THE BEE: OMAHA. DECEMBER 1916, i I; r Want-Ad Rates 1.CJ6NH WITH ORDIW. par word neb InMrtlor (Set solid no display.) Ads runjnpbid or 8et In DlspUtr Strlo. to per lino.. ono lime to Iter line three consecutive times (Count six words to tao line.) CHARGE BATES. le per Una time to per line three MtioomtlTO times (Count six words to tko lino.) P.rm and Ranch lAnSe. tc per line three ceneecottv. times (Coant sis words to the line.) PORKTOV ADVKRTIStNO UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSIKICATICWa ir per word..... ene time we per werd three consecutive times NO AO TAKEN FOR LESS THAN , A TOTAL OF to OR LESS THAN 10e A DAT. CARD OF THANKS, DEATH AND TV NERAL NOTICES. lo per line each Insertion (Minimum eharfa 66 rents.) MONTHLY RATE KOR STANDINO ADS. . v.- a Mmr ellnwsd. I rtn Una II. 61 Te lines or mors per line II. M (Count sis words to the line.) (Contract rat re on application.) THE FEE will not be responsible for more tlian one Incorrect Insertion or an aaw tlsement ordsrsd for more than one time. AnvERl'TMERS should retain receipts siren T The Bee la payment for Want Ada, as no mistake can be reclined wiinouc nw ORE THE TELEPHONE If too cannot con veniently bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the aame food service aa when de liveries, your ad at the office. PHONE TTLER 10. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE. BTENINO EDITIONS 1I:H af. MOHNINO EDITIONS...! P. MOVIE PROGRAM. Crma efiriw 1 the test Motion) Pie tore Thaatera In Omaha. haJUrs Oelly.) Downtown. 1-ARNAM 1415 XA.RNA1I MARY PICKFORD IN JfT BABT." PIPE ORGAN MDSIC. 'PRINCESS lllt-ll DOUOLAS r PRESENTED HERB FOR So S HTH EPISODE. THE WORLD'S QRRATEST SERIAL, "LIBERTY." ANIMATED WEEKLY. "GREEN EYES," Drama. North. DIAMOND HTH AND LAKE "THE SHIELDING SHADOW" NO. T. 'TUB PRECIOUS PACKET." GRAND- 16TH AND BINNET "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" ' WITH ALICE BRADT. HIPPODROME 1STH AND CUMINO ONE GOOD PICTURE AND ! COMEDY. OTHROP k , HTH AND LOTHROP "THE PRICE OF SILENCE" WITH i DOROTHY PHILLIPS. NEW STAR SHKHMAN AVE. ft LOCUST 'THEIR FIRST ARREST." 'THE SMALL MAONETIC HAND." 'PRUDENCE THE PIRATE." ! South. APOLLO. TH AND LEAVENWORTH BLUEBIRD FEATURES. HOBART HENLEY In "THE S1QN OF THE POPPT." AND l-REEL COMEDY. BOULEVARD. I1D AND LEAVENWORTH CHARLES RICHatAN la ' "HEIGHTS OF HAZARD." BRAY'S CARTOON. , ROHLFJT. Is LEAVENWORTH JUNE CAPRICE in v "LITTLE MISS HAPPINESS." PATHB NEWS. West CLIFTON, , iTH AND BURDETTE "THE QUESTION MARK." v PBATlIRINO DOROTHY DAVENPORT. "HAM IN THE DRUO STORE." DEB. (1ST AND UNDERWOOD LILLIAN GISH in "DIANA OF THE FOLLIES." "KILL THE UMPIRE." Comedy. 1666 FARNAM MARY PI Cft FORD in "CHEATERS." "LURED, BUT CURED." Comedy. AHA. 40TH AND DODGE FANNTB WAJtD, IN "EACH PEARL A TEAR." A BURTON HOLMES' PICTURE. South Side. PHEUM. 2TH AND M 'THE SCARLET RUNNER." "BUNG LINO BILL'S BOW-WOW." TUB FIGHT ON THE DAM." DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. DONOVAN Mrs. Deborah, afed II yoara. Funeral Wednesday morning, December ' 13, at I a. m., from resldenoa, 4111 Laks street, to St Cecilia's church. . Burlad, SL Mary's cemetery. AYERS Arnold T., died Sundmyt December It, 1114. Funeral will ho held from Masonic hall Tuesday at 1:11 o'olock. Friends Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUFFY ft JOHNSTON, smbelnaera and tu ner! directors, tit S. 14th. Tyler 1414. HULeB ft RIBPEN. undertakers And onv eel mere, fit a ltk St. Deucla. 1116. FRATERNAlORDERS. ATTENTION! Members of Plumbers' Lo cal Union, No, 14, are requested to meet at the residence, 1101 N street. South Side, at 13:10 to attend funeral of Brother Edward Porter at 1 o'clock. FRANK J. LYNCH, Secretary. LODGE NOTICE. OFFICERS and members of Washington lodge No. 17, D. of It., attend th ,t uncral . of Slater Deborah Donovan at 8t, Cecelia's church, December 11, 9:10 a. nv MART KINSELL, C. of M. B HI 1X1 ETT DONNE LaLT, Recorder. FtORISTS. QUA LIT !T CUT FLOWERS or p .tint. Art Combination hipped ovary wluri. Excellent rvtc to our cnatom n in oast yean recommends. HESS A BWOBODA, .1416 Farnam St. Doug. 1601 LA RABAT ASSORTMENT of treat. flowers, delivered or shipped anywhere. L. HEN DKRSOIH. 1619 Farnam Bt. Doug. 1231. Pontenelle Florist LEE L LARMON 1IH Dourla Bt. Doug, 8344. PARKER Flower Shop. 411 B. ltlh. D. 3101. A. DONAUHUR. 1621 Hartley. Dour. 1001. BATH. N a l tonal Florist 1804 Farnam 8t. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th following permit to wed have been liiiued: Name and Residence. Af. Sum Jonee, Council Bluffe. I.. 44 Abby Shipley, Omaha,..., ..... 44 John M. Worthen, Omaha . 14 J cue! a Netaon, Omaha 31 Arthur C. Padgett, Dea Moines, la....... St Luia Berth, Dea Moines, la. ........ 10 August M, Berger, Dea Moines, I. ..... IX Clara I. Pause, La Urande, Ore , John X. Colltna, Omaha... Sophia H. Bpater, Omaha.,..,....,.... J4 Alfred Hummel. Haetlng. la. 1! Florence Richie, Rlverton, la...,..,,., It) Irfnutt Daweon. Haatlnga, la. .,...,.,., 24 Flow, Coy, Hasting, la....,,..,...,, 14 Chrtat Nedergaard. i Omaha.. M ....... , 11 Vtaphne Ftrrel, Omaha .,,,,, Si Abe CeHoff, Omaba 7 Anna Gt Id berg, Omaha SI FrrJ D. Turner Omaha. . . ... .over II "Ii1!wh., Omaha. ..over 18 'iiai.e fyi?r. Hi. Paul. Ulnn -j,,fc46 hti.rlutl Ferler, 01. Paul, Allno. , i BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Rlrtba Matty and Ludllo Ballkyo. 670 South Thirty-third, boy: H. A. and Bertha Lundgren. an l Arlwr, boy, Ralph and Julia Ogleaby, StOH North Fort y-aevf nth .venue, boy: ll O. and Anna Downing, 26K .4prlng, boy; U O. and Aucuata Kiiea, 4224 Parker, girl; Carl W. and Rieth Brunap 1477 Boyd, girl: C. W. and Oeorla Mona- han, 2SU Hprairue, boy; Matt and Antonio Dragon. H07 J, boy; Kdward F. and All' bay Jownaen. 4424 Houlh Twenty -second. iMty; CkmIiu and Katherlne Mek, 2714 North Forty-eighth, boy; Fred and Realer Oate. Fort Crook, girl: Harry and Ra hae Donmyer, Flfty-tlfth and M. girl; CarmHIo and Maria Guarin. 