THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1916. Brief City News 1 Platinum Wedding Klns Edholro. Hnve Root Print It Nw Beacon Treu. Tim Cleaned, 10c, at Carey's. Weo. SI2. Elertrie Rradlnt Mmps for Xmaa. to $i,0. Burg-ess-Oraiitlen Company. Roht. C. Drnesedow A Co., Omaha N'at'l Bank. Listed and unlisted securities: bank stocks; several 7 per cent guaranteed gilt-edge Investments. Xew Printing Company Henry G. 1'lke and Leo Dlers are the incorpo rators of the Magic City Printing com pany, which has a capital M 118,000. Flagman Ordered at Crossing The Missouri Pacific Railway company has been ordered by the city council to maintain a flagman at the crossing or Twentieth street and Florence boule vard, i Best Meal for the Monar Clalrem'nt Inn. Land for Dot The Wlnspear triangle, a tract of land along the river north of Burt street, has been set aside by the city council for dock age purposes. The tract has a water front of 750 feet. Firemen Given Pensions The city council allowed Captain Henry C. Jaacks and Driver Samuel Crowley of fire company No. 4 monthly pensions of $57.60 and 150, respectively, be ginning January 1. Extends Free DeUvery General Agent Warner of the American Ex press company announces that, com mencing January 1, express companies will extend their free delivery serv ice to the Dundee district, to Happy JIOIIOW UUUIWVO.IU vu liic nna .v street on the south and Hamilton street on the north. Pleads Guilty and Goes to Pen I'lcadlng guilty to a charge of "break ing and entering," Harry Sherwood, who, together with Walter Nyman, robbed the State Dry Cleaning com pany's plant on November 3, was sen tenced to from one to three years in the state penitentiary by Judge Sears. Nyman received a like sentence a week ago. Andlrffat for Christmas Sunderland'a Wallace Talks on The Psychology of Advertising to Club "A woman goes into a store and asks for a certain brand of oatmeal. She does not even see the word 'oat meal.' She merely gives the name of the brand, and she gets it," said R. B. Wallace, president of the Omaha Ad club, in his talk at the club's round table in the Commercial club rooms last night. "A man walks into the cigar store for a cigar, but he does not say, 'Give me a cigar.' He uses the name of a certain brand. .Mr! . J - tl UlB .an? If mOQria that the customers have absorbed certain impressions, they may be sub conscious impressions, but the will acts thus sub-consciously in these matters. The speaker pointed out that adver tising to be effective must get these sub-consious impressions planted in the minds' of the public. "Psychol ogy: What Does It Mean in Ad vertising?" was the subject of Mr. Wallace's talk. He pointed out the ancient custom of hanging out pictures before the shops and taverns, instead of printing the name of the shopkeeper or a lot of information about his wares. "Thus in Shakespear's time they had the Boar's Head Tavern," he said, "with a boar's head hanging over the door. Another man named Cox kept a shop in London and instead of spelling out his name (for the people couldn't read), he had a pair of fight ing cocks carved out and had them hung over the door. Thus the place of the cocks or the place of the bear's head came to stand for something definite. It came to stand for the place where choice drinks was served or where the best sandwich of a cer tain variety could be found." He showed that these impressions in the minds of the public can be created only by constant advertising and repetition. Domestic Relations Bureau Is Sought Welfare Board By' A department of domestic relations is contemplated by the Board of Pub lic Welfare for next year. The board held an executive meet ing yesterday evening and discussed the program for. the new year. Fur ther consideration will be made next Monday evening. It is expected the , board will ask the council for $20,000 for 1917. The needs of a domestic relations department are appreciated by the members and Superintendent Schrei ber bajieves the work of the board would be materially helped if this branch should be added. Several new investigators will be engaged shortly after the first of the year. Mayor Dahlman met with the board and learned of the work which has been done this year. Leaves on Short Antn Trm; Ts Nnt TTparrl Prrnn Sin ft A Ed Williams of Benson is missing. Sunday evening he left the C. W. Francis Auto company's headquarters on Farnam street and said he was go ing to Blencoc, la. He has not been heard from since. Williams is a member of the busi ness firm of Williams Bros.. Maxwell auto agents, in Benson. Blencoe is only about fifty-five miles from Omaha and it takes but a few hours to reach there by auto. 