THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1916. 11 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Fiats. WHAT hare you for rent in th way of (our, flvo and six-room modern upto-date a part men tH ? Prefer ence will b riven to those In bet ter districts of the city. Want te deal direct with owners. Ne agent. Telephone Douclas 1011 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. DESIRABLE NEW HOME, CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. Owner will consider (-room cottage or bungalow as part payment. This Is a 7 -room, S-story modern home having large living room, fireplace, attractive dining room with built-in buffet, con venient kitchen and 4 good bedrooms with oak finished floors; best of construction. Price $6,1.00. Easy terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, Pong. 756. tl City Nat. Bk. Bldg. INVESTORS AND SPECULATORS, ATTENTION! An oatoI-town owner wants to sell .i0x95 feet, with two cottages, on 18th St. north of Leavenworth at a sacrifice. Ask. us for full particulars. J. H. DUMONT A CO.. m-18 Keellne Bldg- Phone Doug. 0. A SNAP. 3et a bargain in a home and Christmas gift all tn one. On 29th street, near Mason, a very good -room house, all modern, well arranged; bleeping porch, etc., at $3,800; fine lot; easy terms. D. V. SHOLES CO., Douglae48. 81$ City Nat. Bank. VEST FARNAM, atucco, 7-r. modern. Lot value. $3,000; home value, 94,000. All for, lt.000. 311 No. 38th Ave. Dour 3047. North. $100 DOWN, BALANCE $20 A MONTH. WHY PAY RENT? 6-rnom, strictly modern home, located on Seward street. South front, paved street. Owner has reduced price for quick sale and Is willing to pay your moving expenses. Who wants this? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg- D. HM. MUST BE SOLD. Wire or write submitting best net cash offer for proper tes at 620 N. 41st flu, mortgage $1,271.20, and J43S Spencer SL, mortgage $1,601.06; all loans In Conserva tive Savings and Loan Association. Look them over right away. We are going to sell them at a bargain to some live man. Make oner, subject to special menu or record. TAYLOR-JON Efl INVESTMENT CO., Crooknton, Minn. KOUNTZE PLACE Eight-room modern hoose, and a bar gain, at $3,350. Not a new house, but In repair and well built. Large lot and garage, liasy terms. NORMS & NORR1S. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. 5-ROOM modern house, on Florence Blvd., for J 2, 500. W. H. GATES, $47 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 12. &-ROOM new corner house, thoroughly mod ern; west; $2,300; II &0 down. Phone Doug las 6074. 1 MUST be sold within the next ten days, cheap and easy terms. Modern five-room house, 2622 N. 27th. Owner, Douglas 1S88. KOUNTZE PLACE, restricted dialrlCt. rest dence for sale. A. V. Knlest. $616 N. 18th. ; South. 2706 DORCAS STKEET Four-room house, modern except heat, only 3 years old; can sell for $1,975; only $136 down, balance $20 per month. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Gleatng. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 HARNEY STREET. Miscellaneous. NEW BUNGALOWS. 6, AND T BOOMS. Strictly modem and up-to-date; oak finished and oak floors; built-in' feat urea Ideal location; low prices; phone us for appointment; we will be glad to show you. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1001. Ground fir, McCague Bldg. HOUSES WANTED. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOURS WORTH THE MONEY IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR RESULTS. O'NEILL'S REAL TESTATE fc INS. AONCY, Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. In the ELEVEN Months of 111 The Bee gained 63,010 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE the COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha papers Lowest Rate. Best Results. Best Berries NEW bungalow; also l-i. and gardening, your terms and price; lav. with $400. rent S bouses cost $2,609). $2,600. D. 2107. FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc., $2,760; $201 cash, balance monthly Colfax 7S1S P. J. TEBBENS CO. For real estate bargains. $06 Omaha Nat Bank. 60-FT. LOT, 310$. Fins lots to select from. $1 cash, Ms week. Box $181, Bes. REAL ESTATE UnimproTed North. AFTER looking at MTNNE LUSA. 