Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 16

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is Going On
in Society Circles
Trinity Parish Aid Sale.
All -day next Tuesday will be held
; the annoal Christinas sale of Trin
ity Parish Aid society at Jacobs Hall
on Dodge street. Mrs. A. L. Reed,
president of the society, assisted by
the thirty or forty women who are
members, have been meeting every
Wednesday for weeks past to sew
and plan for the sale, and this year
they have especially attractive things
' to offer. There are some novelties
in the way of baskets and trays
which Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Coles
have gathered from different parts
of the country and which are most
artistic and useful. Then there are
bedspreads with quaint, old-fashioned
designs done oh them in col
.ored calico; several bridge-tea sets
oT tew design, and knitting bags in
linen, cretonne or Japanese crepe,
bsides all kinds of dolls and aprons.
Mrs. Milton Barlow and Mrs. J. J.
Sullivan wilt have charge of the
apron table, and Mrs. Coles and
Mrs. W. F. Shelton the basket table.
Mrs. Charles W. Martin will have a
hiarket table and Mrs. Walter Rob
erts and Mrs. George W. Johnston
theN candy table. The fancy work
table will be in charge of Mrs. F. B.
' JohnSon, and Miss Cook will have
the grab-bag table.
No more mcetinsrs of the Aid so
ciety will be held until after Christ
mas. ,
Edholm-Hansen Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen . i
Bounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, 'Hora, to Mr. J. A. fcdholm on
December 9. Mr. and Mrs. Edholm
will make their home in Omaha, where
he is in business.
Carse-Wade Wedding.
The marriage of Miss Blanche
Wade of Grand Island. Neb., to Mr.
John Fillius Carse of this city took
place in Kearney, Neb., this week.
Miss Wade is the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wade of
urand Island. ' Mr- Carse was until
five years ago .a resident of Council
Bluffs and has since lived in Omaha.
Ho is a son of Mrs. J. H. Carse. . He
is a graduate of the University of
Nebraska. Because of recent bereave
ment in Mr, Carse's family, the mar
riage was very quiet The young
people will spend the winter in Grand
Morgan-Wilson Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Mabelle M., to Mr. E. Cheever
Morgan, of St Joseph, Mo., which
took place Sunday, December 3, Rev.
Edwin Hart Jenks of the First Pres
byterian church officiating.
' The wedding came as a surprise
to the friends of the young people.
Mr -and Mrs. Morgan will be at home
in St Joseph after January 1. ,
I At f o'clock Thanksgiving morning
at St Patrick's church, O'Neill, Neb.,
occurred the marriage of Miss Mar
guerite Cecil Fallon, daughter of lir.
and Mrs. William Fallon, to Dr.
Charles Zimmerer. formerly of this
city. The bride waf attended by her
..,..- w : t 1711, i .
groom by Mr. Btackenheim of Nor
folk. Rev. Father Giblin officiated and
Miss Cntlen played Mendelssohn's
wedding march. , i
The bride wore a gown of silver
Panama cloth over chiffon, and car
ried a shower bouquet of Killarney
Mist Trcca Fallon, bridesmaid,
wore a gown of turquoise tulle and
carried yellow chrysanthemums.
Following he ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served at the home of
the bride's Jtarents. . J. J ,
The bridegroom ia a graduate of
the Creighton School of Medicine and
a member of the Phi Chi fraternity.
Theoung couple will make their
home in larfolk. Neb. .
Kitchen Shower, v
Miss Lucile ''Dodder entertained at
a kitchen shower at her home Satur
day afternoon for Miss Marguerite
Scott, one of the winter brides-elect
Those present were: ,
Meedamee Meedamee .
Carrie Dawooa Scott, Bam Hanford, I
Kloyd Reed, otho Johnson,
Arthur Mitchell, (ecu Vear,
Forest Brra.i Rajr Trala.
Orson Putnam. Jaaala Dodder.
jaary rj. Burnett,
Mary Thomaa,
Marian Hunt,
Lyda Murtaf h,
Blolsa Vlrtne,
Gladys Putnam.
Dorothy Scott, -Martha
Marthana Hanford,
Anna Hunt,
Myrtle Warren,
Vlaata Storka,
Gertrude Ffetffer,
Betrothal Announcement,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Redman of Ot
tumwa, Ia announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Bertha, to
Mr. Harry Riseman, formerly of this
city, but now of Ottumwa. Mr. Rise
man is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Riseman of Omaha. The marriage
will take place Wednesday, March 4,
in Ottumwa.