1133 North Kvnteentn, boy; Taariuale and Mim Elate 8a ra el no. 1 1 U South Klghlh, boy: Crlatoforo and Caterlna Donmyer, Flfty-tlfth and L. girl; Carmello f, C. end Way me Hld'JlMKon. 2320 Pratt boy; Ioula and Anna Franklin, 1623 North eighteenth, girl ; Oust and SI art hi KouakHuilar, 271 2 California, boy. Death Mltharl Moxuka, 2, Sixteenth and O; Cora Krll Harte, 12, 4721 South Twnnty-third; Thomaa People, 40. hoapllal; rlar Waldo, 6, 20 Dodge; Marie KapeK, .', 1734 Houlh Thirteenth: Frank Garner, 43, 1210 Douglaa; Oeorge Hoovor, 63, hoa- ptUI; O. W. Thomaa, fie, hoapllal; Jamea Newman, 46. 4loa North Twenty-eignm; James H. Maomber, to, frt 1 4 California; Charle E. Batea, 72, Omaha; Mr. Hachael Klrby, M, 406S North Thirty-fifth. BUILDING PERMITS. P. C. Cramer, 21177 Klllaon avenue, frame dwelling. 42,000; Kmmett D. Ixoml. 3908 Orant, frame dwelling, 11,300; Union In veatment eompa.ny, 4.66 Douglaa, frame a welling, $4,000; Union Investment com pany, 4661 Douglaa, frame dwelling. 13,000; Union Inveatmnnt company, 201 Houlh Forty-eighth, frame dwelling, 13,000. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you lose anything and will advertise It 'here, you will surely recover it If found by an honest person. Remarkabt reoov rle are brought about every day through tbl column. THK HON HOT "WAT If you find something of value, or a keepsak of value only to the owner, la to Inaert a email ad. The owner of the article In moat case Is willing to refund the cot of advertising. OMAHA ft COUWillTBLUFFa STRSBT RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost lome article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th atreet ear. Many articles each day ar turned ttt and th company I anxlou to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 1 00, LOST Sunday evening. In Orpheum thea ter, gold seal ring, monogram "L- J. L.," reversed Arabic style. Owner will pay t0 reward. Finder will please return same to Mr. W. J. McCanlsy, 211? Maple St. Phone No. 17f2. In th ELEVEN Month of 11 Th Be gained, ...68,110 paid ads MORM THAN DOUBLB th COMBINED gain of th other two Omaha papers lowcat Rate, Best Results, Best Werrlc LOST Monday morning between ? and S a. m., Ford Motor Co. badge No. M, be tween Itth Ave .and Btnney and 16th and Cuming St. Finder vleas call Web. 1826 for reward. LOST Small 'bracelet, watoh Sat. evening about I o'clock on West Fa mam car, orJ between 27th and rarnam ana wayne apta. Call Douglaa Tlea. Reward. STRAY RD Small bay mar with whit hind foot, had saddle and halter on. He ward. Tel. Wal. 1684-1. Address H, A. Kruse, Benson, Neb. fOOND" a sanitary Soda Fountain. OR KEN'S PHARMACY,! Ilth snd Howard. LOST Oreen and black auto robe, Rewatd. Notify Tyiergi. LOST Sunday, airing of coral. Reward. Mr. Root, Harley Hotel. r LOST Locket, diamond setting with Initial, "C. D. L." Colfax 1664. Reward. LOST A diamond broach, scroll pattern. Return to Be offlc and reoelv reward. FOR SALE Mitcellaneout Furniture and Household Goods. HO LI DA. Y B AROAINS. Pretty present fre to purchaser of 5 r over during thl sale. Holiday buyer should by all mean visit th Htal Furni ture Co., comer 14th and Dodge, where hundreds of useful present can b ob tained at one-half th price during this . monstrous aale of rug, stovaa. fancy piece of furniture, cedar cheats, leetrtc lamp, talking, machines, gat leg tables, fancy pedestal, atand, etc. STATU FUHN1TURH CO., Corner 14th and Dodge, Phone Doug. HI 7. . In th. ELEVEN Month, of 1616 Th. Be, sained.... 66,110 paid sd, MORE THAN DOUBLB .. th, COMBINED ln of th. other two Omaha paper. Lowest lute. Beat Results, Beat gsrvlce HIUH-ORADE furnture, out Slaw, hand painted ohlna, brlo-a-brao and .11 that oeuld b. .spec ted to fumlah , 6-room inod.rn Can be bought t half valu. Any party wtihlnr a pretty home call Tyler 1146-J, No dealer, or trlfl.r. STOVES, ALL KINDS. See u. tint. Pries ' Mint, City Furnlturs Co., 107 8. 14th. Loral Furntlur. Gfc, 611 N. 16th St. BUT a Llttl. Olant Ironlns Ubte. It slve. absoluts satl.f.ctlen. Th. Little Qlaut Manufaeturlns Co.. Omaha. STOVES, furniture, rues, beddlns and linen of .11 kinds. Open till t p. m. D,lrolT. 1626 N. 64th St. Pianos and Musical Instruments. ONE B flat cornst. Instant change to A, gold bell, trumpet medel, Tork make, was 666. Web. 6008. 6300 RMERBON mahogany piano. Will not refuse reasonable oner. Trier ess. EDISON phonograph with 76 record.. Web. 6006. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., alao public Bteno. Phone for price.. Douglaa 1603. 640 Paiton Blk. GET our price, on Job printing. UNiTEU riaiu rniniinu iaj., lee Bid.. Dougla. 1173. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. O. Co., quality printing, lei, tnw,. ,J.v. ... o. o. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. , SXPERT K1.KCTRICIAN8 AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 210.29 Bo. Ilth St., omafta. BOILERS, eteam, electric, gee engines, pipes. Gross Wrecking Co.. 1616 Cuming. Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES . W root, repair, sell needle and parts I all sewing machines. . . v MICKKl8 . NEBRASKA CYCLES CO., Ilth and Harney St, v Dtwig. UH. BUliarda and Pocket Tablet. FOR BA1.C BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pocket, with com pie t outfit, II It 5 ; erond-hDd table at re daced price; bowling alley and supplies'; eaay payment. Cigar tore. drug, deli catessen and cda fountain nature, THUS URUNSWICK-BALKK-COLLKNDBR c,, 407-40 Bouth 19th at. BARBKH shop and pool hall. Will sell pool table aeparately, Lang. 1147 rar nam Bt. Red 7330. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machine sold th same a rent It per month. See u befor you buy or rent. Shipped any place on ten day free trial. Butt Typewriter Exchange. 