Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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'Brief City News
riallnum Wed dint Rlnf FJdhotm.
Haw Root Print It--New Boon Truss.
Tlot Cleanm., 10c, at Carey's. Web. MS.
Kkrtrlc Rradinft rjimtM for Xnmi. 1 2. lit
$i0. Burfftsuraiidcn Company.
Bst Meal fur th Montr Inn.
Itnht. C. Drucsctlow & Co.. 860
Omaha Nat'l Hank. LtRted and unlisted
securities; bank stocks; several 7 per
cent guaranteed pilt-editrn investments.
Sue for I'nll Dhhii Sialic AUer-
that he suffered permanent in
juries when he fell down a flight of
'eitm- Btairs in a dwellinR at 608 South
Thirteenth street. Peter Roth has filed
suit with the elerk of the district court
ankhtK damages to the amount or fift.
200 from Caroline Thomson and Mar
arctha, A. Natch owners of the houe.
The plaintiff asserts in his petition that
the stairs were defective,
Sneak Thieves Busy -Dr. D. C.
.Scott, 3010 Leavenworth street, has
complained to the police that a Mack
cbs(! of surgical instruments and medi
cines was stolen from his auto at l-'if-tecnlh
and Howard streets. C. I ..
.MatthewM, 330S South Twentieth
street, has reported the theft of a
black grip containing clothing and
toilet articles from hla auto at Seven
teenth and Harney street.
Trofa to Tjos Anpeles The former
pastor of Kountze Memoriiil church
in Omaha, Rev, Ktlward V. Trefz, has
iitKt taken a position as associate sec
retary of the Los Angeles Chamber
of Commerce. He was for sonw time
past been field secretary of the Cham
ber of Commerce of the I'nlted States.
Jn this rapacity he was in Omaha
about a year ago, when he delivered u
rousing talk to the Commercial club
at a puhUu affairs uneheon.
Ajdirons for Christmas Sunderland a
$200,000 Dairy Industry building at the College of Agriculture, Univerity of Nebraska,
will be dedicated next month, three days, January 17, 18 and 19 having been set apart for
the ceremony. The building, which has just been completed, is especially arranged and
contains the latest apparatus for the study and testing of milk, butter, cheese and every,
thing that pertains to dairy farming.
Sl j J! Jgl.;' ' jj '
- - - .
Woman Becomes
Insane and Tries to
Kill Her Husband
Grand Island, Neb. Dec. 18. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. J. O. Kountze was taken
to Lincoln yesterday, accompanied by
her husband, to be placed in a sani
tarium and the fact is a chapter in
a rather sad family condition. Acting
under a peculiar halucination, the re
suit, she says, of reading "doctor
books," Mrs. Kountze arose at i
o'clock in the morning. Mr. Kountze,
who has both hands bandaged, the
result ot an injury receiving while
working in the Union Pacific shops,
felt his wife's hand stealing over his
.face. Thinking it was a caress, he
raised his arms just in time to deflect
the blow from a hand-ax. As it was he
received a deep gash below the eye.
He was sufficiently strong to get out
of bed, "Turn on a light, quiet Mrs.
Kountze and call in some neighbors
who in turn called a physician. Mrs.
Kountze explained after being placed
in custody that she was tired of life,
believed she was ill and was con
vinced from what she had read that
it was better to leave this world and
lake her husband with her. In the city
jail she tried 'to commit suicide by
attempting to cut the arteries of
her wrists. The husband and wife have
been happy and Mr. Kountze is doing
everything possible for the unfor
tunate woman. "
Beatrice Farmers
Bobbed by Bandits
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 18. (Special
Telegram.) A masked bandit last
night held up two farmers, Charles
Higgins and Nat Thompson, a mile
east of this city, secured about $15
and escaped. He fired two shots
into Thompson's buggy before the
farmer stopped.
New Platte Officeholders
Banqueted at Columbus
Columbus, Neb., Dec. 18. (Spe
cial.) Irrespective of party affiliation
-'00 Columbus citizens, men and
women, attended the banquet in the
Young Men's Christian association
auditorium tonight complimentary to
Edgar Howard, lieutenant governor
elect; Judge Albert, state senator
elect; Charles Segelke, jr.-, and Rich
ard Reagan, state, representative-
elect.the successful home candidates
at the recent election. Mr. Reagan
owing to sickness was unable to be
Louis Lightner. president of the
Business Men's club, which arranged
I lie affair acting as toastmastcr
called for talks from W. H. Thomp
son of Grand Island, ex-Senator W.
