14 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13; 1916. LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Fairly Active, Steady to Strong and Feeders Firm Lambs Highest Ever. HOGS SLOW, WEAK, LOWES Omaha, December 13, Recslats van' Cattla. Hon. 1111. Sheep Official Wonder 11.151 11.111 . Katlmata Tueidajr .... MOO 1M00 U.too t Two (leys tale week ..JI.4U 2I.IK 17,70: game daya laal weea.is.h.i ...ii-i Him, dava I oka aao. 11.711 IMOt 41,ll H.m. 41. v. 1 waa. aao.li.41t lt.ttl 1,0I Kami dan ka. seo.ll.ll- 50.151 11.S7I bame daya laat waak.U.at! 11,017 14.041 j'itia Rrralota ware liberal today, male Ina; th total for tha two daya 10,461 bead. The demand waa eood and tha market gen erally ateady to strong. Choice yearling Chrlatmaa oatlle aold up to 111.10, tha fctehest price ever paid for ttle on thla market, Blockers and tssdsra were In good demand at firm prices. RerelBts and dlapoaltlon of live stork the Union Stork yarda, Omaha, for twenty four houra ending at 1 o'clock, p. m., yes- terday : RECEIPTS CARS. Catt!e.Hoga.Bheep.H'r'a. c. v. st. p. .... Wabash Mlaeouri Pacific.... ITnlon Pacific C. at N. W., eaat ,, C. N. W , Writ . C. IC P. II. I O. ., C . B Q., eaat .. C, H ., weat . C. R. L P., eaat , C-. Hit P., weat Illinois Central .... 11 J 11 4 1 Tl 36 II 2 IS 14 ' 1 61 61 16 1 14 13 It tl It 11 13 6 7 1 I " .. 14 10 ,. . t 4 ... .. 161 111 71 1 Chicago 01. Weat. Total rsestpt . DISPOSITION H BAD. t " Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Morris ft Co. ..!,....... JI4 Hwlft ft Co 1.171 1.110 1,61! 4.016 HI 4,(13 1,131 Cudahy Packing Co. .. tot Armour ft Co. 1,141 4.618 1,01 1,031 4,111 Schwarts A Co. 1. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. ... Bout b Omaha Pack. Co.' llunnlnger A Oliver ,,. W. B. Vanaant Co.... Renton, Vanaant ft Luah lllll ft Son T. B. Lewla 1. B. Root ft Co. to 114 101 1 111 117 Hi lit U r. Huaa V. O. Kellogg tl Werthalmer ft Degen , lit H. V. Uamlltos .... Hulllvan Bios. Kothacblld ft Kreba . Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.. Chrlatla Hlgglnl Huffman Mayors Baker .A.... lit 111 Banner Brae. John Harvey 101 psnnls ft Francla , Kllna Jeneen ft Luncrsa , O'Day Other buyer ...... 'i V 171 1 110 1,061 11.111 Totala ..7,414 17,114 Quotation on rattle: terns, to eboteo year, ling beeves, tl0.ttttll.t0l food to eholco weighty cornled boevee, lie eiioll.oo, fair 10 good eornfed boevea, tt.7t01O.OO; com mon to (air oornfod beeves, et.t0tjrl.7l good to ehole graaa boovea, 97.7t9t.00; fair to good graaa boevee. 11.711.7.71; common to fair graaa boevea, 11.7101.71! food to tholoa aslfsrs, Il.lt01.lt; good to cnolo, eowe. l.to0l.lt; fair to good oowa. It.7( 0t.ll; oommoa to fair eowe, 14 O0!.1I; good ta oholce feeder. t7.760l.lt fair to good feeder, lt.O07.7t; oommoa to fair feeders, 16 7601.(0; good to obolca atock. era. I7.tt0l.lt; atock belfera. 11.1101.10, .took oowa, 9t.OO01.SOi atock oalvaa, tt.oe 01.01; veal calvee, ti.tt0ia.M; beef bulla, tag, eta. 16 lo0 76: bologna bulla, 16.00 , Jtepreaeatatlvo aalea: . . - 8S8r STEERS. . No. A. Pr. o. Av. Pr. .. til II .,101 T 01 117 t to III t 71 It..... II 14..... i!!!!! t.'..'.'. 711 1 01 Til 7 II .. (12 771 .. Ill ..1104 ..lilt T 10 1 It T IS I It I 10 lit 1 41 171 9 00 II. .......Hit t to I It ..1171 it, .1117 I it II.. 11.. .( II.. 41.. I... 1... , 1.. ..1311 II It 17..... ...1114 It II .1(11 It M ' CALVES. , 111 411 , Ml lit f 4t 41. T II It. I 10 I, III , 0t 441 171 141 1 It f It I 90 I 76 XI It It Hoga Packer war In a bearlah mood thla morning and la tha absence af any definite report on the day'a run tbey starts, out talking sharply lower, and making very few blda of any sdrt. An AAA load or two that ablppara bought aartywaa oauoa eieaey, out tneu purcuaaea war ai meat too amall - bo wort;, of mention. and, with aellera all aaklng around ateady pncee, no pacaar aoga aaa aold up ta mld forenoon. ' - In tha end the market opened larglly a dime lower, and for a while movement waa fairly active, aollera having come to me oonoiualoa that they were slaying losing game and being, willing to cash atuff aa long as packer would take it. Tha re waa ino usual unovenneee in ina trade, ana oplnlona of the market were many and varied, soma tradora ealliag tha saarkst oaiy a to is eenta lower, wntla others claimed they had ta sail bog aa much aa is to it cents lower. By aoon whatever Ufa there had been la tha trade had died out Moat of the early arrivals bad been eleanod up, but a lew ot ins asiaysa trains wsrs comma In. and at midday It waa estimated that there were between twenty.flvs and forty loads In first hands. Packers were Bot showing much Interest In these, such bids aa tbey mads being la moat oases lower thaa the early trade, and, with ssvsral trains atlll to hoar from, tbs outlook for tha oloss wss aot avsrly promising. What hoga bad aold up to noon wsrs oallod largsly 10c lowsr, tbs bum bslng quoted at 9l.40OI.lt, with a part of a load of choice hogs aa high aa ts.se, ue top. No. Ar. II..1II Hi. Ill 7.. 