Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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"Little Chief," Brave Warrior
Against Pain, Dies at St.
Joseph Hospital.
"Little Chief" is dead.
The stoic charity patient, an 11-year-old
Sioux Indian, whose cheer
ful indifference to pain for the long
months that he has suffered won the
admiration of the nuns, doctors and
nurses at St. Joseph hospital, has
gone to the happy hunting grounds.
He was buried Friday morning in
Gregory. S. D.
Peter Selwyn was 'the little chief's
right name, but Jjis sobriquet is what
his chums and the hospital authori
ties called him. Peter was a leader
of boys. Despite his lame leg (the
victim of a tubercular knee) the
young Indian joined with his little
white friends in their pastimes. Peter
steadfastly refused to believe that
lie was going to get better, but never
No Fear of Death.
Recently, when he had been
brought back to the hospital from
St. Francis academy to undergo
another operation, "Little Chief"
turned to the attendant nun and said:
"Sister, I am going to die soon."
"No, chief, you are not. You are
going to get better after this opera
tion," was the reply.
"You try to encourage me," said
Peter. "I don't need encouragement.
I'am not afraid to die."
Nuns Weep.
Nurses and nuns wept when Peter
did die. And moist were the eyes
of his six chums who acted as pall
bearers. Rupert Weir, Paul Schoeppe,
William Laux. Francis Krebs, Leo
Coyne and Philip Weinert were boys
with whom the little red-skinned lad
always liked to play and they carried
the white coffin that bore Peter from
the hospital to the train.
Father B. Sinnc officiated at a req
uiem mass in St. Joseph hospital's
chapel before the boys carried the
"Little Chief" away. All the patients
who were physically able attended
the services.
Open the Store Each Day
With Christmas Carols
In keeping with the spirit of the
season, tiurgess-Nash open their
store each morning with the singing
ot Christmas carols and anthems.
A chorus of mixed voices has been
gathered together from among the
employes and sing from the balcony
on the main floor every morning at
8:30 o'clock.
"Christmas carols were an inven
tion of the early church to offset the
joyous license ot paganism, said
Louis C. Nash. "Song was an expres
sion of rejoicing among the Romans.
Hence the making of pious canticles.
simple in form, so that they might
be sung by learned and ignorant -
"Such is the origin of the custom,
which still lingers in certain parts
of England, of 'Waits' going from
house to house on Christmas eve and
singing carols."
G. C. Bedford, Popular
Implement Man, is Dead
Grover Cleveland Bedford, popu
lar advertising manager for the In
ternational Harvester company, died
Thursday night at his residerce, 5132
Dodge street. Mr. Bedford was 27
years old and is survived by his wife
and infant daughter, 2 weeks old; his
mother ar.d two brothers, George C.
and W. H., of Council Bluffs, and
three sisters.
The funeral will be held Saturday
morning from the residence to St.
-ecelias church at 1U o clock, with
interment at Holy Sepulcher cem
etery. ,
Gets a Wallop and Then
Loses His Big Bank Roll
Two white men, well-dressed, in
troduced themselves to W. L. Pres
ton of Portland, Ore., in a saloon
"somewhere in Omaha" Thursday
night and drinks helped to foster the
new friendship. Then the duet sug
gested a promenade. Preston agreed,
walked vith them under the Tenth
street viaduct, got a wallop on the
head and a long sleep. When he
awoke, his chums and $75 were gone.
On Sale
Va Karat, $45
A small dkpoiit will secure this
prreatost bargain ever offered in
th city.
Today Special We placed on
sale a lot of V,-K. Diamonds at
$45 only. They are beautiful
white and blu steel, which hv?
a value of $66 to $80. Written
guarantee to refund the money
within one year puaranteea their
valu,e. Observe the big bargains
on other diamonds on sale now:
2-K. .,
-K 80
H-K $ M
1-K 125
We are also placing: on sale a
large lot of diamond rings from
15 to $36 at prices that save you
25 to 40.
Special Sale
on Watches
Watches, jewelry, silverware,
cut glass at great reduction of
40 per cent. Come, early, make
your choice Christmas selection,
have It laid away for you until
you are. ready to take It.
Brodkey Jewelry Go.
' 1 401 Douslaa SI.
Latter Are Not Expected to
Make Stand Until They
Reach River Buzeu.
that the Germans have been driven
from a "section of the trenches on
the eastern slopes of Hill .104," which
they had occupied.
In Macedonia the Bulgarians are
violently contesting the efforts of the
Serbians to make further advances
east of Monastir.
The French navy has lost a battle
ship, the 12,750-lon Surfren, which
left port November 24 for L'Orient,
a French naval station in Brittany,
and has not since been heard from.
It is considered bv the French ad
miralty to have been lost with all
or. board. Its usual complement was
?'0 men.
