Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 25

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    11 B
Flashes from Filmland
Stories of Coming Features
Synoptical Review of Feature Productions that Will Be
Given First Presentation to the Local Patrons This Week
'The Honor of Mary
The Honor of Mary Blake," a
coming photoplay release, was writ
ten by John C. Browncll and was
prodnced for Bluebird Photoplays,
Inc, by Edwin Stevens. Cast:
Vary Blaks Violet Mersereau
Flossie Payton Tina Marshall
Mrs. Hardy Caroline Harris
Kirk Hardy Hldney Mason
Rtrhard Kearney lames O'Nell
Mary Blake and Flossie I'ay'on arc
actresses who chum together. Rich
ard Kearney, wealthy theatrical man-
airer. offers Marv an important part in
a new play. She goes to his office to
discuss matters anil he makes violent
love to her, which she repulses.
Going home she tells her story to
Flossie and the next day a letter
comes from Kearney offering mar
riage. Flossie urges Mary to "take a
chance." This she does, but the cere
mony is no sooner performed than
a woman whom Kearney had married
in Australia appears and Mary's mar
riage is annulled.
Following this Mary and Flossie
accept places with a repertoire com
pany .and while playing an engage
ment at a countrv town Mary is
saved from an attack by a young man
of the town. Their friendship ripens
and when the company leaves town
Mary is left behind, stricken with
pneumonia. Young Hardy furnishes
her with nurses and medical attention
and himself goes to her bedside.
When she is well they are married,
much to Hardy's mother's chagrin, as
she is a flinty-souled church member.
Later Kearney divorces his wife
and, determined to possess Mary at
all cost, goes to Hillsdale, and while
talking to Mary forcibly kisses her,
just as Hardy's mother enters. Hardy
lollows Kearney to nis notei ana en
gages in a fight Kearney is injured
hv a revolver discharge and Hardv is
arrested. Mary nurses Kearney and
saves his lite, explanations are tnen
made and Hardy being released, he
and Mary are happily reunited and
Mrs. tlaroy commutes ner messing.
"The Wager'
"The Wager," a five-act Metro,
starring Emily Stevens, will be re
i leased this week and is a story of
f business life and crookedness. Cast:
' "Diamond Daisy" Doyle Emily Stevens
"Slippery Jim," her sweetheart
Lystor Chambers
Xtagffan. detective Hugh Jeffery
Junes Stone, pollee commissioner, .
, Daniel Jarrett
A. B. Thorpe, Jeweler Frank Curlier
J. S. Chandler, jeweler Charles Bowner
Secretary to police commissioner ;
Harry Mayo
"Diamond Daisy" Doyle, a high
'class crook who steals nothing but
diamonds, has never been caught on
account of her cleverness. Duggan,
who has sent her sweetheart "Slip
pery Jim" to the penitentiary, has de
termined that Daisy shall not escape
him. Daisy has decided to reform and
when Jim comes out of prison to
jnarry him and settle down.
Two jewelers are visiting with
Stone at the club and Thorpe twits
Chandler about a recent robbery at
f his store. Thereupon they make a
effl wager that within three months
Thorpe will be robbed of a large
t sum. Thorpe instructs his men to be
I especially watchful.
' Stone then sends for Daisy and lays
his plans before her, but she thinking
it is a plan to trap her, refuses to help
ihim rob Thorpe until he gives her an
indemnity in writing. This is done
and Daisy frames up the deal that
Srobs Thorpe. But Duggan is watch
ing her and comes to arrest her. He
succeeds in catching Jim, but Daisy
gets away and beats Duggan to the
! .office of the police commissioner
J where she delivers the jewels. Dug-
I gan comes and tries to convince the
i commissioner that Daisy is a dan-
t gerous person to have his written in-
i idemnity and she is forced to give it
1 ' up. Thorpe then telephones about
I j liow he has been robbed and Stone
j ' laughs and notifies Thorpe that Dia
5 mond Daisy has robbed "him and to
i send in his check for $5,000 to cover
I his end of the wager.