117 II.. 313 7..I7 Bk. Pr. ... 00 111 60 ... I It 40 9 TO 41 10 No. Av. 16. .171 II. .310 3. .303 II. .341 73.. 141 Sh. Pr. ... 91 40 It t 65 . . . III. It I 76 ... I PIGS, T Tl Ji.,104 II. a 14 I 31 Sheep Not much more thaa half of the estimated supply had been yarded when packers started out, but there was some doubt as to whether the belated trains would . get lir ta time for today'a trade, and, aa ' packers were hungry for lamba after yes terday's short run, tb market opened early, good klnda aelltng freely at prlcee that were largely a dime higher. Early aalea included a good bit of stuff up to $13.ft6t 13.10, and a top of 11116 was made. Several loads of feeder thai were on offer were enapped up readily at about the same sort of an up turn, a very desirable kind reaching 113.36, with others aa high as 13120. Advance of lis much aa 10 01 to were noted in the early mutton sales, a string ot ewe touch ing 11.66, with wethers at 11.36. At noon th situation had failed to show much of any change. Quite a bit of stuff that aellera Were eipecllng had not yet arrived, and la some cases It was doubtful If shipment would get tn for today. A fair clearance of th ariy arrivals had been made at midday. Nothing had aold abov 111.16, which Is a new record for thle point. Clippers reached new levels, on consignment reaching 611.40 and another 11.66. . Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good 'to t Ic lamba, 113.76013.16; fair to good lambs, I12.90OU.76: clipped lamba. 110.36 tyll.40; feeder lamb. ll0.76Oll.36; good lo choice yearlings, lt.76O10.60; fair to good yearlings, f 1.6901-60; feeder year lings, tlaOOOlOO; fair to choice wethere, 16.2601-36; good -to choice ewes, In. 40 9 6.. '6; fair to good ewes, ITillta.lIt plain to cull ewe. 46.9iOI.69; feeding ewes, $6.91 07.36; breeder ewes, all eg to, ll.00OI.60, Repreaentatlv sales; , No. 54: fed lamb , )3I fed lambs lit Wyoming feeding lambs, 73 fed lamb . 334 fed lamee ,S04 fed iambs 343 fed tamo r, , lfl fed ewe AV, Pries. 11 16 , 11 T6 II 16' 11 T6 II It 11 It 11 II ti 911 II lit .... it .... in T .A. ..lit 10 II 219 fed lamb ..... 4t fed ewe ...... 311 fed ewes ...... 333 fed lamb I li M. Loots Un atoek Market. St. Lome, m 11. Cattle Recelpta, t.lto hBit: market etrong; native beef steers 17. 6A0tl.lt; rearllng eteer and heifers. II 6,011.60: cows, 96.1001. a; atockera and ffSfler. 96 1007.76; prime aoutfaern br.f : oU'cri, 9!.tO0t.o; beef eowe. and belfera Il.li0t.tt; prime yearling eteers and belfera, 97.SO0I.S0; aallv. calvee. 91.090 Hogs Rerelpls, It 100 head; ntarkrt lllgber; llgbla, 91.66010.1,; ptgs, 91.6001 76; mixed and butchers, tt.t0Olt.S0; good hea-y, Vlo.l091l.10i bulk eC asles. l.7St 1011. Hhrep and Iambi Receipt. 1.400 head: market ateady to 16c higher; lamba, 18.00ft Hi; awee, lt.00tll.7t; yaarllnga, 11.10 11,00. CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARRltT. Cattle Steady Hags Weak Shoo Firm, Chicago. Dec. II Cattle Receipts, t.lOO heed; market eteady; native beef cattle. 17 00011.(0; .weetern etrcre. 17 00010.10: atorkera and feedera, 14.6007.16: eowe and heuera 13.16010.26: calvee, ll.6O01i.7B. Hose Receipts, 43,000 head; market weak. 10c under yeatrrday'a averase: bulk of Sales. 11.660 10.00; light. It OOQt.10; mlsed. Il.to 010.10: heavy, ll.SO01O.li; rough, 11.600 1 11: pin. It 1001.16. , . ' rjheeo and 1 .a in be Reeelot. Tl.000 head: market firm; welhera, IS.7O0I.IO; ewea, Sk.i.Vf.ovi lamna, tio.6O0i3.zo. me MX City Uva Stack Market fflotrt City. Ia Dec. 11. Cattle Rscslpts. 4.400 hsad; market for klllera weak to 10c lower; for atockera, 10016c lower: beef oteere. 91.00011.00; butchera. IS.7101.00 fat cowl and heifers, 96.7601 SO; csnners. K.I60S.6O; stackers snd feeders. 10.600 7.76: calves. M.0601.60; bulls, stage, etc. 16 .6001.76; feeding cows and heifers, 9I.7S 07. 10. Hogs Rscslpts, 10,000 heed: market alow and 0c lower; llghla. II.7S0I.4O rolled. It.4l0t.ti; heavy. 9t.7O0t.tO; plga. 17.1601. 00; bulk or sslee. II. 1001.10. Sheep snd Lambs Kscelpts, 1,600 hesd market 10 0 26a higher; fed muttons. 97.10 010.31; wetbera, 11.0001. SO; ewes. 97.000 1.16; lambs, 111. 11013.00. CUr Un Stock Market. . Kit nam Cltv. Dec. IS. Ctll ftclnts. IS.OOft hfftd; ratrkst lower; prlmo fed ttrre, v i v. i o v i z. uu ; areura dapi nirra, f . tut tj lo.fto; weitam itiri, io.&uwio.bo: rowv. U.2SCPI.&0; helftr, IC.ttOttt I-J.60; utockori nd fefdeni, 16 0UJ i.71; bull, 15. 00 twlvvw. Jfl 6fl11.2.. 