Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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TUESt .J DECEMBER 19, 1916.
by Insert A Bryan, stock
316 South Sixteenth street.
I by lean ft Bryan, stock
Fat Cattle Slow and Ten to Fif
teen Off Sheep Ten to
Fifteen Lower.
Omaha. December 18, lilt.
Receipts were: Cattle. lore Sheep
Estimate Monday 10.SOI )!.S00 10,000
Same dey laat week. ..11.3(3 11.33 10.202
Seme dey I wke. aao.10.S18 10.272 31,101
Same dar I wke. ate. 13.143 14,421 10.740
Same dar 4 was. mo.14.404 11. SSI 13,311
Same dar laat rear., MM 13.177 11.161
Receipt! and dlspoeltlen ot live sleek et
the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, for twenty
feur houre ending at 1 o'clock p. m., yea.
C. M. 4 St. P... 30
Wabash 2
Missouri PaclOe .. 1
Union Pacific 37
C. K. W.. east... II
CAN. V.. west.. 13
CVSt P, M. O.. 43
C, B. A Q, east... I
C, B. a. west.. II
C, R. I. P., eeet (
C, R. L P.. west...
Illinois Ontral.... 40
Chicago OL West. 31
I .
it ii '!!
t 2
t 10
I. I
83 " 1
i i
10 l
Til 4S 2
Total receipts... 414
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Harris A Co. . .
Swift Co..'...
Cudahy Packing
Armour 6 Co..
1,101 l.ise
Co.... 1.027
1 l
Schwarts A Co
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packing Co....
So. Omaha Pack. Co....
Huninger Oliver
W. "B. Vansant Co
Benton, Vansant Lush
Hill A Son
F. B. Lewis
.1. B. Root A Co
J. H. Bulla
I U T. Huso
Rosenstock Bros
M o. Kellogg
Tl. r. Hamilton
Kulllvan Bros
Rothschild A Krebs....
Mo. A Ken. Calf Co....
Huffman .'
Olaesberg ....... ......
Tlanner Bros..
John Harvey
Dennis A Francl
Jensen A Lungren. . . .. .
300 '
' 52
O'Day i
Other buyers
Total 11.387 1.031
....i. were outto liberal this
morning, 10,500 head being reported In, or
almost double tne numoer
sams day last rear. The recelpls at other
points wors alao liberal and the market
everywhere was slow, with prices wwlngr
more or lees decline, this marks! being no
eacepllon to the rule. v..
Killing cattle, that Is, cows and heifers,
sa well aa beef stssrs. were slow and 10(
15s lower. The morning was well ad
vanced before very much business had been
tranaarted. The beet feeders were steady,
but common and Inferior grades wars natu
rally slow and weak, with the tendency, If
anything, lower. . . ,
Quotations en cattls: Good to cholea year
llng beeves. ll.3611.0: good to otwlt
weighty cornfed beeves. 10.00J1MOI fair
10 good eornled beeves. St.7iaiO.Mi com.
mon to fair cornfed beeves, ''"MS'
good to ebolce gross beeves, J.7)l.0O; 10 good grass beeves. "'"I ";
mon to fair grass beeves. It.150l.7i: good
lo choice heifers, l7.Mei.les good to choice
cows. I4.40O7. SO; fslr to good cows. 16.71
HO: common to fair cows, I4.606.7l;
good to choice feeders. 7.7sI.Jts fair to
good feeders. M.80(p7.TII common to fair
feeders. Ii.760.ll good to choice stock,
era ll.lial.1l; 'stock heifers, ll.07.7l:
stock cows. l6.OOe4.SO; stock calves, 11.00
Oil calves. lt.MVlt.Mi beef bulls,
stags, sic, IS.76O7.00; bologna balls, 15.00
. ' BEBr STEERS. .
1. Pr. NO." Av. Fr.
.... 4 ti tt , . y
.... lt I It It I6t 16
....III I It I ...160 1 tO
1021 I 10 ...NIB I 00
1121 I It II 1134 I 10
1061 I Tt 17 "SI II
II.. ...... 1353 It II
Hogs Tor a Monday the hog market was
very liberally supplied, estimates calling for
1H cars or 13.100 head. With the excep
tion of three wee Us sgo this Is the largeat
Monday run In months, being more than
1,000 larger than last week, over 3.000
grealer than Iws weeks ago and A gals
of several hundred head over Iks sons
spondlng day laat year.
Considering the fact that supplies vers
so large everywhere, markets were In good
condition all around the loop. Chicago had
almost 70,000 hogs, but eerly wires pre
dicted a steady market there, and the local
trade opsnsd out fairly early at steady to
In no caee more than to lower figures. Ship
ping demand did sot seem to be aa broad
as on last week's close, but at that the
outslds outlet waa very fair.
