co 010 70S
Swift Co 7 1.301
Cndahy Packing Co 1,007 1,001
Armour 4k Co IM 1,114
Sehwarts 4k Co 313
J. W. Murphy 1,734
Iforrell t
Ho. Omaha Packing Co.. 0 ....
Henlnger 4k Oliver 44 ....
W. B. Vanaant Co 0 ....
Bentoa, Vanaant es Luab 31 ....
P. B. Lewla 02
3. B Boot 4t Co 100
.1. H. Bulla.-. . t ....
P. O. Kellogg 3 .... '
Warthatmor ft Degas:... 138 ....
If. P. Hamilton 13 ....
Mo. Kan. Calf Co 40 ....
Cbrlatla 41 ....
Huffman ....
notk t . ..
Mayan I
Baabar Brag....... 7 ....
John Hsxrsr 110 ....
Jsneea 4k Luntroav. i . . 33 ....
Othar burers. 603 .... 013
good heavy. tlO.40910.iO; bulk of sales,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.000 head
market steady; lambs, 30.00 013.00; awes,
oe.uvvH.70; yearlings, 10.000 11.35.
Cat Ua Strang, lion Straw ia4 Sheas
Chicago. Dec. 21. Cattle Recelota. 3.000
bead; market, strong; nstlvs beef cattle.
I7.00en.7k: western steers. 17.00910.00:
stockers and feeders, I0.004y0.10: cows and
neirere ti. 160 10.00; calves, 08.00(3 11.70.
Hora Receipts, 41.000 head: market.
strong to fic above yesterday's average: bulk
or aalea, 0! lie 10.30; light, l 16-10. 10
mixed. 39.00010 10; heavy. 00.30010.30
rough. IS.loeo.00; pigs. 07.00O0.30.
Bneep snd Lambs Receipts. 12,000 head
market, strong; wethera 30.000 10.00; ewea.; lambs, U. 10013. 40.
Kansas Cltr Lisa Stack Market.
Kansaa City, Mo.. Deo. 21. Cattle Re
relpte 4,000 head: market, steady; prime
ten steers. llQ.004yil.30; dressed beef steers.; western steers. 30. 60010.30;
cows.; nelfers, 00.00010.00
stockers and feeders. 30.7000-30; bulls, 10.00
V7.ze: calves. 00.000 1.00 .
Hogs Receipts. 0.000 head: markaL hleh-
er; bulk or Bales, 30.70OI0.S0; heavy.
310.IOOIt.3t; packers and butchers, 310.00
wiv.dv; ngnt, 0f.ootyiv.lo; pigs 00-300
rlbeep and Lambs Receipts. 4.000 head:
market, Btrong: lambs, 012.00OI3.10; year
llnga, 3I0.6OOI1.00; wethers. t3.30O3.50;
ewea. to. 00 0 0.00.
Rosai City Uva stock Market.
Sloua City. lai. . Doc. 11. Caltla Re-
celpfe, 2,000 head; market weak; beef steers.
13.00010.10; butchers, 07.0000. 70; fat cows
and heifers, ti.70Ot.00: cennnrs, tt.OOO
6.00; stockers and feeders. t0.60O4.00;
calves, t0.00OI.60; bulls, stsgs, etc., 16.60
04.76; feeding cows snd belfere, 14,7001.00.
Hogs tteceipia, heed: market
0O16c higher: lights, I0.2oeo.00: mlied.
t0.06Ot.t0; heavy, I0.00O10.16; pigs, I7.60O
I.JO; bulk of salea. 10.00010.00.
Sheep and Lambs Recelpta, 1. 000 head:
market steady; fed muttons, 37.60 0 10.60:
wethers, ifl.ooao.76; awes, 37.0000.16:
lamba, 311.11012 40. ,
Tots ................4,110 1.001 6.046
Cattle Receipts war fair for a Thursday
and tba market la good condition la oplta
f the fact that good many trains wsre
late' In arriving at tba yards. Cattls sold
about as fast as they came In at steady to
strong prtoea. As high as II. oo was paid
for chokes feeder cattla to be taken back
. t the aauatra and finished for market.