7 tronir: liuik of tMltrn, 9.60Qlo.no; hfiavy, ln.PDgno.o0; pncKvn aoa nuicnon., ii iti IV. V0: IlKlilsT, tav.0U6Tl.Bft: Dill, IS. i ft BE f . IHI. nhneD tntl IiTibir---Reri tit 7.0(10 hitftd: m..rkt higher; lumtm. I2.0013,00; ymr llnn. lli.60O11.1&: wtha. IS.60ft9.60: iwei, 9I.VVVB..D. St. dloHpli LIt Htoek Market. Joseph. Dee. It. Cattle Receipt., head; market ateady: teerw, 17.000 ,8 U.fcO; eows and belfera. $.SOttl0.O0; calves. I6.0OO12.5O, Hnre-Rhnfi1ntB IT AAA hatBii- inarbnt 1n $ lie lower; Up, 910.00; bulk of aalea, M0 Vt.io, . Biitep ana iantba Reeeipu, 4,one head; market l&I0e hJcher; lambs, 9l3.e0OH.00; ewea, l.ft04i.T6, . Lira Htook I Hlfht, Receipts of live stock from tha five prin cipal market were : , CaHle, Hojrs. Sheep. Chlcavo . . 1,000 . 4,800 14, D0 16,000 10,009 17,100 18,000 7,000 16,600 1.600 1,400 Kansas City 16,000 Omaha ,10 Sioux City..,, 4,40s S.100 8t, ldouie. . , . ToUls,.,. .46,400 71,100 41,400 Coffee Market. New Tork. Deo, 13. Coffee A 'mora oo- tlmlstla view ot peace prespeets aa a re sult of today's news from Berlin, was re fleeted In the firmer ruling; of coffee fu tures and a renewal of Wall Street or ether eutalda buying. There was also some de mand from houses with European eenn ac tions and after opening at decline of I to I points the market sold about IT tV i points abev last night's eleee with Mareh teuehing 1.31a and July, I fie, The elnae was within a pelnt as two af thavbest, being II to II points net hie hep. Salee II fllO bags, Deoember, I.OIfi) January. I,lle Feb. ruary, 1.34c) March .Mlet AP'U, .40e May, p tfni june. ,m JUiy, I, lien Aug. uat, M7o. September! .TIe Oetobar, I.Tlei November, I.l4e, ' ' Spot, euleti Rla Te. lUnt HtviitM ! iauh Cast nd freight offers were unchanged ta a shade lower ranging from 1.10c to lOo for Santas 4s, London oredlte. The official cables resorted no ohann In Bra Ulan markets etcept for a decline of II rels in Santos futures. Rio cleared 14,000 fcagg for New Tork and 10,000 bags for New Orleans. . Osissaj Market. : New Tork, Boo. II. Cotton Futarss opened steed.?; December, 17,10a; January, 17.71c; March. ll.OOci Mar, 11.10c; July, ta.i.o; uotonsr. is-.ae. Future, closed strong! Ttaaamher. lt.ltei January, ll.tici Mareh, lt.1fe May, ll.tlel doir, ii.veoi uciooer, li.ion Tito ootton naraat eioaeo very ateady to. day at a net advenes of 91 to tl points for ths day. , apsi. aoisti middling, li.iioi sales, lot oaiea. Liverpool, Dee. 11. -Cotton Spot srsaki gooo. mioaiing, ii.isa: middling, ll.otdi low middling, lt.tOd, Salee, 7,000 balsa, Evaporated Apvloa aad Drisd Frails. Nsa Tork. Deo. I l.tflva ported Applea Dull and nominal fancy, tot ehotes, 9V10 ihci prims, merit.. . Dried rrults Prunss, flrmi California, I01OHSI Oregon, IH01OO. Apricots, seareoi eholoe, - HMei sitra holee, 11o fancy,, ltVlo. Peaches, steady choice, l,c eitra oholoe, 7o fancy, I Ho, Halalna, aulet; eholca to fancy, aaeded, lO0114o seedless, lt011ol London layers, 91,10, ': Maaal Market, Kssr Tork, Dec. 11 Metals Lead, 97.10 01.00. apslt.r, dull I spot, Bast Bt, Mule delivery, ll.tl01I.OO. Copper, Armi electrolytte, first ouarler, 111.60, nomlnall aecond and third quarters, ll.tt0l.OO. Iron, stsady and unchanged. Tla, aasyi spot Offered af 141.00, j At London Copper i Spot, 1114 lOal fu tures, 111! 10SI slsetrolytlo, lilt. Tim Spot, lilt lis; futures, lilt lis. Load, 110 10a. Spelter, 197, , . . , , Oil and aetata. Savannah, Oa., Deo, II. Turpentine Firm; livtai sals, II bbla, rscslpia, 4lt bbla' ,h""n,BU' 1,1 b1'1 IMk ,,',0'l Rein firm sslss, 'lM bblt. focslpls, 111 bbls. shlpmsnts, 1,141 bbls. : stock, 91,461 4bls. Quotatlonal A ,11, r, D, n, 11.10; P, .; O, H, 1, 91.10; K, II. to, u. 11.10; K, 9t.ll; wn, 9T.lt; WW, 97.10, , Xwr Market. . ( -!few Tork, Deo, II Sugar lUw. easy; centrifugal, l.lloi molassee, 4.14c. Refined, quiet; fins granulated, I.IOo. Peace talk snd aa saeter apot market, a well aa In creased sstlmatas for ths coming crop led to native aelltng la eugar future.. At aoon price, wars 11 to II points lower. - ! Market. New Tork, Dec. It. Dry Ooods Cotton goods and yarns wsrs gulet todsy, with soms sselng reported In guotstlons on goods off.red from sseond hanrta. Ltttlo or no change was reported In mill pooltlone. Men's wear tended higher. Batlna and chlffona In allk were acarce for quick delivery. Ministers Asked s To Help Buy Shoes , For Poor Kiddies An appeai for shoe money ii to be made from the pulpits in Omtht, if the advisory committee of the Asso ciated Charities is successful in per suading the ministers to join with it, A special committee, consisting of Dr. I. ,W. Porter and Rabbi Frederick Cohn, was appointed at the noon meeting to write a letter to all the ministers asking of they could make such an appeal from their pulpits, some Sunday soon. "The need of money witb which to buy shoes for the poor children of the city is very great," said Rabbi Cohn. There is a feeling among the advis ory committee that with the many de mands at present being made on the people of Omaha for charitable work and for subscriptions to many noble and worthy projects, there is danger that many may forget the regular es tablished charities which annually re quire large sums. "The poor are al ways with