Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1916, Image 2

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Attorney General Would Com
pletely Divorce Transporta
tion Trom Production.
vorcement of transportation from pro
duction by amending the commodities
clause of the Interstate Commerce
law; authority to sue corporations
wherever they transact uosiiita., w-
f ....i;,,. lauti ini exten-
i .:k f uvrh warrant in
sion ui me i . i
criminal case i -
mtndations of Attorney General
Gregory in his annual rcpon
"ls' EbJ!i23r?. that de-
spite the government's victory in the
supreme court in ine
Coal company case the railroads are
.ii i i .1,;-. 1at h rommodl-I
sun dic iu viit . r i
ties clause does not prohibit them
from engaging in production a ong
their lines, provided oniy ui
..ii .l. .,,1.. nrruliiced before
cu 1
transporting them. He urges an
amendment, introduced at the last
session of congress, to prohibit a
J tranannrtina? articles
manufactured or produced by it or by
any corporation it controls or
affiliated with by having the same
. n:. .tu-trhnMrrs. irresoective I
of interest in the articles at the time
of transportation. He says it is also
necessary that congress preliibit any
railroad owned or controlled by a
producing or trading corporation, and
not merely a plant, from transporting
the articles produced or owned.
Employment for federal prisoners
i .muiImmi tn ih rriminal
liU ll I1I6IIU.I.I... . -
code to prohibit the false labeling of
package which contain arms and am
munition are among other recom
mendations. The last is to meet eva-
::-ns of the embargo on armt to
Ten Anti-Trust Cases Settled.
The present administration, the at
renrral savs. has insisted UP'
on more effective dissolutions of mo
nopolies and combinations in restraint
of trade and at the same time "has
been solicitous to avoid prosecutions
for which there is no adequate
ground." During the year ten of
these cases have been Anally deter
mined and of thirty-six cases now
pending, fifteen, including the Read
ing, Lehigh Valley, Harvester, Steel,
VAUlr n,1 a!iA machinery "cases,
t.ivf ttarhf! the suareme court. Of
. those disposed of, one was the case
of the National Register company,
whflu conviction was set aside by
the court of appeals, annulling two
counts oi inc inuitwicui wm w
the latest photograph of Queen Marie of Roumanta, who ha
been driven from her home by the German invasion of Rou
mania and capture of Bucharest
IT - '.' T 'H I
V" riw';r7 'WJ "'."' n
A 9 I
t ? ' 1 1
VSv s-f i
if ...
Petty Trinmphf Make Some
rolkg Believe Their Merit
Calif for Monument.
By A. R. GROH. (
"Oh, why should the spirit of mortal
be proud f"
But the spirit of mortal is proud and
the smallest spirits of mortals are usu-
(CmIIbmsJ Irw Pac On.)
rrninsT o as to make a sue-1 ally the proudest. .
cessfuT retrial Impossible, and the at- Isn't it the most astounding thing
to ODservc mo aira put uu iun
mortals when they attain a little suc
cess? I have seen this weakness
among writers. A young chap gets a
few stories into the fiction magazines
torney general says "the criminal pro
ceedings will not DC lurtner prose
The report says considerable prog'
u has been made in the eovern
ment suits against the Southern Pa
cific railroad affecting title to oil
lands. The lands involved in the Mi
gstion, Mr. Gregory says, aggregate
with his name blaxoned upon them
and immediately his ego swells tre
mendously. The smaller the intrinsic
worth of the man the bigger his ego-
150.000 acres, said to be worth $500r tism grows. He fancies the world is
IHKiftfK) . - . 1 stoooinst to ask. "Who is this brilliant
Enforcement of the white slave 1 writer who has burst like a blazing
traffic law led to 494 indictments, 334 sun above the , horizon of common
convictions, 54 cases nolle prossed, I things? What insight Into human
43 acquittals' and 400 cases still pend- character he has! What descriptive
mg. Since the law was passed there power I What technique!
have been 1.537 convictions, sentences I Svmntoms of the disorder may
aggregating 2.468 years and fines to- show themselves In the cultivation of
tilling ii,uou. legislation is nrgeo long hair or tne wearing 01 a tunny
to enable wives to testify against
heir husbands.