Quotation, oa eatti. Uood ta cboHje year
Una asasaa. 110 1611.64: good to etudes
weighty oornfed beeves. ltl.00ttll.0l: fair
IS) OToooi oornlea Dsevoa,; com'
men t fair oornfed beevea, t7.lkOI 7ft
good la eboloo grass beevea, 17.7101 00
fair tn good erase beeves. 10.70417.71: 'com'
men to fair erase beevea. ti.lkO0.7l: good
ta choice heifers, It. M9l.II; good to choice
news, II.0IO1 ko; fair is good oowe. is it
ato.tti comma, to fair cows. l4.IOOt.7i:
good la choice feeders,; fair to
toed fecdere, to.ovo7.7o; oommon to mir
feeders.; good to cboloe atock'
era stack belters. lt.MO7.70
alack svwa ll.OOOi 60: stock oalvea. tl.OO
I. 00: veal salves. U WBll.w: beef bulla.
Otaga. etc, 06.7107.00; aclogoa built, 00.00
Kepreettniatlve sales:
It , tit
11 IM
31. ...... .1011
4. ....... 1111
It.... ....lilt
04 1301
I lit
11.. ......1104
As. Pr.
tM It 00
t to
f 21
T It
i 161 7 00
If til f 40
... 101
t ti
7 00
t 40
I 36
I 60
I 76
I 00
I to
I It
t 16
I 16
10 00
V1,,M 101 I ti , I. ....... IS!
4........ Ill I II 4........ 147
3.. 34f I It 2 ...lit
'. 1........ IM I It .. Ill
PJoga The lets trade yesterday
dreggy, with Quite a alt of stuff sslllng
steady with the day before, end some
llghta ah which sellers wsre unable ta get
what they consldersd decent bids ware ear.
rted seer for today. This morning a brisk
shipper demand again gave the market an
early start, order buyere taking nulte
aeroeatage ef the ecTertnga at figures that
were a nickel to tn spots lto higher than
the goad time yesterday, which waa when
they bought the big end of their droves.
Packers wen a tittle slow about getting
late aettoa. and some ef tbsm trlsd hard
le get hega steady, but tbe heavy ahlpper
boring waa again a big factor In the callers'
, favor, end while the killer trade never be-
earae everly active. It wee generally higher
than yesterday. Wednesday k market was
be uneven that It la hard to compere prices
very aeeuratsly for the twe daya. Most
, traders called today's values to lto above
yesterday's avenge, but the tnuble was
that as one knew Just what yesterday's
'enrage was. It having been such a many
aided affair. About the beet way te do.
scribe teday'a trade waa to call It a nlokel
higher than yesterday forenoon eeeelon,
or nolle higher than yesterday's close.
-. The eztremo close waa even dragglsr than
yasteroay-s . nnlan. ' marly arrlvala
pntty well cleaned up al the advance
l anted, hut by the time the laat train ot
, two came ti orders wen pretty' well filled.
ana eo one eeemea to no trying to buy up.
-wards ef ten or a dosen loede that were
; atlll la ft ret handa at midday. Bulk of
all the aalse was made at, ana
tone leached (11.30, the beet price psld
since September, and a aew high mark for
use asoaia ei vooemoer.
Representative aalea
No. Av.
' 17. .141
14.. Ill
.11.. Ill
' II.. 231
'. 41.. Ill
II. .311
, it.. ii
ti.. lit
... II II
40 0 70
... I II
II I 10
... II II
... II II
,.. I II
41 I 14
No. Av.
II.. Ill
II. .110
70.. Ill
, It.. 160
13.. 313
II. .301
ii.. it
Sh. Pr.
41 l ti
... I 71
... I It
... II 01
... II II
... :i
Sheep Aa had keen the case every day
this week, lateness of trains delayed the
Inde somewhat today. Demand waa
gooei ana BecRcra wen ready buyers at
advanced prtoea, but the trouble wea that
as much ef the staff did not get up to tbe
barn until along towards midday. Early
business was dene en a fully IPOlOo higher
baste, a maker el the good lambs sslllng
up around 111.00. aad some of the best
staff equaled the record ef 113.10 estab
lished a week agd today.
Old sheep chewed quarter gains all
; anuad. nearly everything offered being of
a desirable sort, and the supply et best
email. Several loada ef good owes sold as
high as M.oo. Setting a new December
record, and coming within lOo of the yard
record. All recorde on yearlings wsre broken
whoa one load reached 111.30.
everything was In by noon, and bulk ef
the desirable offerings had changed handa.
