Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Dickery, Dickery Dock,
Keep Your Eyes on the Clock,
Christmas Is Near,
But Never Fear,
Brandeis Stores
of ore Closes 9 d. m.
Every Evening Until
! This Is the Store With the Stock.
Days Are Flying for Christmas Buying-H-U-R-R-Y!
Just 5 Shopping Days to Christmas
TTT" 1 2
- m i j-:
( 17AY5 :
J .&LJ
To go into de
tail n5w about
Toys is almost
What we do desire to pay is this very em
phatically: We have plenty of Toys, the best
Toys everything from Dolls to Mechanical
Did you see that counter
Of electrical toys,
Just crowded with little .
Girls and boys?
Their eyes were popping,
Their eyes were bright,
If we hadn't closed up
They'd been here all night.
Make Most
Acceptable Gifts
This model of Georgette
Crepe with satin-edged col
lar and cuffs. Hand-beaded
front, finished with satin
buttons. I.arge square col
lar in the back.
A very desirable Blouse,
for SS.50
Blouse Shop, Second Floor
Solid-Gold Brooches
We have the largest
line of Solid-Gold
Brooches in Omaha,
and we mention par
ticularly the Cameos
in beautiful solid-gold
$8.50 to $35.00
Pearl Bead Necklaces
21-inch Graduated Pearl Bead Necklaces, very spe
cial, at $1.00
$1.50 value 16-inch Pearl Beads, with solid-gold
clasp, special 50c
Very Fine Indra Spanish Pearl Beads, with white and
red gold clasps, set with genuine cut diamond. We make
a specialty of this bead. A very beautiful necklace,
at $10.00
We carry complete stocks
of Community Silver.
w uasscroieg. j) 10 o.uu
Cake Plates, with han-
tmseJdle, at $3.98 to i $6.00
LM Tee Sets
Tea Pot, Creamer, Sugar
$5.98 to $35.00
Covered Dishes
$5.00 to $17.00
New Star Bag and
other Novelty Bags,
made of silk ribbon.
B c a u tif ul colorings
and novel designs.
Some with tassels, oth
ers with bangles of
i;k made in the shape
of rosebuds. .$1.50 up
Ribbon Flowers
of AH Kinds
Bouauets made of
ribbon. Violets with little French roses
Beautiful Roses
Main Floor
. .$1.00
.50c up
Beautiful Embroidered
Instep Hosiery all beau
tiful silk, many hand
embroidered. Double
heels, toes, soles and gar
ter tops. Thousands of
them. Pair
$1, $1.50 and up to $10
Main Floor
Be Sure To Give a Camera
They Always Please
Rexette Cameras, No. 2-A, takes pic
tures 2'Axi'A $2.69
Buster Brown Camera, No. 2, takes
pictures 24x34 $1.79
Photo Albums, loose leaf, leather
cover, 60 leaves .'..$1.67
A complete stock of films and paper.
We develop your films free when prints are ordered.
Main Floor.
j Men's and wom-
i en s sizes in I'lain
f Linen Hemstitched
'Handkerchiefs. The
women s Handker
chiefs come with
j plain or embroider
ed corner. The
mpn's are nlain.
with initials. Each 25c
Main Floor
r v &
As. H
n For
Consider this well you
can obtain Gloves here to
day at very much less than
the prevailing market
Women's 2-clasp Im
ported Kid Gloves, in
black or white; each
pair guaranteed. At,
per pair $1.25
Kayser's Guaranteed Washable Leatherette
Gloves, in white. Every pair guaranteed by the
makers and ourselves. Regularly' $1.00; spe
cial at, a pair 79c
Art Embroidery
embroidered in
roses, bluebirds,
poinsettias, etc.
Square, oblong
and round shapes. Priced from . . $5.00 to $15.00
Baskets and Bon Bon Boxes. The baskets
are lined' with silk and trimmed with apples.
Each $1.50
Work Boxes and Baskets, fitted with scis
sors, needles and other sewing needs. Regular
$1.50 values, Tuesday 65c
Third Floor
Boxed Christmas
Two quires of paper
and twenty-four envel
opes, in a nice, fancy
Christmas box 29c
Make Your Packages Christmasy
All sorts of Holly and Christmas Boxes in every si7.e
at small prices. Also Different Colored Cords and Va
rious Colored Tissues to put your presents in. Make
your packages Christmasy.
Main Floor
One-pound boxes of
the very finest Choc
olates and Bon Bons
we make 50c
All sorts of Pepper
mint Canes, Little
Novelties to put into
the children's stock
ings, etc.