410 8. iftn hi., umana. neo. REMINGTONS, Monarch and Smith Premiere for rent; sent any w her. Rem ington Typewriter Company. D. 134. TTPKWRITKRS old. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver Typewriter, I month for !&. Central Typewriting Exchange, hoi Karnam. 7E BUT, eell and etchance typewriter. Guaranteed typewriter. 110 up. - Writ Jor Hat. Uidland Co.. Be Bldg. CARBON paper, $1 a box and up; second heel. Ho m ream. Midland Co. P. 1141, Hi ice Uaneous. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE, Thirteenth and Uouglae. Bottled to bond whisky. 66c, 11.61, 11.36, full qusr ' BT high standard of quality will be main talned; 6 quarta of Old Fontenelle whisky, 63.26; ejottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Doug. TltJ. 122-12, N. Ilth St. 01IAHA PILLOW CO. Pelt and hair mat tresses made ever In new ticks at half the price of new ones. All your own feathers back when we renovate. 1607mlngSl. Douglas MIT. DESKS, sates. Brslos. showcase. . shelving, etc We buy. sell, omatta Fllture and Supply Co.. 616-16-16 S. 12th. Doug 27:1 CROCHETED set, bedKpread. pllhiw top., dresser scarf and stand cover. Cell Doug Is. 7.13. DIAMOND ring, t U-lnO carat: Isdies' ill., mood liruvth. Jfileduhiu, l.l (DutfiMM. FOR SALE Mi&tellaneous DRY K1NDI.INO BOX COMPANY WOOD. ACM 12 HARNEY 1437. 1RNUINK NAVAJO Rl'O and other relict). 2028. Emmet. Phone Web. 4010. WANTED TO BUY nilTTMAM p" Hihst rrifo. Furniture, Ruga, Clothes, Planoe, Office Furniture, Trunks. Shoes. Douglas 3971. Res., Webster 4204 WK ARK LARGEST ORADKRS AND rACKKRS OK WA8TF. I'APKK WKBT OK CHICAOO. WRITE OR PHONB V FOR PRICK.1 Dtle.UI.A8 161. OMAHA t'Ar-KK BUM K IJO. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, uaod deaka, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1307 Fa mam. DIAMONDS 8L4,?Eu"Mh St.00 TF.MTffMQ P"I' WghTst price fof tJUillYlJIO clothes, shoes, trunks. etc. Red tin. Res., Douglas mi. SPECIAL NOTICE Ida C. Stockwell, corsets, Baldrlge block. 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS Your moat convenient printer. TRBJ PR1NT1NO HOUSB OF MAUKR. Phone Doug. 7744. 181 Farnam Bt AUTOMOBILE itorago; dry and clean, $3.t0 per month. Keys Bros., Council Hluffawa. Accordion Pleatinff. ACCORDION. Hide, Knife, Hog Pleating, Gov. Ruttona, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating and Button Co., 431-3 Paiton Bile R. 4943. Attorney at Law. FRANCIS MOHO AN. 613 Bee. Donglaa 4011. - Bakeries. CAKRS, pastry and fancy bakery good supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments. Z. H. Heeder, HOfi N. 18th. W. 1937. ORT MAN'S NKW RNOLAND BAKERY. 818 N. HTH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARK KT AND H AYDKN BROTH KR8. "OUR MOTTO" BETTKR BAKED OOODfl. Bathf. DR. BENDA Sulphur, steam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MASS AUK. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants, lilt Farnam, Phone Doug. 6H77. R1TTENHOU8B flatiiUrium; all kinds baths. 110-214 Halrd Blk., 17th and Douglaa. 8taats Inat., 1604 Harney, electric and other bath, massage. D. 701 7. Open evenings- Button! and Pleating. VAN ARMAN Dreaa Pleating and Button km., iv-i rax id ri nm. i;ou(. aiv?r aweor' dlon, knife, aide, space, boi, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, pfcof edging, pinking, ruchlng, covering but tone; all atyle and all lzea. Pries llwt free. Brass and Iron Foundries. Pat ton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha St. Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATERE8S, excellent cook; apeclal attention to parties and Bun day dinner, price reasonable. Har. 4340. Chiropractic. Dm. John -i ton, 1.125 W, 0. W. Rldg. D. 8SJ. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer school graduate. Doug. 1147. Dr. Frances Diwnon, 602-1 R6se Big. T. 2161. pr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrfl Bldg. D. S461. Carpenters and Contractors. Lessard ai Son. 1606 Capitol Ave. Tyler 1611. Costumers. , ' LARGEST .toe it of costumes for theatrical. and masquerades In the country for sale or rent Llebep & Son. I SI 6 Howard. THEATRICAL (owns, full dres, suits, for rent. 204 N. 17th. John Feldman. u. 1121. Detectives. JAM PIS ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. ' Interstate Detective Ass'n, 432 Ramge Bids. - Danclnc Academy. TiP T TTY17 ball tubs., THtms, VIU i-lUAJJ SAT., sun. kvb. school MON. EVE. Ill 8. 16th St. Opp. Fontenelle. KEEP DANCINQ ACADEMY. 26th and Far nam! class Mon. and Frl. eve. Assemblies Wed. and Sat. eve. Private leMoiu. D. 7650. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No fain. I2 W. O. Tstt's Dent. Rms 308 Rose Bldg. D. 1166. Dressmaking. DOWNS and. suits a specialty.. nterl. Webster 4140. DRESSMAKING, Doug. (706. S626 So. 16th. M'Dowell Dressmaking School, 106 Baird Bid QOWNS and dreasmaking. Miss Coo. H. 3606 Dressm'k'g, plain or fancy, reas. Ty. 1666-W. D-maklng by the day. 3104 Daren. D. T766. Exp, drsmkr. Child's clothes spec'y. D. 166T. Dressmaking, reaeonable prices. Web. 6616. Terry Dregsmak'g colleg. 20th and Parnam. Sewing, any kind, well done, reas. Wb. 1434". Sewing wanted, chlldren'a pfd. Col. 3033. LADIES' suits remodeled. Dougls. 416. DRKHHM AKINQ WORK OUAR. D. 6663. Express Companies. TWIN CITY Eipress Co., 1621 Douglss 1717. Hrsvy hauling . I iclalty. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hslr Parlors, 307 Balrd Bldg. Hud curing, toilet articles, Douglas 6166. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, boi pleating; covered buttons, .11 slae. and atyles; hemstitching, ptcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, eordlng, eye let cut. work, buttonholes, pennanuh IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 200 Douglas Blk. Douglaa 1636. SWITCHES from combings, $1 up. Dyed. 60r. Mrs. H. Brlllhart, 836 Paiton Bldg. Fixtures and Wiring. T"T TT T7VT Electric washing machtnea, U U XVIVliN electric Irona and reading lamps. m Cuming SL Dougla. 