One load eeld late as high as beating
the morning top a nickel, and Betting a,
u . , ' V re-rue. Taera wen au
slipped lambs here.
Feeding lambs wsn eonspletieua by their
, s aag neon in about the
same notches all week. Three oara of aged
Breeding ewea of a rather plain port landea
Quolatlona on sheep and lambs: Lam be.
Seed te choice.; lamba. fan
to good, II.3IOts.3i: lamba. clipped. 111.7k
11.11: Umbo, feeders, lu.00O13.3i; year
. liners, good to cholcs. I10.60 01l.2t: year.
lings, thlr te good. Il.lto 11.10; yearlings.
iTt!JLM9'" "'. sal' e choice.
la.itON.e0i ewea. good to cholcs, II loo
II.M; ewea, telr te good. ewea.
S'KJJ?.?'"' '; ee. feeding;
jl1Mi T' 'f tee, II.M
BapreesaUtlve sales I -
. Wt Pr.
34 Idaho yearling ....lot 111 to
i luue ism on ;,......,,. 7S
123 Utah lamba TI
111 Colorado feeding lambs It
13 fsd lambs ! is
34 Idaho lamag ,
til fsd lambs it
M fed lambs to
Ml fed lamba 76
II to
a. laesks Uvs Stack Market. .
St Loot Dee. II. Cattle Receipts, 1,600
head; market strong; native beef ateera.
I7.i0011.ll! yearlings, ateera and heifers.
a.l0OU.t0; eowe. li iOQl 60: Slackers snd
feeders, li.MOt.7l: prime southern beef
l-MOIMi beef cows and heifers,
4.1101-iO: prime yearling steers and belt
fa, native calve osanaiiiaa
Boas Xeeelata. is sss kMrf. m..kd m
higher; lights, lll.MOU.4l; ptgs, ll.lio Cera Spot. Aasrlcaa
asli allied aad batchers,; I Itid.
St. Joseph Live stack Market.
St. Joseph, Mo., Doc 11. Cattle Rs-
eslpts. 1,100 hsad; market active end
toady; steers, l7.00O1t.00: cows and hslf-
srs, I4.I0O1000; eslves. II.00O11.0I.
Hogs Recelpte, 11,000 head; market
stesdy te 0c higher; top, 110.30; bulk of
Sheep end Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head
market steady to strong; Ismbs, 113.360
is.iv; swes, os.oooo.vs.
Cash Cereal Market Takes a
Sharp Decline and Eeceipts
dsVre Very Light.
lira Mock Market.
RMlpu of tlva atock at thwilr prin
- Catti. Hoffi. 8htMp.
Omgahtt t,lo T.too l,too
Hloax CUT. ... MOO 12,0n0 1.600
Kanatu Ctty 4.00s 1,600 1,080
Okieavo ............ 4i,o 11,000
Ht. IXaH ,(y09 11,000 1,100
Total ,
..18,300 11.000 133,100
QaatatlotM f tba Dmr TarWai I -railing
Niw Tork. Dae. II. Flour -fltoatlr.
Whtat Spot, trona: No. 1 durum,
No. S hard, U.S.; No. 1 norlhtrn, Dulath
ll. Ii; no. 1 northarn, Manitoba, 11.10 f.
b. New York.
comtBpot, ftrong; no. i yellow, ii.oh
e. 1. 1. now Tora.
Lard Weak; mlddla wait, 1CJ0U..
oata flpot. nrm.
llide--etedy: BocoLa. 430 4,o: Central
America, 4JWc.
Hay QuUt; No. 1, I1.OI01.1O: No. I,
!. OOOl.O:; No. t, 0Hc; ihlpplDf. 760
Hopa Steady : itatt, common to choice.
in, 4S(tboo; ui, I 14c; raeillo coaat,
iiie, -iiviwc; 111&, toiio.
Xeattier Flrml hemlock flnta, 17c: 1
onde, 66i,
Provlelona Pork, firm: meea. 131.100
1100; family, 130, 00023. 00, abort elaaro,
iso.uuv.a.oo, sQeet, quiet; meea IlJ.OOa
...SO; family, I36.0C37.00. Lard, weak:
miaaie weet, eiB.300iB.40.