, Movement waa active, and a good nhars
of the offerings bad changed hands before
10 o'clock. Packers did not take any too
kindly to some of the real light and plainer
mixed kinds, but that is nothing vnusual,
and everything thai was desirable moved
rredlly enough. '
The market averaged lust a shade under
lest week s close, ealea ranging, as noted.
from steady to not over a nickel lower. Bulk
'of the aupply moved at A apread of 11.10
T 01-10. and nothings sold above fio.oo.
Representative aalss:
. No, Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sa, Pr.
2, ,161 ...I46 17. .172 ... 1160
It. .Ill ... I 10 II. .178 ,41 I 15
II. .III. 110 170 13. .110 ,,, 170
71. .134 120 I IS ..2!4 ... 110
60, .311 110 I It II. .144 ... I 10
i nos. , '
St.. 16
I 00 44. .121 ,,, I 21
Sheep The run of ahfp and lambs waa
smauer von man last mono ay, anu, in
.fact, the smallest for a Monday since July.
Herelpte wer estimated at forty-two cars,
or 10,000 head which la 800 abort of a week
ago, only tuff as large as two weeks ago,
and almost 8.000 smaller than for the same
Monday or last year.
W hile receipti were not overly heavy, the
trade failed to fVaot from laat Friday's de
cline. Indications were that a sharp slump
was In order elsewhere, a combination of
extraordinarily tiigb prlcea. and the usual
letup In the demand previous to the holi
days, bringing a bearish tendency every
) where. Locally, packer started out bidding
as much a a quarter lower than Friday's
' . general market.
There waa little done until after mtd
forenoon. but when movement finally did
' start offers had been raised some, moat
of the sale being called 10tc lower than
last week ! close. On paper prices showed
declines of all of 10016c and In some rases
even more, but quality of the offerings was
hardly a good as on the cloalng days ot
the week. Best lam he stopped at 813.70,
with bulk of the deatrable itufC upwards
irom ll J. 60.
Ewe showed fully as much decline as
ismba, and were tlow at that. One band
sold at 18.36. and thl. with another string,
which waa still In the pens at midday.
( roaoe up tne Hum or the mature offerings.
Feeding lamb wera unchanged. Only a
couple of car were on offer and these
sold at 111 00ffi:.J6. Feeder ewea also
i leoKea steady, the lew that war her go
; Ing at 87.60 07.11.
Quotations, on sheep and lambs: Lamb.
good to choice. tll.60v13.T0 lambs, fair to
gooa, i..svi).id; lamn. cupped, 110.600
: ii.a.; it mo, xeeaen, ii.oopi..i,; yaar-
lings, good to choice. 89.78010,76; year
lings, fair to good, IS.1009.60, yearlings.
leeaera. T.eovi.ep, we mere, reir lo choice,
. 18.2609.69; ewea. good to choice, 18.160
: 1.40; owe, fair to good. 07.0003.10; owe.
) plain to cm is,; ewea, feeding,
36 .0007.86; ewes, breeder, all ages, 18.000
. No. ' . At.
, 73 fad ewe ,.. HI
60 fed lambs M. 93
211 fed lamb ..... SO
; 147 fed lamb.,., 73
90 fed Umbo .....
30 fad lamb 81
31 Nebraska feeder lamb 16
I I 16
13 40
II 70
II 16
' 11 16
11 00
11 $0
Bt. Joseph Uv SfMk Market.
St. Joseph, Dec. 19.attl Recetst. L
100 head; market Ready to 10c lower; steer.
91.; cows ana Dover, $4.f0i9.OO
calve. $8.00 011.60.
Hogs Receipt 0,000 head; market
steady; top, $19.10; bulk of aales, $9,860
iu 9.
Bhoep and Lamb Receipt, 3,000 bead:
market slow; iamb. $11.90013.90; owe,
, $6.0008.86.
Ebb and Flow of Peace Rumors
Vital Factor of the
New York. Dec. 11. The ebb slid flow
of peace rumors constituted the most vital
actor of today's market, advances ano He
lloes at limes occurring In bewildering
fashion. There were occasional reminders of
the turbulent movements that created such
serious unsettlement and attrition during
the previous week. Industrial Alcohol re
cording an extreme decline of almost 10
polnla, with pronounced pressure verging
upon weekness In motors, metals, and ship
ping shsres.
Dealings lacked breadth and rrll away
to the comparatively small total of 1.260,
000 shares. More than half of the trading
took place In the forenoon, industrials, cop
pers and secondsry rails being the most con
spicuous efstures.
Favorab s auguries were founa in me en
ter bank statement and the continuance of
easy money rates. Nevertheless, responsinie
financial Interests again counselea caution
and special stocks experienced a further lev
eling In bank loans. Public Interest wss neg
ligible, except In railroads, or wnicn toe
recent inquiry was well sustained.
