Sasaa-aBaeast' .BRINGING UP FATHER NUVh ' 1 .w.1.1.. -'Tusspa T ) CM- Mill 'rW. ' I V Kl - 'if . VS BIG SWEEPSTAKES TOURNAMENT ENDS Visiting Bowling Teams Figure Prominently in the ' Shooting. IOWA TEAM IS STRONG The big sweepstakes tournament came to a successful windup on the Omaha alleys Sunday, with excite ment rivaling that of the middle west tournament held here last sea son. Throughout the day doubles and i singles were rolled and for two hours 4 during the afternoon four five-man ' learns occupied the runways. Some fine exhibitions of rolling wire given, which kept a large crowd in constant attendance throughout the day. Visit ing bowlers featured prominently in the day's shooting, especially in the singles. The Clemmons Auto company .team of Des Moines made a strong effort to land first money, but fell sixty-nine pins short of the State SST Journal team of Lincoln, which rolled 2.823 the night before. They were also twenty-seven pins behind the Metz team of Omaha, who rolled 2,781. The Home Restaurants won fourth money with 2,743. The visiting bowlers were making a successful ef fort to land all the firsts, but late in the day, Cain and Devine saved the day in the doubles by rolling high score with 1,217. L. Herzog of Lin- coin copped the singles with 623, four f pins ahead of Ralph Marshall, the vouthful Des Moines star. Win Individual Honors. 1 The individual: honors were -prac-tically won by the visiting bowlers, except fourth place, which was cap tured by Stunz, with 606. A special women's sweepstakes was held throughout the day. In the doubles, Miss Bruch and Miss Miller won the money with a score 883. The singles were won by Miss Verda Pelling with a 430 score. Several special matches were rolled throughout the day, most of them being between Middaugh and Ham mond of Fremont and some local pairs. In the afternoon the Fremonters won a three-game series from Sciple and Wartchow with a total of 1,183 . against the latter's 1,143. Three-Game Series Rolled. In the evening three three-game 7S series were rolled between the Fre ( mont stars and Neale and Schoene niau. The visitors won the odd ser ies after rolling one of the prettiest and most exciting matches in the history of Omaha bowling. Neale was the individual star with games of 233, 277 and 206, totaling 716; Schoene man failed to deliver, only rolling 213, 163 and 183, totaling 559, making a grand total of 1.275. Even with this score against them the Fremont stars came out victor ious with a 1,307 total. Middaugh rolled 221, 191, 256. totaling 668; Hammond rolled 232, 203 and 204, totr I aling 639. A better exhibition than 1 I this was never beforcwjtnessed on ' local runways. In the first series Neale and Schoeneman lost with a 1,176 total, against the Fremont pair's 1,232. The second contest went to the locals with a 1,232 total against the visitor's 1,180. Sciple and Wartchow Win. Sciple and Wartchow easily de feated W. Martin and R. Marshall of Des Moines in a five-game series. Price money winners were: FIVE-MAN EVENT. Mate Joornals, Lincoln 2.R23 Metz, Omaha 2.7K1 Clammona' Auto Co., Des Moines 2,7 r,4 Home Restaurants, Omaha 2,743 DOUBLES. ('. Cain-J. Devine, Omaha 1.217 li. Tnman-M. Tousem, Omaha 1.207 K. Middaugh-!.. Hammond, Fremont.. 1.175 o. Van Husen-R. VanHuaen. Schuyler. 1.163 l.ooney-Raian, Omaha 1,143 SINGLES, ,. Her7,o(T, Lincoln 623 li. Marshal, !es Moines 619 M. Van Housen. Schuyler 607 M. Stuns, Omaha 606 O. Storta, Des Motoes 57 Missouri Interested In Nebraska's Schools Lincoln. Neb., Dec. 18. (Special.) Miner Jones, connected with the Uni versity of Missouri, called at the office of the state superintendent today to inquire into the Nebraska system for building up rural schools. Dr. Thomas returned yesterday from Cedar county, where he dedi cated three new rural school buildings in the short space of twelve hours and ate six meals during the time. Ac cording to Mr. Thomas it wis a great day for rural schools and chicken pie. The schools were situated in the northwest portion of Cedar county. The buildings were designed by the state superintendent himself. i War t'pon Pain. i s'.ian". I.inlment prepares yo., . ..