Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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That is Object of Campaign to ! Judge Leslie Holds Dahlman
Raise Funds by Popular ! May Not Use City Auto
Subscription. tot Pleasure Jaunts
By A. R. GROH.
Twenty-five thousand dollars a
That is what Omaha expects, or at
east is expected, to give during the
nex; ten ('ays for Brownell HalL
James D. Murphy, a hoilermaker,
who "on behalf of himself and other
taxpayers." brought suit in district
court against the mayor of Omaha,
the city com 'issioncrs and the city
comptrollers, seeking to enjoin the
The plans arc all made 'he teams I municipal chief executive from using
all organized, and Wednesday at the
Hotel Fontenelle was the opening
dinner, hen ail the workers on the
seventeen teams gathered for final
instructions. Five teams are com
posed of women and twelve of men,
eight workers on each team.
Seven thousand names are on the
list of "prospeets" and lach will re
ceive a call from a worker.
A hiz "clock on 1'arnan: street,
his mobile, purchased for him by
the jity, for anything save strictly
official ' iness, won a victory.
Judge Leslie issued a temporary
order enjoining Mayor Dahlman
from laking any further pleasure
jaunts in his city-owned machine and i
rebuked the city tattlers lor tne al
leged appropriation of funds for the
u,l:eep and maintenance of cars for
the private use of officials or em-
east ot Sixteenth, vill marK tne prog-, ,.nv(.
itjss of til.- . ampaign ami daily at j "Certain it is." declared Judge
noon there will be luncheons to re- j je, -that no official or employe of the
etive the reports of the workers. .: l..s a riut l0 appropriate the
Its History.
llrownell Hall is a ichool for girls
with a history of fifty three years
.ilmost as lrng as that ot Omaha.
Since 1HH6 it has been located on
South Tenth street, but It has out
grown its building there at it outgrew
two other buildings.
Now it is ready foi a permanent
home "for all time." C. C. and f. E.
'George presented the school with a
beautiful site in "Fairacr..." It com
prises eleven acres, lying on the north
side of Underwood ' avtnuo, about
i.-if . ; i. ... f ...i.... , Uj, n. . ti
ll i i a ntni. wtsi ui, ttii.,. uiv '"-
dee ear stop at Happy Hollow.
'. The tract slopes gently toward the
south. On the higher part of the
ground will be erected a splendid
building, or maybe several buildings.
Besides the regular school equipment
there is to be a chapel of ample size,
a residence hall with dining room and
kitchen, an infirmary isolated from
the other parts of the school, and a
large and thoroughly modern gym
nasium. , The ample campus will afford facili
ties for an athletic field, which is to
. be a big feature, with tennis courts,
outdoor basket ball field and so on.
An Omaha Institution.
Brownell Hall, though founded and
under management of the Episcopal
church, has students of all religious
denominations. It is a big Omaha in
stitution, and that is why people of all
religious faiths and of none will have
a part in building its fine, new home.
It is notable that men and women of
.many religions faiths are on the
teams that will work for the quarter
minion. '
lirowuell nail was
city's automobiles to his own private
use habi.uallv. and the commission
ers in appropriating funds for the up
keep and maintenance of cars for pri
va.e usesiare misappropriating pub
lic funds ;.nd may, in my judgment,
be held liable thereof on their bonds.
Mayor Has No light.
Tht ju ge ruled that the tm., -ir has
nj more right to use the city s auto
mobiles for the privaic u.c of him
self or members of his household
than in other resident of the city
has to use it for private purposes.
"It is just as much a wrong," he
continued, "for a city official or em
ploye to go to the city's sup. ly tank
and take gasoline therefrom for one
of the city's automobiles when it is
being made pri a' use of as it would
be for anv private citizen to appro
priat. the city's gasoline for his pri
vate car.