Gross advances or l to almost s points
were scored by low-priced rails, with free
takings of Wabash preferred shares. Lake
Brie A western, Wheeling s Le .rie.
Western Maryland and Chicago Oreat Weat-
ern preferred, coalers ss a group re
flected the shortage of that commodity,
which threatens to curlall ths Immediate
output of leading steel and Iron mills.
Southern Rellway was the most active of
all rails, but reacted on realising sales.
United States steel led tne entire list,
fluctuating 3 points and closing at a net
loss of 1H. Coppers were consistently
heavy, a condition attributed to reported
price concessions by soms of the big pro
ducers for future deliveries of the metal
and by producte dropped In some of the
petroleums. Harvestsr issues ana ciner
stocks of less definite description weere
offset by reversals In ssaaoned shares, the
tone at the close being distinctly irregular.
Uxchsngs on the Teutonic countries yieiu-
sd perceptibly from last week's recovery,
llres also receding abruptly with rubles and
a moderate shading of francs.
Chile Concern 7s featured tne uneven nono
market at an advance of over 5 points. Total
sales of bonds, par value, 13, 460,000. United
Statea bonde were unchanged on call.
Number of leading sales and quotations
on the stock market:
Sales. Hlgn. l,ow. close.
Am. Beet Sugar... 8.1100 Utt T'v
Amarlcan Can 0.100 67 60H
Am. Car A Kndy.. 3,700
Am. Locomotive... 4,300 o 7 is
Am. Smelt. A Ret. 11,400 10l 100 107K
Am. Sugar Ret.... 100 111 111 111
Am. Tel. A Tel.... 2,300 125 126H
Am. Zinc. L. A 8
Anaconda Copper.. 21,100 18 Is'l 80
2.400 1U4 JIM'
Baldwin Locomot..
FH It I more ft Ohio,.
Brooklyn fUDld Tr.
7.300 6915 07 '4 00
1,400 364, I5H
Butt Sup. Cop, 7,600
6rt 12
Cal. Petroleum..., 7.800
anadlan Pacific. .,200 1S,
Central Leather... 82,700
IK." US "i
Chttapcaku Ohio. .00
C. M. 4k M. Paul., l.zov
Chicago ft North
H. i. r. wy. as
24 'i
Chlno Coppor 7.00 68
Colo. Fuel iron., fin
Corn Prod. Ref... ,400 24A
Crucible Steel 18,700 fll
DtaMllerf' Security. 8,900 33 4
Krle ..." 11,800 ST
Oeneral Blectrln... 1,100 173
Great North. p(d... 700 117
Ot. North. Ore ctfi, .too 40
171 V4 171
D I. noli Central.... oo 06M 106 ie
Inter. Con. Corp... 1,800 17 16 17
Inspiration Copper,. 6. 68
inter. Har n. j... 1,100 izii 121 izi
Int. II. M, pfd, otfa 1I.&00 10fi 108 101
K. C. Southern.... 3.700 37 3 28
Kanntoott copper. . zt.ioo 41
47 47
97 100
SB 19
83 88
LrOUll. ft Nun ...
Mex. Petroleum.... 13.000 101
Miami Copper...
4,100 40
V00 34
700 11
Mo., K. ft Tex. pfd.
Missouri Pacific...
Montana Power....
National Lead....,
Nevada Copper....
300 104 104 104
1,000 S . 81 81
4,900 36 8& 30
8,(00 lft 106 106
1,700 S6 54 66
1,000 187 131 118
1,100 110 110 110
400 33 13 82
4,300 6fl 61 6
T, Central
N. Y.. N. H. ft H.
Norfolk ft West...,
Northern Pacific .
Paolflo Mall
Pacific Tel. ft Tel. ,
Ray Con. Copper.. ,
I.3UQ 18 17 28
34,600 107 107 107
Kep. iron ft Bteel..
11,100 81 78 78
Shattuck Aria, Cod.
1.100 38 37 37
Southern Paolflo...
1,400 IS V8
0.100 86 16 3u
10,800 116 111 113
1,800 107 197 103
Southern Railway,
mudabaker Co...
Texjui Co.
Union Pacific 18,800 148 146 144
union raouic nia.. iuq st
U. ft. Ind. Aloohol. 19.800 lit 110 111
U. S. Bttel 133,300 118 113 111
V, B. Bteel pfd.... 1,600 119 118 119
Utah Copper 11,600 109 106 106
Wabash Pfd "B".. 10,800 13 81 31
Wfwlern Union.... 600 101 101 101
Weattnth. Electric 7,100 66 64 .66
Total aalea lor the day, 1,360,000 shares.
OatU Woakt Hogs Weak, Nbeep Market
May, i neporu
Chicago. Deo. 18. Cattle Receipt.-. 87.-
000 headj market weak; native beef cattle,
17.00 011.60; western steer-, 17.00010.10;
Ntocker and feeders, $6.0008.10; cows and
heifer, 33.86010.00; calve. 18.00011,60.