1616, Furnace Cleaning. Borneman, fur., chlm, cleaning. D. T836. lob Printing. OATB Ing. pITT p 6631 N. Printing Co., high-grade prlnt- 34th. Phone Web. 1667, Justices of the Peace. C. W. BHITT, 801 Barker Block. Painting and Paper Hanging. IF you went cheap work don't call me. I guarantee my work, painting and paper hanging. Call Harney 63i. Carlson. ' Patent Attorneys. H. A. 8TUROIS, 620 llrandels Th. D. 3466. i Masseures. Qerman nurse, maesage and bath, R. 801, Neville Blk... 3d floor, 14h and Harney. HAS8A0E ul rhlroimdy. -210 Balrd BldT Patents. PATENTS procured, bouglft and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. 68 Brandepj. D. 6661 Pianos for Rent. 88.50 per mo. A. Hoepe Co.. 1613 Douglas. Rug Manufacturers. FLUFF rugs from old oarpots; rag rog. a specially; clsanlng and alteratlona. Peery Rug Factory. 1452 Cuming. Red llll Shoe Parlors. SHINE CLEAN, BRONZE. 1821 Farnam. Tinners. TIN work t all kinds; eet eheerrully fflven. Ulsasser, 1121 8. 11th. D. 6411. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 807 8. 11th. P. 136. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements and printing. Dougla. Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1806 PARNAaL SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run it In thl column for Tea day tt only coat 26c and la per aniwer. Thl offer Is god only In Omaha, and exclude Real ttetate, cah offer and Buslnea Pro per tie For Sal or Trad. The, a well a mall order for of Swapper' Column, must - pay regular rate. One or two anawera are uMclent t make your trade and th whole trana aetlon only cot about lee Try It, " In the XLRVEN Month ot iTl The Bee gained. .. .el.tlft paid ad , MORU THAN DOUBLB th Combined vain of th other two Omaha paper Lowest Rate, Beat Result, Beat Berrto I HAVE a good Toller top desk, a 100-lb. Icebox, a hard coal burner and sewing machine to trad or can uee a Vict role with record, good motorcycle or a good offk-e safe. 8. C. 724. Bee. BAKKQ. Klectrlc Roadster, ulUtle for city aicenl or uanvtiMer; will trad fur ga car. any '"J, nr v.htst hatv you valtjtd IS&C vf J J f ' Aaiiite i. u iri.ic., tttfuin Cuiul... 1 . , . -SWAPPERS' COLUMN ft' A NT AUTO and clegr vacantr or what, for my lf0-a:re cut -over land, 40 miles from Jacksonville, Fla. Make proposi tion. Colfax 4113. Ia24 Bahler, Omaha. &-YBAR LEASE on picture show, just re modeled, in thickly settled part of city; will sublease for cash or transfer lease for good car. Address 8. C.-JIS, rite. HAVE complete work DcMaupaaeXntTTi" vol. ; Tolstoi, 12 vol ; I .a Ha lie, Bualne,. Administration, 10 vol. Make offer. Box 8. C.-725, Jire. m WE swap or buy kodak; film developed free; or. e -day service. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Btk., Htb and Hamey. FOR TRATB A royalty contract and the patent, for anything I can uee or is worth the money. Addrcaa B. c.-iao. Hue. WANTED To trade one 6-paaacngfr auto mobile In good condition for mares. Ad' dreas 8, Hee Office, Ho. Omaha..' HAVE good mandolin and guitar to ct cnauru icr gooa noigun. nox p. i. 722 Bee. . A LITTLE AD In thl Column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. DIAMOND ring. -karat, to trade for Vlc- trola. Address 8. C. 14. BUSINESS CHANCES I WISH to sell my moving picture show in Omaha. It is one of tht few that are making money and you will be surprised when you learn which ono It la. Close In, beet equipment and must be aold by January I. Will a 1 1 part cash and the rest terms. Deal with ownr direct and sav big commissions. Addrrs 0087, Bee. WANTED Agents throughout Iowa and Nebraska to sell SPRING OILERS for autos. Every car- needs them. All auto distributors, garages, etc., recommend them, 'ii.bQ will handle large county. Money refunded If can't make good. Q. W. L. SPRING OILER CO., OMAHA. t 182 Brandets Bldg. In the. ELEVEN Months of 1114 Th Bee gained. . . .53.910 paid ads MORE THAN DOUBLE th COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha paper Lowest Rate, Be: Result. Best Service ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS will buy. a ubctamtal interest In a successful manu facturing plaat near Chicago. Full par ticular from Lewi ,481 Co., Box 449, Ham mond, Ind. DO YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS AND TURN IT INTO CASH ? t IV BO, BEE OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. 760 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. MOTION picture machines, (new and re built, theater, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 Bo. 14th St. WILLIAMS, established 2t year. To buy or sell buainea fee him. 411 McCagu Bldr Rgfrence, U. B. National Bank. DOWD Bale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mora mdae. stocks than any other firm In U. a Writ for term. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of bard war, live town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling, ' Be quick. Addre Y 167, Be. IF TOU want to sell or bay a business or rooming house call on Buach Borgboff, ' 710 World -Herald Bldg. Phone D. Ill r WB BUT, we sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films. Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 110 Bromley Bldg. hWAJTBD Partner In running paying 'bualne to take full charge; email capi tal or trade. Addres Box 1165, Bee. FOR S-ALB by owner, drug atore, dwelling and stock; aquar deal. Address owner, fll West th Av., Denver. Colo. RESTAURAMT In a good town, doing good business, good fixture, at a bargain. Ad dresa, Y 722, Bee. TO GET in or ttt of business, call on OA NO EST AD, 411 Bee Bldg. Pong. 14TT. QUARANTT plan; get in or out bualne. All State. F. V. Knleet, Be Bldg.. Omaha. Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSES, all slsea, great bar galn. 411 Roae Bldg. Phone Tyler 287 7-ROOM flat, steam heated, all modern; price rsasonabls; downtown. Call D. 7167. