Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Kntortd at Omaha poatofflca aa acond-claaa matter.
My Oarrtar By Mall
per month. per year,
rtally and Sunday thr- tt.09
lany wllftnul Sunday tc .."
Kvenln and Sunday 4t .
Kvanlna without Sunday 2&c 4An
Sunday Bee only 2k-
rally and Sunday H. three reara In advanoa, 110.00.
Send notice of rhanao of ariflaraa or Irreitularlty In de
llve ry to Omaha Hee, Circulation Department.
Remit by draft, expreaa or postal order. Only J-rent atamna
taken In payment of email account. Pereonal t-herke.
eteept on Omaha and ealem anchanaa. not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha Ml" N etreet.
found! tJluffe 14 North Mala itreet.
..Incoln 528 l.lltle Building.
Chlc(tan KIN People' Oae RulMlne.
' New York Room M, 311 Fifth aeenue.
St. Iiule (01 New Bank of Commerce. . .
. Washington 72G Pourteenth etreet. N. W.
" correspondence.
Addree coinmunlr-atloni, relating to newa and editorial
matter to Omaha Baa, Editorial Department.
53,483 Daily Sunday 50,037.
tlwlrkt Wllllama, circulation manager of Th Bea
Publlehlnf company, bemf duly mora aaya that the
average circulation for the month of Novamber, 111, waa
MM dally, and 50.017 Sunday.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Suberrtbed In my prapenea and awora to before ma
this znd day of December, ltlt.
r. W. CARIJOW, Notary Public.
Subacribara Uiring ths city tsmporsrlly
ahould hT Tht Baa mailad la thara. Ad
draaa will bo chamf ad aa oft.n at raqulrad.
As a model good fellow the itock yardt Sinla
Claut heads the clati.
Observe how quickly peace propositions re
duce the gai in speculative bslloons. ,
The specter of bankruptcy rtnks foremost
among the forcei of war pressing for a quick
A kindly fate spared Carmen Sylva the spec
tacle of her country paying the price of a dis
astrous war dance.
Oil it going up, wheat coming down. The tips
and downs of rival monareha fail to lhake the
lofty serenity of King Coal.
Prospects of a lhakc-up in the Washington
cabinet grow more remote as the days past. How
ever, London, Paris and Petrograd furnish all
needful excitement in that line.
. Three Balkan kings have been put out of
business this year.: Food and fuel monarchs
in this country challenge a like fate. The road
roller of public Indignation, once started, flattens
all before it. .
German efficiency it largely responsible! for
the overthrow of the Asquith ministry. Prime
Minister George recognizes the service by In
corporating in his platform several planks "made
in Germany."
In times of stress a democracy submits to
modified dictatorahip at readily it an autocracy.
The stake of national jife overthadowt all else
and justifies measures which are impossible in
normal timet. ' 1
Major General Funston thowt considerable
strategy in flanking theological discussion and
in avoiding a pulpit deliverance. 'Still, he must
be credited with putting out entertaining and
instructive Sunday reading,
Major General Goethals toundt the true note
of national progreat in three wordt: "America
for Americana." The more, vitality put into it
by our actt the greater will be national unity,
patriotism, self-respect and advancement.
Intimations are out from official sources that
Christmas offerings to the' amount of $200,000
would be welcomed at th democratic national
committee headquarters, A copiout contribution
box at the pie counter seemt to be in order. '-,
The revival of the custom of pretidential
confabs with Washington correspondents sug
gests among other things a merging of political
peace with the tonic qualities of the season's
good wilt. Four yean more la 1 rare brand of
democratic exhilaration.
It is difficult to reconcile the wealth-making
possibilities of the drug business with the Attman
theory that sidelines are needed to make ends
meet. Until the contrary it shown it It prefer
able to believe that close confinement spurred
the desire for outdoor exercise. Easy money
was incidental.
... Some time must elapse before the inner sig
nificance of the allied shake-up becomes apparent.