Hog Receipts, 70,000; weak at a ahade
above Saturday's average; hulk of ealea,
I9.T601O.1O; light, 99.30010.00: mixed. 19.1.6
010.26; heavy, if. 86010.36: rough 39.860
9.80; pigs, 17.4009.16.
eheep and Lamb Receipt. 30,000 head:
market steady: wether. $8.86010.00; ewes,
$6.7609.60; lambs, $11.00 0 13.00,
Blenx City Uv Stock Market,
ftloux City, la,, Pec. 11. Cattle Receipt,
4,800 head- market for killers, weak;
lockers 10015c higher; beef steer, $9.00
010.60) botchers, $1.0008.76; fat enwn and
heifer, $6.76 08.60; canners, 14.600 6. 60
Blocker and feeder, $8.6008.00; calves',
$8.0001.60; bulla, stsgs, etc., $6.6008.76;
feeding cow and heifer. $4.6007.36.
Hogs Receipt. 16,000 head; market 60
10c lower; lights, $9.0009.40; mixed, $9.46
0f..6; heavy,; pigs, $1.6008.00
bulk of sale. $9.4009.90.
8heep and Lambo Hecelpta, 3,000 head
market weak; fed muttons, $760010.36
wethers. $8.0001.71; owes, $7.6008.36;
lamos, f kti s.ev.
KansM City Uv Stork Market.
K annas City, Mo., Dec 18. Cattle lie
celpls, lf.000; market steady to strott:
prime fed fleers. $10.60011.16; dressed bvef
a leers, fT.DU0io.6o; western steers. $.60M
10.60; cow $6.3601.60; heifers, $.60w
10.60; stock ers and feeders, $6.0003.00;
ouiie, o.;ivr; caives, fti.uwfpii.Dg,
Hogs Receipt, 17.000 head: market
nigner; duik or sales, $,760 10.16; heavy.
31o.lO0lo.xf; parkers and butchers, $10.00
010.20; ngnt, ff.f&0io.o6: pig, $8,0009.00.
onevp ana LimM nereipts, 10,000 bead:
market . lower; lambs, $11.76013.76: year
lings, $10.36011.16; wether $1.6009.60,
ewes, 17.7609.00.
t. Loots IsIto IMoek Market.
Bt. Louis, Mo., Dec. 11. Cattle Recefnta.
9.900 head; market steady; beef steer. $7.60; yeaning steero and neiters, $8,600; rntve. m.ijii.ji); eiocKer and reed
er. $8,3007.76; prime southern beef steers., oeer cows and nelfere. 14.360)
7.60; prime yearling atei-re and heifers, $7.60
sj w.vv ; naiivi" raiven, i.iiuf 1 3. no.
Hoge Receipts, 14 400; higher; ' light,
19.76010.36; plgn. 38.S60S.36; mixed and
butchers, $9,76010.36; good heavy, $10.30; duik or aaies, ff.SO0lo.3D.
Sheep and La mbs Receipt. 1,100; market
steady; lambo, $8.00013.36; ewea, $6,000
five ft lock In Slrh.
Receipt of lire stock at the five principal
sans,, rant) wmixiuay ,
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
cnicage 37,000 70.000 10,000
Kansas city 11,000
Omaha 10.EOO
Sioux City 4.800
3t, Louts ,900
TOUt 70 300 131,400 36,300
BsluiosuoU Grain Market.
Mian ea polls. Dm. 18.- Wheat May
$1.71; July. $1.86. Cash: No. 1 hard!
1.T101.7; No. 1 northern $1.880
t TT sV . V mm a. A. .... W
A. -), .-. a gsrus insrn, l.vo la V l.QV
Com No. 1 yellow, $9H09Oo.
-Oat No. 8 white. 48048c.
Flaxseed $3.1403. f.
Flour Uo changed.
Barley 77c0$l.lO.
Rye If. 1901. If.
Brand $14.00036.00.
KaeanM Crude Oil Higher.
Independence. Kan.. Dec. 18. 47rut4
waa advanced 10c a barrel here today, ac
cording to an announcement posted by the
17,000 10.000
12,600 10,000
13,600 1.000
14.400 1.JO0
rrairiv yn atnu um company.
General Price Advance On
Wheat Market and Inquiry
is Excellent.
Omaha, Dec 18, 1918.
A good demand for all cereals prevailed
on the local floor and there waa a general
advance In prices.
The wheat situation wan very active, with
an excellent Inquiry for all grades of this
cereal and prlcea ranging from Mc high
er, the better grades of milling showing
the biggest gain.