us," said a member of the committee in discussing this point. "The projects now being pushed for public subscriptions are all worthy ones, but we hope that the drain will not be so heavy as to interfere with the needs of the Associated Charities." ' -s An Aid to Digestion. When you have a fullness anil weight in your stomach after eating you may know that you have eaten too much, and should take one of Chamberlain's Tablets to aid your digestion. Advertisement, GRAIN AND PRODUCE Prices Drop on Cash Cereal Markpt as Peac Rumors Come from Berlin. TRADING EXTREMELY DULL Omaha, December 13, lilt. Today cash market was an exceptionally dull affair and while the buyers were will ing enouih to take the grain at the mar ket prices, the sellers did not feel like selling at such a heavy decline, the whaat mant-ei oemg quoted several cents lower. About the only trading on the floor wan done In wheat and the sales of that cereal wore ettremelr light, only a few oar of No, 3 hard wheat being sold up to noon. The beet salts of No. 3 hard today were about c under yesterday's average price, while the bulk of today's offering went at a 6tc decline. Considering the big drop In wheat the corn market held 'up very well, and while the sale of thl cereal were aleo very light, a car of No. I yellow corn sold for ISu, a cent under yesterday's price, - There was practically no trading in oats, the only sale up to noon being a car of sample white, which brought Glo and a few sales of No. t white at filOSlc. No aalea of rye were reported and this market wax quoted nomlnaly 2&Za lower, while barley was quoted several cent lower, the only sales of this cereal beln a car of No. 4 at 0c The general denrea slon In today'a cash market was Indirectly i no resun or peace moves, wnicn caused heavy decryine In the future market and as cash prices are based on futures, Ihe drop In caeh grain prices naturally caused dullness in ihe local market. Clearances were, whear-an3 flour equal ins.vun nusneia; corn, ze.ouo buahela; oats, a e 4, oooo liusbets. tverpool close: Wheat, unchanged easy to lo lower. Primary wheat receinta wan 1.211. on bunhels, and shipments 192,000 bushels against receipts of 2.231.000 bushels and shipments ot C, 007,000 bunhels last year. rrimary corn receipts were 1.277.000 bush h, and shipments 668.000 bushels a trail mi t receipts oi 1,011,000 bushels, and shl omenta 01 i.u.uuv ousneis iai year. i'nmary oats receipt were 44.0UO btwh. els, and shipments 677,000 bushels against receipts of 811,000 bushels, and shtoments ui tii.vvv ousneis last year. CARLOT KKCE1PT8. WheaL Corn. Oats. Chicago :..103 4M 341 Minneapolis 40t Duiuth m Omaha . , 31 33 42 64 Kanaas City ...144 Ht. Louis , 104 Winnipeg , Hi These sale wnre reported today: Wheat No. S bard winter. 1 car. 11.11. No. 3 hard winter: 1 car (choice). 11.61: cars, 11.64; I oars. 11.63. Samnle hard winter: 1 car, I1.40. No. 3 durum: 1 car, 11. hz. ' , Barley No. 4: 1 ear, 10c, No, 1 feed: ir, lie. Corn No. S white: 1 car. IftUo. No. i yenow: 1 car, lHc; 1 car, lIHc. No. yellow: I cars, lie. No. 3 mixed: 1 caT oc. no. a mixea: 1 car, Heftc: 1 oar. 85c Oats No. I white: 1 cars. filUe: 9 cnv tltto. No. 4 whit: 1 car. lie. Samole wnue; j. cars, bio. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No t hard. 11.1401.61; No. I hard, 11.6201-66; No. 4 nara, ll.60Bl.63: No. I snrlne-. 11.6001. 68 No. 8 spring, 91.1601,86; No. 3 durum, 91.61 vi.-; no. s aurum, 91. 80 01.02. uorn No. I white, lffjc; No. t white, I6UO 86tic; No. I ysllow, 86 086lc; No. 3 yel low, ISttOMc; o. 1 mixed, 860814c; No. Riixea, ttttnti.c. uats: No. 2 white. <p4lc; atandard, &lfffilc; No. 3 white. 60Vsmc: No. 4 white. 60 "A Sf 6 In. Barley: Malting. 11.0301.13: No. 1 feed. 870 7c. By; No, t, 91.3601.38; No. I. 91.340 OmaH Future Market. V Th report that Germany was seeking peace caused a sensation in the wheat nit and heavy selling by short and covering 07 me long forced almost a lOu breaK in May wheat, December wheat opened about 4c lower and later dropped to a low point or 11. di, wnere it closed, The opening on May wheat was only about lo lower, but the sales In wheat, was confined chiefly to th May article and continued selling caused a steady decline In-prices. Cora held up comparatively well consid ering the drop In wheat and the May ar ticle, which carried the bulk of the trad ing, ruled about 3tto oft at the close. Oat lack any Independent feature and wnue in range was narrow, snowed marked tendency to follow wheat. ucai range or options. Art. Open. I High. Low. Cloao. Tea. viiL I r Dec 1 I4Vi 1 t4l4 lit 1 it ltlU May 1 11 1 11 Ilia, 1 tlVi 173 July 1 II 1 41 lit 1 17, 1U Corn Dec. IIH llti 1414 14 18 1, May 99017 91(4 H , lit IIH July . ISM ItUj I4H It lis. Oat, ' Dec. 99 to It 60 II May 63H taMj 61 81 64 Chicago cloelng prlcee. furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, atock and grain broken, 111 South Blxteenth street. Omsha: Art. Open. High. Low.) Close. Tea. Wht. . I " V" Deo. 1 II 1 91 lllVi 1 9114 14 Msy 1 It 1 It 114 1 t6 Hi July ' 1 41 1 4IH 141 1 41 111 Corn. Dsn. IIH S ItVi SIH lH May tilt ,1114 8t . JT4 1114 July.. . 