"I am inclined to the opinion that
the city commissioners may provide
automobiles for the use of certain de
partments of the city government,
but there is grave doubt ir. my mind
as to the authority of the commis
sioners to provide certain appointive
officials with automobiles or other
Mayor Jim Says He
Can Still Ride On
A Horse or Bicycle
"Well, I can ride a horse if I can't
ride in an automobile," remarked
....i.ii.u.j i ; Mayor Dahlman when advised of the
IfuJ by Bishop Joseph C. Talbot, and .n ol .th dl8,rlcf cort ,n.
ii first home was in the abandoned ".110" an ct,on. brought by
Saratoga Springs hotel, which stood 5- Sld" - restr,n the ml' n.iies north of Omaha, where ;" city commissioners from certain
now Twenty-folirth street and Grand us" of automobiles.
avenue cross. It was named "Brown. , m J " w
all' after Bishop Thomas Brown- Pelor utomooues were invented ana
ell Connecticut, who secured froml" " p00?., ,or . ,ew ""J ye
l:i dVese '" Connecticut most of the . t0R o( 1,key of ,h I"10
money! for establishing it.
it withered many gales of dis
couragement and poverty in the early
tears. J here were Indians and grass
hoppers and drouths. But through
diem ill Brownell Hall has come
triumphant with a great record of
accomplishment .that warrants warm
sunjiort. . - . i
i iic cnaracicr 01 us aiumnac la one
of its strongest recommendations, for
"by their fruits ye shall know them."
So, get your check book. ready and
see that ink and pen are at hand, for
you probably have the hoTior of being
on that list of 7,000.
McGrew Says Western
Railroads Are the Best
C. F. McGrew returned Friday from
several weeks spent in New, York
and vicinity and says that the most
noticeable thing in traveling is the
superior equipment of railroad trains
west of Chicago compared with those
in the east A dozen or more trains
leave Omaha every day that are as
well and many of . them - better
equipped than any trains running out
of New York City. Mr. McGrew
also calls attention to the fact that
save Chicago alone, Omaha is the
terminus of more double-tracked rail
ways than any city in the world. Mr.
and Mrs. McGrew were members of
the Omaha contingent who attended
the Yale-Harvard foot ball game.
"Or," added the mayor, "I might
ride a motorcycle or a bicycle. I
could afford to buy either,"
As to the serious phase of the sit
uation, the mayor does not care to
offer any comment until he has read
i the written decision and consulted
I with the city legal department.
French Battleship
Is .Given Up for Lost
Paris, Dec 8. The battleship Suf
fern, which left port on November
24, has not been heard from since
and the minister of marine considers
the vessel lost with all on board. The
Suffern sailed for L'Orient, a French
naval station in Brittany.
Comfortable, f ally equipped room
11.00 a day ana up.
Quick Service Lunch Room, the
beet in the city.
Music with Meals.
Table d'Hot. Dinner, 35c.
Down the Stairs to
Answer the Telephone
Do you have to do this, when
the telephone bell rings after
you have "turned in" for the
Or do you answer the call
from nn extension telephone in
. your bedroom?
With a bell 75 cents a Month.
Without a bell 50 cents
, Month.
Delicious Candies
Of all kind at very lowest prices in Candy De
partment in baaoment. .
Toa tad Marsh maJ Iowa fUzu lar p rie 2 Oe lb.
Special, Saturday, at, lb 13c
Paaaut Brittle Fresh, homemade. Special, Sat
urday, at, lb 14c
Get aur pri cat before placing any eerier far
Chrbtmaa Candiee.
rv-firej r-
If In Doubt What to Give I
i Handkerchiefs and Neckwear
Are Always Acceptable
Women's Handkerchiefs at 25c
A wonderful display, including colored
cages, emuruiaerea comers ana scauopea i
edges; also fine linen tape border with
Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, at 2Sc
Fine quality linen with hand-embroidered
Women's Handkerchiefs, 6 for 11.78
Linen handkerchiefs with embroidered
corners, 6 for $1.75
Women's Handkerchiefs, 6 for 79c
Fine Swiss handkerchiefs, with colored
embroidered corners, 6 for 79c
Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c
Fine embroidered initial handkerchiefs,
3 in a box for 25c
A Million
Is the Record for Which We've
Set Pit Stakes Broader Assort
mpnts. Better Values in All De-
partments Are the Result ot the
Great Preparations for these Sales.
Many Pleasing Suggestions
In Drug Department
In Sal
Hn'i Initial Handkerchiefs. for SI. 75.
, Men's all linen handkerchief!, with hand-embroidered Initial; eix in
U'i Initial Hemikarehlef.. S far 7B.
I Fine lawn handkerchiefs, with embroidered initial, S for rSc
Broadcloth Collars, S1.9S Each.
I A wonderful display of broadcloth, georgette and erepe de ehine collar! and acta,
at, let HM
Georgette Collar!, S1.7S.