Durum and mixed wheat receipts showed
a considerable Increase and a good mill
ing demand for these varieties was evi
denced by the fact that molt of the gam
pi of durum wheat were disposed of be
fore noon.
No. 3 hard wheat was quoted at 1.60
.83: No. 3 hard sold generally at 81.68
O1.80. The better grades of durum wheat
brought from 81.661.69 and the poorer
grades of all kinds of wheat brought all
the way from 11.42!. 58.
The corn market was strong ana sota
from unchanged to lc higher, with whit
corn selling at a small premium over the
yellow and mixed varieties.
The demand for all grades 01 corn, pow-
ever, waa excellent and buyers were vary
willing to take all the corn they could get
hold of at the prevailing prices.
No. 1 corn of the different varieties waa
quoted at 87988c; the No. 3 grade sold
from 8687c and the No. 4a were quoted
at 86&tc.
Canatder na the lIKFtt receipt, mm oau
market waa only moderately active and
thsre waa only a fair demand for thl ce
real at the advance, the market being quoted
from unchanged to o higher.
The range on No. 3 and 4 white oat was
practically the same, but the bulk of the
No. 3 sold at 60c, while most of the No, 4
white brought 60 c.
Hv was very weak at a decline or z'o-c,
but there was a good trade In thl market
considering the decline.
Barley was in gooa aemena ai a so u
iina tint a. ft-w cara of No. 4 Were
old and these brought 884990c.
Clearance were: Wheat ana nour equal
to 73U.OOO bu.: corn, none; oatj, 846, ooo du.
I, veroool c oeed wun wneat uncaangeu
to Zd off, and corn 4iPM up.
Primary wheat receipts were i.dsv.uuu du.,
and shipments of 698,000 bu.. against re-
elpl" of B.BIB.UWW OU. anu a my nit-hi ui
,039,000 bu. laat year,
primary corn receipts were 1,083.000 bu.
and shipments of 666.000 bu., against re-
elDta of 1,203,000 DU. ana snipmeni oi
406,000 bu. last year.
Primary oats receipts wera 871,000 DU.
and shipments of 480,000 bu., again! re
ceipt of 1,110,000 bu. and shipment of
780, OOQ bu. last year.
. 3f,5
Chicago . . .
Kansas City
Ht. lunula ..
..97 1 !
.. 16:1 14 16
.. 168 66 12
These sales wore reported todajr:
nr...) Nn 1 hard winter: 1 car.
No, I hard winter: 1 cars, till; 1 cars,
I1.IH.1, I cars, 11.40. No. I hard winter:
1 Car, 11.60: cars, ,i.ow. . war, .i.o.ts,
8 cars, 11.11: t cars. Il.lltt; 1 8-1 cars,
ai ... i ,.r. No. 4 hard winter: 1
car, 2 cars, 11. S; 1 car, 11. tt. Sam
ple hard winter: 1 car, $1.10. No. 1
spring: 1 car, 11.60. Sample spring: 1-S
car, 11.43. No. 3 durum: 1 car,; 1
car, $1.61. No. 3 durum: 1 car, $1.61; 2
ars, 11.57, 1 oar, ,i..o: . vmr, ...... nu. .
durum: 1 car, $1.64: l car,; i-. car
.very light), $1.30. No. 3 durum mlied:
1 car, 81.17. No. 4 aurum mixoa; . oar,
si s, No. 2 mixed: 1 car. $1.18. No. I
miied: 1 car, $1,621,; 1 car, $1.67; 1
cars, $1.67. No. 4 mlsed: 1 ear, $1.64; 1
car, $1.63; I cars, si-si; -o oar, ...
Rv. No. 8: 1 car. $1.88. No. : t
cars, $1.31; $-1 car, $1.37. Saropla: 1 ear,
: ...
Barley NO. i: z cars, svoi i car, sec,
dnrn No. 1 white: 1 car, $80; 1 cara.
37c. No. 1 white: 1 cars, 87c; 1 car, 7c;
1 oar, BBViC, P0. yniiow. 1 vr, 010,
1 car, 17c. No. I yellow; I cara, B7c; 0
cars, 16c. No. 4 yellow; 1 cara, 16c; 1
car, 8c. No. $ yellow: 1 car, 860. No. 1
mixed: 4 car, 87c; No. f mixed: 1 par,
87c; 1-6 car, 88c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car.
16 o. No. 6 mixed: 1 cars. 16c.
Oats No. a wnue; cars, tvc; 1 oar.
60 He. No. 4 white: 1 car, 60o; J can.
60c. Sample white: 1 car, 60o.
Omaha Caeh Price Wheat: No. 3 hard,
$1.6001.12; No. 1 hard, $1.6701.60; No.
4 hard, $1.6601.-5; no. 2 spring, fi.toif
1.63: No. 1 soring, $1.6201.80: No. 3 durum.
