-rt" .--'?" ye--- 6 . THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1916. ... .. I .r..,-r. I cmiiTtnue urAVTtn un p wantfh MA IF. I FOR RENT ROOMS PERSONAL Want-Ad Rates ' ' : riBn WTTW ORIrEal. 1 f Ht wero cn Inter)-. (Sol solid no display.) ' -A ...a., in nlseley BtTI. r per llr. ,"" Ic per line three consecutive timet Count lis words to ta. tioo.1 e per Mas one trme lo per llne.'.'..'.'..'.'.'.'trire conoecotlT. time (Count ill word! to UM uu.i Special oUtool rami and Ranch La"- . to par line three """V (Count alx worde to the line., rORBION JVKRTI8tNO WMD" AGENTS OR HELP WANTED . lH.pVrd::::::tVrWr-c.tiv. um. NO AD TAKEN FOB M THA A TOTAL OF 0 0 U THAN loe A PAY. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND ru le, per ,..NERA" insert... loo per nne. ' ,m . (Minimum charge J ins MONTHLT RATH FOR STANDING ADS. (No change of oopy .!oweo. . One line liaa'alile Two lines or mora... v V " Vk.'ff.eT (Count sis words to the llns.i (Contract fates on application THE BEE will not be resrnslbls for more than sm Incorrect Insertion of " tlaement ordered for mora than on Urn. ADVERTISERS rtould """Ipt. by Th Bee In payment for Want Ads, as Sitotak. can b. r,USl without them. USE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot eon., eenlently bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you wlU re. eel th same good aerrtce ss wbeo a. arln y.ur ad at the o'nee. PHONE TYLER " WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING- EDITIONS V ei ? u MORNING EDITIONS " r- "' FUNERALPffECTORS. aftJFFT A JOHNSTON, smteluere u fa neral dlreetora. 1 th. Tyler IIU BULSE RIKPEI.. ndriaksra " aalmere. in S. lth St Dowlas MM. PtORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS af an combinations ahlpped every where. Escellent service to our custom ers In psst yeara recommends. HbSS SWOBODA, I41S ramam en. tAROEST ASSORTMENT of fresh Oow.rs, rf.iiu.red or shinned anywhere. U HEN- DERSON. 1H Farnam St Doug. Ull. rrt,1, LEE L LARMON 1814 DotKtlM Bt. Doug. H. PARKER riowerghop. H. th. D. toT A. DONAOHUB, Harney. Poug. BATH. National FlorUt. 1104 Farnam Bi. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ,-nniTNRH 11AL.L. Opposlta postoftlce. New hall for lodsa meetlns and dances. Excellsnt floor. TOUNO POHERTV. HI Brandrls Theater Blilt. oul. 1171. SPECIAL NOTICE ' Ida C Stockwsll. ooraeta. Baldris block. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS iv . .... ih. anvthlna and will advertise It her, you will surely recover It 11 found by an honest parson. Remarkable raoov erlea are brouaht about every day throuth tiiki unvEHT WAT If vou And aomethlns at Talus, or a aespeake of valfa only to ' th owner, I to insert a amati a. . owner of the article In moat ease Is wllllns to refund the root of drtlln. OUAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET nitt.WAT COIf PANT. a.r3 U "iVup tMafflo.. of the Omah. A Council Bluxr street naiiwar eorapaay is asoertala whether they Kit It la th Many article, each day are turned la -. w- la eneloua to restor them to th rlahlful owner. ,,, OaU tvi toe. Ia the ELEVEN Months of 111 The Be lnrd....tl.lll Paw ua MORE THAN DOUBLE ths COMBINED sals of th other 1 wn Omaha rjaDer - Iweat Rate. Beat Results. Best Service 1 iiut AM KnelLh terrier doa. brindle with whit throat, haa lump under neck, atlib tall and cropped ears, tan narney Reward, LO8T -Crescent shape sold pin at with pesrlsl nsm on th bark "Verna Jones. Delta-Delta-Delta aororlty pin. Call Douilaa 1711- Reward. FOUND Soda Fountain. OltP.EN'S PHARMACT. llth and Howard. LOHT-Tounf Scotch collie dos; name "Kins." Liberal reward. Phone Webster 128. LOST Truck body end note. Call Fairmont oreaaasry. Douslaa l.si. FOR SALE Miscelianeou " Furniture and Household Goods. ln-theELBVEN Months of 1111 Ths Bee islned. .. .13.110 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE the COM BINKD sain of th other two Omaha paper lowest Rate. Beat Rraulla, Beat Service HltlH-ORADK furnlure, tut slaaa, hand painted china. ' brlo-a-brao and all that .w.iM he e.neeted to furnish a l-foom modern cotlase. Can bo bought at half value. Any parly wlehins a pretty home call Tyler II 41-J. Ho dealer or inner. WILL sell Bood furniture and rugs, also tov at sacrifice: aoods are practically ' new and eultable for one person to start housekeeping. Call between 1 and I p. m. Douglaa 371. HALL tree and sideboard, almost new, for eale cheap. 1003 Indiana Ave. Harney 4487. STOVES. ALL KINDS. See us first. Price right, city yurnitur t. it o. Loyal Furntlur Co., 333 w. ita nt- BUT a Uttl Olant Ironing ublc. It St absolute satlafactlon. The LlttU Olant '' Manufacturins Co., Omaha.; . STOVES, furniture, rug a, bedding and linen of all kinds. Open III I Doliolf, lill N. llth St. nii SALE 'Electric washing machine. room for I (una and basket, wringer over all. Call walnut ;eip. v u aai. in Rni.iiLtr.il rosewood library, ta ble, made from antique piano. Call Wal- nut 16 10. uarti rOAL stove for sale, coot $40 new; will aeforjll cash. 1011 Ho. 26th Am I COLLAPSIBLE QOCAJtT With automobUS I hood; good as new. wamut iui. Tafe8t7oRAN1K for hotel or restaurant une; good condition. Tyier xbt. Pianos and Musical Instruments. ONE B flat cornet, instant change to A, gold bell, trumpet model, York make, was $hi Web. 5006. KIM HON phonograph with Jfc records. Web. 6096. Clothing, Furs, Etc. PINE genuine beaver coat, else 36, and mult lo match. Call B. in. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. fWO diamond rings, gents. ttParly fc-k.; tadW . Cheap. Webster 1010. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. also public j Stene. Phone for prices. iMugiaa isvi. 640 Paxton Blk. Tiirr nnr nrii-Ma on loh nrintlnr. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO.. Rm Bide. Douglaa lilt. WATERS- BARNH ART Ptfc. O. Co., quality printing Tel. Doug. 1130. 