! Mist McPherson Coming.
Mist- Louise McPherson, who
moved to Maryland with her parentt,
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. McPherson. over
a year ago, returns for her first visit
Juesday morning. Miss McPherson
will be with Mr. and Mrs. Mvron
Learned until just before Christmas,
when the goes to Masters, Colo., to
tmu ncr Drotners, i. . Mcrnerson,
jr., ; and Will S. McPherson. She
will ttop in Omaha again on her way
east- t. .
Mist McPherson is dearlv beloved
by hosts of Omahana, who are eag
erly anticipating ner return visit.
Members ot the Vuiting Nurse asso-
ciation . and ' other philanthropic
boards on which Miss McPherson
served So well are especially prepar
ing to welcome her. . ,
It is safe to venture that a round
of entertainments, formal and infor
mal; will be planned for this popular
ununi gin.
Luncheon for Mrs. Holyoke.
Mrt. JJL Beecher Howell save
luncheon Friday for Mrn. F A Wl-
yoke, jr, who is risitin" her lister,
ears. k k. nomster. Lovers were
kid for Mrt. Holyoke, Mrs. Hollitter,
Mrt. Harry Doorly, Mrt. Henry
Pierpont Mrs. George Mclntyre.
pire. j. nr. ncynoias, Mrt. ArttlUT S.
j Kogers, Miss Gertrude Yoang and
: etuss mry amercer. ,.
I Tjmi-hMHt a AmiIi, f!..' "'
Mr. Frank Judson gave a luncheon
Hp$.E.Cfieever Morgan
E. Baum of Philadelphia, who was in
the city for a few days. Those asked
to meet Mr. Baum at luncheon were
C. C. George, C. H. Pickens, John L.
Kennedy, G. W. Wattles, C. M. Wil-
helm. Clement Chase. David A
Baum, A. L. Reed aud Mr. Milroy of
Subscription Dance.
The F.nterpean Subscription Danc
ing club gave an informal dancing
party at the Hanscom Park pavilion
Tuesday evening. Those present
Misses Misses
toe. Verges. Laura Kraos,
ran j-arKer, . A. nerech,
Ruth Gllnhrlst, Addle LaarM.
Blla Paulsen, Orata Ollsaman,
Pearl Burton. 1 Uraoo Madnen.
Carrie Kraua, i Rose RoMhaeh,
Mahal Kill., Irana Klots,
Kthol Clark. ' Kthel McCullourh. 1
Maria Pataraen,
Moaars. If Man
Will Durran. R. A. Blaokbnrn,
Art Rnholm, -, Frank- Trlerwleler,
Frank Rlovak, Haton Mason,
Davo take, Frank Kkdahl,
Bob Travla, Robinson,
Ted Khvarla, (I. Walker. ' '
Elmer noot. Morris 'Okie. '
a. A. Rtalnhelmer, H. T. Pataraen.
L. Q. Griffith, .
sir. and Mrs, Kl c, ciark.
Luncheon for Bride-Elect
Miss Marie Niesman will entertain
at luncheon at the Blackstone Mon
day, followed by a matinee party at
v. rvMi...M i i :. 13 i v
of Council Bluffs, whose marriage to
Mr, toward bvans of Ked Oak, la.,
will take place during the winter. The
guests include:
Nell -Knaphor,
Helen Irwin,
Oorrlne Klein;'"
Hasel Youna,
Charlea Hlddena,
Robert Vouns.
Gdvar Rao Allen,
Nora Whltlook.
Mary Bmlth.
Sylvn Touna,
Surprise (or Mrt. Mullen.
Mrt. I. P. Mullen, 2529 Spencer
street was very pelasantly surprised
yesterday afternoon by several friends
calling at her home bearing cakes and
other refreshments. It being ' her
birthday, she was the recipient of
several nice gifts. Those in the party
were Mesdamea Lee Mullen, E. Mul
len, Bombeck. E. Florelt, G. Abbott,
N. Johnson, William Lute, O. John-
ton, Misses Irene floret), Mary Mul
len, Vincenne Corham' and Ruth An
derson: Yellow and white chrysan
themums served as the centerpiece.
Cinotam Dance.
The Cinosam club dance, triven at
Scottish Rite cathedral Thursday eve
ning, was the most pleasant given
by that club this season. The lean
year feature furnished great amuse
ment December as is the date of
the next club party and that will; be
the only guest night of the year.