Dissatisfaction with the progress of the campaign
is the main cause, but the fact that the change
embraces military as well as political management
portends the scrapping of campaign methods
hitherto pursued. ' Their development whets the
interest of jaded neutrals. -
'7 Have Lived"
Catcago Herald
Now and then, above the clang and clamor
of the world's discontent, rises a refreshing note
of human gratitude and gladness. Such a note is
sounded by the Rev. Joseph Anthony Milburn,
. a Chicago clergyman, in the autumnal "philosophy
of life" called "Everyman's World "
"My sun has passed the meridian," says this
genial elder, "and is moving with rhythmic and
deliberate stride toward the western horizon, be
yond which lies the alluring world of mystery and
"As I look back over the yeart I feel that I
should say a liturgy of thanksgiving to Fortune
for the lavishnett of her bounty toward me. She
has not always consulted my desires nor humored
my moods. 1 have found her to be more a Stoic
than a Sybarite in her manners and methods. She
has made me pay with a tufficient liberality for
the many felicities I have enjoyed through the
grace of her favor. In the things of lesser impor
tance the mysterious providence that rules over
the affairs of men has been frugal with me; but I
have been blessed beyond measure in the one
treasure of priceless significance, the treasure of
life. 1 have lived I"
Not a bad laying that, for those ttitt in the
thick of the fight, Itill seeking fortune'! favort. to
remember. The point of view alters all possible
perspectives; things teen in the retrospect teem
different indeed from the lame objects under ad
vance or even contemparaneous consideration. Mr.
M ilburn has not found life's pilgrimage too easy
or luxurious. Indubitably he has known periods
i of doubt, .distress, discouragement, depression.
But now, from the western slope, he recalls
mainly life's general sweetness and splendor. The
burden of his snnset song it lest a Nunc Diniittis
than a paean "I have lived!"
1. ' . .
Germany'! Proffer of Peace.
Until the exact nature of the terms on which
Germany and its allies, Austria, Bulgaria and
Turkey, proffer peace to the Entente Allies, dis
cussion of the situation must be much in the
nature of speculation. That such an offer can
be made in good faith is surely an encouraging
sign. In each of the several countries now en
gayed in war statements have been made by high
government officials of terms and conditions on
which peace would be acceptable, but of such
manifestly impossible character as to leave tome
doubt at to the exact purpose of the speakers. If
the present proposal contains anything on which
honorable and lasting peace may be predicated, it
is the most acceptable Christmas gift that could be
made to a distracted world. Nothing will be
gained for the moment by analytical discussion
of Germany's motive or position; the nature of
the terms offered it the point on which action
must turn.
Under tht Propped Up Ceiling.
Appropriations must origihate in the lower
house of the legislature, and aa this body sits
under the propped up ceiling of its chamber its
members will have ever-present incentive to work
out ways and means for providing the state with
a new capitot building. Sentimentit very gen
eral in favor of such a proceeding just now, the
people finally having awakened to the inade
quacy at well at the intecurity of the antiquated
building now doing duty at a statehouse at Lin
coln. The Bee hat advocated action on this line
for tevcral yeart, and herewith renew! one of its
suggestions. That it that the new ttatehouse
be made part of a comprehensive plan for ar
rangement of public buildings at Lincoln, to that
the whole will form a center of architectural
beauty of which the people will be forever proud.
Thll plan may be worked out in detail and carried
into effect by graduated steps, but to deviled that
in time the teveral building! of state, county and
city government will unite with thote of the uni
venity in forming an harmonious group in which
the importance of the state at typified by its
ctpital eity will find proper expression. This plan
does not contemplate any extravagant expenditure
of money, but should provide for economy, both
in construction and maintenance, Action it im
perative in the . matter of the statehouse, but
wisdom should prevail In any move that will be
Fewer Laws More Enforcement
The Nebraska lawt (on tht tubjecl of cam
paign fundi and expenditures) are undoubtedly
violattd or evaded in tone instances. It some
times looks at if the federal laws lny lightly
upon those subject to them. Must we have elec
tion "wardens to keep campaign funds and
piactices within' bounds f-Lincoln Journal.
Laws limiting campaign expenditures : are
undoubtedly evaded in Nebratka, Just at 'ire many
other laws. The trouble it that no one, txcept
those directly concerned at candidates for office,
have the slightest inkling of what thete lawt re
quire and the candidates only secure that infor
mation by potting themselves after they throw
their hats in the ring. .