Tallow steady: city, lie: country. 11
Duller Ht party; recalplft - 7.116 tuba;
creamery, ,iHj4:cj nrau, 37 tf 40 Ho; eee
onde, 31 30 He
Btite Unaettled: racalota. T.03S eaaea:
freetl gathered eitr flreta, 44i0c, OraU,
4l4))4ftc; refrtgerator, epaolal marka, fancy.
j w i : reiriaerator. eeconda to nrete.
11 n--o, ,
Cbaeae Irrerular: recelota. STO boaaa:
eiaie neia apeciaiJ, 214iOJ4Ue: lUta. av.
erave fancy, 234 014c. '
Foul try Preened, linn : eMokuna. 1 A
Coffee Market,
wew totk, Deo. 11. corfea The mora
optlmlatlo rlew of peaoe proapecta promoted
oy iniy momrnge newa rrora waabingion
atarted an active buying movement in the
coffee market. The ooonlna- waa IT to 11
poinie nigner ana active month aoid 36 to
41 pointa above laat nlght'e oloalng figure
(ivinog me eariy .ratling, with March touch
log l.lftc and Jaly 0.10c. Thta advance met
conalderabla ruallilng, however, and the
market waa unaetUed durlna the aftarnooa
owing to nail atreet and cotton trade Mnul
datlon following Secretary lanalag'i aute.
menL About half the early gain waa loat
with th market cloalng IT to SO pointa net
ntgner. no oiriciai reconi le now kept of
the bualneaa but private eattmalea placed
(.no aaya aatea at ttaga. leoember.
1.37c; January, l.4Tc; February.;
March, 1.4 3c: Anrll. I.Otci May. I. Tic; June.
.; juiy, i.tic; Auguat. i.7c; Heptember.
O.OI01 October, .07e; November, 1.13c. ,
Boot, eteady: Rio U lo: fiantna 4a
lOfco. Few freah offerlnn were ruDortfti in
tho coat and freight marhete. Well drtbed
Bantoa 4e are eald to have sold yeeterday
at 10.16c, regular tertne, and fair to good
roaatera at iv.ivc. nanioa were offered
toaay at l.aoo r. o. . 11 rail . American crtMl.
Ua, January -February iblpment. The official
cablea reported advencea of Si to 7 rata
tn tna primary markets.
laHM Cltr OavataJ Market.
Kaniaa CI (v. Ieo. St. Whaat Nn 1 KbiM
II U 1.(4; No. S red, L.I41.4:; Deoambar,
ii eii Map. Ii.oo. -
vrtno. 1 miieo. itoituo: no. 1 whiu.
S3mo; No. S yellow, ISO .to; December.
ib no; Hay, ave.
oala No. I white. l4454Ue: No. a
mlied, (34&Sc,
HUiierwreamery 40 He: nrata. sie: ate.
eada. ITc; packing, ' lie. . .
KggFlrata, 30r.
Poultry Hena. lOv: rooitera. liUcMur.
keyi, 34c.
MtftMapolle Oimln Market.
Minneano la. Dec. 11 whriaiUaw
ii.ivivi.idi; juiy, caen:
nard. ll.TIIVB .Tla: No. 1 nnrlh.rn
'.e.7 vi,it, n, 41 atrintirn, fl.wIkD
Corn No. 8 yellow, (87140.
Oala No. whit. 479 41c.
F 1 a saeed 1 3 . 7 4 7 3 . 1 4 .
Flour Unchanged early.
Barley 7ca. 11.
Rye 1 lift' 1 30,
Br&tt I34.004y34.6f.
CttttM Market.
New York. Deo. S i.-ottnn ri h.m
openea eieaay; lecember, 17.00c; January,
l7.3fc; March, 17.10c; May," 17S,c; July,
17. tile; Octoher, H.06c.
Futurea cloaed unaettled: aJnuarv. le nin-
March, lO Jlr; May, It. Sic; July,;
Ootobar, 11.03c. Spot, quiet; middling up
land, ll.TOc; aalae, 100 balea.
Cotton today oloaed lrreaular an if
at a net decline of tt to 103 noinia.
