6 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 17, 1916. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Stronger Tone in Cash Wheat Market Brisk Demand Boosts the Prices. FUTURES MARKET STRONG Omiln, December 16, The rash wheat ilttutton developed much atronrer tone and n advancing fu lure market counted with a rood cash de mand, caused an advance of 3tp6fl In thli market. The advance todiy wu about ine best that wheat haa had tn several daya and the trade waa very active, with aell era Knowing a wllllngneei to aell at the nrevalHnr nrtcra. The bulk or the receipt were of food quality and moat of the mllllna aradea were rjuii-Kiy laKen up. the buyers paying from SJ.f to 11.11 for the No. S hard, and from 11.671 to II. 0 for No. X hard wheat. There waa, nowever, a comparatively good Inquiry for the poor er grade and both the No. 4 and aampU grades were good sellers, No. 4 hard bring ing $l.&4l.fi7tt and the sample, 11.47 0 l.M. Corn waa also strong, at mtfSc higher, and the cash demand for this cereal wai excellent at the prevailing prices, me ae mand for the better grades oj corn wai carttrularlv active, the white variety Ing around 8tjp87r, while the commercial grades ot yellow and mixed sold. In most InilmnrM. at HfikVe. Oats followed the advance in wheat and earn and aold about IUo higher. Put inue pendently of the other market, the demand for cash oata wan very good. No. I white was quoted at 61c, standard sold at 60 c and the bulk of the samples, which graded No. 1 white, sold at 0tj&0c. There was an active trade In rye teady price and barley waa quoted un changed Clearances were, wheat and flour equal '. to 466,000 bushels ; oorn, 20,000 bushels ; aal. 2A0.600 bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged; corn, unchanged to tta lower. Primary wheat receipts were 106,000 bushels, and shipments 616.000 bushels againat receipts of 1.327.000 bushels, and shipment or iiz.oov bus nets last year. els, and shipments 607.000 bushels against receipt of 1,401,000 bushels, and shipments of 422.900 bushels last yesr. Primary oats receipts were Ctl.OOO bush Is, and shipments 164.000 bushel against receipt of K42.000 bushels, and shipments of 174,000 bushels last year. C Aft LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn Oats. Chicago 171 111 102 Omaha, It 104 60 Kansas City Ill 61 11 BL bouts 16 15 11 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 cars, M1: 1 car, 1.60; 1 tun, $1.60. No. I hard winter: S cars, 1-I0; 1 1-6 cars, It. 68; 3 car. II. 6m; 1 cars, 1.61; 1 car, 11.67. No. 4 hard winter: I car, 11.67; 1 1-6 cars, 11.64. Sample hard winter: 1 car, 91,11; 1 car, 1.60; 1 car, $1.47. .No. 4 spring; 1 car, 91.63. No, 1 miied: 1 ear, $1.66. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, $1.60; t cars, 91.61; 1 car, $1 67; 1 car. $1.66: 1 car. 91-64. No. 4 , mixed. 1-6 oar, $1.61. Rye No. I: 1 csr, $1,11; I oars, $1.10. No. 4: 1 1-6 cars, 91.36. CornNo. 1 white, t cars, 17a. No. t white, 1 car, 9640, No. 4 white, 1 car, 6c. No. t yellow, cars, 6c; 1 car, 66c, No. 2 yellow, 1 car, Uc; 1 car, 9644c; I cars. c. No. 4 yellow, I oars, 16c. No. S yel low, l oar, tc; No. 1 mixed, 1 car, 88 c. No. 9 mixed, 1 car, ttai 11 cars, 6o, No. 4 mixed, 1 car, Ittfco; 1 car, 66c, No. 6 mix ed, 1 oar, 16 He Oats No. I white, 1 car, lie Standard. 5 cars, 60 He, No. 1 white, 4 cars, 60 a; 1 car, 60c. No. 4 white, 1 car, ftOc; 4 cars, 69c. Sample white, 1 cars, 41 Ho, Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard, 91.6fH01.61; No. 9 hard, 91.67fltl.60; No. 4 hard. $1.6401. 67H; No. I spring, 91.660 1.43; No. I spring, 91.6101.64. Corn: No, I white, S40a7c; No. 1 white, S6 0 46a; No. 4 white, 86H 086ttc: No. 6 white, 160 Uc) No. 6 white, 64086Hc; No. I yellow, 8tiH016c; No. 1 yellow, 140810; No. 4 yellow, 96 0 86c; No. 6 yellow, 844 086a; No. 6 yellow, 84086c; No. I mixed, 840 MUe; No. I mixed, 160160, No. 4 mixed, I&086U.O; No. 6 mixed. l4U086Vfcc: No. $ mixed, 84016HO. Oats: No. J white, 69H041c; standard, 60tp60o: No, 8 white, 6O06QHc; No. 4 white, 4606Ot4c. Barley: Malting, 81 00 01.10; No. 1 feed, 86 0 640. Rye: , No. 1, $1.9101.31 No. 9, $1.9001.11. Omaha Future Market. The wheat market assumed a bullish ton and the market advanced on reports that the Russian government would not accept the peace propoaals and also because of the fact that the trade Is Inclined to doubt the probability of an early settlement. May wheat opened strong at 11.14 H 0 1.66 H, fcnd the market later reached $1.60, a 9o gain over the closing prices of yesterday. m corn situation was strong ana snow ed good gains on both the December and May option, December closing at 96 Wo and May at 88c. The oata market was sympathetic and showed a marked tendency to follow the other markets. December oats closed un changed and May, which caused most of the trade In this article, closed lo higher. ijui-ai rariKP m upnon Art. I Open. High. I Low.) Close, j Tea Wht. " lec 1 46 MM 141 I 61 149 May I 66H 1 4 164 1 68 161 July 1 18 1 81 111 98 116 Corn Iec. - 94 16 14 66 18 May 86 18 16 68 84 July SH 16 96 , 66 84 Oata i t Dec. 46 46 46l 46 46 May 49 j 60 49 60 46 Cblcago ulualng price, turnlshvd The Due by Logan A Bryan, stock end grain broker. 