Children's Dancmg Party.
Mrt. F. A. Nash gave a large danc
ing party at the Blackstone Saturday
irom i to o:jd in nonor ot the birth
day of her little daughter, Emma.
Abouty eighty children were present
Marinello Perfumes
and Toflet Waters
Made of the most delicate and the
true flower attars and essences, they are
pualing elusive and yet particularly hating
One Trial Insures Their
Permanent Popularity
Obtainable in following odors: Lilac, Rose,
Violet, Lavender, Vic, Lily and Marinello GirL
Send or bring Tea Cents for miniature
package, , -
Only I !;.. a Shoe In the City. ,
t N. L RICE v
UlDluri t r euAB
UrsTdul Bradley
At 5 supper was served in the east
sun room. In addition to Bower horns
and boxes of candy, the little gentle
men were equipped with canes and
top hats and each young 'gallant ot
tered to the maid of his choice a muff
and cap, thus obtaining a partner for
Junior Musical Club.
Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
White the Junior Musical club gave
its 'first program of the year. Of the
twenty members those privileged to
take part had practiced faithfully for
the occasion. Miss Virginia White.
a member of the club, acted as hos
tess. A short literary program deal
ing with the life and works of Grieg
preceded the music. In the place of
three members, who could not present
numbers, Miss Anna Leal, pianist:
Gilbert Doorly, violinist, and Richard
Munchotf, violinist, took part in tbe
Bernard Hanntghen is the only boy
belonging to this club, both of whose
officers this year are violinists. Miss
Virginia Pixley, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Pixlejf and a pupil of Miss
Emily Cleve, is president, and Miss
Gladys "t. Mickel, daughter, of Mr.
and Mrs. George E. Mickeli and a
pupil of Henry Cox, is secretary. The
other members ot the club are:
Dorothy Artec,
Ann Aitall,
Katherlne Baxter,
Majorle Smltb.
- Kllsabeth Austin,
Dorothy Balbaon,
Mary Lealle,
Kllsabeth Perrtro,
Joaephlne Platnar,
Dorothy Darlow,
Virginia White.
lionise Clarke.
Nance Hnlat,
Mildred Mabray.
Sneaa McBlaohron,
Kleanor Baxter.
For the Calvins.
Mr. and .Mrs. W. M., Burma en
tertained at dinner Thursday evening
for-, Mr. and Mrs. c,ugene E. Calvin,
Mr. Calvin came to this city during
the summer as the new president of
the onion facitic
Famil? Dinner. '
Mr. and Mrs. 1 M. Lohn celebrat
ed their twenty-fifth wedding anniver
sary last evening by entertaining
twenty guesta at a family dinner at
their apartment in the Colbert The
decorations were in silver and white
and the same wedding bell of silver
and white under which Mr. and Mrs.
Cohn stood for their marriage cere
mony was suspended above the din
ner table. , 1
Holiday Week Affaira.' I
Among the latest events calendared
for the school set during the holiday
week are the tea dance Mrs. rrank
Judson will ' give for her daughter,
Miss Dorothy, at the Blackston De
cember 26, at 4 o'clock; Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Fairfield's buffet supper for
Miss Betty the night of Mrs. Joseph
Barker's dance for Miss Elizabeth,
Phase) DoeujUs 349.
y-V; - i
ITrs. Vetaon Castte m "7Xe
and a tea on New Year's day given
by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Piel for their
daughter, Miss Ethel Irene Piel, who
will be home from National Park
seminary- at Washington, D. C, De
cember 23.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fraser are the
first to announce New Year's day "at
homes." They will be at home after
4 o'clock.
Friday Night Dancing Club.
the rndav Night Dancmg crab
gave its weekly party Friday even
ing at Druid hall, with sixty-eight
couples present A special novelty
waltz number by Mr. Levine, as
sisted by Mrs. E. C Conley and Mrsi
Harry Van Arsdale, furnished amuse
ment during the intermission The
club's next party will be held Friday
evening, December 15, at Druid hall,
and the special feature of the even
ing will be staged by Mr. Van Ars
dale. The parties of December 22
and 29, respectively, will be a unique
Christmas party and a "Last Chance"
leap year party.
Dinner for Guest
Dr. and Mrs. Lee W. Edwards
gave a dinner at the fontenelle last
evening for their guest, Miss Char
lotte , Davis of Menomonie, Wis.