Georgette collar! in all the new shapes, deep hack and round, lace trimmed and
F embroidered edges; speetaj, at, eacb 91.75
Stock Cellar!. 95c and 11.75
A very good aaeortrocnt of stock eollara. in net, oriental lace and georgette, at.
each Mc and SI. 75
Cellar Set at 2Sc
f Organdy and Swiss collar let!, also separate collar., lace and embroidery trim.
. Many pretty atyiea, at ao
Broadcloth Collar!. SOc
. A very pretty broadcloth and poplin collar, at SOc
l trope ee uitne acarta, S1.7B
F Crepe de ehine semrfa, 14 yds. long, with hemstitched border 91.78
Cklf'oa Velli at sac
I 2-yard chiffon veil in all colore, at 9Ac
SOc 1-oz. sealed bottles, assorted odors of
Satchet Powder 25e
25c lace, ribbon-trimmed Chamois, face 10c
Perfume Atomizers'Frosted" . 49c-79c98c
Perfume Atomizers, bulbs, at 50c
Mary Garden Talcum, flesh and white . . 50c
Djer Kiss Face Powder, all shades... 50c
Djer Kiss Talcum, rose or white 25c
50c box Xmas Perfume, all odors 35c
25c box Xmas Perfume, all odors 19c
75c bottle Queen-Bess Trailing Arbutus
Toilet Water, at 50e
75c bottle Pinaud's or Woodworth's Toilet
Water, at ; S9
Military SeU, at. . .$1.50, $2, $3.50 and $4
Manicuring Sets, from 75c to $8.00
Hand Mirrors, in black, red or white backs,
from 50c to $5,00
Love Me or Lilac Toilet Water, "frosted
bottles," at 75
$3.75 size Horliok's Malted Milk $2.79
1 qt Paraffin Oil, for housework 25c
75c jar Pompeian Massage Cream. . .-. .50c
50c jar Pompeian Night Cream 35c
$1.50 box La Trefle or Azures Powder 95c
Mary Garden Face Powder, all shades. .$1
50c jar Daggetts and Ramsdell's Cream 39c
50c boxes Imported Rice Pow., in Java. 25c
35c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes 25c
SOc os. White Rose or Locust Bios. Per. 25c
manufacturer's sampl
Pretty Undergarments Make Dainty, Pleasing Gifts
Wonderfully Broad Assortment for Selection Here
Italian silk vests, hand embroidered in pink and white. Worth to $3.50,
at Jbl.lro
Italian silk envelope combination suits or knickerbocker combination, in
plain French band or dainty embroidery, at. . . . . 83.50 and S5.0U
Italian silk bloomers, in plain embroidery or fancy lace trimmed, on
sale, at S1.98. $2.98 and $3.98
Ladies' silk and wool union suits, in flesh and white, $1,98. $3.50
Ladies' medium or fleece union suits, any style, at 98
Ladies' silk and wool and all wool vests, pants and tights. Worth to
$2.00, at $1.25
Ladies' medium fleece vests and pants, at .25)
Ladies' summer weight union suits, flesh and white. Tight knee. Reg
ular $1.00 values, at 69
Dainty silk and satin boudoir caps, at .,. . . -49(7. 63?. 98t
Children's pajamas, kindergarten style, at 98
Children's heavy fleeced union suits, all sizes, at 494 and 69)
Ladies' outing gowns, heavy quality, dainty patterns, at .49)
Ladies' fancy aprons, lace and embroidery trimmed, 39). 69). 98)
Saturday Specials in
Art Goods
60c Stamped Gowns 39)
Stamped Bungalow Aprons, in zephyr
gingham, at $1.25. $1.50
Hat Roll, Biscuit, Toast Cases, on sale,
Saturday, at 25). 50)
Stamped Card Table Coven 50)
Stamped Pillow Cases, on sale, Saturday,
at, pair 50 to $1.00
Stamped Envelope Pillow Cases... 75)
Knit Goods and Corset Specials
In New Department, Second Floor
Scarf aad Car Sets, in box, ta Copa, Roee. and Kelly Green: an ideal Xmas
preaenll Saturday, at '-'5
Bora' Swanton in Gray. Cardinal, and Brown, all siiee, at SI JO, 18, $2.50
and -8
Ladlee' All-Wool White Sweater! Slightly aeiled; liiei SS to 40: regular $5.00
Sweater!, at W-00
Boya' Walk Waiita, all plain bine or light atripel. S to 14 yein. at SOc
Boyi' Flannel Blouaea, in naer, gray, brown, and light and dark etripee,
at ' " 58c, Sl.OO, II JO
Children'! Creepers and Bompm. in blue, gray, and pink, V, to 7-year aiiei,
at 5e
Children 'a Toques, all colon and itylea. at SOc
Ladlei' Sweaters ia cardinal, gray, brown, all aiiei, at SXM, $3M, S4.SS and S5.9S
Hew about a pretty Braaeiere for XmaiT Every woman likea these dainty
thing! : ell auua: ranging in price from SOc to S5.00
A Wonderful Opportunity for Christmas Shoppers
Our New York Buyer secured several surplus stocks of Women's tl
Misses' and Children's Ready-to-Wear Outer Apparel for cash at 50c to jfjj
60c on the dollar.
