THIS bfcfc: OMAHA, iviUNDAi, ur.mMKKK 11. 5 Brief City News Platinum Wedding Rinse Edholm. ftnva Boot rrtnt It New Beacon Preaa. Ties Cleaned, 10t-, at Carey s. Web. SS. Klectrle leidliir tmpa for OCmae. Is. 50 to lw. Bursesa-Uranden Company. Ties Cleaned, lOo, at Carey's. Web ster 932. Rnlit. C. Drucscdow & Co., 860 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Listed and unlisted securities; bank stocks; several 1 per tent guaranteed gilt-edge Investments. Sorority Banquets Omaha mem bers of the Nu Sigma Phi sorority of the University of Nebraska, held their ,'nnual banquet sn; lne'f ii. at the Loyal hotel Saturday. Rider Is Promoted W. J. Keen, night chief operator of the Western 1'nlon in Omaha, has resigned his po sition to go into the grain business. I.E. Rider, wire chief for some time, ha;, been promoted to take his place. Beat Meal for the Money ClalrenVut Inn. Sues for Fingers Timothy Barrow has sued W. E. Roberts and J. H. Roberts, contractors under the Arm name of Roberts Brothers, for dam ages under the workmen's compensa tion act, alleging his fingers were mashed by a "bull dozzer." Turning Company Locates The Omaha Turning company has recently located at 2608 Farnam street, occupy ing a two-story building there. The plant manufactures all kinds of nov elties made from wood, including floor lamps, mahogany bed posts, pedestals and other articles. Dlvorci Mill Martha Hall Conroy has been granted a decree In divorce court from Joseph Conroy. Cruelty was alleged. Emma Wachal has tiled an answer and cross-petition to the divorce action brought by Frank Wachal. She (charges cruelty. Lema Chapman would be freed from Stuart C. Chapman on grounds of non-support. Want More Cars Students of the University of Omaha who live within the limits of yrosstown car line have complained to President Jenkins that they are unable to get to classes regu larly on time because crosstown cars are so crowded as to make It almost impossible to board them. The com plaints are made mostly by those who have 8 o'clock classes. Because of the crowded cars the time schedule is not kept and this c ften is a cause of their lateness. . The students wish that more cars were placed on that line. Andirons for Chrletmne-t-SunderlanoVa. Keeves Beauty Show Up-to-Date Wins Its First Night Crowd Beauty and brains, seasoned with much pepper and served with spark ling comedy of the vintage of 1917, is the recipe for the . very pleasing vaudeville dish served at the Gayety Saturday night under the direction of Al Reeves. It is Al's famous beauty show, rejuvenated, and it scored with the first-night audience. In addition to the perennial posing of models, the lure of the playlet is enhanced by the splendor of the cos tumes worn by the girls. In the first scene, a fashion parlor, the latest dic tates of style, all of rich quality ma terial, form a grand revue.. It is good to look at. Charles Robels and Al' Green are the chief mirth makers, and merit entitles each to his job. Specialty numbers are frequent and fine. There is Francis Murphy, a comely young singer, whose flirting makes' nervous the men in the lower box until Francis thunders at them in a base voice and takes off his wom an's wig. Miss Eddy and Mr. Earle do some lightning stepping in their dervish-like dancing numbers. Then there's Harry Poynton and Frank Green, two of the best tumblers that have worked at the play house this season. They earn and get a volley of applause. Jeny White sits at a piano and en tertains with his deft fingers and pleasing voice. His most popular num ber is "The Old Minstrel Man's Song." I.cona Miller, who braves the calcium lights without makeup, is a beauty, a singer and a dancer. She works her triune charm in getting across "New Orleans" and several other numbers. A captivating duet is Bernice Ta ber and Edna Claire, whose dialect songs and dancing win complete fa vor. The gowns worn all during the show by these two winsome misses are things of beauty. A quartet, com posed of Robels, Green, Sulback and Miss Miller entertains with better-than-ordinary singing. Then Al Reeves, not to be denied a place on the program, gives a monologue, which the whole audience welcomed with much applause. Young Women Are to Stage Ehode Show ,Members of the Young Women's Hebrew Association are making elaborate preparations for the pre sentation of their "Rhode, Show" the evening of December 17 in Metro politan hall. The program for the evening comprises seven vaudeville acts, with Biblical tableaux, minstrel features and instrumental and vocal numbers. The proceeds will go to the furtherance of the aims of the organi zation. Miss Mariam Davis is president of the association; Miss Hannah Green blatt, vice president, and Miss Ethel hatz, secretary. While not four months old the or ganization has a membership of 100 and has organized classes in gymna sium work, Bible study, spelling and the like. ( Machine Unmanageable ' And Driver Is Injured John Henry, driver for the Kennard I'amt and Glass company, was sen olisly hurt last night when his ma chine became unmanageable and turned over at Fifty-sixth and Dodge, miming him beneath the wreckage. His left leg was broken and several ribs fractured. E. Pearson and John L. Kennedy found him and pulled away the, car w hich was holding him prisoner, 1 hen il-ey took mm to the Uarkson hos ., piial. Stomach Trouble and Constipations Those who are afflicted with stom ,ich trouble and constipation should read the following: ' I have never iutind anything so good for stomach trouble and constipation as Cham berlain's Tablets. I have used them off and on now for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body in a healthy con dition, writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, N. TC STAGE IS SET FOR FARMERnOMESS Delegates From All Parts of State to Attend Meeting of Body Here. PREPARE TO SAP EMBARGO The proposed embargo on grain is due to get a slap in the face, the fed eral farm loan act is scheduled to be hailed with delight, and the good roads movement will likely get some added impetus and encouragement this week when the Nebraska Farm ers' congress meets in Omaha. lhe dates are December Z, 1,1 and 14. The Hotel Castle is to be head quarters. 1 he embargo looms large on the program, and the delegates arc com ing in by the hundreds from all parts of the state to take a slap at it. The Farmers' Co-operative Grain and Live Stock association only a few weeks ago framed strong resolutions against t and shot them straight to Woodrow Wilson and the congressmen. The Farmers' congress is due to frame' resolutions equally strong and shoot them in the same general direction. For the farmer is not at all displeased with $1 corn and with $1.90 wheat. Land Bank Question Up. Within a few weeks doubtless the wheels will be set in motion to es tablish federal farm loan banks in twelve centers in the United States. The farmers who will attend this con vention want to know all about that act, how loans may be had, how they are secured, what interest the bank's bonds are to bear, who will buy them, the rate of interest the farmer will have to pay, and a whole lot of these points. Irue, the statute, as it is found in statute books now, tells most of these things, but statutes are clumsy things, so clumy that the su preme court often has to wrestle for months to determine what certain sentences mean. So the farmers want the statute interpreted. They want the exactly fifty pages of fine print which the statute now covers reduced down to short, crisp and plain Eng lish. E. V. Parrish. manager of the Bu reau of Publicity of Omaha, is to lead the discussion on the subject. Mr. Parrish had much to do with working un the facts that went into the prepa ration of the brief which Omaha filed with the Farm Loan board when Omaha made its case asking for one of these banks. Prof. H. Clvde Filley of the Uni versity of Nebraska College of Ag riculture is scheduled to follow with a discussion of the subject. Mr. Fil ley has also made a comprehensive studv of the bill, besides making a wide survey of the conditions in Ne braska that are to be remedied py this system of banks. To Discuss Failures. "Whv Some Farmers' Organiza tions Are Failures" is a subject to be discussed by T. F. Sturgess, editor of the Twentieth Century Farmer. Cart E. Slatt of Edgar, Neb., is to follow with a discussion of the sub ject Rural schools are to be taken up Kgain and their Detterment aiscussea. V. H. Campbell of Clarks, Neb, is to lead the discussion, and J. H. Lynder of Berwyn, Charles Davis of Colon,1 D. H. Anderson of Neligh, N. P. Lund of Blair, J. O. Shroyer of Humboldt, H. A. Collins of Papillion, S. C. Boyle of Alvo and A. V. Teed of Lincoln are to discuss