Covers . were laid for Messrs and
Mesdames Joseph C Lawrence and
F. F. Bnrhorn and Mr. Joseph C
Lawrence, jr.
Pleasures Past
The Barathea class of the Hans
com Park Methodist church met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs..S. L. A1'
bright for a business and social meet
ing. After the business session a pro
gram was presented by the members,
which -was followed by games, thir
ty-five guests were present The
W 11 !f
V ' - - - r
-' L
i hostess was assisted by Mesdames C
i W. Kite, J. J. Thompson and A. J.
Return to Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum of Phila
delpia, who went down to Lincoln
Friday morning and were expected
io return to Omaha for a few days,
will go direct to Philadelphia from
there. During their stay in Omaha
numerous affairs were given in their
honor. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall
entertained for them Tuesday, the
evening of their arrival, at their home.
Wednesday evening Mrs. E. W. Nash
! gave a 'dinner in their honor at Iter
home. Thursday mornuig Mr. and
Mrs. Clement Chase entertained them
at breakfast at the Blackstone. Mrs.
Baum and Mrs., Kirkendall were the
guests of Mrs. A. L. Reed at lunch
eon at the Foiitenelle the same day.
In the evening Mr. and Mrs;
Charles Marcus Wilheim celebrated
iheir thirty-fourth wedding anniver
sary and entertained for Mr. and Mrs.
Baum at dinner at the Blackstone.
The table was decorated in pink can
dles and pink chrysanthemums and
covers were laid for:
' .Vcki-. anil M-'Hilames
J. K. Hauni Clrnipnt I'haee.
or PhUHdelphia, John A, McHhane,
Harry Biirkky, K. W. Dixon.
Wntler Paicp. Frank Judeon.
John I,. K-nnndy,
Mi-adames MeKdnmei)
V. P. Kirkendall. K. W. Naeh.
MeKam. Meesre
Frank Hurkloy, David Haum.
U. W. Wattles, Howard Baldrige.
Rockford Club Bazar.
The Rockford College club gave a
very successful bazar at the home of
Mrs. John R. McDonald, Saturday,
December 2. It was the club's maid
en effort along this line and although
they did everything on a small scale,
they feel that the results justify their
making the Christmas sale an annual
event Fifty-five dollars was cleared
from the bazar.
The large dining room was decor
ated with white carnations in tall
white baskets tied with purple rib
bons, Rockford college colors. In this
room were the candy and cake tables
and the fortune teller's booth. Christ
mas cards and fancy work were dis
played in the living room. Tea and
wafers were served throughout the
The usual January meeting, which
includes as guests the girls who are
on their way back to school, will
probably take the form of a lunch
eon at the Blackstone.
Social Gossip.
Miss Elizabeth and Miss Meliora
Davis returned Thursday morning
from Minneapolis, - where they ( were
guests of Miss Katherine DwinnelL
Miss Martha Folda arrived Wed
nesday from New York and will be
here with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Folda
until she leaves for Japan in ten days
or so.
Mrs. Ferguson of Hudson-on-the
Hudson arrived Tuesday and is with
her daughter, Mrs- Lowrie Childs.
Keith and Douglas Cavers, who
were home from Notre Dame univer
sity for Thanksgiving with their
father, John A. Cavers, returned to
school Sunday! '
Frank M. Bishop of Milwaukee,
who has been visiting here, went to
Lincoln Thursday to remain over the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
T. Clarke, jr accompanied by his
mother. - , '
Mrs. Henry T. Clarke, jr, of Lin
coln, was here from Lincoln the
early part of the week with her
mother and sister, Mrs. W. F. Allen
and Mrs. James Paxton.
Philip Met? returned Friday from
the natural
for everq one who
'' knows the Best
and want li
omps yoti iJBeldek 46).
the east where he went for the Yale
Harvard game and to spend Thanks
giving with his fiancee. Miss Norma
Mack, in Buffalo-.
Mrs. M. C. Peters and Miss Gladys
Peters are expected home today from
three weeks in the east
Mrs. John C. Goodwin and three
children will arrive fnday from New
castle, Ind to spend the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Kennard. Mr. Goodwin will join them
here for Christmas.
Miss Ellen Catlin of St. Paul,
Minn., will arrive next Saturday to
be the guest of Miss Virginia Pixley
during the holidays.
Miss Marv Meceath nlans to'-reave
after the holidays with Miss Marion
Towle for New York to spend the
rest of the winter at Miss Hart
man's school, where Miss Naomi
Towle has been since October.