These Splendid Purchases Will Be
Placed on Sale Saturday
200 Elegant Coats K1,S'0!o'58:00-..$35
garments, in Fine Velvets, Plushes,
made to sell at $50.00
and $55.00, choice
Coats that sold at $65
and $69, choice .
Coats that sold at $85
to $100, choice.
All high-class sample
Velours and Novelties.
375 Handsome Coats $40.00, at, choice $25
Broad assortment of this season's nobbiest styles in Salt's Plush
es, Wool Velours, Novelty Plushes, Meltons and other popular ma
terials. Matchless values.
Remarkable Coat Bargains Saturday
In Meltons, Chinchillas, Friezes, Plushes and Novelties, all lj 1 C
sizes, 16 to 48 big assortment of nobby styles, at plJ
Hundreds of charming designs for selection, in Sat
ins, Taffetas, Georgettes, Combinations,
etc., remarkable values, at
In Suits. Dresses, Skirts. Waists
Immense assortment for selection.
They're Guaranteed Assortments
Are Immense You Save 25
See our splendid lines. We're
always glad to show you.
COATS AT $3.95
At this price Saturday are hun
dreds of nobby Winter Coats, 2 to
6 and up to children's sizes 14, in
plain colors and novelties. Coats
like these usually pricea at $t.tu
and $7.50; Saturday,
COATS AT $5.95
At this price are a large variety of
warm Winter Coats in the season's
many novelty cloths, all sizes up to
14; many styles, made to sell up to
$10.00, Saturday,
I We Have secured the liig Sample Lin:
' MFG. CO., Makers of Keep Clean Ha
It Consists of
Men's Military Sets,
Ladies' Toilet Sets,
Brush Sets,
Mirror and Hair
Men'a Military Seti Good, heavy bristle
brushes, some with extra fitting. All boxed.
$1.25 values, at 65t
$1.50 values, at 79C
$1.95 values, at 95
$2.25 values, at SI. 19
$2.50 to $3.00 values, at $1.45
$3.50 to $4.00 values, at $1.95
Hair Bruih Seta In lined boxes, comb and
hair brush, in all finishes.
Keep Clean Brushes with
good bristles:
$1.00 values 50
$1.25 values 65
$1.50 values 79
$1.95 values ..95
Keep Clean Hair
Brushes, in many
finishes, ail first
! " " J
25c value. . ,
50c value. . ,
75c value. . ,
$1.00 value.
$1.25 value.. 65
Book Department
Booka for Christmas Gifts
Tom Swift Series.
Boy Scout Series.
Out-Door Chum Series.
Moving Picture Series.
Henty, Alger and Reid
Juvenile books, from.... 10
to ..J Sl.OO
Children's bound books. A good
assortment of titles. Well illus
trated. Special, 15. 25.
and 35
Painting and cut-out books, at,
each 10 to 75
Complete assortment of Rosary
Beads, from 10 up to $4.50
Crockery Department
Suggestions for Christmas Gifts
$1.98 14-piece decorated Chocolate Set,
at, per set .-. S1.25
60c 7-piece Nut Set. 25
$1.50 Sugar and Creamers, pair. . .98
$5.00 Cut Glass Berry Bowls. . .$3.98
7-Piece Cut Glass Water Set. .$4.98
7-piece Star Cut Water Set. . . .$1.15
$2.25 Daisy Compotes, high foot $1.19
Christmas Dinnerware
$40 100-piece French Limoges Dinner
Set, for 12 persons, in border or spray
design. Special, at ....$29.50
Charming Gifts in the Jewel
These are busy day in our rMrninl Jaw.
tlry Department. Our stocks are complete and
up to tha minute, with Fresh, New Goods, all
of guaranteed quality. We stand behind wry
piece we sell to five you satisfaction.
