If The Omaha Daily Bee Use the telephone for BEE WANT-ADS Telephone Tyler 1000 Easiest war. 1 VOL. XLVI NO. 157. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18. 1916. 0 Tntn. at H.l.u. Niwi Uutit, Ml.. St. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CONGRESS WILL FIGHT REPEAL OF EIGHT-HOUR BILL ARCHDUKE CHARLES BE COMES REGENT OF POLAND; FRENCH REPLY TO KAISER WITH GUNS GERMANY WANTS NO TRUCE DURING THE WEATHER Fair; Colder!" ' .... ,i v- TRICOLOR WAVES IN TRIUMPH OVER FIELD OF VERDUN Victory of French Complete and Crushing, Germans Smashed Back Almost to Where Their Great Drive Began. DEFENDERS ARE SURPRISED FINISHED HIS WORK AT VERDUN General Robert Nivelle, who hai been transferred from command at Verdun to succeed Joffre in command of the French armies of the west. He concluded his work at Verdun by a brilliant vic tory over the Germans on Friday and Saturday. V London Press P' . ) Victory at V a An Gallic PEACE PARLEYING Answer jace Offer Adamson Says Legislature Will 'Spank' Both Men and Roads if They Try to Take His Measure Off Books. HEARS OF SUCH ATTEMPT Plan for Investigation of Threatened Strikes Will Result From Conference. FINAL AGREEMENT IS SEEN Washington, Dec. 17. Reports that railroad and brotherhood heads in peace conferences have planned to propose the repeal of the Adamson act and the submission of a work ing agreement of their own making for it, today aroused Representative Adamson, author of the law, to de clare that congress would "spank both sides to the controversy if necessary. Mr. Adamson is willing to co-operate in any plan employes and employ ers may evolve for the interpretation of his law, but will appose vigorously repeal of it. ' "The measure was passed in good faith and it is a constitutional enact ment regulating hours of labor and not wages," he said. "Let the roads and their men settle their wage dis putes. "Congress will see that the public gets a fair deal. If it becomes neces sary o spank both sides we'll spank 'em, iiiough 1 hope that won't be necessary." More Eager for Peace. Representative Adamson says tne result of the presidential election made the employers more eager for near than thev were last fall and that the growing belief that the presi dent stands tor a compulsory arDiira. tion law has put the brotherhood lead ore in a rnnriliatorv frame of mind. Neither labor nor congressional leaders here have official reports as to jut what phases ot the railway situation the conterees nave ianen up, Belief is current, however; " con gressional circles that the foremost feature of the final agreement will be an interpretation of th Adamson law so satisfactory to both sides that the suit to test the act's constitutionality now before the supreme court made hp withdrawn. A plan for the investigation of threatened strikes also is expected to result from the deliberations. Labor is determined that - no compulsory raTtttmknf,rW-ShaH a Wlkt arttfuU books, but realizing that the president determined to prevent strike crises without investigation,they will exert every ettort to aran a compromise plan that will have his endorsement. Will Seek FuU Consent ? 7 Mr. Adamson will make an attempt in the house"f3morrow to get unani mous consent for action on his reso lution designed to provide for a con tinuance of the life of the Newlands commisison investigating al phases of the transportation problem until January 1, 1918. Friends of the state regulation of railroads are expected to oppose the resolution vigorously. As surance ot the president s desire to have the resolution adopted is ex pected to be sufficient to carry it through the house. ' Fremont Young Man Accidentally Shot Fremont, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.) The body of James Keeler, a Fre mont boy, was found on a sandbar in the Platte river near Ames by his brother, Henry, and a cousin, Irving, Kecler who had searched for him for several hours. Mr. Keeler had evi ' dcntly met his death through the acci dental discharge of his shotgun. He left the camp Friday morning and when he failed to return late in the afternoon the search was instituted, which was terminated by darkness. It was resumed Saturday morning and the body found about 10 o'clock. Cor oner R. E. Van Metre and officers brought the body to Fremont. Mr. Kecler is survved by his parents, three brothers and three sisters. He was 25 years old. Friedrich Wilhelm Breaks the Blockade Berlin, Dec. 17. By Wireless to sayville.) The German steamship Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, which had dccii anchored at Odde, near Bergen. Norway, since the beginning of the war, has arrived at Stavenger, accord ing to a dispatch from Christiania, 'after having broken the British blockade outside Bergen." The Weather Hours. Ieir. I ft. m 2g S a. m 27 7 ft. m 27 8 ft. m 2 9 ft. m 26 10 s. tn 27 11 ft. m 2ft 12 m 21 1 p. m 20 2 p. m 20 a p. ro.... 30 4 p. m. 30 D p. m 27 t p. m 26 7 p. m 21 ConiiwrftUvs Local Rword. 