Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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qoy- politic now- -a-owvi
pom the olden dots
? J" i-8 8 a
Opening Now; it Is Said Will
Take Place on December
Olnalia bowlers' curiosity was set
at ease last week When Manager
llunting)cn of tle new Omaha bowl
ing alleys, now in the process of con
struction, made the definite announce
ment that the doors of the new place
would be' thrown open (to the public
on Saturday, December 16. Work is
progressing fast on the finishing
touches of the interior. The alleys
and equipment are already completed
and ready for play. A hundred spec
tators' seats have been placed, lights
installed and the front fixtures are
practically complete. No definite plans
for the big opening have been made,
but these will be arranged during the
Local alley managers are creating
special features for the participation
of the bowlers. On the Farnam al
leys a two-man merry-go-round tour
nament is in progress, also a mixed
doubles merry-go-round event. The
two-man event ends on Christmas eve,
and the mixed doubles continues un
til New Year's eve. All -the entry
money, which is 50 cents a team, will
be paid out, in addition to several
cash prizes and turkeys furnished by
the alley management.
( The'local bowling season has com
menced in tamest, and Omaha bowl
ers will find . themselves kept husy
from this time on. ...
Michigan May Once
More Join Forces
Of theBig Nine"
Detroit, Dec. 10. 'Agitation to hav
the University of Michigan return to
the Western conference and imme
diately resume athletic relations with
the conference universities is attract
ing .considerable attention throughout
the state. A. local newspaper which
wired the foot ball coach or athletic
director of each of the "Big Nine''
institutions tonight printed the replies.
These replies unanimously urged
Michigan to return to the western
fold. ;
For more than a week there seem
ingly has been growing sentiment
among' Michigan students at Ann Ar
boV that conference foot ball, base
ball and track contests are necessary
to' stimulate interest in athletics at
Michigan. -
Coach A. A. Stagg of the University
of Chicago and Coach Henry L. Wil
liams of the University of Minnesota
foot ball team are among the con
ference leaders who favor Michigan
returning to the conference.
Caledonians Win ,
Soccer Title From
The Townsend Crew
.The Caledonians won the soccer
championship of Omaha by defeat
ing the Townsends yesterday after
noon at Miller park in the final game
of the schedule of the Omaha and
District Soccer league. ' The score
was 3 to 2.
''Inaccuracy in shooting "goals
spelled defeat for the lownsends.
Five goals that should have been
marked up were missed. ""
The three Henderson brothers were
the' stars for the Caledonians, while
Anderson and Brix were the shining
" lights for the Townsends.'
i Williams Midweight
Champjon of Army
Across the Border
Field Headquarters Punitive Expe-
dition, Mexico, Dec. 10. Rufe Wil
liams won the middle weight cham
pionship of the punitive expedition
here today by knocking out Joe Black
bum in the eighth round of a Sched
uled twenty-round fight. Both men
are from the Twenty-fourth infantry,
a negro regiment. The bell saved
Blackburn in each of the last four
rounds, his'seconds throwing tip the
sponge in the middle of the eighth.
Both weighed 155 pounds.
nil,- Rut. All.4-
........ V1r lb 1A Pm mnr. n.
thi old'tlme Chicago lightweight, Harry
Utlmore, outboxed Kid Alberts of Bayonne,
X. J., In tlx out of ten rounds here' tonight.
It was Qllmore's first contest In the east.
He weighed 148 ft pounds, and his opponent,
: 161.
Do Something (or Tow Cold.
At the first sign of a cough or cold take
Dr. Bell's Flne-Tar-Honey. Ton won't suffei
long. 26c. All druggists. Advertisement.
OH! I ftXY
Bowling Results
Omaha Klectrle Light
ill '
v v " v, f '
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Senior .. 157 - 161 220 638
Kalubo . 215 152 133 500
Campbell 118 187 165 470
Wilson .. .188 132 189 499
Totals ..812 718 891 2491
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Bsrtlette 152 116 144 411
Ward ....116 118 187 4S0
ll.U,. 19ft 10 198 .JAR
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Snyder ...134 171 133 437-
Mueller ,. .165 149 133 436
Oliver '...103 155 163 416
McNest ..135 148 130 403
Dickinson 153 149 171 473
Totals . .70 773, 713 3165
1st, 2d 3d. Tot
Regan ...181 169 166 511!.