1114 9114 1144 1014 81 14 Oats. Dec.. II 9114 41 41 1H May St 6644 61 S 6344 tilt July 1114 9314 4114 to N 6114 Pork. . . July II It It TO 31 36 It 7114 It 1 MayV 11 1, It t 3t to 11 J714 It 11 Lard. - Jan. II IIH II 1714 19 10 1 1714 19 70 -May II 70 It II IS 60 1 31 IB 10 RWs. Jan. 13 79 13 1714 U ' 11 'M 13 10 May I 14 10 I 14 30 lt 06 14 IIH 14 17 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, Wheat Price Crumpled by Germany's Peace Proposals. Chicago. Dec 12. Germany's offer today to make peace smashed the wheat market. Selling became almost frantic, especially after what purported to be the math points of the offer were learned. Prices fell In some casea 1144c a bushel and closed wild at ll.l&tt 01.66 for May and 91.420 1.41 for July, with the market as a whole 4 lfto under yesterday's finish. Corn lot !U.O4o net and oat 3U.tf3e. In provisions th outcome was a rHse of 6066c. Although the first flash of peace news reached Chicago at nearly th exact mo ment. of the opening of the wheat market. It was not until a quarter of an hour later that trader In general were aware of the announcement, which had been made at Berlin. Meanwhile th market had been displaying weakness that was ascribed for the most part to th stoppage of export sales and to the chance of a serious dis agreement between Washington and Berlin over attack by submarines. As soon as dispatches appeared In print, however, tell ing of th oerman oner to negotiate for peace, owner of wheat began to throw holdings overboard seemingly without limit and price plunged downward in earnest. Fully an hour and a half went by before excitement subsided and then only to flame out again when near the end of the day at tention was centered on Washington ad vpoes credited to the German embassy set ting forth a statement said t outline the basis of th Oerman offer. Semi-demoralisation ruled the wheat pit ; the last, as opinion seemed to gain j - fl. - Sir " t O.OMAHS,.lt, ' lr r , Most Modern and Sanitary Famil7 Trade Supplied by ,WM JETTER, Dittributor, 2502 N St Telephone Douf las 4231. South 863 or 86& ground that thV prosper t of a rejection of the Berlin offer to negotiate wslm more un likely than an acceptance. Until what looked like definite assertions of the leading terms proposed by Berlin were known, ihe extreme break in wheat pricea was &c as against 11 Vic In dealings later on. Developments ex cept In regard to peace cut little if any ngure. ' Corn showed stubborn resistance t"' sell ing pressure. Prices gave way only by slow degrees as compared with wheat. Somie liquidation owing to the peace outlook wan witnesses, but the volume of offerings could not be described as very large. The action of oats paralleled that of corn. Baying at times was lively, but stop-loss orders from owners were numerous after wheat started a second whirl downgrade. Peace reports lifted oro visions, Lard peclally was In demand on account of fore casts of a big business with tuermany In cano peace should be declared. Cash Pricea Wheat : No. 3 red, nomi nal: No. 2 red. 11. &: No. 2 hard. 91-Tl'AO 1.7m; No. 3 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 3 yellow, ll'ic; No. 4 yellow, 874010c: No. 4 white. IIUOIIHe- Oats: No. 3 whit. "ttO2ttc; standard, 023c. Rye: No. 3, 91.4201-43. Barley: 10c 011.00. Seeds: Timothy, I3.C0O6-I0;- clover, 912.00 017.00. Provisions: Pork, . 928.&0; lard. 916.77; ribs, 913.37013.87. ., ButterUnchanged. Kggs Receipts, 2,033 cases; . market un changed. Potatoes Receipts, 30 cars; market un changed. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 17c; springs, lie; turkeys, 2wc. KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET, Q Dotations of tha. Day on Various eliding Commodities. New York, Dec 12, Flour Iower: eprlng patents, t8.95fg9.20; winter patents, 98.360 S.6K; winter straights, 93.1008.36. Wheat Spot, weark; No. 1 durum, 91.91; No. 3 hard, 11. SO"; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 91.91; No. 1 northern Manitabo. 91.11, t. o. b New Tork, Corn H pot, weak; No. 1 yellow, 11.02 c, i. r new zork, 10 days shipment. Oats Spot, weak: standard. 66UOE7c. Hay Steady; No. 1, 91-0601.10: No. I. 9t.00Ol.02ft; No. 3, lOaft&c; shipping, 7t Hop Quiet; fltate common to choice, 1916, 46 60c; 1911, 8014c; Pacific, coatt. lfi, liwitvc; JJ1&, gone. Hides Firm; Bogota, 44046c; Central America, 42043c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; aec onns, oi-c. Provisions pork, firm; mess, 931. MO 32.00; family, 30.00O33.00; short clear; I30.00O32-00. Beef; firm; mess, $38,000 zs.du; ramiiy, sz&.L.ofpZ7.09. Lard, strong. mioaie weai iy, 10917. zo. Tallow Firm; city, lie, nominal; country, uuvumc; special, Jlc. Butter Firm; receipts;- 10,132 tabs creamery, 39039He; firsts, I6tt038c; sec onae, 3ttp3Hc. JCggs Firm: receipts. 