Stone then arranges for the check
to be given to Daisy and she takes
i Jim, who has failed in health, to the
mountains, where he rapidly builds
f mp and a wedding ring has made
li them both happy.
"Diana the Huntress'
"Diana, the Huntress." the Fonte-
nelle Feature Film company's next re
lease, is a poem in pictures that re-,
lates the fable of the appearance of
the two faces in the moon. The cast:
Paul Swan (Nebraska boy) Apollo Swan Pan
Baroness von Dewtts . Diana
Veronica Cassee Artist's Model
lieutenant Halsey Acteoo
Jnplter, court officials and attendants.
The photoplay, "Diana, the Hunt
ress," dramatizes the adventures and
exploits of the Grecian gods. It is a
series of several hundred little mas
terpieces in art and nature that un
fold a pretty love story.
An attempt has been made to pre
serve the poetic beauty of Grecian
mythology and to interpret its human
passions. The nymphs in their classic
dances present symphony and grace
which reach a climax in the mist
Diana and Apollo, brother and sis
ter, appear before the court of Jupiter.
Jupiter sends Apollo to reign in the
sun and Diana to rule the moon.
Acteon, the great hunter, wandering
through the forest, gazes upon the
nymphs in bathing and for his intru
sion is turned into a stag and is pur
sued and killed by Ins own hunters
and dogs.
Diana then conies upon the shep
herd boy fan asleep and is touched
by his beauty and falls desperately
in love with him and bears him away
fa the moon in her arms. He awakes
will play in the "Panlhea," one
of the big productions promised
for release in the near future.
to love her and the two form the
faces in the moon.
Paul Swan, the Nebraska boy, was
awarded a prize in Italy as being the
world's handsomest man. Baroness
von Dewitz is a famous dancer and
perfect feminine figure.
"The Devil's Double"
"The Devil's Double," a Triangle
Kay Bee picture, will be released to
the photoplay-going public of Omaha
this coming week. It is a William S.
Hart play in which the popular star
plays a genuine "bad man" character.
The cast:
"Bowie" Blake William P. Hart
Naomi Tarleton Enid Markey
Van Dyke Tarleton Robert McKIra
An invalid artist has given his last
strength to the painting of a subject
he calls "Lucifer, Son of the Morn
ing," and has accomplished everything
but the face of the devil. His wjfe
has posed for the avenging angel that
is driving Lucifer to his haunts in the
nether world. He can find no model
whose features show the consummate
cunning he desires. A physician tells
him he must go west if he is to pro
long his life, and he takes his wife
with him and goes.
Traveling through an Arizona town
he finds the face he is looking for in
a faro dealer, who agrees to pose only
because he has fallen in love with the
artist's wife.
At the end of a short time the wife
comes and tells Blake that her hus
band is very ill and very soon there
after the invalid dies.
After a few weeks two bandits are
cutting cards to see which gets the
widow just as Blake enters. A fight
ensues in which the bandits are routed
and the woman rescued.
Later Blake saves the young wom
an's life by kilting a rattlesnake that
is about to strike her by shooting its
head off. Love grows between them
and they are finally married.
'Oliver Twist'
The next Paramount release to be
shown in Omaha will be "Oliver
Twist," dramatization of one of the
most successful and .popular works
of Dickens' works. Cast:
BUI Sykes Hobart Boaworth
Fagln Tully Marshall
The Artful Dodger ......Raymond Hatton
Mr. Brownlow ...James Nell
Charles Bates :...Jack Backer
Fangs Robert McKensle
Nancy Sykes Elsie Jane Wilson
The history of "Oliver Twist," as a
play is fascinating, for with it there
are connected some of the greatest
names in theatrical annals. The story
was originally published during 1837
and 1838 in Bentley's Magazine, of
which Dickens was ior some time the
editor. It was dramatized almost im
mediately, and we find the name of
the great Charlotte Cushman men
tioned as starring in the play in 1839.
In 1852 the ever-popular Maggie
Mitchell played Oliver, and Fannie
Wallack appeared with her as Nancy.