the subject also. A. O. Thomas, present state superintendent, also will appear on this part of the program. Samuel Avery, chancellor of the University of Nebraska, is to tell the story of a loaf of bread. Chancellor Avery, is a specialist in chemistry and it is probable tnat ne win analyze the loaf with reference to protein, starch, etc. E. A. Burnett, dean of the Ne braska School of Agriculture, is to talk on the true basis of land values, and Professor H. F. Williams, in charge of farm management surveys in Nebraska, is to talk on federal and state farm management surveys. Dr. G. E. Condra, secretary ot the Mehraska Public Welfare and Con servation commission, is to give Ne braska in moving pictures. Told to Close Town, x Chicago Chief Quits" Chicago, Dec. 10. Almost simulta noi,1v with a new order from Chief of Police Charles C. Healey to enforce vigorously the Sunday closing law came " the admission from Mayor Thompson todav that the chief of po lice would resign. 1 ne new oraer in structed all policemen to arrest viola tors on sicht and book them at the police stations. Heretofore saloon keepers who, did not obey the law were arrested later on warrants or punished by revocation of their li censes, which, in many cases were subsequently restored. , Rev. A. E. Perry Talks to Young Men of Bellevue At the second meeting Saturday evening of the newly-organized Men's club of the first rresbyterian cnurcn of Bellevue, Rev. A. E. Perry, pastor of the Nebraska City Presbyterian church, was the principal speaker. Rev. Perry spoke on "The Need of a Men's Club in Bellevue." He dwelt briefly on the necessity ot enterprise, civic pride and loyalty in the success of a men s club in any sman town. Paul W. Cummings, publicity man of the club, had sent out a number of letters to men in Bellevue urging them to attend the meeting. As a consequence fifty men were on hand. The Bellevue quartet, consisting of Messrs. Stepp, Stewart, Walker and Jordan gave several numbers. Dr. David R. Kerr, president of Bellevue college, spoke briefly. Bylaws for the club were adopted at a short business session afterwards. Refreshments were served. A men's Bible class was organized to meet Sunday mornings as part of the Sunday school. President Kerr was chosen teacher. Prof. Leslie N. Cullom, head of the English depart ment of Bellevue college, was chosen as Dr. Kerr's assistant teacher. Neuralgia and Shooting Paina. Sloan'a Liniment la a wonderfoi medicine for neuralgia and aharp, ahootlng paina; ap plied to painful npo It stopa the ache. Only 2&C. All drugglala.--Advertlacnient. Educational Notes Hsv-Urvr CoUe. Anion r tha visitor at ItMtlnis rotlfie lhf put wrk warn Up. Stewart of Miuhoil. Sb. ; Mr. Aen-erter ot Randolph. Neb., who i new member of the board of trule. and the Rev. Mr. Knaiirr, O. V. lr. Aetrertor wn much pieiuea to lane a look through tha college plant and to the growth and develountnl of (he city of Hasting. Prof. Jatnea Anderson at the iwpanmeni of Philosophy and Education, occupied the pulpit at Holdrege on Sunday. Several vfr i' basket ball teams un been organ lied In connection with the gym i work for our women. Mr, Bock, physical (tree tor, has charge of these rlatwea. Four teams have already bm chosen, represent ing the different classes, and tliay will hWve Intf r-clasit game during the winter months. Moat bf th lnter-colleglate games will be played by the girls' teams. The girls have ltkew(s been permitted this year to enter the debating contents. A number have al ready signified their desire to compete for oace. and Inter-class debates between them will soon be In progres. The young men will choose their team as usual from the young men's literary society. The T. w. O. A. gate very interesting plays last Monday In the college chapel, from which they netted a considerable, sum to apply on their piano fund for their rooms; they alto gave a bazar at the Presbyterian church last Friday afternoon for the llko purpose of raUing funds to be applied to the same end. The new dormitory will be opened to in public next Monday afternoon. It is now in com Diet operation, trie aomesne science equipment having been furnished, and the girls are getting their own meals and taking are of the new home under in direction. of the professor of domestic science. The equipment of this building In or the most complete character. One