1016. 115. 1H. ISIS Hlrhat yesterday... 10 16 20 43 lowest yesterday. . . , 21 ' 0 , 2 Mean temperature... 26 - 12 10 26 Precipitation T .00 T .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature 27 Deficiency for the day 1 Total exceca since Harca 1 332 Normal precipitation .01 inch Deflolency for the day 02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1. .. 16.14 Inches Deficiency since Maren 1. .. ...12.70 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 101S. 1.16 Inches , Deficiency for cor. period, 1014. S.71 Inches "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, ftteteuroloflat. 1 s I . 41 tHMMMMHIHIMi Archduke Charles of Austria, who has been selected as regent of the newly formed kingdom of Poland, with the oossibility of later election as king. The archduke has possibly more claim to tne nonor than any other Teuton royalty, in view of the fact that his two daughters are mar ried to members of the Polish aris tocracy, Prince Radziwill and Prince Czartoryski. GREAT LIBRARY VAST STOREHOUSE Thousands of Volumes Being Added to Congressional Collection. MANY TREASURES THERE Washington, Dec. 17. Gifts from many sources have brought more than 28,000 volumes to the library of congress during the year, and com prised more than one-fourth of the additions to its shelves: Retaining its place as the third greatest library in the world, and the greatest in the western world, the library now con tains 2,451,974 books, 154,200 maps and charts, 770.248 volumes and pieces of music and 392,905 prints. For large additions to the Chinese, Japanese and Korean collections the library acknowledges debt to Dr. Walter T. Swingle of the Bureau of Plant Industry, who visited the far .jtast. in .1915jtyd..pHrtAasedPBbelilf. of the library a total of 5,892 volumes, including early Chinese books printed from blocks; Chinese .historical and descriptive works covering the period of first contact with Europeans; early Chinese dictionaries and encyclo pedias; Chinese works on natural his tory and pharmacopoeias; geographi cal works; the writings of Confucius and the works of famous scholars; and a good copy of the oldest Ja panese printed work extant, probably dating from the beginning of the thir teenth century; and a large collection of the writings, of Kaibara, the Ben jamin Franklin of Japan. . The Lincoln documents which have been presented- to the library are of exceptional interest, These consist of the original draft of Lincoln's sec ond inaugural address, and his two drafts of the Gettysburg address pre sented by Clarence L. Hay, who had them from his father, the late John Hay; and a memorandum as to the improbability ; of his re-election, presented by Miss Helen Nicolay. As a rule the American composer and the American music publisher are beginning to prefer the national to a local library as the permanent cus todian of manuscript scores. The chief of the music division records not only gifts of autograph scores of. American composers, but promises of gifts to come. In the document division an effort was made to complel. the files of of ficial publications of the Latin-American countries, and it was excep tionally fruitful through a visit to these countries by the law librarian, Dr. E. M. Borchard. The library's collection of Latin-American docu ments may now be considered one of its important features. A number of Yiddish books came to the library in the two Deinard col lections. The Yiddish literature in the United States assumes a re spectable place as compared to other literature: and even if the oredictions of some come true that the Yiddish tongue will be dead before long, the Yiddish literature will still offer a wide and interesting field for his torians, philologists, and students of comparative literature. The portion of the library now classified under the new classification contains 1,548,500 volumes. Great progress has been made in eliminat ing remnants of the old classification. Depository libraries containing complete sets of the Library of Con gress catalogue cards now number forty-eight, while forty libraries of the United States government have partial depository sets. The adoption of a uniform type for the use of the blind seems imminent to the assistant in charge of the read ing room for the blir.d. It is antici pated that an agreement may be ar rived at between the British and American co-workers which will re sult in the solution of this problem. In the forty-five years during which the copyright work has been, a part of the business of the Library of Con- fress, the number, of entries totalled 932.J97. , During the last nineteen years the net receipts of the office above expenses for service, were 40,688.40. Nine-Year-Old Youth Drowns at Beatrice Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special Telegram.) Kenneth Huston, the 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Huston, was drowned this afternoon while skating on Indian creek. YET RECEIVED