Liverpool, Jac. 11. Cotton Snot, hatnt.
aninv, gnoa miauling, io..3d; middling,
19.t3d: lOW mlddilaa. 10. 3td: aalaa. T.fflAO
-OaaataB Hay Market. "
Pralrte Hay Choice- upland, Ill.tOa
.00; No. 1. SlO.IOflll.M; No. i 0Q
10.00; No. 3. I7..0OI.00. Midland' fin 1
I0.0410.40; No. -1. S8.MC.iAA. lwlsv-rf.
1. ILOOtpa 5; No. S. I7.O07.BO; No. S.
It.OOOOeO. Alfalfa: Choice, 117. .0; No
1. tlOOOOlt.OO: atandard. IttLOtancA-
No. I, 110. 6011, e; No. J, t0.0010lo'
Straw: Oat, 7.007.o,; wheat. l.0C)
OU m
Havannah. Oa.. Dee. 11 Trirnjkiiink '
Firm, it; aalea, lit bbla,; recelpta, 3SC
bbla; ehlpmenta, 0 bble.; atock, 1I.4TI bbla.
Hoain nrm: aalea. 1 01 bble.: raraint.
I. 11 bbla.; ahlpmnta( 1,171 bbla.; otock
II. 111 bbla. Quntatlona: A, B, C, D. B, F
11.10; O. H. I.l; 1, $.n; K, 4 SS; Jf '
.U; N, $0.16; WO, 17.00; WW, 7.10.
At. Loaia Orala Market.
Bt. Loqla, Doc. 11. Wheat No. I mmI
11.70; No. 1 hard. U.llfctu.iT; December.
Il.tSVj; May, 11.42.
Corn NO. 1, 91c; NO. 2 white, tie: Deeam.
ber. tlHc; May. II He
aiaoieaay; wo. 3 white, nominal.
UverrMol Oralo Market.
Liverpool. Deo. 11, Wheat AooL No. 1
northern eprlag. 17a td; No. 1 hard winter.
0a IM; No. 1 Manitoba. 17a Id; No, a, ia
mixed, new. 11a
4 Omaha member It, ltlC.
Today's caah market waa very dull, both
on account of extremely light recelpta and
becauee of the fact that there waa a big
a fx-line in prtcee.
cejin wheat waa very weak, and with the
price or inia cereal ruling from 7c to c
lower, the aellere were not very anxloue to
ell at eurh a big decline, and coneequently
a good percentage of tbe aamplea were held
The Inability to ehln train from thin
market baa contributed largely to the dflll
neae tn the local cash market, ae shlppere
not want to load 00 their elevator when
inry cannot gat care to move their grain
At noon today only nix cam of wheat
were reported aold. Three care of No. 2
hard brouaht 11. 1T. 1 car of No. 3 -old at
11.14, a cer of No. 4 hard brought 1.0, and
a car of No. I durum mixed aold at 11.61.
Tbe corn market waa much the iim an
wheat, and with prlcea ruling from 3c
3o off, the trade In thle article waa very
quiet. A rurloue thlnr about the corn mer
ket waa the fact that corn coming Into thle
mantel in foreign eyetem cars wan In atrong
mand at premium price, as theee
can be ihlpped to tout hern points, whercHn,
care belonging to the domestic railroads
cannot be loaded for points outside their
n territory- No. 3 white com waa cooled
at 43 to 36c. No. 3 mixed sold et ti c.
and the only car of yellow corn which waa
aoin graded No. ft and brought 13ic.
The oala market wea at a standstill and
not a car of this cereal waa sold up
and no quotations were given on this
cereal, but the market would probably bo
lower, in sympathy with the other mar
Rye was quoted 1c lower, and barley watt
quo tea nominally uncnanged. with practln
ally no trade in either of these markets.
Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged; corn
uncnaBira to 412 lower.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 43 110 07
Omaha 17 30 i 10
These aalea were reported today:
Wheat No, 3 hard winter: 1 cara, II, IT
No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, fl.t7y.: 1 car.
si.M. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 11.10. No.
s aurum mixed: 1 car, 11. S3.
Rye Sample: 1 car, 11.33.
Corn No. 3 white: 1 car, 81c; car, 13M.C
no. 4 ye. iow; 1 car, ,c. no. 9 yellow:
cara, 14c; 1 car, 83c. No. I yellow: 1
car, HV.U, No. 2 mixed: I cars, 14c. No.