girl manages once each week; two do the cooking-, and another girl looks after the housekeeping. This is addition to me regular cisxa worn in domestic science and household arts. A dertnlto amount of money Is given to meet the expense, within which the plans must be made. Gosoel team bands are organlied for their winter church work following their strenu ous campaign In the interests of the dry amendment during the autumn. The first team to so out cone Is tn of five men, and is to occupy a pulpit of one of our country churches about fifteen miles south of Hast ings. Doane College, President W. C. Allen started Tuesday for the east. He plans to make stops along the way. Chicago, Oberlln. where he preaches Sunday, until he reaches Portland, Me., to spend the Christmas nouaays wun me family. , Three new nlanos were bought for the conservatory practice rooms this week. Campus visitors during the last week were: T. D. Rife, '11, who Is on his way to New Tork, where he expects to enter Co lumbia university; T. F. Tyler, "18, of Wood River; A. H. Piatt, "16, of Franklin; Miss Elsie Medlar, '12,' of Daykln; Miss Gladys Cochrane, '15. of Carleton; Miss Florence Potter, '11, of Ulysses; H. H. Johnston, ie, of Liberty; G. A. Koester, 'lfl, of Franklin; A. L. Hill,, 'IX, or Beaver Crossing; K. K. Dutch, 'H, of Brule; Miss Hattie Thompson, 'IS, of Franklin; R. L. Hal com and F. Ftai of Omaha. E. O. Campbell of Omaha visited his son. Horace, this week. The girls' glee club sang In chapel Wednesday morning. It Is preparing a Japa nese opera for production In the spring. Miss Dorothea Krueger of the German de partment received the news of the death of her mother this week at the family borne near Berlin, Germany. A series of lnter-class basket ball games Is being played In the gymnasium. Thurs day the freshmen played the sophomores, winning by the score of 11 to 9. Friday the junior won over the seniors by a score of 19 tS 17. - . On Friday night tn the auditorium of the conservatory a public recital of the school of music was given. Pern Normal. Prof. Brownell of the University of "Ne braska addressed the members of the Peru Science club at their second meeting last week on the topic, "General Science In Ne braska Schools." Miss Mamie R. Mutz of the art depart ment delivered an address at Rlverton, la., Friday evening In connection with the art exhibit held there by. A. A. Wolfe of the class of 191. The schedule for the annual Glee club trip is an follows: Berlin. December 11; Dundee, December 12; Wllber, December 13; Beatrice, December ,14, and Pawnee City, December 16. The home concert will be given December 20. ur. u. w. A. Liucicey, aean or tne gradu ate school of Nebraska university, delivered an address at a meeting of the faculty and members of the Peru Mothers' club last Fri day evening. Hto topic was "Child Btudy in the Making of a Teacher." The young ladies oi Mount vernon na.ll held a delightful party Saturday evening. The business men of Peru and members of the faculty gave an oyster supper at the Knights of Pythias' hall In honor of Peru's victorious foot ball team. The team has played more games, piled up a higher score and held its opponents to a lower score than any Peru team has ever done. An appreciative audience enjoyed the reading of two scenes from "The Taming of the Shrew." by Miss Dunn of the expres sion department last Wednesday at the chapel hoar. Fremont College. Miss Amy Brownlow, county superintend ent of schools In Tripp county. South Da kota, was a visitor at the college last week. A Christmas vesper service will be held In the chapel at 4 p. m. December 17. The program will consist chiefly of carols ren dered by the choir. Rev. Mr. Battle of the Baptist church will give the address. The Men's club of Fremont was addressed last Tuesday evening by Prof. N, W. Gaines on the subject, "The Place of Humor in American hlte." Many students availed themselves of the opportunity of hearing Prof. Galnee' paper. , President Clemmons left Friday .morning -621 residents of Ne braska registered at Hotel Astor during the past, year. Single Room, without bath, 12.60 and 19.00 Double - SS.tO and f '.00 Single Roome, with bath, 13.60 to 16.00 Double - 14.