iftr-B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 17. 1916. Plasties from Filmland B, PHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES mm VaucUWIU and Photoplays Today, Mon., Tues., Wed. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In play that opene with touch of human midnight, but anda with tho aun rita of eternal love, ENTITLED "DEEP PURPLE" IN FIVE ACTS ; Depicting tho moat thrilling ad 1 venturea ever osperienced bjr a" country firl. Thur., Friday, Saturday PAUL SWAN World' Handiomaat Man, and Baroness Von Dewitz IN- n AIJA THE vinnn, HUNTRESS" Most artistic photoplay of th ago. picturing th fahlo of tha faces in tha moon anal introduc ing soma wonderful posas of Diana at ths bath. Open 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. daily ADMISSION 20c and 10c Peralrtrnce u tha Cardinal Vlrlua Advertlalnff. , THE nononi TODAY - i ROBERT D o D o D o II o D o D ' AND NAOMI CHILDERS . , IN ' "FATHERS OF MEN" A DRAMA OF THE NORTHWEST . Mr. Edasoa plajrt two charactara and has many dramatic icaaaa . J with himself. Tbia offering ia fillad with baautiful acoaoa, mad in tho north ern eouatrjr, whara tho anowa ara orarlaitlnf. SELIG NEWS COMEDY o 0 o D o n o n o TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY MARIE DORO, in "OLIVER TWIST" ' Scroon Varaioa of tho Erer Popular Dickens' NotoI. . . ' 3aoaoaODODOE3oaoDOooE3oaoaoooDoa ' i ifBaawiii-aiesaaia.4jawajiaa (INC.) 3MIK!!!!!i3MMaK I PhorPlavjs i Here' the Lateat and a Sure-to-Pleae Photoplay "The Honor of Mary Blake" A atory of hypocrtay, oznoaing cartain claaaaa of church, man who fail in thair duty toward croaturaa in diatraaa. , Returning VIOLET MERSEREAU to Her LEGION OF Today and Monday HIPP THEATER "An Appeal to Charity of the Heart and Mind" ia 'THE HONOR OF MARY BLAKE" . Aa an actraaa left atrandad among tho uncharitable roaidonta of a amall community, Miaa Moraaroau haa a rola fittingly adapted to her emotional talenta. BlUtBIRD A Bluebird Can Be Seen Erary Sunday aad Monday at THE HIPP THEATER Take a good look at the liat of theatera below that run Bluebird aad you will know "IF IT'S A BLUEBIRD IT'S GOOD Columbia Roper, C Magic H.nn Burt : Monroe Gem B. Hippodrome Diamond Gam, C. B. ' Clifton ! "F.B1RDS WERE NOT GOOD THEY WOULD NOT ALL BE BLUreiRB RUNNING THEM. EVENT- tM.UtBIHD aeSCj?11""- UALLY THEY Bills for the Current Week HtrmUfJ With three bcadltnera Ilk Ml Man Gish. William R. Hart and Edith Taliaferro holding forth at th Strand thta wtrk, food thins are naturally In etore for Strand fan. Mlaa Utah elartt tho hall : rollins Sunday and Monday In "The Chit ' dren fay," a atory of tha effecU of divorce, l followed Taaadav. Wedneaday and Thurs day br William 0. Hart In "Tho Devil' Double," wherein Hart play the part of a bad man who rbnarnta lo pone for an Invalid' art la t and la reformed. Booth Tarklnjrton a 'The t'onquit of Canaan," with Kdith Taliaferro In the loading ro,, will be the HI rand offorlng Friday and Saturday of thta wek. BoalTri The preaentitlon today la a drama of the weat railed "The Paraon of Panainlnt.'' Iniatln Karnum carflee the leading role. Monday Charlie Chapitn will hold forth In "The Pewnahop." Tueaday Frank Mill" and Jane Orey wll bo co-aura In ' Tha Flower 0f alUir ITIpp A Bluebird photoplay leada ofT the week'a bill at the Hipp thle week, "The Honor of Mary Blake," featuring Violet Mflraereau, being the offering for today and tomorrow. Tueaday and Wedneaday Heaaue i Hayakawa, th1 Japaneae actor, appeara In I "The Boul of Kura-8an," an unuaual Japa- neaa-Amerlean drama. ThurnriajV and Fri day William Ruiuiell appeara In "lxne DIAMOND THEATER WILLIAM FARNUM "The EndoVthe Trail" Ala Good Comedy sesse "The Girl From Friico" TOMORROW CLATJYS HULETTE, in "PRUDENCE THE PIRATE" llllltlllllllllllllllllltlllllltlllllllMllltlllHU I PRIKCESS THEATER 1 S I4tk and Deeflaa Sta. Franklin Famum "Little Partner" 3 Waatara and 3aelttr Drama "It Sounded Like a Kiss" 3 . . . Alto Cartaoa sad Scenic. S IfiiiniitiiiiiiiitiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiif? MUSE snononi MONDAY EDESON o n o D o ioaoflfl ADMIRERS J ! JT 1 Omaha Apollo Benaoa