Kinney ..169 74 -.130 463
Hsndstadt 119 135 173 421
Brlstow ..157 IK 9 183 529
Moylan ..181 184 163 618
Totals ..807 841 799 2447
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Gavin 184 186 173 543
Mortemen 141 114 152 497
Corson I . . .132 120 '133 385
De Maine. 141 175 167 483
Moylan ..141 144 135 420
Totals ..739 739 760 2238
1st. 3d 3d. Tot
Forbes ...153 199 166 518
Uruuhart .136 .130 133 389
Byler ....132 156 166 545
Htuart ...136 130168 423
Oornandt 188 169 174 631
I Totals.. 744 774 717 2115
(Varuaby .157
Boyle 200
Totals .
M. E.
Morris ...
Straw . . .
Straw ...
Larapn .
Totals. .
Ogiesby .
Ramlrl ..
Mundt ..
Straw . .
Totals 743 736 654 2133
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Barblere ..132 173 123 428
Peterson ..126 152 134 412
Straw 150 150 160 450
Harrington 110 194 115 419
Sport Calendar Today
Baseball: Annual meeting ef Interna
tional league, New. .York city.
field Trials": Kentucky Fox Hunters' As
sociation at flsherrllle. ity.
Foot Ball! University of Pennsylvania
team leaves Philadelphia for Los Angeles te
play University of Oregon on New Year's
' , ,
Boxing t Young Zulu Kid vs. Jimmy Wilde,
20 rounds, at London. Kid Williams vs.
Benny Chaves, 15 rounds, at Kansas City.
Kddle Melser vs. jimmy Duffy, 10 rounds,
at Cincinnati. Johnny Kllbane vs. Alvle
Miller, 10 rounds, at Youngstown, O. Bat
tling Monroe vs. Christy Williams, 15 rounds,
at Jackson, O.
Son of Jesse James
Jenies He Has Sister
Living in Omaha
Jesse James, jr., a Kansas City, Mo.,
attorney and son of the famous bandit,
has written Judge Leslie denying that
he has a sister in Omaha. Mr. James
says his only sister is Mrs. Mary Barr,
who lives in Missouri. An Omaha
woman whose son recently figured in
a juvenile court case claimed to be the
daughter of the notorious border out
law. .
Qlsen Home Restaurant
Team Wins at Fremont
1 Fremont, Neb., Dec. 10. (Special
Telegram.) The Olsen Home-restau-ranj-
team of Omaha won the first
series of the bowling match with the
Fremont Candy Kitchen team here
last evening. The Omaha team scored
2,884 to 2,791 for the Fremont five.
Wartchow of Omaha was high with
single game of 226 and totals of 655.
The scores: '
Home Restaurant.
1st. 2d. 3d Tot.
Learn 223 202 192 612
Ooff 148 177 178 603
Toman 154 180 195 629
Sclple 216 , 174 190 580
Wartchow 226 215 214 455
Totals 967 448 ' 969 2681
Fremont Candy Kitchen.
1st. 2d. 3d Tot.
Dunn 195
193 179
154 164
191 ,211
169 188
187 ' 191
Struve 155
Douglas 199
Johnson 204
Hammond 191
Totals 944
963 2791
Culls From the Wire
Assertion that 800 country town newsc-a-
pers had suspended publication In the United
States since the price of news print paper
began advancing after the beginning of the
Kuropean war waa made Derore tno Califor
nia Press association by C. L. Day, publisher,
of San l.uis Obispo, Cat.
Mobilisation or the National Guard ror
border service was accomplished with the
minimum of disease or discomfort, accord
ing to the annual report of the medical de
partment of the army.
Recurrence next .summer of the epidemic
of Infantile paralysis which swept over the
country during last season Is not likely, in
the opinion of Health Commissioner Haven
Emerson of New York.
The Federal Farm Ijoan board cone uded
lis fiftieth and final meeting at Charleston,
W. Va. hearings having been held in forty
four slates to determine the avalllblllty of
various cities as locations, for farm loan
" No Hockey Coaches.
No coach has. yet been sel cted for the
Talc or Dartmouth hockey teams. Fred
Rocque Is a candidate for 4he job at Newl
Haven, and Fred Foots is mentioned as the
most likely choice at Dartmouth.
