THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. THE BEK PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPRIETOR. entered at Oman poatoffteo aa eecondclaaa matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By Carrlr per month. Dally and Sunday? s&c... Pally without 8un4ay 46c.... Kvenint; and Sunday .40c... Rvenlnr without Sunday Z5c..., Sunday BM only 30e By Mall par year. K.00 4.01 .oo 4.00 1.00 rLiw BtindBv n.a IhM ra In arivanra. 110.00. Sena" 'notice of rhanre of address or Irregularity In de llvory to Omaha Boo. Circulation Department. REMITTANCE. Remit by draft, express or poatal order. Only cent stampe taken In payment of email account. Pereonal check, except on Omaha and eaatern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building;. South Omaha. ISIS N street. Council Bluffa 14 North Main street. Lincoln 030 Little Building. Chicago 111 Peoples Oaa Building. New York Room 103. zs Fifth avenue. SI Louli 601 New Bank of Commerce. Washington 716 Fourteenth street. N. W CORRESPONDENCE. AditreM communications relating to news and editorial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. NOVEMBER CIRCULATION. 55,483 Daily Sunday 50,037. rtwtght Williams, circulation manager of The Bee Publlehlng company, being duly sworn, enye that the 'average circulation for the month of November, lilt, was 66,413 dally, and 60,037 Sunday. r bWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager1. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this Ind day of December, lilt. C. W. CARLSON, Notary Public. Subscribers leaving the) city temporarily should haws Thai Bh mailsrtl le them. Aol draas will ha changed as oftan roqulrwi. K dental experts make good their promises, ' juvenile courts and the maternal swatters are hopelessly scrapped. , s 'It remains to be seen whether the congres ; tsional plan (or reducing the high cost of living, I 'consists in burning costly print paper with hot I ' Times without number the "unloaded" gun files protests against thoughtless handling. Un fortunately the safety warning too often is seen through misery, pam and sorrow. V King Constantino appears fully convinced that the entente frying pan is not as dangerous as the Teutonic fire. One irritates, the other obliterates. Events sustain his policy of safety 6rst One a week three men take a week-end trip to Elgin, 111., go through the forms of buying butter and fix a price that rules throughout the country. Still, we resent the charge of being easy. Foot kings are hard to please. At the be ginning of the agitation they begged to be let alone. Consumers took them at their word. Now the kings plead for mercy and a cushion to break the fall. ' ' - . " . )-,;.... Lloyd George has no time to talk for publi cation, but is doing a powerful lot of concrete plugging. Getting and holding a parliamentary majority calls for a high grade of political cemtatt ' ,. ' i It is undrstood,i of course, that Sunday tours in municipal limousines are not in the joy- riding class. The Spiritual duties of city dads require inspection tours to Insure proper observ ance of the Sabbath. . , ' Fire losses in the United States and Canada for the last eleven months tout $209,000,000, ex ceeding last year's record for the same months, by $47,000,000, The showing threatens a famine in the January crop of insurance melons. ' Not the least of the perplexities of the admin istration is to reconcile "he-kept-us-out-of-warV with compulsory military service. Voluntary service is an admitted failure. Recruiting barely supplies the line losses occasioned by term .ex pirations. ,Sonte form of compulsion is necessary if the army and navy reach the numerical strength established by congress. The age of militarism haunts the politicians and the sug gestion of compulsory service intensifies their fright. t j ' '.' . .' , Emperor V Charles of Austria-Hungary in choosing his reigning1 title, doubtless had in mind one or more of the royal Charleys of Cen tral Europe whose careers are worth while. Under present conditions it is unlikely he gave a thought to the first Charles of England, a monarch who got the axe! for preaching the "di vine right of kings." Though unhonored and unsung as a model ruler, London preserves his memory m a monument on Trafalgar square, facing Whitehall street. Neither name nor epi taph mark the pedestal, and the stranger viewing the stunted equestrian figures, grotesque in form and smeared with grime, concludes from the absence of identifying inscription that Charles suffered enough humiliation In life. The Corn Growers -Waaaasftea Post- One hears at every hand the repeated state ment that "we must do something" to reduce the high cost of living. It is a theme with which con gressmen wrestle and ordinary citizens contend. They haven't settled it yet, nor is it certain just how they are to go about its definite and satisfac tory adjustment. But they are all fully assured that "we must