1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 10, 1916. f . REAL BIS PLAY IS THE GREAT SECRET Bushman and Bayne to Come; Christmas Day in Wonder- I ful gerial Production. " i METRO PUTTING IT OUT I "A ChristiiMS present to the Amer ican people!" ' It is in this spirit that the millions of friends arrff admirers of Francis X. Bushman and Miss Beverly Hajiie will reet the statement, just issued by Richard R. Rowland, presi dent of Metro Pictures Corporations, l.'iat the opening chapter of the new liuslimaii-Baync wonder-serial, "The Great Secret," will he released by Metro throughout the United States on December 25. It has become an American custom. especially in the larger cities, to at tend a motion picture theater on Christmas: children, in particular, 'welcome this break in a day that otherwise grows a bit tedious. In recognition of this custom Mr. Row- and essaved for his comnanv the role of super-Santa Claus and arranged tor the tirst public showing of "The Great Secret" on Christmas -day. Story of Vital Interest. There are fourteen chapters in all in "The Great- Secret," which is founded on a story of vital interest to the American people. The story was written by Madame Fred De Gressac, from whose pen have come many, if not most, of the greatest suc cesser which Klaw & Erlanger have had. Mint, DcGrcssac is the first woman author to write a (notion pic ture serial and have it producerf'THc Great Secret" was selected unani mously as the best of all the serial plots submitted to' Mr. Rowland and 'Mine. DeGressac has the further honor of having "put it over" in com petition with 176 men writers, some of them of international reputation. ,Thc role played by Mr. Bushman fits that eminent star like the prover bial kid glove, and Miss Bayne also is seen toucxceptional advantage. In "The Great Secret" Mr. Bushman 'and Miss Bayne make their serial debut. Not in several .years has either of Obese popular players been seen in a picture of less than five-reel length. It was largely due to the tremendous power ot Mme. JJeUressac s storv that Metro could afford to present Mr. Bushman and Miss Bavne in this wonder-serial. Experienced Producers on Job. W. Christy Cabannc. for several years the right hand man and chief of staff to D. W. Griffith, is directing "The Great Secret." Mr. Cabanne is still on the snny side of thirty; yet he wis Mr; Urimth s only assistant in the direction of "The Birth of a Na tian" and "Intolerance." Mr. Cabanne has. directed no fewer than 214 photo plays in the last three years at the Majestic-Reliance-Fine Arts studios and somehow he found, (or made) time to write more than 300 success fully produced picture plots. Which perhaps explains why Mr. Cabanne is today the highest-salaried director, Mr. Griffith alone excepted, in the world. An instance of the painstaking care with which "The Great Secret" is being produced is found in the fact that, in the early chapters of the serial, a number of "policemen" are used and every ."policeman" is an actor trained to do his appointed work by the famous drill-master of the New York police department. Mr. Bushman, in commenting on "The Great Secret" recently to a New York reporter, said: "What makes me" so glad to appear in 'The Great Secret' is that it is not one of those harum-skarum p.lots that start and finish nowhere. It has a splendid theme, well thought oat. It is cer tainly the biggest opportunity I have ever had on the screen." Turkish Bey Likes German Police Ways (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Berlin, Dec. 2. Turkey has become so impressed with the efficiency of the Berlin police that it has sent to Berlin the director of the Constanti nople criminal department, Behaed din Bey, to study the methods in vogue here, so that on his return he may reorganize the police of Tur key's capital and principal cities and introduce German methods there. Behaeddin Bey, among other things, plans to introduce in Turkey the German equivalent of the Bertil lon system, in vogue in America, and many of the German detective methods. There will also be pub lished a bi-weekly police newspaper for the "intellectual enlightenment of Turkish police officials and the de velopment of police methods." Ballet Russe Coming With All Its Glories of Music and Oriental Art jf. .... - ' II . V ; 'Us - jjj Sohie. Efhn , ' -ii. , 1 ' ' ' , Alt . VtJ3 I i Waslay Nijinsky, the Russian male super-genius of the dance, about whom books have been written and much ink spilled, is to be seen at the head o f the wonderful Serge Dc Diaghleff's Ballet Russe-'at the Omaha kAuaitonum on Saturday mgnt, ue ncember 16. This wonderful ballet is making a cast-to-coast tour in two special trains and carries. 