'Williams' brother fears that the missing man is the victim of an auto accident. Fireman Injured In Distillery Blaze Fire early yesterday did damage estimated at $500 . the grain storage building of the Willow Springs dis tillery, Fourth and Pierce. Jack My ers, city firemar, stationed at Elev enth and Dorcas streets, living at 4174 Cass street, was burned about the head and neck when some burning grain fell on him. His injuries were not serious. The fire was gotten under c . ntrol with little difficulty. Bad Couith? Fuel-Inn? Orlpnr?, These ailm.'ntg waken your system, don't Walt. Use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It allayx Inflammation, kills serine i5c. All ilnigftsts. Advertisement. Something Worth While Going Up ' 1 Dr. Joseph F. Newton Accepts London Call Dixon, 111., Dec. 12. Dr. Joseph Fort Newton, formerly pastor of the People's church here, but now of Cedar Rapids. Ia., has accepted the offer of the City Tcmple at London, England, which he occupied for five weeks during last summer, it was an nounced today. Woman's Legs and Lungs Save Her from Bandit When Mrs. L. London, who con ducts a grocery store at 1902 North Twenty-sixth street, arrived at her place of business at 6:30 a .m. Monday and inserted a key in the lock, she was accosted by a man who de manded her money and valuables. She screamed and ran and her assailant made his escape. Dry, Hoarse or Painful Coughs Quickly Ended M-Mad ltmea tnat Yaa a Doea tk war Thoroughly. HAPPENINGS IN THEMAGIC CITY South Siders Want Council to Give Them Three Hundred of New Lights. TO APPEAR BEFORE DADS Three hundred lights at least are expected by South Siders, when the city .council acts this morning on (he apportionment of the 1,070 street lights. Rumor had it yesterday that all but 100 of the lights had already been promised to different parts of the north side, but this did not discour age local boosters, who will be at the council meeting in person. West Q and West L street districts are sections here most in need of lights. There is a strong demand in the southeast section of the city along the highways leading to Mandan park and farther north. It is figured that thirty-five lamps will satisfy here. Commissioner Parks will present the request for recognition of the plea of South Siders. He will be backed by business men and property owners. Chance for Recreation.; Business men of the South Side will have a last opportunity to join the noon recration class now being or ganized by . Iv. Herman of the Young Men's Christian association. The first meeting was held a week ago but the attendance was so poor that the organization meeting was post poned. The gathering will be in the gymnasium in the Temple hall at Twenty-fifth and M streets. Banner Dedicated, A large beautiful banner artistically stitched by students of the Society of Children of Mary of St., Francis church, was dedicated at special serv ices yesterday afternoon bj Rev. Father Michael Gluba. Music was given by the choir, assisted by Pat rick O'Neil, tenor, w. Two Deaths Reported. Edward C. Porter, jr., aged 25 years, died last evening at the home of his parents, 2105 N street. The funeral will be held Wednesday aft ernoon at 1 o'clock at the home. Rev. S. H. Yerian of St. Luke's Lutheran church will officiate. Interment will be in the Graceland Park cemetery. Elon Russell, aged 50 years, died last evening at the home of his brother, Andrew Russell, 1920 Drexel street. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Brewer's chapel. Burial will be made in the Bailey cemetery. Novel Lilt of Priies. The Rota Rosa club will give a grand card party at the Columbian hall Thursday, December 14. There will be ten prizes. Some of the prizes are a turkey, a goose, a bushel ot potatoes and a 10-month-old live hog. The latter will be a cut for all. Omai Lose Game. The Omai came out a loser last evening. Despite a brilliant finish by Peterson, the team encountered so many splits and played to such han dicap odds that they lost their third and deciding game to the Moose five by less than twenty pins. The handi cap in the balance amounted to seventy-two pins per game. The C. C C. B. Parlors were an easy winner over the' Shamrocks. Baker was high, with 601 pins to his credit. Mafic Cltr Gossip. A reading will bfl given at the Highland Interdenominational church, Twenty-seventh and Monroe atreeta. by Rev. MK. P. Cornish Wednesday evening at 7:0. The title of the piece ia "Chrlstmaa Carol." The basket bait schedule for the local church league has been given out by E. H. Herman of the "T." The teams .consist of players, the age limit being 16 years. Mrs. Paul Fleming, colored woman, who swallowed a half ounce of carbolle acid yes terday morning at 10:30 o'clock at her room at 2409 N street, is recovering at the South tilde hospital. Daniel J. Klynn, aged OS years, died Sat urday srenlng at his home. 2100 J street, South Side. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home. Inter ment will be in the Bellevue cemtery. Rev. R. L. Wheeler will officiate. Omaha and Sioux City Debating Teams Clash The affirmative team of the Omaha High school debating squad will meet a team representing Sioux City High school in the high school auditorium this evening. The negative team goes to Sioux City, where they will meet the Sioux City High school affirma tive team. Both teams have he same question, "Resolved, That the United States Should Abolish the Monroe Doctrine." DON'T NEGLECT CATARRH! Take It In hsnd at oneel Drive it out of your ijstera before it mini your health ytfur happl neei your very life's welfare itself 1 Don't be blind to its dangera, because it works ao quietly. Catarrh wrecks more livet than we realise. Are yon making that common, dsntreroun mistake of thinking Catarrh a trifling ailment? Are you fooling yourself with the idea ft'a only a stubborn, obstinate head-cold that in time will "cure itself" T Don't deceive yourself any longer. Catarrh ean't cure itself. While you heedlessly neglect it, you're fast becoming a hawking, spitting, foul-breathed nuisance an object of disgust to everyone you meet Worse still Catarrh may get down to your lungs. Once Catarrh settles on the lungs it's no longer Catarrh it's Consumption. Consumption comes from neglected Catarrh, and over two million people die every year from Consump- (Graduate in Medicine and Surgery, Dub- CURE YOUR CATARRH NOW don't let It lin University, Ireland, formerly Surgeon .ran on another day. Write to me at one and British Royal Mail ljaval Service.) let me give you the most helpful MEDICAL ADVICE FREE on Catarrh. It shall not cost you a cent, and it's bound to be of wonderful sld to yoo. For thirty rears I'M oeen stuayins; ana curing Catarrh. Now I ofter you, without any expense whatever, free consultation and advice on curing your troubles the benefit of my wide knowledge and experience. Don't let this chance go by accept my assistance today! It's promised in genuine sincerity and friendllneai. People all over North America, who've already received my advice, gladly testify to what it has done for them. I'll cheerfully send you names and addresses ot those who hsve sought my aid. Now they, are cured of Catarrh, as they willingly bear witness. Write to me and see if you can be freed from Catarrh. Simply answer my questions yes or n., writ your futl nsme and address pMnly oil the dotted lines, cut out the Ires medical ad vice coupon and mail it to me without da lay. Address CATARRH SPECIALIST SPROULE 192 Trsd. Building. Boston. Don't wane any tims delays are dangerous. Do it NOW. n IT OUT Tufa rniisnu It entitles readers of this paper to free medical advice on curing Catarrh. Is year throat sore? Do you sneese often? Is your breath foul? Are your ayes watery? Do you take cold easily? Is your bos stopped up? Do you have to spit often? Do crusts form in the nose? Are you worse in damp woanWf Do you blow your nose a good deal? Does your mouth taste bad moraines? Do you have a dull fooling In your boad? Do you have to clear your tkroat aa Ha. bag? Ia there a tickling sensation In your throat? ' Do you have an unpleasant dlschargo from your nose 7 Does the mucous drop into your throat from the no.? NAME The prompt and positive action of thli simple, inexpensive homemade remedy in quickly healing the inflamed or swollen membrane of the throat, chest or bron chial tubes and breaking up tight coughs, has caused it to be used in mors homes than any other cough remedy. Under Its healing, soothing influenoe, cheat soreness goes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in throat stops and you get a good night's restful sleep. The usual throat and chest colds are conquered by it In U hours or leu. Nothing bettor for bron chitis, hoarseness, croup, whooping cough, bronchial asthma or winter coughs. To males this splendid cough syrup, pour 2ty ounces of l'inex (50 cents worth), Into a pint bottle and