(0 to 17.00 , Parlor, Bedroom and bath, UO.tO to 114.00 TIMES SQUARE At Broadway, 44th to 45th Straws ' the center of New York's aadal anal business activities. In dose proiamity m all railway terminals. ll!!nH!H32.H!HII.!!.;!!!I.niSt1la9 XMAS SUGGESTIONS Cuff Links In Silver or Gold, with Post or Loose Link. Solid Gold, $5.00 and more. Sil ver, $1.50. Ryan on an Article Means High Class Every Particle. . RYAN JEWELRY CO., Rose Bldf., 16th and Farnam. to attend the dedication of the high school at Winn it and on Saturday aildrrntied a teachers' meeting at Arapahoe, Arnold Stecher. president of inn Komen sky club, reports that they have a meeting every Monday evening and are having umr lively times. The literary societies are putting on e cellent programs Friday and Saturday even ings of each week and report the socletieH growing In point of numbers and enthusiasm. . Grand lalacwJ College. Spurgeon Ramsey has entered college, coming from Baylor university. Texan. He Erebably will supply the Baptist pulpit t lyrta. President Jorden spent Sunday with the church at Hoi brook. He presented to tlie people at that place the Interest of (IranO island, college. Rev, R. It. Coon made a short address In chapel Wednesday morning at the name time turning over to the reading room a good supply of standard magaxlnes. Prof. Htarr ha been entrusted with the care of the college buildings. It Is his In tention to put the buildings In the best possible condition. The library committee, consisting of Prsfs. Sutherland, Roomer and Hall; will 'bring about several changes In the management of the library and will select and order a list of new books. Paul Reirhel, student volunteer secretary, spent Wednesdav and Thursday among the student, conferring with committee and counselling generally with Chrirttlan workers. Rev. 11. C. Mable, I). !., of Boston, spent Thursday and Friday at the college. He gave two addresse each day on subject of interest to every earnest Christian, Nebraska Wealeyan. The approaching class basket hall tourna ments are bringing out an unusual number of men, both gymnasiums being occupied at all hours of the day. Some of the new men are showing up exceptionally well and will probably beat the old "W" men out of a place on the team. Prof. Rayner Is In considerable demand for addresses on the Philippines, he having spent several years there as a missionary. Convocation Friday morning was in the Interettt or the Young Women's Christian association bazar, which will be held next week. Prof. Jensen spoke before the Physics1 club Wednesday evening on reasearch work with high electric potentials. One of the most Important of the recent developments on the campus Is the an nouncement that there will be a conference midyear Institute for young ministers, be ginning June Llsl7, and continuing for eight days. ;rrstrong corps or instructors from the leading ministers of the slate will be present, Bellevue College. Prof. Edwin I. Puis, head of the expres sion department, last week gave a reading at Schuyler of "The Man from Home.'' Fri day evening he read the same play before the Omaha Central Park Social settlement. With the beginning of December and the end of the foot ball season. Indoor physical training work for men ha begun. Gym nast urn work for the college women has been going on for sonte lime under the di rection of Miss Vivians B. Miller, head of the physical training department for women. A faithful band of students and alumni shivered on the sidelines Friday afternoon to witness the Olympic contents between the freshmen and sophomore classes. The fresh men won the contest hands down, although the sophomores made things Interesting In many of the events. The office force of the college has been greatly enlarged with the return from New York City of Charles E. Baskerville, finan cial executive of the college, Mr. Basker ville Is engaged In raising an endowment fund of $600,000 for Bellevue. Over 180,000 has already ,ben pledged. York College. Rev, A. F. Rltr.hey of the local Christian church gave an enthusiastic talk to the students Tuesday morning. At a meeting of the "Y" foot ball men George Jahn was elected captain of the 117 team. Mr. Jahn has no rival for the posi tion of left tackle on the all-state Nebraska teThe Inlerclass debates will be held Fri day, December 15. From these debates will be chosen representatives for the Intercol legiate debate. Miss Gladys Pearson of the music depart ment gave a piano recital In the college chapel on Thursday evening. She