London, Dec. 17. The foreign of fice announced before closing today that it had not yet received the peace note and the prominent officials dis claimed knowledge of its contents be yond what the newspapers had pub lished. The French victory at Verdun is acclaimed by all the London papers as the French reply to the German emperor's speech to his troops in Alsace and' Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg's claim of the invincibility of German arms. The opinion in the British press as reflected in the latest editorials are almost Unanimous that the least the government can do is to make a state ment on the allies' aims and objects or ask for the presentation of the Ger man terms. The weekly reviews, including the financial organs, take the same line as do also the provincial papers. The only notable exception has been the NorthclifTe group, which immediately urged that Great Britain should ignore the proposition. It appears to be the consensus of opinion that the allies should not con sider entering into a conference until they know approximately the central powers' policy and unless they con sider that that policy contains the seeds for agreement. The Russian re jection of the overtures was published too late for comment by the morning papers. All the afternoon papers re frain from expressing their opinion thereon. Premier Lloyd George's first ap pearance in the House of Commons in his new capacity as prime minister may be delayed until the government is in a position to pronounce a definite statement of its policy toward the negotiations. Heirs of McLean Agree on Division Of Great Estate Washington, Dec. 17. Edward B. McLean, son of the late John R. Mc Lean, Washington and Cincinnati publisher, and the executors of the McLean estate today asked the local supreme court to ratify an agreement which would end the suit brought by young McLean to break the terms of his father's will. The agreement proposes that Mr. McLean shall, have complete control of flit ihcbme'-lrom "the McLean for tune and be recognized as the head of the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Washington Post. Under the terms of the will Mc Lean was to have received a minimum of $25,000 a year from his father's estate and the management of the properties was left almost entirely to trustees. Under the agreement which the court was asked to ratify today, McLean- would receive an income esti mated It ranging from $700,000 to $1,000,000 a year and stipulates that the executor and trustees will at all times consult with him on the man agement of the estate and afford him freest access to its books. Tractors, Trucks or Mules, Which Best? Funston Will Learn San Antonio, Tex., Dec. 17. Major General Funston has ordered a test of pontoon transportation to decide whether the best method is mules, motor trucks or caterpillar tractors. the test will be made hrst at rort Sam Houston and vicinity and later further west where the roads through the unsettled districts are almost im passable. Hitherto the only method of the United States army for pontoon transportatiort was by mule and it re quires usually fourteen wagons drawn by htty-six miles to carry a division unit. Dr. Clark, Pioneer Dentist, Is Dead Dr. F. C. Clark died Sundav morn ing at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. F. J. Despecher, 3872 Franklin street, where he had made his home for many years. Dr. Clark was 88 years old and had been a resident of Council Bluffs, where he practiced dentistry from 1866 until 1907, when he retired from active practice. He was a son of a revolutionary war soldier, a native of Maine and a descendant of the Clark who came to this country on the Mayflower. He went to California in 1849, where he practiced his profes sion in the late '50s. Dr. Clark is survived by three daughters, Mrs. F. J. Despecher, Oma ha; Mrs. H. A. Wedge, Cozad, Neb., and Mrs. Paul Sauer, jr., Kansas City, Mb., and a son, W. N. Babbitt, Coun cil Bluffs. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 p. m. under the auspices of Excelsior lodge No. 259, Masons. Burial in Fairview cemetery. Services at the residence in Omaha will be private. Members of Austria's New Cabinet Named Amsterdam (Via London), Dec. 17. Austria's new cabinet as published in the Cologne Gazette is composed as follows: Premier, Alexander Spitzmueller; minister of interior, von Handel; minister of defense, F. von Georgi; minister of education, von Hussarek; minister of justice, von Schenk; mini ster of railways, Dr. Z. von Forster; minister of finance, F. von Wimmer; minister of labor, von Arnka; minister of Agriculture, Zeydler; minister for Galicia, Michael Bobrzynski. NOTE' Kaiser Does Not Favor Cessa tion of Fighting, But Con ference at Which Belliger ents Will State Terms. STATEMENT OF JOURNAL Meeting Will Be Held at Hague Middle of January, Says Frankfurter Zeitung. NOT TO DESTROY ANYBODY London, Dec. 17. Telegraphing from Copenhagen, the correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph company quotes the Frankfurter Zeitung as saying: "Germany does not want a cessa tion of fighting, but merely a confer ence at which all the belligerents shall openly state their peace proposals. "A conference will be held at The Hague about January 15. .Wm'e the conference is in session all the bel ligerents will be allowed to continue military operations." Definite Communication. Berlin, Dec. 17. (By Wireless to Sayville.) "Some sections of the for eign press and especially newsnaoers in hostile countries," says the Over seas News agency, having declared that the central powers ought to have added definite peace proposals to their peace offer, the Overseas News agency asked a distinguished German diplo matist for his opinion on this point. His answer aws: " 'The German note to the entente governments contains a very definite communication as to the spirit of the peace conditions which the central powers would bring to the proposed negotiations. Would Destroy No One. " 'The central powers base these proposals on the conviction that their own rights and just claims today are not in contradiction to the rights of other nations. In addition, the central powers declare they do not want to annihilate or destroy anybody and that the peace proposals will be of such a nature as to guarantee the establishment of a lasting peace. " 'To go farther in outlining the peace conditions would have meant a handicap to the central powers in case (contrary to what some newspapers in hostile countries have declared) the hostile governments decided to enter Into negotiations or discussions.- It is a self-evident truth that nobody could come to such negotiations with tied hands while th; hands of the other party were completely free."' : Roumania Not to Rise Again. Amsterdam (Via London), Dee, 17. The Vossische Zeitung says that a territorial rearrangement based upon the idea of the independence ot Kou mania is no longer to be considered. This statement is followed by a decla ration that Russia will receive Mol davia as an equivalent for a consider able territorial sacrifice, which is to be demanded of it. Poland, the article, adds, is to be made into an independent kingdom, Courland is to become a German fed eral state, Lithuania is to be incor porated in Prussia, Dobrudja is to be returned to Bulgaria and Wallachia is to be divided between Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria. Bandits Rob Victim And Then Make Him Give Them Joy Ride To be robbed of $42 in cash at the point of a gun and then compelled to give the two bandits a joy ride of several blocks and abandon his car, was the experience Saturday night of Mack McCashen, 38J0 North Seven teenth street, a driver for Burgess Nash. McCashcn was ordered to stop his car by two masked men at Sixteenth and Pratt streets. ' He was covered with a gun by one of the men, while the other searched his pookets. Then both the men jumped into the auto and forced their victim to drive them around. When they reached Seven teenth and Emmett streets, McCashcn was forced to abandon the car. C. H. Curtin, 2107 North Twenty- eighth street, reported to the police that he was strong-armed on Capitol avenue between Thirteenth ai.d Four teenth streets and robbed of $22. Leroy Mitchell, colored, was arrested as a suspect. h. C. Schemer of Bentley, la., lost $60 or $65 to a pickpocket at Four teenth and Douglas streets. Three Autos Stolen By "Joy Riders" Three automobiles were stolen in Omaha Saturday night. Joyriders took a runabout owned by II. (j. Rogers. 5419 Florence boulevard, at that address and left it at Thirtieth and Kansas streets. A. P. Trussell, Fort Crook boulevard, reported that his car was stolen from Sixteenth and Douglas streets and I. Jensen. 4202 Valley street, reported the theft of his machine trom the same place. Mullen Stays Over To See President (From a Stuff Corrwpondrnt. I Washington, Dec. 17. (Special Tel egram.) National Committeeman Mullen, the democratic boss of Ne braska, had expected to go home to morrow with Governor-elect Neville, but President Wilson indicated a wish to see Mr. Mullen on Monday, there fore, the "king having commanded," Mr. Mullen will not leave, for Omaha until Monday night or Tuesday. GENERAL J MSlWrJ HOMESTEAD LANDS NEARLYALL TAKEN Reclamation Service Adds Five Thousand Farms to Avail able List During Year. INDIAN DEATHS INCREASE Washington, Dec. 17. Public lands in the United States are being taken up by homesteaders ' in rapidly in creasing quantities . as shown in the annual report of Secretary of the In terior Lanemed jmhlic today; Ttfetr ty million acres were claimed by pri vate owners in the year ending with June 30, as against 17,000.000 for each of the preceding two years and a still smaller average for previous years. Of the 250,000,000 acres of public land still left in the -United States much is in the arid region. The rec lamation service carried on construc tion work on twenty-four