Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Saturday Then 6 More Shopping Days
Winter Garden Skating Boots
Latest Style in Sport Shoes
At $6.00
We have just received a shipment of these Skating
Boots which were made expressly for the Brandeis
They come in White Calf and Tan Russia Calf with
padded tongues.. These boots are very popular in the
east this season, and they make a very appropriate
Xmas gift.
Opera Boots and Slippers
Carriage Opera Boots, colors are: Black velvet, white satin.
Quilted lined throughout and black-fur trimmed: pair. . .$4.95
Opera Slipper Buckles
Very large assortment of Opera Slipper Buckles. They come
in individual boxes and range in price from. . . .98tf to $15.00
Main Floor.
2f i ivmr s
Women's Dainty Neckwear
Makes Appropriate Gifts
- wpvi U1IU Ul.u k 1 .
An ideal Christmas gift for the kid
dies, and also for mother. We have
g, m inese sets, ai ji.ou ana up
X . . . , .....
omail ueorgecte sonars, in several styles,
with lace and embroidery trimming. Very
useful gifts, at 50c
A Beautiful Line of Spanish Silk Lace
Scarfs, in black and white. Reduced prices $2.98 to $25.00
Chafing Dish Sets Apron and Cap to match. One set in a box,
ready for gift making 50
A wonderful line of Boudoir Caps, in crepe de chine, silk and
satin, with lace, rosebuds and ribbon trimmings. .50J to $1.98
Main Floor.
A Gift Handkerchief
for Everyone
Initial Handkerchiefs, 35c Each.
Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs with ' real
AM Spanish nand-emnroiderea initial; narrow
3ss hemstitched edges; 3 in a fancy box. for
$1.00; one-half dozen in a box, for $2.00
Men's Sheer Linen Ardinne Handkerchiefs with hand-embroidered
initials; narrow hemstitched edge; 6 in a box, for $2.00
Men's and Women's All-Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, neatly
hemstitched; 6 in a fancy box $1.00
Children's All-Linen Handkerchiefs, cross stitch, fancy
figured; others with hand-embroidered initials; 3 in a fancy box,
for 35
Children's Handkerchiefs, initials, all letters; 3 in a fancy
picture box 15
- Men's and Women's Plain, Sheer, All Pure Line .Handkerchiefs,
hemstitched; put in a fancy box if desired. Each, 15. 25. 35
Main Floor.
You Can't Do Without Flowers
and Christmas Wreaths and Decorations
We never saw a Christmas when you could. That
is the reason why this Flower Shop has prepared so
thoroughly for the influx of eager buyers. It is a
beautiful shop and the flowers are beautiful.
Wonderful Baskets for Table Decorations, made
up in boxwood, red ruscas, poinsettias and thistles,
at.... 50 to $2.00
Christmas Wreaths at Lowest Prices
Red Fritz Roping, a yard 2
Large 12-Leaf Poinsettias, each lOo
Ruscas and Wreaths, each 25
Boxwood Wreaths, each 50
Red Fritz Wreaths, each, 30. 50 and 75
Large Assortment of Plants and Cut Flowers at Reasonable Prices.
Entrance to Pompeian Room.
Another $5 Day
In the Boys' Clothing Dept
The $5.00 Sale last Satur
day was so successful we
have decided to have anoth
er one, so that those who
failed to attend last week.,
can share in the wonderful
values this Saturday.
Two-Pair-Pant and
One-Pair-Pant Suits
That are worth considerably more; snappy, new patterns; smart,
new styles. Two big tables full of extra-value Suits for this day
only. All sizes.
The Overcoats
Are all-wool chinchillas, in different styles, fancy mixtures and
plain colors in various new styles. Many new pinch-back models.
Ages 2 to 12 years.
Also Coat, Cap, and Leggin Outfits in good, firm fabrics.
The Boys' Mackinaws Are Great
Skate-pocket styles or full-belted styles in the newest, nob
biest plaid effects. Many all wool. Ages 8 to 18 years.
A Treat for the Little Fellows
Tommy Tucker, Junior Norfolks, and Billy Boy Suits. Smart
velvets in different colors; pure wool serges in blues, and browns,
corduroys, and mixtures. Splendid quality suits at a big saving.
Christmas Suggestions
Get brother a Sweater for Christmas. The biggest assort
ment of all is here every color, stripe or plain, from the fine
jerseys to heavy knits 81.00 to $5.00
A Very Special Holiday Number
An All-Wool Shawl-Collar Sweater, in maroon, tan, dark, and
light gray, and cardinal $2.50
Boys' Belts, in holly boxes; fancy buckles and initial buckles.