1 mixed; 7 cara, Slfcc. No. 4 mixed: 2 can,
Omaha Cash rrlceaWheat ; No.
hard, $l.l(4yl.7H; No. S hard, 11.140'4; wo, 4 nard. gl.4l4yi.30; No. 1 spring,; we. spring, ll.4B01.ft4: No.
durum, lI.5lttl.Sft; No. i durum, l.ftOw
uorn: no. i white, M0-c; Ni
white, t3y.olt,c: No. 4 white. 83084c: No.
ft white, 83ttl8Ujc; No. 0 white, BWOSftc
No. 3 yellow, 83 014c; No. 3 yellow, 83 U
vseo; no, 4 yeuow, wV9ic; No. ft ye I
low, 130130; -No. 1 yellow, SUei3r
No. 1 mixed, IS H 49 84c; No. 1 mixed, 834
IXtte. No. 4 mixed, 12083c: No. 1 mixed,
s-HOl.c; Ho, ( mixed, 83fi83Hc Oats
No. 3 white, 4l44fto: standard. 48-a04lc
No. I white, 4t41.48c; No. 4 while. 410
iiwo. ttariey: Mai una., .sicatn.ia: No.
feed. 84O02O. Rye: No. 3, ll IStyl ll
No. 3, 11.3701.38.
Omaha, Fntaraa.
Today's tradlna ahoweH a decider! iv mixeit
sentiment. December wheat opened steady
with little trading but both the May ana
July articles were very active with opening
linuss several cents tower. The early de
cline was the result of the oeaca negotia
tions but later the market turned and heavy
buying, stimulated by foreign export or
ders, forced May wheat to I1.1IH and July
10 n.iiMi a xam 01 i-nr miiv imi tin fn.
July over the opening quotations.
mere waa eons derable Intersat In enrn
out; me maraet wag inclined to be led h.
tho action of wheat. May cara elnatn ftr
higher and July cs higher.
UaU waa sympathellc and advanced 1 Ui
on nay, wnue December oats was quoted
unchanged, ,
lrQcai range ot options:
Art. ( Qp". I High. Low. Close. Yes.
WhtTj j T
roo. 1 0 1 o 157 .1 57 180
May 1 68 1 Q 1 6H 158H
July 13- 130136 llOUOi
Dec. 14082 14H 81 84H H
May lltS&S 18 le 88H 844.
Jul-' 17 11 81 16
Oat a
Deo, 414. 41 4044 4fi 44
May 41 It H 48 41 4t
Chicago closing prices, furnished Tbe Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers.
311 South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Art, j Open. Cloae. I Tes.
Wht. I
tc. 1 41 1 14 148 1 81 1SI
May 1 It 1 3J56 3163
July J 1 11 l it no 1 35 13S
Deo. I7tl 11 I? 4 u 88
May 81 t 02 88 12 0
July 1 If ll is si 10
Dec. 46 48 40 48 47
May 10 13 10 52 11
July 10 47 60 43
Jan. , ,11 II 27 00 21 71 SI 71 31 7
May 21 41 34 IT .1 42 2C 50 24 30
Jan. 14 II 1 lft II It ll is if, 17 i
May 11 It It 20 11 00 11 00 IS 17
Jaa. 11 71 11 19 11 73 IS T5 13 67
May j 14 17 14 17 14 11 14 11 14 07
Wheat Sella OW f-rvea Cents at Orvenlng Be-
mv inwn i reaoe Note.
Chicago, Dee. SI. fit foreian nurchlnt
turned out to be a more powerful Influence
In the wheat market today then President
Wilson's move for peace, or than Secretary
Lansing's statement that the United Slates
was being drawen nearthe verge of war.
A whllwind fall of 7c In wheat nrlreti wis
followed by steep advances totalling lc
.run. .no poucm level or me day, The cloae
was atrong. 8163 to 163 for May and
1151 to 136 lor July with the market as
a whole finishing at the tin too noln.