do something." While this argument is in progress there are in our midst about 1,000 bright-eyed boys and girls from Ohio taking in the sights, looking up at the monument, peeking into the Capitol, going through the library of congress, making a trip to the tomb of Washington in fact, having a good time and becoming properly impressed with- the greatness of their country. ' These are the boy and girl "corn growers." They have answered to the teachings in agricul ture given by their state and by the federal gov ernment That noblest of occupations, the tilling of the soil, is theirs. To it they have given their labor, mingled with great enthusiasm and a con stantly increasing knowledge of how to make two good ears of corn grow where only a nubbin grew before. This is their day off, and they are enjoy ing it to the utmost. , Perhaps no more opportune time could be found for telling them and ourselves that they have been "doing something" to reduce the high cost that far outweighta all the talk that could b made in a year on the subject As their num bers increase they will do still more. They find the cities attractive, no doubt, and at times may be afflicted with the desire to exchange their pres ent lot for one in which they experience much that ts novel and exciting. But there is really nothing here which they haven't better at home, for what is here they and their kind more than any others have created. It is just possible that thev haw a sense of this truth, and that they will carry back vt'Mn Mitral inc. uiatiu cunrtction mat tney can live without us far better than we without tnera. OIney for Exclusive Federal Regulation. The statement1 prepared by Richard OIney and placed before the Newlands joint committee on Interstate Commerce, which is investigating the different questions raised by the wage con troversy, comes out squarely for exclusive fed eral regulation. Mr. OIney would accomplish that purpose by national incorporation, but the method of exercising the power need not concern us so much as his conclusion, as follows: Nor is it to be doubted because ample expe rience has shown that, in this matter of na tional transportation by railroads, public policy and the public welfare are at one with the law of the country. They imperatively require that the subject be dealt with in all its phases by a single authority which can be no other than the nation itself. The mixed jurisdiction over the subject now prevailing the states exercis ing a part, mostly through state charters, and the United States a part, mostly through the commerce power is thoroughly archaic, orig inated before the true scope of the commerce power was generally understood, and has re sulted in a serious waste and inefficiency in railroad operation which is at once a matter of public notoriety and public scandal. In view of the settled law of the land as respects the national commerce power as by virtue of it the United States practically under takes to exercise the power for the benefit of the several states and of all the people and as transportation by railroad is within that power and is today in a condition most unsat isfactory to the private owners of railroads as well as seriously prejudicial to the national interests the question is of the remedy for that condition. , Now, this reads very like some of The Bee's recent arguments upholding the republican plat form pronouncement which were so violently combatted at the time by the organs of the oppo sition party.' But Mr. OIney is one of the recog nized leaders in democratic councils, which may account for the fact that these democratic news papers had not seen anything in his views against which to make an outcryand also that their solici tude for preserving the right of the states to beset the railroads with forty-eight different kinds of regulations has not survived the campaign. The Bee repeats that we are heading inevitably to exclusive federal regulation of railroads and the only question is whether the country must' wait for republican reascendancy for it or our demo cratic friends seize upon it and hand it to us without delaying that long. f Lincoln in the High School. The proposition to teach a year of Lincoln in the high schools of the country in lieu of a year of Latin or' Greek is worthy of earnest consid eration. It is not offered so much because of the' popularity of Lincoln as a great American, but that the young folks who are receiving their training in the public schoolsiof the country may be made familiar with profound political and moral truths, expressed In simple, direct language. Lincoln was not. only a thinker whose mental processes were clear and whose decisions were sound and broadly based, but he had a remark able faculty for giving his thoughts and conclu sions life in sentences that are unequaled as exam ples of diction and composition. The Bee has con sistently ladvocated the teaching of American history in the public