Others who have appeared in the play
at various times are: h. M. Holland,
Helen Western, James A. Heme,
Synopsis of Events Covered ii
Path Newt Released Today.
NEW YORK CITY Tc skating promises to
b a popular sport this winter and the
fashionable Hotel BlKmore transforms Its
courtyard Into a skating rink.
TKAXECK, N. J. Thousands of horses are
being shtpp-M every week to the allied
armies of Kurope to replace the many
that are being killed and wounded In the
Incessant fu1lladc.
NEW YORK CITY "Walk to work" la the
slogan of the health department's fresh
air campaign and several hundred stu
dents of the city college start an eight
mllo hike to rnroiirag1 tho Idea.
LONDON, ENGLAND Sir William Dunn,
the new lord mayor of the cily. arrlvn
in state at the law courts to review
several regiments of English and colonial
MADKII), HPAIN Accompaneld by her
majesty, the queen, and the royal chil
dren, King Alphonao returns to his capi
tal after a long absence.
strated by George Bothner. world's cham
pion lightweight wrestler.
SAN IHKt.O, CAU Life of the Indians on
their reservations illustrated at the expo
sition grounds.
WASHINGTON, D. C The council for na
tional defpnae. composed of cabinet mum
hem and a civilian advisory commission,
meeif to organise plans for co-ordination
nf all nntlonnl tictlvltlos In time of war.
MANINT1QIK, MICH. Large numbers of
evergreen treea ar bnlng gathered In
preparation for the extraordinary demand
of this popular yule tide sason.
I map ii.usira.inK me ieuionic campaign
against Houmanla.
1 Shown at Strand today.
George Holland, Rose Eyt.nge. Ame
lia Bingham, Elita Proctor Otis, Fan
ny Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
and others of equal note. The most
notable performance of the play in
recent years was that already referred
to at the time of the Dickins Cente
nary, in which Miss Doro scored such
a great personal success. Others in
that cast were: Nat Goodwin, Con
stance Collier, Lyn Harding, Olive
Wyndham. Courtenay Footc and Ful
ler Mellish.
There is behind this photoplay
The Shielding Shadow
By GEORGE BRACKETT SEITZ, Author of "The Iron Claw," Etc.
Episode 12, "The Stolen Shadow"
(Note: A now scenario will he published
In thU newnpaner every week. Rend the
scenario here, then go to the Motion Pic
ture Thnifav nhowtmr "THK SlllKl.niNO
SHAIHIW" pictures and see how the direc
tor has prwdueed the photoplay from the
nm-nnu-ar ''
Luntine Navarro Grace Darmond j
SPt.sila.n Navarro Leon Mary
Subtitle: Having escaped from tho hunt
ing lodge In which Blanca, Queen of
the Underworld, was killed, Ravengar
tells Leontlno to summon the police to
her home.
Scene 1. (Ruins of hunting lodge aa per
previous episode.)
Ravengar and Leonttne In picture.
. Ravengar gives her Instructions aa
nhnvA. Ttontine exits.
Sob title: Leon tine's husband. Sebastian.
who has onaeavorea w ao win.
his wife, realties that the game Is up.
ie 2. (Bedroom In Leon tine's housa.
Mha rt fan In picture, packing up, pre
paring (or flight. Poor opens. Mys
terious eyes and hands appear In door
way. Sebastian looks up, starts back.
Kyea and hands change Into Ravengar.
Ravengar locks door, than, coining
down, speaks to Sebastian.
Spoken title; "Sit down, SebaaUan. Leon
tlno will be here with the police In a
moment It is all over, unless"
SebaaUan stunned, but wants to know
what Ravengar means by "unless."
Ravengar continues.
Spoken tltte: "There Is one way out
Write a confession of the forgery that
sent Leontine's sweetheart Jerry Car
son, to prison and I will let you go.
Sebastian refuses. Walks over to win
dow. Looks out
Scone . (Grounds of Leontine's home. seer,
through window.)