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market, and they backed their judgment by buying lota IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. 743 Omaha Nat Bk. Bid. Tyler 1IT. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START YOUR HOME IN BBN30N! BUT THIS LOT. SlO.oO down and 110.00 per month; price 1390.00; stse, 60x123; located OD Locust St., between Clark and Burnbam, not far from acbool and car Una Geo. B. Wright. Bee office. Omaha. Dundee. EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE Large lot on Dodge St., near ttd; new rnsldences on all sides. Will sell at bar gain on reasonable terms or will build to your order. Call owner. Walnut 1680. SKVERAL lots, buildlug restriction. $3, :00.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow Circle. J400.80 to tP.000.00. W. L. SKI. BY SONS. Doug. 1510. Florence. N'KTHAWAY has three-acreage tracts at 356 per acre before Jan. 1. Tsl, Florence 22$. Miscellaneous. ACREAGE. -acre trart one mile from car line; Improved with 6 -room house, barn with hayloft, cornciib, buggy shed, granary, hog house, chicken house,, brick cave and fine well of water; 1 acre In grapes and orchard. 1 acru alfalfa, balance used for truck gardening. This would mske a fine, chicken ranch, and It is a bargain at Ibe price asked. Price $5,000: can arraage terms. No trad considered. A. H. KOSENBAUM, $47 Brandels Bldg. AC READS, i acres, 4-r. houne, near Florence, $4,000. 1 acres In alfalfa. In Benson Acres, 21,250. 1 choice acre, 66th and Spring, $650. 1 acre, 37th and Ellison Ave.. $1,000. 'i acre, 37th and James Sts.. S50. Easy terms on any of above or small house taken In exchange. RASP BROS., 10 McCague Bldg. Doug. 153. POULTRY AND PET STOCK UAMiUBD screenings, $1.60 a hundred. A. V. Wagner. $01 N. lth. REAL ESTATE Investments INVESTMENTS. Close-In brick flats, practically new. J five-room and 3 six-room, showing a re turn of 10 per cent on $14,000. See us at once about terms. HIATT COMPANY. 345-T-f Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Ty. - FOR SALS. Doubts brick SL Louis Sat, vtthla fear blocks of 14th and Harney; claws la; bar gain pries. CALKINS CO.. Douglas 1311. City National INVESTMENT Corner, close in. two nouses, annual rant $72. Price, $$.$. Cv P. BOSTW1CK SON. M Bes Bldg. Trier HOC. REAL ESTATE. WM. COLFAX, 101 Resllns Bldg. Dong. $37$. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Landis Etc. HAVE two 140-acre farms and one 10 -acre farm, sasssrn Nebraska, to trade for city property. ARCHER REALTY CO.. SJln Brandels Bide. BARGAIN Sell or trade; leaving city; nearly new -room house, strictly mod ern; garage: 215 Fort St.: $2,900; small payment down. Owner, L Smith, 414 Cas UeHoteU FLORIDA LAND In famous Irtah potato district; 4 to 1,720 acres; no encum brance ; for other good, dear property. Chance for a few agents. !6 Pazton Blk. Walnut 2587. 1 HAVE for sale, trade or rent a modern property, nearly new, st a reasonably low price. What have youT Annie Broberg, 713 N. 21st. Doug. 7311. A 12-ROOM rooming house for sale or ex change for equity In lota or house and lot., or good car; good location. Call Doug las &S96 after f p. m. TRADES TRADEH TRADES. Farms, Cattle, R&nrhes, New Apart ments, Flats, etc ABBOTT, 4 Patterson B"ck. WE have some good homes and rsntal prop ertlea for Neb- or la, land. Edwara I. Williams Co., Omaha Naff Bank Bldg. Ranch s. jclallst, sell or trade ranches for city property. B. Franta, $7$ Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, S and 4-roomed bouses that can be sold tor $100 cash, balance $11 per month; glvs complete description ftrst Utter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1830 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 104. WE want more farms. List anything you have with us. INTERSTATE REALTT CO., $29-30 City Nat. Bldg. Dong. 842. COME UP OR CALL UP TODAY. COME to us with your real bargains. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. Douglas 430. LIST your S and 4-ruotn hotuea with ua. WE 8EI.L THEM. OSBORNE KBAJ.TT CO., Doug. 1474. FOB SALE. See P D. Wead. 110 8. 