$1.6601.69i No. I durum, $1.6301.68, Corn:
No. 3 white, !7 088c; No. 1 white. !60
$7c; No. 4 white, 86086c; No. 6 white,
96086c; No. 9 white, 16086; No. 1
yellow, 17 0 87c; No. 1 yellow, 86087e;
No. 4 yellow, 86086c: No. t yellow, 860
860; No. yellow, sobsbc; 10, mixea,
I6087c; No. 1 mixed, 880R7c; No. 4
mixed, 86086c; No. $ mixed, 16086c; No.
6 mixed, 14086o. Oats: No. $ white,
6O061o; standard. 6O06Oc; No. 3
White, tOH04u.c; " " wnue, vvdutd.
Barleff : Malting, 98c 0 $1.08 ; No. 1 feed,
84093c. Kye; No. 2, 1.2701,2$; No. 1,
Omahs Future Market.
Wheat had a firmer tone today with a
strong cash situation and a renewed ex
port demand the principal factora In the
market. For a time during the early trad
ing hours it looked like the boara had again
taken control, a May wheat declined about
lc, but the May article reacted and reamed
a high point of $1.60, where It closed.
The loral trade was very active and waa
confined mainly to May wheat and corn,
although there was aome local Interest In
oat. The wheat situation 1 regarded by
the trade as very uncertain and while the
political situation Is a bearish factor, the
belief Is that while there Is any amount of
export business, prices will hold their pres
ent level.
Loral range of options:
Art. Open. High. Low. Clowe. SaL
WhT j
Dec. 1 61 I 61 161 1 61 161
May 1 68 lV.0 167 1 60 168
July 131k 1 31 110 fc 1 31 133
Dec. 86 87 86 17 86
May - 88 89 88 89 88
July 86 89 $8 89 86
Dec. 46 46 46 48 46
May 60 60 60 60 60
Chicago closing prtces, furnished The Bee
1 n v '
f M
If I;
A Quick and Pleasant Journey
" on "The Pacific Limited"
The distinction
ted equipment
its directness of
315 Bouth Sixteenth mreet 'yaha:
Art, j Open. ( High. LoiV-Iose. 8at
wht. I i 1 r
Dec. 1 62 1 63 161 1 63 161
May 16 1 84 161 1 64 163
July 1 37 1 38 1S4H- 1 38 13?
Dec. 91 03 91 93 91
May 92 01 90
July 91 92 914 92 11
Oats. I
Dee. 49 49 49 49 49
May 63 63 62. 63 63
July 61 61 EO'41 61' 60
Jan. 2ft 0 20 US 26 6" 21 80 28 90
May 28 60 26 S6 26 26 60 26 65
Jan. 16 92 16 06 16 92 16 00 18 02
May 16 96 18 06 16 95 16 02 16 05
Jan. I 13 60 13 76 13 60 13 72 13 70
May ( 14 00 14 10 14 00 14 07 14 07
Wheal Open Lower on Romors of Peace
Confer dco Next Month.
Chicago, Dec. II. Varying opinion" re
garding the chance of peace formed the
basis of moot of the speculative trading
In wheat today with, increased peanlmlsin
at-the end that Lloyd George's reply to
Germany tomorrow would nut point to a
speedy stoppage of the war. Quotation
closed strong c to 2c net higher, at
11.64 to $1.64 for May and $1.38 to
$1.38 for July. Com gained 1 c to 2c.
and oati, 0 c to c. In provisions the
outcome ranged from 16c decline to a rise
of $.
At first th bears had the advantage
In wheat. Confident German assertions that
a peace conference would assemble about
January 16 and that hostilities would ceaso
within ninety days put fhe market on the
downgrade, and It waa not until a sub
stantial decline had been registered that
buyers began to take hold more freely and
to bring about a rally. Subttequently other
sag took plaee a a result of a big In
crease of the United States visibly supply
to talk and because the government crop
report showed a material enlargement of
the dome tic area planted with winter
wheat. Aa to the greater acreage, however,
there was something of an offset In the
fact that the condition of the crop was
shown to be at lowest since 1911. In the
late dealing sentiment concerning the peace
outlook seemed to have veered altogether
away from the optimistic views current
earlier In tha session. Published London
comment were Interpreted a almost uni
formly advene to hopes of a favorable
respopM to the German proposal. In ad
dition, goeaip waa current that big European
order for flour were In the market, a
curcustance which appeared to be evidence
of probable continued fighting.
Complaints of a scarcity of railway cars
at rural stations had a bullish Influence In
corn. Bealdes the weather was such as
to Increase feeding on the farms. Oats kept
within relatively narrow limits. Tho com
parative steadiness of the market waa due
to covering by shorts whenever prices tend
ed to fall.
