It THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1916. LIVE STOCK-MARKET Quality of Cattle Common and Trade Slow to Ten Lower New Secord on iambs. HOGS FIVE CENTS LOWER ' 'L Orftaha, DMembw 1, 1111. Receipt, vara: Catlla. Hot" Shop. Official Monday 10.SII 10.171 Official Tt .day .S:l ' ' Official TTidDnlu v. I.IU Eatlraat. Thuranay. .... 6,1.6 17.9M Poor deye this weeke. 731.664 (3,133 taM laat weak ,!.S4I 64.420 Kama deye I wka. 12,071 Suit daya I wka. ago. JJ, 111 44.447 Hama daye 4 wka. aco. 22,164 21.167 lima dava last year ..16,471 11.144 i.iii 17.191 u, mo 7i. 9: 46.171 41.671 it.nt 47.IJ4 6S.4I4 Cattle Recetpte wara moderate today but tha total for tha four daya foola up 22.064 head, nearly 7,000 bead larger than a yaar ago. Tha demand for killing cattle of all klnda waa not-quite ao eager aa It waa earlier In the week. Buyers appeared to be looking for something good while the offerings aa a rule were on the common order. For that reason the. trade waa alow and a little dull and anywhere from weak to perhaps 10c lower. - The demand for stocker and feeder cattle continues brlak and prlcea on eucb cattle are atreng. Quotations on cattle: Onod to choice year ling beevea. I1O.OO0U.OO: good to choice weighty eornfed beeves, 110.00911. 00; fslr top good eornfed beeves. $8,714? 10.00: com mon to fair eornfed beeves, tO.K09a.7a: good to choice graaa beeves, 17.7501.00; fair to good graaa beevea, 14.7597.75; common to fair graaa beevea. 56.7690.75 good to choice helfera. tl.7697.06; good to chfTfce cows. 15.0097.60; fair to good cows. 56.76 90.60: common to fslr cows. 14.6046.76; good te cholcs feeders. 17.7696.26; fslr to good feeders, to.5097.76: common to fair feeders. 66.7695.50; good to choice stack ers. 57.(696.16: stock heifers, 56.2597.60: etork cows, 56.0096.60; stock calvea, 60.00 501.00; vesl cslves, 65.00910.00; beef bulls, stsgs. etc.. 56.6090.76; bologna bulla, 66.00 Representative eelee: BEEP STEERS, No. 4.,. 17... Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . . 1IJJ 0 10 ..I 13 6 16 (42 l 40 (( ( 10 7, I... ,,174 10 ,.711 I 06 ..703 7 20 ..1001 7 60 .. 117 I 40 1266 I 10 ..1051 .. Ill ..1120 .. 107 ..1145 I 00 II... 12... I... 14... 46.,. 21... 20... 31... I... 1... 1... 7 10 7 36 I 00 I 36 I II ..1415 ..1530 10 00 51 1261 II 10 ..1411 10 26 16 1466 II 10 CALVES. .. 316 I 60 I.. -Ill I 71 .. 2lt I 26 42 253 I 40 .. 310 I 60 1 170 I 00 .. 160 10 00 MONTANA. II calvea.. II! 1 26 21 cows 1166 Til Hogs A reaction, which set In at some of the other markala on yesterday's closes-was general at the opening this morning,, and the local trade waa generally lower from the outset. Pair shipper buying continued to feature the local trade, and aa they had to moot pretty stiff competition on any. thing desirable, packers paid prices that were nearly steady to In no cass over 6c lower for the beat kinds. Lee. desirable gredes were hardly so active, and looked as much ss 6910c lower, while the lighter kinds were draggy at any price aa a general thing. The market waa aa good one time aa another on hogs of desirable weights, but the plain, mixed t and light, klnda, which opened slow at 60 loo decllnee, got, If anything, worse as the day advanced, and eome on the close were a dime or more below Wednesday. A pretty fair clearance waa made by noon, but even then there were scattering loada of lights still in the pena, ' No. Av. Sh. Pr . No. Ar. ... II 16' '67. .161 41 ' I 40 10. .Ill ... I 60 II. .Ill ... I 10 II. .204 111 I 70 70.. 217 40 i I 71 15.. 