Liner Caledonia
Is Reported Sunk
London, Dec. H. The Anchor Line
steamship Caledonia, of 9,225 tons
gross, is believed to have been sunk,
says an announcement made today at
Lloyd's shipping agency.
(Associated l'mjs War .Summary.)
The rounding up of Roumanian
troops is being continued by the Teu
tonic forces. The latest statement
by the German war office announces
the capture of 8,000 additional pris
oners, together with twenty-six guns.
Seemingly the Roumanians and
such Russian troops as were aiding
them are still on the retreat north
eastward and military commentators
for the most part do not expect a
stand to he made by the Roumanians
before the line of the Buzeu river is
reached. ,
This-line virtually closes the neck
of the province of Moldavia, running
eastward from the Hungarian fron
tier to Galata on t he lower Danube
on the Bessarahian border. It is re
garded as a strong defensive line and
one easily susceptible of reinforce
ment from Russian sources.
On the Franco-Belgian front the
only recent operation of note has
been in the Verdun region, where the
Germans yesterday claimed the cap
ture of the summit of Hill 304, west
of the Meuse. Today Paris announces
Thousands Buy at Naken's
Rofuncn thpv k-nnw our nrii'PS match
the spot cash fellows and our terms
are so liberal that the small weekly
or monthly payment is never missed.
Why wait? Read our terms and
come right along you are welcome
to cheerful credit.
Men's Clothing
Women's Clothing
Boys' Clothing
120 South 15 th St.
Between Douglas and Dodge Streets
GrcJutnfiL WfYAem Co.
In the Gift Shop
Here the seeker for-gifts that are distinctly different and of artistic
beauty can gratify her desire. Unique and useful articles in leather, pot
tery, china, glass, brass, bronze, painted wood and tin, brocade, as well as
N electric lamps, pillows and a very fine collection of Roycroft products,
which, by the way, are exclusive with this store.
A Gift of Furniture Is a Worth-While Gift
A Dressing Table f orWif e or Daughter
The one illustrated is solid mahogany, 42 inches wide, with triple
mirror and ample drawer room; price, $56.
Others in various woods and finishes $22,50 and up.
And for Father or Son a Chifforobe
' The particular one we have in mind is 26 inches deep, 56 inches wide
and 5 feet and 6 inches high. Solid mahogany, with crotch mahogany
drawer fronts.
There is a compartment for hats, trays for gloves, ties, etc., divided
drawers for shirts and a wardrobe fitted with coat and trouser hang
ers, and the price is only $125.
Others at SI00, S149 and more.
va h w
Quality, Style and Value
are the special features of
Our Clothing
The Finest Hitid-Tiilorcs Garments in the World'
The Distinctive Creations ot
Oak Rockers
With wood seats, at
. $3, $4, $6.75, Etc.
Solid Mahogany
With wood seats, at
$8.50, $9.00, $11.00
Tapestry Covered Rockers
Big and roomy, with wing
back, $29.75.
Ladies' Desks
In golden oak and mahogany
or bird'seye maple
$7.50, $9, $12, $15, $18.
In golden or fumed oak or
mahogany, -equipped with
$10, $13.50, $15, $17.50.
Genuine Red Cedar Chests
As illustrated'; 40 inches long; colo
nial scroll designs, $11.
Others copper trimmed and bound, for
$15, $18 to $30.
"My, How Pretty Those Girls Look
Dressed Like bolls, and What an Attrac
tive Place This Is," is heard on every side"
at Orchard & Wilhelm's Toyland.
And they will show you the most varied assortment of toys
in Omaha. The showing of the famous Kestner Character Dolls
is particularly large, considering the scarcity of German dolls in
this country. A full line of Schoenhut all-wood dolls is shown,
and all the best American character dolls are represented.
Verdure and Tapestry Table Runners
Finished with 4-inch fringe,
Priced at Vi Regular Values
$4.50 for ... . $2.25 $6.00 for ... . $3.25
$5.00 for $2.50 $9.00 for $4.50
Remnants of Cretonne Damasks, Silks,
Velours, Etc.,
. Greatly Reduced in Price
Suitable for making Christmas Gifts, such as Knitting and
Kensington Bags, Fancy Pillows, etc.
An Oriental Rug Makes
a Wonderful Gift
Just now we can show a particularly
fine collection of small rugs that have
recently come in.
Chinese Rugs
Cyily this week we secured a case of
fine Chinese rugs, made from the wool
of Mongolian goats, in those wonderful
Chinese designs and colorings; imperial
yellow, blues, gold, rose, peach, and tan.
Sizes from 2x2 to 9x12. Prices,
$10.50 to $425.00.
Small Axminser Rugs, Velvets
and Body Brussels, $1.45 to $6.
Many a Woman Would Appreciate a
Bissell Carpet Sweeper
Bissell Carpet Sweeper, $2.50, $2.75, $3.25 to $5.25
Bissell Vacuum Cleaner and Sweeper, $5.50, $7.50, $9.