18th St REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE. FID. alt. on B. 4t M . R. R.. alio 81x141, can be bought cheap. C A. Grlmm.1, I4t Omaha Nat. Bank. Bide. FINANCIAL $1,S00 MORTGAGE bearing 1 per cent aeml-ann.; secured by property valued at $4,000. , Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages. CITX.ttvnd. (arm loans promptly made. itaies, d, w ts aau per oonu neasonaois ion. UNITED STATES TRUST CO, 213 South 17th. Omaha. Neb. 8HOPEN & CO.. PRIVATE MONET. 7 PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY HOME BUILDERS pays dir. Jan. 1, July L Bhares. $1.2$ now, mors, after Jan. 1. Shares Issued now share in profits for , .past- ft ttos. Order- by -mall. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. F. A. OMAHA, $ PER CENT to $ per cant on best class city residences In amount $2,090 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission, PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St NO DKLAY. W. T. OR AH AM, BEE BLDG. OMAHA homes, East Nebraska farms, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 01$ Omaha Nat'l Phone Doug. 371$. FARM and city loans. 5-5 ft and $ per cent W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1643. 60 MONET HARRISON MORTON. iy $1$ Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED. THOS. L. McOARRT, KEELINK BLDG. TEL. RED 4344. REAL ESTATE loans, 6 per cent. See D. E. BUCK Sc. CO., $12 Omaha Nat, Bank. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. CITT and farm loans. Invest rates. B. H. LOUQEE, Inv., 633 Keellne Bldg $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F rSTWead, Wead Bldg., It.h and Farnam Sts. n A Tt7TT Tt ACJ $46 Omaha uni.TUl -UAVVU. Nat'l Bank Bid. CITY and farm loans, S, &V4 and 6 per cent J. H. Dumont & Co.. 416 Keellne Bldg. Abstracts of Title. Van Title, Guarantee and Abstract Cos a.Cla 305 S. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. THE OLD LINE Bankers1 Life of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlements. Liberal Contract to Agents, Ktlly, Kills A Thompson, General Agenta Doug. 3 819. 9 1 3 -1 4 Cily Nat'l Bk. Bldg. GALLAGHER & NELSON, Represent prompt pay Insurance com panion. $44 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. FARM 2 miles from PayettevHle. Arkansas, will make a choice home. Will exchange for Omaha cottage or western Nebraska land. GEORGE O. WALLACE, $14 Keellne Bldg. Canadian Lands. PROSPERITY IN CANADA Thousands of farmers In Western Canada have sold their crops this year for more than the total cost of their land. Land at $16 to $30 an acre has produced crops worth $40 to $76 an acre. Stock raising and dairying are equally profitable bogs and beer highest to country's history. Irrigation districts producing more alfalfa and fod der crops than ever before. Get your farm borne from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Last year I asked you to take advantage of this opportunity you might have paid for your farm wUi the 1916 crop again I extend the Invitation. Good land from $11 to $30 per acre; Irrigated land from $15; 20 years to pay; govern ment guarantees land and water titles. Pay tn full at any time if desired. We will lend you up to $2,000 in Improvements In certain districts, with no security other than the land. Ready-made farms sold on special easy terms. Loan for live stock after one year's occupation, subject to certain reasonable conditions explained oo request Low taxes; no taxes on Im provement. Free schools; full religious liberty; good climate, and the best neigh bors in the world. Other farmers becom ing rich In Western Canada; you have the same opportunity. Buy direct from the Canadian Pacific Railway. Write for free book and full Information. J. 0. Dennis, assistant to the President, Cana dlan Pacific Railway, $$ Ninth Avenue, Calgary. Alberta. Canada. Colorado Linds, GREAT bargain In a cattle ranch. Eastern Colorado. Write for particulars. M. Rib bon. Box $2, Ft Morgan. Colo. Minnesota Lands. BARGAIN 130-acre stock fsrm. 45 miles from Minneapolis; about 120 acres under cultivation, balanos meadow and pasture land; will cut several hundred tons good quality hay; fair set buildings; good soil; an excellent farm for stock; $86 per acre; one-half cash. Schwab Brow. 1021 Ply mouth vBldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florid Lands. WHY HUG THE STOVE and wish for spring? Why not live In s delightful, all year climate, without ex tremes of hat and cold, where you ran enjoy life, as well as make money? We