was as sisted In the orchestral parts by Miss Kdna Rankin. , , The annual foot ball banquet was held In the gymnasium Friday evening, December I. The fact that York haw had an ever victorious team this season made the occa sion most auspicious and enjoyable. Heinrich Is Appointed Governor of Bucharest Amsterdam (Via London), Dec. 10. Lieutenant General von Hcinnch has been appointed governor of Bucharest, according to the Rheinsche Westfaelische. . i 1 local stops eliminated with the new WOMEN ATHLETIC CLUBy embers; Feminine Contingent Will Be ( Feature of Life of Organi- 1 zation Now. TO BE WELCOMED OPENLY j Women henceforth will be wel comed openly by the officers of the I Omaha Athletic club as members. There had been provisions for receiv ing them as prospective members, but the directors feared some men would hesitate to join if the woman side of the'dub were exploited. Since the announcement of elabo rate provisions for women in the club building by Architect l.atenser. there is no longer any question about the woman feature of the club. The wom en's quarters will be apart from the men's. Women's memberships cost half the price of men's memberships, $250 for a life membership for women and $50 for a resident membership for women, with $25 annual dues. Miss Helene Bixby and Miss Ag-ne-ss Scott several weeks ago became members. Secretary Wharton said he expect ed many women to join. Wives of members will have club privileges on their husbands' memberships. Architect Latenser is now working on plans to provide for indoor golf and tennis. These plans will be in spected by the directors and advisers next Wednesday. George Brandeis, chairman of the finance committee, said there will be enough membership fees in by Janu ary 1 to make the last payment upon the club's $218,(KK) lot on Douglas street. Young Lawyer Has Article in Issue of Harvard Review Anan Raymond, one of the younger members of the Omaha bar, is the author of one of the leading articles in the December issue of the Harvard Law Review, entitled, "Suretyship at 'Law Merchant.'" 1 In this article Mr. Raymond dis cusses recent reports of the Confer ence of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, which drafted the uniform negotiable instruments act, and whose reports show a tendency to elimina tion of suretyship doctrines from the "law merchant." By tracing the his tory of the "law merchant he shows that there is nothing in its relation to the other portions of the English and American legal system to deny suretyship a place in it and that doc trines of suretyship have been incor porated into it, by analogy, from equity. The article then goes into the ef fect of the uniform law upon this phase of the "law merchant," with especial reference to accommodation paper and the status of accommoda tion parties under the old law and the new. The Harvard Law Review, one of the leading law journals of the coun try, is published by the Harvard Uni versity Law school. Ptralatmca la tha Cardinal Vlrtua In Advert talnf. SELF STARTING REMINGTON TYPEWRITER 1 x it you wane express learn more about this time - A built-in part of the machine. No added cost. Saves 15 to ,25 time on ordinary correspon dence. Proved repeatedly by users. Write or "phone for a 5 minute demonstration in your own office. De tailed information in folders mailed on request. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., Incorporated, 201-3 S. Nineteenth St. Phone Douglas 1284. CITY PLANNERS TO STAGE EXHIBIT Display of Maps at Court House Will Be Open to the Public, FREE LECTURES A FEATURE A city planning exhibit, under aus pices of the City I'laiming commis sion will be opened next Wednesday in the Douglas County Court house. The exhibit will be open to the pub lic each day from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. until December 21. William H. Maicr, assistant director of city planning for the American City bureau, is here to arrange the exhibits. John K. l.a throp will give a series of talks and lectures during the exhibit. Some of the exhibits which Will be shown were prepared by the federal government, and others by the American i.'ity bureau. The Omaha Planning com mission will contribute the following mrtps, recently prepared by B. Kve nild, superintendent: Prrat'nt pavlnc. Parklna: aparaa. Plara whxra food la aold. Plaru apota. Hangarnua croftnlnffn. Conaaiillnn of population. Panalgia conntotlona lplwn tart onda of arlta and widening of narrow atroala. Contoura and alraet ararltanl. Location of worklnf population. Tranalt waya. Undevalopad aactlona ahowlnt aoonomln waal. Parka, playground and arhool property. Kxletln and propoaed aewera. Thoroughfare Facilitate traffic. Public and acml-publlc building. 