110 ... 16 , 10.. 241 ..... I li 16. .171 Plan. Sh. Pr. . .... l II ... I 46 ... I 51 10 I 55 -130 I 72Vt 100 I 0 . 10 I to ... it v (6. .165 1..1II 100.174 S3. .Ill ii..m (6. .3(1 (5. .251 73. .147 104. 131 10 I 01 Nheep-t-Paekers bad their war on 'the close yesterday, and In the end the hulk ff the iamba sold at prlcea that were 36o lower than early. A very dealrable kind of eluff waa bought at 11.10911.26. Today with another big run, the trade showed mora life, and movement started In pretty good seaeon at figures that were fully atsady with the low spot yesterday, or around llo lower than Tueadar. Bulk of the real good Iamba sold at 111.11911.26. with a very de rent kind on down to 113.00, and soma In. between atuff under that. Old aheep, which held fully steady te, It anything, a little higher yesterday, were 11. m today. A pretty good kind of ewea sold at ll.109t.ll, with fair stuff on down. There have been no choice ewea here thla weel:, but something of uot the right aort ought to aell up to 15.16. Beat wsUlerg were ateadr at 11.11. Practically no year lings have been here this week, but judg. Ing by the way they are selling elaewhere good to choice klnda of handy weights are quotable at 110.00 9 10.60. Beet of the weighty kinds would sell downward from llo.ii.." The feeder supply was aa usual limited. tami nd continues good and prices are steadily moving up, two loada of light lambs that Just suited the buyer aelllnc at 113.10 today. This price, which la a quarter higher than waa ever before paid for anything to go to tha icountry hare, aela a new record for this market and te In all probability the highest price, ever paid for feeders at, any market In tble country. Vuotatlona en sheep and Iamba! Lambs, good la choice, I12.00tyl2.26; lambs, fair to good, 111.60912.00: lambe. cllDned. 11.75 410.76; lambe, feeders, 110.109 12.00; year' imga, good to cnoice. 1a.Te91e.5e; year lings, fair to good, 15.6091.36; yearlings, fveners. S7.OO91.00; welbera, fVr to choice. 57 6091.10; ewea. good to choice, 6.ort4y 115; ewes, fslr to good. 11.7697.10; ewea, plain to culls, 14.6091.26; ewea. feeding. 56.0097.00: ewea, breeders, aU agea, too No. ('.; , ' Av, 110 fed lambe.,. (I 117 fed lamb.. ....... I., 13 6' culla..,. 46 2jS fed Iamba 10 431 fed lambs El 111 fed lambs 01 Pr. li 00 13 40 I 00 11 76 13 60 11 00 CHICAGO LIVKMTOCK HARKKT. Cattle Htraog, Hogs Weak. Mheep Htrong. Chicago, Uec. 7--Catlle Receplta, I.0OU; market a trong; native beek cattle, 7.00t lit. 76; weatern steers, 37,00910.60; stock era and feeder, 4.07.6; cows and helf era, a.lft10.(t0; calves, 9.IO0U.'2t. Hogs Receipts, 6,000; market weak, -HVtostly 16 under yeuterday'a average. Bulk, .46tr 10.00; Uri-it, .0.9U; mixed, 19. 30 p; heavy, 9.66ty 10.20; rough, 9.66rt.7: high. f7.00(tS.SO. Mheeft Receipts 18,000; market strong: we i hers. $8. SO I, 26; ewea, I6.00VI.76: UmbSi 1.1012.86. " v Sieux Ctty Llv Stock Market. Sioux City, la., Dec. T. Cattle -Receipts. .600 head ; market for killers, steady ; s Lou k era, strong; beef steers, 19.00911.00; but chore. 37.00ttt.76; fat cows end helfera. I6.60fr6.00; cannera. $4.00v6.26; stockers and (coders, $&.60ft7.76; calves. 3.0098.&0; hulis, t.;, etc., 90.2606176; feeding oow and heifers. 4.0 1 7.36. Hogs-Kecelpts, 14,000 hesd; market hftltta lower; tights, 18.00Q9.36; ' mixed. $9.40(99.06; heavy, $9.70v9.90; pigs, l8.00p 6,34; bulk of sales, 69. 36 9. 86. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, TOO head ; market steady: fed muttons, 7.60fU.OO; Met here, 8.0Ott,6Q; ewea. 7.6Ov3.00; Aitibd, St. Loals Ure Bteck Market. , Ht. Louis, Mo., Dec,- L Cattle recepts. t.vooi native beef steers, I7.60w!1.70; year- llnga. steexa and heifers, 18.60011. 60; cows.;rocKera and feeders, ft. son J.7i; prime southern beef steers, I6.00 9.00: beef anuV helfera, I43S.T.60; prime yearling steers and heifers, t7.9O9.0 oa- live caive. fe.euctn.ia. Hogs-Recelpts, 20v: market ' lower; light. 99.60O10 00; ptgs, T (04l 00 mixed and butchers, It. 46 OH. 30; good Heavy; sunt. ll.ftO10.16. Sheep Receipts, 100. Market steady lambs, $7.60012.76; ewea, $3.7607.40; year lings, $6.0009.90. , - Si. Jesesh live gtock Market. St. JosMDh. Mo.. Dec 7. Cattle Reeelnta. 1.600 head; market 30Ol$o higher: steer, H. 60OH.60: cows and heifers, $4.6001000; calves, $4.00012.26. .Hogs Receipts, 2!. 000 head: market opening Htylfcc lower; top. fl.10; hvlk of sales. $19.00. Hheep and Lambs Recefpts, 1,600 head: market slow; lambs. $U.7(fl2.40; swea, $7.760$-$ . ; J . Dry tweeds Market. Xew Tork, Dec. 7. Omon goods were , 0.011, sod yarns were steady to firm today. , wotobers were,, less active, but did a very Sveidy trade. Wwo! goods were firnt. HEW YORK STOCKS Prices Yield One- to Three Points on Reports of Inter national Complications. IK LAST QUARTER HOUR New York, Vc, T. The mrkr Mtrume uscepllbillty to any abrupt rhantT In the international mtoation waa again airman.; exemplified today, prlcea yielding 1 to 3 pointa in the final hour on report Hufrrent Ing a renewal of the atraln between Waah Inrton and Berlin. Prior to that period the general lint had been active and atroriR, the only notable exception being In the metal group. The reamm for thin condition found partial ei planation later when dividend on the lead ing coppers were announced. While aome of theae disbursement, regular and extra, were In exeeiw of thone declared three month ago, theaggregtvte dividend of f.-fl on Utah proved disappointing. Utah registered an extreme decline of t2. wMh 3H for Chile, while Chile 7 per cenl bonds made an extreme, loaa of 6 pointa. Other moderately heavy atocks Included motor, sugar, some of the recently active utilities,, equipments and niilllttona. as well as marines. 1 On the constructive side the noteworthy feature was the further extensive demand for secondary or reorganized railway shares, especially Wheeling Iake Erie, Missouri Pacific, Rock Islands, Missouri, Kansas Texas, Texas VJ'aclflc, Toledo, 8t. IxUls 4V Western, Southwestern and Seaboard Air Line. Dealings In these slocks embraced oneV third of the day's business. Atlantic, Gulf A West Indies added an other ft1 points to Its recent rise at the new level of mk nd Owens Bottle Machinery also made a new maximum at 106, with ir regular gains In almost a score of other special tie. United States Steel waa less active 'ana succumbed to the pressure of the later deal ings closing at a net loss oi a poini. wnw share of the same description also forfeited galna of the forenoon with high grade rails like Reading, Union Pacific, Canadian Pa cific Lroulfivllle A Nashville and Illinois Central. , Total sales of stock,. 