have such a place In Northeast Florida The climate Is ideal and the lands are real farming and stock raising tanda. Be sides, corn and hay, there are many for age and fattening crops for cattle. shep and hogn, unknown In the North. Our lands sre also equally adapted to truck ing, poultry raising, dairying, etc. Our prices are cheap and our terms are easy. For farther information, writs or oatl, Riverview Farms Company, 642 Paxton Block, Omaha, Nebraska. iHHJglas 1731. PALM ' BEACH COUNTY We nave the record crop truck, garden and citrus fruit land In the United States. Buy land on easy terms from A- Parsons A Son, $62 Brandeta Bldg. Phone Douglas 7846. Note A personally conducted exeuralon to the Sunny South leaves Omaha Janu ary 2d: already some of Omaha's leading business men have Joined ua. Make your reservation early. RAISE ALFA L FA IN KLOR1DA (Natal Hay) this winter. First cutting. M days; $60 to $80 annually on $60 land. $36 Paxton Blk. Walnut 2687 t evenings). Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and $1 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to 8 big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Hunger, A-119, N. T. Lite Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. GREAT BARGAINS $5 down, $6 monthly, boys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Misiiouri. Pries only $200. Address Box $08, Excelsior Springs. Mo. YES ma'am, timber land $3.00 acre. Im proved $16.00 to $20.00. Many bargains. C. K. Soott Mountain View. Mo. Nebraska Lands. NEAR SOUTH OMAHA. $40 acres: Best crop-growing land In the state. Com making 76 bushels to acre: 250 tons alfalfa raised on place this year. This is all valley land, all level , and tillable except a few acres around buildings and feed lots. Modern boose, good barn, large aheap barn, corner! h, hog houses and all necessary buildings for cattle, hog and sheep feeding. Water piped to all buildings and feed lots. Fine blue grass pasture. All heavy black loam soil. Located near grade and high schools and only one-half mile from lnterurban car line. For price and terms Inquire of C. R. Combs, 80$ Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb.' Phone Doug. 316. 480 ACRES six miles from Ogallala, Neb., 240 acres being farmed, all smooth land, fair improvements, this can be divided In quar ter sections If buyers desire only part Yielded forty bushels of corn and forty bushels of wheat to the acre. One sec tion of acbool land goes with the deal. A snap at the price, $14,400, one-third cash, balance 6 yaara. J. F. Turner, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 240 ACRES, Kimball county, wheat land, at $13.00 per ac; all tillable; good loca tion. Buy this If you want a real snap. J. H. CAMPBELL A SON, Kimball. Neb. DOUGLAS County snap, 300 seres, fine, level land, good soil, Improved; 76 miles of Omaha. Price, $100 per acre. W. T. Smith Co., $14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. 160-A. GRAINS; rent lmpa fine. TO LAND ft TRUMBULL. D. 4747. 448 Bee Bldg. CAN sell or exchange any land you have ts offer. C J. Canan. McCague Bldg. Texas Lands. 110 ACRES, Morrill, Tex., $40 acre; fourth mile railroad station; plenty rainfall; fruit vegetables, corn, cotton; bargain. Q. P. STKBBIN8. 110 CHICAGO. Wisconsin Lands. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen eral crop stats In the union. Settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices or easy terms; excellent lands for stork raising. Ask for booklet 36 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant; state acres wanted. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com missioner 800 Railway. Minneapolis, Minn. AUTOMOBILES USED magnetoeu, magneto repairs, magneto repair parts. Mattox, 1436 80. 16th. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE IN USED CARS Two 1916 Overland Roadsters; a few Overland tourings; Overland coupe; Cole coupe; Fords, Bulcks. Reos, Studebakera and others. All thoroughly overhauled and In A-l order. Prices remarkably low. List of bargains furnished to out-of-town buy ers on request. Demonstrations mads. WlLLYS-OVKRLAND, INC. Used Car Dept. 2047 Farnam St Phone Douglas 3292. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 3209 Farnam St Douglas 8410. 1914 Chevrolet ....