- ,-very i , inTltenry. Keep It handy ll's (hp ireaeat pain l;ll!er ever discovered. At alt dmsslsiB. T :5c. Advertisement. I 1 FEEL bORRvl TpoOU I I SUSE.1 1 i WELL I ' v Wf - Nebraska Bum-. Hall: Mating or Katern league, at Wor'ttr, Mann. KllllardHt .orre W. Moore glnt Al fred IN Oro, mt New York, for three-cushion norkft billiard rhamDlontthlD. Iloxlnir: Jack Dillon against Billy MUkr, t?n rouDdit. at New York; Frank! Huron atrHlnttt Joe Lynch, ten roiindn, at New York; Kddie Murphy MUl-int ) ronnolly, twelve ronndH, at BoHton; Mel CooRan atratnnt Larry llaniten, twelve roundH, at Boeton. VON MACKENSEN ADVANCE BEYOND BUZEDRIVER LINE K'ontinufd From Page One.) violent artillery duel. Local engage ments with , varying succss occured in the Uzul valley. "Hostile columns retreating to Ibraila were attacked by our air plane squadrons with visible success." The; Russians made an attack in Vol hynia in the regi6n northwest of Lutsk yesterday in an effort to recap ture positions taken by the Germans. The war office announces that the at tacks were without success. Only artillery operations on the Macedonian front are reported in to day's army headquarters statement, which reads: "There has been tem porarily lively artillery firing in the bend of the Cerna." Aside from minor activites in the Somme and Mcuse sectors there were no important happenings on the west ern front, army headquarters an nounced today. The statement reads: "Western front: There have been no important events. In the Somme and Meuse sectors there have been only minor fighting activities." i--, -v - Fiench Official Report!. Paris, Dec 18. French forces have taken a total of 11,387 German pris oners on the Verdun front since De cember 15, according to the announce ment made by the French war office this afternoon. A violent German counter attack on the Meuse has re sulted in German forces securing a footing at the Chambrettes farm. The text follows: "South of the river Somme, a de tachment of the enemy which was endeavoring to occupy our lines southeast of Berny, has been repulsed with hand grenades. On the right bank of the river Meuse, after the bombardment reported in the com munication of yesterday, the German forces delivered a violent counter attack yesterday evening upon our new positions. They succeeded, how ever, only in securing l footing at a point on the Chambrettes farm. We continue to hold the immediate sur roundings of this location. Elsewhere the night passed in quiet. "The number of prisoners taken by us since December IS on the Verdun front is at present, according to the latest count, 11,387, including 284 offi cers. The war material captured or destroyed includes 115 cannon, forty four bomb throwers and IU7 machine guns." Russian Official Report. London, Dec. 18. The Teutonic offensive in Roumania has been ar rested by the Russian fire, the Rus sian war office announces. The state ment as intercepted by the British admiralty and collected by the Wire less Press, was made public as fol lows: "On the Roumanian front, in the region west and southwest of Rom-niku-Sarat, our scouts made recon naissances. "In the region of the Filipechti rail way, station and in the region of Dih batogu the offensive of the enemy was arrested by our fire." Short Course at Hondamin. Mondamin, la., Dec. 17. (Special.) Harrison county short course op ened here Tuesday morning. After the organization lectures were given on the dairv business, Iowa soils and plant life in the men's department. In the department for women nutri tion, planning a well balanced meal and demonstrations of interest to the home. The instructors are from Ames, and the county farmers and stockmen arc invited to attend. I j Ask Your Dealer About I G. L. W. j Spring Oilers S G. L. W. Spring I Oiler Company 894 Brandeia Bide. THE BEE: lnternalionaJ ADMITS PAROLE FROM NEBRASKA i Hn rrv Laird. Arrested at Dea Moines, Out on Good Be havior from Nebraska. FOR HIGHWAY ROBBERY (From a Staff Correspondent.) Des Moines, Dec. 18. (Special Tel egram.) Harry Laird, 24 years old, arrested last night for investigation, today admitted he was a paroled pris oner from the Nebraska penitentiary at Lincoln. He had been sentenced to serve from one to ten years for highway robbery. Employment was found for him and he was paroled to his employer. The next day he left the state, he said. Iowa Farmer Shot in Arm . By Would-Be Assassins Lake Park, la., Dec. 18. A would be assassin attempted to kill G. Dierks, a well-to-do farmer, at the Dierks' home, two miles east of Like Park, at midnight last night. The bullet fired by the would-be assassin struck Dierks in the arm When the shot was fired the horse which Dierks was driving ran away, carry ing him to the home of a neighbor. The person who fired the shot then set fire to the