schools, and as heartily commends .the movement to make "Lincoln" a textbook. . i McAdoo's Warning to Congress. In his annual report to congress Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo solemnly warns his democratic brethren that the treasury faces huge deficit for the year 1918. The fact that the secretary of the treasury admits what the daily reports from his department have shown for months is impressively significant. Mr. McAdoo's hope for a balance in the treasury at the close of the 1917 fiscal year on June 30 next rests on the expectation of enormous returns from income and other special forms of taxation. These esti mates are dependent' entirely on the course of the European war and will cease with the first turn favorable to termination of hostilities. Announce ment has joyously been made by democratic or gans that the early returns from income tax col lections indicate final receipts nearly double those of last year. These will be needed, for the hole in the treasury at present is a little more than twice. as deep. The first five months of th. cur rent year show i deficit of $109,804,979, as against $40,792,798 for the same time in the previous year. This is to be paid out of the receipts for De cember and doubling the revenue from income tax will not meet the bill. In addition to this, the budget submitted on the opening day of con gress provides for the greatest total of appropria tions ever recorded, exceeding' those of the last session by hundreds of millions. It is plain the democrats will have something besides the president's program to occupy their attention if they meet the requirements of a situation they have established In the government's finances. Business of Bargaining. One of the weaknesses of human nature, per haps most often in evidence, is being turned in side out at the daily sessions of thefederal dis trict court in Omaha. It is the unappeasable desire to get something for nothing. No swindler ever succeeded In hooking his victim unless he presented the uhescapable lure of profit; he must persuade by one means or another the buyer into believing he is getting an unexampled bargain or the deal wilt not go on. So the unwary is trapped, and suffers in loss of sympathy that might be his, were it not that above all other things' it appears he felt sure of biting the biter. This should not operate to excuse the sophisti cated rascal- who deliberately plots to take ad vantage of the trusting person who is eager to put his talent to work and so accumulate a hundred fold. Far from it; the windier' must be punished, both as a warning to his kind, and as a reminder to the men and women of today that Greeks bear ing gifts are as dangerous nowadays as when Priam ruled in Troy. ' One of the big problems in criminology re volves around the motive for crime. Motive determines the legal status of the offense. Ab sence of motive mystifies courts and often obstructs the ordered routine of justice. A par tial, if not complete, solution of motive perplexi ties is promised by the discovery that bad teeth are potential spurs to crime. Hereafter, should ordinary methods fail, a mold of the culprit's teeth settles his fate, expedites court business and gives dentistry a secure place among exact sciences. ' Besides contributing mightily to the gayety of the midwest, the wild horse trial illustrates the invisible power which envelopes the federal bench and enables the judge to retain smileless com posure under trying conditions. . ". i " ' .V- .".:'.".' Germany's Victory in England -New York Wortd- The British cabinet crisis is of greater moral value to the Oerman government than the cap ture of Bucharest. No German can now believe that Germany is losing the war when a British government is overturned because Great Britain is not winning the war. He might be sceptical as to the actual value of the operations in Roumania as a means ot relieving military and economic pressure on the empire, but he cannot be sceptical about a British cabinet crisis precipitated by discontent over the conduct of the war. That there is great disappointment in Great Britain admits of no doubt; otherwise the Tory intrique against the Asquith ministry could have made little progress. But how much of this dis appointment is grounded in the blunders of the government and how much in ignorance of the nature ot the war? British unrest is commonly described as the desire for a superman, but there are no supermen in this conflict and none will be found. The war has become too great for any individual to visual ize and master. It has practically oassed bevond the immediate control of government Whether Asquith or Bonar Law or Lloyd George or John Doe is prime minister of Great Britain at this time is relatively a small matter as affecting the outcome. Any statesman, whatever his abilities, is at nest only a cog in the machine which is driven by the vital power of the nation. The British