It It tne multiplication of dead legislation reg
ulating everything down to the minutest details
that makes for to many dead letter lawt and,
when it comei to securing enforcement by special
machinery of detection, prevention or prosecu
tion, it it only a quettion which dead letter law
should have first attention. Perhaps election
"warden" are really needed but we have changed
our election! to that they come but once In two
years and the jurisdiction of the "wardens" should
be broad enough to let them keep themselves busy
in1 between. They might watch the candidates
who are elected to tee that they do -their duties
scrupulously under their oatht of office. And
then, to make doubly sure, we might have another
set of "wardens" to watch the wardens. Really,
we tee no escape from this outcome unlets we
elect public officers we are willing to trust and
lawmakers who have sejise enough not to past
unenforceable laws. I ' v
Grant and the Training School.
Miss Jane Addaint, opposing the suggestion
of the secretary of war that admission to West
Point be as far as possible cop lined to students
from vocational or technical schools, aayi such
a rule would have deprived the nation of Grant't
great services. ,The significance of this it that
Mitt Addami it not given to such loose state
ment!, even in the exhuberanee of debate. She
it too careful a ttudent not to be familfcr with
the circumitaneet that preceded tht entry of
Ulysses. Grant -into the West Point military
academy. Jets Grant, in fommon with most
American fathers, wat anxiout hit ton should
have the best education possible, and shaped his
life to that end. Young Grant worked, at did boyt
of hit time and nation, and wat tent to school
in winter. According to his own ttory, he pieced
out hit education with knowledge gathered from
th few bookt available to him, and when he went
up to stand examination for appointment a ca
det he wat well equipped. Happily for the coun
try, boys are no longer so restricted in their ef
forts to gain education at wat the great. gen
eral and president in hit youth, and just as the
young men of today have extended opportunities
and advantages, so is more to be expected of
them, and the nation, in calling them to its serv
ice, hat a full right to ask for the better quali
fied among them. No limitation it placed on op
portunity. Emulation of Grant't industry will at
least give any American lad his full chance to
rise aa high.
A census of America's false gods, taken by
W. J. Bryan, showt up a total of nine. Fint
in the list ttandt gold. Beside it the remaining
eight are insignificant. The tyranny of gold
passes belief at times. It hat hired men from
pretsing affairs of atate to the Chautauqua circuit,
where golden eagles mocked the call of duty.
Its crimes are beyond number. Yet it it not a
thanklett god. Consider the brighter tide, A
cross of gold with no more substance than a
figure of speech onee blazed the way to fame and
painted the route with its own colors. A false
god, truly, as a figure of speech, but in substance
a mighty exhilarating associate.
i Better go tlow with nation-wide petitioni on
the high cost of living. There it the risk of con
gress being convinced of the necessity of ad
vancing members' salaries to $10,000.
William Jennings Bryan
Chicago Tribune..
Mr. Bryan, we suspect, is the most powerful
single individual in the United States. J. P. Mor
gan, "Billy" Sunday, and Theodore Roosevelt
might be thought of as challenging his pre
eminence, but we doubt that they are to be con
sidered as serious rivals.
Morgan can break eggs for a million people
and carry off the omelet, leaving them the
shells, but he could not make a chautauqua ad
dress. Whatever power he has will die with him.
Bryan's will live twenty years after he is dead.
He will have directed the thoughts of men and
women and their children. It will take at leut
twenty years to eliminate Bryan. Twenty days
may eliminate Morgan.
Exasperated American patriots will be encoun
tering the Bryan sirup of life at least twenty
years after this amiable man has been gathered
to his fathers. "Billy" Sunday operates violently
on a restricted area. He stands a community on
its head. Boston now offers the spectacle of the
Brahmins on theirs. The bean not being the
natural resting place of the human race, there
is a gradual resumption) of the normal business
of standing on the feet, but while Mr. Sunday
it effective he ii very effective.
He hai not such influence as Bryan. He is no
such power. People cannot always be running
to a fire, as Charles Eliot Norton (or was it he?)
said of reading Carlyle. Bryan does not turn
out the fire department. tHe uses a sausage
stuffer, fills it full of sirup, and fills the people
so full of sweetness that they are ready to burst.
tne business of beating folks over the head
with a good solid club is Roosevelt's. The more
the sound indicates solid bone or protected va
cuity the more enraged the colonel becomes and
the stouter his raps.
People will itand on their heads for a while,
but they never like to be pounded on them.
Therefore Bryan with his sirup squirt it more
deadly than Roosevelt with his club.
It is no accident that now while Colonel
Roosevelt considers himself in the position of the
mate of the New Bedford whaler whose skipper
wanted silence, and damn little of that, Colonel
Bryan is the cock of the walk in Washington.