$360 11 Maxwell us 1914 Hudson '-64" 400 1916 Saxon Roadster $4$ la the ELEVEN Months of 1916 The Bee gained. . . .62,910 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE tbs COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha pipers wwweat Rate. Best Results. Best Service GOOD spark pings, thrive for $1; $3.50dosen7 Mattox, 1426 So. 16th. S.O.S. MOTOR CO. Steam Heated 2406 Leavenworth and Fireproof storage, $6 per month. Day and night service. Phone Tyler 717. 1 7-pass. 6 cyl. Franklin $250.00 1 6 cyl. Franklin, speedster $60.00 I single cyl. motorcycle $6.00 TELL & B1NKLEY. Ult Hv Bt- Dong. 1640. WE will trade yoo now Ford Cor yeur old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 30th and Harney. Douglas filll. USED-CA RS ATREAL PRICES C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Douglas 868. 3216-18 Farnam St THE Fontanels Automobile Co. All kinds auto repair work at reasonable prices, Oil, gas and accessories- 31$ 8. 19th. DT 4442 Cross town garageT 316 8. 24 th, Parts for Hun 20, Oldfltnobile, Appcnon, L. H. C. Careful repairing; pull-In service. CORD tirns for Fords, "3ftxSrT8.66303 $11.66. Zwlebcl Bros. D. 487$. 2613 Far nam 81. WILL sell my 1914 I.ocomobils, In excel lent condition, for $1,500. Address 9$72, BBRTSCHY ''KanFii-Tt' Southeast cor ner 2$th and Harney Sts. Douglas 7l!9$. BALI j and roller bcurlngfl. Mattox, 1438 So" 16th. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magnnto we can't repair. Colls repaired. Baysdorfer.210 N. llln. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair 3rvte and prices right. 21H S. 19th St D. 7290. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service-carnal-ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler 566. Auto Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TTRES AT y2 PRICE. Below hi a partial list of sur 3 In 1 vul canized tires: 30x3 ....$$.00 34x4 $ 9 64 30x3i... $.60 35x4... 11.16 12x4 ..... 9.25 36xVi 11.10 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING CO., U16-18 Davenport. Douglas 291. Motorcycles and Bicycles. IIARLKT - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in ucd machines. Victor Boon, "The Molor.-ile Man,'' 1:763 Leavenworth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS George T. Undley and wife to Her man A. ThttMke, Twenty -third street, 148 feet south of U street, east side. :.oxi$o .$ 1 Milton Hlrcb iid wife to Lincoln Trust loraptny, ljk street, 9U fet asl of Twenty-fifth Ktreot, south sid. 4RX66S 1 Alio Hodsnn and huslvind to Naomi K. Towle, Harney street 47 feet east of Forty-eighth street north side, 48 X149 00 Henry A. Uehren and wife to Naomi K. Towle, Harney street 96 foet east of Forty-eighth street, north side, 4x 149 KOfl Jennie M. Hathaway and husband to Jenslo P. ColwelL Forty-fifth street. 100 feet south of Miami street, wast side, 60x126 1 Leila Z. Eldredg and husband to Dan iel Barona, northwest corner Thirty -second and Seward streets. 50x130.. 1.8 N. P. Dodge. Jr., to Bessie Walsh, southeast corner Fifty-seventh and Hickory streets. 40x70 $5 Patrick T. Smith to Ttueman B. Karnes, Twenty-ninth street, ISO feet north of F street, east sido, 3x 150 B. W. Bennett and wife to Patrick T. Smith, Twenty-ninth street, 10 fet north of F street cast side, 6(1x160. I,ti00 Miirgaretha D. M. Malchlon and hus band to M. A Pease, southeast cor ner Thirty -fourth utreel and Dewey avenoe, 134x133 1 Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust com pany to Claire C McKenna at el.. Thirty-sixth street, 34 1-8 feet sooth of Jones street wt side, $.1 l-3x 165 $.800 Joseph D. Cullls to Smith Brick com pany. Martha street, 3C0 f"et west of Twentieth street soatn side, 60x188. 