will find nobodv who can bnv them a cheap and easy victory, for the simple rea son tnat no sucn victory is possible, indeed, it is probable that no decisive victory can be won by cither side, whatever price is paid: In the meantime it cannot be said that the British people have made sacrifices that warrant a voluminous expression of political discontent. Their losses are not one-third of the French losses, which France has taken without a mur mur. British taxes are high, confortable ways of life- have been disarranged, British pride has not been excessively exalted by British achieve ments in the field, but no Englishman has any thing to be ashamed of. There is at least one dis astrous German blunder for every corresponding British blunder, and the German general staff was supposed to be the last word of scientific warfare. In all criticism of the Asquith government there has been no unanimity of opinion as to what the government ought to have done that it left undone, or how it could have better mobil ized the resources of the empire to produce greater military results on the eastern and west ern fronts. Nothing is so easy in time of war as criticism. Armchair strategists are as common as archair diplomatists, and quite as useless. unless tne opposition to the Asquith ministry has a plan of camoais-n that will nroduce results where the other failed, the British people will discover that the more they change their govern ment in this war tjie more it remains the same thing. , ihe ottener they change it the -more aid aid comfort they give to their highly resourceful enemy. - The question that all of the hell ltrcTtnra must soon face is whether anybody can win, and whether the war has not reached a deadlock at which all further sacrifices are wanton waste of lite and treasure. That question is really at the bottom of all political discontent in Europe. In Nebraska Politics. Grand Island Independent: The Mullen fac tion of Nebraska's democracy is i said tn have wielded the snickersnee on an appointee of the Bryan faction so deftly that Cecil Matthews fell off the federal payroll all in a heap. rairDury jNews: A grapevine dispatch says that the World-Herald is shortly to come out strongly for prohibition. It is a little late at this time for such an innovation, but it can certainly do no harm if It does no good. Shelton Clipper: Edgar Howard, lieutenant governor-elect, has let it be known that he is allied with the Bryan wing of, the democratic party. And Boss Mullen or anyone else who at tempts to dictate to the Columbus editor will have a big job on his hands. (Fairbury News: Up in Omaha the voter had tofjiiark seventy-six places on his ballot, while the voters out over the state had about forty places to mark that is, provided they voted a full ticket in an intelligent manner. This country needs a ballot reform, and needs lit badly. Kearney Hub': iThe Omaha Bee does not see why State Superintendent Thomas should be com miserated for his decent defeat, and surmises that it may be a Godsend in relieving him from obliga tion to fill a $2,000-a-)ear job when his talents can earn .much more. That is very true. Dr. Thomas is not the loser. It is the people who lose.. ,Ord Quiz:' That row of telephone poles that the state authorities are having set in the repre sentative hall are ostensibly to support the roof of representative hall. But I cannot help thinking what a nice boost those poles will be to the idea of having a new capitol building put up right away. Those unsightly poles will be a constant object lesson to the legislators and doubtless they will be pointed to by many a Lincoln man and to those representatives who are on friendly terms with prospective bidders. Maybe the need for the poles is more to promote building than to avert danger. Fremont Tribune: Deputy Collector Matthews has just fallen a victim to the democratic heads man s axe. - Matthews had headauarters at Hast ings and was appointed by Collector Loomis be cause he was a supporter of the Bryan wing of democracy. He was formerly editor of a news paper at Riverton and had a good deal to say about the Hitchcock wing, none of which could be reasonably construed as complimentary. Na tional Committeeman Mullen and Senator Hitch cock made it known that when Mr. Loomis' ap pointment came up for confirmation it would be necessary to drop Matthews and he has been precipitated into the consomme. It has always appeared that there was a good deal of blather about Mr. Matthews and whether he is or is not in the government service will probably not make any visible difference to the party. And $25 a week salary won't mean much to him in these days of h. c. of 1., but it all goes to show that there are still some cracks in the Nebraska brand of democratic harmony. But maybe these can be cemented when Mr. Bryan and Senator Hitch cock get to working together for national prohibition. A Nation of Spenders ' bubaaaawHe Star