He is talking, as always, without thinking.
He typifies the impulse to talk without thinking.
We have nothing but admiration for this amiable
man, but the damage he does is enormous. He
has permeated th west. Hit mood is the mood
of the west. He it more responsible for President
Wilson now than he wat four yeart ago. He is
the most powerful living American, and our only
wish it that he had been a German or a Jap, or
even a Canadian or a Mexican.
Twenty yeart after hit last word has been
uttered the effect of what he has said will have
to b combated by Americans who wish the coun
try well.
Uncle Sam' 8 Farm
-Now Yerk Tlaaaa.
If Uncle ' Sam is no longer "rich enough to
give us alt a farm," as the long, familiar in the
60s, and born probably of the homestead law of
1862, hath it, lie lis not yet landless. Secretary
Lane counts somewhat more than 250,000,000
aerei of public land, and that mostly in "the arid
region," waiting for irrigation. A sizable tract,
but what a mere patch compared, say, with 1,000,
000 odd square miles of the Louisiana purchase,
reckoning Oregon in it, as the land office always
hat reckoned. "Doing a land office business"
will loon be an unrecognized fossil of speech. In
a few yean the land, office wilt have no or small
buiiness to do. In lest than ten years, probably,
no public land of consequence will be available
for the homesteader. There will still be plenty of
western "desert," that mysterious region, since
so shrunken, that used to sprawl vaguely over
the old American atlases, and Mr. Lane n sure
that this can be tapped for water.
i In the last fiscal year more than 19,000,000
acres of public land waa taken up. So the home
steaders are still active. It will be a good 'thing
or American farming when there it no mora pub
lic land. Scientific, intensive cultivation it what
it mott needed. The Department of Agriculture
it doing mighty, good work in teaching the farm
ers that.
Aladdin's Lamp Eclipsed
'LearfayBta Courier .Journal. -
'. . Aladdin's lamp wasn't a public utility. Elec
tricity, the servant of everyone who pushes the
button, eclipses Aladdin's lamp al the tun eclipses
a match. Electricity is a Jinn, aa powerful as
that which awaited the call of Aladdin. It serves
individuals, science, industries, cities, countries.
The all-powerful Jinn of the twentieth century
is at call upon the plunging steamer in the midst
of the blackest ttorm upon the bosom of the
heaving ocean beyond the equator or at the Arc
tic circle. Electricity propels the submarine. It
is the life-spark of the aeroplane. It drawl the
coal and iron from the mountain's heart and per
forms innumerable magical feats of strength and
intelligence undreamed of by Aladdin.
Electricity in its general application for prac
tical purposes is too new to cease to excite won
der In the mind of anyone who has imagination.
There still is a fascinating sense of power in be
ing able to lay a finger upon a switch in a dark
room and turn on a flood of light, to sav nothing
of witnessing the less common manifestations of
the harnessing of a force which the average man
does not in the slightest degree understand, al
though he has been for some time perfectly fa
miliar with its use.
No science is more progressive than electrical
science. Every year discovers to the world new
and wonderful employments of the electrical cur
rent. Everyone who reads hears occasionally of
some "latest" electrical device, and in reading the
next day'i newt forgets about it.
I People and Events
One of the male victimt of Charley Wax. femi
nine heart-breaker and crook, tried to spoil his
face with two vigorous swings, but Wax was too
quick in ducking. The irate man hailed from
Philadelphia, where Charley ogled $2,400 out of
hit wife.
"Beating the high cost of living is a simple
matter of intelligent marketing," remarked a Chi
cago woman, addressing a group of food investi
gators. In proof of her claim she produced a
dozen eggs bought for 26 cents. Eight of the
iggs were opened for inspection and stood the
test. The remaining four , revealed enotish
strength to force a hasty adjournment for fresh
air. . 1
Under the leadership of Benjamin J. Rosen
thal and the co-operation of employers practical
steps are being taken in Chicago to relieve the
distress caused by the rule barring men of 45
yean and over from new jobs. It is said there
are 10,000 able-bodied men idle on account of
age objectioni in the city. The main object of
the movement is to find what particular Work
the men are used to and their physical condition
and thus bring their wants before employers.
It has a practical and philanthropic side, pro
motes industrial economy and promises to halt
poverty. , (
Beside some of the smooth jobs pulled off
along legitimatebusiness lines "wild hoss trades"
and similar tricks of the thady profession appear
at miignificant as a jitney in a provision shop.