Let Orchard & Wil
helm Help You Select
Our experienced salespeo
ple will be of real service to
you in the selection of instru
ment and records. Our stock
is most complete in styles,
woods and finishes, and we
offer you the advantage of
Kuppenhzimer Adler's Collepan
Society Brand's
new holiday fashions
new ideas
new creations
The Overcoat Store of the Town
Here you will find the cream ot the best In Overcoats, the
choicest fnbrlcs and weaves. Coats for every use and purpose.
form-Kitting and Box I'oats, Belted Coats, Pinch-Back, Plaited
Back. Storm Coats and Chesterfield, Motor Coats and every other
kind, ready to slip Into. A magnificent selection to choose from
$15 $20 $25
Beantiful Silk Lined Overcoats
English Venetians. Shetlands, Carr Meltons, Brooks Kerseys,
Harris Tweeds, Montagnacs and Crombie Belted Great Coats,
$30 35 $40 $45 $50
pedal showing Tor Saturday of Overcoats, atr
$7.50 $10 $12
Special Values in Suits
$15 $20 $25
Styles for young men and men who stay
young. You will find In these suits pure wool, su
perior workmanship and finish, and lastly you
will find style of such smartness and correctness
as you can find nowhere but In such famous
clothes as ours.
Young Men's Suits, Pinch-Back and Form-Fit.
ting styles
$10.00 and $12.00
Fast Dye Blue Serge
We have 'em. A little foresight last year pro
vided them, and we're selling them at last year's
prices. And they are the best you will see
$15 $18 $20 $25
Styles for a' tastes and models for all sites.
Hlaln Colon-, Checks, Broken Plaids, Belted
and plain Backs. Big Shawl Collnrs. Special at
Suit and Overcoat Values
vnOiatchable at-
Styles and qualities that are proving Irresistible to men and young tj7
men who limit themselves to this price. Suits and Overcoats, in Plnch
Backs for young fellers, and less radical styles for older men. The as
sortment will surprise and the Extra Value will be a Lasting Satisfac
tion. Worsteds, Cheviots, Tweeds, Mixtures and Blue Serges. (18 00
anI tOn Cm voliiAa nrloa
Holiday Furnishings
other garments , Christmas Neckwear
in cotton, uouon ana vvooi.
All Wool and Mercerized, All Handsomely Boxed
America's finest produc
tions, Custom Tailored and
Perfect Fitting, Startched and
Soft Cuffs, Pleated and Soft
noRoniB, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50.
Heather mixtures and col
ors, heavy rope stitched, with
shawl and roll collars, $5.00.
Fine medium weight rib
cotton. Regular $1.50 values,
New Style
$1.50 to $3.50.
Oxford Gray, Blue. New
Army Green, Plain and Mili
tary Collars, made with two
flap pockets, $1.50, $2.00, $2.75
Everwesr, Interwoven and
other makes of silk and lisle
fibers, In all the popular col
ors and stripes, 25c, 35c, 50c.
The most beautiful lines of swell Neckwear
you ever saw. Thousands of exclusive crea
tions In new weaves, stripes, checks, plaids,
in foreign and domestic silk. A dazcling dis
play. 50c, 75c, $1.00, up to $3.00.
Handaomt Christmas Box Free.
Silk, Wash, Cape, Bucks, Mohairs, Rein
deer and Chamois. Plain and embroidered
backs ..' $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50
' 1,1 ' ' ' i Stetson ,.
7t?ft D ? 0 OA HATS
$1.50 frl&tJ01'C7.Tlw- $4.00
$2.00 J $5.00
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets
If your skin is yellow complexion
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
vou have a bad taste in vour mouth a
lazy, no-good feeling you should take
Ulive tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub
stitute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study
with his patients.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arc a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil. You will know them by their
olive color.
To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes,
no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like
childhood days you must get at the cause.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the
liver and bowels like calomel yet have
no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome con
stipation. That's why millions of boxes
are sold annually at 10c and 25c per
box. All druggists. Take one or two
nightly and note the pleasing results.
with a child who is rundown, has pale
cheeks or thin blood, who will hesitate
to give that child the verythingitneeds
to start it growing and keep it going?
For overforty years theconcentrated
liquid-food in Scott's Emulsion has
been changing thinness to plumpness
changing poor blood to rich blood.
There is nothing better for growing
children whether they are weak or
well than Scott's Emulsion, but see
that yon get the genuine Scott's.
Scott Sown., fctamtolo, M. 1. U-
Persistent Advertising Is the
Road to Success.
&jf CROWN it
ly "
m u
'Look At Her
' Pull Out!"
Red Crown gas puts extra
power in the drive wheels
takes you through the
deepest drifts.
Quick-starting in the coldest
weather. Always clean and
dependable wherever you bay '
it. .Look for the Red Crown sign
on garagesand supply stations. (
Standard Oil Company