The American Society for Thrift is sounding a warning that should not go unheeded in these days of war prosperity. The statistics it has gath ered indicate how reckless we are with our money, and how little we lay up for a rainy day. We are pre-eminently a nation of spenders, who believe in living while we live. ' Statistics -show that ninety-five of every 100 Americans Wbo reach the age of 60 years, are de pendent upon their daily earnings, or on others, for support The total, of course, includes wives, mothers and daughters, who had not tried nor expected to accumulate a competency. But after they have been climated the percentage of work ers who have a nest egg at 60 years; is very small, -en if that is generally considered too young for retirement. That showing might tend to make all of us think, and prompt us to begin putting aside some of our surplus as we go along. Then there is an other side of the picture presented by the Thrifty society's statistics. It has been demonstrated that ef the comparatively few who are able to retire on a competency, not one in thirty is able to re tain that competency to the close of life. Maybe the poor luck of those who do save up is what prompts so many of us to have a good time as we go along and trust to luck for the fu ture. But it is a poor system. Almost every one can save something, and should. ' r ronAV Thought Nugget For the Day. And to be wroth with one we love, Doth work like madness in the brain. Coleridge. One Year Ago Today tn the War. British enlistment said to have passed 4,000,000 mark. French battered down German trenches on Heights of the Meuse. Austrlans reported to have retreated from Lemberg, Gallcla, to straighten line for winter. British with heavy artillery rein forcements stopped Bulgarians In all day battle south of Btrumitza. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Mrs. A. B. Hunt had a delightful musical afternoon at her home on North Seventeenth street Those pres ent were the Misses Needham, Wit man, Ulen, Dtllrance, Howe; Messrs. Finn, Hall, White, Conrad and Ebersol. Mr. Jacobson Is a recent acquisition from New York to Omaha Journalls- tic and musical circles. He has taken an editorial position on the Swedish Post and his line basso was heard In the Kountze Memorial choir last Sunday. Miss Lowe has completed an aesthe tic looking sachet bag of silver colored satin, decorated with rushes and lined and finished with pistachio green. Mr. and Mrs. Kountze gave a recep tion In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kellar. E. Rosewater has moved from Har ney street to his new residence on Douglas above Seventeenth. Mr. and Mrs. John Howard have returned from their wedding tour and are at home at 124 South Twenty -fourth street 1 ' Mrs. Nye received her lady friends from 3 to 6 at her room, 624 South Twentieth street She was assisted by Mesdames Coffman, Peck, Bradford, Estabrook, Lander, Knight, Ijams and McCormick. I Mr. and Mrs. N. B. . Falconer are mourning the lost of their Infant son. This Day In History. 1774 Town committee of Ports mouth, N. H hearing of the king's order prohibiting the exportation of gunpowder to America, seized the gar rison at Fort William and Mary, and carried away 100 barrels of powder, 1777 Washington's army went Into winter quarters at Valley Forge. 1803 Hector Berlioz, celebrated composer, born near Lyons, France. Died In Paris, March 8, I860. 1839 Members of the house of rep resentatives indulged for the first time In the practice of "pairing off." 1860 State union convention at Trenton, N. J., resolved in favor of a compromise between the northern and southern states. 1868 First day of the battle of Fredericksburg. 1864 Florence was decreed the capital of Italy until the acquisition of Rome. 1886 Last of the French troops de parted from Rome. 1869 The body of Oeorge-H. Pea body, who died In London, November 4. was placed on board the British steamship Monarch, for transporta tion to the United States. 1892 First street railway mail car In the world put Into operation In St Louis. 1894 Benjamin R. Tillman was elected United States senator from South Carolina. The Day We Celebrate. 1 Guy Liggett, president and manager of the Pantorium. is 41 years old to-, day. He was born in Conway, la, studied one year at the Iowa state col lege and came to Omaha In 1898, as an employe of the Pantorium, buying a half Interest ra it during (he same year and a year later assuming the management with wonderful success. Calvin C. Valentine, eourt reporter, was born December 11, 1854, at Keosauqua, la. He was the first of ficial court reporter fn Dakota and ts now the pioneer court reporter In Nebraska-Leonard C. Kohn, In charge of the automobile supplies for the Lee Colt Andreeson company, is celebrating his thirty-seventh birthday. He was born In Savannah, Ga., and used to be one ot the owners of the Western Auto Supply company. Elisabeth, the exiled queen of the