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 16c PER LINE. Day work or bualne ads, regular rate. 1 Mn on week 30c 1 Ilnea en week ,.4So Each extra line, 16c per week. ' Maie. In the ELEVEN Months of 1116 Th Be gained. . . .61,010 paid ad MORE THAN DOUBLE th COMBINED gain of th other two Omaha paper Lowest Rat, Best Results, Best Service MAN and wife, no children; want work on ranch or farm; both experienced, best reference. Bachalor or ' widower, with children preferred. Addm F. A. Lock wood, 1421' 8. 18th St RELIABLE firm of accountants, making a specialty of opening and closing small aets of book and doing bookkeeping work: - audit and system Installed; charges reasonable. Address Bee 8320, Be. YOUNG colored mad; good cook, washer and Ironer; experienced all around house keeper; good habits; will work In or out of city; hotel or bachelor apartments pre ferred. Harney 6840. Best references. WANTED Office work as assistant book keeper and typist, or clerloal werk. Four year' experience as grocery clerk. Can alao operate typewriter at a good apeed. Address Y 710, Bee. HOTEL CLERK Fifteen years' experience, nine year udder on management wishes position; not afraid of work; small town preferred. Age 10. Box 8127, Bee. YOUNO married man now employed want position with firm where he ha chano for advancement. Reference Address Apt 1, 610 H. 12d. WANTED -Position as clerk In store by young man with six years' experience and best of reference. ' Box 9010, Be. THOROUGHLY experienced dairy and farm hand. Will work, reasonable wage. Address Box 0141, Bee. POSITION wanted by experienced colored chauffeur; can furnish beat of references. Call Harney 1269. ACCOUNTANT, experienced, want addi tional work, systems, bookkeeping, etc Webater 7463. SITUATION wanted' a porter, dishwasher or elevator boy; experienced colored boy. Webster 4134. WANT position as watchman, by capable man with reference. Phone H. Webster, Harney 4001. JAM US FOSTER, stationary engineer and fireman, all 'round good worker. Call at 2811 Ohio St. OFFICE work wanted during afternoon by student. Can do stenographic work. Box 0134. Bee. MIDDLK-AUED man with experience wants position to run freight elevator, Doug. lit 16 MAN want any kind of work. 4 hour dally, for room and board. Box 9163, Bee. I WANTED-By exp., sober, rellablo porter, position, with good city ref. Web. 3631. WANTED Work for board nd room by student. Address Simpson. 269 Farnam. POSITION by reliable engineer, 20 years' exp. Best rpf erenoes. Tienson 11 1 - J. Colored man and wife want work; man for housework; wife to cook. Web. 6039. TEACilER of conversational Spanish de sires four more pupils. 1437, Bee. WANTED Position as night watchman. Webster 6210. Female. YOUNG lady, high school education, expert enced in bookkeoplng and stenography, deelres office work; moderate salary. Box 9036. Bee. THK BEW charg for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising not enouch to cover the oast of printing. WOMAN.wlth two little girl, wishes pol " tlon as housekeeper with elderly couple. Box 1901, Bee. TWO young ladles want work where they can room nd board, or Just board. Dougla 1417; Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day work or chambermaid work. Highest recommendation. Red IjtO. EXPERIENCED colored bundle washing. Call Walnut 1486. WHITE lady wishes bundl washing and Ironing. Harney 5231. WANTED Day work by reliable woman. Call Web. 344. ANY kind of day work. Webster 67S0. Plain dinners; clean,; weeping. Web. 4911. Chamber, day or laundry work. Har. 1166. Launr'y wk. Call Del. Rea. Uuar. Web. 4137 EX. LAUNDRESS, bit- die wash. Web. 1941. Experienced lady want day work. Har. 1209 LAUNDRY carefully done, Web. 4183. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCT, 1610 Davonport St. Douglaa 1160. Headquarter frr hotel help. Perslttence Advertising. th Cardinal Virtus In HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER and accountant who Is willing to leave city, position tc excep tionally good town In Nebraska and of fers chance for man to develop Into very responsible position, salary depend upon applicant, approximately il to start. Western Reference Bond Asa'n., Inc. 752 Omaha National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER and cashier 16 Stenographer, fine position 4S Stenographer, good future 76 Ledger clerk, young man ' 45 NO FILING FEE, only GO cent to In- veatlgate references. THE MARTI CO.. 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER $86.00 STENOGRAPHER 75.00 STENOGRAPHER 7. 00 BOOK KEEP! R iBank) 7S.0O" THB CANO AGENCY. 000 BEE BLDa STKNO. and' Diet. Opr.. 176 to 0:"steno. 118 per week: steno., $65; tenc. and office "clerk. ISO to 170; Bteno.. 140: file elk., 030. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brand. Thea. Bldg. OFFICE clerk and collector . (Council Bluffs), fi0; steno.. $&. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 101 5-1 G City Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED A boy with uniform to attend door. Apply American Express Co. OFFICE boy wanted. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709 S. 16th St. Professions and Trades. Drug Positions All States CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-10 City National Bank Bldg. TAILOR wanted; all around man; Steady work; $18 per week. Busch Tailoring Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. HELP WANTED 10 carriage and auto trimmept, Amotater m Hon Co., Sacra men toy Cal. BOY to learn trade. 