7.390 cases: fresh gainereo extra arsis, e47c; firsts, 44046c refrigerators, special marks, fancy, 33 UO tc; reingerator, seconds to nrsts, IlftO oac. Cheese Easy: receipt. 1.263 boxes: state. held specials, 4c; state, average fancy, poultry uva Arm: no price settled Dressed, firm; chicken, 19 0 29o; fowls, 13 VilQf turkeys, is 28c. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, Deo. 13. Shortly before the close of the grain market prices of flour uuti't7u. arniiv (rainiiisl wrB .PC iOWVT, quoted at 9.86, First clears were 60c lower, quoted at 97.60. Other grade un changed. Wheat Mar. 11.74 0 1.74 U : Jnlv. II. 70. Cash: NO. 1 hard. I1.T4 0 1.78 V ; no. 1 norinern, k 1.11 if 1.74 "4 ; Wo. northern. 91.66 HO 1.72 Corn No. 3 yellow, 84086c. Oat No. 3 white, 4K04Ae. Flaxseed 92.7902.84. Barley 78c91.13. Rye $1. 3801.39. Bran 96.0007.00. City General Market. Kansas City. Dee. 12. Wheat No. hard, 91.6801-74; No. 3 red, 91-6801-71 December, 91.61; May, 11. 12 01.12. Corn No. 2 mixed, 8808814c: No. ! white, 80c; No. 3 yellow, 89c; December, e0c; nyf B7V87C. Oats No, 3 white. 66U066o: No. 2 ml. Butter Creamery. SOU c : firsts. 37 U c Mconua, aakc; pacamg, znc. Kggs Firsts, 40c. Poultry Hens. 16 -Ac: roosters. Ue: tur. keys, 22c. ' . Bt, Lanls' Grain Market. Bt Louis, Dec. 13. Wheat No. I red, nominal, no trading; No. 2 hard, no trad tog: December, U.66; May, 11.66. - Corn No. 1, 19c; No. 2 white. IlUe: ueoemner, 8c: May, fP8lc. Oats No. 2, 63 o; No. 3 whit, nominal. Liverpool Grain Market. ' Liverpool, Deo. JS. Wheat Boot. No. " 2 hard winter. 16 lOd; No. 1 Manitoba, old, lis 9d. Corn Spot, American mixed, new, llslld. Bank rf Germany Statement. Berlin (Via London). Dec 12. The state. ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany, Is. sued December 7, show tha following changes: Total coin and bullion. Increased 161. ooo marks. Gold, Increased 371,000 marks. Treasury notes, decreased 11.768.000 marks. Notes of other banks. Increased f.iOi.OAA marks. Advance, decreased 106,000 marks. Investments, increased 14,771.000 mark, Other securities, increased 181.000 marks. Note ta circulation, increased 68.330.ooo marks. Deposits, decreased 238,382,000 marks. Othsr liabilities, decreased 1.414.000 mark. Total gold holdings, 2.618.768,000- mark. Omaha Hay Market. Omaha. Deo 11. Prairie U v ThOa. nH land. 911.60; No. 1. Il0.60idii.oo: .Ko. 9. I9 0AO10A0; No. 3; ll.OflOloo: choice mid. land, 111.00; No. 1, 910.00O10.60; No. 2. 98.&0O9&0, No. I, 97.60O6-60; choice low land, 19.OOOt.60; No. 1, 98.60O&.00; No. 1. 97.00O6-00; Nq. 8, 96.0007.00. Straw Choice wheat, I6.00O4.60; choice oats or rye, I6.60O7.00. Alfalfa Cholc. 317-60; No. 1, 9H.60O 16.60;standard, 114.60016.50; No, 3, 912.600 13.60; No. 3, 9ll.00O12.00. London Stock Market. London, Dec. 12. American securities closed dull, with United States Steel a Arm exception on the stock exchange here today. St I vet Bar, 38fcd per ounce. Money i per cent. Discount Rateft Short bills, IOGH per cent; three months, 6H9&H per cent. Bank Cltnanngs, Omaha, Dec. 12. Bank clearings for to day were 94.621438.23 and for the corre sponding day last year 93,130,956.19. We Buy9Sell and Quote United Mines Co. of Arizona A New Copper Bonanza Circular on Request 1 C. W. POPE & COMPANY 1 New York City 18 Broad St - fcVS-? &nv art, " f,.T S Brewery in the WeiL NEW YORK STOCKS Market Thrown Into State of . i Convulsion bv Pea.cn Move V of Kaiser. AN AV.4UANCHS OF SELLING New Tork, Dec. 11.- The atoek market waa thrown Into a stat of convulsion today on th new that th central powers had Instituted peace negotiations. Tne announce ment was followed by an avalanche of sell ing which more than taxed the mark)'.. power of absorption. Important stocks fell away 6 to 10 points and In one Instance. Bethlehem Bteel. foremost of the "mp brides," an extreme loss of 27 points was recorded. Ralls Wer the onlV ahartan tn man If fat any degree of resistance, although Jn that quarter looses of 2 to 3 points were num erous with 2 for Reading. No division of the list was Immune from the heavy liquidation which was at Its flood In the nour. Trsdlnr at that time was so enormous that the tickers were twenty min utes behind actual operations. snort covering served In some tnstanees to ease final prices but In no noteworthy eases were rallies more than nominal. Many weak margined accounts were thrown over and atop-loas orders with which the market seemed to be honeycombed, constituted a lasge part of the days' business. Total sales amounted to 2,600 000 shares, the largest amount, according to ant hen tit records, alnc the reopening of the exchange In December, 1914, and seldom exceeded. Of this total United States Steel and the an. called war group contributed an unusually proporuQn. The decline In Stocks was further aeenm. panted by further demoralization in rt of exchange to Germany and Austria to a I ian 10 anotner minimum in Anglo-French bond. These operations were partly recti fied by the close of the session. 