736 Michael Masaara and wife to Frank Kohlrrt, Polk strent, Benson, $6 feet east of Orphanage street, north side, 69x136 1 Grace V. Kuhns and husband to John B. Tobiason, Webster avenue, 80 feet east of Twenty-seventh street south side, 40x133 37$ COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO BRICK PAVING CON TRACTORS, Notk is hereby given that Hon. Bryce Crawford, County Judge In and for Douglas County, Omaha, Nebraska, will receive sealed bids up to and until 13 o'clock (noon) on Saturday, December 30th, 191$. for the Paving with Brick of West Center Street Road, beginning at the City Limits and running west to the Northwestern tracks, more or less. Bidding blanks, plans and speolfloatlons are on file In the County Engineer's office. Court House, Omaha Nebr. Each Bid must be aooompanled by a cer tified check or cash In the aum of Twenty Flvs Hundred 2,600) Dollars, as a guar antee of the faithful performance of the contract If awarded. Bids to be opened at It o'clock (nooel on December 30th, 1916, In accordance with the provisions of the law In that behalf. The Board of County Commissioners re serve to thomaelves the right to reject any or all bid. Dated Omaha, Nebr., Dee, 19, 11$. FRANK DEWEY. County Clerk. S3 8 Dltdtt LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of tho stockholders of the Hastings A Northwestern Railroad company for the election of seven directors and the transaction of soch other business as may come before the meeting will be held at the office of E. E. Calvin, No. 1410 Dodge street Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the 1st duy of January. A. D., 1917, at 11 o'clock a. m. T. M. ORR, H37D22dlQt Secretary. Guilty of Murder Of Former Bluffs Girl, Miss Grosvenor Seattle, Wash.. Dee. 2L John Soudas, proprietor of a cigar atore, accused of the murder of Mrs. Blanche Coleman in a hotel June 16, was convicted today. The woman was stabbed to death with a knife. She was formerly Miss Blanche Grosvenor of Council Bluffs, la., where her father is a street railway employe. New York Honer Marin. New York. Dee. 21. Money O. eaU. troBf; bjRh. per cent; low, 4 per oent: ruitti. rate, 4 per cent; laet loan, I par mat: cloetnl bid, Va per eat; offered at t per out , Time I,oa Steady: eixty and ninety dan, 41404 Pr a"': montha, 4t i per cent. Prime Mercantile Paper 40444 per cent Sterling Kxcbanc Sixty-day billa, $4.71 H: commercial atxty-day bill, an bank. $4.71; commercial alxty-day bllla, '$4.7; demand, $4.7eV; cablee. $4.71 7-l. Bllver Bar, 74 lc; Mexican dollara, file. Bond aovMfunent, steely; railroad, weak. U. 8. nt. fa. rr.MiM..K.T. let te.,76 do coupon 1941 Mo. Pac. con. ,e. 10344 U. S. $e, rea-....100Mont. Power li..loo do coupon. ...10014N. T. C. deb. (I.llltt U. B. 4a, N.T.fllty 4Uj,,IS.104 do coupon. ...HBHNewHaven cv.l.. 11114 Am. Hmelt. ...10 N. P. ti Am.T.T.c.4t4. 10414 'do Sa Ando-Frmch te. .31iO. 8. L ref. 4a. ..13 Atchlaon I en- 4a..MPac T. T. ...loo. B. As O. to HVjPenn. con. 4He..l04 Beth. Bteel r. Sa.lOlKPenn. ten. 4tta..l0! C. P. lat loReadlnx ten. 4. .G14 C. & O. CT. 414. 5 ' rof. 4...S3Vj C B. Q. Jt 4 . S. P. cv. 6a 102'i C. M.ftSt.P.cT.Ss .104 do ref. 41 ! C.I.AP.ref.4e...74u,a. Ry. 101 C.T 8. ref. 4Vjs.4'U. P. 4e D. A R. O. con. do cv. 4a 13 Krle gen. 4a 73 U. S. Rub. a....l0lV4 den. Slec. t.....l05 U. 8. Steel 6e....l0S Ot. No. let 4..100WeaL Union 4a.0U I. c. ret 4e ,lUjDom. Can., 1131. . K. c. B. ret. Sa..0t, Pia. U A N. on. 4a... Metal Market. New York. Dec. Jl. Metal, Lead. $7.01 07.7o. Spelter, weak and unaettled; epot, Keat SL Louis delivery, offered at $10.00. Copper, unsettled; electrolytic, first, second and third quarter, $30. 50032. fiO. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin, unaettled; spot offered at $41.76. At London: Spot copper, 114$ 10s; fu tures, 130 10a; electrolytic, 16K; spot tin. 17$ 10s; futures, 131 10s. Lead, 130 10s. Spelter, 64 6s. Dry Goods Market. New York, Dee. SI. Dry Ooods Cotton goods were easy today In gray goods' divis ion. Yarns were softer. Men'e wear openings were well attended and buyers made steady engagements for fall goods. Raw silk was easy. Saveliim-- to ha omtWI AnMricu If he wm ysjnt boy, them ism extreme to which yon would not go to gnajtca Kim from tho i of lbs White Plato. hbe UTdwad. Qa wkt OwwrmMtioe to kelp him fight for In. exie. ImceTftEO CROSS XMAS SEAU giv. STATE DISTRIBUTOR RED CROSS SEALS MRS. K. R. J. EDHOLM. 483 Brandol Thaatw TL Dong. $U30. ORDER EARLY apv acuw H NEW YORK, STOCKS Issues Experience Another Se rious Reversal of Quoted Values. U. S. STEEL TAKES CRASH .w York, Tw. 31.