916 South Bliieenih street, Omaha: Art Open, High. 1 LowTTcio. Tea Wht I j j Deo. 1 60 0 49 111 146 181 141 May 1 64H5I 1 64 166 1 68 166 July l 40018 1 40 196 1 87 111 Corn. Dec. IOH0H 61 lH 61 17 May 9190 63 80 90 H 86 July 99 11 69 81 88 Oata. Dec 46 46 46 49 46 May 63051 69 51 61 0 July 60050 61 41 , 60 41 Pork, i Jan. IT 00 17 66 26 60 16 60 37 06 May 16 60 16 67 16 60 16 65 36 16 Lard. Jan. 16 11 16 10 15 60 16 01 11 10 May 16 SO 16 10 15 10 16 96 16 19 Jan! II 10 14 13 II TO 11 70 14 06 May I 14 10 14 20 14 05 14 07 14 17 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Trader Deeom Bull and Posh Up the Cereal Price, Chicago, Dee. 16. Wheat prices shot sky ward today, Impelled by the Russian duma'a rejection of peace and by announcements that the United Btates would not at present offer to mediate. After exrtted bulges that carried the market up 10c, quotations fluctuated widely and closed unsettled, 4c to 9c net higher, with May at 91. 63 to 61.69, and at ll.1T to 1.17. Corn gained le to Sc. and oata lo to 1H-'- There waa a setback of 10c to 10c In provisions. One of the most turbulent orenlngs since the war began was witnessed In the wheat pit.. It seems a If the crowd almost to a maa was rushing to buy on the assumption that peace waa yet far distant, and that the recent sever breaks In price were based on a ruinous mistake as to the outlook. Like a flash, all offerings to sell were grabbed at by hundreds of nearly frantic brokers, and the buying stampede continued until the Toluma ot transaction had reached a huge aggregate. The French victory In the Ver dun district added to the vehemence of pur chaser, but some degree of caution began lo be manifest after the rise was approach ing lie Reactions, however, proved brief and the bull were In a strong drive again during the last hour, when attention was focuaed largely on Washington dispatches. Indicating that Germany would withhold definite peace terms until the belligerents had agreed to a conference. Announcement of a revival of export busi ness counted to a material eitent In th up lift oT the wheat market. It was said that 1,600,006 bushels or more had been taken for Kurop within twenty-four hours, and that Important relief was at hand In the matter of Transatlantic shipping facllltle. For Baltimore alone ten steamers were re ported as due to arrive neat week to load grain. Corn strengthened with wheat, but moved more .aiowly, and kept as heretofore within nearly normal limits. Brasll waa restricted by scarcity of railway car and the conse quent scantiness of th movement from flrat hands. Oat showed llttl or no Independ ence from oorn. On the upturns, the lead ing concern were Inclined to sell freely. Lessening chance of peace made the provision market sag. Liberal supplies on hand as shown In the semi-monthly state ment of warehouse stock also were causes of depression. . Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 and 8 red and No, t and 8 hard, nominal. Corn: No. ft yellow, 92098c; No. 4 yellow, 600 91 He; No. 4 while. 61 He- Oat: No. 1 white, 6i0BlHc; standard. 61H06ic ftyo: So. 1, nominal. , Barley, 96c 0 1 M0 Seed: Timothy. 13.6006.60: clover. 112.00 17.00. Provisions: Pork. 821.60; lard. 916.60 Vie.ftft; nits, 813.20013.70. Butter Higher; receipt. 6.180 tubs; creamery extra, lee; extra fir Ft. 37037 He; firsts. 8436Hc; seconds. 32H033HC. Eggs Receipts, i,)76 cases; unchanged. Cheese Unchanged. Potatoes Receipts twenty-flve cers, un changfd. Poultry Unchanged to higher: llvp fowls. 17c; springs. 17c; turkeys, live. 23c; dressed, 21 He. NEW YORK (iKNKRAL MARKET. Quotations of (he Day on Various Leading i ommHimra. New Tork, Drc. 16. Flour Steady. Wht Spot, firm; No. 1 durum, 91.94 ; a. 2 hard. 11.76: No. 1 northern, nrnmh $1.88', No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 81.91 H- ntw rorx. Corn- Spot, firm; No. 2 yllow, 81.01 i. i., iew Torn, id -nay shipment. Osls Spot, strong; standard, 67 H 05ft. HHy Steady: No. 1. 8i.0fiiti.iA: K. 3I OO0I.O2H; No. 3, 90095c; shipping, 75 Hops Steady: state, commnn to rhntco 1916, 46ft60c: 1915. SftMc: Pacific cohri 191S. 12016c: 1915, 8011r. hiik Firm: uoaota. 44 49 46c: Ontra America, 42043c. LBniner firm; nemiocK firsts. fiic: sec onas, bbc. Provisions Pork, steady: mess. 131. COffl yt.va; mmiiy, iw.miww.w. short clear. $30.000,12.00. Beef, (uet ; men, $n.OO0 ismiiy. in,Difni,, i.ard, weak minnie west, iB.t;(f ie.7&. nutter strong; receipts. 6.334 tubs creamery, higher than extras at 40 U to 41 creamery extras. 40e; flrat. 37H039Hc wronai, 4D'V"C. bggs Finn: receipts, 3.336 cases: fresh gathered extra flratH, SOft&Io; firsts, 48 0 ivr; reingoraior suerlal marks, fane v. 24a 34Hc; refrigerator seconds to firsts, 320 c; nearoy nonnery wnites, fine to fancy, vice; nearuy nennery browns, bitHbtc. (.heese Steadier; receipts. 676 boxes state held sperla s, 34 He: state, avumu ia.i)-y, nviiK c, Poultry Alive, strong: f-hlcktm. anc fowls. 20021c; turkeys, 15023c. Drrsed, nrm ; rnicKens, 17 039c ; fowls, 16 22c lurKeys, tf30i?. OMAHA I.KNKKAI MARKET. Butter No I rresmer. tn cartons tubs, 3 He; No. 2, 36c. cneese quuianon by Urlau A Co.; Cheese Iniuorled flwlas. tf- rinmuii nwi. niocs bwiss azc; twin cheese ic; iripiei, siei GBISIcS. 27ci Vount Amerlrs. 29c; Hlue Label brick. 17c: iimT beraer. 27o: New Tnrk whit BKBF CUTS Riot: No. . 18Ue: Nn "C: NO. 1. llo. Io na: Nn 1 ''l- Nn v 17-c; No. 9. UHc Chucks; No. 1, HHc; . ivivi nv. m, c. riais No. l. no. 9. (uc; no. s, 100. flBH rresh: Catfish. 17a iht holihur fresh steamer. 16 He lb.: trout, lean. iImi in sun, no io.; saimon, lHo lb; herring, larga. dressed, 7 Ho lb.: black ba. nrid else. 12o lb.; black has, odd lse, 17c lb.: carp, dressed. o lb.; tllefltih, 11c lb.; red aiivr, uresaen, too id.; UlaCK OOQ. West ern. lOo lb.; croppts. 