624 8. 13th St. Machinery and Engines. "Ni:W AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIAN AND MACHINISTS. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 318-S0 So. 13th St.. Omaha. BOILERS, steam, electric, pipes. Cross Wrecking Co.. gas engines. HIS Cuming. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles aad parts ef all sewing machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. . Ifttb and Harney Hta. Dong- 1SII, Billiards and Pocket Tables. KAHBCrt shop and pool bsIL Will sell . uooi (able separately. Laug, 1107 rar uan SU Red 7230. Billiard and Pool Table,. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new. carom and pocaet. wnn complete outflt, fllfi; second-hand tables at re duced prices: bowline alleys and supplies; easy parmenla. uigar aioree, am, oen mihmii end eoda fountain Ulturea. THJB BRUNSWICK-BALKB-COLLENDER Co 407-o souih let, at. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machine sold the earn aa rent It month, see ua Deiore you pur or it Shipped any place on ten days' frea trial. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, eta s. nth pl, imtana. ep. REUINOTONS, Monarcho and Smith Premiers for rent: sent anrwnere, new Ington Typewriter Company. D. 1211. TYPEWRITERS Bold, rented and repaired. Rent an Ollvsr Typewriter. I monins tor Is. Central Typewriting Exchange. 1101 Farnam. WB BUT. sell and eachangs typewriters. Guaranteed typewriters, g np. for list. Mldlsnd Co., Bee Bldg. CARBON paper, V a bos and up; sscond sheets. sue a ream. Midland co- v. si... KEWLY rebuilt Underwood No. I, 136. Wal nut Jilt. Miscellaneous. REDUCE THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. nnw ..rt from the producer 100 lb. sack :f fancy rloe, $6.26, delivered to your door. Samp lee free on request Hake checks payable and address all communl- LOUISIANA GROWERS' ASSN, 7.0 Omaha national nana nuuuins- FOR SALE To be moved, ths Redlck horn, 14th and Pratt, to me nisnee. miner. Sealed blda will be received till II o'clock. Deo. 31. Addresa, unairman, care Mc Donald, let Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Prem ises open for Inspection all day Saturday or dally after 4 P. M. ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE, jnirteenin " ke"- Bottled la bond whisky. Its, 11.4s. 11.31, full quart. MY high standard of quality will be main tained; 4 quarta 0 uia sonieneue winea, 11.11; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order bouse. Doug. 1113. 133-134 N. llln Ht ! OMAHA PILlrOW CO. Felt and hair tnat- treMiii made ever in new ucva at nan th orlce or new one, am your f there back when we renovate. It07 Cuminv Bt. Douglaa 1467; DESKS, aafes, sca)a, showcases, ehelvlng. etc We buy. sen. umana niure ana Supply Co., 414-1S-1I B. 12th. Doug. 3724 inn AAl.lt i snrlna waaons. 1 sets of ein- sle harnoM and a cutter, fnono swum 14T between 7 and I o'clock a. m. OUITAR, muelc and rack, slio kodak and complete developing ouint, uousias HRX KINDLINO WOOD. ACMB BOX COMPANY. HARNBT 1MT. BLUB white diamond, karat, very brll- llant. Tel. Uoiig, 4143. WANTED TO BUY. f-'TTrprpHf AM Pay Hliheat Prlrea UU11 1U All for Pumlture, Rule. Clothes, Pianos, Offic rurnlture. Trunk, Shoes. Douslaa 1,71. nes., weoeter .... BI'V TOUR XMAS PRESENTS FROM THE BALE OF TOUR WASTE rAFKH. Wtti PAT HIGHEST KIUBS nJK eu. ORADES. WRITE OR PHONE FOR RATES. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO. PHONE DOUO. HI. I WANTED TO BUT Lumber yard In the soulhessteni part of Nebraska. Please Slve pries of plant, astlmata of stock and other particulars. Address T 741, Bee. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks. ou(ht, sold and traded. J. c Heed. 1307 rarnanv Til A tr XTTtO SOL BERGMAN a co. UlAfflVJllLIO 401 80. llth St. JENKINS Pays hlihest prlc for clothes, shoes, trunks ate Red HIT. Boa.. Douslaa IMI. ANNOUNCEMENTS . LE TTERHEAD8 M 71 Jh. Prlntln. House of Mauer. Phone Dour. 7744. Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE etoraee; dry and clean. 13.51 per month. Keys Bros., uauncu aiuna ia. Attorncv at Law. FRANCIS MORUAN, 111 Bee. Douilaa Ull. Bakeries. CAa-FJR. eaetr and fancy bakery supplied to parties, kxlsea and entertain ments. X. H. Reeder. 1101 N. llth. W. IHf. nilTMAN'S NEW EVOI.AND BAKERT. 811 N. 1ITH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARK BT JUVU HAYDKN BROTHERS, "OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED POOPS. - Accordion Pleatini. ArmrtntnN. side. Knife. Bos Pleatlns, Co. Buttons, Hemalltchlns. Neo. rieaimi and Button Co.. 431-z raxion IH. n. v,.. Baths. nn niCNnA Kulnhur. ateam. Modern Turkleh BATHS AND MAKSAUK. rrivate apartmenU for ladles, with lady attenu ants. 111! Farnam. Phone uous- e.n. R1TTEN1IOUSB Sanitarium; all kinds baths. Ill-Ill nalrd Blk.. 17th and Douslaa. Staata lnat., iVdl Harney, electric and other bcths. maasase, D. Ton. upon eveninas Buttons and Pleatini. VAN ARMAN Dress Pirating snd Button C.a . ats.T Pavlnn Blk. Doua. 3101. Aocor- dlon, knife, side, space, boa, .unburst and combination pleating, herastllchlng, plcot erieln. nlnkina. ruch na. covering but ton.: all styles and all alsea. Price Hat fro. Brasa and Iran Foundries. Paxton-Mltrhcll Co., 37th and Martha 81a Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATERESS, -.ellnt cook: soerial attention to parties and gun day dinners, prices reasonable, uoug. .. ChiroDractic. Dr. lohnston. 