Leontine mad police In automobile ar
rive, get out and move toward front
door of house.
Scene 4. (Bedroom aa par S.)
Sebastian turns away from window;
realizes all is over. Indicates he will
write confession. Seat! himself at
table and starts to write. There Is a
knock at the door. Sebastian regis
ters fear, whlspera Anxiously to Rav
engar. Spoken title: "Keep your word. Send thorn
Continuing scene, Sebastian flniahaB
speaking out above. Ravengar moves
ovnr to door and talks through la . 1
Scene 8. (Hallway outside bedroom.)
Leontine and police at door. Leontine
answers Ravongar, puxzled by hi fail
ure lo open door.
Scene 6. Ravengar at door talking. Se
bastian gases In his direction. Regis
ters sudden craftiness, suddenly rises,
picks up chair, advances toward door
and smashes rhalr on Ravengax'a head.
Ravengar falls.
Scene 7. (Hallway aa per scene 6.)
Leontine and police hear Ravengar fall
ing. Endeavor to break in door.
Scene 8. (Bedroom as per 6.)
Sebastian hastily tears up paper on
which ho has been writing. Rush" to
window, climbs out Door breaks In.
Leontine and police rush In. Police
hasten to window. Ieontlne bends over
n 9. (Grounds of Leontine's home,)
One of Sebastian's chauffeurs examining
a motorcycle. Sebastian comes run
ning In, takes motorcycle an,d whizzes
out Police come running out of
bouse, question chauffeur. Police lieu
tenant whistles and police automobile
oomes up. Police get into tt and drive
after Sebastian.
Scene 10. (End of wharf.)
Show foreground of fisherman. One
point up the wharf curiously. All
look off.
Fall set: Motorcycle cornea down
wharf toward end, driving through
fishermen, who make wild leaps out
of the way. Motorcycle with Sebastian
drops into water as police automobile
comes In the picture and does exciting
top at edge of wharf. Police all leap
Scene 11. (Motor boat In water.)
Sebastian swims over to motor boat
and la pulled In by fisherman. As soon
as Sebastian is in he straightens up and
strikes fisherman a sudden blow. Fish
erman falls overboard. Sebastian leaps
to motor boat wheal and starta boat
Dundee Theater
. Also
Lillian Gish
In delightful visualization
0 of home life
'0- THE
I "Children Pay"
Showing the awful effect of
0'' divorce when it strikes
' ; what was once a
( happy home.
"f, -
Comedies Galore.
Path Weakly.
i Win. S. Hart
ft KSgSS4
Il Sprightly Viv.ciou.
adaption the ripe tradition of seventy
tive years of stage production, and
the leading characters have been de
veloped by some of the greatest
actors of the last three generations.
From this rich store of material the
producers have gathered the wheat
and discarded the chart until the five
reel photoplay, "Oliver Twist," stands
as one of the greatest achievements
of motion picture production, and
ranks among the best pictures that
have ever been released on any program.
out of picture. (Close diaphragm.)
NuhtUlet An hour later.
Scene It. (Leontine's study.)
Leontine, maid servant and butler In
picture, with Ravengar. who la lying on
couch. Police Ueutenant cornea In.
Loontlne moves toward him hastily and
questions him. Lieutenant shaking
head, says:
Spoken title t "He made a getaway In a
Continuing scene, Leontine Is overcome
with sorrow. Lieutenant ex Ita with
maid and butler. Ravengar, who has
been slowly coming to, now goea up to
Show foreground of Ravengar seeking
to comfort Leontine. tine speaka.
Spoken title) He will never return and I
oan never erase the atlgma on poor
Jerry's name."
Continuing previous foreground. Leon
tine speaks out above, Ravengar re
plies: i
Spoken title t "Perhaps Jerry will return
some day and wipe away the stigma
Full telt Ravengar finishes apeaklng out
above. Leonttne shakes her head In
doubt, and Is finally Impressed and
strangely thrilled as Ravengar con
tinues to reassure her. She speaks
Spoken title: "What do you mean 7 What ,
do you know? Who are youT"
Continuing foreground, Ravengar smil
ingly answers:
Spoken title: "I am only year Shielding
Continuing foreground, Leonttne apeatcs
Spoken title: "But what la your secret T
From whence oomes ' your impossible
power of appearing and disappearing
at will?'