1 I The day was not without Its brlrht side. although developments of that nature were completely overshadowed by the news from abroad. The Western Union Telegraph com pany declared a dividend of 1 per, cent and and A I Ili-Chalmers company ordered the payment of another deferred dividend amounting to 1 per cent, accruing to pre ferred stock. Domestic bond and general Issues of that class were heavy to weak. Total sales, par value, 15.576,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Depression spread to other parts of the Mat In the last hour .average prices then being the lowest of the dav. The cloalnr waa weak. Number of sale and quotation on lead ing stocks were; flalM TTIrh Tvtw Plsa Am. Beet Sugar... 11,800 1014 9S4 98 American Can 22.300 69 66 65 Am. Car ft Fnundrv it nn tru ti ii nu. Am. Locomotive. . 20,100 90 84 86 Am. Bmelt. ft Ref.. 49,600 113 107 108 Am. nugar km..,. 400 114 111 112 Am. tci. a t 1 nnii i?t.u. 126 4 K514 ill'- U. X O..,, T,IUU Btj Anaconda Conner. .107. AAA 60 60 "87 87 U Atchison 6,700 104 102 103 Locomotive.. 31,600 78 73 744 84 83 83 834 64 66 22 22 altlmore ft Ohio. 4 900 85 800 83 Vi 16,300 68 Brook. Rapid Tran, -ft S. Conner Cal. Petroleum 2,800 2K 400 107 Canadian Paclfle.,, 164 164 central Leather 46,900 111H 101 Chesapeake ft Ohio 12,000 66 92 , 63 63 -., m. at ai. f.,e. z.ioo 91 91aa Chicago A N. W.... 1,000 124 1!3 123 C. R. I. ft p. Ry.. 20,400 33 Chtno Copper 29,300 66 Colo, Fuel A Iron., 19,100 644 Com Products Ref. 84. bra 9fiii an ab 69 494 23 Crucible Steel , 4,400 82 10 7b 38 28 iMstllier' Securities 8,300 42 Brie 17.600 2RK 36 35 174 173 116 116 General Electric... 4 700 1724 Great No. nfd 2.000 116T 11 real. No. Ore ctf. 16.400 41 39 39 104 104 Illinois central 3.400 106 Inter. Con. Corp.... 2,000 17 Inspiration Conner. 86.40(1 rktl 17 17 61 624 Inter. Harvester.... son 121 Int. M. M. pfd. ctf. 41100 116 110 111 n.. v,. Dgumorn. , . . j,uw 2D 30 2b Kennecott Copper.. 66,800 64 60 51 Louisville A Nash.,- 200 180 130 128 Mex. Petroleum 1K.9AO initV 'mi . ini Miami Copper. 11,200 44 41 41 JM.. m T. prd.., 300 20 19 20 Mlaaaarl Pacific. 1.&00 17 16 16 Montani ana Power. 1VO 1U 104 Nation! T.m1... 2,700 66 20,800 30 13,700 1064 3,600 564 t2K im Nevada Copper. . . ew iorK uentrai.. N. T., N. H. ft H.. Norfolk A Western Nohern Pacific... 104 H 10414 611, 52(4 134 10,44 109 24K 2444 3414 6 6C 20 2,U 105 105$ It SOU 2344 3844 16 ti 17 4 900 110U 9.400 26 li Pacific Mall Pacific Tel. A Tel.. Pennsylvania Ray Con. Copper.., Reading Rep. Iron Steel. . Shattuck Arts. Cop. Southern Pacific 1.400 ft 91.100 31 31.110 10146 74.10. 85 6 )00 33 11.300 I8tt 32.100 3146 Southern Railway.. Studebaker Co..... H 21 15.600 1HS 116 li 117 Texas Company. e,.vv sue ire jsse Union Pacific. 26,800 '42 Union Pacific pfd.. 500 83H 13 83 u, 0. ina. Aiconoi.. ii.fuu uo izj 123 U. S. Steel. .....(IS.100 123 .116 118 U. 8. Steel nfd ' 2.2D0 121 VI 1S1 1S1U Utah Copper 86.200 114 11 J 113 Wabanh pfd. "B".. 4,100 81 30 29 Western Unton,.:.. 2.S00 101 100 100 Wehttnft-bouse Blec. 11.800 tl 68 K6 Total sales for the day 2,500,000 shares. New Tork Money Market. New Tork. Deo. 12. Mercantile Pacer 44U per cent. sterling- BxchankTtstso-day bills. 14.71: commorclal 60-day bills on banks, 14.71; commercial 80-day bills, $4.71; demand, 84 76; cables, 4.7 7-16. silver Bar, 7c; Mexican -dollars, Mc. Tim LeoanePlrm ; sixty and ninety days and alx months, 404 per cent. call Money Firm ; nlh, f per cent; low, 4 per cent; ruling- rate, 8 per cent; laat loan, 1 1- 1 Better Service is Obtained Talking Directly into To be heard distinctly over the telephone one must talk directly Into the mouthpiece, with the lips about an inch away. If you talk with your lips against the mouthpiece, your voice is muffled and suppressed. To the listener it sounds as though you were troubled with a severe cold and could not articulate properly. ki per cent; closing bid, 4 per cent; offered per cent ref. 2 rea. 99 "K. C. 8n. ref. 6s 95 do counon ... 99 t U ft N. un. 4s. . . 95 H U. 8. 3m, reg..100TtjM. K. ft T. Ut 4s 7 do coupon ., .100 Mo. P. con. 6-...104 U. 8. 4s. reg....ll0 Mont. Power 6.. 981fc do coupon ...110HV. T. C. deb. 6a. 112 Am. Smelt, ts. . .lUtt'iV. Y. City 44. 109 Am. Tel. ft Tel. N. T., N. H. ft H. ov. 4Hs 106 cv. 6a Ill H Anglo-French 93HXo. Pacific 4a... 94 4 Atch. gen. Ms.... 9:tS do 3s B, A O. 4s ... II Ore. S. L. r. 4s 93 Beth. St. ref. 6s. .110-APac. T. ft T. fia..lO0H Central Pac. 1st. 90Penn. con. 44s. .100 C. ft O. cv. 44s. 92 "do gen. 4 103 C fi. ft Q. Jl. 4a 98 Reading gen. 4s. 964 C, M. ft St. p. St. L. ft San F. cv. 6s 10414 ref. 4s 84 C; R. I. ft P. Ry. So. Pac. cv. 5s.. .104 ref. 4s 78 do ref. 4s 91 C, A S. ref. 44s. 84480. Railway 6s..l014 i'. s rv. j, c. t.r. 8UJ union ramie S. n y Erie een. 4s 73 do cv. 4k 91 Un. Electric 6s.l05UU. S. Rubber 6s. .101 Ot. No. 1st 4a..lOOH. S. Steel 6s. ...106 I. C. ref. 4s 91 W. Union s... 95H Int. M. M. 4 '4a.. 9SDom. of C, 1931. 