- On tranaacttona nuiuntlnr to 3,17(1,000 aham. a rtx-ord al most without prer'1nt, utot'kn today ox pArtonrad another arrlout rtwr-rsnl ot quoted values, ttv moat thornuf h. In fnct, ninr tht tnefptton of th dclln In th ?ar.y part of laot wrak. Th market ' action wan van In AjirrliMV, to dflvntopmtn(n In tht pcae Mituatlon. Thf opening, at which prlc wert da prvaaed i in i point, waa only a prnludc tn thn lncnxaln$t Wftknnw of lh later houra. Tht itpAcUcular tftatur at th outurt wan an oAVrlnir of ftO.OOO nharm of Untied Htatrw Steel at 104S to 106-,. a maximum dncllne of its paintH. Tht wax not only the Unrest Individual operation of the day, but ho far In known without a parallel In the history of the exchange. Hteol later fell to 100 i and cloned at 101, a nut lora of 1 twin ttv Other imluatrtaU, tn oludlnir thoae of the no-called peace claaa. reRlHtered extreme lOKsea of I to 5 pnlnta, while thoae popularly retarded aa "war bride" receded 10 to S3 polnta, Bethlehem at eel common loatnir 11 point, with 10 for the preferred, while Nova Soott a Steel loat 30 polnta, with 33 for Oalf State Steel common and 3& for the aeoond preferred. In the (roup of prominent equipments American lxoomotlv tout more than 7 polnta Baldwin Locomotive a 1 moat li and New York Airbrake ir. Among; the letm dlattnctive munition and related taauea. Lackawanna 8 tee I fell I polnta and Cru cible 8tel irH. laaaea of a mora remote war claaa, aurh aa Central Iaather, American Hide and Leather, Tnduatrlal Alcohol, International Nickel and the metala aa a whole forfaited to 14 polnta, with I to 10 for aurara and i to 13 for mo tore. Shipping reglaterod Krom decline of S to 14 polnta. Mercantile Marlnea being leaat af fected, with onnatant preasurt agalnat At lantic. Gulf ft Waat Indie and United Fruit. The proponed nationalisation of the Brltlnh merchant marine excited further apprehen sion. The greateat mirprtae waa furnlahed by the ratla, that dlvlalon having held more than atnady In the face of tnoeaaant attri tion elne where. Dividend aharaa, avoh aa Union Pacific, Reading, Norfolk A Weatern. Canadian Pacific and St. Paul, ahowed graaa loeaea of t to I polnta. Woakneaa In thta groun waa moat pronounced after the declaration of tho extra S par cent dividend on Union Fa cine. Bonde were highly Irregular, domeMIc lawoea weakening an the setback to ratla while Internationale were atrong with one point advance tn Parta 8a and United King dom 6 Via Total aalea of honda, par value, 1MM.000, United States bonds were un changed. Number or leading aalea ana quotations on the stock market: Ralea. High Am. Beet flugar... 11,900 American un zi,iuu Am.. Car ft Fndry., 11,800 66 Am. Locomotive... 33,700 73 Am. Smelt, ft Rfnsr. 43.000 104 Am. Suaar Rfna... 4.100 lOttt Am. Tel. ft Tel.... 1.400 136 i Am. Z., U ft S 3.300 34 Anaconda Copper.. 30,900 83 Atchlaon 10,000 104 Baldwin Loco 33.800 64 Haiti, ft unio e.iuo Brook. Rapid Trans 400 B. ft 8. Copper,... 17,300 Cal. Petroleum 4.400 34 83 46 96 Canadian Pacific. 4,100 1T 103 163 Central Leather... 17.900 8m 7f 7ft Cneaa, ft Ohio io.ioo f ea aa C, at. & SL P 1.300 92 8f 8t Chi. ft N. W...... 300 114 1X4 124 C. R. I. ft P..... U Chlno Copper 20.309 41 A7K 4RU Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. 13,400 44 40 41 44 33 r7 corn rrou. nrng... ii.too Crucible Steel 40.300 Distiller's Securities 6.7O0 Krle , 14.800 30 -0 30 35 33 33 10 ll US 115 General Klectric, 5,000 1S OL North. Pfd 3.100 117 OL North. Ore Ctfe. 13,800 30 324 Illinois central... . i.tuo iv InL Con. Corn 0.000 17 104 H iu Inspiration Copper. flb,r0(l 54 Int. Ilarv., N. J. . . I. M. M. pfd. ntfa.. K. C. Southern.... Kennecott Copper. Ioula ft Naah 83,300 3,300 8 4.0 00 Mil 2S 553 an 40 130 700 i:t Mex. Petroleum... tfi.800 99 Miami Copper 1M00 3aVt 34U 18 17 $t $0 304 101 cog 132 100 M . K. t T. Dfd 1, ivu sv . Missouri Pari To... Monuna Power... National Lead Nevada Copper. . . . N. Y. Central N. T., N. H. A H.. Norfolk A Western 300 17 k 17 11.400 10$ M 1,200 60 13,100 ti 14.700 10$ 4. ISO 18 !5 iS? 300 1H14 131 Northern Paellle. $.800 110 101 Pacific Mall 3.100 1044 n$ Paeirie Tel. Tel 800 83 6S Pennsylvania Hay Con. Copper.. Reading Rep. Iron Rteel.. Rhatturk Aria. Hop. Hnuthern narlflc... 7,300 20,800 11,100 $8,300 8, tIO 10,400 ( 107(4 74 3T 23 34 8 101 , 71 22V 33 o2 iovi 208 143U 3l Routhern Kallwajr. . . 88.000 mudeoaaer uo. .. . 30.800 113 103 . 13.400 313U 202 . $4,700 140 142 200 3U SUM Texas to lTnlnn Parlfla... Unoln Pacific pfd. U. H. Ind. Alcohol U. S. Steel IT. 8. Steel pfd... Utah Copper Wabash Pfd. "B". 