Full sett Ravengar laughs and apeak:
Spoken title: "Come, I will show you."'
Continuing scene, he finishes apeaking
out above and extta with Leonttne.
Scene IS. (Street corner near Raven gar's
laboratory In the city.)
Sebastian comes out of aide alley. His
wet clothes are hidden by a coat he
has purchased somewhere. Wears new
hat. Oases cautiously about
Scene 14. (Outside Raven gar's laboratory.)
Tuclcab drives up Ravengar and Leon
tine get out, walk toward laboratory.
Tail drives away.
Scene IS. (Street corner as per 18.)
Show foreground of SebaaUan seeing
previous scene. Goes toward front of
Raven gar's laboratory, stands hesi
tatingly outside door which Ravengar
and .Leontine entered. Then exlta up
alley s.long side of laboratory.
Secne lit. ( Ravengar s laboratory.) Rav
engar and Loentlne oome In. Ravengar
goes lo corner, takes out bottle from
closets brtnirs It to Leontine and epeaka:
Spoken title: "My secret and the secret of
l tie ciotn is conuunou in ma wui
of black pelleta."
Scene 17. Show foreground Sebastian Min
ing UP to doorway that leads into
laboratory, opening it a Utue way ana
looking through.
Scene 18. (Laboratory as par If)
Ethel Clayton and
C.rlyle BUckw.ll
Answering a query ni Ust Sunday's
Bee, which offered a prise for the best
answer, Harry B. Watts sends a letter
which has been selected from the replies
received and swarded the prise. The let
ter follows:
Dee. IS. 191 .
Photoplay Editor, Thi Omaha Be.
Dear Sir.
I notice in "Flashes from Filmland
you are offering a prise of s $6.00 ad
for the best reason why an Omaha ex
change manager mailed &6 copies of this
page to his friends, and, as I could use
said ad, I offer herewith my reason.
No doubt this exchange manager de
sired to send the most repmentstive
page showing how firmly the movies are
established in this city so he chose the
paper having the most sds, as well as the
best composition snd make-up.
I feel sure that there is not as ex
hibitor who does not now look Upon
"Flashes from Filmland" wtth consider
able pride, because it reflects great credit
on the movies In this city.
Very hopefully yours,
Show foreground iT Riivrngar displaying I
pellffn lo Lrontine. KRVenimr nRke :
Spoken title: "These pellets. th life work
oi a snipwreckert scientist wre found ,
on a ledge in the South Atlantic. Thin;
scientist In his Journal wait, 1 will get 1
It" t
Full set: Ravengar finlnhcn xponklng out
above, turns and move to nf in cor- J
ner. Loom hie follows him. laying down
pellets on tnhle noar doorway. On th(
tablo thi Muck cloth has alvn been laid i
by llawngHr.
Show foreground opening, hand comes
throuKh and rearing Into room. Hr-
naetlitn's hand and arm are xin to
stealthily take up cloth and pellet and ,
exit. I
Full set: Ravengar finishes opening ssfi. .
take out journal, conies back In the
direction of table, finds cloth and pe.
lets gone. Oasea about, rcxtfltcru j
Subtitle: Th Joy riders.
(Scene 1ft. (Tmirlng car.)
tihow foreground of party of Joy riders
laughing and cheering. HpeedltiK
Scene SO. (Alleyway alongxlde laboratory. 1
KebsMttnn routes cllmhlng out of win
dow, licokf at cloth. ThruMa It in
side ht v.'t. Kxtta, holding bottle of
pellets In hia hand.
Scene il. (Street outside Ravengnr's lab
oratory. Sebastian Mart to i-roe street looking
interestedly at bottle of pellets In hie
hand. Joy rider' automobile cornea
around corner and strikes Sebastian.