13S6 W. O. W. Bldg. D. Issl Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment, Dr. Uurhorn, Kose Bldg. Palmer arhool graduate. loug. 631. lr. rranct-e Dawaon. fc01-l no Big. T. UU. Dr. J. C lsawrence, Balrd Bldg. V. I44L CirDentcri and Con tract on. Lesaard A Hon, 10 Capitol Ave. Tyler 1481 ' Costumera. LAROEST tior.k of coeturoea for theatrlcala and maaqueradea In the country for aate or rent. Uftxm ft Son. IbM Howard. filKATRrCAL 'stowili. full drM au.t. rent. .04 n. 17th. Jonn reioroan. u. .in, . Detectives. JAM ICS ALLAN, Sll Neville Blk. Bvldence secured tn all ranee. Tyler ll.l, j interstate Detective Ass'n, 432 Ramge Bldg Dancim Academy. KEEP DANCING ACADhMY, Zblh and Far nam; elans Men. and rrl. eve. Assemblies Wed. and Sat. eve. Private lessons, p. 7160. lYW T TTVTJi BALL TUE8., THURS., I XJU UUAJJ sat., SUN. KV SCHOOL nun, ibvib. tii jb. I'm at. ypp- roiivwimiig. MISS AGNUS MALLOY. Phone Doug. 3443. Dentists. pr. Bradbury. No 1'ain. 313 W. O. W. Bldg. iTait's Dent. Rrni., 30S Rose Bldg. D. 2166. Pre asm a King. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by the day tn private feint mm. Har. 49&5. 1 -piece dresses a' specially, remodeling, work guaranteed. a, zib ah. n. OOWNS and suits a specialty. Work guar anteed. Webster 4Sw. M'DowVll Dreanmaklng School, 300 Balrd Bid O.OWN9. d'samakg by day. Miss Cos. H. 3800. Dressm'k'g.jtlsln or fancy, roaa. Ty. 1164-W. Dmaklng by theday. 3104 Davsn. D-T73" ExD. drsmKr. unua s rioinra ipw y. u. n Terry Dresanmk'g college, 30th and Fame ia. Sewing, any kind, well onejakXVb, J 4S4. LADIES' suits remodeled. Douglas 4its. DRKHSMAKINU WORK OUAR. IT633. Exoress Companies. 1 TWIN CITY Express Co,, la Cass St. Douglas 1717. Heavy punn ji.. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors. 307 Balrd Bldg. Maul- curlng. toilet articles. L-ouaias r.. Everything for Women""1 ACCORDION, old, knife, un burst, box pleating; covered buttons, an aises ana styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO., 200 Douglas Blk. JUouglae la. SWITCH E8"frim combings, 11 up. Dy3, 60c. Mrs. M. Brill hart. 331 paxton Bldg. "Fixtures and Wiring. . lTMTTaTTT Electric washing machines, I .UU XvJXlil olootrie Irons end reading lamps 3333 Cuming St. Douglaa 3611. Furnace Cleaning. ELSASSKR, furnace cleaners; work guar anteed ; beet prlcea. 1121 . llta. v. ma. Job Printing. GATE CITT Printing Co., high-grade print ing. Jl N. ..th. Phone weo. iiti. Justices of the Peace. C. W. BRITT. 01 Barter Block. Painting: and Paper Hanging. IF you want cheap work don't call me. 1 guarantee my worn, palming ana paper hanging. Call Harney Mai. Carlson. Patent Attorneys. A. 8TURUIH, 830 BrandeU Th. D. Hit. Haaseures. Oerman nurse, massage and bath, R. ivl Neville BIS., Id poor, letn anq narney. MASSAOK and chiropody. 210 Balrd Bldg. MISS LILLT Massage, baths. 1323 Farnam. . Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter- nalional Patent Co., ftss granqeia. v. s..i Pianos for Rent IS.iO'per mo. A. Hasps Co.. l13 Douglas. Rug Manufacturers. FLUFF rugs from old carpets; rag rugs a specialty; cleaning anu alterations, i-eery Rug rectory, Z6Z turning, nw .hi. Shoe Parlors. SHINE CLEAN, BRONZE. 1133 Farnam. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 287 8. 11th. - Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements and printing. Douglas printing uo. Tel. uoug. ef. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, lst FARNAM. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Vf TOU have anything to trade, make up a Jlttle ad ana run u in mia column lor even daye It only coete XtVo and to per aniwer. Thia offer la good only In Omaha, and exclude Real tUaUte, caah offera and Buaineaa Properties For Bale or Trade. Theae, as well aa mall orders for uie of Swappers' Column, must pay regular rates. One or two aniwers are sufficient to make your trade and the whole trans action only costs about SOc. Try It HAVUS GOOD t-year-old jack, registered. and have the papers tor mm, vaiuea ai $1,000; weight about 1,060, 1 S hands high, and a sure breeder. Will swap for honee, mares, cattle, or what have you to offer lor a quick dealt B. C.-Tit, Bee. A8 I am leaving the city I will trade my equity in new live-room nouse, modern in every respect, built-in cabinet and book cases, for a good auto, Ford preferred. H in I lb. Harney 6641. Box m. Bee. In the ELKVKN Month of 1116 The Bee gained. .. .53,010 paid ada MORIS THAN DOUBLE i be COMBINED gain of tho other two Omaha papen Loweat Rate, Beat Resulta. Beit Bervlae WILL trade a Smith Premier No. 4 type writer In ft rat olaea conaiuon ror a ioiq Ing Corrona typewriter, or a good run about auto ID gooa oraer. Aaareee o. lUtt Rm. ONE eUreoeoope and 30 worth ot good etereoecopic views to exenange lor car t.ntr'. tMoi or aomethins I can use. What have youT Address 8. C. Ml, Bee. HAVE comnleta works PeMaupaaaant, 17 vol. : Tolstoi, 13 vol ; iat.e, tsusinese Admlntatratlon, 10 vol. Make offer. Box B. C.-r7aS. Bee. v- 1914 FORD touring, new top curtains, seat covers, fine shape ana iooks gooa; swap for larger car or aiamona. box b. m. Bee. I ACHK8 In San Luis valley, Colorado, to trade for Ford car in good running oraer; also electric stove. Phone couaxi7Z. WB swap or buy kodaks; films developed free; one-day service. Kase n.oaa aiwue. Neville Bin., lltDina narney. FOR 8 ALE or trade, light six I0-horsepower T-paasenger automobile; very gooa conai- tlon. Call uougiaa ib. LOTS 3 blocka from car and school, win swan for Ford auto ana iiov eaan., o. u. t3l, Bee. ELEVEN hens, one cockerel, thoroughbred Buff Orplngtone, to trade lor traveling bag. a C, 110, Bee. A LITTLE AD In this column will bring about some remarkable sxcaaogea. BUSINESS CHANCES HOTEL Opportunity 6 2 -room hotel,, strict ly modern: newly rumisnea mroufnou,; In heart of business district In city of 11S.0OO population; clearing ever 18.000 per year: price reasonable. Agricultural, stock and mining center, all booming; four transcontinental railroads; four ter minals; altitude 4,300 feet; the healthful and invigorating salt sea air makes It an unrivaled health and scenic resort; selling to settle estate; careful Investigation and verification of all facts Invited, Address K, R. Stewart, 43 K. 2d South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. CONFECTIONERY and Ice cream business in a Nebraska town ot s.oou; wen eeiao llshed; sales average $1,000 per month; everything In first class condition; only confectioner In town making own candy and lee cream. If taken Jan. 1 will sac rifice. Beat of reasons for selling; do not answer unless you mean business. Ad dress Y 783, Bee. WANTED -Agents throughout Iowa and Nehraaka to soli BFK1INU Uli-Kiw tor sutos. Every ear needs them. All auto distributors, garages, etc, recommend tnem. S-J4.60 will handle large county. Money refunded If can't make good. U. W. L. HPRINO OILER CO., OMAHA. 