1 More recreation grounde tnelde earh achonl district. Comfifrt atatlona. Adequate atreel Hihllng Inaurea public aafely. To Show Large Collection. The American City bureau will send a large collection divided in the fol lowing manner: What elly planning meana. Tha alia. Communication with tha eutetde world. Sanitation and health. Uuardlag agalnat dlaeaae. Public convenience. Reareatlon, education, culture, ' Encouragement ot Induatry. Suburban development. Public contra) of private aotlvU). j City planning procedure. Financial aapactaiot city planning. The collection comprises 158 large panels of maps, charts and photo graphs, embracing every phase of mu nicipal and civic life known. The ob ject of presenting these exhibits is to interest and educate the public in the value of city planning. The ex hibits have been shown in twenty cities. It is said there will be some thing of Interest for every citiien and organization ot umana. Hollanders Organize To Help Countrymen A well attended meeting of former Hollanders was held Saturday in the Bouricius studio in the Arling ton block when a temporary organi zation was formed. J. H. Boonstra was elected temporary president; W. j. de Winter, temporary' secretary. The aim is to further the interests of Dutch, people, who may be com ing to the city and state or who may be passing through Omaha. It is the intention to make a formal request for the location of a Dutch consulate here. The next meeting will Be held in the same place next Saturday night at 8:30 o'clock. Rhgla ' ' Grtnd PriiPtMmt-Ptifit Etritin i Speed on your letters, saving invention. Will pay for the chance to heal Catarrh After in experience of 25 years, during which time SO million Americans have used Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly, the manufacturers of this remedy feel m sure that it will relieve catarrh that they offer to pay for a chance to prove its benefit to any catarrhal sufferer. They announce that any resident of this community can go to almost any drug store and get I com plimentary trial can at the expense of the manufacturers. If the druggist has no gratuitous packages, the person may buy a 25 cent tube with the unqualified understanding that if that first tube does not do that person more than dollar's worth of good, he or she can get their quarter back from either the druggist, or the Kondon Com pany at Mmneapolis. Over 35,000 druggists know Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly is effective, harmless, dean and pleasant to apply and they know the Kondon people will gladly live up to this offer "quarter back If not worth a dollar." Address SUNNCXrCXJS. MMN. aSSllWaOSWaieleesrSejn.. . EVERY FOOT ACHE HITS BRAIN A SEVERE JOLT The nrv of the humta body art m cloaHy lntnrr1atd that a hock te any part of thai body ta chod In the brain. Thti la particularly trtw, aa cvary (oat aoha. pant of pain or dlaoomfort ahoeki tha whola narvoua ayatem and Jolta tha brain Ilka a blow. That la why foot auffarr are ao often unable to do thammlve juatlce and why ao many employer will nt eooent an applicant for a plaoo who la foot aufferer. Foot trouble, however, aro oaally banlahed A l& eant packaye of Wa-Ne-Ta will relieve foot troubleo and bring relief almeet Inetantly. Two or three tableta dropped In a pan of hot, water will fnrnlah a toot bath that win waah away the panya and aehJ nf tired, sweaty, burning, aore and tender feet ' cellent when uaed for general bathing, leav ing akin aoft kvnd aanltary. If your druggtat haan't Wa-Ne-Ta, lend ua 10 oenta and we will gladly mall you a aample package, X. C. Landon Co., South Bend, Ind, , TYPEWRITERS , TORRENT i Every KlaaU-Trieas Very Lew I Over five hnndred machines to select from. 1 Kent applied on a I purchase. ' . v j 1 Central Typewriter ! I Exchange, Inc. ; I 1MB Farnam St. . ' Phone Douglas 4121. iwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiitiiiiiiiiiiifiisiiiiiiiiii'iiiaii,iiiii,Hattiiii Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success.