Miss Virginia Hanscom and Miss
Marv France, who have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ken
nedy, returned Saturday to New
Frank Crawford arrived in Omaha
this week from Canada. He leaves
tonight to join Mrs. Crawford in Bos
ton, where they will spend the winter
at 50 Commonwealth avenue.
Mrs. J. De Forest Richards re
turns tuday from a few days' visit
in Chicago.
Miss Clara Hart, who attends Dana
Hall, will arrive home on December
21 to spend the holidays with her
mother, Mrs. Ernest Eldred Hart of
Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Alvin Dessau of New Britain,
Conn., arrived unexpectedly Thursday
to be the guest for a few days of her
grandmother, Mrs. Martha Heth.
Mrs. Dessau was iormerly Miss Heth
Vail, whose wedding took place last
winter. She has been a frequent vis
itor in Omaha and formerly lived
here. ,
Mrs. Charles Fahs and Miss Cath
erine are moving from the Hamilton
to the Blackstone on January 1.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Louise Hupp, who has been
visiting Miss Helen Van Dusen, re
turned last night to Chicago with her
mother, who came over last week to
join her.
Mrs. Hilton Fonda has returned
from Milwaukee, where she was
called by the illness of her mother.
Miss Elizabeth Robertson will be
home from Principia school at St
Louis December 21, to be with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Robert
son, for the holidays.
On the Calendar.
An informal dancing party will be
given bv the voung oeoole . of the
Church of the Good Shepherd at
Jacobs' Memorial hall Wednesday j
The S. O. M. club will meet with
Mrs. T. B. Hoyle Tuesday afternoon.
Tbe University Mixers' club will
give an informal dancing party at
Keep's Dancing academy on Decem
ber 19.
Random Notes of Society.
Mrs. George N. Peek of Moline was
a guest several days last week of Mr.
and Mrs. C C. George.
Mrs- W. A. Redick is in Minneapo
lis visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sweatt for
a week.
Lewis S. Reed, who has been visit
ing Mr and Mrs. James Chadwick for
several weeks, left, Wednesday for
Chicago to be with his son, Lewis B.
; Mrs. D. B. Van- Emburgh and her
sister, Miss Marguerite, of New York
City, who were at the Fontenelle
while visiting their sister, Mrs. Mary
fllM WUl'al tfilttfttil tMlrtQV V
E. Van Gieson, left Wednesday fo
Colonel and Miss Lynn Cnrto art
at the Langdon on Fifty,-sixth an
Fifth avenue in New York. Mrs
Howard Baldrige is stopping at th
same hotel.
Arthur Keeline has returned, aftw
several months on his Wyotnini
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall bav
taken a house in Hollywood, Cat, foi
the winter. They leave the first ol
January, accompanied by Mrs. Bar
ber. Miss Nellie Calvin returns todaj
from a ten davs' trip to Salt Lakt
and Mrs. C. E. Fuller have re
turned from the east, where tbej
spent ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byram of Chi
cago spent Thanksgiving in Lincolr.
with her sister, Mrs. Louis Kors
meyer, and Mr. Korsmeyer. Thej
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tukey. Thej
were in their private car and wern
accompanied by Mr- and Mrs. 0. W.
Pierce of Lafayette, Ind., who also
attended a Thanksgiving family party
in Lincoln with Mrs. Pierce's sisters,
Mrs. A. G. Beeson and Mrs. Greene,
at the latter's home.
Personal Mention.
Miss Mildred Tolander has return
ed from an extended trip in the east,
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kloke moved
last week from the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Clarke, 3217 Dodge street,
to their new home i at 131 North
Thirty-fourth street'
Miss Rose Wertheimer of Chicago
arrived Wednesday to be the guest of
Mrs. Sam Wertheimer.
Graham Cream Co. in New Building.
The Graham Ice Cream company is
moving into its new building at 1510
1512 Jones street Twenty-five em
ployes are on the pay roll The new
equipment and machinery has been in
stalled at a cost of approximately
$90,000. '
Billy Peucolas
Ne'er Forgotten
Photographs, if they are
REMBRANDT'S, will always
bring pleasant life-like mem
ories. No gift is more appreciated
or more appropriate at Xmas
Evening Sittings by Appointment
Rembrandt Studio
24th end Farnam. Doug. 3548.
" ( :
i norauay at me umafla club for J.