All the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup and shake thoroughly. You then nave a full pint a family supply of a much better cough syrup than Jvou could buy ready-made for $2.50. Keeps perfectly and children love its pleasant taste. Plnez is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, combined with guaiaeol and is known the world over for its promptness, ease and certainty In over- i coming stubborn coughs and chest colds, i To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "2V4 ounces of Pinex" with ; lull directions, ana don t accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or moneypromptlv refunded. Ihe ruiex uo., f t. wayne, ma. -eafejSW Resino first aid for skin troubles "Will Resinol Ointment really stop ttis dreadful itching andclear my eczema away?" "Madam, if you only knew aa much about Resinol as doctors do how safe it is to use, how promptly it acts you would not doubt, you would use It at once. Usually it stops itching immediately and soon removes every bit of eruption.'- Retbol Omunent Is so nearly fletlvcolorad that it can be used on exposed surfsccs with out attracting nodus attention. Sold by all Idrugsiitt. For sampls tree, writs to Dept. J7-R, Reaiaol, Baltimore, Md. MILLARD HOTEL L. RENTFROW, Prop. Comfortable, fully equipped rooms, $1.00 a day and up. Quick Service Lunch Room, the best in the city. Music with Meals. TabU d'Hot Dinnar, 35c. 13TH AND DOUGLAS, OMAHA. BAD FEET AN OBSTACLE TO SUCCESS IN LIFE "I never tmploy a salrsman who nuffero from bad feW," nays a big merchant. "I know that nq man or woman who uffrt-H from foot troublfta can poMlbly do Juntlce to any kind of a Job, because bad feet torture a man'i body ao that hla mind can't be on hi work." Thouaandi of man and women are handicapped In their life race by bad foet. It to such a unelerm handicap now aday becaune a very simple home remedy will Ftave them. A 26-rent package of Wa-Ne-Ta will bring Inntant relief to font sufferers. You drop two or three of these tablets In a pan of hot water and bathe the feet In It for a few mlnutfs. The paina, aches, burning sensation ami Irritation van ishes llkn niafflc and the feet are cool and comfortable In no lime. Delightful for une In bath. Leaves akin soft and sanitary. If your drugrtst hasn't Wa-Ne-Ta, we win gladly send you a sample package If you will send us 10 cents to cover oost of mailing. L. C. landon Co., South Rend. Ind. V Buy Your G I F T S at the PAZAAR of the Churches Dec. 4-16 BEE Building Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday.- Till 9 P. M.L- gess-Nash Com 7ie Cfirisimas Store for GveryBocfy TUESDAY, DEC. 12, 1916. STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY. PHONE DOUG. 137. Look for It at Burgess-Nash The Christmas Store With Everything for Everybody BIG, generous stocks of expertly selected holiday merchandise conveniently arranged for easy selection plenty of happy, contented salespeople and where thorough satisfaction goes with every transaction. Burgess-Nash Holiday Delivery Service TS PREPARED to render the" most efficient service in Omaha. It thoroughly covers 1 Omaha, South Omaha, Florence, Benson, Dundee and all suburbs and with daily delivery to all parts of Council Bluffs. It will be a powerful help in (rcttinit your Christmas packages home. And in this connection, may we again request, for the sake of all concerned, that you plan to Do Your Christmas Shopping Early But 10 Days Remain YOUR GIFTS Will be daintily boxed upon request, and wrapped ready for mailing or delivery free of charge at the Service Bureau. Shop on a Transfer It's the most convenient way to shop. Saves time and worry. Ask the sales per son to start you with one. Sample Line of Leather Goods Novelties at About 50c on the Dollar EVERY one suggestive of Christmas gift-giving and at about half the usual retail price. , Hat Brush Sets, 69c Real ebony and grained ivory hat and cloth brushes, In leather cases, made to retail to $1.60, sale price, 69c Military Brush Seta, $1.49 Real ebony military brushes, in leather cases; made to retail to $3.00, sale price, at $1.49. Arts and CrafU Bags, $1.00 LOT ONE Just one of a kind the popular arts and crafts finished leather medium and large top or back strap purses, pretty hand bags with oxidized copper finished frames, all pretty purses; others have extra coin purse and mirror, made to retail to $5.00, at $1.00. Ba(s Usually ts $8.00, al $1.95 LOT TWO One assortment of bags arts and crafts design; silk lined; values up to $5.00, at $1.95. Ba(s