Star Alamo Lothrop Lyric Ideal Park Dundee Loyal i! ALL WILL. Star," the atory of a young Indian tad who decide he will go out and aeek the white nun'i civilization and ur It to re lieve hla hrothera from their mi pari tit I on a. Friday and Halurday Lou In Huff and J ark Pick ford are neen In a pMurlzatlon of one of Booth Tarklnglon'it masterpiece). Empreaa For the patrona of the Emprfia an exceptional photoplay hill ha a been en gaged for the whole week. Starling ''to day the feature la Clara Kimball Toung In "The Deep Purple." Mutual VWekly and "Ioneeome l,tik" comedy , c omptele the program, Bfglnnlng Thursday the Fonte nelle Feature Film company preeenta at the EmprtuH tor (he first time tin lateal releaae, "Diana. lh HunlrenH." In thla picture Paul Swan, a Nebraaka boy, who waa voted the mon! handsome man In the world, ptaya the part of Apollo, the brother of Diana. Itaroneim von Dcwlta char aeterliPM Diana and introdurea poaea at the bath that will appeal tr-t)ioae who appre date atrlctly artlatlv, but not vulgar pic tures, Dundee The arltlcea of a wife for a aplneleaa huatand furnlah the theme for "The Tw.t,' showing at the Dundee thea ter today, .fan (Jrey carrlea the stellar role. One the bill In a cont'd y, "Hcrappily Married." Monday Warren Kerrigan and l,oulee fxpvely appear in "A Social Hucra nenr," With thla la "Robin Hood Recalled," picturing unUKal theortea of( flmince by a Chlueae pirate. Marie Bertha Kalich" appear at the Magic theator today In "Love and Hate." Hhe la supported by Stuart Holmea under th direction of Jamea Vincent. The atory tells how Helen Sterling Uvea happy with her hUHband and two children until Oeorgt Howard bringa an element of discord Into their Uvea. Orpheum (Kouth Wde A variety bill la ehowing at the Houttwtiid Orpheum theater today. The feature photoplay la one of a aerlea of pictures In which Uvace Darling .arrlea Ihe stellar role, called "Beatrice Fairfax." The accpmpanlng picture- are HIPPODROME "LIBERTY" "LURED BUT CURED" "BEHIND LIFE'S STAGE" I Clifton Theater I WARREN KERRIGAN i a In "THE SILENT BATTLE" A Blueblra in Flva Parti. LKO COMEDY. I I Sllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllliiiilliiilliu I Boulevard Theater 2 DUSTIN FARNUM f i ' ' . : IN .' I "THE PARSON OF I I PANAMINT" I S Paramount Faatura ' E S x ' Alao Good Comedy S lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllR ORPHEUM W GRACE DARLING "Beatrice Fairfax'' Keystone Comedy AUa Camady, SIbkIbv and Dancbif VAUDEVILLE PALM THEATER VARIETY SHOWS HIGH CLASS PHOTOPLAYS . with comady vaudovillo and dancing Sc ALWAYS 5c llOIILFF-rr I TODAY AT a, i,S, 5:30, Till, I J I I ay DOROTHY DALTON I HOWARD HICKMAN l "THE i JUNGLE CHILD I I I I PADDY McCUIRE, hi "Buaillaf BIM'a Bs Wav" WEDNESDAY Clara Kimball Young In Her Own Production "THE j COMMON LAW Because of the high I rental on this film a slight advance will be made in admission price to 16c. J MONDAY "Craet. Palka Reporter J IrTL. DLl.lJI ate. 1 H TUESDAY Walter Lew and "Vaiey. rln" tat "Tha Uawelceme Metier. THURSDAY Lionel Barryanre I "The Quitter." FRIDAY Ruta Roland la "Tka Sul. I taea." I (A Natural Celar Pktura.) SATURDAY "Baldy" Balnwnt In "Hayitacka aad Staeplee." Fay Tfaicber lo The Lady Drum Stars Who Will Shine on Screen for r,, " ""k. - aura- rs. w w a. Emily Jercis seen lea and comedy. Keystone and Interna tional. An act of comedy vaudeville Is an extra attraction. Monday the wall known educational picture, "Where Are My Chil dren?" la presented. Tuesday,, Uorothy Davenport la seen la 'Tho Turn of the Wheel." Rob Iff Dorothy Dal ton and Howard Hickman appoar at tha Rohlff theater to day In "The Jungle Child," a very unuaual, thrilling, well acted, finely it t aged and reallatlo photoplay. The allURtfona which are disclosed are decidedly different and will bold your entire attention throughout. Clara Kimball Young In "The Common Law" will be the attraction on Wedneaday. Hippodrome "Behind Life's Btage," a drama of Universal production la the feature at the Hippodrome theater today, With thla la ehown the fifteenth episode of "Liberty" and an L-Ko comedy, called "Lured, But Cured." Diamond