9012c lb.; flounders. ixo io.: sun nun. to id imi ian ih Frosen: Selkirk whit, pan. frozen, 13c lb. Warroad yellow pike, dressed, 14o lb.; War rosd yellow pike, rour.d. Ho lb ; Wgrroad picaerei, neauiess and dressed, llo Warroad pickerel, round. 9c lb.: hrrin. pan frosen, Ho lb.; fall salmon, UV lb.: nanuui, iso id. , wniting, odd isns. aklnned, try It. 12a lb.; smoked whlteflsh. chutm. o-id. basket, IRc lb.; kippered salmon. 10- umki, iso id.: Deeien snrimn. nnr in Zo; headless shrimp, per gal., 91.60. De licacies: una a roe. ner nalr. fiOn; rn mhuA each. lOo; lobsters, green. 6oc lb.; lobsters. uuueu. iv id. , juniDo irog legs, 11.86 do.; grass frog legs. 36o dos.; crab meat. lump. 92.76 gal.; oisma. Utile Neck, 91.60 per 100; clams, la. , 92.00 per 106; peeled hrlmp, 13.90 gal.; beadle hrlm-v ll.to Oysters Chesapeake standards. 81.4a ni gal. t Chess peaks selects. 11.76 per gal.; Northern standard. 81.66 per gal,; Northern selects 91 80 per cal.; Northern counts. 926 par gal,; Blua Points. 11.86 per 100; Cotulth. l ie per urn; scallop. 63.60 per gal. Oleomargerlna Natural color, imp in t minium, 14c; Challenge, isc; Kersey, lOHe; Lily. 19o Lincoln, l7o. White, par in. t Hnownak, Ho. Poultry Llvs rprlng. all sties. 14o: nana, id, ana up lie; nens, under 4 lie; old oo. llo: ducks. P. K. fat lo; gees. P. P. fat. 13c: turkeys. I lb. and over. Ifloi I to lu lb.. n; guineas. earn, sire; pigeons, per. doaen, 86c. Poultry. Alive florin, all sixes. I4u,n Dressed: Turkeys, dry picked. Nu. 1. bans ana u g turns, sua; old toms, lie: tur key. No. 1, 14c; duck, No. 1, lie; No. I. ivo; geest, no. i. 14c I old cooks. 13Uc other poultry at market uric. oranges v a is. , loos, nuts. 14.69 box: "a is 136 16.16 box; Vats. Hub, 86.6U box. Vais, IT, IRKS, 86,76 box; Vale, luOs, 116s. 160s, 96.00 box. Florida 13s. 13.76 box; Florida, litis, 94.00 box: Florida. 176s. Ml) Us. 416. 960a, 84.36 box. Navels, 90s. 100s. 136s. Sf.j ooxi navels. 16V. 66. IM) box: Navels. other six's, 96.96 box. Lemons, fancy, Suva, 860a. 16.r.e box: choice, lima. 6tia. I6.00 boi. Urapofrult, ifis, 94.00 box; 4a. 94.16 box; 94a, 14.76 box! 64s. 80. 96a. 93.00 has Urapes. Emperor. 81.60 orate; kegs, 84.76 Kent Malagas, extra onoico. 87, oh keg; fancy. s. so aeg; extra rancy. sa.uii aeg. Apples. Va York Imperials. 86.t bbl.; Mo. pip. pins, 84.09; R. R. Jonathans, 176s smaller. 91.76 box. Blue Ribbon Jonathans, larger, 81.V9 box; 176s. smaller, 81 H6 box. vgsioiea Potatoes. 81 89 bu.; sweet potatoes. Virginia, 64.60 bbl.: hampers. si. i namp, utiluna, Mpnnlsh, 81.09 orate, red, yellow, 4a lb. Tomatoes, 93.16 lug. Cucumbers, 93.UU dos. Cabbage. 3o lb Rutabagues, le up Turnips, carrots. Ho lb. Celery, Michigan, 40c; dot. California. 9tio dox.j In rough, IMU crate. Cranberries. Capo cod. 99.110 bbl.; boiea, 93.36 box. Jersey, 99.69 bbl. Delle and Cherry, 99 90 Dm. ; uena tsugie. Howe, at flit. 69 bbl Cocoa nuts, 9?,6ll ark rfoxen. 61.99 dosen. Celery, Csllfnrnl Mammoth, per dux. 96c CM Rl HTM AH TRICES Raby Xmas trees, for table uss, slt 14 lo 43 Inches, averag ing two dos, trees, all birch nasi-, 94.60 crate. Per do in bundles. 9x6 feet, 91 60. 6x7 feet. 13.00; Tx9 feet, 93.99; 8x11 feet. 94.09; 10x11 re.t. 97.69. Single trees: 11 foet. 91.09 to 91.60; 16 feet, 91.60 to 93.60; 16 feet, 91,00 to 93.90: 17 feet. 93 60 to 93.60; 18 tset, 93 00 to 94.00: 80 feet. 44.00 to 96.90; 11 feet, 9&-06 to 96.09; 14 feet, 96.90 ;o 97 00; 90 feet, 110.00 to 911.00, WRBATH8 Natural vetTt.en colls, best on market, 30 yards, 91.09; dyed wreathe, 30 yds., 91.00; evergreen wreaths with Im mortal dowers, dos,, 61.16; evergreen wreaths with holly, doa., 91. 80; holly wreaths. Del., dos, 91 16; ho 1 1 wreaths, Ul llnsky's special, doa., 9160; Japanese frls. led or green, 69 c.ll,'ier coll, 11.00; Japanese ins iv reams, iu-incu wreatns, per dos., 94.60; Japanese frit wreath. 14-Inch wreaths, per dux.. 96.76: salax wreathe, ner dos., 91.86; magnolia wreaths, per dux.. 11.16; holly branches. Delaware, per lb., 16c; holly branches, Delaware, uer crsle. 84.69; mistletoe, shipped by express, per lb.. 3oo ; mistletoe, shipped by expretw. 6-lb. boxes, per box, 11.26; needle pines, owing to slxe. per dos., 81.69 to la. TO; Christmas tree holders, small, per dos., 84) 90; Christ maa tree holders, large, per doa,. 83.69. Miscellaneous Pesnuta. Nu raw, tb . tie; roast, lb,, 1c: Jumbo, raw. lb.. 6u; Jum bo., roasted, lb,, lUtt. Droin da tee, case 3.16; rigs, caae, 8l ou; Nn I Uugllth wal nula. lb.. I8n. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 16. Wheat No, 3 hard, 81-6201.67; No. 1 red, 11 7; No. 3, 11.68; December, 9169: May, 11.60. Corn No. 1 mixed, 88089c; No. 1 white, 8Hc; No. 8 yellow, 69i-; December. 87Hc: May, 69H 089HC. Oats No. white. 64064Ho; No. 1 mixed, 64c. Butter Creamery, 39c; firsts, 37c;sec onds. 36Hc; packing, 37o. Kg gs Firsts, 86c. PoultryHens, 16Hc; roosters, 12c; tur keys, 34c. Omaha liny Market. Omatia. Dt ll.-Pratrt llay-Cholea up. land. 811.60; Nu. I. 8l9 6O0tiuO No 8 l9n.,0ioWfl: No . 8a.tM.06 no: rholre mid land, 91199; No, 1. 9lQ.tltf0l9.6u; No 8. 9bO09 6t); No. 3. 87.6008.69; rhotc low land. I9.no09.69; No 1. Ih.6009 09: No 8. I? IHI0X 9O; No. 3, 86.0007.09 8t raw Choice wheat. 6 0006.69: choice wis or rye. ft.&H0? I(U Airaira cnoice. 117.60; No l.6V;slandard. 8l4.6o016 6O; No 8 Is 69: Nn 9. $1 1.00 U.oo 916.6110 813. 