1,400,000 share. Honda wera heavy on the lower records established by Anglo-Krench hni American Foreign Securities -s and fart bs. tow sales of bonds, par valua, ,.7M0O. United States 2s advancea Wet ma and 4a U per cent on call. Number of sales and Quotations on leaaing stocks were: rf Sales. lWgh. J-ow. Close, 3.r0 T lOfi'4 106 V, 3,401) as 62tt -2 S40 78 77 77 1,000 11 8-K 0 116 J. 100 utvk 1)5 1,100 H7S 13 7,00 17,100 98 -K 6,100 ion v. lor 13,300 781, 7K 78 z.Sfte 86 88 84 Am. Beet Sugar. . American Can Am. car ft mury. Am, Locomotive. . , Am. Smelt A Rfng. Am. Sugar Rfng... , Am. Tel. Tel,.,, Am, Z. L. m Anaconda Copper,. a unison Baldwin torn. .... Balll, A Ohio Brook. Rapid Tran. B. st H. Conner. ... S 894 U Aft 10,000 73 71 72 3,800 U 27 U l.fiOO Mm 107 187 1 12.700 108 109 IS, 9 Of) 71 70 70 9,700 14 9H 93 8.100 12fU 1SS 126 Cal. Petroleum.... Canadian Pacific, . Central Leather. . . Cheea. A Ohio.... C, M. ft St. P t;. n. w C. R. I. A P. Ry. . !M0O v j.m vt 69 Chlno Copper 4,300 Colo. F. ft 1 3.-700 57 87 10 28 281T Corn Prod. Ring 42,000 Crucible Steel. . . . j T I . tiller's Bee u Titles 0,200 86 8! 43 Erie 02,200 39 87 28 General Electric... (Jt. No. Pfd H.,nn ma J.KU 180 2.400 1174 117 117 No. ore ('tis, , 2,400 44 43 43 -1.70ft 108 107 107 i.ono 18 17 18 1,300 10 SI 400 13 123 121 9,700 117 110 lift 900 IlVi. 37 27 Illinois Central,... Inter. Con. Corp.. Inspiration Copper Int. Harv.. N. J... T. M. II. pfd. .cefts. K C. H Kennocntt Conner . 10.800 Louis. A Nash 800 136 32 133 Max. Petroleum. Miami Copper... M., K, ft T. pfd MlMourl Pacific. MnniaMii Power.. 2.000 109 108 108 i 200 1,000 24 S3 22 JJ 30 30 108 l ' 08 08 31 T4 3044 21 National Lead 6,90ft Nevada Copper..,.. 11.400 N. T. .central. 1,800 108 107 107 N. T., N. II. ft if . Norfolk ft Western MAO &A 67V " 1,300 141 140 140 1,700 111 111 111 600 26 20 2 Northern Pacific , Pacific Mall Pao. Tel. ft Tal... 300 25 34 Pennsylvania 3.44 17 ft 5? 34 : Rsadlng 23.800 112 110 110 Rep. iron fieei, . i,ir a e, Shattuck Arts. Cop, 700 33 23 33 Southern Pacific... 4,100 100 99 99 Southern Railway. 70.800 35 31 31 Rtudebaker Co 7.100 111 119 110 Tenneseee copper 'Y Texaa Company... I.30O 308 206 zoft Union Pacific... x ll 147 148 146 Ind. Alcohol. 2.000 138 134 136 V. . Steel... .A.. 120,600 133 HkH 126 V. B. Steel Pfd.,. 3,300 132 121 121 mh Copper K700 1U0 123 123 Wabash Pfd, "B'. 9.700 32 3t 32 Western Union.... 1,900 103 102 102 Westing. Electric. 1,300 4 03 62 "Hid. r Total sales for the day, 1,400,000 eharfts. New York Money Market. New Tork, Dec.' T. Money On cal firm; high, 6 per cent; low, 3 per cent; ruling rata, 4 per cent; laat loan. 3 per cent; closing btd, 3 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time Loans Firm ; sixty and ninety daya and tlx months, ' 4 pnr cent. Prime Mercantile Paper 404 per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills 4.71 ; commercial elxty-day bills on banks, 14.71; commercial sixty-day bills, 84.711 demand, 14.76; cable. $1.76., Silver liar, T6; Mexican dollar, We. . Bonds Government, strong; raltroad, easier. U. 8. ret ts,reg.99K. O. So. r 6s. ..90 do coupon..,. .99L. ft N. un 4s. .96 U. 8. Ss, reg,...101M. K. ft T. 1st 4s. 17 flo coupon. ?..100'Mo. Pae. c 0a..l0" V. 8. 4s. reg.,.110 Mont. Power 6a. 99 do coupon. ...110N. T. C Is., ..11.1 Am. Smelt. 6a...lllN. T. Ctty 4a..U0 Am. Tel ft Tel, N. T., N, H. ft cv 4s 100 H. cv s ....,413 Anglo-French 6s .1,1 Nor, Pan. 4s 94 Atchison gen 4a.94Nor. Pan. 3a .,..ti7 H. ft O. 4s 81 Ore. 8. L. r 4s. ..93 Beth, steel r 6s. 109 Par. T ft T 6s. 100 Central Pac. lal .80Penn con 4s..l0S Che, ft Ohio cv Penn. gen 4s.,103 4s ,'.13neaaing gesi ...ut C, S. ft Q, J iif.O. & S. V. C. M. ft St. P. rer m si. ov &s 106 Bo. Pbo. cv 6a.. 104 C.. R. t. ft P. Ry. Po- f s...92 ref 4 .....7T Ho. Ry., 6 534 C. ft a, ref 4t84'l'nlon Pac. 4s ! D. ft R. O. 0 4a. 61 Union Pac. cv 4a 93 Rrle gen 4s T3IT. 