Belgians, born in Bavaria, forty-one years ago today. B. Marvin Underwood, assistant at torney general, who Is directing the defense in the suits brought to test the Adamson law, born in Douglas county, Georgia, thirty-nine years ago today. Most Rev. Henry Moeller, Catholic archbishop of Cincinnati, born fn Cin cinnati, sixty-seven years ago today. Adolph Alexander Weinman, sculp tor, and designer of the new dime Just put Into circulation, born In Baden, Germany, forty-six years ago today. Frank P. Woods, representative in congress of the Tenth lows, district born In Walworth county, Wisconsin, forty-eight years ago today. John F. Moakley, veteran athletic coach of Cornell university, born In Benton, fifty-three years ago today. Frederick Toney. pitcher of the Cin cinnati National league base ball team, born at Atlanta, Ga., twenty-seven years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. Greetings to the state of Indiana, 100 years old today. Prominent clergy and laity of New York city are to geather for luncheon at the Hotel Astor today to hear Billy" Sunday s plans for his coming evangelistic campaign In the me tropolis. The annual observance of Mothers' and Fathers' week at the University of Kansas will begin today. The Engineers' society of western Pennsylvania, at its annual banquet in Pittsburgh tonight will have Major General George W, Goethals, former aovernor of the canal zone, as the guest of honor and principal speaker. Large sections ot Aiaoama, ji Kan sas, Georgia. Mississippi ana Texas will be released from the cattle fever tick Quarantine today by order ot the secretary of agriculture. The etrect ot tne European war on the United States, along economic, agricultural, military, governmental. nnanciai ana commercial lines, is ine big subject to be handled by many of the leading men ot the nation, who are to assemble today at Norfolk, Vs., for the opening ef the eighth annual Southern Commercial congress. Storyette of the Day. There recently rushed into a police station a youngster very much out of breath, who gaspea out to an omcer: "You're wanted down down In tn our street an' bring an ambu lance!" 'What a the trouble 7 demanded the policeman, "and why bring an am bulance T" 'Because. the kiddle explained. when he had recovered his breath, mother found the lady that pinched our doormat!" New York Times. Abraham Lincoln In High Schools. Omaha, Dec. 8. To the Editor of The Bee: Of this Important subject Judge R. M. Wannemaker of the su preme court of Ohio, says: "Let American high school teach at least one year ot Lincoln in place of Cesser, Cicero or Virgil, which nine high school pupils out of ten blunder through and forget within a few years." What a wonderful contribu tion is this idea of Judge Wanne marker to the public schools of this country. Abraham Lincoln left a heritage to his people greater then that of any other man. His life and public serv ices are the marvel of the world today; American freedom and Independence received their true interpretation from Lincoln, when he took for his plat form that noble sentiment called forth by the signers of the Declaration of Independence, namely: "All men are created free and equal, .they are en dowed by their creator with certain Inalienable rights," etc. He gave a new Impetus to American manhood and freedom, such as kindled the flres of patriotism anew and made our country free in fact as well as tn name. Abraham Lincoln was unlike other great men: he was born from no for eign mould, he was pre-eminently American. He talked as Americans talk, he acted as Americans act he thought only of America. His great Gettsyburg oration had its abiding place in his soul and ndthlng since Christ's sermon on the mount has given to mankind so choice a produc tion. And next to the words of Our Savior it stands in the hearts of our people. Scholars of todav who are latinr. Ing to place the lives of other great men before us, will soon be replaced by a higher modern classic and It will not be the translation of Demonthenes against King Phillip. Cicero against Cattline, nor the orations of Burke, Fox, Gladstone or Bright. But it will be the translation of Lincoln's Gettys burg speech into the language of every nation in the world, and not many years nence tne umnese win be trans lating It in his mother tongue. Lincoln Is living with us today just as distinctly as in the stirring days of the sixties. It is my hope that every professor" In our schools and colleges, shall adopt the suggestion of. Judge Wannemaker and that our congress and state legislature's may put it into the form of inexorable law that one year oi our mgn school training1 shall be given to the study of the life and public services of Abraham Lincoln. 