irrigation projects, completing ten and adding 5,000 tarms to territory tor which ir rigation water is available. Irriga tion water is actually going now to nearly 20,000 farms. X he report emphasizes the work ot the Indian bureau, whose health cam paign, it is declared, has cut the death rate among Indians seven in one thousand. The bureau has conducted a campaign to save Indian babies by giving Indian mothers proper care. Hospitals were constructed and addi tional physicians were employed in the health campaigns. Work of Indian Schools. Work in the Indian schools was re vised to reduce the hours of academic work and to increase the number given to vocational training. Indian moneys carried on deposit In state and national banks during the year, the report says, amounted to $22,000, 000; new regulations were made for leasing oil lands of the Osage nation at a high rate, which, the report es timates, in the first year will pay $700,000 in royalties; 90.000 acrev of Indian lands were sold for $1,666,000 and 16,000 acres were purchased fc landless Indians. A section of the report dealing with the pension office shows 709,572 names on the pension rolls at the end, of the year, a decrease of 38,575 for twelve months. Civil war soldiers on the rolls numbered 362,277. Deaths of civil war soldiers during the year numbered 34.252. The amount paid for pensions for the year was $159,- 155,000 against ?l05,5i,uuu lor tne previous year. A patent office report gives the number of applications for patents during the year as 70,000. Forty-eight thousand were granted. Bureau of Education. The Bureau of Education report recommends formation of a division of commercial education and a divis ion for the education of exceptional children. Investigations are urged looking to the education of the adult illiterate, and better education for the children in the home. Commendation is bestpwed on the work of the Bureau of Mines in de veloping methods of testing low grade complex gold, silver, lead and zinc ores which, it is claimed, prom ise to rejuvenate mining in certain parts of the country and make valu able millions of tons of ore that now cannot be treated. The bureau since its organization has trained 41,000 miners in mine rescue work. Agricultural possibilitie of Alaska still are a matter of conjecture, al though in some parts of the territory the hardier cereals and vegetables are being grown. Completion of the rail road now being constructed from Seward to Fairbanks will do much for the development of Alaska, the report says. Bartenders Hold Their Annual and Last Hop The Omaha Bartenders' union held its annual and final hop last night. Plans of the members to embark in some other fields of endeavor were discussed. YODER IS GIVEN BAG BYTEACHERS County Superintendent for Decade Makes His Last Appearance. ; PROF. CALDWELL SPEAKS W. A. Yoder, who will step out of the County superintendent of schools' shoes in January, 1917, after having .served in the office for a decade, was Ijreseijied. with a traveling ig bit th county ' teachers at the semi-annual meeting at the court house yesterday. It was Mr, Yoder't last appearance before the county teachers' body be fore he steps out of office. Superintendent Yoder in his fare well speech reviewed the progress of the county school system during the last ten years and spoke of the many improvements which have been made along educational lines during his term of office. He mentioned the pleasant associations of the time he has been in office and thanked the teachers for their co-operation. Thomas C. Crogan, president of the County. Teachers' association, made the presentation speech when the traveling bag was handed over to the retiring superintendent. He re ferred to Superintendent Yoder as a friend of the teachers above all and spoke of his efforts to constantly bet ter educational conditions in Dcuglas county. A paper was read by Prof. H. V. Caldwell of Lincoln, . head of the American history department at the University of Nebraska, on the sub ject, "Educational Problems." Prof. Caldwell said that new prob lems are to be met with constantly because of the scientific and educa tional progress of the world, pointing out that the advantages of today are way ahead of what they used to be, by reason of the telegraph and tele phone, automobiles, good roads, daily newspapers and other things in mod ern day life. . Short talks on the general subject, "Relation of the School to the Com munity," were made by M. A. Sams, superintendent of schools at Valley, and Anna E. Meyer and Bird Clay baugh, teachers. . Thomas J. Keenan, who will suc ceed Mr. Yoder as county superin tendent of schools, was introduced. He made a short talk. In the neighborhood of 100 teachers from all parts of the county attended the meeting. Will Dedicate t Dairy Building Lincoln, Neb., Dec, 17. (Special.) The State Dairymen's association will hold the most important meeting of their history in the new dairy building