8. Rubber s. 10114 Oen. Eleo 6s..106WtT. 8, Steel 6s 106 U Qt. Nor.lst 4s.l0fl West Union 4s..97 -lit, jeoirai r, or uanaaa 99 4u v. J, m, mi,i7ii -ma. London Stock Market. London. Iec. 7. Prloes oj American shares were the bright features. Missouri. Kansas Texas ana southern Pact tic were most prominent In the trading on the stock exunanga here todayf. flank' Clearings. Omaha, Dec. 7. Bank clearings for Oma ha today were $6,01,3O3.b$ and for the cor responding day last year, $8,619,133.66. Kansas City Uve Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo Deo. 7. Cattle Re ceipt. 3,609 head; market higher; prime fed steers, $10.60012-00; dressed beef steers, It.sooio.JC; westernv steers,; oow, $6.0008.60: heifers. $0.00010.60; ntockers and feeders, $6.6007.76; bulla, $6.3606.76; calvea. Ift.lOO 11.00. Hugs Receipt. 18,200 head: market low- l bulk, $9.60010.06: heavy. $9.96(910.10: packers and butchers, $9.76010.06; light,; pigs, t,eufi.o. Sheep Receipts, 3.600 head: market steady; lambs, 111.600 12.36: vearltnvR. $9.60 011 00; wethers, $8,0009.00 ewes. $7.60 O1-60. Cettoe. Morket. New Tork, Deo. 7. Cotton Futures opened steady: December offered 19.98c: January, 10.10c; March, 20.34c; May. 20.66c: July, $0.63c October. 18. 6 Sc. Futures closed unsettled ; December, 19.13c; January. 19.90c; March, 20.10c; May, 10.37o; July, 30.40c; October, 18.39c Spot cotton, quiet : middling uplands, 30.06c. Sales, 600 bales. The cotton market today closed easy at a net decline of 19 U 24 points. Liverpool, Doe. 7. Cotton Spot, Arm; good middling, 12. 39c; middling, 12.19c; tow miooung, ii.vjo. dates, 1,000 hales. Oil Savannah Oa., Deo. 7, Turpentlni Market firm, 49oi sales, 303 bblee; celpts, 336; shipments, 1,603; stock, 21,966. Kosin Market Iirm; sales, ),07 bbletv receipts 1207 ; shipments, 3,409 ; stock, 93 100. Quote: ABODE). $0 20; F. 6. i0 022: i. 18.2104-35; H, $.2606.3Q I, $0.30; K, $l.30O-40; M, $.40O60. N, fs.ioffv.ev; wu, si.ou; ww, (T.?0, Lira Stack In Sight. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. St. Louis .. Chicago . . . Kansas City Omaha , ... Omaha Total .... 4.300 18.000 6.(100 13,200 17.000 17.00 760 .. $.000 . 3.600 . . 0,600 , ... 6.000 18,000 3 600 lalooo 13,t00i ..:i,800 0,60(j 38,200 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Wheat Scores Sharp Advance, Following Big Boom in Export Demand. COEN IS QUITE ACTIVE Omaha, December 7. 1910. ah excellent cash demand for Wheat forced another sharp advance in the price of thle cereal today. The effect of the Increased export business wa seen In to day's market and wheat of all grades sold very readily at the advance In price. mere wa a fairly good inquiry on the part of the miller for durum and the bet ter grades of hard winter wheat and the bulk of the No. 2 hard went at $1.760 1.76. while No. 3 hard brought from $1.72 01-74. ' few cars of No. 4 hard wheat Hold at $1.7001. 73 and the off-grade samples were rather low seller, at prices ruling from $1.6601.07. The local demand far mm wu naif c. tlve and a good siirpplng demand waa a big help to the local cash situation. uorn soia on a much better bas s than It did yesterday and all grades of this ce real sold quite readily at prices ranging from 20 $c hlgh'ir. wnite corn agulu took the lead and sold at a slight premium over the ycjlow, while yellow sold at c advance over the mixed. Tne ton price of the day was 90c on No. No. 2 white corn and yellow corn of the am grade sold at 89089e and the mixed generally at c. , Mont or the corn