150 persons, includ ing a symphony orchestra of fifty mu sicians, and it promises to be by far the . biggest attraction booked this season at the Omaha Auditorium. The appearance of the Ballet Russe is by special arrangement with the Metro politan Opera company of New York City, and is headed by Nijinsky, Bolm, "Lopokova, Revalles, Gavriloff, Frohman, Spesizewa and two score of ballerinas in a repertoire of ballets and mimed scenes. The ballet is pro duced and presented exactly as in Paris and London, where the Ballet Russe has been a six-year sensation, and with a number of new ballets never before presented on any stage. Thfc scenery and costumes are by Leon Bakst, whose mastery of color and line lately earned for him the Nobel prize and whose work has brought about a revolution not mere ly in the art of the theater, but has extended to wearing apparel, orna ments, furniture, decorations and even architecture the world over. Nijinsky was scheduled to appear tliiliitiiliiliilnlnliiliiliiiiirilululiiliiliiliiliiliiliiinliiliiliiiilninliiiliiliiliilliiinlul iiiiiinlniiiinliisiisulniiiim I I THE FOOLISH ARE TOO LATE 4 v . - 1 The Wise Purchase While Stocks are Complete Exclusive Christmas Goods I Desk Sets Brass Goods Pocketbooks I Card Cases Fountain Pens J Crane's Highland Linen Box Papers ' - Christmas Cards THE MOYER STATIONERY CO. I 1611 Faraam St. li!liilulNI:!l:liillllMII!IIJI;lliliil!!linlillullllnllilllllIillllllllllfltfl!lllllll'll!lllilllll!lllllllllllllutlllimiJllllllflllllllllHllllll Rent that vacant room Save time Save steps Save money Rent the room. Telephone Tyler 1000 ; Bee Want-Ad Department You arq as close to the Bee Want-Ad Department as your 'phone is to you. Lowest Rates BestService Best Results. with the ballet lastyycar on its tour, but because of his rn'ternment in Aus tria, where he was held a prisoner of war until Cnited States Ambassa dor I'enfield obtained his release, he was unable to join the Ballet Russe until the last few weeks of its closing engagement al the Metropolitan Opera house. This year he will ac company the ballet on its tour of fifty cities throughout America in the dual capacity of premier danseur and artistic director. There are the scenic creations of Leon Bakst and the other Russian masters of lurid color. These sets are acknowledged by crmcs the world over to represent the most distinct movement of its kind in the theater which has taken place throughout the last twenty years. Then, too, there are the startling costumes, which are also for the most part the creations of Bakst. Their in fluence upon the. fashions of our day is an admitted fact. Proceeding on from stagecraft and scenic .art to the realm of music the ballet carries with it an orchestra of sixty pieces which is under the direction of Pierre Monteux, the famous French soldier conductor. When it is remembered that the music which accompanies many of the ballets was written by the most ultra of modern composers, it can readily be understood (hat the orches tra has in its possession some of the most unique musical instruments which have ever teen carcied by a musical organization of any sort. This array of curious sound producers runs all the way from the small hand organ which is played in Petrouchka to a racket machine for Till Eulenspicgel. Awfal To Contemplate. The fat plumber and the thin carpenter engaged In their usual conversation. "There was great excitement near our shop today." "What caused lt" "Man hit by an automobile." "Hurt him much?" "No, but at first they thought he was killed " "What made them think that?" "He was carrying a cherry pie and It mashed under one arm." Yoongslown Tele gram. V Decorating the lror the Christinas dinner, the best linen, of course, and the ehoieest china. K'ass and silver one possesses, but for Christmas supper, the jolly little feast on Christinas night so en joyed by people who are not really hungry for- anything but fun, what could be prettier than a table set like this? It is so bright, so attractive and so altogether Christmas like that it will arouse enthusiasm in the most sedate of guests. The decorations are really very sim ple. A paper lunch set is the first factor and that furnishes the table cover, plates, doilies and napkins, all printed a Christmas design in colors that will not "run." The napkins, you will notice, are folded in a new way, a 'flower shape. Down through the center of the tabic .go two runners of red crepe paper, the upper one a little smaller than the under, both with ruffled edges. The candle shades Abolish Privileges Of Purchase at the Canal Commissary (Cftrrsspondencs of The Associated Tress.) Panama, Dec. 2. A law to abolish privileges of purchasing at the com missaries of the Panama canal hv others than employes of the Unitedl States government has been passed by the assembly of Panama and signed by the president. It has not, however, been published in the Offi cial Gazette and will not become ef fective until three days after such publication. The presence of the commissaries, with their advantages of no rent, no tariff and reduced steamship and railroad charges, Nhas long been a thorn in the flesh of the isthmian merchants. The number of influential persons who have enjoyed the privi- The "6Mickels" are very courteous $75.00' $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 I Da-ft-J,, TV- X V lClOr IXeCOrUS, I UO TV CVC An Abundant Assortment MickeFs Nebraska Cycle Co. Dinner Table are plain red crepe paper .covered forms (which may be bought at any stationer's) on which have been past ed design cut from a paper napkin The plum pudding centerpiece (which may be bought at any station er's) on which have been pasted de signs cut from a paper napkin. The plum pudding centerpiece (which al so serves as a favor pie) is made of crushed brown crepe paper over a wire or cardboard frame. It is deco rated with holly sprays and placed on a "silver" platter, the latter be ing made of a box top covered with silver paper. ..The place cards are in expensive, 10 cents for a box of six, but a very attractive Santa Clans and bell design. All these different articles, lunch set, place cards, candle