Despite country-wide Investigation
of reported breaches of neutrality and
' other criminal acts arising from the
war, many of the cases were found
to have violated state rather than
federal laws. Most of the olots in
volved difficulty in obtaining evi
dence, The Mexican situation has
led to 13 indictments, affecting 60
necktie or the adoption of some other
idiosyncrasy (or idiocity) suitable to
greatness and genius. He, indeed,
"bears his blushing honors thick upon
He forgets the great herd of writ
ers of his own smalt caliber, each
struggling to ' get something across,
each feeding his petty vanity by see
ing his name at the head of a story
in a magazine that will be forgotten
"Mere plotting alone," says the re
port, "is not criminal. Planning or
preparation in this country of a mili
tary expedition designed to start
from a point outside this country
seems not to be forbidden by law.
Hence many activities which produce
constant friction cannot at present be
Corset Stays Found
persons, of whom 25 have been eon. orever next month. This amazing ex
ample of colossal vanity revolves in
his tiny orbit, fancying himself an
heroic figure on the world's stage
when he is simolv a fester.
Even the great authors whose
works have survived the ravages of
time are without respect in the eyes
of this small fry. I have heard two
of these hare-brained heroes telling
each other the fundamental failings of
Kipling and Dumas. There they sat,
smoking their pipes solemnly and
Y i ft m I temperamentally, ana toiu eacn outer
In Assman s ueil h,h5:Jthe wor,H' "LWt "?!;?!!
couia never live, men inc ihincm tu
the more interesting subject of their
own works, the story that one of them
had had in the September Nobody's
and the character study that the other
had had in the October winceys.
Each sipped the honeyed compli
ments of the other. The gods must
have laughed. .
Still, why scoff at these frogs, puff
ing up to be bulls? Let us laugh at
them. They are living Don Quixotes
and perhaps they have been placed in
Fremont, Neb,, Dec. 17. (Special.)
As the result of finding a number
of corset stays in the corridor of the
county jail here following a recent
visit of Mrs. Louis Assman, wife of
one oi the bank robber suspects being
held here on a charge of robbing the
Winslow State bank a week ago.
County Attorney Sidner has declared
that Mrs. Assman will have to limit
her visits in the future. Mrs. Assman
called up Friday and asked permission the word to amuse us common people
to call at the jail for a visit with her ln wnom tne d;Tjne fires of genius do
husband. She was told that she would pot burn '
not be allowed to see her husband as l th;m tn puff, J 00B't even
frequently as she had been in the ,,. them to. burst with puffing. Let
past Sheriff Condit is not able to them nve their little lives. Let them
say positively whp left thd stays there, en:oy ,nejr petty triumphs. Let them
but he has decided not to take any vitw themselves through the most
chances and is having the jail closely powerful magnifying glasses. I won't
point them to the ruck and ruin of a
thousand years in wnicn tne worm ui
scarce a score of writers have sur-
Neville Greets Many
Ma mli am af PnnMsAt I vfvert.
m V m cJLZZ ? H We will even learn a lesson from
n,ir"m r,2".v"rSS;4?'i:: these festers. We will learn to admire
eKrai.,.)-Governolect Keith Ne- nd ll.uh ,0
ville held an impromptu reception be- We ,etrn ,0" fr ?S 5 .m
fore the entrance to the lobby of the ter what our calling in life. And we
house todav. Reoresentative Sloan do- will learn that he serves best who does
ing the honors of presenting members his best always, without any vain de.