600 Minneapolis tlraln Market. MlnneapolU, Dec. in. Flour Unchana-ed Barley 76r8l09. Rye unwi.ri. Bran 924.00036.00, Wheat May, 9l.W0.7O: Juty 9 .65. Cash: No. I hard. 11.70 01.75 H No. 1 northern, 9l.67H0UO; No 3 north ern, 9I.6H01.6B. Corn No. 8 yellow, 87089c. Osts No. 8 white, 47047r Flaxseed 91.79 H 01.84. St. Louis Grain Market 8t, Louis, Dec. 16. Wheal N0 3 r.d ll.7901.76H; No, 8 hard. 8t.630l.T2H- De cember, 91.61 ; May, 91.63 0 1.61 H Corn No. 1, 61 c; No. 8 white, livic Dec ember. 13c; May, 92 He, Oats No. I, 63v; No. white, 64c; De cember, llo; May, 63 c - Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool. Deo. 14. Wheat Spot. No hard winter, 16s lid; No. 3, Manitoba, i; Corn Jpot, American mixed, new. l Sd. , LIVE STO MARKET Most Kinds of Cattle Steady for the Week Sheep and Lambs Quarter Up. HOGS FIVE TO FIFTEEN UP Omaha, December 16, 1916. Refeipis wre: ifflrisl Monday ,. . )ffli Ttiearlay ... OrriclMl Wednesday OfTlcial Tliursday .. Official Friday hstlmate Saturday . HI i days this week. . Ham days last week.. 34.773 Same dnys 2 w'ks ago, 32,640 Hit me days 3 w'ks ago. 32, 640 Htirire diiya '4 w'ks ago. 42.061 Ha me days Isst year. .28,068 79.H91 76,761 Receipts and disposition of live stock foi twenly-four hours ending 3 p. m. yesterday Cattle. Hogs. H'r'i C, M. A St.P.. 5 I Wabsxh Misnourl Parlflc Union Pacific C. A N. W., east C. & N. W . west C, St, P.. M. At O C, h. g., east ".. li. A g.. west C, K. I. A P., east C, R. I. & P., wettt Illinois Central Chicago, Great Western Total receipts DIHPOSITION HEAD. Hogs. Morris &, Co. . . 1.597 ., 2,233 Swtft A Co Cudnhy Packing Co. Armour A Co.' HchwarU A Co .. 2.04 .. 2,851 4KH J. W. Murphy .. 2,206 Total ..11.41 Tattle Receipts were of no conaeauence today, thre not being enough on sale to make a market, hut for the week receipts navH nenn large, amount ng to over 36.366 head, the heaviest since four weeks ago and larger than a year ago by over 7,000 noati. Heef steers have aold to very good ad van tase. The market a a whole la about steady lift a week ago. Cows and heifers have been good sellers all the week and are fu v steady. Blockers and feeders of good duality have been sought after, especially heavy fleshy feeders, and such cattle have been very strong all the week. Quotations on cuttle: Good to choice year ling oeeves. Bio.2b&il.50; good to eno weighty cornfed beeves, 810.00011.00; fair 10 good corn led beeves, IK.76010.00; com mon lo fair cornfed beeves, 17.2608 76 good to choice grass beeves, 87.7609.00 rair to gooa grass oeeves, ie.7SW7.7b; com mon to fair grass beeves. 86,7643)6.76: good to choice heifers. 87,9008.35; good to choice cows, xv.sov f.tu; fair to good cows, 96.76 0tf.RU; common to fair cows. 64.6006.75 good tn choicu feeders, 87.7008.26: fair to good feeders, 86.8007.75; common to fair leeaers, 15. 7606.80; good to choice Block ers 17.2607.75: stock heifers. 88.6007.76 slock cows, 86.0006.60; stock calves, 16.00 09.00; venl calves. 88-00010,00; beef bulls. tags, etc.. 96.7607.00; bologna bull. 85.00 Hogs Receipts were generous for a Sat urday, although the run of 143 cars. 01 about 10,700 head, Is the smallest that has been here this week. The total for the week of 81,898 head falls about 7,000 shrl of a week ago, but Is more than 7,000 heav ier than two weeks ago, and a gain of 6,000 over the corresponding week of last year. uo:uinuou strength wss noted In hog prices all around the market loop today, and despite a fairly liberal run here, values made another sharp gain. Shipper demand was as oroaa a on any day this week, or der buyers making a big buy at figures tnai were anyway 60 100 higher to, In a number of Indlv'dual Instances, a much as 100160 higher. Packer also needed hogs and soon followed the shlDDer lead. Some packers called their droves a flat 10c higher, though a majority of the traders am not consider the general market any more than 60 10c higher, Laat rounds were customarily alow on some -of the light anu piain Kinaa,, Representative aalos; Na. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av, Bh. Pr. 36. .174 .,. 9 60 66, .181 ... 89 66 77, ,309 ... 6 70 83. ,201 80 8 76 61. .288 110- 9 80 81. .307 ... 9 66 71. .124 ... 9 90 66. .239 .... 9 66 68. ,158 ... 10 00 49, .396 ... 10 OS PIUS. 101.146 ,.. 9 60 Sheep As compared with the cloalne- dava of last week fat lambs closed the week generally a quarter higher. There had been a steadily upward trend to Values all week and on Thursday's close ths market was a mg nan dollar higher than on the Friday previous, xesieruay, nowever, an excessive local run threw this market out of gear with other points, and while firm prices ruled at most markets a big quarter redaction was enforced here. Some of the best lambs were only 16036c lower, but before noon sales were made that looked as much as 350360 lower, and on the afternoon session me(llumtgrade showed extreme declines of 86050c. Packers failed to handle the en tire supply and some of the offerings that were leaai aesiraoie irom a killing stand' point eventually sold as feeders. Oood to hole kinds closed at 112.60011.86. with pretty fair stuff on down to 918.90. Clipped lambs followed the trend of woo led grades weeg, snowing upturn of 60S0o un iu iiiursuHy. Fridays quarter oreaa left them 16086c higher than the previous week. quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs. good to choice, 91I.6O012.95; lambs, fair to goon, 3.ou0l3.bo; lambs, dipped. 