V. Allen of Madison. Rev. Harry
Huntington. Carl Kramer and G. V.
Phillips, besides the honor guests.
Kev. Mr. Griffiths delivered the in
vocation. Ir. Bll' Pine-Tmr-Honrj-.
For your nold and bronchial cough use
lr. BcU'b Pine-Tar-Honey. It cuts the
t'ltletfm. relieves fongestlpn. Only 25c.
Attorney General Asks Law- i
makers to Give Cash to En
force Prohibition.
(l-'ntm H
Lincoln, Dc
tiiff 'orrPSimii(i''ii( t
:. 18. (Special.) At
torney General Willis K. Reed will
ask the legislature to appropriate
$100,000 to enforce the new pro
hibitory law and authority also to re
move county attorneys who neglect
to enforce the law, according to his
report filed with the governor.
While such a large sum may not
be needed to enforce the law, accord
ing to Mr. Reed the fact that the state
has a sufficient sum to fight violations
will have a wholesome effect upon
wouldbe violators and cause them to
go slow. According to Mr. Jeed, if
the state was handicapped for funds
to carry on the fight, it would mean
that violaters would take chances in
hopes that fhc lack of funds would
prevent prosecutions. It would not
necessarially mean that such a sum
would be used, but if it was there to
use, there would be a lack of viola
tions. "
Mr. Reed has asked that the appro
priation for the purpose of carrying
on the irrigation cases and protect
tnewater users ot tne state, be made :
$50,000. There should be $10,000 ap
propriated tor the anti-trust prose
cutions and $10,000 for general prosecutions.
Lack of funds during the next year
or so to carry on prosecutions would
handicap the state severely and prove
menace to the successful termina
tion of the cases, according to the
opinion of the attorney general and
lie Hopes mat the members of the
legislature will sec that there is need '
lor tne amounts named.
Persistence is the Cardinal Virtue
in Advertising.
Neville on Deck
Says Murchell to
Be Food Deputy
Krum a Staff I'orrcspoinlonl. 1
Lincoln. Dec. 18. (Special.) Gov-emor-elcct
Keith Neville returned to
day from Washington, where he at
tended a conference of governors of
the different states, but outside of
confirming the already published
statements that Otlo Murchell would
be food commissioner and J. I Web
ster, editor of the St. Taul Phono
graph, would be printing commis
sioner, had nothing to say.
"I have a large amount of corre
spondence at home, 1 suppose." said
the new governor, "and 1 would like
to look that over before I announce
anything further in the way of ap
pointments." The governor enjoyed his trip to
Washington and believes he received
much practical benefit from his as
sociation with the executives of other
State Superintendent
Increases Cash Fund
'Ktom a Staff t'orreavontlent. I
Lincoln. Neb., Dec. 18. (Special )
The cash fund in the office of Slate
Superhitendenl Thomas. is about $.125
better off today than it was two years
ago when the annual report was made.
The amount on hand December 1,
1M, was $1,648.1 , while for the same
date of this vear the balance is .shown
to be $1.)7.1.51.
The cash fund of the state super
intendent's office is made up of exam
ination and certificate fees.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Of Dandruff
Former Lyons Boy i
In Navy is Dead
Lyons. Xeb.. Dec. 18. (Special.) j
Word has reached here of the death
of Lieutenant Harold Crowell. a '
former Lyons boy, who was serving
his second term yn the United States
navy. His death was due to blood
poisoning. Lieutenant Crowell had
been a member of the crew of the
battleship Minnesota for several
months. He was 27 years of age. His
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Crowell.
are now residents of California.
Aged Plattsmouth j
Woman is Badly Hurt I
Plattsmouth, Neb., Dec. 18. (Spe
cial.) Grandma K. E. Goodwin, aged
Si, while attending her household
duties, fell and broke her hip. She
lay on the ground for two hours,
when discovered by her son, Robert
Probst. She was taken to a hospital
in Omaha, where she is being treated.