Seth H. Whiteley, an insurance philanthropist of
Philadelphia, fathered a plan to insure the police
of the city on the group plan. The Polic Bene
ficiary association fell for it. At the end of eleven
months Whiteley admits having cleaned up $49,
584.75 on an original investment of $4,000. The
state insurance commissioner, v after . hearing
Whiteley'l admission and confirming it, pro
nounced the scheme "expensive and suspicious
philattthrophy." : Police comment is limited to
one word, "Slung." - .
aaajaaraaa- aaaaar- Tg- I'
Thought Nngget for the Dy.
A noble action Is a deed.
Though unachieved.
Jchn Kendrlck Bangs.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
British took over French front near
River Snmme..
Italians captured Autrian trench
west of Clorlzla.
Berlin announced Anglo-French
force had been entirely expelled from
Announced that BrlUnh government
would take over American securities
held in Great Britain in exchange for
In Omaha Thirty Yean Ago.
Mr. Dewey hat on exhibition at his
ttore a water color portrait of hit
daughter, executed In Japan, on some
odd crepe-like fabric. The llkenesa la
excellent and shows that the Japan
eta have tome Idea of art notwith
standing the queer vases they send
over here.
John Schlll of this city hat Invented
an automatic car-coupler, which It at
tracting favorable attention from the
railroads in thlt part of the country,
The Bee l pleated to acknowledge
receipt or an elegant Dasket oi flow
ers from Jay Kelsey. the newly-estab
lished florist at 1402 Dodge. It thlt
tribute may be taken at a sample of
Mr. Kelaey'a work, that gentleman It
abla to cater Id a tasty manner to tht
demands of the Omaha public.
Philip Kraut, a faithful employe of
August Dorman On Thirteenth, waa
married t o Miss Jessie Kanta, a niece
of Mrs. Htetn, on Douglas.
The second meeting of the Young
Men'l Hebrew club was held at the
ynagogue, at which time a constitu
tion wat adopted and the following
were placed on the entertainment
committee; Messrs. Sloman, Anapach
er, Kahn, Wolfe, Harris, - Frey,
French. Oana and Heyn.
Among the latest additions to the
professional ranks of the city la Dr.
Frank Murphy, a highly skillful phy
sician from St. Louis. He is located
on the corner of Saunders and Sew
ard. At the last meeting of the directors
of the Corrugated Iron Works James
Griffiths, the builder of Browne!) Hall,
was elected secretary.
Thlt Day in History.
17J8 Charter of Dartmouth col
lege granted.
1814 Samuel D. L Comte, chief
Justice of Kansas territory and who
presided over the famous convention
of 1857 which framed the be Comte
constitution, born at Cambridge, Md.
Died In Kansas City April 24, 1881.
1816 The Provident Institution for
Savings, one of the first savings banks
In the United States, waa Incorporated
in Boston.
1841 General Samuel Houston en
tered upon his lecoftd term as presi
dent of the Republic of Texas.
1844 First Immigrants to Cali
fornia In wagons, tht "Murphy com
pany," reached1 Sutter's fort
18(4 Federals under General Ha
san assaulted and captured Fort Mc
Allister, (la. -...
1884 Centenary of Dr. Samuel
Johnson commemorated in London.
1898 Empress dowager of China
received women of legations at Pe
king; first time In history of China.
1802 British' and German war
ships bombarded Puerto Cabello,
190 The engagement of Miss Alice
Roosevelt to Congressman Nicholas
Longworth was announced.
The Day We Celebrate.
Rev. Daniel E. Jenkins, president of
the University of Omaha, was born
December 13, 1864. at Flintshire,
North Wales. He was educated for
the ministry at Melbourne university
and waa president of Parsons college
at Fairfield, la., before coming to
John Latehstr, the architect, Is just
67 years old. He was born In Ger
many and wants everyone to know It
The court house, the high school build
ing and many of our handsomest busi
ness blocks are monuments to hit gen
ius. William G. Cleveland, president of
the Cleveland company, dealing In sur
gical supplies, Is today 62 years old.
He formerly traveled for the Parke
Davis company, Detroit.