At 50 and 65
Third Floor.
Don't Forget the Christmas Aisle
The Aisle of a Thousand Gifts
Just 7 shopping days to Christmas
Days are flying, for Christmas buying.
EVERY economy and convenience that
this store can offer will be yours right
up to the last moment, and because we
know that so many people are puzzled at
the last minute in their quest of the Christ
mas present, we have added a great accom
modation this year in the Xmas gift aisle.
HERE booth after booth is filled with
items particularly appropriate for
Christmas gifts. Each one selected for
special merit. This special grouping can
not fail to be an immense help to you in
your last-minute shopping.
Beginning Saturday Store Open Until 9 P. M. Up to Christmas
Foreign Toys For Girls and Boys
In Omaha's Biggest Toyland
SANTA CLAUS went all 6ver the world to gather together the most wonderful as
sortment of Toys ever brought together under one roof even to far off Japan and
China visiting Austria, Germany, France and England on the way. Here arc some of
the unusual things from Toyland and the prices we have set upon them are simply
From Germany
Magic Lanterns:
With lamp and slides, complete,
for 9c
Other Magic Lanterns 98c
Steam Engines:
Brass boiler, heavy iron base,
and safety valve 98c
Mechanical Automobile:
Closed car, with driver; key
wind 49c
Lehmann'a Celebrated Mechani
cal Toys:
Balky Mule.
Man with Cart.
Scissors Grinder.
Zulu and Ostrich.
And many others, 25c and SOc.
Kid Body Dolls:
Kid Body and Baby Character
Dolls, hundreds of them too
numerous to mention in detail.
From England
Spear's Games, 49c.
Tiny Town Parcel Post.
Post Office.
Department Store.
Errand Boy.
Tiny Town School.
Rubber Balls:
Fancy colored Rubber Balls,
Rubber Animals and Rubber
Dolls 10c and 25c
Celluloid Balls and Rattles: '
Celluloid Balls, in, red, white
and blue 5c
Celluloid Rattles, in variety of
shapes 10c
From China
Hand Made Rattan Furniture:
These form the first lot to come
to this country from China, Jap
an having the shipment of them
before this.
Well made Table, Settee and
Two Arm Chairs to the set 1
We sold hundreds of these the I
first day we announced their ar
rivalthey are just the thing
for the little girls dolly; each,
for 25c
From Japan
China Tea Sets:
All daintily decorated, 11 pieces
for $1.98
Tiny Green Tea Sets: ,
Two cups and saucers, creamer,
tea pot and sugar bowl. ... 15c
Japanese Automobile:
Made of wood, covered with
fancy Japanese colored straw;
bright and fine 25c
Barking Dogs:
With big eyes and funny faces,
will please the children sure,
at 10c
Stuffed Dogs:
Very Japanesy, the kind the lit
tle children like. . .25c and 49c
Japanese Court Lady Dolls:
These are really works of art
dressed in the wonderful Orien
tal costume each doll repre
senting a separate court lady
children will prize these dolls,
at 98c
From France
Miniature Auto and Racing Car
Miniature Automobile and Rac
ing Car, equipped with electric
lights, rubber tires. Has the ap
pearance of a $7,000 car, at $
The Chasse:
A group ofmctal figures, repre
senting the hunt; with hunters,
dogs, guns, forests, etc; also a
battle scene with soldiers, guns,
ambulances, artillery, etc. 98c
to $5.00
Service de Table:
Is the label on the top of one
box direct from France, and
when it is opened, it reveals the
daintiest little dinner set imag
inable. It is all here, even to
the napkins, menus, etc. Very
prettily made $2.50
Direct from Paris:
Beautifully Silk Gowned Dolls.
French dolls are noted for their
extremely pretty faces. These
are beauties. .$3.00 to $25.00
Walking dolls, each. .. .$10.00
Cooking Stoves:
.Cast iron body, galvanized top
and metal legs, to burn elec
tricity or alcohol, complete with
set of cooking utensils that real
ly cook; prices, from ...$1.98
to $7.50
From Austria
Stone Building Blocks:
In different colored stone;
houses, churches, castles, bridg
es 50c
American-Made Crochet Cotton
White and Colors, Special, 6c a Ball
The Notion Department offers this ex
tremely unusual value for Saturday.
Lots of women are making crocheted
articles for Christmas Gifts. Buy a suf
ficient quantity to finish your work and
save money.
Main Floor, Rear.