Candy Beads, 10 ft.
for 5c
Genuine Missouri Hickory Nuts, pound 5c
Walnuts, pound 19c
Special Brilliant Mix, a score of flavors. Just the
thing to put into the children's stockings. Pound. . . .29c
Pompeian Room
A great big Holiday
Stock, ready for Christ-
Slippers for Women
Comfy Slippers, large assortment of colorB,
ribbon trimmed $1.49
Eiderdown Slumber Slippers, in colors. In
dividual cartons 49c
Boudoir Slippers, of colored and black kid;
silk pompon on vamp, at $1.50
Slippers for Men
Romeo Slip
pers, tan and
black kid, $1.75
Everetts, in tan and black kid ; with cushion
insoles. Pair ...$2.48
Felt Everetts, in colors $1.50 and $1.75
Livingston Slippers, in gray, black trimmed.
Comfy soles $1.98
Silk Underwear
Beautifully Trimmed
Gowns, with lace insertions
and batiste medallions.
Daintily offset with ribbon
bows and rosettes. Ranging
in price from $1.00 to $10.00
Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin Camisoles,
in all the new designs and patterns. Plain tail
ored or elaborate effects $1.00 to $5.00
Second Floor
fi " f
Volland Mottoes,
daintily framed.
These Mottoes coVer
a wide field and are
printed in colors. A
splendid gift to any
one, i Each ..... ,50c
Then there are hun
dreds and hundreds of
finely framed pictures in
color, at, each $1.00
Third Floor
In the new Taffetas, :
Messalines and AU-r,
Silk Jerseys. . All
the new, pretty col-:
orings, with the new
elastic-fitted tops, ;
and very effective:
novelty tlounces. -
$2.98, $3.98, $5.00, $6.98
In Pretty Christmas Boxes if desired.
Second Floor.
Ice Skates
and Sporting Goods
Men's and
boys' sizes,
at 40c to s
Ladies'' Skates, pair,
at 95c up to $3.50
Cn fit nil si7.p shoes.
Rugby Footballs, pure gum bladder 98c
Spaulding and Reach lines of Footballs,
from $2.00 to $6.00
Striking Bags, double and single ends,
at $150
Spaulding and Reach Striking Bags,
at $2.00 to $12.00
Roller Skates
Plain bearing, cast rolls 50c
Plain bearing, steel rolls 90c
Ball bearing, self-contained rolls, at... $1.50
S'A to 8 feet, at.$l to $3.50
Pocket Cutlery, Flashlights,
Single and Double-Barrel
Guns, Ammunition, Hunting
Air Rifles
$1, $1.25, $1.75, $2, $3
Main Floor, Men's Bldg.
Also Basement.
Unusual Two Hour Sales
Every Item at a Price Unmatchable Anywhere
Nn mail nr nhnno nrHprs fillpH nn these snpeialR. and we reserve the right to limit the quan
tity to each customer. While stocks are ample, we cannot guarantee these will last two hours.
Tuesday 9 to 11 A.M. Only
Madeira and All Linen
Guest Towels, embroidered
in mafry elaborate designs.
Sell here every day at 98c
each. Special for Tuesday.
From 9 to 11 A. M. Only
each. ,
Main Floor, Rear.
Tuesday 7 to 9 P.M. Only
Genuine B-acon
Robe Blankets
A rousing offering from the
Blanket Store in this special of
fering. Wonderful assortment of
excellent designs. Fleecy, warm
nap, permanent finish but you
and how good they are, and the
fact that we Bell hundreds of
them every little while at $1.98.
Put into a very neat box. For men
and women. Tuesday, special, at
Tuesday 10 to 11 Only
Comb and Brush Sets
Very fine, pure bristle brushes and good
quality comb. Brush alone worth $1.00.
Set in a nicely lined box all ready for the
gift making
Special at 65c
Main Floor Jewelry Store.
Tuesday 7 to 9 p. m.
We sell
these every
day at 25c
and they
are excel
lent values
at that.
For Tues
day Eve
ning only,
from 7 to 9.
BSigj I I B en'8 enum? Walrus mtlk y
I I hand sewed frames, at M$wJ($f
Flower Shop, Floor I 5,3 5,, f) $25 iWji.
Fur Sets for Children
A Highly Appreciated Gift
Angora Sets in all white. Angora and
Lamb's Wool. White' Tibbets, White Iceland
Fox, Sable Coney, Brook Mink, Coney ,Fox.
Fancy little Scarf and Muff, with and with
out Pocketbook. Little Novelty Round and
Pillow Muffs.
$1.98 to $10.00 Per Set
Second Floor
4 Ladies' Genuine Walrus Bags,
leather lined, at. .$8.50 to $15.00
Ladies' Long Grain Seal Bags,
at $8.50, $9.00, $10.00
Ladies' Bags, made of
fine selected leather, fitted
with white Persian ivory.
Priced at $15 to $50