,.i .,!,... n ,hm aire ta "make a name for himself.
several of whom hsf served with his A great sage once said: I had
father, the late William Neville, in rather that future generations should
the Fifty-sixth and Fifty-eeventh con- ask why a monument had not been
gresses, Mr. Neville will leave for erected to me than that they should
Germans on the opposite slopes had
been ' taken in the rear by an- ex.
temnorirerl French flank movement,
The surorise was so great that both
the infantrymen and the gunners at
tempted to nee, ano rrcnen aviaiurs
turned the flisrht into a rout bv de
scending to within 100 yards of the
earth and emptying band after band
of machine gun cartridges into the
disorderly crowd, of which those re
maining alive surrendered.
Aided. by Another Wave. ,
- Mikinur their wav along the valley
behind Pepper Hill, the French ap
proached and took ixravemont wun
similar and untiring brilliance, in
which thev were supported by an
other French wave tnat had tougnt its
wav through the entanglements of
strongly fortified works in Caurieres
wood, just about tne center oi tne
, In front of Douaumont the advance
was equally rapid, but on the right
flank the torwara movement encoun
tered strong opposition in Hardau
mont wood, which was not overcome
until late in the afternoon, when
Besonvaux redoubt, about five kilo
meters in advance of the original
French front line, was taken from
the German garrison.
General Mangin was again the prin
cipal organizer of the victory in which
he followed his own example at
Douaumont and Fort Vaux by deliv.
ering irresistible blows at the chief
point in the Uerman lines and nam
mering until his opponents were
forced to give ground.
Watch Engagement
Generals Nivelle and Petain watched
the engagement, in which only four
French divisions participated, al
though it is know the Germane had
five divisiot.. engaged from every
regiment of which prisoners were
taken. '
It is reported without confirmation
that several of the German divisions
which took part in the fighting were
hurried from Koumama to rejoin the
crown prince's army and that they
were among those suffering defeat
The trench losses during the at
tack were unbelievably light. The
German artillery seemed to fire at
retflom. probably disorganized by
the absence of German airmen, who
were kept in complete subjection'1 by
the French aviators.
During the entire day not a French
airman was killed. On the other Land,
it is r ported that they destroyed
German observation balloon, which
probably accounts for a terrific burst
ot name toward noon facing JJouau-
mont The fort was the objective
of the German guns for hours, but the
projectiles did only slight damage,
The difficulties opposed to the
French advance may be realized from
the altitude of the hills which th
troops were ordered to take and suc
ceeded in capturing. Pepper Hill,
which 's double crested, is 1,122 feet
high; Louvemont u 1,ij8 feet high,
and another hill, unnamed behind, is
1,880 feet. The work of the French
aviators, like that of the infantrymen
and artillerymen, was carried out ev
erywhere with almost indescribable
uozens ot squadrillas of airmen
flitted about observing and correcting
the artillery fire and accompanying
the infantry formations in their ad
vances, after which they fled rapidly
Dacx to neaaquarters witn detailed re.
ports, thus keeping the commander-
m-cniet in closest touch with events.
Nebraska tomorrow.
inquire why one had been erected to
me." - -''-..-
SH KUM, Wlf Annus,
Rnrdar. Tut., Dm. IT. Attar Kdar4 O.
Stnu, promtnm itMklMl, bad bean shot
tnd killed han Uu teter, Mm Sim and
har trethar, Sidnay Jabaaea, Mrandei-M to
tka aharur. Both of tbara rva ap waapana
wbaa I bar wara takaa tola ettatadr. alma
aa4 ale wtta ka4 kaaa airanaa,
A Splendid Cough Medicine.
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
ions. Temperatures will be below Remedy a number of times during the
the seaaooable averaee the first Dart P" " ye" ,or 'd'
oi lie week, with warmer m the mid- coughs and hoarseness, and am
f part and colder after Thursday. pieaseo to say a naa always given roc
IprUinpi ICllCla WM-n.i viiauiwi
Iain's Cough Remedy a splendid medi-
tx, rtaa-Tw-Baajar will aaaa raw I cine and have recommended it to
mm anrmt I manv of mv friends, who have used it
au africswu. I and likewise praise it highly," writes
Mrs. W. r. r rant i, uoiden, w. I.