shades, crepe papers, are carried qpite generally by stationery and department stores throughout the country, so if you wish, you ran obtain them easily lege given by the president of Pan ama of buying in the commissaries has been on obstacle in the way of preventive action. The restriction of the use of the commissaries to the nnnL f-nnnlpd with iho ranal and its defensive forces, for which the! commissary system was intended, will I be quite an accomplishment tor tne chambers of commerce of Colon and Panama. It will remove a cause of annoyance and distrust between the Panamanians and Amcricaps and is generally regarded as altogether to be desired, except by those who have enjoyed special privileges. Trained Cow Shock Walnut. The oroblem of ahucklnr walnuts without tftlnlng the hand has befn olved hy C. O. Merry. He haa put a row that In fond of walnut ahuckn In a paaturs in which there la a largo walnut tree. The row chews off the ahurk, swallows It and leaves the nut clean and ready for use. The cow fives milk of superior quality. Mr. Merry la looking around for i con venient butternut tree, wllh a view to try ing a etUI more novel experiment. -Cincinnati Enquirer. WONT buy much WON'T buy much WON'T buy much WON'T buy much Victor Victrola "X" Just now we have a goodly showing of these delightful Model "X" Victrolas-but we are safe to say they may NOT be had in a very few days from now, for the demand is quite beyond the capacity of even the colossal Victor plant. TRADE COMMISSION DISCUSSESJTSWORK New Federal Body Inquires Into Prices of Gasoline, Coal and Print Paper. IT AIMS TO PROTECT ALL Washington, Dec. 9, The coun try's business men have given hearty co-operation to the Federal Trade j commission in its efforts to maintain I proper standards of commercial mor ality in American business, according to the annual report ot the commis sion made public today, Development of the commission's policy lias had for its first purpose, the report declares, promotion of the best business efficiency. Its aim has been "to understand and make allow ance for the difficulty of the problem, to see both sides of every case, to protect men in the futherance of legi timate self-interest by all reasonable "and normal methods, and at the same time to keep the channels of competi tion free and open to all, so that a man with small capital may engage in business in competition with pow erful rivals, assured that he may oper ate his business free from harrass ment and intimidation and may be given a fair opportunity to work out his business problems with such in dustry, efficiency and intelligence as he may possess. ' ' Business of the Year. The report lays stress on the work of the commission in preventing un fair competition. Since its creation and up to the end of the fiscal year the commission has considered 246 applications for the issuance of com plaints against corporations and As the Wise Men Did . 1916 years ago,: so should we do now. Xmas was founded at that time and Jewelry as the Xmas gift was established. Jew elry has ever remained the proper gift for Xmas many of us know it, many of us do not but we all wjsh to be proper. ; And to be so we should give Jewelry, for Xmas. " , in the way of Real Estate. in the way of a Diamond. in the way of an Auto. in the way of a Piano. BUT- WILL Buy This Entrancing, Pleasure Creating, Modern -' 1 Never yet has our Victor Record stock assumed ,ucn immense proportions, but Victrola owners are a keen lot They want EVERYTHING in music and want it QUICKLY. firms, accused of unfair practices. Of those, 107 have been disposed of in various ways. Some concerns were ordered to discontinue the tactics , complained of, others voluntarily agreed to cease unbusinesslike meth ods, and in some cases no law viola tions were found. The charges cov ered many kinds of law violations. The trade commission's work has included also economic and special . -investigations. What the commis sion considers its most important economic inquiry was into the subject of co-operation in export trade. This report was issued during the summer and recommended to congress that American manufacturers be permitted to form export combinations. A bill providing for that, having the en dorsement of the administration, is now pending in congress. One investigation had to do with uniform accounting methods. That shower!, accojxiing to the commission, a birge percentage of the country's manufacturers and merchants had slight knowledge of their costs of production or selling expense. Art in vestigation of trade possibilities and , conditions in each of the country's industries, the report says, developed information that will prove invaluable to producers and persons contemplat ing investments. Price of Gasoline. The commission investigated the high prices of gasoline, started in quiries into the print paper situation and the bituminous and anthracite coal industries, continued its investi gation of resale price maintenance and aided in disposing of the Mexican sisal crop. Activities in connection with en forcement of the Sherman act in cluded an investigation to determine the relations existing between various companies into which the Standard Oil company was dissolved and prep aration of a decree in the Corn Products Refining company case re ferred to it by the federal courts. 1 fri ' mMm If v The"6MickeU" know Victor Victrolas Corner 15 th and Harney Sts. Omaha, Nebraska