reached. c off to Sc up as compared with
twenty -four hour before. Corn gained le
f01c to lo net, and oata to 1 c. The
result In provisions varied from 35c decline
ot a rise ot 30c,
European government with Oreat Britain
tn the lead wero credited with having swept
Into their poaaeaalon 3.000,000 bushels or
more 01 wneat, one of tho lergast amounts 1
that In months had been taken In a single
day. . The trans-Atlantic demand for wheal
developed after the market right at the out. 1
set craehed downward under ofrcrtngs that
tor booth iirteen minutes appeared to have
no limit as to volume and no much an to
price. The ntampede to sell ccoeed ruther
abruptly whin thn fact became evident that
buyers were walling for all tho eupplles
thrown on the market unfler aacrtfice con. '
A rapid recovery seemed to be well under
way in the wheat market when bulletins
d-udenly appeared quoting without much
corneal ine sinning utterance from Secre
tary Lansing about the "verge of war." i
Ktuahee to eel) Immediately beaan. but a
clearer understanding waa soon reached as
to wnat the complete statement of the sec- ;
rotary contained and th beerlesh effect on j
prices gradually wore off. j
The final una hoot of wheat values u '
wltneased In the laat halt hour of the see
sloa and was accompanied by disclosures of
tne mammon in extent 10 wnirh the early
smash tn prices had been taken advantage
of by foreigners. Peace hopes which at first '
had attracted attention seemed at least for
tbe time being to have almost entirely been
driven out of notice in the flurry to buy at
the cloae.
Corn swayed with wheat, rut remained
within an ordinary range and uhowed scarce
ly mere than the usual degree of activity.
Com pis In la of car ecarcity -gave some ad
vantage ia ma nuiia. iats followed other
grains at a moderate pace. Home export
bualneaa was reported to have been done 1
at the seaboard. I
Provision were helped upward hv the
continued wovea for peace. The grains in 1
price, however, were afterward more than
counter-balanced In some cases by tho fact
that liberal quantities of lard are being
brought her for delivery on Deuember con- j
Chicago Cash PricesWheat: No, j Kmi
red and 1 and I hard. nominal. r.rn
No. S yellow, t-OJlc; No. 4 yellow, 680
fie; No. 4 whits, 10Olc.- Oats: So. 3'
white, 4O0c; standard. 60O5ic. i
Rye: No. 3. nominal. Barley. SftcMit e
Seeds: Timothy, I3.5006.ft0; clover, 113. 00
17.00. Provisions: Pork, 131.50; lard S1I.3S
01116; rtba, I1S.06OI3.62.
Butter-Steady; reel p la, 1,117 tubs; cream.
ery. l.6SIe. -
Eggs Steady: recelpta, 113 case; firvtp i
40t41c: ordinary firsts. 154t3c: at m.rk- I
cases Included, 134HOe. I
Potatoes Steady; recelpta. 10 cara: Wuh. I
fngton, .Idaho, Colorado and Oregon whlteeC
l. 4001.75: Michigan whites, ll.50Ol.69
Wlsconsln while. 81.40Ol.te.
Poultry Alive, lower, fowls, 17cj gprlngs,
17c ,
Both the Celebrated
Pathe and Every
American Record
m. ' v-b .ihilVe' Wa
'''' i ll' i
$J Models from
Y $70 to $175 m
AU Phonographs In One
The Famous Brunswick
Balke-Collender Company,
of Chicago, has perfected a
final - type phonograph,
.which embodies the best
features of the best phono
graphs made. This truly
artistic music-maker is now
on exhibition at the store
named below.
They, will enjoy demon
strating, to music lovers,
this combination of perfec
tions which, in addition,
possesses individual refine
ments found in no other
With the Brunswick you
hear the world's great
singers as they really sound
on stage and conceVt plat
forms. You enjoy the faith
ful record of aH instrumen
tal music, with no hint of
mechanical reproduction.
Plays All Records
The Brunswick plays all
records both the cele
brated Pathe, which intro
duces you to the musical
celebrities and composi
tions of Europe, and every
American record made.
This is accomplished by
two sound boxes, one for
Pathe records, one for other
makes. These are supplied
without extra charge. They
make your choice of selec
tion unlimited.
Exclusive Tone. Regulator
A "Vox Humana" tone
regulator a perfection of
the Brunswick governs
musical production through
the "throat" of the machine.
You can play your favorite
records as you want them
Equipment includes sap
phire ball,. jewel point and
steel needles; 12-inch turn
table, automatic stop.
Prices from $70 to $175.
We invite every music lover
to hear the Brunswick at
the dealer named below.
They are giving daily con
certs; you must learn for
yourself how science has
scored a musical triumph
in the artistic Brunswick.
Made by
U .1.1.6 TV DODCX-