15 Brandels Bldg. WANTKU Single man to pay 31.000 for it-laps.., in Mian it. hod auto arcasaorr nrm no experience necessary. Take charge of inrllsinaDOlla. Ind.. office: position per manent; salary and rommlsslen; bank and trade references exchanged; position open Jan. 1st. Box sb7, uee uivrmM niAture machines, (new and built), theaters, supplies. Omaha film Exchange, 101 So. 14th St. In the ELEVEN Months of lflt The Bee gained. .68.310 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE tb COMBINED gain ot the other two Omaha papers Lowest Rate, Bea Results. Best Berries MANUFACTURING concern, doing a good hnalnMn. haa 11.000 Worth Of StOCk ell in blocks to suit the purchaser; If yeu have any Idle money this will make ou a good Investment, 10 per cent or better. Box 1371. Bee. FOR SALE Old established dry goods lore; central Iowa town of 4,000; stork and fixture. 31.000: annual sales 140.000 cash or one-fourth tn real estate. Address Br.de, 10 HrhlllM; Bldg.. Chicago. ONE' TH O US A N D DOLLARS will buy I substantial Interest In a successful manu facturing slant near Chtoaffo, run par ttculara from Lewis A Co., Sox 446, Ham mond, Ind, - - FORRKNf Ths best equipped machine blacksmith shop In state, Oxy-acytelene welding with big trade. Will rent brica building with all machinery. P. O. Ladd, ralon, la. LADY wants to bur out lood paying milli ner store tn some town not over 6,000 pop. Please stats price and pop. In first letter, and ir only store in town, r 7s, hop. WUX1AMS. establlsbed 31 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 MeCagut Bldg. Reference, U. S. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co.. Omaha, have closed out more mdse, stocks tban all other firm tn u. 8. write for terms. TO GET In or out of bustuesa. call oa OANUESTAD. 433 Bee Bldg. Doug. 34TT. FOR BALU Uood. clean stock Of hard- ware, Uva town, central Nebraska. Oood reason for selling. Be quiok. Address Y 367, Boa IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call en Busch at Bo rg ho ft, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. HIS. WB BUY. we sell motion Dlcture theatsnC machlnea. feature films. Ce-operatlve Film and Supply Co.. 310 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, drug store, dwelling and stock; square dee;. Add rest Oil West 4th Ave., Denver. Colo. AT ONCE Manager for co-operative store. Apply before Tuesday at 103 Omaha Nat Han Bldg. GUARANTY plan; get In or out business. A tatea. P. V. Knleat. R Bide. Omaha. FOR SALl-Grocery store; good location; must be sold at once, Webster 64. ONLY millinery stock for aale In town. northwestern Iowa. Address T 731, Bee. ONE or more partners for an established millinery trade. Box 03 30. Bee. POOL hall and barber shop for sale, Colfax 3704. Rooming Houses. rmOUINO HOUSES, all sises, great bar gains. 4lt Rose Bldg. Phone Tyler 3437. FOR SALE 10 room, all modern, good lo (linn Hnap ror quu-K naif, ijoukiss ll It ROOMS modern, Douglaa Sill. . . furnished, all full WEEKLY RATE), lie PER LINE. Day work or business ada, regular rates. l lfna ana week. - ..30c 3 tinea one week 4 Each extra line, lSe per wek. Maie. In the ELEVEN Months of 1010 Tho Bee gained., . .61,110 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE ths COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha paper Lowest Rate. Best Results, Bst Servtee RELIABLE firm of accountants, making a specialty of opening ana Closing smaii sou of books and doing bookkeeping work ; audits and systems Installed ; charges reasonable. Address Bee 1330, Bee. UNEXPERIENCED young man, high school and business 'college graauaie, warns stenographic or general office work. Can furnish references. Address Box 0250, Bee. SITUATION wanted aa janitor or watch- man by miaaie-agea man; unaerawnas elevator, boiler and steam work. Call South 2688. COLORED man wanU position, as Janitor apt. BOUSO Or noiei ; dobi rwrinew. Chas. J or do d. Tyler 1810-W. THOROUGH LT experienced dairy and farm nana, win worn, nwonion ww. Address Box QUI, Bee. Ia TOU are in need of neat appearing young men oau naney noiei. wuiiiim Zfe. Ask for Mr. Hill. - POSITION wanted by experienced colored chauffeur; can iuraisn nest oi rerafw. Call Hamcy 130. ACCOUNTANT, experienced, want addi tional work, systems, oooaaeeping, ei. Webstar 7458. ' , JAMES FOSTER, stationary engineer and fireman, all rouno gooa woraer. .111 Ohio Bt OFFICE work wanted during afternoons by student, can o sienograpaio wora. HI 84. Bee. POSITION as chauffeur or garage work by merrioa man; reierencea. ar. monwu. w fax 1180. COLORED man wanU kltcnen work, house- man or wnsr wii. rUU,t ...... , POSITION by reliable engineer. 