Provision like wheat fluctuated In value
mainly owing to assumed changes In the
peace outlook. Trade wsa light and the
market affected.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat; No. 3 red,
nominal ; No. 1 red, $1.60 ; No. 2 hard,
$1.64; No. $ hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2
yellow, 93 094c; No. 4 yellow, 91092'c;
No. 4 white, 910 93c. Ooats: No. 3 white,
61041c; standard, 61 062. Rye:
No. 2, $1.38. Barley, 80c 0$ 1.20. Scedn:
Timothy, $3.6006.60; clover, $12.00017.00.
Provisions: Pork, $28.60; lard. $16.60016.66;
ribs, $13.2213.72.
Butter Higher; creamery. 339 38 c.
Egg Higher- receipts, 2,474 cases; firsts,
80040c; ordinary firsts, 30036c; at mark
case Included, 33 039c,
Potatoes Steady; receipt, 26 cars; Idaho
and Washington white, $1.6501.60; Minne
sota and Dakota white, $1.6001.66; Wiscon
sin white, $1.4001.60; Michigan white, $1.60
01.60; Dakota Ohlos, $1.4601.60.
Poultry JUlve, higher; fowls, , 17 c
springs, 18c; turkeys, 36c.
QnotataOO f tho Day on Various Leading
Now Tork, Dec. 18. Flour Firm; spring
patent. $1.40 01.65; winter patent, $7,100
1.00; winter straight, $7.6607.80.
Wheat Spot, firm; No. 1 durum, $2.00;
No. 1 hard, $1.11 ; No, 1 northern, Duluth,
$1.92; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $1.96,
f. o. New Tork.
Corn Spot, firm; No. S yellow, $1.08,
0. I t. New Tork, ten days, shipment.
Oat Spot, firm; standard, 680S9c.
Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.0501.10; No. 2.
$1.0001.02; No. 3, 90096c; shipping, 760
Hop Steady; state, common to choice,
1910 46060c; 1916, 8014c; Paciflo eoaat,
1916,' 11014c; 1916, 8011c.
Hide Steady, Bogota, 44c; Central
America, 42o.
Leather Firm, hemlock firsts, 67c! sec
ond. 660.
Provision pork: Mesa, $31.60032.00; fam
ily. $80.00031.00; short clear, $30.00033.00.
Beef: Steady; mess, $23.00033.60; family,
$36.60037.00. Lard; Steady; middle west,
Tallow Quiet; city. 11c; country, 11 0
Uc; special. llc.
Butter Firm; receipts, 3,693 tubs; cream
ery, 41042c; first 37040c; second, 36
Eggs Firm; receipts, 4,827 caees; freah
gathered, extra firsts, 61 063c; firsts, 48 0
60e; refrigerator, specials, mark, 33 034c;
seconds to Ant. 310 33c. '
Cheese Steady; receipt. 1,172 boxes;
state, held, specials, 24 c; same average
fancy, 23024o.
Poultry Live, firm; no prices settled.
Dressed, firm; chickens, 17029c; fowls, 16
022c; turkeys, 20 0 30c
Wanes 8 City Gemral Market.
Kansas City, Deo. If. ---Wheat No. 3 hard,
11.6301.67; No. 3 red, $1.1201.67; Decem
ber, $1.69; May. $1.60.
Com No. 1 mixed, 8909c; No. t white,
89089o; No. 2 yellow, 89 90c; Decem
ber. 89019c; May. 9O09Oc.
Oate No. 1 white, 64064 c; No. 2 mixed,
63 0 64c
Butter Creamery, 40e; firsts, 39c; sec
onds, 17c; packing, 21c
Kgga First. 37c
Poultry Hons, 16 o; roosters 12c; tur
keys, 36c.
TJverpool Grain Market.
Liverpool, Doc. 19. Wheat Spot. No. 3
hard, winter, if ion; No. 1 northern spring
17 6d; No. 1 Manitoba, 18a; No. 3, 16. lOd.
Corn Spot, American, mixed, new, 13
Floor Win fer patents. 47e.
Hope In London; Pacific coast, 4 16s06
St. IaqIs Grain Market
! St. Louis, Dec. 18. Wheat No. 3 red.
fl.ff0l.74; no. 1 Hard, fl.6601.73; Decem
ber, fi.fz; May, fi.fl8.
Corn Higher; No 2, 92092c; No. 2
white, 92092c; December 93c; May,
Oats No. 1, 63c; No. 3 white, nominal
of this tplenditl train its superb
its numerous comfort features-
route Its fast schedule make
it the Premier train betfeeen Omaha and
Two other fast trains for Chicago leave
Omaha daily over the short lino.
, 1
TVcsati aaa itlag tar rawrcsHSm si
1317 Far St, Omsk EstsatDtrtbssril Atsst
R. H.
WEBER. Kansas City,
Organized Under the Laws of Arizona Capitalization, 4,000,000 Shares.