919.590 i.; ir.mDs, iceaurs, sii.uuuiz.6u: year llngat good to choke, 96.76019.76; year lings, fair to good. 88.6009.69: yearllns-s. feeders, 87. 9009. ou; wethers, fair to choice, s.zW.eu; owes, good to choice, 98.860 i.aoi w, lair iu gooa, sf.uusvs.2b: ewea. plain to OUlls. 96.00bltt.6O: ewtia. feeriln. 36.0007.25; ewes, b rend era, all age, 86.000 C1IICAOO UVB HTOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Steady, Hogs Weak, Sheep Weak. Chicago, Dec. 16 Cattle Receluts. 609 head; market steady; native beef cattle, f.uuv 11.76; western Htners, 3?.0l(10.U6: tuckers and feeder. 16.0048.10: cows and neuera, i.Bb&iu.iu; calves, 9N. 500 12.00. no km usee ip ts. lv.uuu nead: maiket weak t -yesterday' average; bulk of sales. 89.79 01U.1U; light, I9.2901O.UO; mixed, 19.650 ).20; heavy. 89.66010.26; rough, 19.660 K0; pigs, 97.3609.16. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head: market weak; wethers, 38. 86019.00; ewes, 96.7609.60; lambs, 8H. 00013.35. Ht, 1,011 la Live Stock Market. St. Louis, Dec. 16. Cattle Receipts, 600 head; market steady: native beef steers, II. 60012.76; yearling steers and heifers, 93. 69011. 60; cows, 96.5008.60; tucker and feeders, 3o. 3007. 76: urlme southern beef steers, 36.9009.90; cow and heifers, 94.8607.50; prime yearling steers nnd hulfers, 97.6009.90; native calves, 96.00 tyix.uo. Hogs Receipts, 7.500 head: market Heady; lights, 89.66010.16; pigs, 91000 u, mueu ami nutchers. S9.70wl0.3U: good neavy. 910.30019.35; bulk of Bare. 9. It 0,0 19.20. Sheep and I .am be Receipts, none; mar- et steady; lambs. 98, 000 13.86: ewes. 86.U0 08.76; yearlings. 89.00011.26. Hlunx City Live Slack Market. Sioux City, la.. Dec. 16. Cattle, receipts. t head; market steady: beef steer. 19.00 010.50; butcher, 87.9U08.76: fat cows and lutlfere, 96.760B.6O; tanner. 84.U& 5.6U: stocker and feeders, ltt.6008,09; calves, 9ti. 0008.69; bulls, stags, etc., 15.5906.76; feeding cows and heifers, 84.6907.69. nogs Receipts, 1 0,000 head ; market oady to -. hlither: light. 88.004v9.60: mixed. 19.650 9.76; heavy, 39.80010.00; plgv, 67.5U0X.UU; bulk of sales. 89.6H09.9H. oneop anu limits liecelpts. 1 00 head: market steady; fed mutton, 97.60019.36; welhurs, lii.OO0S.75; ewes, 97.5U08.26; lambs, 911.26012.80. ' Kanaan Cite Live Stock Market. Kit DSNS City, DfX. I. Ottlte Krtnta. H00 h'nd; market steady; prim fed steers. IO.5U0I2.OU; tln-Hveil beuf stem. 87.604 0,50; western steers, 86.604919. 6U: row. 16.3608.60; heifers, I6.9U0 10.60; Blockers nd feeders, 6tt.0UKPB.6lt: bulla. 85.36497X5: calves, 36.6U01t.36. nogs Keceipts. 1.00 lu'id . market fatly; bulk of sales. 19. 704210.15: heavy. 10.00010.29; packers and butchers. 8.90fi 0.16; light. 89.69010.06; pigs. 0009.00. nneep anu utiiitm Ket-elnts. x.uuu head: market steady; lambs, 112 00013.99; year lings, 119.69011.36; wulherx. 98.6001 50: ewes. 87.7609.09. St. Joseph Live Stock M.kec. Josrcph, Mo., Dec. 16. Cattle Re ceipts, ion head; market steady: steers. 17.00011.60; cows and heifers, 94.69010.90; cales, 17.00010.00, Hogs Receipts, 6,006 head; market 'at tie. logs. Sheep 11. -6: ii, 10.202 9.111 16.667 17.641 . 7.4HS IS. 35 13.637 , 4.997 U.H&4 9,99? , 2.094 10.97 16.9K6 . 300 10,700 n,2H& 81.S98 68,465 XX. 411! 76.143 74,49 64.30? 74.4 64.X03 54,625 64.0K2 Htesdy; top, 910.10; bulk of sales, 98.690 10.00. Hhep and Lamb Receipts, 100 head market steady; lambs, 911.76011.00; e 17.7608.15. Statement of Clearing Moose Banks, New York. Dec. ll.i The statement of the actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that tney nom i4,447,JZ0 reserve In exceaa oi legal requirements. Thie Is an increase of 20.ete,4KU over last week. The statement follows: Actual Condition. Loans, discounts, Increase. etc 93,342.471,000 911,172,000 ne nerve in own vaults "427,164,000 13,127,000 Keserve In federal reserve banks. . . Reserve In other depositories .... 179,659,000 13,681,000 55,044,000 1,294,000 Net demand de posits ;.294,346.0O0 4B.928,600 Net time de posits 171,324,000 28,862.000 661,867.000 t276.00A 66,900 Circulation Aggregate reserve1, 94,447,320 20.656,480 Of which IS40.609.000 Is specie. t decrease. Summary of state banks and truat rnm. panles In Greater New Tnrk not Included in clearing no use statement: Increase, Loans, discounts, etc. 8769. 696.000 6 Til Ann open ej, 832,200 f906,800 legai tenders 19.947.600 124,800 4,336,390 Total deposits 930,667,400 Banks cash reserve In vault 14.186.809 Trust companies' cash reserve In vaults.. 68,692,900 t Decrease. New Vork Money Market. New Tork. Dec. 16. Mercantll in,P a -j Mrr vein. Sterling Exchange Siitv-dav htn. 84,71 H: commercial slxtv-dav hilin nn h.i,. 14.71; commercial sixty-day bills, H.71; silver oar, 76c; Mexican dollars, 58c Bonds Uovermnent. seady : railroad, ir. regular. u. a. r. zs, reg. I9L. A V. un. 4s... 90 do coupon .... 99 M. K. AT. 1st 4s 76 U. 8. 3fl, reg,...100Mo. P. con. 6s. .1037 do coupon ,,.100Mont. Power 6s. 99 "a V. 4i, reg... .no N. T. C. deb. 6s. Ill counon 111 N ri m.i; Am. Smelt, fls.. 1I0N. X. N. H. a h. Aim. Tel. ft Tel. cv. fls UtH CV. 4 'AS 196 Nn TnllM SifT Anglo-French 5s. 93 do 3a 66 H 11.. aeii tiore. . u ref. 4e 93 niral Pac. 1st 90 do gen 4b.,.102 n a ri V"" ,2Redn8: Kn. 4s.. 95 C, M. A St. P. ref. 4s . R. I. A P. Ry. .do .ref, 4s 92 H ref. 4s 7HSo. Railway 6s..lOl2 5" r"f- 4s- ,Unlon Pacific 4s. 88 . A R. O. e. im HA .In n an,? Brie gen. 49 73 IT u R,',KKaii"iniT )1 Ha.l00HW. Union 4Hs... 96 u 4V" 'WDom ot C, 1931. 99 Btd. IOenl Rtw ka nil Rmui. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker A Co.. 449-52 Omaha National Bank , Bids.. Omaha; Stock T) J A 4.1 1 Cudahy Packing Co. 7 pet. pfd..l0t 106 iieairii-e, i reamery tjo. 7 pet. pfd.107 109 Deem A Co. pfd loo Fairmont Creamery Co. pfd 104 108 tintn-h M. ft K. Co.. 7 pet. pfd... 99 100 Harding Creamery Co. 7 pet pfd. 100 J03 Howard Stove Co. stocks 37H Lincoln Tel. ft Tel. com t tW 07 mu Nye-Srhnelder-Fowler Co 90 101 O. ft C. B. St. Ry. pfrf.. x-dlv.... 71 74 ft f. B. KV. ft RrlHo-n ntA at ct A C. B. St. Ry. com.... .. E. L. ft P Cn. nf,l 60 87 State Bank of Omaha.. 130 union mock yards Co. 6 pet... .101 American Tel. A Tel. 6s 99 99 Armour uo. 4fts, 1963 84 94 Rooth-St. 1.. C. 8. Co. s, 1921.. 99 101 Chinese Notes 6 pet , 97 9R t'hlcKgo Railway 6a, 1927 96 97 Chicago I'nion Station 4, 1963.100 100 In. Portland Cement Co. 6s, 1983 89 100 Kansas City Railway 1st 6s, 1044. 97 98 O. A C. R. tS. Ry. 5s, 1928 96 97 Omaha Gas Co. 5s, 1917 96 98H Ore..Wash. R. R. A N. Co. 4a '61 85 86 Packard Notes. 1919 so setz Oovt. P. of Saskatchewan 6s, '25 97 98 wm. k vu. ss, 1UI 191 Coffee Market. ' - New York. Dec. 16. Coffee Th. l . timlstlo view of peace probabilities served to suhaettle sentiment In the market fne coffee future and evidently stimulated the uiBposiuon to ciose out long contracts after the advance of about 69 point from the low level of Monday. Trading waa not par ticularly active at the atart. but after open ing 1 to 7 points lower, offering Increased, wun wan street and communion houses heavy sellers. Mar declined tn s URn .n September to 8.90o, with the market closing at a net loss of 14 to 16 points. Sales, 81.- oags; jjecemoer, s.xso; aJnuary, 8.87c; February. 9.46c; March. 8.64c: Anell. a May, 8.69c; June, 8.76c; July. 1.80c; August, 8.86c; September. 8.61c: Oetnhe t November, f.Olc. ' Spot, firm; Rio 7. 9c; Santos 4s, 10c. Difficulty was reported in securing freight room with rates ranging from 1.36c to 1.59c per bag and the firm offers received were . , : 7 . ' ar owing to the uncer tainties In this resoect. sntn. 4. .... quoted at 8,40c to 9.46c London credits f ; h .Th ofriclal cables reported advances of 26 to 109 rels In the primary markets and an advance of 1-I3d In Rio exchange on London, , Metal Market. New Tork. Dec. Utal Th favorable view of peace prospects has served to unBettle the copper market durlnv the last week. Demand has fallen off and while leading agencies were atlll asking; fSMto to 134.00 for second and third quarter deliv eries today, the quotations were nominal In the absence of business. Offer in m frar ond hands have been reported at conces sions, wun some copper said to be available for the first quarter today at laa fin im was unchanged. Cotton Market, i " won-mtures opened steady; December, offered, IB 15o January. 18.15c; March, 18.40c; May, H.GSa' July, 18.74c; October, 11.80c. ' New York. Dec. 16. Spot cotton quiet, middtlnr uplands, 18.86c; no sales. Cotton futures closed easy. December, lS.fMc Jan uary, 17fic; May. 18.38c: July 18 0e; n(. ber. 16.67c. Sugar Market. Xew York. Dec. 18. Suaar Market tW sugar futures was Irregular this morning, but trading was only moderate and mostly in the way of evening up. Closing prices vers i lMJima wwer to i point nigher: De ember, 4.22c: January, 4.05c; March, 3,82c; ay. j.ooc; juiy, j,i,ic, flaw sufar. dull- niolHuneB, 4.40c; centrifugal, B.87o. Refined, dull; line granulated, 7.t6c. nil anal Btl- Hivnmh lla III T. .1-. m, 53 fc 63 ; aales, 234 bbls. ; receipts. 456 bblM. RnalnITIi-iii na ! 9 at kki. - " 1 uuia. i rvmpts, 91.702 btl it. Quote: A, B, C, D, B 18.16 p' O. H, 6.L'0; I, 1 6. IF.; J. J6.30; M, Q- n' 14.80; WO, 16.13; WW. 17. 20. IondoB Money Market. London, Dec, 14. Stiver Bar. 35 13-lld per ounce. Money percent. v Discount Rates Short blfls, per nt; three montlis, tV4r&5Hi ner cunt American securities were In good demand th low prices, with United State hi. Urmest on the stock exchange today. Ifrr iiooda Market. New Tork. Dec. 1. Drv roods were nnl.t nd were barely steady in gray goods lines. arne were sieaay. Huriaps tended higher, tnens were very firm. Knit rom. w Rrin. Demand was steady. Bank Clear! nrs. Omaha, Deo, 14. Bank rlearinra tnr Omaha today were 14,831.682.34 and for the corresponding day last year. S3.271.Slto.ai The total cleartnga for the week ending to- nay wrre .v,4o, i i.ia, ana ror the cor reapondlng week last year. 121.400,488.18. ard Work to Find Men in England to Serve On Jury (CorrMpondence of The Aaaoclat.d Pr.ua.) London, Dec. i. Depicted starts in business houses are causing consid erable diflkulty in getting juries in various courts and the lord chief jus tice has appealed to the bar and soli citors that thejr agree as far as pos- idic to try tiieir cases without juries. ood Speculators Punished For Charging High Prices (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Berlin. Dec. 2. Police rcoorts of the Berlin district for the last month show that 371 food speculators were utnshed during that month for try in to make more money than the law allows. rersletence Is tha Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. NEW YORK STOCKS Additional Recoveries Due Mainly to Hasty Covering Movement. EISE IN SPECIAL SHAKES New Tork. Dc. IS. Additional recoverlea tod.r of 2 to 6 point. In stocks recently "nd.p prM.ur.. with a rally of 25 point. In Bthlhem St.l, wera du mainly to a haaty covering movemant by ahorta and no llttlo buylnf. particularly of rail, by In VMtora and oBerittAr. h. t . , that th hyatarla of tha Uat few daya had run It, count.. A mora potent factor In th. h. nr i atocka waa the belief that peace negotia tion between the warring natlona of Eu rope are yet .cm. time off. Thla aa aumptlon had lta b..l tn . ..... ...... on the action of tha Ruaalan Duma and the etatementa of local observer. In touch with affatra abroad. Today'a further rain. tnutAA t'.... 