709 S. 16th St. Omaha Auto Top Co. Salesmen and Solicitors. ' High grade stock salesman who would be interested In handling first claa Omaha proposition. y STANDARD SBC, . INV. CO., Suite f and I, Wead Bldg. See Mr. Wolfe, Mgr. READ THIS HI Frederick made $61 this pat week telling SPRING OILERS for auto In one Nebraaka county. Many agents making $4 to $10 per day; no ex perience required. A GOOD POSITION for this winter with a steady Income. $60.00 Investment required, which I well secured. ' Bank reference aa to our re sponsibility. Dept. O. N., Q. L. W. SPRING OILER CO., Brand! Bldg., Omaha. WANTED Two experienced specialty or book men to take advantage of the next three week selling the story of the great war. Fifty to ninety dollars a week baa been earned by two of our salesmen for the last ten week. An exceptional offer to clean up before January 1, when the price, raise. Apply between 10 and 13 a. m. F. D. Browning, 112 Balrd'Bldg. SALESMAN wanted iIowa and Nebraska territory open for right party, who can furnish reference and bond; liberal com mission and expenses advanced; glv ref erences and experience in first letter. Amerloan Manufacturing Company, Sta ttion B, Waterloo. Ia. MEN WANTED to introduce a quick-selling article. Men well acquainted with farm ers In their locality preferred. Refer ence required. Stoat Manufacturing Co., Central City, Neb. Trade Schools. WB WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. , Few week qualify to run shop or work for other; years 'of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduates In leading position everywhere; compara tively no expense; catalog mailed fre. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 fi. 14th St Omaha, Neb. (Established 1801.) AUTO MECHANICS.) BARN BIG MONET. Never Idle Big Demand. Basy to Learn by Our Method. NATIONAL-AUTO TRAINING ASS'N, 2817 N. 20th 6t, Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue, GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for the! many po rtion now opeiy Fine training work In auto and electrio starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, , 2061 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade; bo Independent, mora than make your expense while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin; 1402 Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men under age of IS; citizen of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writ the Eng fsh language. For Information apply to ' Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg.,. 16th and DoVge St., Omaha, Neb.; 180 N. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb.; 027 4th St., Sioux City, Iowa; 207 0th Ave.. Pes Moines. Iowa. WANTED Young men as railway " mail dorks; $76 per month; sample examina tion questions free. Frank lig Institute, Dept. 231 R, Rochester. N. Y. x OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming, $76 month. Sample question fre. Writ Immediately. Franklin In a Unite. Dept.- 121 W. Rochee'er. N. Y. WANTED Young man with $60 to act as treasurer ror tneatncai company, aox 20, Nlckerson, Neb. WANTED Director for home talent play. Minstrel play preferred. Address Y 727, Be. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at one; report at Lincoln. HELP WANTED ' MALE AND FEMALE. $100.00 MONTH. Get government Jobs. Men and women wanted. List of positions open free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 238 A, Rochester, N. Y WANTED Actors and actresses for the atrical company. Those doing specialties preferred. Box 36, Nlckerson, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, fine office $00 STENOGRAPHER, Mfg. firm.. 66 FILING CLERK, young lady 36 NO FILING- FEE, only 60 cent to in vestigate references. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. STENO. and bkpr., $76; atmo. and bkpr.. $60; ateno, and bkpr., &6; stenc, $66; steno., $60-$66; bkpr. (out of city), $76 or better: cashier, $40. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-U City Nat. Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, small office. very little shorthand, mostly typewrit ing, some general office wti'rk. salary $40. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n., Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Building. STENOGRAPHER wanted at once. Also good experienced typists. Good wages. Apply at once. A. A. Berry Seed Co., Clarlnda, la. STENO.. $76; office clerk, $fi0; office clerk. $50; otTtre clerk, $40; typist, I4Q. WATTS REF. CO.. 840 Brand. Thea. Bldg. WANTED Girl for wrapping and labelinit In our warehouse. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. lth and Dodge. STENOGRAPHER $76 . 00 THE CANO AGENCY. 000 BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. WANTED Glrla with common school edu cation, between IS and 38 years, to take up local and long distance telephone worltgj C f. tjamoert, lai f uougiaa hi. Household and Domestic MIDDLE-AGED woman for housekeeper, three in family, gooa wagca to rignt party. Phone Sowth 1166. WANTED Colored girl for general house work; must he neat and clean. I'bone Tyler 1046. WANTED A middle-aged housekeeper for elderly man. Good home for right party. Reference required. Box 9101, Be. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; must be good cook; good wage; no waahlng. Call Harney 0071. WANTED Compt cook. 4 In family; no laundry work; sTOoa wage. Mrs. w. a. Fraser, 102 No. hid, Wal. 1211. IF YOU want your piano tuned before Xmas and tuned right better call early. Chaa. L. Fish, Piano Tuner. Webster 1211. HELP WANTED FEMALE and Domestic. WANTED An exp. white girl for general h. w.; must be a good cook. Highest wages. Ref. req. Harney 2906. WANTED A competent cook and an ex perienced housemaid. Apply 200 8. 12d Ave. Phone Harney 208. WANTED Housekeeper, middle-aged, for small apartment house. For Information caf Web. 1046. EXPERIENCED colored girl for general housework. 3617 Farnam. Telephone Har ney 4044U WANTED Housekeeper, a middle-aged woman; no objection to one child. 2204 Monroe St. v COMPETENT white girl for general house work Phune Walnut 307. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED waitress, $7 per week. 103 S. 12th. Miscellaneous. 