W I Warn Farnam la presented at the Diamond theater today in a feature production entitled "The Knd of the Trail." Comedy la alao shown. Monday program offera 'Tho Twisted Trails," featuring Tom Mix. On the aame bill Is "The Lone Point Mystery" from the "Hasards of Helen" and a comedy called "Marked no Kunda." "The Little Partner.' a wiatrm and society drama la showing today with OMAHA THEATER ROBERT WILSON N and LILLIAN CONCORD In "THE ISLE OF LIFE" Alaa Comady. I j ALAMO THEATER j I "THE MANTLE OF DECEIT a "ANY OLD DUKEIX DO" "LIBERTY" THE FASCINATING MODEL" I I. APOLLO THEATER 29th A LoaTonworth. Har. 1806 TODAY 5 PERFORMANCES 2:00, 3i45, Si30, 7ilS, 9i00 Paramount Offer Marguerite Clark "Out of thl Drifts" TOMORROW DUSTIN FARNUM In Paraon of Panamint" giiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Magic Theater SOUTH SIDE I Bertha Kalich 1 IN "LOVE AND HATE" S A vtrid portrayal of a woman', 3j S emottone 1 I 1 S "The utWaHaW' ajBnaLjtujMcaavaac MIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinlllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlll? SMm I jkX A Chi 4t V r MmffjMZ.M f a. "It Sounded Like a Kiss" In which Eddy Lyons and Leo aforan are the stars. In ad dition a cartoon comedy and arenlc is shown. Monday, "The Mystery of Myra," a aerial In presented together with a thriller called "The Taint of Fear." The comedy la "So Thla Is Paris." Tuesday brings tha first episode of the new Pathe aerial, en titled "Pearl of the Array" with Peart White In the stellar rote. With this la "Liberty," the Animated Weekly and a comedy, "Its Great to Be Harried." Alamo The program at the Alamo today offers a complete Universal program with "The Mantle of Deceit" aa tho feature. Two comedies are booked for today, "Any Old Duke'tl Do" and "The Faclnatlog Model," both are said to be good. In addition aa episode of "Liberty"- Is showa. Muse Robert Rdeson and Naomi Chlldera will bo the offering at the Muse Sunday and Monday in a drama of the northwest, "Fath ers of Men." Thla feature la filled with beautiful scenes made In tho northern country, where the snows ara averlaatlng and Is a story of red-blooded men. Bellg Tribune and a Frank Daniels comedy will eltto be shown. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Marie Doro will be seen In "Oliver Twist. " The lateat current events will be shown on the Hearst Newa Pictorial and a comic cartoon of tho "Katxenjammer Kids." Friday and Saturday Lou Tellegen (Oeral dine Farrara husband) will be presented in his latest Paramount production, "The Vic- , torla Cross." A Hearst News and a Para- i mount comedy, entitled "Nearly a Deserter." I The Girl from 'Frisco" is the fea ture at the Basse theater today. Monday Otadys Hulette Is presented In a Pathe fea ture, entitled, "Prudence the Pirate." Comic and scenic pictures are also shown. Sun The week's program at ths Sun promises a variety of entertainment suitable'- to all clasaea of morie fans. Today and Monday the offering Is K. K. Lincoln snd June El ridge in "The World Against Him." Men who have real grit fight hardest when things are going against them, and that Is what Mark West does In this photo- "Snow White" Crtaun'e Fairy Tale, in Fear Parts A ChUd'a Photoplay Eaderaad by the Mothara and tha Weemn'e Clube el the State. Baahad Exclusively Tareeik The Western Supply Co. 301 Nat. Bid. Omaha, Nab. . For Movta Mdaa. See "VAN." 2iiiiiwiiiii.tiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiig EXHIBITORS OF I Iowa and Nebraska Money Makinf Fenturea S at prtcea you can afford to pay Fontenelle Feature Film Company 1511 U Dodge St., Omaha S Phono Doug. 4422. H NEW STAR 'jsL?. j MARY McLAREN I I "SAVING THE FAMILY NAME" j I TM YOUr'hUSBAND" ! We Will Give You $500 in Gold If we cannot demonstrate this BAIRD Machine ABSOLUTELY flickerlera running at normal speed 15 minutes to the- reel without any film on the machine. , ' Try It On Your Machine Omaha Film Exchange 108 South 14th St. Exclusive Distributors for Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. Omaha This Week At He play. When about to be hanged he faces the problem of marrying the girl he