But little hope is entertained for her
recovery, taking into account the
seriousness of the injury and her age
and feebleness.
Would Collect
State School Land
For Reserve Use
(Krnin h Huff ('orrvniinmlont. l
Lincoln. Neb.. Ir. 18. -(Special.
Woodruff Hall of Valentine, secretary
oi the forestation commission, tiled
his report with the governor toriav.
I he report recommends the ex-
change of the scattered school lands j
of the western counties (or lands in i
a compact area so that they niav be!
utilized for reserves in a manner
uhicli will bring greater results.
There are about 1 U,CKK acres scat
tered about which if put in one area
would he of more value to the slate.
Other states have a law permitting
the consolidation of lands for forest
reserve uses,
This move will require legislative
sanction. The commission has two
bills w hieh it will have introduced.
One will enable cities to have muni
cipal reserves to be used as play
grounds, parks and portable water
preserves. The other provides for
Ihf continuation of the forestation
commission for three years more,
making one commissioner appointed
each year with no pay. The last leg
islature appropriated $2,000 for the
expenses of the commission, but it has
spent only $300.
Short Course at Lyons. .
Lyons, Neb.,' Dec. 17. (Special.)
The short course here last week
was a success, among the state speak
ers were Miss Ort, K. F. Warner and
P. 1.. Goddis of the State unviresity.
It was decided to hold another meet
ing next winter. ,VV. J. Stone was
elected president and Waldo ChrtstCn
sen, secretary.
Kurd Soap
Preceded by touches of Cuticura Oint-
uieni to spots ot itching, dandruff, crusts
and scales. Absolutely nothing better.
Sample Each Free by Mail
wilt 32-p. book on the iku. Aditraa pou-eanl:
"Cuticura, 2F. Boatu." Mold anrywher.
IrugginlH. Advertisement.
Musterole Gives Delidous Comfort
Wl.. 1 -i ! -i
mil muac u puma p anuuuiiK I
il. ..-I, 1 I ...i . ,...i, I
iii.wuKii uur jicdu, wnrn yuur ukuii
seems as if it would split, just rub a
little Musterole on the temples and
neck. It draws out the inflammation,
soothes away the pain, usually giving
quick relief.
Musterole is a clean, white oint
ment, 'made with oil of mustard.
Better than a mustard plaster and
does not Duster.
Many doctors and nursc9 franklv
recommend Musterole for sore throat,
nroncnuis, croup, sun necK, astnma,
neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheu
matism, lumbajro. pains and aches nf
the back or joints, sprains, sore mus
cles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet
colds of the chest (it often prevents
pneumonia;, it is always dependable.
Peel off Your Rough Skin
v or any com
plexion difficulty, the bent thinlr to do la to
remove the .kin it.elf. Thl. I. ,d
h.rmlaly done by the implication of ordin
ry mrrcoh.ed wax. The wax peel, off the
defective outer akin, a little eaeh day grad
ually brineina: the aecond layer of .'kin to
view. The new Vln i. beautifully .oft. clear
while and younn looking. Ju.t procure an
.itlnce of mercohzed wax at any druK .tore
t;.d u.e like cold cream Adverti.ement.
Have you ever had it? Headaches,
indigestion, nerve-fag all caused
by too rapid eating, and too little
exercise r1
Pills don't cure. Laxatives and
cathartics, unnatural irritating
stimulants, frequently end by
making constipation chronic.
Get a bottle of Nujol at your
druggist's. It will effectively
relieve constipation by helping
nature to act naturally. Nujol is
not a laxative or a bowel stimu
lant. It acts in effect as an in
ternal lubricant, encouraging and
facilitating normal movements.
"Nujol ia bottled at the refinery and I. .old
only In pint bottle, bearing the name Nujol
and the imprint of the Standard Oil Com
pany (New Jersey). Ttefuae .ubatltutea
be ure you get the genuine. Write today
for booklet, "The Rational Treatment for
(New Jeney)
New Jersey
gess-Nash Com
effie Cfirisimas Store for Gverqbody
Monday, Dee. 18, 1916.
Phone D. 137.