99 . T Local Stocks and Bonds. Quotations furnished by Burns. Brlnker o., i9-02 umana .National Bank build ing. Stocks. nid. Asked. Cudahy Pack. Co., 7 pet. pM....104 106 Heat rice Cream Co. 7 pet. pfd.,.107 4 Deere A Co., pfd 96 Fairmont Cry. Co., pfd 104 Oooch M. ft E. Co., 7 pft. pfd... 99ft 109 97 4 108 100 103 Harding Cream Co. 7 pet pfd.,, ion nowara biovo co. stock Lincoln T. A T. coin. 7 pet. 37 nye-ttcnneJder-rowler Co. ..... 90 Omaha A C. B. R. A B. pM 61' Omaha A C. B. St. Ry pfd V . . 73 Omaha ft C. B. Bt. Ry com 45 Omaha B. L. ft P. Co. pfd 82 Packers National Bank 150 Peters Mill Co. 6 pet. pfd. ...100 State Bank of Omaha 127 101 68 78 50 , 87 160 101 130 153 Swift A Co 163 Union Stock Yards Co. 6 pet. . . .101 j Bonds. American-Tel. A Tel. (is 98 Armour ft Co. 4s, 1931 94, Booth-St. Louts C. C. Co. 6s, '21 99 ft Chinese 6 pet. notes 97 Chicago Railway 5s, 1927 96 Chicago Un. Sta. 44s. 193 ...100 Denver Q. & E. L. Co. 6s, 1951.. 92 Iowa Port. Cem, Co. 6h, 1922... 99 Kansas City Ry 1st Es, 1944... 97 Omit ha A C. B. St. Ry 5s, 1928. 96 Omaha Gas Co. 6s, 1917 96 Packard Notes, 1919 99 Sinclair OH Co. 6s, 1926' 106 Sprlnfield T. R. A P. s, 1920-26.100 Swift A Co. 6s, 1944 101 98 94 101 S 97 10 93 100 98 97 98 4 99 107 101 40 Advance in price of stock in two months, and it has not yet really starteri. That's the brief history of Sequoyah (see kwoi ah) Oil and Refining dfficially listed and traded in on the New York Curb This stock has every indi cation of being a tremendous dividend-payer. Right now it is pay ing 12 and earning considerably more than 40. A big dividend increase due soon should cause this stock to advance sharply. 1 We have not one share of this stock for sale. We are broker buy and sell all listed securities and fill your orders at the market Inside information convinces us that Sequoyah offers wonderful "possibilities as a money-maker. Write fmmedletely for Circular H-S. E. A. PERRON A COMPANY Siockm and Bondm tZC Bwith Latslla St.. Chlaag.' AMUSEMENTS. A Picture Playhouse of Character. Charles Ray -HI The Honorable Algy by the Recently one of the comic papers had a cartoon of a man with his nose in the telephone mouthpiece. Underneath was the .line, "Can't you hear me?" Many who saw this picture smiled , and recalled how often they had seen people talking out of the window, at their feet or through a cigar, but not INTO the telephone. If you do not apeak diractly Into th telephone, th. tound wavea will not etrlke squarely tha metallic ditc In tha tranamlt. ter and th other party will hear you faintly and Indlatinctly. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE AMI'SKMENTS. DIAGHILEFF'S BALLET BE The Sensation of the Age Nijinsky, Bolm, Lopokova, Revalles, Gavriloff, Froh man, Spsicewiska and two .cor. ballerina and com plete symphony orchestra. AUDITORIUM SATURDAY NIGHT, DEC. 16TH Pricea $1 to $4 Box Office Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. BRANDIES Mmiaaioa!'tidcir. s, saw 10c: Orchestra, 25c. Tha Movie Tree .1 the Season VERNON CASTLE tnhe WHIRL OF LIFE I P. M. CONTINUOUS II P. M. BOYD Tonite, All Week Except Saturdav Th. Myatsry Draasa The Hour of Temptation By tha Author al "THREE WEEKS" Matiaes Today. 15c, 25c Nltea 25c, 3Sc, 50c, 75c i- lHd BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Dally: MitlflM. 2:16 Night. 6:14 Thli Wotk. Ralph Htn 4 CompiRjr; Farbur Glrli; Arthnr Dun A BtauMtnt Slitcri; McDeritt, ,Klley Lucy:' Brit Wood; Horln Biitcra; DeWltt, Burna A Tor renoe; Orpheum Travel Weekly. Pricoi: Matineea, Gallery. 10c; Beat Beat (stoapi 8L A Sun.), 25o, Night, 10c, 25c, fia and J5a "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." lihgi fJfST7i D-,ly Uftta., 15-ss-soe, rUVl Eren'tH. lS-ZA-SO-ffie. . Triumphal 25th Annlvaraary Tour v AL REEVES X,' BEAUTY SHOW MUSICAl. BURLESQUE VenderUte by - Your old pet Al" lalmesin : Behles Green: Pestne: Teber Clair; Frandei Mnrehy; White Hanhall. and Farnton It Green. Reerewue Beauty CBonie. (Final rertormtnee Friday MU). Tired fiheeeara' U.tl.u w... n ' EMPRESS Iay BRUCE DUFFET AND CO. , SPERRY AND RAE , FOUR WINDEMEERS VON HAMPTON AND SHRINER aad Thefr "Mama" Charlie Chaplm. in AT THE RINK" . Phono D. 8069 LAST TIMES TODAY Ana Pennington, fay "Tht Rainbow Prin ce a. A fascinating photoplay of Clrcu lifo. introducing the famous Hula Hula danc. Orchestra Muaic Admiaaion, 10c. Ml ICE FiratShasrau I W I W Ss Ca Paramount Pictures, tran Fenwick, Own Moore ' " '' . ; "A Coney Island Princess" Hearst News. Brin,taf Up Father. JITNEY TAXI MAXWtU CAHS Webster 202 READ BEE WANT ADS Telephone COMPANY V 4- A