"One Touch of Nature Makes the
Whole World Kin."
It's a commendable trait that when
something has been of benefit to us.
we want to share it-with others who
stand in need of the same help. It s
the touch of Nature that makes the
who! world kin the wanting to be
helpful to our fellow-men. That is
why people who have used Chamber
lain s Cough Kemedy write letters
to the manufacturers about Jt, and
ask to have them published so that
others will know what to do under
the same circumstances. Behind
every one of these letters is the warm
hearted wish ot the writer to be ot
use to someone else.
Copy right, 1918.
'nUrnational Ntwa Servto.
on Omaha Alleys
Klrkham ..117 132 156 406
Totals.... (35 '801 678 2114
1 I 1st. 2d. !d. Tot.
Westergard 127 13
127 387
Massey .
.1 16 124 128 367
.134 134 134 402
Maallko ..
Handicap ,
129 129 129 387
163 114 162 379
19 19
19 67
Totals... K87 711 689 1991
Alamlto League.
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Matey 128 ... 112 240
Dyball ....143 133 ... 276
Kcrnan ....124 146 125 396
WltHo 145 176 S21
Totals 396 '423 413 1231
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
D. Dllgan.,146 110 133 389
Henderson 104 134 126 354
P. Dugan...l33 103 136 370
Votsls 383 336 394 1113
1st. !d. 3d. Tot.
Berkman ..147 131"... 268
Bartlett ...150 176 166 491
Mkkka ...100 ... 160 260
Cross 17 166 343
Totals 397 372 482 1351
1st. 2d.. 3d. Tot.
James 116 182 160 426
Helleman ..129 211 133 473
Oreen 1...1 17 148 141 431
Totals 392 636 434 1362
136 105
145 140
i i l 1
.754 664 704 Sill
Smith Leagna.
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
...163 178 139 420
..121 130 159 400
..128' 128 128 384
..136 136 136 408
.,130 151 170 451
653 732 2063
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
..143 139 80 362
..127 145 115 387
..155 130 142 417
..165 179 164 608
.M 148 148 444
.. S 6 6 16
Mackensen Housed
in Palace of the King
Amsterdam (Via London), Dec.
10. Field Marshal von Mackensen,
commander-in-chief of the forces
of the Teutons and their allies in
Roumapia, has, with his staff, taken
up quarters at the royal palace in
Bucharest, said a dispatch from
Sofia to the Koelinische Volkes
Zeitung. The population of the
Roumanian capital, the message
adds, remains quiet - About one
third of the inhabitants of the city
Bed. . '
.Chicken Collector
With Authority Is
Abroad in Omaha
Citizens are warned to lock their
chicken houses. A large man, said to
be named Joe McDonald, is abroad in
the land, picking up chickens.
Mr. McDonald is official collector of
chickens for the municipal Christmas
tree celebration at the Auditorium on
Sunday evening, December 24.
He expects to gather 150 specimens
of the feathered tribe, the birds to be
disteibufed to needy families in con-
. ii i: t, : i
nection witn otncr supplies, it is uc
lieved the commission men will sup
ply the necessary number without re
quiring Mr. XcDonald to invade the
fastnesses of the city after nightfall.
Burned to Death as
Clothes Catch Fire
Kimball, ! S. D., Dec. 10. Mrs.
Michael Stadler, aged 54 years, was
burned to death by her clothing
catching fire, while at home alone this
morning. Her charred body 'was
found on the kitchen 'floor by a milk
boy who entered the House when
no one responded to his knock. ,
It is not definitely known how the
accident happened, but from charred
bits of clothing found on the cellar
stairway, it is supposed that fire com
municated to her dress while she was
in the act of placing paper into the
heater as bits of burned paper were
found on the cellar floor and the door
of the heater was party open. Mrs.
Stadler was almost totally blind, but
could find her way about the house
and perform some duties. '"
McCormick and Willcox
Meet at Gridiron Feed
Washington, Dec. 10. Vance C. Mc
Cormick, chairman of the democratic
national committee, and William R.
Willcox, chairman of the republican
national committee, met at the dinner
for the first time since the presidential
By prearrangement they shook
hands, while the orchestra played the
national anthem and as they stood
together it was announced that they
would work for "America First."