1 C. E. ADAMS. How the Women Toted. Omaha, Dec 7. To the Editor of The Bee: In a letter published re cently in your paper S. E. Smith states that 2,248 women voted for the school board last month and that 3,000 voted two years ago. I am advised by the election commissioner that the correct figures for this year are 2,288, and that no figures for two years ago have blen. preserved, hut It is his opinion that fewer women voted in that election than in that of Novem ber 7, last. The statement has been made at the office of the Board of Education that the total of the school census Is 30,000 names. This lists In cludes parents as well as children, so that there are not 30,000 children in the public schools of Omaha, thus further reducing the number of wom en having the school franchise. urthermore, there are hundreds of Inetlllgent conscientious women who want to vote for the school board, but cannot because they have no chil dren, or because their children are past scbooi age, or because they have no taxable property. If S. E. Smith could hear the Indignant protests of mothers who have voted in the past but cannot now, she would not talk of "double suffrage being forced on an unwilling majority." It is true that even the very limited number of wom en having the school franchise do not fully avail themselves ot it. but thla neglect generally occurs where womeaj vui nun, ".l m. fact that when their right to full auf-.. frage ts recognised they exercise it quite as generally as do men. It would take too much space to quote In full the figures giving the propor tion of women who voted in the fast election in the twelve suffrage states, but they show that women voters cafl this year a percentage of the tptal vote which compares very favorably with their percentage of the adult population. S. E. Smith Is quiet correct in say ing that the women's vote did not elect the school board. No one can deny, however, that the "citizen's ticket" would have been defeated but for the work of women voters, who were able to approach the men, whose assists ance was so necessary, as fellow vot ers, not as suppliants for favors in a matter in which they themselves had no personal rights. It should be re membered that we had none of tha aroused public sentiment over a re cent scandal to help us this year, with, its consequent newspaper publicity, and that the men were so preoccupied with the presidential election and an Inordinately long ballot that w.ihout the reminders of the women they might very well have forgotten tha schools, which, to most of them, are a minor issue. S. E. Srrllth is of course arguing against general woman suffrage from the antiquated pleas of "When all the women want it and "When all the women use It. These argumen have nothing to do with the funda mental question, which Is: Women's political freedom is right and Just How soon will all of them be per mltted to exercise It? MELIORAI WOOLWORTH FAIRFIELD. MIRTHFUL REMARKS The hostess had been coaxing a young lady to ulnar, but to no purpose. "What; do you think of a girl who can sing and won't sing?" she asked a bachelor guest. "I think," replied he, "that's she's worth) a dozen girls who can't sing: but will Bins;." Boston Transcript. "It's that horrid Mr. Bore again., afnd ? know she wanta to sell me ticket. ' Didn'c you tell, her, Jane, that I was not at home?" 'Tea, ma'am, but she torn me to coma back and ask yon when you would be in." Baltimore American. "Why have you locked up your barber shop?" asked the monkey of the parrot. "I notice the bald eagle coming.' "What of It?" "I sold htm some feathers restorer re cently." "Well?" "I see he's still bald.' LouuMlle Conrler- Journal. LOVING MOTHER. Buffalo News. Afind when Tse a little chap JUft about a chair arm high, ' Used t' cltmb In mother's lap Every evenln' mighty nigh; Alius called me her "best bean," Mother did, an' laughed, an' dad Used t frown an fluster so 'P'tendln' like he's awful mad! Used t' like t' stroke her head Like a youngun alius dees "Lovln" her" I alius said "Puppy love," she said it was; Jlst the same, there's many a tear Quivered on her lips when she Heered me whisper In her ear, ' "She's the sweetest girl for me." Sweetest girl of all, I swan Mebbe now it's out o' place. One of my years takln' on , Showln' slch a childish trace Clingln to her mem'ry yetr Longln'.for her love again Mebbe better jlst forget Things I said to mother then. But I can't. There's times that I Feel I'm a wanderer Lookin low an looktn' high Jlst with hopes o' flodio' her; Want to hear her voice an' the Plead with her t' not forget Tell her I'm a boy again. An' the' same opinion yetl To m ake a tfMU atVA, VSW W Give a Lyuj)iuitt SELF STARTING REMINGTON For y Your Boy Your Girl Your Pastor Your Club Secretary Your Home Yourself The latest typewriter develop ment the only machine on which it is possible to make "express speed" in letter typing. The Self Starting Remington cuts out all the "local stops." Remington Typewriter Company ' (Incorporated! 201-3 S. Nineteenth St. ' Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1284 Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful. I