The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Paqe LADY DUFF-GOR-' DON, ihe famoui : -IciU- of Lot don, tod (oremott creator of fashion in. the world, write each week tht fih ioa article for this ntwtpa pr. pretesting all that newest and belt in itylei for wdl-drested women. ', Lady ' ' Duf - Cordon' Paris tjubtiihment brings her into dot touch with (hat cento el fashion. Lady , Duff -Gordon'! American attablithmcnU art at Not. 37 and 39 West Fifty-seventh street. New York, and No. MOO Lake Short Drive, Chicago. Tlarnion (lown r (br Opera . f HI 111 r"' i ii m tfp I'mAi- VIM ,fli li - 1 iJ 1 II bin! li - i , fU,x-y' I A . tkLV.wt. .illl .1-Jm . ' :) V f , ' " Peacock Blu. ', i - A' V;S-1 : 1 . . , f'fi L - ; : ttt 1 1 I V j. ' - - la of Ornamental 1 ' SA : : ;; C't f tV-1 -i : ' f ' ' s'' 11 " ' s i - It.Oorgeoua v - ' - V'Ji ' ih- K '-!' . k. t CihKnuW" TT-rieritm l iliii iiar , A Many-Colored Coat on tht New Line, aqd a New Headdreea "Lutilt'tfoM r By, Lady Duff-Gordon , . CLVCtl$"), . T HA VI always argad harmonr In fownt. not only I far aa tht woman horaelt la concernad, but also for whart aha waara them. In my achema of thlnga mtra w so place lor dlaharmonlet, and a woman and . har dress should lit In aa much In one place aa In an other. But perhaps tho ona'placa where woman should be moat harmoaloua with her surrounding la at the pan or tho play, ' 1 mean that the spirit of the opera or tho play should be otmalderM by a woman In choosing tho drees for that particular ooeaalon. There should bo a harmony on both aide of tho footlights. How much the croa- ( Uoa of such an atmosphere would enhance the artistry and tho enjoyment of the whole production! And It lao makea a woman teal "mora comfortable In heraelf." ' How mooogrooM it la to go to a tragedy I new m a do, hnt I can Imagine and tea all around ua uVy, gaily dressed people 1 And bow de pressing to go to real blithesome, jolly show" and bo surrounded by people whoso clothes radiate either aoberneaa or tensor things! It a woman goat to tea "AM," for Instance, thero ahould be tomethlng of Egypt In har dreaa. If aha goae to see "Amoro del Tro Re," thero ahould be a suggestion of tho ModtaeTaL Yon aeo what I mean? Thla largo figure, tor Instance, Is 'a harmony own that comet within my meaning. It la of peacock Mue,' trimmed with gold lace. - .The aaah. la an Oriental colored brocade, and the coatee la made of the same, lined with peacock green satin. Skunk fur edgea the aleoTea of thia coat, alto the neck', of the waist. The sleeves of the waist are transparent, being , trimmed with hemstitched Vends of blue, green and scarlet Touches of red, emerald green and citron are In the taasela. The headdress la a band of Oriental colore In all shades of red end blues and yellow and green. . And hare also are tome evening coats which also Illustrate my meaning. The. beautiful coat to the lower left-hand corner of the page la of ermine, trimmed with black fox. ' Ermine tall edge the collar all the way around, aa well aa the bottom of the coat Such a coat la a wonderful garment to wear to tome clever comedy or manner for. of course, coata ahould be as harmonloua aa dreesea. The third picture shows a coat pf sapphire blue aatln, lined with green blue, and hat aleevea In a green-blue and emerald-green and allver brocade, The tuffs and collar have banda of Jeannette fur, and the long tie In the front are of the aame brocade as In the sleeve. trimmeu witn yellow and red. The headdijtt worn with thl la a band of diamonds, with huge. French embroidered teasels In real coral and diamond; Aa you will judge from these picture. I am ' particularly Interested In headdresaea. 'When ever I create an evening gown I Instinctively design an ornament for the coiffure which ahould be worn with that gown. And here my sense of the harmonies 1 of greet value. Mover, for inatance, would I design a Greek fllet to be worn wlth an Egyptian gown. Never ahould an Oriental headdress, all jewel and hammered metals, be worn with an Ingenue frock. And never ahould a sumptuous evening costume be .topped ey a simple bandeau, such as the aweet young debutante might wear with a simple tulle dresa. The tiara, which la really the mod ern hair ornament,, should only bo worn with one of the expensive ultra-modern gowns of thg moment. Thus will harmony reign. 1 JX CWOTllkU Mlt. bj IM St" Cwuptuj. . Ureal IrlUlt Bi(bt RuttTtt