Nearby, stood other democratic and
republican campaign leaders. The
incident was staged with the settings
of a prize fight, but after the sec
onds had been introduced, Mr. Mc
Cormick and Mr. Willcox shook
hands instead of fighting.
Ira F. Bennct of the Washington
Post was elected president and I.c
roy, T. Vernon of the Chicago News,
vice president of the club.
Oklahoma Lifts Ban.
Oklahoma City, Okl., Dec. . The State
Board of Agriculture today lifted the quar
antine placed recenny on live stock from
Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and fowa. upon
assurances that the reported cattle malady
In those states waa hot hoof and mouth disease.
BRWi first
7 i82,-
Jolly Old Northlander tfakea
His Annual Orders From
Omaha Kiddies.
By A. R. CROH.
Santa Claus' hearty laugh rang out
through the toy department of a big
Omaha store. So I went ovcr to
where he was. There he sat in his
little house, dressed in his red suit,
ruddy-cheeked, twinkle-eyed, . white
whiskered. v
Most of llie children of Omaha
seemed to be on hand, a happy, won
dering, excited, anxious crowd. Anxi
ous, indeed, for they had important
business to transact with the good
man. They trooped in one door of
the little house and. out the other.
With his jolly laugh Santa greeted
them, shook hands, patted them on
the head. He asked them what thy
wanted for Christmas. And they told
him gravely. Sometimes Santa and
some little tot would discuss the de
tails of the desired present in low
voices. ' I
She Must Have Dolly.
"A dolly that open V shuts her
eyes," whispered a little girl.
"All -right, my dear," cried Santa.
"And you vant brown or light hair?"
"Brown," please," said the shy miss.
"Ach, yes, brown. And vith natchu
rally curly hair, eh?" i ,
Young miss nodded and went out
with a happy smile, while a lively boy
who had been waiting anxiously be
fore Santa boldlydeniandcd "a train
o' cars on a track." .
Santa asked several questions so as
to know just what kind of train to
bring. Next came a little girl who
wanted a set of dishes. - .
"Ha-a-ha-ha-a!" laughed Santa. "A;
set of dishes) You're going to have a
party.-Mrs. McCarty had a party;
Mrs. McGee forgot her key." (
To every child the jolly old fellow
gave a stick of candy. And it is im
possible to say whether the children
or the grown-ups enjoy Santa's hos
pitality most.
A big kettle hangs over his fire
place. In it is something white that
looks like snow.
"You know, children, I haf to eat,
all dc time, snowball soup and fried
icicles so I can keep cool enough here
in Omaha. Up at the North Pole
vhere I live it is so cold that all the
children haf to tie little stoves under
then" feet so they von't get so cold
that they turn into icicles, Ha-a-aha-ha-al
Yes, yes. Hello, my dear, and
vhat do you vant me to bring you?"
This little girl whispers in Santa's
"Ach, yes, some picture books,'"
cries banta. Veil, jiow, you make a
list of the books you vant and I'll be
sure to bfing them."
Next comes a boy who wants a pair
ot skates, danta examines ins shoes
so as to know what size , skates toN
bring. A little girl asks for a new
coat and Santa inquires just what kind
of coat. The next is a boy who wants
a steam engine; another puts in his
request for a foot ball. Just going out
the door, he remembers and hurries
back to Santa to tell him that he
wants "a big one."
AH the time Santa Ciaus is laugh
ing and talking, the jolliest old fellow
you ever saw.
"Christmas eve, that's vhen I come,"
he says; "You can look, but you must
keep your eyes closed., Ha-ha-a-a-ha-hal"
Five minutes at Santa Claus' house
with the jolly old fellow and his lov
ing little friends will take you back
through the years to your own child
hood. Is anything in life quite so won
derful as a toy store viewed through
childhood's eyes? I remember wlKn
I spent several weeks before Christ
mas, going every day into a certain
toy store to look at a little cross
legged desk and a tool chest that I
had asked Santa Claus to bring me.
Beveridge Leaves
Press Game for Law
John V. Beveridge, for three years
night editor in the local office of the
Associated Press, has resigned and
Friday will opeli law offices at 350
Brandeis Theater building.
Mr. Beveridge is a graduate of the
arts and 'aw departments of Creigh
ton university. He has a wide ac
quaintance among Omaha business
and professional men. He graduated
from the department of law at Crcigh
ton a, year ago.