Store Open Evenings 'Till Xmas
AS the Holiday shopping season grows shorter and gift selections become more per
plexing for the hurried shopper, the Burgess-Nash Service grows more helpful.
SHOP on a
TT'S the most convenient
1 way to shop, saves time
and worry. Your purchases
arc all wrapped together to
take with you or for deliv
ery. Ask any salesperson to
start you with one.
Mr. Busy Man!
SOLVE the gift-giving problem in a most satisfac
tory way give Merchandise Certificates.
Through this medium you arc absolutely sure that the re
cipient will receive exactly what he or she most desires.
Issued for any amount you say and redeemable in any sec
tion of our store. It is a gift that every one will thoroughly
appreciate and reflects the soundest sort of judgment on the
part of the donor. Just call accommodation bureau, Douglas
137 and give your order.
Joyful News From Toy Town
BURGESS-NASH Toy Town is the busiest Town in the whole United States. Great"
stocks of toys are being whisked away as if by magic, only to be replenished
and ready for another day of active buying. Santa Claus holds forth in the little
red house and always has a hearty Hal Ha! for all Mho stop and greet him.
Come in early Tuesday there is so much to see Dolls (whole families of them), engines,
horses, games, sleds and everything you can think of. .
rE three little girls who write the
best letter about what they would
do with a
Western Electric Junior Range
Will each receive a complete rango free for
Christmas. The contest is open to all little girls
under twelve years of aee. All that is necessary
is to write a letter on the subject, "What I j
Would Do With a Western Electric Junior Range
if I had One." ,
Contest closes December 20th.
Send articles to Toy Town, Burgess-Nash.
Demonstration Models of
Meccanno, Structo and
, Erector Free
TO the boys who build the best models
from their sets of Meccanno, Structo,
or Erector, we will give the demonstra
tion models now on display in our Toy
Models judged Saturday, December,
BurgtMoNaih Co. Down Stairs Store.
IVE a Kodak
1 for Christmas
There is possibly
nothing that will be
, more acceptable for
either boy or girl;
our line of
.kodaks is
very c o m
plete, with a
S price
range of
60c to $35.00.
No. 0 Brownie camera, $1.25
2-A Brownie, at $3.00.
No. 2 Brownie camera, $2.00
No. 2 Premo, folding, $4.59
Burgea.-Naib Co. Main Floar
A grained ivory eomb
and brush set will make
an ideal Christmas gift.
SOLID block hair brush,
with pure bristle, and
heavy comb, like illustra
tion, engraved free, any
initial; very specially
priced at, set for $2.39.
Bursc.-N..h Co.
Main Floor
GIFT Suggestions
for Christmas
l-pint Thermos
bottle, $1.29.
1-qjilart Thermos
bottle, $2.29.
Gillette safety ra
zor, in nickel case,
for $3.85.
Perfumes, in fan
cy boxes, 25c and
Heavy, white i
ory combs, 59c.
Pebeco Tooth
paste, fiOc size. 29c.
Hind's Honey and
Almond Cream, 60c size, 29c.
Racarma rose toilet water,
for $1.00.
Perfumizer for toilet wat
er bottles, 65c and $1.50.
BurfoM-Naah Co. Main Floor
in i
in I
ill i
Many Items of a Practical and Useful Gift Nature
Featured Tuetday in This Remarkable
Sale Of Furs
At About Vi the Regular Price
IT would be a' remarkable sale just from the time
standpoint, coming as it does fully 5 days before
Christmas, but the scarcity of furs and the steadily in
creasing price makes it doubly extraordinary. A well
known wholesaler closed out his entire line of furs and
accepted a big price sacrifice to clear out every piece
in his stock. We offer you the same proportion of
saving as we received.
Neckpieces Usually to $5.00
at $1.95
Capes and neck scarfs, made of such dependable
Natural Coney
Black Opossum
Marmot Black Wolf (J -1 Qf- Black Coney
Near Seal Black Fox ple70 Jap Mink
Neckpieces, Usually to $3.50, at $1.59
LARGE capes and neck pieces, well made of good quality furs, in
cluding Black Coney rt 4 fQ Black Raccoon
Brown Coney pleO Gray Goat
Nebraska May Go Dry Take Home a Case of
Anj. Dealer in the State Will Sell You RIGHT