100 GIRLS WANTED. Having largely Jncreased our house dress manufacturing de partment, we need 100 girls to operate the new machines. Glrla having had no experience will be acceptable If willing to learn. All machines are power driven; the. operating rooms are light, airy and clean. Gtrls have a private dining hall and every modern convenience. To such young women as arc willing to learn to become skilled opera tors, we will pay attractive wages and guarantee steady po sitions. Apply at the Douglas Ktrett entrance, just west of Ninth street, and aak for Mr, Anderson. M. E. SMITH & CO. OVER $2 dally easily earned knitting at home. Auto-knltten furnlsnea on time, Fixed rates of pay. Send 2c stamp. Dept 04 C, Auto Knitter Co., Franklin St, Buffalo, N. Y. j EDUCATIONAL JACQUES BRANDEIS, graduate University or farts; professor or spanien, university of Chihuahua, Mexico; French and Span ish Instruction; classes or private lea sons. Address 784 Brandets Bldg. Phone Douglas 2230. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, , DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance, 220.-- Douglaa 6890. 1 THE SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES. Class , or private Instructions complete. - Courses, Fhope Webater 6664, for in formation. ' Y. M. C. A. Day and Nisht School. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. -NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenoype, typewrlt- lnc. teierrapny, civti service an commei clal and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1605. 10th and Harney SU. Musical. Harp Limited number pupil accepted com ing aeason: early application ravorea. Harp fur. Lorstta De Lone. 306 Lyric Bid. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, llll Dodg. we anow tne pupua now is biuoj music In the rtffht way. D. 347L PERSONAL ' PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until enred. Writ for book rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg., Omaha. Nab. THE Salvation Army Industrial bom BO' licit your old clothing, furniture, maga sine. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call Call and Inspect our new bom. 21M-U12-1114 Dodge St. RUPTURE Successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray, 300 Bee Bldg. STAATS INSTITUTE, 1600 Harney; mus cular maasagr; hatha or all kinds. Open rrom a. m. to i mianignt. uoug. 797. DR. BURKE, OMAHA'S MEN'S SPECIALIST. 218 CROUNSE BLK.--OPPOSITE P. O. east MISS NASH, MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse ana bath. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 27J7. , LUELLA WEBSTER, masseuse, 611 Paxton Blk.. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Red 140. NOAH and Charles write to your brother, Frank Christie, at Seattle, Wash. WANTED Small child to board; will give mother's care. Harney 3727. SCIENTIFIC massage, 520 Be Bldg. Phon uoucias ea. MASSAGE girl wanted. Room SOL Neville Manlcurfnc and mass. 1021 Farnam. Rra. i. Graduate masseur. Appointment only D. 6236. MAGNETIC massage. 3434 Cuming. FOR RENT -HOUSES West 3303 HOWARD ST. A 2-story frame. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnso. Room for on oar In garage If desired. House rent $30. ALFRED THOMAS, 80 First Nat. ftk. Bldg. HOUSE FOR RENT IN THE CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. 6 rooms, modern, on one floor; also large floored attic and small garage; 14 blocks from the 40th and Farnam car line. $30 per month. Immediate pos session. J.H. DUMONT. & CO.. 416-18 Keeline Blda. Phone Douglas 690. $36.00 3003 DODGE, S rma., mod., close In. OLUV1.H & HPA1.N, Dougla 3962. 919-30 City Nat West Farnam district, 6-room cottage. strictly modern, easily heated, furnished or unfurnished. Harney 6860. FOR RENT 0-room house, modern except heat Three-quarter casement J0QI Wt-bwter. Inquire next door. BRICK HOUSE 2614 Dewey Ave., seven rooms, modern. Moyer stationery Co, 1011 Farnam St. NEW 6-room modern bungalow. Will rent furnished or unfurnished; very reasonable. D. 6074. North. GENUINE BUNGALOW! T 3321 NORTH HTH AVE. 6 rooms, all on one floor, strictly up-to- the minute, close to car, $30.00. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 010 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Dong. 1010. 6-R. COTTAGE. 2107 Ohio, $18.00. t-R. modern ftrick house, 19th and Corby, $20.00. W. H. GATES, B47 Omaha Nat. Bldg. D. 1304. DESIRABLE cottage, fine neighborhood. modern except heat near car, special price to desirable tenant. 1 622 Madison Ave, Phone Web. 3779 mornings. II ROOMS modern except hnat; one block to school ciose to car; rtrni reasonable. Call Walnut 2291. 7-ROOM mod. house, good repair, 2th and Charles at. z per mom a. web. 2502. MODERN 6-room cottage, corner lot gar age, on car una, fjw. jou. aioi. 6-ROOM cottage, modern excjpt heat, 1831 N. zvm. 11- TO COLORED 0-r. house, 1711 Nicholas. . Harney 1326. r 6-ROOM house, 2744 Meredith, $12,60. Call Florence 17. South 1109 SO. 33D ST. (Special Inducement.) $401 rooms, quarter-sawed oak floors ttpatalr and down, newly decorated and In very good condition." GLOVER at SPAIN, Dougla 3903. 919-20 City National. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room yon Nfeaire among these, ads call at Th Be office for a Room List Give complete detailed description of va cant rooms In ait parts of the city. If more convenient phone Th Be) Want Ad Dept and give your nam and address and a list will ' be mailed to you at once. New Uat our issued every week. Furnished Rooms. In th ELEVEN Month of 1916 Th Ie gained 63.910 jald ad MORE THAN DOUBLE th COMBINED gain of the other two Omaha papers Lowest Rate. Best Results. Best Berrlc EXCELLENT front ' room for gentlemen, newly decorated; furnished above average. Telephone extension. Modern home. Walk ing dlstanre. 