Snow is Billed for This
Section This Week
: Washington, Dec. 17. The weekly
forecast for the plains states and the
npper and middle Mississippi valley
says that fair weather will prevail un
til Wednesday or Thursday, when
local snows are probable in northern
mod rains or snows in southern sec-
Douglas County Offer
Of Space Appreciated
, (Pram a Start Carraapandaat)
. Washington, Dec. 17. (Special Tel
egram.l representative Lobeck
day presented to the officials of the
Good Koads commission of the Aeri
cultural department the tender of the
Board ot county commissioners
Douglas county to the federal gov
ernment ot the use ofMhrec rooms
the Douglas county court house,
should Omaha be selected as head
quarters for the states of Nebraska,
Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. Kepre
sentatives ot the commission were
J ileased to know of the interest Doug
as county was showing in the loca
tion of the division in the Gate City
Mr. Lobeck said he believed
generous offer of the commissioners
of Douglas county would have weight
in determining the location ot
midwest division.
Secretary Wilson Bays worn
Started by Immigration Bu
reau Has Outgrown It.
Waahinirton. Dec. 17. Expansion of
the government's public employment
service by creation of a separate bu
reau of employment within the De
partment of Labor, is the chief
recommendation ot aeotmj -son's
annual report made public to
day. The work, it is declared, nas
outgrown the facilities of the bureau
of immigration, irom wucro n
been directed. Beginning in a small
way in 1907 it now covers the country
through the Postoffice and other de
partments. The assistance of the Postoffice de
partment, Secretary Wilson says, has
been particularly helpful. Some 60,
000 postoffices are distributing blanks
which the seeker of a job fills out and
sends through the mails free of post
age. When applications of employers
and employes in tne mt ntisv.
hood enter the same postoffice the
postmaster brings them together
without forwarding the applications.
Co-operation With Municipalities,
rw feature of the employment
work emphasized in the report is the
Denartment of Labor's co-operation
with state and city public employment
work. The department's aim, it is de
clared, is to make the work "so ex
temive as to comprise the whole
country geographically and to em
hrare all its industries. Vet so m ten
sive1 as to discover every opportunity
for work, however obscure, and to
reach with 4 helping hand every wage
earner needing employment or want-
in or hotter emoiovment.
The department's attitude twoards
strike breaking is set forth in con
nection wun HP puuilb cmyiujiAMiiii
nnlirv in these words:
r ..J . . T .1 .U...1J
ine JLieparcrneni ot iaoot suuum
not make itself medium for convey
ing information of demands for wage
earners where labor disputes are the
cause of the demand, lhat there is
already a sufficient supply of labor
there is as true if it is unemployed on
account of a dispute over terms as if
it were unemployed trom lacK ot em
oiovment opportunties from other
Arbitrary Age Limit Wrong
Extension of the service is urged
tn nrnvide for the emoiovment of the
aged. Modern industrialism, it is de
clared, condemns to tne scrap neap
too many able-bodied and active
brained men, whose only defect is
their having passed an arbitrary age
limit. .
The report relates at length the de:
partmeht's mediation efforts during
the year and argues for collective
bargaining in matters of employment
"Large employers are usually incor
porated companies with many stock
holders of diversified industrial con
nections and with boards of directors
having intercorporate affiliations. An
individual wage worker is wean in
deed as s bargainer against such em
nlwara H mnfit take what thev of
fer or go without employment; and
going without employment means to
the wageworker what bankruptcy
means to the-business man, except
that it is immeasurably worse,"
Purpose of Department.
The department was created in the
interest of, the wage earner both or-
B-amzecr- and unorganized and its
great guiding purpose, Secretary Wil
son's deseriDtion of its oolicv de
clares; is promotion of the welfare of
the wage earner ot the United Mates.