8U' " Lackawanna Steela. the former iuui"aMaV ovT of po,n,B on Its uiual large overturn; 2 to almost 6 points "i'Miiiaa, as mucn ana more for lead ing equipments, such as American and Baldwin Locomotives and New Tork -Airbrake, 2 to S points In coppers and other metals, I to I point in Central Leather, Industrial Alcohol and International Paper. Far more convlnclnr. however the sustained movement In rafla. low-grade Is sues of the roads traversing southern and southwestern states being the foremost features. South Railway, common and pre ferred: Seaboard Air Line Issues: MiimnuH Kansas A Texas issues; Missouri Pac 1 flea; Kansas City Southern, and Texas A Pacific were I to points hither on itMdv an. cumulation. Standard shares were - relatively Im active, but strong, Reading and other coal ers, Atchison, New York Central. Union Pacific, Illinois Central, Atlantic Coast Line and New Haven making extreme gains of I to 3 points. Total sales of stock, 8&0, 000 shares. The bank statement was In keenlna- with general estimates, showing a large actual cash gain and Other eKmt.njinn of rrua. of more than $20,000,000, a total of over i3,uuu,ooo in the laat fortnight The markets for foretKn exrhans-e were nominal, but mainly lower, reflecting latest peace discussions. Bonds were Irregular on nntKca dealings- Total salen. par value, $1,076,000. United States bonds were un changed on call during the week. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks were: Rfllon Htirh t.nu, r-in... Am. Beet Sugar... a,60 101 Si t 100 American Can 8,000 62',$ 60 UK Am. Car A Foundry anno fifltfc sii nn: Am. Locomotive. . .. 8,700 82U 81 81V Am. smelt. & Rer. 18,600 110 108'i lOK1 Am. Sugar Ref.... l.ioo 111 lll lti Am. Tel. A Tel 1,01 0 125 135 125 Am. 'A.. L. A 8.... 2.100 40U in m Anaconda Copper.. 25.000 87 87 87 Atchison 3.100 104 104 104 &.700 71 68 69 1.H00 85 84 85 200 83 83 8:t Bald. Locomotive. . Haiti mo re & Ohio.. Brook. Rapid Tram B. A H. Copper. . . , Cal. Petroleum .... 3,800 67 400 23 65 66 23 211 16 4 84 -S6 66 2 93 ia:t 123 Canadian Pacific... Central Leather... 12.800 86 Chesapeake A Ohio 3.700 C M. A Ht. P 4.200 83 v.iiii-HSu or . w . , auu 121 k. i. & p. hv.. i.fnn Chlno Copper 6,70ft &9 48 24 69 67 46 24 67 33 58 i;oio. ruei A iron. 3 (soo Corn Products Ref 12.400 47 24 8 Crucible Steel 12,600 Dlstllleraf Securities 4.200 34 Erie 16,600 37 37(4 General Electric... Great No. pfd Great No. Ore ctfi. 600 1725, 172 17254 116V 1.100 405, 40 40 600 107 105 54 IOC 1.100 1754 1654 17 inmois central.... nter. t'on. corp. Inspiration Copper. 16,700 60 6844 G954 Inter. Harvester... 200 121 121 no Int M. M. pfd. ctfa. 26,400 108 106 106 K. C. 8outhern 6.400 2754 26T4 27 Kennecott Conner. . 16.100 494. 41U An u. Louisville A Naah if!3 Mex. Petroleum 4,700 100 8844 8854 Miami Cooper. 6.300 4054 39 3944 14. ft T. prd . . 23 54 185i Missouri Pacific Montana Power.. . National Lead .uv iv !) 300 106 54 106 104 400 6254 6144 BIK 7.100 265i 2654 2614 3,600 10654 105 106 54 1,600 56 6454 66 900 13754 136 13754 600 11054 110 110 700 2354 2254 2354 Nevada Copper New Tork Central . N. Y., N. H. A H. . Norfolk & Weatarn Northern Pacific. . ractlto Mall HOME gUILDERS Will Increase Capitalization Growing business makes this necessary $300,000 in Building Contracts Now Under Prospect for 1917 Than in 1916. These consist of dwelling houses and buildings for business only to order for others and centrally located in Omaha'. The money furnished for construction is secured by mortgages on the completed proper ties. Besides the 7 interest on the money advanced, the builder's profits is received, making the security Gilt-edge the best in the world. New Non-Participating Shares These shares will be non-participating. They will be guaranteed cash dividends at the rate of 7 per annum, payable Jan. 1st and July 1st. They will be issued at par value $1.00 each. They will not increase in value, as they will not participate in the Surplus Profits,' otherwise, they will have all the rights and privileges be longing to present participating shares. They will have the added protection of a strong Reserve Fund to be established, which will increase the already strong security and make all shares still more secure. A Financing and Constructing Company for Home People You can invest $1.00 or $5,000 at any time at 7 guaranteed cash dividends payable January 1st and July 1st. You can convert your shares into cash at any time on short notice. Home Builders' shares have mortgage security on new properties and not $1.00 of bonded indebtedness. This makes an investment as safe as a government bond, and more profitable than farm mortgages or other seasoneff securities being offered today to the investing public. Remember that only' a few of A part of your business is solicited. Orders for shares received by Way," explains Home Builders' plan fully. American Security Co., Fiscal Agents. G. A. ROHRBOUGH, President. C C. HIMER, Secretary. Ray Con. Copper. . . 4 l 1H ;7"i ! Kwdrng 21,41)0 10 W, 107 10,1. Hep. Iron ft Steel.. 