'Serve breakfast. Har. BIOS. FOR two gentlemon or man and wife, pre ferably musicians, pleasant room, strictly modern, no ether roomers; meals If de ired . Phone Harney 223 WANTED By young bustneas man with good position, a congenial roommate to share exceptional room ; very close-in. Address Box 9083, Bee. SUNSHINE APARTMENTS. For men only. Comfortable steam heated rooms. Rato $2.60 and up per week. COS N. 17th St. STRICTLY modern, newly furnished warm, cozy room, only $8, to respectable, per manent Kentieraen; large room, $10. 712 NJ3dSt WANTED Refined young lady to hre room with young lady In mod., private home. Board If desired. H. 607$. IN REFINED neighborhood, one coxy room, suitable for two nurses or young men, in modern bungalow. Colfax 2607. WELL furnished front room, suitable for two. 2 closets; private horn. 7J S. 26th Ave. FURNISHED team-heated rooms, for sev oral men; reasonable; Hanscom park dlst- i.i im. nm xiarney zza I. CHICAGO 2510 In private home; large south fronts room with alcove; a la aid room. , LARGE front room, near Farnam car, mod ern flat: breakfast if desired. WaL 2207. LARGE, welt-heated rooms, with or without board. Harney 3164. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, -private bath If desired. 2131 Douglas. Doug. 174L HEATED room for respectable working BtL 2i2s Decatur St Webster 4674. LOVELY furnished room for lady; borne privileges; reference. Red 8746. NICE south room, modem, large and com- lortabie, on car line. Tyler 2234. 819 South 26th; 2 rooms, well equipped; pienty or peal, moaern. LX"r- r- Priv- home, garage. 3050 Davenport ROOM- with washing, $1.60. 101S flC : 13d! ONS nicely furnished room for rent 1216 Douglas St Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE rooms, sleeping porch Inclosed In gla, new furn., suitable for girls or married couple; elec. lights, gas, hot and cold water, good heat 2117 Wirt Web. 7168. t NICE, clean light housekeeping rooms, ji-Ttiriv Hsnie; tone small Housekeeping room. 2312 Douglas. 110 SO. 28TH AVE, Large, warm, modern parior, nouseKeeping and laundry privil eges. Harney 933. ST. MARY'S AVE., 2663 Two modern fur nished warm south room. Doug. 4432. TWO comfortable rooms for housekeeping; everyuung lurnia&cd. Z310 Leavenworth. MODERN furnished 8-room house. Hot water neat, mono Harney 1913. $04 S. 28TH 2 or 4-room suites; walking a is tancc; every imng rum tinea. SUITE of warm well-furnished rooms; prl- vate lamuy. Harney hub. LARGE suite H. K. rooms, well tarnished? awp jjavenporx. FARNAM, 2822 Three nice housekeeping rovmv. eiecinciiy, steam, gas range. 2 LAJIGE front rooms, 422 S. lth St Dong. Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL modem, warm room for two, i-ioae in DnvHio nome, oesi DO&ra. 116 CO, 26th Ave. ELEGANT furnished rooms with first-class tame board. Also day board. 1029 Geor gia Ave. 1015 PARK AVE., rooms and board; steam heat; home cooklns. Phon BL 1108. JACK'S CAFE First-class board. $4.59 week. jsw anerman Ave. GOOD BOARD, modern and well-heated room; private home. Harney 4701. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE large rooms with alcova. 1511 S. zstn. ynone uoug. 7 am. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and find oui - all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. it's a plan tnat is Helping many peomi rent their roorci. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. PHONE Ernest Sweet, New Hamilton, 24th and Farnam, D. 1472, before engaging your apt Bes. location. Pri'-s reasonable. ST. CLARE. Harney 47r -3-room apartments, 24th and 2 -ROOM, modern apartment, 2928 Leave n- wortn. -xn Agnew." mono Harney 8330. FOR RENT HOUSES South. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. 605 SOUTH 18TH ST. Six fine large rooms, every one newly papered and woodwork painted through out, floor are In fine condition. Here yon have no car fare. Special Inducement If taken at once. PAYNE & SLATER CO., CUB Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Doug. 1014. -ROOM house, with girage, absolutely modern, 4 rooms downstairs, oak finished, 4 rooms and sun room on second floor. 3114 Woolworth Ave. Tel. Harney 574. 6 ROOMS and sun room, all modern, bun galow, $27.60; with garage, 030. 1627 S. 25th St Tel. Red 1881. 10-ROOM, strictly modern house. 2301 F St., South Blue; rent reasonaoie. i'none South 3296. 7-ROOM mocfern house oak finish, 1619 Park Ave. Phone Harney l56o; 130.00. 6-ROOM cottage and bath, modern except furnace. 2423 s. 24th at. Douglaa 7163. -R. mod, flat. 2310 S. 24th. $20. Tel. H. 4711. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-r., 3401 Parker St $19. ft-r, 611 Martha St 1&.60 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. " 6-r., 4808 N. 29th St $18 01 6- r 2010 Saratoga Bt 18.00 STRICTLY MODERN. -r., $607 N. 10th St .'..$26.00 9-r,i 4112 Farnam St t 15.00 T-r., 1323 8. 8th St 40.00 7- r 2905 N. 18th St . 0.00 l-r 3849 Charles St ' 16.00 -r 3608 Dewey Ave 40.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COMPLETE PRINTED UBT BEFORE RENTING. PORTER A SHOT WELL, 201 a 17th St Doug, fit. PAYNE 6c SLATER CO, SPECIALS. I rooms, 880 So. 23d St. all modern ex cept heat, east front easy walking dis tance, very special price, $10.60, 6 jwoma, 2634 Capitol Ave., aU modern, new oak floors throughout, new plambtne fixtures, new lighting fixtures, nicely deco llated, south front easy walking dlatanco to town, dandy place for $27.60. 6 rooms, 812 South 38th St. srtrictly modem. Field Club district, i bedrooms, east front, $40, 0 rooms. 3017 North 20th St, Strictly modern, thro bedroom and sleeping porch, $37.60. 8 rooms, 2201 Grant St. 4 bedrooms, newly decorated throughout, garag, $30. PAYNE & SLATER CO, 616 Omaha Nst't Bids. Phone Doug. 10t6 . ROOMING HOUSE. 1913 DOUGLAS ST. Ten large-rooms, will put In good condi tion for reliable party. Here I an ex cellent opportunity for some on. Specltil rate $30. PAYNE & SLATEROX, f.16 Omnhi. Nat'l Bldg. Pbonw Dong. 10t. 1125 SO. 31ST. with garage for two ears. 5804 North Ilth, modern, T rooms, $23. JOHN N. -RENZB, DOUULsb tfJsl A