Usually to $7.50, at $3.95 LOT THREE Arts and crafts leather bags, including values to $7.60, at $3.95. Beaded Bag, Usually to $10.50, at $4.95 Fine imported beaded bags, silk top drawstring style. Top match body of beads, fitted and made to retail to $10.50; only a small lot, $4.95 Sewing Seta, 19c Complete 7-piece sewings in leather cases; also a few music rolls, made to retail to 50c, at 19c. Music Roll, at 79c Real leather music rolls and cases, made to retail up. to $2.00, sale price, 79c. Buriaaa-Naak Co. Mala Floor. Sample Line of Jewelry Novelties at About 50c on the Dollar YOU'LL appreciate the' display, both from the range of selection and the econ-( omical point of view. Novelty Jewelry, Usually to $2.50, at 95c At this price are Included German silver mesh bags with gate tops, stone set; rhinestone set hat pins; la valuers with sterling and gold filled soldered links; flexible gate top bracelets; vanity eases; jitney purses; imita- fC tion ivory comb and brush sets; hair brushes; JfljC mirrors; trays; powder boxes; hair receivers, etc. , Novelty Jewelry, Usually to $1.00, at 29c Including Mandarin jewelry; arts and crafts jewelry; oriental jewelry; beauty pins; cameos; la valliers; slipper pins; men's belt buckles; sterling rings; auto goggles; cameo rings; rose leaf beads; jet beads; pearl beads; Otis ivory pieces of various kinds, etc. sbtC Novelty Jewelry, Usually to $1.00, at 69c Imported oriental bar pins, brooches, coral, amber, jade and cherry red beads. Novelty Jewelry, Usually to $1.50, at 79c Back combs, barrettes, casque combs, hair pins, Geraldine Farrar combs, hair pins, etc. Burfsss-Nash Co. Mala Flow Novelty Jewelry, Usually to 50c, for 19c Combs, barrettes, .hair pins, hat pins, tie clasps, beauty pins, waist sets,: bar pins, beads, etc. j 1 Mesh Bags, Usually to $10, for $3.95 Sample mesh bags, German silver mesh, with imported enamel frames, for $3.95, IFT Suggestions I for Chris mas l-pint Thermos bottle, $1.29. 1 -quart Thermos bottle, $2.29. Gillette safety ra- tor, in nickel case, for $3.85. Perfumes, in fan cy Doxes, Z5e ana 50c. Heavy, white iv 8 13 I ory combs, 59c. 1 13 I Pebeco tooth Uil. Jt laste. 50c size, 29c. Hind's Honey and Almond cream, 50c size, 29c. Racarma rose toilet water, for $1.00. Perfumizer for toilet wat er bottles, 65c and $1.50. Burfsss-Nasb Co. Main Floor n it 111 Women's Union Suits at 75c WHITE cotton union suits, fleece lined, low neck and sleeveless, or Dutch neck, ankle length. Women's Union Suits, $1.00 Light or medium weight, white cotton, low neck and sleeveless; Dutch neck and elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length ; regular sizes, $1.00 extra sizes, $1.25. Children's Union Suits, at 50c Cotton fleece lined, with drop seat, white or cream color; 50c each. Children's Union Suits, at $1.00 White or gray, part wool, high neck with long sleeves, $1.00 each. Burfoss-Naah Co. Main Floor Two Contests for Boys and Girls FREE-ThreeToy ELECTRIC RANGES THE three little girls who write the best letter about what they would 'do with a Western Electric Junior Range Will each receive a complete range free for Christmas. The contest is open to all little girls under twelve years of age. All that is necessary is to write a letter on the .subject, "What I would do with a Western Electric Junior Range if I had one.' The three little girls who write the three best letters will each receive free a Junior Range complete, as shown, with kettle, skillet, bake pan, Junior cook book and cord with switch and plug, ready for attachment to the electric light socket. The only other conditions besides the age limit, are that one of the cards which you se cure in loy lown must be filled out by a parent or adult and mailed or deliv ered on or before Dec. 20, 1916 to Toy Department, Burgess - Nash Co. where the Junior range is on display. Demonstration Models of Meccanno, Structo and Erector Free TO the boys who build the best models from their sets of Meccano, Structo or Erector, we will give the demonstration models now on display in our Toy Town. For the best model of Mec cano the demonstration model. For the best model of Struct', the dem onstration model. For the best model of Erect the demon stration mod el. Three splendid prizes, boys, and all you are re quired to do, after building your model is to bring it to our Toy Department on the 4th floor, where they will be judged Sat urday, December 30th. Demonstration models now on display in Toy Town in the Down Stairs Store. Burgsaa-Naah Co. Down Stairs Stor. 1 i