'Tn the evernttnn of that numose.
the report says, "the element of fair
ness to every interest is oi cquai im
portance, and the department, in fact
French Lap Dog Makes Delicate
Morsel Upon Menu of Vagabond
From beneath the folds of a big,
warm cape, a tiny, silken-naireo
French noodle looked with pampered
disc'tin upon the world, as his uns
tress, a member of the Diaghileff Bal
let Kusse, carried him to the Audi
torium yesterday afternoon, accom
panied by a dozen or more members
of the famous company.
When the young woman reacnea tne
door she put her pet down, and in lov
ing Ku ,ian terms ot endearment per
mitted t' - tiny animal to walk a few
steps up-n its own frail legs. No
sooner r . '. she done so, however,
when a big vagabond dog, which had
been sniffing at a bone in the gutter
nearby, took one look and leaped. He
cauKht the aristocratic mite of dog-
dom by the scruff and commenced
shaking, him like a cat does a mouse.
For the next htteen minutes rn-
teenth street saw ballet Russe, im
promptu and ad libitum, interspersed
aVY CTa Maakaaaa
with vocalizations that would easily
have passed muster in grand opera.
All that was necessary to make the
picture complete was an opening over
ture. Incidental music was furnished
by the tiny poodle.
Things were looking black for the
little white dog when Patrolman Mul
doon came up aird took in the situa
tion. He separated the dogs by the
simple means of taking a crack at the
big one with his hickory club and
stunninir him. '
When the poodle was rescued, the
dancer who owned him crushed it to
her breast, crying as hysterically as
a Viothcr over the beside of an in
jured babe. The little animal's neck
was badly chewed.
The mistress cried choice Russian
malediction upon vagabond dogs and
carried iter pet inside for medical care
and Muldoon chased the cur, which
was still hovering about. ;
has made fairness between wage
earner and wage earner, between
wage earner and employer and be
tween employer and employer and be-
tw-an mi-U al1 th mihlif 9 a whole
the supreme motive of its activities.
Ine act ot its creation is construed
by it not only as a law tor promot-
; .. . U . ....If... ( ,1,. u0A arnta
11 J .lit HlllOlt n... " "B v.
of the United States by improving
tneir wonting conditions ana auvanc-
ing their opportunities tor prontaDie
Amnln.rmAnt Kt ,1 O ,nflim3lld fnt
lp,Wjr Kiw.i WW . . m --
doing it so in harmony with the wel
fare ot all industrial classes ana an
legitimate interests and by methods
tending to foster industrial peace
through progressively nearer realiza
tions of the highest ideals of indus
trial justice."
Brazilian Bark Lost
With Twelve Mqn
New York. Dec. 17. The Brazilian
bark Nethtis, with twelve men on
board, was lost during the snowstorm
Friday night off Barnegat on the New
iersey coast, according to Captain
loroes of the tug Garibaldi which ar
rived here late todav. The Nethtis
was a tow of the Garibaldi on its way
here from Maranham, Brazil.
Chinaman in Morgue;
Insisted on Ticket
Before Giving Wash
Texarkana. Ark.. Dec. 17. Jim
Kee, a Chinese laundryman, always
refused to surrender his patrons' ap
parel before they reciprocated with
the queerly marked ticket by which
he identified their bundles. His habit
of thirty vears is said by the police to
have been the indirect cause of his
death tonight, urover Dark-man, a
lawyer, and his brother, Clifford
D.J.n.n wr, 9-ratil rharo-efl with
his murder, the two Barkmans said
Jim Kee'i refusal to break a rule be
cause they did not have a laundry
oroA i miarfl antt that when
the Chinaman attacked Grover Bark-
man with a knite, mttord caritman
shot his brother's assailant.
Hanrr Asalnat Km barge
Waahlncton, Dee. It. Doaptta many tela
arama. lettera and oetitlona aaklns tha
house committee on rule! to provide for
legislation placing an embargo on food
stuffs, Chairman Henry of that committee
announced today that ha was "squarely
against any kind of an embargo on food
and shall do everything tn my power to
prevent such legislation."