Dierks' home. Direks had received threatening letters de manding $500, but had ignored them. VOLUNTEER ARMY SYSTEMFAILORE (Continued From Pare One.) fense would fall equally upon all citi zens. It would make it impossible for any man or group of men to trade upon the nation's necessities in time of war. The system would be relia ble because it would produce each year the number of men necessary to be trained. It would be economical because it would be based upon rec ognition by the people of the duty of the individual to render personal service and in carrying it into effect the government would not have to compete in the labor market. It would be efficient because it would enable us to prepare adequately for war be fore war comes." At the outset General Scott pointed out that the Mexican crisis had failed to recruit many National Guard or ganization even to their minimum peace strength. Volunteer System Failure. "The failure should make the whole people realize that the volunteer sys tem does not and probably will not give us either the men we need in peace or for service in war," said he. Reviewing the intensive training which European and other nations require, he declared if American troops ever were to compete with highly trained and splendidly dis ciplined forces they would require training and discipline at least equal to that of their opponents. The lessons of the European war, DELC0 Electric Crank ing, Lighting and Ignition. EXIDE Storage Batteries P Did your battery frees during the cold snap DELCO-EXIDE SERVICE STATION 2024 Faroe m SL Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 3697. FREE BATTERY INSPECTION jyms . . - 'I - . - ! i s I &m' j , IP .AfM I ssMsaaesasssMWstesaeMM i OMAHA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1916. 3 New Serrlet. the general said, had demonstrated that a higher standard of training and discipline were required than was popularly considered necessary be fore and that most of the European nations for that reason found they could not develop them in less than two years with the colors. "It should be obvious." said he, "that 192 hours' training prescribed for the National Guard is utterly in adequate to prepare this force for war service." Three Million Men Needed. For war with a first-class power the general staff had previously esti mated that 500,000 fully, equipped troops should be ready at the out break and that 500.001) more should be available in ninety days. In view of the lessons of the war, the general was now of the opinion that these numbers should be tripled and that 1,500,000 fully equipped and ready troops should be available, with an other 1,500,000 to follow in ninety days. "This is due," he said, "to the fact that one of the powers involved in the war and whose territory extends the whole length ot our northern frontier has increased its army from a relatively small force to a strength approximating that of the other great European powers Due to the fact that our northern neighbor is largely an island empire, a great portion of any trained force it may possess can be spared for use in a distant theater of operations because, being an island empire, the control of the sea gives it practical immunity from in vasion where troops would have to be transported across the sea. United States Practically Defenseless. "It should be pointed out, also, that our northern neighbor is in alli ance with a powerful oriental nation another island empire and for the same reason when acting in alliance with a power which has control of the sea has ability to send its army of 2,225,000 men to any part of the world without danger of invasion. "1 think a mere statement of these facts makes it clear that at present we are practically defenseless before the veteran armies of our northern neighbors and could easily be crushed by the existing coalition of the island empires. "I have said enough by way of il lustration only to make it clear that if we are menaced by one of these powers alone, having lost control of the sea, we should need more troops for defensive purposes than have en tered into the popular conception of our military problems heretofore. Big Invasion Possible. "A factor which has played a part in protecting us from recent aggres sions by any of the great nations of Europe, in spite of our comparatively defenseless condition, was the so called balance of power. When the European war is over there will still be two groups of powers which will permit