20 years' I ip. Best rererences. uenson WANTED Position as cook, can glvo best I references. Harry Kopenin. u. sjf. WANT ED Position as night watchman. Webster 6210. Female. w a kit it n PnaMtinn aa housekeeper by respectable young wiaow witn a uiue sin, in or near small town. Reference ex changed. Mrs. L, Warner, Long Pine, Neb. . " THE BEB charge for "Situation ads" la lamr tban anv ot Her xorm os aaveruama .not enouah to cover the eot of printing. POSITION wanted In doctor's office by graduate nun, mono itea ""f;. wanted -Position for private switch I board operator. Address Box 8t3. Bee. OFFICE work by young lady. Phone Red IUl. . - Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE competent woman wants day j work of any kind; csn give gooa reier- ences. Call Webster ne.. COMPETENT "white" woman work either housekeeping Phone Tyler 3873-J. wants day ir laundry. I WANTED Bv reliable woman. bundle I washing and Ironing; work, guaranteed. Webster 28t7. r WANTED Day work or chambermaid work. Highest recommendation. Red 4. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work. Call Harney 67U. WASHINO and ironing wanted by piece or dosen. Webster 4171. COLORED lady wants work, maid work. Web. 401. day ' work or I WHITE lady wishes bundle washing and Ironing. Harney 5311. .EXPERIENCED laundress washing. Web. 4008. wants bundle I FOR experienced bundle washing call Web ster 1877. ANT kind of day werk. Webstar 67 13. Plain dinners: clean,; sweeping. Web. 4321. Chamber, day or laundry work. Har. 3166. Launr-y wk. Call Del. Reas. Guar. Web. 4837 EX. LAUNDRESS, bu. die Wash. Web. 3341. Experienced lady Wants day work. Har. 1243 LAUNDRY carefully done. Web. 4283. Hotels and Restauranta. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1110 Davenport St. Douglas 1164. . Headquarters mr now &ip. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. M.KinMii. vrnm iTT t.titk INSURANCE .m . av.iau. ""r . . . COMPANY of Sioux City. IS-, nas lmme- dtate opening for hlgh-elaaa bookkeeper. Desires young man 20 to so years oia anu canable of rood advancement. Must be of best character, neat, accurate and good penman, with at least two or three years' experience. Prefer man with In surance home office experience. Salary 80 to $100 per month, according auallflcatlona. This place offers uriual oMnlni for exactly the right man. Renly in own writing, giving full and complete Information. COMPETENT, first class stenographer for permanent position witn local corporation, position otters opportunity ior man w. .m ...iifi.dnna tn dnvatot. veioi Into a much better position later on; sal ary about 990 to 100. Western Reference A Bond Assn.. Inc. 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. want En A male atenoeraDher. 170; as sistant superintendent V. P. K. K., Koom 30, Commissary Bldg. J" none r. 11. wanted -Younf . man for office clerk; must be rapid and acurate. Appiy wuuany Packing Co.. I4tn and jones. Professions and Trades. Drug Positions All States CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED A meat wrapper, must be fa- 1 miliar with the different cuis oi meat, i Washington Market. 1407 Douglas. want niiwrlenced rrocery clerks, perma nent position to tne nine men. "" Ington Market, 1407 Douglas, nKnisTKRUn nharmaclst to work eve nings. Edward Pharmacy, 901 ma ot. Douglaa Z3i4. Salesmen and Solicitors. READ THIS 'E Fredericks made $t this a. i,i onri 1 Ktf nil.PDl fas. past week, selling SPRING OILERS tor autoo In one Nebraska county. Many tMli maklne 34 to SIS per day; no ex perienee required. A GOOD POSITION fur thia winter with a steady income. inn so intMtmint reoelred. which ll well secured. Bank references as to our re- ponsiblllty. Dept. 0. N.t o. u w. Ht-ninu OILER CO., Brandets Bldg., Omaha. MR. SALESMAN. We have the fastest selling proposition ah ik market. . You should clean up fltO ver week. Many are. See us at 1324 Farnam. " ' ' "' WANTED. High grade stock salesman who would 1 be interested in . nana. ins nnv-.i Omaha proposition. STANDARD SEC. A INV. CO.. Suites I and 3, Wead Bldg. See Mr. Wolfe, Mgr. utMiTWACTtmiNrt concern with estab lished business, naa a umuea imoam w ILrJSrJ-ST; a Mod nreDosltion. Answer box. hiv, Bee. SALESMAN Men that have sold advertis ing, guaranieea lerruory wo iuj 1-1 .ti.An . Thla nositlon Is lood for 3100 per week. Call between 10 and 13. Room 409 Hensnaw. WANTED Two first class salesmen on the latest publication 01 me urvet war, wn of the fastest selling propositions offered today. Apply Manager, sis nairo mm- uf i'vTfn viir rvrrtonril aalesmsa to sell auraerv stocK. Aduress a. m. wtwtum m Son, Fremont. Neb. Trade achoola. - WB WANT MEN TO LEARN rrl) ID RARRER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop or work .tkar.' vaara of aDurentlceshlp saved by our method; we have placed graduates Id leading posiuona miZZl Uvely no expense; MOLER BARBER COLLBOa, 110 S. 14th St, Omaha, Neb. (Ksubllshed lt3- AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. i.rn hv Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS.. 331T N. th St., umana. Send for Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED. , a. .naria for the IBSnr sltions now open. Fine training wort la auto and electrte AMERICAN AUTO COLLBGE. . S0I3 rarnam. Omaha, Neb. Trade Schools. LBARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses wnue iearma. Usvroa or Mrcentase. We don't over charge you to begin: 1403 Dodge St. TH1-U1TT wi..B.mw. Teamstera and Chauffeurs. WANTED at once, a truck driver. Ington market. HQ7 uougias. Miacellaneoua. ARMT OP THE UNITED STATES. MEN WANTEtJ AOie-ooaiea uniumra men under age of 3ft; citisena of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng- Ish language. For information appiy u Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., 16th and Dodge Sts.. Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. 10th St.. Lincoln. Neb.; 127 4th St., Sioux City. Iowa: 307 0th Ave.. Des Moines, Iowa. WANTED 2& laborers for night work by Phoenix Construction co. at umana aiec trUi Litrht ft Power company's plant. 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Inquire for gen- era! foreman after t:ao p. m. BE a detective. Interesting work; travel ; best paid protoeston : representatives wanted everywhere. Hartley Detective Agency, St. Josepn, MO. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, 176 month, aarapie quwuow pa vHta immediately. Franklin In stitute. Dept. HI W. Bocbor. N. T. WANTED Toung men as railway mall clerks; per momn; wmpw wwuiua- tlon ouestlons free. Franmin iniiuuw, Dept. 331 R. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Names of men II or over, wish ing to become government railway man clerks. Commence 3.6 month. Vacations. T 728, ee. ' MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at report at Uneoin. WANTED 60 men to work in scrap iron yard. Inquire Western smelting ana ns fining Co.. 7th and Douglas. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS A0EXT8 wanted to sell the Never Fall Collection System. Every merchant wants one. Costs you SOc, sells for 32. Agents making $76 to $100 weekly. W. J. Meehan ft Co., 10S W. Monroe St. Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER wanted at once. Also good experiences typisis. uooa iwiw. Apply at ones. A. A. Berry Seed Co., Clarinda, Ia Prolessions and Trades. WANTED Qlris with common school eda- cation, between n ana years, to m up local and long distance telephone work. C P. Lambert. 117 Douglas St, Household and Domestic. 100 GIRLS WANTED. Having largely increased our house dress manufacturing de partment, we need 100 girls to operate the new machines. Girls having had no experience will be acceptable If willing to learn. All machines are power driven; the operating rooms are light, airy and clean. Girls have a private dining hall and every modern convenience. To such young women as are willing to learn to become skilled opera tors we will pay attractive wages and guarantee steady po sitions. Apply at the Douglas street entrance. Just west of Ninth street,, and ask for Mr. Anderson. M. E. SMITH & CO., WANTED Lady for general housework; permanent position; pay per weea. Call Webster 2131. Mrs. Cliff Hlddle- sten. 3230 Pratt Bt, WANTED A maid for general housework; good wages; reierencea roquueu. ariiwua Harney 134. WANTED An experienced white nurse for children; references required, airs, uixon. 438 N. ,38th St. I HOUSEKEEPER for widower, two boys, I and 13, good home, inquire ueo. a. namp- ton, SZ1 N. ist Ave. 1 COMPETENT second girl. Mrs, F. A. Bro Tel. Wal- can. 4011 Davenport street. nut 2371. GIRL or elderly woman for general house work, good wages. Call Red m. WANTED Young girl to care for I rtll IT SISBal C 1 O. 4V fl i . COMPETENT white girl for general house- i work. Fnone wamut as . WANTED A girt for general housework no laundry. 710 Nortn aatn etu . NEAT girl to help wttli housework. Tele- phono wai. sip. . Hotela and Restauranta. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Ap- ply housekeeper. Fontanel le noiei, HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. I w a vTKTv Bxrellent ooenlnK for young men or women oi irrwiniiij Lyceum and Chautauqua represeniaiivea. Teachem or students especially -caircu. MUTUAL LYCEUM BUREAU OF CHICAGO. Western Department, Lincoln. Neb. lino ss MONTH. Get government jobs. Men and women waniea. uia. i ioiiijii open free. Franklin Institute. Iept. zA. Rochester, . i. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL. WlflHT SCHOOL. ffivawv riiv la enrollment day. Book- baaninf. ahorthand. stenotype, typewrit tna. telerraphy, civil service sll commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES CUl.l-.HrU K, Douglas 1666. llth and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND BVENlNU wjhuul. - . d K1oor Omaha National Bank Bldg. I """ - , ri.a Katrance. 320. Douglaa 6810. THE SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. Class or private roeim:..".. iniow. Courses, mono wenater ooo, mr in formation. I y. M, C A. Day and Night School. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; eariy mpmaw Harpe fur. Loretta De Lone. 306 Lyric Bid. MOVING AND STORAGE "GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov tag. 31S N. llth SL Phone Globe Van and Storage Co, For real moving service try us. Large S-horse padded vans. Storage, $3 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER. fnone jyier v w wmiM "metropolitan van and . storage co. Careful attention ira to orders for movtna, packtna or atoraae. Office at Raymond Kurntturo Co., 1113 and 1111 How.ro St. Phone D. IH4. fimur TTV RENTAL FREE C UJaux a. a SKRVH'b Phone Douslaa 3SS for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, llth and Jackson Sts. I I FTRKPROOF WAREHOUSE. .MrtiM locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving; paftklng and ahippmg. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 103 a llth St , Douglas 4113. Ia J Van and two men, Maggara UM hour Van and Storave Co. Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1401. Bxorees and Moving. Packing and storage. Motorcycles and Bicycles. H ARLKY D A VI DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar gmlns In used machines. Victor Rooe. "The Motorcycle Mao," "'w' ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fail to And the roam yon desire among these adu call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Be Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. In the ELEVEN Months of ltlt The Bee gained. .. .63.310 paid adi MORE THAN DOUBLE thi COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha papers Lowest Rate, Best Results, Beet Service WARM and comfortable rooms, with house keeping privileges, for man and wire in exchange for light services during the day. For Information call at 20 South 31st St. or phone Harney 233t. IN NEW private home, one cosily furn ished room; comfortable, home-like; every convenience. Excellent location. Fif teen minutes to business district. Near two car lines. Webnter 3616. LARGE, newly furnished room In new home; private family; very homelike; must be seen to be appreciated; gentle men preferred. Colfax 18&5. i FURNISHED room In private home; hot water heat; only permanent need apply. 