Joy rider leap out. Pick up Sebastian.
Show close foreground of curbstone
nearby. Hottlo of hlack pellets conies
rolling lo gutter, stopping near curb
stone. t'ontinutng scene, policeman and other
bystanders come running up to automo
bile. Another automobile drives In and
Sebastian is taken aboard. Auto
starts off.
Scene 88. (Laboratory as per 16.)
Ravengar and Leontine have apparently
given up hope of finding cloth and pel
lets. Discover door la halt open. Exit
into hallway
Scene U. (Street outside of laboratory as
par 11.)
Ravengar and Leontine corns out and
speak to Irishman who Is standing
nearby. Irishman tells them of acci
dent. Ravengar calls taxi that is
driving through picture. stopr
and Ravengar and Leontine are driven
swiftly away.
Scene 84. (Room In hospital.)
Sebastian Is brought In by attendants,
accompanied by joy riders. Sebastian
Is laid on cot.
Show foreground Sebastian on bed.
Wakes to consciousness. Hears some
thing of Interest going on tu hallway
outside snd listens.
Full set: Ravengar and Leontine come Into
room and move toward Sebastian.
Show foreground of Sebastian. He
hastily takes cloth from Inside vest
stretches It over htm and starts to
Full sett As Ravengar and Leontine reach
Sebastlnn's btd he disappears. Ravengar
instructs doctor to hold door shut snd
searches for the invisible Kebaetlan.
Show foreground of doctor holding
door. Something strikes hint and doctor
falls, Door opens ami clones,
85. (Hallway outsldo hospital as
per 23.)
Attendant comes up stairs. As he ap
proaches room the Invisible Sebastian
apparently pushes him to one side. At
tendant staggers away. As this hap
pens Ravengar and others come rush-
Irik' nut. Seeing the attendant stagger)
Uuvt'iiKar makes a wild foot ball lack to
in direction of top of stairs Ah he
falls Sehasttsn appears. Ravengar'n
tackle ha dragged cloth off Sebastian.) i
Sebastian falls, but leaps to his feet I
A wild fight follmvH for the cloth.
Clasped lit encli other's tinns, both fall -down
the Mnlrs.
Scene 8(1. (Landing and stairway.)
Show foreground of Sebrtcliaii and Rav
engar t bottom of at airs. Kavengnr
unconscious. Sebastian picks himself
up, grabs cloth from Ravengar's bund
and dlsappeara.
Full (et: Rest of tho pirty come running
down stairs and a approach Ravengsr.
Aa I hey reach him he disappears t Se
bastian has thrown cloth aluu over
Haven gar ttiid, both invisible, irrle.i
Som. troubles arc r..l, soma ar. 1m.fin.r7. Mark's w.r. real,
but ha wins eat In this unusual fivoact scraan dram..
A Sensational Fin-Act "Metro" Drama Dealing With
Buainass Lifa and tha Underworld.
LOVE AND WAR Two force which ia with each other for
supremacy in the "Fox" Photoplay,
Grand Organ by Organists Ko.hle and Hortoa al Every
Haddorff Pianos
Of all the beautiful possessions with which the
refined home is adorned none other is so indica
tive of the owner's culture and good taste as a
fine piano. ;
' The simple artistic case designs make Haddorff
Pianos infinitely more satisfying.
The price of Haddorff-made pianos and player
pianos are reasonable.
Our "Factory-to-Home" method of selling, along
with our minimized cost of selling assures you
of this. .
We have unquestionably the most beautiful and
attractive stock to select from so why not have
a fine Haddorff in the home for Xmas? Only
a few days left now.
You do not need to pay cash to own one of these
superb instruments. Terms may be extended
over a period of three years if you wish.
Brandeis Piano Department
Third Floor
Leonttne cries out In di(
Fade Into: Who Is the Shielding Sha
low? $
m -w. ;.gsisv.sBv, j39sW.
Grand Theater
::ec :sc smcsmKi smsj
him away