the superior group to hold the inferior group in balance with only a portion of its force and will enable it to hold the remainder ready for action outside of Europe. It is manifest that if a coalition of the great powers, as they existed on August I. 1914, were to make war on us we could have been invaded by very large forces within SPECIAL CKFJjTMAS OFFER: We will rive free of kaavn. uriik ..11 quarts of Prtmo Rye at cbarKKB prepaid. S Premiums of a fine hand painted bread and butter china Plate, a bottle of Tin nnrt aini a goid etched whis key glass, a pocket enrknenvt and a 1017 calen tlti r. This whiskey is bottled expressly for our trade and is MoJd airect to you. We guaran tee this whiskey to be better thau other high grade old rye that sells nL double the price. Orders west of the Kockies must i-all for 12 nit, prepaid. Our reference is Umr.hi National Mr t- urven KLEIN LIQUOR CO., 16th and California Sll unana, nD. Drawn for about one month from the declara tion of war. "While a war waged against us by an alliance may in the future be a pos sibility it is not a probability. It is believed if we provide an adequate1 army to defend the country against any single nation the probability of a war between the United Slates and a coalition of powers would grow even more remote." After having discussed reasons why die general staff believes twelve i months' intensive training is the min i imum to prepare troops for war, I General Scott stated at length why the staff recommended that no further reliance be placed on the volunteer svstem and urged universal liability i to military training and service. Of all tho nations of the world, lie said, the United States and China alone relied on volunteers to defend their national existence. He recounted the failures of the volunteer system in the revolutionary war, the war of 1812 and how it failed both the confeder acy and the union in the civil war. "The system is ineffective," he said, "because under it we must wait for war to come .before preparing our de fense. We must wait for an emer- ! gency before beginning to raise, train and equip the vast armies wnicn war with any first class power or coalition would render necessary. A nation that is so short-sighted with respect to its man power cannot be expected to look far into the future with re spect to munitions and supplies. "If universal liability to military training and service are ordained it would mean only that the people as a whole have through their represen tatives recognized the duty of the individual to prepare himself to de fend it in case of need." I HINK how much easier it is JL to find a welcome gift for him nowadays with all these beau tiful new Gillette Models at hand. Every man can use a Gillette! and ought to; Chriitmas Gillettes now in the stores $5 to $50 About the nicest " little gift" for the Gillette User is a packet of Blade 50c or $1 NO STROPPING GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY, BOSTON The Bee by George McManus DON'T DARE CrVTCH FLIRTING ACMN: Marksmen Turn Out For Poultry Shoot A large crowd of local marksmen turned out for the poultry shoot at the Omaha Gun club Sunday after noon, including a couple of sqtiads of beginners. Henry McDonald and John Reason captured the most poul try, McDonald getting three geese and Reagon two ducks and a goose. George Holloway won two ducks. It was the second time Holloway had handled a shotgun against the (lay targets. Dan Gielus, Frank Ellison and Blake each won a duck and Doc Frye won a goose. A Christmas turkey shoot will be held at the Omaha Gun club next Sun day. Mrs. W. S. Knight is to Talk For Better Movies Better movies for children will be urged by Mrs W. S. Knight, chairman of the educational committee, Omaha Woman's' club, in two talks she will Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars Offered by Nebraska Bankers' Association For Information Causing the Apprehention of the Persons Attempting to Rob the Banking House of A. W. Clark of Papillion Address 908 Woodmen of the World Building Telephone Douglas 1585. NO IWOaVNTWC" aap"TBU miR oo EVEP LET HE OU IF THAT 0T ME. give for mothers' clubs this week. Tuesday Mrs. Knight speaks before the West Omaha Mothers' club at the home of Mrs. P. T. Barber and Wednesday afternoon at the Miller Park Mothers' circle at the Miller Park school auditorium. RR0W JormJitCO LL ARS arc curve cut to ft thcshailfas perfectly. $ cents cach,6firyy CLUETT PEABODretCO-INCiVttAw HONING