French Pearl Necklaces All with solid sold
catch or good gold-filled catch : all sizes, good
colors; regular price 11.00, Saturday 69c
Others up to $17.00.
Green Gold-Finish Mesh Bags, of f int baby ring
mesh, new narrow frames, hand engraved, war
ranted for 5 years' wear $15.00
Others S10.60 up.
Solid Gold La VaUieret Each with soldered
link, solid gold chain, in large variety of beau
tiful designs, at, $5 00
Gold-F tiled Tiffany Rings, with sterling nilver
prongs, sei witn good, brilliant atom
and sapphire colors; $1.00 regularly,
rive-Tear lauaranteed Kosaries, of
stones, gold-capped decade beadfs,
i ix. asturuay, at.
es of ruby
at.... 69c .Iffjfc
all color cuM
fancy crurjf. 1 ffi
We have just received 300
new Crepe de Chine, Chiffon,
Lace, Radium and Tub Silk
Blouses, made to sell to $6.00.
We will place them on sale,
Saturday, at v
We will also place on sale,
Saturday, a lot of Georgettes,
Crepe de Chines and Laces, in
all the newest shades and all
sizes. Blouses in this lot worth
$7.50. One lot, Saturday
We Are With Yd
Trusts and (!
Our aim is to give the peopls
chandise at the Iw -ei
48-lb. sack Best High Grade Diamond
H Flour, nothing finer, per 48-lb.
ack, at $2.25
1 8 lbs. Bent Pure Granulated Suear
for $1.00
7 lbs. Best White or Yellow Cornmeal, 19c
9 bars Bcat-'Em-All, Diamond C or
Swift's Pride Laundry Soap 25c
La France Laundry Tablet h or Satina,
per pkg.. at 5c
No. 2 cans Early June Peas 10c
No. 3 cans Solid Packed Tomatoes, 12Vac
Skinner's Famous Macaroni, Vermicelli,
Spaghetti; made in Omaha by Oronlia
people, per pktt 7V3c
6 lbs. Choice Jajjnn Rice, 7 c quality,
at 25c
Advo Jell or Jell-O, for dessert, pkg.8Vsc
Kamo Assorted Soups, can S'jc
6 cans Oil Sardines 25c
naker s Uiocolate, -lb. pkg . .
MacLaren's Peanut Butter, lb.
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure
Tomato Catsup, Pickles, asHorted kindf ;
Horseradish or Prepared Mustard, per
bottle, at 8''jc
16-ot. cans Condensed Milk . . luc
32-02. jars Pure Fruit Preserves. .. .25c
28-ot. jars Pure Strained Honey..., 30c
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb 20c
Baker's Shredded Cocoanut, can 10c
The Best Tea Sifting?, per lb 12 Vic
' rh.
1916 First Quality, Milk Fed
per lb. J 73c
First Quality Pork Loine. per lb 14V c
First Qualltr Perk Shoulder, per lb '...!!!!'.!! !l3Ve
First Quality Neck Bones, per lb 41 c
First Quality Pot Roast, per lb V.lOc-lL
First Quality Bollinsr Bee!, per lb SVic
First Quality Steer Round Steak, per lb .!.15c
First Quality Sieer phouldtr Hteak. per lb !l3V,c
First Quality Steer Sirloin Steak, per lb .. .17Vic
Fancy Home.Made Sausage, per lb 12y,c
Fancy No. 1 Regular Hams, per Hi !7V,c
Fancy No. 1 Breakfast Bacon, per lb..... 19Vie
Fancy No. 1 Salt Pork, per lb !."l7v!
Fancy Hindquarters No. 1 Lamb, per Ih ,71
Fancy Forequfvrters No. 1 Lamb. pr ih ' " ' " ' ttu
Freeh Bulk Oysters. Solid Meat, pr qujrt' .455
There's not onli
Sale of I
In addition to t
.,maAJ knnivit
every Christmas h
display at saving
3-pieco set, stair handl t: 1
2-piece set, reiralar pr i e I
Ice Skatea, nickel plau c rei
Casseroles, copper, nic I rlec
Electric Toasters, regula t
Garland Gaa Stoves, rcc ar
17-qt. gray Dish Pan. TKul
-lt. gray Tea Kettle, tirul
10-nt. Berlin Kettle, rc
O'Cedar Palish Mop or (
Coffee Machines, revuu
Llsk Self-Roasters, u