loves to save a fortune for her. Si though he knows she does not love htm. Tuesday, Wednes day snd Thursday the offering 4b Emily Stevens In "The Wager." Friday and Sat urday a Mexican border story is presented with Ore tc hen Hartman and 'Alan Hale playing the leading roles. The story Is called "The Love Thief," and tells of the desperate and passionate love of a Mexican gtrl far an American army officer and ox ner trsgto end. CUtUnJ, Warren Kerrigan Is at the Clifton theater today in a Bluebird, "The Silent Battle." With this Is an L-Ko com edy, Monday's program offers "The Tin Soldier," "Pape's Legacy" and "Grant, the Police Reporter." Tuesday Mary McAIlater is starred In "Unto the Least of These." "The Romance of Elaine," "The Road to Fame" and "Dudes for a Day" are the ac companying pictures. Wednesday the fea ture Is '"Twin Souls." An episode from "The Girl from 'Frisco" is also shown with the comedy "Good stud Proper." ralm -At the Palm theater today, to gether with a clever comedy-farce In two acts, the feature photoplay offered Is "The Border Wolves," from the popular western serial, entitled. "The Girl from 'Frisco. A chapter from the adventures of "Grant, the Police Reporter," called "The House of Three Deuces," will alao be ahown, and the comedies are "Tho Influence of the Un known," a Blograph drama, and "The Jail birds," starring Ham and Bud. New Hrai Mary McLaren Is presented to day at the New Star theater In a Bluebird. "Having ths Family Name," a drama in five reels. The comedy ia called "I'm Tour Husband," a Nestor production. Mon day the feature la "The Heritage of Hate," a Red Feather, in Ave acts. With this la an L-Ko comedy, "Murdered by Mistake." Tuesday, "Should' She Have Told?" "Ths Seeds of Jealousy" and two comedies, "Where Is My WLfeT 'and "When He Cams Back." Grand A Triangle feature. The Dawn Maker," heads the bill at the Grand theater today with William 8. Hart In the stellar role. Mr. Rachman announces It the beat Triangle be has ever shown, Tuesday, "The Madness of Helen." in which Ethel Clay ton and Carlyle Blackwell are co-stars. Wednesday, Douglas Fairbanks, the "chain lightning actor," is presented In "Manhat tan Madness." Thursday, Virginia Pearson la seen In a Fox feature called "Tortured Hearts." Good comedies ars shown with all features. Omaha-"The Isle of Life," starring Rob erta Wilson and Lillian Concord, la the attraction at the Omaha theater today. Monday, Gajl Kane In a World picture, 'The Labyrinth." Tuesday. Mae Murray In a Paramount, "The Big Slater." With this Is a Burton Holmes travel picture. Wednes day, Dorothy Phillips in a Bluebird, "The Price of Silence." Lothrop Today the Lothrop offers Mar guerite Fischer In 'The Pearl of Paradise," also a comedy. Monday Clara Kimball Toung In "Without a Soul," the atory of a great scientist who discoverers a way to bring the human body back to life after death. He does this for his daughter and discovers too late that she has no aoul. Every Night Next Week THE ouie inn THE BLUE AND GREEN ROOM -RESTAURANTS Will be Open Until 9 P.M. SPECIAL MENUS for thia week before Christmas You can stay right in the store and do your shopping with out interruption. BRANDEIS STORES WOMAN'S CLUB GIVES "SNOW WHITE" BOOST Crusade for Movies for Chil dren in Omaha Bears Fruit from One Film. COMMITTEE IS FRANK The women of Omaha arc showing considerable interest in trying Jo provide suitable programs of photo plays for children. Recently a spe cial showing of "Snow White" was held at the Sun theater for the bene fit of those interested. They found the film suitable, as the following statements indicate: "Grimm's fairy tale. "Snow Wliitci" is full of life and spontaneity there is not a dull moment in the entire play. It is replete with beauty and picturesquencss. "Exacted entirely by children, it makes a strong appeal to parents and children alike. "At a private exhibition of this mo tion picture the grown-up spectators were as delighted with its charm and humor as any child. "I recommend 'Snow White' to all clubs in Nebraska and Iowa inter ested in better films for children. "MRS EDWARD SYTERT, -"President