Daniel Ha urn, Jr., Is Just 39 years
old. He was born In Lincoln and is
officially vice president of the Baum
Iron company, although he made his
greatest reputation as art auctioneer,
disposing of his brother's household
Hank S. Keogh It also Just St. He
is secretary of the Paxton-Oallagher 1
company and a coming young busi
ness man.
Dr. A. Lawrence Lowell, president
of Harvard university, born in Bos
ton sixty years ago today.
Arthur Georg Perkin, celebrated
color chemist upon whom England Is
relying for the development of Its trye
industry, born In Middlesex, England,
fifty-five years ago today.
Hamilton Wright Mable. noted edi
tor and publicist, born at Cold Spring,
Y. Y.. seventy years ago today.
Dr. Samuel Fallows, bishop of the
Reformed Episcopal church, born In
Lancashire, England, slghty-one years
ago today.
Edwin O. Excell, wall-known evan
gelist and composer of gospel songs,
born at Unlontown, O., sixty-five years
ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders
Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of
the president, Is to be the presiding
officer ut the first afternoon session
of the American Civic association,
Which is scheduled to open Its annual
convention In Washington today.
The American National Ked Cross
society, of which Woodrow Wilson Is
the honorary president and William
H. Taft the chairman. Is to hold Its
twelfth annual meeting today in Wash
ington. Governors, former governors and
governors-elect from more thafi half
the states of the union are expected
to arrive In Washington today In an
ticipation of the opening of the annunl
conference of their national .organi
sation. Chicago's eighth annual poultry
show, tine of the largest exhibitions
of Its kind In the middle west, will
open In the Coliseum in that city to
day and oontlnue until December 18.
Approximately 2,700 ' miners em
ployed by Independent companies In
the iron fields of Wisconsin, Michi
gan and Minnesota will go to work to
day under a new schedule, which pro
vides for a 10 oer cent Increase in
Clerical and lay representatives of
the Episcopal church are expected to
gather In New York today from vari
ous parts of the country to attend the
consecration of Rev. Hugh Latimer
Burleson as bishop of the Protestant
Episcopal diocese of South Dakota.
The ceremony Is to be performed to
morrow In the Cathedral of St John
the Divine. , . .
I.lKht In Council Bluffs.
Council Bluffs, Dec. 8. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: Your editorial, "The
Light Referendum," In the Morning
Bee is all o. k. This reminds the
writer that Council Bluffs also "should
have more light especially along the
street car line. No one can see the
streets at night and is obliged to grope
his way home after alighting from the
car. It does seem that the street car
company doesn't care very much for
the accommodation of Its patrons, or
it would find a remedy for the trouble,
But as long as the property owners
on Avenue a don t put up a ngnt tor
a better lighting system from lower
Broadway to the bridge along Avenue
A the city as well as the street car
company will make no move. The
longest blocks the writer has ever
seen have but one lightning bug at
each end and such a nice lot of cot
tages the whole length (say about
two miles) on both sldes,of the street
car track and as I believe, the nicest
part of the city. I should like to hear
from other property owners along
these lines. J. G. BLESSING.
Objections to the Primary Law.
Omaha, Dec. 7. To the Editor of
The Bee: The talk about changes In
the primary law leads me to maku
a few remarks about that law. I
plead "guilty" to having been an ad
vocate of a primary law, but having
watched Its operation through the de
vious, various and sometimes fantas
tic phases I am ready to say "1 have
sinned" and promise never again to
open my mouth In approval of a di
rect primary law.
One of the ridiculous features of
our present law Is that requiring In
presidential years all nominations to
be made In April, at a time when we
are usually having our most disagree
able weather and when the average
citizen Is thinking more about how
ne can get that last ton of coal and
If he can get along with his old over
coat than he Is of whom he would pre
fer to vote for next November for the
various offices. This also subjects the
successful candidates to seven months
Of leg-pulling and pan-handling from
all the unkempt mob of men with "In-
Another abominable feature (now
happily done away with) was the open
primary, and that fortunately was
'short lived, but it showed what freak
ish acts could be Derformed by Deo
pie who said they wanted to purify
It was claimed that the primary
iaw woum lessen the expense, but the
statements of candidates' expenses
snows that claim has been cast into
the discard.
The expense of the primary being
thrown upon counties is another of
my objections I wonder how many
of Omaha's well-Informed cltlsens
know that the cost of the primary
election last April to Douglas county
was 117,616.12.