3406 Davenport. ELEGANTLY furnished connecting rooms In private family, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Modern; select neighborhood; walking distance. Harney 3683, IF YOUR room la cold, come to 712 North 22d; newly furnished, clean, warm, mod ern room, 910; one or two reputable gen tlemen. Douglas 1107. 2203 LOTHROP ST. Well furnished front room In modern private home In Kounlse Place. One block to car. Phone Webster 4780. 1810 DODGE Coxy furnished rooms, mod ern; board If deelred. Call Webster 4171. SUNSHINE APARTMENTS. For men only. Comfortable ateam heated rooms. Rate li.&O and up per week. 60S N. J7th St. ONE room to gentleman In modern home walk! nit distance: half block from car line. Phone Harney 3361. STRICTLY modem, newly furnished warm, cosy room, only 18, to respectable, per manent gentlemen; large room, 310. 713 N. 2 2d St. IN refined neighborhood, one cozy room, suitable for two nurses or young men, in modern bungalow. Col. 2507 or Tyler 314. WELL furnished front room, suitable for two. , 2 closets; private home. 672 8. 26th Ave. FURNISHED steam-heated rooms, for sev oral men; reasonable; Hanscom park dis trict. Call Harney 2231. STRICTLY modern, nicely furnlBhed rooms witn bam; suitable lor two people. iiv Capitol Ave. - CHICAGO 2610 In private home; large south front room with alcove; also side room. 422 8. 26THTwo large comfortable front rooms; private home. Douglas. 83S3. 3121 fri California, 2 furnished rooms, mod ern, with heat, reasonable. Harney 4001. COMFORTABLE room for gentleman modern home; walking distance. Har. 6874. 2416 CAPITOL AVE. One ' well-furnlahed single room; warm; comfortable. D. 6443, FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private bath if desired. 2121 Doujrlas. uoag. i7ti, COMFORTABLY furnished room, private family. Tyler 2167. 1607 8. 26th Ave. NICELY furnished room, excellent table board; walking distance. 2618 Harney. THREE large rooms with alcove; hot water heat. 1626 8. 36th St. Douglaa 7. 2401 LEAVENWORTH Comfortably fur nished room. On car line. Red 6286. TWO large, coxy rooms, ensulte or sepa rate. 2210 Webster Bt. uoug. 7S&! HEATED rooms for respectable working men. 2428 Decatur St. Webster via. HARNEY ST., 2621 Large room suitable for students; reasonable. H. 2251. 3406 HARNEY Two or three furnished rooms, suitable for two. Douglas 4638, ROOM, with washiqg, In German family. 11.60 per week. 1013 Bo. 33d at. NICE south room, modern, large and com fortable, on car line. Tyler 2Z34. LARGE, welt-heated rooms, with or without board. Harney 3164. MODERN room, suitable for two. 93.60. 2627 .narney oi. 3311 CALIFORNIA- -Four furnished rooms for 'housekeeping; 118 mo.: modern. URN. mod. rooms; 1 blk to car; board next door. Harney mm. MODERN, furnished room In private family close m. Phone Red. 8Qd. fur. r.. prlv. home, garage. 3026 Davenport NICE modem furnished front S. 2th. Tyler 3136-J. Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE rooms, sleeping porch inclosed rises, new turn., auitatue ior girts married couple; eiec. lights, gas, hot and cold water, good neat.- tin win, weo. 71". 2673 ST. MARY'S Front room. with kitchenette; ground floor; clean, well fur nished; good heat; Ugnt and not water; no children. THE NORTON Homelike, furnished two- room apartment, with adjoining batn, complete for housekeeping. Call 670 South 28th. Harney lbBO. FARNAM, 2822 Three nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, stesm, gas range. 1021 DOUGLAS, light housekeeping rooms, single or ensulte, reasonable rent Large suite, well turn. 3026 Davenport. Board and Koom. la A Rate warm room for i. In private home. Excellent board; noma pnvugea, Harney 1630. 1617 B. 33th, - BEAUTIFUL modern, warm room for two, close in private nome, pesi ooara. lie so. 26th Ave. LARGE, comfortably furnished room; good board; modern home, to? ho. join Ave. NICE big furnished room for one or two, with board. . zsin Ave, narney iza.. 1016 PARK AVE,, rooms and board; steam heat; home cooKing. mono a. sivo. ROOMS and board, on Farnam and Cuming car lines. Walnut zvv. Rooms Wanted. YOtT PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEci WbNT'AU irr i . anu una oui all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that la helping many people rent their rooms, FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED TRAVERTON FIREPROOF. TH AND LANDON COURT. r toi-lntr to people of refined tastes. irurtment Is completely equipped for hauackeeplnir; up to date and comfortable. TRAVKR BROS., Tel Doug. 0886. 706 Omaha Nat. Bank. Or Call Web. 4836. PHONE Ernest Sweet, New Hamilton, 34th and Farnam, v. -. 'v.. your apt. Best location. Prlcea reasonable. "tji-.r.f mnrlern aoartment. 2921 Leave n- worth. "Tne aiiww, mono .. ..... 2-BOOM suite, strictly modern, walking dis tance, ttessonaoie. v ,w i. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA , CURED. Dr. B, R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and Other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book oa reo tal diseases with testimonials. DR. SL B. TARRY. J0 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old 'clothing, furniture, mage slnes. We collect. We distribute. Phons rv.,. ails and our wacon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110.1113-1114 Dodge at , .. , RUPTURE Successfully treated without a sursical operation. Call or writs Dr. Frank H. wray. sue w mos- STAATS INSTITUTE. 1606 Harney; mus cular massage; baths of all kinds. Open from f a. m. to t p, m. Doug. 7097. tT.Qsira t.ll.r.Y AND GOULD Bath, mas- aase. 1322 Farnam St Phone Doug. 3410 dr nun kk. OMAHA'S MEN'S SPECIALIST.' 