on the state university farm, Lincoln, on January 17, 18 and 19, 1917. On Wednesday evening will be held the dedicatory services of the new $200,000 building at which Chan cellor Avery will preside. A splendid program of addresses will be provided by Hon. B. H. Rawl, chief of the United States dairy division; the Uni versity Regents. A. L. Haecker, for mer professor of dairy husbandry and Prof. J. H. Frandsen, now in charge. Music will be furnished by the Uni versity Glee club. Every person inter ested in dairying should be present at these meetings and survey the oppor tunities offered for scientific dairy education by the state of Nebraska. . Scarcity of Fuel Is Felt All Over Europe Geneva, Switzerland (Via Paris), Dec. 17. The question of a fuel sup ply is becoming more serious through out all Europe each month, according to Swiss newspapers. Tenton Legions Battle Desper ately, But Are Unable to Stem Tide. NIVELLE HERO OF THE DAY Paris, Dec. 17. As his last act be fore assuming the chief command of the French armies on the western front General Nivelle today smashed the German line east of the Meuse along a front of six mile). The vic tory has advanced the French posi tions two miles and they are now within a short distance of where the Germans stood at the outset of the great Verdun drive, i The military authorities' describe the victory as complete and crushing and carried out without a hitch.- Nearly 9,000 prisoners were taken. Since his last great stroke when the blood-soaked ruins of Fort Vaux and Douaumont fell once more into the hands of Verdun's defenders General Nivelle has been quietly pre paring to push his advantage by an attack on a larger scale. Men and guns had been assembled, shells piled and everything was in readiness for the moment he should see his oppor tunity. Then the, blow fell -like a thunderbolt. - Curtain of Steel Hurled. A terrific artillery fire flattened the . German defense, then the guns were elevated and threw a curtain of steel behind which the infantry from every trench from Pepper Hill to beyond Damloup dashed forward on an enemy still stunned by the bombard ment. In places the Germans gallantly strove to hold their ground, but Gen eral Nivelle's dispositions were so well mads that they were generally powerless to stem even momentarily the tide. One after another Vacherau ville and Louvemont villages, Cham brette farm and the Hardamount and Besonvaux works fell without the de fenders 'having time to carry away either guns or material and prisoners began. Jo atrearn strnlily tcarward to pens prepared for their reception. , Germans Beaten. Pepper Hill, Verdun Front, Friday Dec. 15, Via Chantilly. Dec. 16. (From Staff Correspondent of The Associated Pre.) A short sharp battle brought to the French today their third smashing victory, within two months in the vicinity of Ver- : dun. Every objective of the French commanders was obtained. Although the German offered a desperate defease, they were like clay in the hands of the French troops, who squeezed them into any shape they liked. Thousands of German prisoner poured into the French lines during the day, including 200 officers, and are still arriving. The total count already is 7,500. One division alone captured more than 1,200 Germans within an hour. More than eighty cannon were captured or destroyed. : Three Village Taken. The villages of Vacherauville, , Louvemont and Besonvaux and Hardaumont wood now are in French hands.- -.. .:,-. The front was ten kilometer long When the lighting ceased, owing to the darkness, the French advance had exceeded an average of three kilo meters along the whole front, at vari ous points reaching further out. The battle began at 10 o'clock in the morning, with the left flank of the French opposite Vacherauville and the right flank on Fort Vaux. As the church clock struck the hour every French gun opened a storm of steel, placing every shot im mediately behind the German front line. Meanwhile the French infantry made one of its characteristic dashes and reached Vacherauville, where they drove the German from house to house until the village was entirely in their hands. - ' . . "Bethmann's Bowl" Pierced. Advancing beyond the village, the French attacked a German trench known as "Bethmann's Bowl," which was pierced, after a hard fight, and its occupants made prisoners. Then, up thff slopes of Pepper Hill the in fantrymen could be seen making methodical progress, until at exactly an hour from the start the twin crests of this height had been swept clear of the Germans and the rock ets announced the French were estab lished there. In the meantime the (Continued FBe Two, Colomn Throa.) The Result of Best Results at the Lowest Cost is a gain in paid want ads, greater than the com bined gain of the two other Omaha papers. Last Week 1,216 Total for 1916. . .55,849 To get the Greatest. Returns for the least money , Call Tyler 1000 You are as close to Th Baa Want- Ad Dept. a your phone is to you. 1