Paris Hears His First Action
. Was to Ask for Sugges
tion of Terms.
Paris, Dec. 17. Emperor diaries of
Austria-Hungary is credited with hav
ing taken the initiative in the peace
move by the coalition ,of the central
powers, according to the Berne corre
spondent of La Liberte, on the
strength of information obtained from
political circles in touch with officials
of the central powers. The new em
peror, it is said, desired to inaugurate
his reign by an effort in favor of
peace. This worried the Berlin gov
hirh feared that the vountr
monarch' might prove an uncertain
any. .
The visit of Emperor William oi
Germany to Vienna, it is declared, was
not to attend the funeral of the late
mrrnmrir Kn, i, c (nr the ntirnnSC Of
having a personal interview with Em
peror L-harles. ine interview couiu
not be held on the day of the funeral,
but at the second conference at which
King Ferdinand of Bulgaria was also
present, Emperor Charles is supposed
to nave consented to a postponement
nf the nflfpr nf neare until after tthe
capture of Bucharest
London, Dec. 16. Dispatches trom
Switzerland say that Count Tisza, the
Mtino-at-iari nremier. has eone to Ber
lin to use his influence for peace.
Nebraskans Testify
In Paper Hearing
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Washington, Dec. 17. (Special Tel
egram.) Representative Sloan ap
peared today before the Federal Trade
commission, now engaged in hearings
on the cost of print paper, at the re
quest of Clark Perkins, editor of the
Aurora Republican and president of
the Nebraska Press association. Oth
ers at the hearing today were Victor
Rosewater, editor of The Omaha Bee;
Senator G. M. Hitchcock of the
World-Herald and Arthur Mullen,
who was a "looker-on in Vienna."
Mr. Rosewater was in town but a
few hours en route to Omaha.
t B a aalifal Atari nan '
were your Doy, uSera fa no
oKttatns) to winch yeas would
not to to snatch him from tha
ciatcksa of tha Whins Plague.
jjal I l I h haaaaaanMissilial.l,
Ria Ua oVapanda spaa anW rasiaad
ttSer salman Ailiiiiiaasa free at um
UMiaaatiita ae aaa
tsneaTitED CROSS
9 1
ISSi 31 the Self Starting
'SS?f IremingtonI I
i v x x
43 Bruaial TaaaU
Oaaaka Tol, Doag. SUO.
Pollemen, street car mn. mail oarnsra
anri kit nthftn who Mr en thtr fct con
stantly will b Interred In the auccessfnl
experiment of a Chicago policeman who has
solved the question of having comfortable
feet. This policeman stands at the lntersao
tlon Of two busy streets, directm traffic all
day. By night his feet used to torment htm.
MS couiun v imp u '"
thT nva him. Then he heard of Wa-Ne-Ta,
and finw ha ft uf font no more. Two or three
of these tablets in a bow) of hot water, a few
minuter .Mining, ana su in wronw m
sons, his feet cool, comfortable, easy and
happy. Ton can use Wa-Ne-Ta. with deitght-
tt sail anHaaantrn&liV rln. ToU Can Set
Wa-Ne-Ta from your druggist. It only cost
16 cents, if your oranm nmn it, w-j win
11 Band vnu m. svavmnl nackaSS if TOU Will
send us 10 cents to cover cost ot nacklng and
mailing to your aanre. muuvu
South Beno, ina.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25cat all druggists.
The Self Starter puts
a new steady stream
of "Go" into your
typed letters.
Lour typist doesn't have to watch the machine.1
She just keeps on typing.
Instead of a dozen halts per letter, the Self Starting Keys give
a dozen flying starts. The time thus saved amounts to from
15 to 25. It pays for the machine.
To learn more about this time-saving invention write for
descriptive folders. Address below, or 'phone
Grand Priu Pmtma-Puific Expuitkn
201-3 South'Nineteenth St Omaha, Neb. ' Phona Douglas 1284 .