11,700 ,14a li'i HI Uhattuck Ariz. Cop. Southern I'aclflc... Southern Hallway.. Studebaker Co Toxaa Company. . . . 00 28 27 27 2.SII0 ', 1 ". 6.SD0 3H 34S 3H 3.000 116 114 liit4 2.000 200 19, 199 1.400 146 Si 145 1. 4 Lnlon Pacific I Union Pacific pfd.. I". H. Ind. Alcohol.. I II. B. Steel 4.400 116 172 11&'4 189.400 114 113 114 1,700 119 117 111 13.200 109 U 107 101 3,100 31 30 30 'A 101 u. H. steel pfd .... . Utah Copper Wabash pfd. "B". . Western Union Westlnghouae Klec. i.100 65 S 54H 55 H Total aalea for the day. 850.000 aharea. Ship Sells at Two Hundred Times Its Former Value (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) London, Dec. 2. A vessel has just been sold for 200 times its value sev eral years ago. As a shipping invest ment the deal represents the largest profit jnade during the war. A few years ago a British steamer which was stranded on the South American coast was sold as it lay, to neutrals, for 1,500 pounds. The pur chasers had it refloated and repaired, ! and employed it in trade. It has now been resold tor JJU.OUU pounds, being 200 times the price paid for it as a wreck. This price takes no account of the cost of salving and repairing the ship, but presumably these ex penses would have been amply cov ered by its earnings since it was salved, including two years of ex tremely high freights. The present price merely represents the current value ot tonnage. Sanctuary to the Goddess Of Artemis is Unearthed (Corrrpondenre of Tha Aaaoclated Press.) Larissa, Greece, Dec. 2. One of the most important archaeological discoveries of recent years has just been made at Gonnoi, near the vale of Tempe in Thessaly. The Archaeo logical society has just unearthed what is plainly a sanctuary to the Goddess Artemis and among the ar ticles found on the spot are some of the most remarkable, votice offerings yet discovered. One hundred and thirty-eight marble shafts bear in scriptions from which it is plain that the shrine was devoted to Artemis as a goddess of childbirth, "Artemis genitix." Cuts Off One Hundred and Twenty Heads and Retires (Corraapondenre of Tha AasoclatedlPr.3s.) Breslau, Germany, Dec. 2. Prus sia's official headsman, Lorenz Schwietz, has just retired after hold ing his unenviable position for six teen years, and with a record of 120 beheadings. He is now 67 years old. Home -Owner Loans Under $5,000 ON dwelling less than five years old, up lo 65 of appraised value on monthly payments at 9 interest with privilege of lowering the Interest to 5 and discontinuing monthly payment when principal to reduced 30 EXPENSES NOMINAL. New Corner store properties also considered at favorable rates. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1622 Farnam Street. SOON AFTER NEW YEARS Present Participating Shares Less Than 90,000 Remain to Be Issued These shares participate in the Surplus Profits in addition to the 7 guaranteed cash divi dends. NO MORE OF THE PRESENT CLASS OF SHARES WILL BE AUTHORIZED. These shares have grown in value from $1.00 to $1.20 each, and will continue to participate in the Surplus Profits and grow in value yearly as the surplus grows. All ah area issued before January 1st will par ticipate in the Surplus Profits for the past six months. Home Builders' Participating HOME BUILDERS, Inc. Governor Speaks At Dedication of New State School Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.) The new school building anil audi-. torium at the Feeble Minded institute was dedicated last evening with ap propriate exercises. Governor More head was present and gave a brief ad dress on the development of the state and the need of better facilities for caring for the state wards. "About $13,000,000 are spent in the state ev ery year to educate those of sound mind," he said, "and I like to sec the same liberality shown in caring for those who are in need of such institu tions as this." Judge Howard Kennedy, chairman of the State Board of Control, made a brief talk on the necessity of such schools. A fine musical program pre ceded the addresses, after which Su perintendent Griffith and wife, assisted by the teachers, entertained the guests and showed them about the building. Mrs. W. S. Fast of Hastings, wife of the former superintendent of the institution, was among those present. To Erect Monument to the Memory of Vanderbilt (Correspondence of The Associated Prea.) London, Dec. 2. To commemorate the memory of A. G. Vanderbilt, who was drowned by the sinking of the Lusitania, and his association with English coaching for a number of years, members of the Coaching club propose to erect a granite column on Holmwood Common, near Dorking, by the main road from London to Brighton, traversed by Mr. Vander bilt's "Venture." The plan has been submitted to the Dorking rural dis trict council for approval. It is in tended tor erect similar memorials at other parts of the route. "What Time is It?" is Now Sensible at Saloniki Saloniki, Dec. 4. If the allies have done nothing else at Saloniki, they have at least enabled everyone to know the right time. Hitherto one railway worked to Vienna time, an other to Constantinople time. Sa loniki had its own local time and there was also Turkish time other han the Constantinople variety, which differed from all the others in being based on the course of the moon. for the third time. Way and More in purposes, These are built Share remain available. M mail. Our booklet, the "New Omaha, Neb. S. W. Corner 17th and Douglas Streets. Phone Douglas 5013.