44.800 105 84 U 140.000 lOttt 100U 101 $,300 118 117 117 18,100 87 lOVi 14 ,100 31 28 28 3.400 87 84 04 Weetern union . Westlnghoose Kler. 34,800 $4 ll(. $2 ToUl sales for the day, x,l7,,ovo snares. Ixodon stock Market. Tendon. Dee. 21 The Amerloan stoek, were steady, with a number of marking, of Missouri Paelflo and steel Usue. on the slock exchange here today. Silver Bar, 88 l$-l$d per soaea. Money 1 per eenL Discount Rale Short bllla, $ par cent; three montha, $$ per cent Sugar Market Hew York. Dec. $1. Sugar Raw, unset- fled, t.l4e: mol.ssea. 4.87e. Refined, quiet; ftn. granulatad, 7.00)7.0$e. The more favorable , pease newa and slightly easier ton. to th. spot mark.t led to further selling of sugar futurea. At noon price, were $4,7 points lower. Persistence Advertising. I. the Cardinal Virtue In Low. Closa. 83 83 tra 0 01 07 09 100 103 104 104 134 134 .11 33 77 77 101 101 63 bh 81 93 91 91 41 43 33 V 33 CHRISTMAS GIVING BEGINS AT HOME As the holiday season approaches, find out what Mother needs to make her household tasks easier. Has she an up-to-date gas range to lighten her kitchen work? Has she a gas water heater to enable her to get hot water easily at all times? Has she a gas iron to save her many weaiy steps? Christmas is often a holiday for everybody but Mother. Make Mother's holiday last all year. Visit our showroom and make your selection now. We shall be pleased to make delivery whenever you desire. If you wish, we will arrange convenient term payments. OMAHA GAS COMPANY 1509 Howard Street. Peter Shelby Dies In Cleveland Home Aicfd nearly 80 years, I'eicr P. Shelby, the first general passenger gent of the Union Pacific, died Thursday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Rose S. Schmoldt, in Cleveland, O., where he had resided for many years. Mr. Sheihy lived in Omaha about AMl'SKMKNTS. FRIDAY and SATURDAY The Charming Stage Star Edith Taliaferro In a Splendid Picturiiation of Booth Tarkinffton'a Well Known NotoI "The Conquest of Canaan" aiaiiiiiTiiTHiiajaMiuiiiiiMiiti iwittiiiniiiimtitam.n Special Musical Setting The Strand Organ i Heard at Every Performance Sunday and Monday, Dorothy Gith, in 'THE CHILDREN OF THE FEUD." 1:11 II "THE CONQUEST OF I. A I ' rhM THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Dally MaHsM, 2:I-III,M, :! Ttil. FREDERICK V. BOWtRt CO.: IIONTUOMKSYl WAi.TtaiIimWllH: lend: Sherman Uttry: Hubert Ujl Hone Butt: Orpheus, Trs) Weskli. PMCaW-MatUM. Oallerr lie.. Be Seats "H at. sad Sua.) 39a. Mlshta. Ms. SM. 40e a4T0 "OS4AHA-S rUN CENTER." fsm TtTM nili Mau.. l-S-e. SOyCy I..S1,, ll-U-60-JJr. LAST TIMES TODAY Sim Sidman't Own Show Town. (Sirurdar), and Week Hm'a I CtU If n I V 884 The -Dm" 8.1.11 nss BMW VI t4e Yarkl" TbrW Shoppers' Mattam Evary Wek Day. Lwlu Huff snd Jsek Plckfwd, 8a "SEVENTEEN" Booth Tarkuigtsa'. Hlisjorilll Maaterphrc. ADMISSION 10c Orcheetra Mualc. Comedy ESP "A CASE FOR SHERLOCK" Morris Golden Mack and Desa , EDWIN AND LOTTIE FORD 4 Stem-Winding V.udevlll. Ait. "DIANA, THE HUNTRESS" Wonderful Artistic Ph.taoUy fWV Going Out of Business My Entira Stock of Win, Liquor and Cifn For SU Buy your holiday liquors now. Get our prices if you wish to end liquors to your friends or relations. We prepay all orders from $3. SO a gallon and upward. We sell the best brands of liquors. SOL S. GOLDSTROM ISr uau0R Phone 299 26th and Q Sit. Wo deliver to any part of th city. twenty years. lie was a member of tho Nebraska state legislature in 1877. He was connected with the Union Pacific during the early S. H. H, Clarke administration. Mr. Shelby left Omaha more than thirty years ago. He is survived by one daugh ter, his wife having died many years ago. He was an uncle of Mrs. C. Fanning of this city. Bank Clearing.. Omaha. Dec. 21. Bunk clearings for Omaha today were $ti. 01 0.808.76 and for the corresponding day last year $3,570,72$. $4, AMJU8KMENTO. TnWt A Plus, For "U" In Th. THEATER TODAY and SATURDAY "THE LOVE THIEF."' Featuring Grstchen Hartmali and Alan Hals. Fwtravlna L... and War. two for, which vie with each other for supremacy. A THEATER OF TFII H FIRST PRESENTATIONS E MUS LOU TELLE GEN, CLEO RIDCELY, SESSEU MAYAKAWA . - $ "THE VICTORIA CROSS." ' JITNEY TAXI MAAWtU CAKJ1 Webster 202 Bee Want Ads Produce Results Douglas 605. . 3? f U M il 'it $..