A. M. Gasterling, formerly of the
editorial force of The Omaha Bee, has
been matle night editor of hc Asso
ciated Press, vice Beveridge.
Louis La Coss of Kansas City has
been appointed editor of "pony" re
ports in the Omaha office of the Asso
cited Press.
Drawn for
00 HE 010
UNTIL laQf-.
Prides High Now! To
Be Higher Next Year
Sioux City, ' la., Dec. 10. The
Interstate Seedmen's association,
composed of men who practically
control the output of vegetable and
;rain seeds in ten states, who met
n Sioux City for a confer
ence, predicted higher prices next
There will be scarcity in many
vegetable seeds, especially in beam
and peas, according to the dealers.
The same condition exists with re
gard to corn, especially iweet corn.
One-Cent Postage
Rate for Letters'
Of Local Delivery
Washington, Dec. 9. One cent
postage for local first class mail de
liveries and a zone system of rates
for second class matter which is ex
pected greatly to increase the charges
for magazines and other periodicals
having a nation-wide circulation are
provided for in the annual postoffice
appropriation bill as virtually com
pleted today in committee. The
measure, carrying appropriations
totaling about $37,000,000, probably
will be reported to the house next
Under the 1-cent postage provision
the rate on letters and other mail
matters of the first class when de
posited in any postoffice or branch
postoffice or letter box or postoffice
in the delivery district, for delivery
within the limits of the postoffice,
city or rural delivery districts, would
be cut in half.
The zone proposal for handling
newspapers and magazines, which
now pay a flat jatc of 1-ccnt a pound
is regarded as one of the most radical
changes in postage rates in years. It
divides the country into eight zones,
with rates chargeable ranging from
1-cent for 300imilcsito 6 cents for 1,
800 miles or more. The bulk of daily
newspapers, (he committee believes
will not be affected, because they do
not circulate beyond a 300-mile
radius. 1 ,
Leather Will Be
Made of Shark Skins
Washington, Dec. 10. Use of shark
skins as a substitute for leather is
being investigated by the United
States Bureau of Fisheries as a pos
sible solution of the high cost of am
mal skins. -
Already, says a bureau statement
today, an acceptable leather is being
made from shark skins in some for
eign countries and in the United
States there has been a limited de
mand for the skins as coverings for
small articles. '
Florida fishermen will supply large
shark skins for the experiments. The
government is furnishing the fishing
tackle. Men in the lighthouse service
also have been directed to catch
Miss Freeman to Talk to
Clifton Hill Community
Miss Ruth Freeman of Chicago,
who is here' in the interest of estab
lishing the free dental dispensary, will
address the Clifton Hill Community
Center at its regular weekly meeting
Tuesday evening at the Nebraska
School for the Deaf. In addition
there will be a musical program fol
lowed by a dance.
At the last meeting attended by
over 350 persons it was decided to
change the name of the center from
the Deaf Institute to that of the Clif
ton Hill Community Center.
The following officers were elected:
Kenneth C. Hiatt, president; Mrs. C.
V. Warfield. vice president, and
Charles B. Hudson, secretary. John
W. Reel has change of the community
Temporary Order in
Ford Case Extended
Detroit, Mich, Dec. 10. The three
circuit judges who heard the Dodge
Brothers' injunction case have ex
tended for sixty days the temporary
injunction restraining Henry F'ord
from using the profits of the Ford
Motor company to develop its busi
ness. The judges during this time
will listen to further arguments ami
will then decide whether to grant a
permanent injunction.
Public School Teacher
Dies of Heart Disease
Mary Keehl, the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Keehl. prominent
citizens of Ida Grove, la, died at
2423 Pinckncy street in this city Tues
day. Her death was due to heart dis
ease. For three years Miss Keehl
had taught in the Omaha public
schools, i this "year at omenius.
Burial was at Ida Grove.
The Bee by George McManus
J NOW A I wuz
I RAN IN !88e- (
y v
J ohn Barleycorn M ade
Corespondent In Suit
Oklahoma City, Okl, Dec. 10.
"John Barleycorn" was made co
respondent in a divorce suit here
by Hazel Wadlow, seeking sepa
ration from Charles Wadlow. The
intimacies of the "co-respondent"
with the defendant were recited in
the petition, which alleges that
"John Barleycorn" has been a very
intimate associate of the defendant
for three years past.