The general election, of course, wa
must have and the expense must be
borne by the public, but we have that
now only every even numbered year,
which la a little relief all round, but
now we nave another sweet-scented
thing called the "referendum," which
we have Just gone through with, and
which will cost Omaha about $6,001)
to answer a aimnle Question, urtnn
which 1 would venture a guess that
a good percentage of those who
signed the petitions could not now
say what It was for. I have always
refused to sign any petition, for any
thing under the initiative and refer
endum and shall continue to refuse,
for I am "dead agin them" and hav
always been.
Another objection Is that it .
mlts a minority to nominate, as has
been shown hers. if I
rightly, not long . ago seventy-three
candidates sought twelve placet. Nov
if a compact minority of one-fourth of
the voters had selected twelve candi
dates and the others had divided their
votea nearly equaly among the other
ixLy-on, tne twelve would have been
nominated, although they might not
any of them have a majority. .
Perhaps my strongest objection Is
that the primary law completely de
stroys party organization. In the old
times we had our vigorous ward and
county organisations and our ward
meetings were full of spirit and men
were known for the faith that was in
them. But It has become very fashion
able with many people to, speak of
themselves as an independent voter.
A. plague upon, the independent voter!
I would rather have a sturdy oppo
nent than a lukewarm friend. I would,
quote John the Revelator when he.
wrote to the angel of the Church of
Laodicea: "I would that there wert
hot or cold, but because thou art
neither hot nor fold I will spew thve
out of my mouth."
In I860 my fiither drove an ox
team twenty-tlve miles, taklnpr me. a
boy of 4, with him, to hear General
Thayer make u political speech, and
In the first Grant rampaign I rode
twenty-live mileH to march in a torch
light parade in Omaha and the demo
crats had a parade the same night and
It required much planning to time and
route the two parades so as to avoid
a collision. That was forty-eight
years ago and I guess it is safe now
for me to say that I had a pistol in
my pocket that night. In those days
there was life In the parties, but tho
primary law has destroyed it all.
I have here briefly and very faintly
expressed a few of my objections to
the law and It would be of no use fur
me to write what I really think about
it, for it would be rejected as unprint
"It li a wonder the majority of Htenog
raphera in bustneas offices are feminine."
"Why In it?"
"Because that la the only position left
In whith a woman will let heme if be
dictated to." Baltimore American.
The cat settled herself luxuriously in front
of the kitchen range and benan to purr.
Little Dolly, who waa atrange to the ways
of cata, regarded her with horror, "u,
tran'ma, irranma!" she cried. "Come here
quirk. The cat'a begun to boll." Ohrlatian
Will ii What kind of a school la your aon
OllUs Very faahlonable one of theie in
atltutions where you develop tho mind
without using It. -Life.
Doctor You can live but a week ahall I
telegraph your wife at Palm Beach?
- Patient What1 the uae? She'a having a
good enough time there aa It la! Puck.
Joseph Addison.
(Cato sitting in a thoughtful posture, with
Plato's book on the "Immortality of the
Soul" In ono hand, and a drawn sword on
the table by him.)
It must be so. Plato, thou reaaonest well!
Klse whenoe this pleasing hope, this fond
datslre, 1
This longing after Immortality?
Or whence this secret dread, and Inward
Of falling into naught T Why shrinks the
Back on herself, and startle at destruction?
T1b the divinity that stirs within us;
Tts heaven Itself, that points out a here
after. And Intimates eternity to man.
Eternity! thou pleasing, dreadful thought!
Through what variety of untried being,
Through what new scenes and changes must
we pass!
The wide, the unbounded prospect lies be
fore me; .
But ahadows, clouds, and darkness rest upon
Here will t hold. It there's a Power above
And that there Is, all Nature cries aloud
Through all her works, He must delight In
And that which He delights In must be
But when? or where? This world was math,
for Caesar.
I'm weary 'of conj ec tor ea, this must end
them all.
(Wing bis hand on his sword.)
Thus am X doubly armed. My death and life,
My bane and antidote, are both before me.
This. in a moment brings me to an end;
But thla informs me I shall never die.
The soul, secure In her existence, smiles
At the drawn dagger, and defies Its point.
The sure shall fade away,, the sun himself
Grow dim with age, and Nature sink In
But thou shalt flourish la immortal youth.
Unhurt amid the war of elements,
The wreck of matter, and the crush of
Christmas Candy
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