Omaha Woman's Club." "The educational committee of the Omaha Woman's club, who are work ing for better films and special mo tion picture programs for children, heartily endorse the fairy story, "Snow White," as presented by Mr. Van Husan at a private exhibition at the Sun theater Thursday morning, iJecember 7. "MRS. W, S. KNIGHT, "Chairman i "MRS. J. H. DUMONT, MRS. GEORGE B. DARR." "The Purple Mask" Shown To Exhibitors at Empress The first episodes of "The Purple Mask,", a Universal serial photoplay, were shown to the Omaha exhibitors at the Empress Saturday. The pho tography was exceptionally gooft and the settings were above the ordinary for serials. Francis Ford and Grace Cunard play the leading roles and are the authors of the scenario, which starts off with fast action. High so ciety and the Paris underworld scenes are reproduced successfully. The se rial will be finished in fifteen episodes of two-reels each. PIPES BORROWED BY SCOTCH Invention of Bagpipes Smothered in the Dust oi Ancient History. Neither Scotland nor Ireland can claim to have invented the bagpipes. Greeks, Romans and Chinese all played bagpipes of sorts long before the time of Christ, and the instrument actually figures on one of the coins of Nero, who may have played it The Breton bignon, the Calabrian rampogna, the German sackpfeife and the French corneraeuse are all bag pipes under different names. It was actually a Scotsman, and no less a man than, the lord advocate of the time, who publicly declared fifty years ago that "the bagpipe is an English instrument, essentially Eng lish; the English were the original bagpipers." He pointed out that, while Shakespeare often speaks of bagpipes, he never docs so in "Macbeth," and that it is in Lincoln shire and Yorkshire that he localizes the pipes. To Chaucer and Spencer also they are English. James IV and other Scottish kings paid for "In glis pyparis" at their court, while Ed ward I, Edward III, and Henry VI and Henry the VIII seem to have had native pipers. The Highlanders never used the pipes in war before the fifteenth " century; the harp was Scotland's instrument London Chronicle. SCHOOL POLICE IN C0TJRTES7 New Members of New York's Finest Told How to Be Good. "Courtesy" was the theme of Frank: A. Lord, a New York city deputy police commissioner, who instructed a group of new policemen in their duties, the other day. Telling them how to act when they appeared in po lice court trials, he said: "Make up your mind that you will under no circumstances get angry, no matter how great the temptation. If you are insulted by a shyster lawyer, you have to take it. That is your fosition. I have to receive insulting etters from ignorant citizens fre quently, and I sit down and dictate courteous replies. I know that many of the things they write about are none of their business, and I would like to address them in another way entirely, but I don't. "The good-natured habit is just as easy to form as any other. It is just as easy to sit or stand and smile when a shyster lawyer attempts to make a fool of you and so have him make a fool of himself. Don' show your teeth and snap back." New York Times. DIDN'T HAVE TO WALK BACK Consolation Tendered Condemned Soldier About To Be Shot. Here's a story just back from the Mexican border, only the returned guardsman who told it to me put in all the dialogue. A detail of infantry men are marching through the Mexi can desert with a prisoner, who is sus pected of being a spy. The soldier who marches nearest the prisoner constantly and profanely observes upon the discomfort of the whole proceeding. After miles of "hiking," a village is reached, and here positive evidence against the prisoner is ob tained. There is a drumhead court martial and the prisoner is marched out to be shot. The profane soldier is ordered to bandage the prisoner's, eyes. As he is doing so he continues his fault finding. "What's the matter with you." says the prisoner. "Look at me. I'm not saying anything, and I've got to be shot." "Yes," replies the soldier. "That's where you've got the blessed best of it. You don't have to walk back." Gncinnati Timca-Sur.