318 CROUNSK BLK. OPPOSITE P. O. east. MISS NASH, MAE BRUGMAN. scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbevb Jdlk. Red 2727. LUELLA WEBSTER, masseus, 518 Paxton Blk.. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Ked zw. WANTtSD Small child to board; will give mothers care. Harney 3737. SCIENTIFIC ma&sugo, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa MASSAGE glr! wanted. Room I0L Neville Block. Manicuring and mass. 1633 Farnam. Rro Graduate masseur. Appointment only D. S23S. MAGNETIC massage. 2424 Cuming. FOR RENT HOUSES Weat 3303 HOWARD ST. A S-atory frame. 7 rooms and sleeping, porcn. New furnace. Room for one caf Id garage If desired. House rent. $30. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 First Nst. Bk. Bldg. FOR RENT -6 room house, modern except heaL Three-quarter basement. IQOS Wubster. Inquire next door. North. FREE RENT TO JAN. 1st. 1101 N. 32d, 4-r. flat, steel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet, water paid, $16. RASP BROS. DOUG. 1663. WILL RENT 7-room modern home to right party for my board and room; will fur nish own room. Do not object to chil dren. Leave your number at Wal. 468. NEW bungalow, B-room. strictly all modern, half block to car, 16. i.ocaiea natn anu Fort Sts. Red 188L 122.50 All modern, 6-room cottage. 311" Burt, wewiy aecoraiea. ... a. tsoyies. poug.158B. ROOM mod. house, good repair, 26th and Charles St. 325 per month. Web. 2502. $12.60 6-ROOM cottage, 2744 Meredith Ave. call Florence an. Soutb. ROOM modern house oak Park Ave. Phone Harney 1 flnUh. U- 66; $30.00 RM, mod. flat, V. 1151. 510 9. 19th. First Trust Co. -R. mod. flat, 2310 S. 24th. $20. Tel. H. 4711. COTTAGE. 6-room, all modem. In flrst-class con dition; corner lot: permanent tenant only. 2518 Mason St.; $26. O. C. OLSEN. D. 1053. 103McCagueBldg. FOR RENT 5-room, all modern, except heat. 3830 S. 23d. Rent $14. rhone Tyler 1460. 650 8. 26TH AVE. Nine-room house, modern, nice yard. lougias 6022. 1920 S. 10th, 6 rooms, $12.60; modern ei- rept heat. Douglas 7640. Miscellaneous. NEW S-room modern bungalow. Will rent furnished or unfurnished; very reasonable. Douglas 6074. $42.502114 Chicago St.. 11-r., all mod. Good for rooming house. H. A. WOLF, 614 Ware Blk. Douglas 8068. , 1126 SOUTH 31st, with garage for 2 cars. 3804 North 24th, modern, 7 rooms. 323.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 554. HOUES FOR RENT. CREIGH, SONS A CO., 108 BEE BLDG. DOUG. $00. FOR RENT Ap'to and Flats West. FOR RENT. S-room flat $16.00 4-room flat 11-00 W. . FRANK, Doug. 8600. HOI Neville Block. VERT choice 6-room steam heated apart ment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM. North. 714 N. 20TH 4 rooms, $10. 4338 Charles t rooms, $13. Both modern except heat. In elegant condition. Doug. 8382. MOST beautiful 6-room apartment In Oma ha, private garage. 2601 Sherman Ave. See janitor. THREE, four and five-room apt. California, Call uougias & -at. 3610 FRANKLIN 6 rooms, modern except heat. Phone Doug. 1349. Garages For Rent. GOOD garage, reasabl, dead storage, $2.60; paved street; sist ana Jueavenwonu. nar ney 6708. LARGE barn, $5.00. 1814 Webster. Douglas 7640. Miscellaneous. RENTAL 310.00 3it woo i worm Ave., s rme. 130.00 660 S. 26th Ave., 6-rm.. all mod, brick flat, very desirable, easily heated. $30.00 1141 S. 33d St., 6 rms., thoroughly modern, very desirable. $36.002703 Farnam St., 8 rme., mod. j good hot water heating plant $36.00 3003 Dodge St., 8 rms., walking distance, handy to Farnam St $40.001109 8. 33d St., 8 rms., mod.; In flrst-class condition ; garago if de sired. GLOVER SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 119-20 City National. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT. 1416-17 North 24th St, store room. Six 00, basement and fine large display win dow. Good location for retail store or shop. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1630. 333 Rose Bldg. STORE ROOM at 1807 Farnam St, T. F. Hall, 483 Ramge Bldg D 7406. FOR RENT Store room, good location. Close In. 608 S. 13th St.: 30t66. B1RKETT ss COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. $32. MODERN store, llth St. i low rent O. P. Rtebblns. pos toff Ice; Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block. 11 N. 16tb St (opposite postofflce), $10 to tit per month. Conrad Yoong, 323 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1671. CHOICE o:lce space, Balrd Bldg,, 17tb and Douglas, McCague Inv. Co. Miscellaneous. LARGE cemented floored cellar 35x125 ft, heated; also large well-lighted and heat ed rear room on main floor with alley entrance. Inquire 2667 Farnam. LARGE, light basement, 16th and Howard cheap. Wright Lasbury. Doug. 163. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WANTED Listing on cottages or bouses to rent or sell on easy payments. Have ous tomers waiting. Inquire 411 Karbach Block. Douglas 3607. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. , WEST FARNAM. Just listed a 6-room strictly modern new home, located on Farnam street Three rooms on first floor finished In oak and oak floors. Three bedrooms and bath on second floor finished In hard pine. Full cemented basement furnace heat South front on paved street Two blocks from car line. Priced at $3,600. Can be han dled by right party for $200 down and $36 a month, or will discount for cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D.1T81. 8618 LINCOLN BLVD 11-roora house, strictly .nodero. with hot water beat Douglas 1818. WEST FARNAM. stucco, 1-r.. modern. Lot value. $3,000; house value, $4,000. All for, $6,000. 319 No. attlh Ave. Dour 2947. 6-ROOM new corner house, thoroughly mod ern: west; $2,300; $160 down. Phons Doug laa 6074. North. KOUNTZH PLACE, restricted district, rsl dar.ee for sale. A. V. Knlest $616 N. Uth. FIVE room, new, modern and up-to-date. 22d and Ames. Web. 4228.