Rail Officials
See Prosperity' in
"Home Excursions"
Chicago, - Dec. 10. Unprecedented
prosperity among farmers of the
Canadian northwest will bring larger
sums of money to the middle west
this winter than ever before, accord
ing to opinions expressed today by
local railway officials. Each winter
"Home Visitors'" excursions have
been conducted by the Grand Trunk
railway, but reports received here to
date indicate that more, persons wilt
take advantage of the reduced rates
this year than in the past. Reports
from Calgary and Edmondtou and
points farther west indicate that large
numbers of persons from that sec
tion have already departed on these
trips and that hundreds of others have
announced their intentions to do so.
One vejy noticeable effect of these
excursions on trade is pointed out in
the report of automobile concerns.
These reports state that already hun
dreds of cars have been sold to farm
ers of the Canadian northwest and
express the belief that many rrjore will
be ordered. ' -;
This movement from western Can
ada does not ' have the features
of celebrations commonly known
throughout the United States as "Old
Home" weeks, because it extends over
a longer period. It is really more sat
isfactory,, railroad officials declare,
for this reason.
Only Southern Ports Are
Open to Mid-West Exports
Chicago, Dec. 10. Announcement
today that all eastern roads" were in
the embargo on shipments to the At
lantic coast, left Only New Orleans
and Galveston as the commercially
Ifiracticai trade routes to Europe for
middle west munition makers ana
other war goods producers.
The" entire list of Atlantic seaboard
ports is closed by the embargo on
shipments, every line in - the Eastern
Freight association having issued an
order which strikes at the export
business. Makers of certain goods for
domestic use are affected by the em
bargo, as well as makers and produc
ers of goods for export.
The embargo applies to certain car
load shipments with some exceptions,
chief of which is coal, a commodity
seldom shipped from the middle west
to the Atlantic. Several of the roads
have announced that the embargo will
not be enforced against food for con
sumption in the United States.
"There's the Place for
An Extension Telephone"
"''You spend a great deal of your time in this
room upstairs. An extension will save running
up and down stairs to answer or make telephone
50 cents a month Without a belL
75 cents a month With extra bell
' '
No Further Action Will Be
Taken Unless Demanded by
National Sentiment. '
Washington, Dec. ,10. American
public opinion will decide what steps,
if any, the. government shall take to
follow up its protest to Germany
against the deportations of Belgians.
Chancellor von . Bethmann-Holl
weg's conversation with Charge Grew
of the American embassy in Berlin
has convinced State department offi
cials that Germany's formal reply to
the American protest will hold tlie
deportations justified on the ground
of social necessity.
It was admitted that the action of
the State department in publishing the
text of the protest was for, the pur
pose of sounding public opinion on
the subject. I i
Officials were not greatly.encour
aged by today's press dispatches out
lining the forthcoming German reply.
So far as determined from this
summary the reply contains little, offi
cials believe, that had not been said
to Charge Grew before the formal
American protest was sent.
Whether Germany's reply will be
made public or arrested with a further
note by this government wilt not be
decided until the attitude of the
American public has been learned and
the actual text of the German answer
has been examined. ' '
L The State department is conscious
that it already has exceeded the con
ventional bounds of diplomacy in nuk
ing several informal as well as for
mal representations in the case,' but
hit is eager to emphasize its position in
every reasonable way. the personal
views of President Wilson are yet
to be laid before German officials by
Ambassador Gerard, now on his way
back to Berlin. i s
Official information shows that the
deportations are continuing. Some of
the statements reported to be con
tained . in the German reply differ
widely from the official information
reaching t'.e department, especially as
to the severity with which the depor
tations arebeing carried out. The de
partment has been convinced that the
employed an ! those of independent
means have been taken indiscrimi
nately with the 'unemployed and the
Officials are satisfied with the ac
curacy of their information. One offi
cial said the department was ready to
go ahead with that as a 'basis t,f it
were decided to take further action. :.
The general failure of the represen
tations of the United States, Holland,
Spain and the Vatican is causing in
creasing concern here for the continu
ance of relief work in Belgium,
especially in view of the second (offi
cial statement from England pub
lished today that Germany's action
was threatening the whole foundation
of Belgian relief. - ,