Extraordinary Sale
Furs make splendid gifts. No
woman will lack appreciation
if you purchase her present
Muffs and Scarfs
The new round melon,
barrel shaped muffs, with
the new animal shaped
and novelty scarfs. Beauti
ful sets, ranging in price
$19.00 to $149.00
Extra Values
S parate Fox Scarfs
In red, Cross Fox and
black, in the wide natural
animal shapes. Exception
al quajity, ranging in price
$19.00 to $49.00
brandeis Stores
Candy Specials
Special Delicious Opera Cream Fruit Roll,
rolled in nuts. Pound 29c
Assorted Nut Divinity, vanilla, strawberry and
chocolate. Pound 25c
Our Fresh Maple Confections Caramels, Co-
coa Balls, Gems and Penochio. Pound 20c
Our Delicious Chocolate Pompeian Bitter
Sweets and Swiss Style Milk Chocolates. The
pound 29c
Fresh, Old Fashioned Black Walnut Taffy, at
pound 29c
Pompeian Room.
of Christmas Furs
In Furs, Foxes, Moleskins,
Hudson Seals and Kolinsky are
the favorites. We are also
showing Brook Minks, Beavers,
Nutria, Eastern Mink, etc.
Separate Muffs
In furs of all descrip
tions, including Coney,
Muskrat, Beaver, Nutria,
Mink, Fox and Lynx, Hud
son Seals, etc. Ranging in
price from
$2.98 to $85.00
Fur Coats
In a great variety of
models and fur combina
tions. In Nearseal, Brook
Mink, Marmot, Hudson
Seals, Moleskin and genu
ine Mink. Ranging in price
$69.00 to $469.00
Second Floor.
These Two Wonderful Sales
Here are Two Sales that are scheduled
for one hour each one between 9 and 10 and
the other between 10 and 11. No need to
dilate upon the wonderful values offered:" Do
9 on Saturday morning.
Japanese Baskets
Scores of different shapes, each
one particularly desirable.
Jardinieres, Fruit Baskets; Sand
wich Baskets, Waste Paper Baskets.
Made of fine Japanese bamboo
the kind of baskets that you would
readily pay three times as much for
in a specialty shop.
Saturday 9 to 10 only
Worth Up to $5.00,
At $1.00 Each. ',
From 10
11 A. M.
1000 Blouses. Each,
1 nn
i.vvs can
You won't need a sec
ond invitation, to take
advantage of this; 1,000
of them, tout they won't
last long.
Crepe de Chine and
Washable Satin and
Tub Silks, also Chiffon
Cloth with satin collars,
and Net Blouses
All new colors, also suit shades; scores of dif
ferent styles; lace and embroidery trimmed ; some
semi-tailored models.
Saturday 10 to 11 only
Worth Up to $4.00,
At $1.00 Each'
Second Floor
A Great Glove Sale
This sale, one week before Christmas,
when the minds of thousands of Christ
mas shoppers are turning to gloves as
the most acceptable of Christmas gifts,
is very gratifying, because gloves can be
bought at this store far below present
market values.
At the Regular Counter
We are going to sell Saturday
Perrin's Overseam or Pique Real Kid
Gloves, Eglantine and La Favour Kid
Gloves, in black, white, tan or gray, also
white with black embroidered backs,
black with white embroidered t1 e
backs and black backs on tan, at. $1.50
i According to the present market, these
Kloves should sell at $2.00, at our price of '
S1.nO thev are the most extraordinary bar
gain. Kvery size, but only about 75 dozen, -so
we advise early selection.
Kayier'i Guaranteed Washable Leatherette GloTea, in white.
Kvery pair guaranteed by the maker and by us. Regular
price $1.00, Saturday 79
This lot is limited in quantity and ice must again advise
early selection.
Besides this we are offering a wonderful line of beautiful
Plain and Kancy Kid Gloves of the famous Perrin, and Vallier
makes, all bought a year ago and longer at the old prices.
Naturally you get the benefit.
In black, white, pegalle, gray, navy, tan, and pearl. Either
plain or with beautiful embroidered, contrast backs. At,
pair $2.00. $2.25. $2.50
Women's 2-Clasp Imported Kid Gloves, in
black or white, mostly overseam sewn, a few
pique; come in plain white or black, also a few
white with black embroidered backs and black
with white embroidered btfeks.
These gloves wojild be cheap at $1.50 a pair
today, but as long as 100 dozen last, Q.
we will sell them at 95c
Every pair guaranteed.
Main Floor.