Fully-Paid and Non-Assessable
at 5
ha big proven Copper property of 176 acres on which approximately $500,000 has
been expended in development and equipment. Properties cover apex and extension
of great persistent fissure vein 10 to 60 feet wide on surface for two miles, opened up
by two shafts, the finest equipped in the Southwest, to the depth of 400 feet, showing
four big ore bodies and placing in sight values estimated by engineer to that depth of
Formation and geological conditions similar to those of Butte and experts say that
the properties have the making of ANOTHER ANACONDA MINE.
Company has all-steel construction mill, 300-horsepower electric plant, auto
trucks, etc. Plant electrically driven.
Values based to various depths on already proven ore bodies are estimated as
follows ($10 per ton): to 800 feet, $32,000,000; to 1400 feet, $56,000,000; to 2000
feet, $80,000,000; to 3200 feet, $128,000,000.
It is desired to sell the present allotment of treasury stock to add a few mill and
power installations, the management planning to make it a DIVIDEND PAYER six
months thereafter.
In accordance with our custom this stock will be offered shortly for
listing on the Boston Cuicb Exchange.
Reservations may be made by wire at our expense. Remittances may follow by
next mail. Allotments of stocks will be made in the order of receipt of orders.
Only the remainder of the allotment of 200,000 treasury shares may be ob
tained at 50.
This is, in our opinion, the cleanest cut, best developed and best equipped copper
proposition offered within recent years and those acquiring the stock at the present
low offering price receive the unusual benefit and advantage of years of labor and
several hundred thousand dollars in invested capital, bringing this mine practically
to the point of large and permanent production.
We believe this offering will be at once largely oversubscribed and therefore
urge immediate forwarding of orders.
EstaMlshaat lOS
Tslsphona Main 6718-6717
Dsllv Hitlsat. 2:11 ajltllt. :tl-ThU Ws
Bond; Shsnnsn A UtBj: Hubert Dror: Blchs Jt
Hurt: orpbsum TrswJ Weekly.
FRXCSS UsUness. U.Upit 10s. Bst Bests lExcept
git. sod Sua.) ISe. NtgatA lie. 850, &0c sad TSo
DAVIs Tonite And Wed.,
D V I la Mat. Tomorrow
Mrortcs Jacobs Presents
The Famous Hebrew Comedian
Mat., ISe sad ZSc. Nttoa, 2Se to 75c.
-OMAHA iCSSflir- I A THEATER OF (I J J I J 1 1 J 1
XlUeXU i-S' T FlTPNTATlONS P llfl Ml San it KY3, J
ltr3'.r: O...-, roe. Kiddies 1 HE M U S -& M gJ M
SST'SAM UDMAM a" Own Show B".S3i. MARIE DORO $1 iZT?r Z5L wSSl Tfl
The two-set hllsrtlr. Welcome To Osr CltJ." I the Ever Popular Dickens' Novsl v? ..,, . '
Sesson's Oodlstmted Fsabi Snow 1U i la. Sid- uniniFn Ttiricfl, W Clm Kimball Yotmf hi "The 1 ,1
man. the orlstasl "Hot Dor" man. BU Besuu "OLIVER TWIST X Deep Purple." Feature Phote- V
Chores. (Fins Performance Friday Nlte.) .y plav Da S nets. St'
Tired Shesssrs' Nstisss Ew Week 0 IssssssssssssssssssssMSHsnwsssssBBaBwswswsss! 6 , JVjessLCi3L . V
Bst MsL A Wk: lew "Dope" KollJ in "Hello. N. T. - 'c5acscss?SWSjaa4sseA
Florida atrm Ito t
Personally conducted, all expense tours TODAY AND WEDNESDAY . . . I
.r?T9V" j.... Pr..,. , Use the telephone for . s
For Piar. inquire or ''thsoul ofrYsaV Bee Want Ads. Tyler 1000
W. E. BOCK. C. P. A, C. M. St. P. Ry. Wiln Myrtle Stedman. c . , ,. .
1317 Famam St, Omaha, Neb. I beveil ttll II K UneS.
I " Intelligent ad-takers. ,
Bee Want Ads JITMFY-! I -"- 1 )
Produce Besnlts Uljlja.lw.b.ieri!02 3
jj j!
m "AHouseliolcl Necessity at all T,mw fl xs? . -
y . GROTTE BROS., CO. -1 J
General Distributors OMAHA, NEBR. wrinsBm - gjj a I
treasury share offering
Kans., President. C. HOFFMAN,
Oc a share
Suite 801-802-803-804-805
There's A Place For "U" in The
' Emily Stevens in
A Sensational Five-Act Metro Drama,
Dealing with a Woman Love The Law.
Ursan concerts et every perronnance.
Kans., Treasurer.
Par $1
Devonshire St., Boston
A Picture Playhouse of