samples, however, were In the No. 3 grade, the white bringing kb089c:. the yellow going st 89c and the mixed at 88089c. The oats market was comparatively auiet and prlcea ruled from 01c higher, with the bulk of the samples grading No. 3 white ajid selling at 63054o. The rye market was quiet on account of light receipts, but the demand was -very good, and the market sold from 0 1 higher. There was no barley sold and the mar ket was quoted nominally from unchanged 10 sc nigner. ' Clearances were, . wheat and flour eoual to 705.000 bushels; corn, 93,000 bushels; oats, oushels. iveriiool clone : Wheat unchanged to Id up; corn, 2d and 2d up. Primary wheat recelots were 1.481.000 buHhels, and shipments 1.747,000 bushels sgalnst receipts of 3.306.00abuahels. and shipments of 3,198.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1.104,000 boah s, and shipments 696.000 bushels ssalnst receipts of 928,000 bushels, and shipments of 270,000 kuahels last year, i-rimary oats recelots were 717.000 bush els, and shipments 1,024.000 bushels against receipts of g&i,ooo bushels, and shipments of 906,000 bushels last year. vAHLUT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn ftt ;nieago ,,,, 44 193 127 638 112 03 03 32 124 64 8, 74 49 II Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. Louts ... Winnipeg 1,139 The amies were reported today: Wheat No. 8 hard wtntort 3 pm 11 TfU oars, $1.70; J cars. $1.76; I car. $1.76. No. 2 hard winter: 3 nara. -li 76; K i- $1.74; 3 cars, $1.73; I cars, $1.73; S $-6 cars, $1.73. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.73; car. 31.70. Samnle. .hard winter: 1 $1.67; 1 car (very itmulty), $1.66. No. $ durum: car, 61-b. tost). $1.68. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, $1.76; 1 car. $1,74; 1 car, 11-7,1; 1 car, $1.73. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.72. RyeNo. 2: 1 cars. 31.43. No. 1: 1 par, $1.43; 2-6 car, $1.42. Ham pie; l car, Barley No. 1 feed: 1 car, $1.00. Corn No. 1 white: rCwrm. 90c: 3.6 c-r. 98c. No. 3 white: I car, 88c; 1 car, 9c; 1 car, 99c; 1 car, $8c. No. 4 hlte: 1 car. 89e. No. t yellow: 1 car. 89o; I cars, $9c. No. 3 yellow: $ -cars, 8 9c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. Ilt.! 1 . 88c. Sample yellow: 1 car, 89c.. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 89c. . No. 3 mixed; 1 car 89c; 0 cars, 88c; 13-6 cars, 88c. No. 4 mixed: 1 oar, 880. No. 5 mixed: 1 car. $8p. Sample mixed: 1 .car, 88c. Oats No. .3 white: 1 car. Mm 1 ur 53c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 64c. Sample white: 1 rar, 63c; I cars. B3c. r- Omaha Cash Pricn' n a... $1.7601.74; No. 3 hard, $1.7101.76; No. 4 hard, $1.0901.73; No. 3 spring. $1,730 183; No. $ spring, $1.8901.79; No. 2 durum. t-.iwi.v, mV, nut-urn, fi.xsji.7i. corn: No. 2 white, 8O90c: No. 1 white, xru 089c; NO. 4 White. 88 ft lie: Nn S whit. S70$$c; No. ( white. 87 0 $7e; No. $ yellow, 89089c; No. $ yellow, 8809c; No. 4 yellow, 3S 0 88c; No. 6 yellow, $7 OMc; No. t yellow. SOUeDSlUc! Nn 1 mixed, 88089c; No. t mixed, 88089?; No. 4 mixed. 8$08$; No. 6 mixed, 87 O 880; No. $ mixed, $0$7c. Oats: No. 3 lute, 64064a: standard. 64ieuu No. $ white, 63 0 64c; No. 4 white, 630 64c Barley : Malting, $1.06 0 1-1 ; No. 1 feed. 9OO$1.0$. Rye: No. J, $1.4201.43: No. 3, $1.4101.41. v - Omaha Futqrs Market. Sentiment In the wheat market la mnn bullish than It has been for some time and tho export demand is an Important factor In making higher nriees. 1 Whtuit inr) about 1c during the early (riding hours, but prom juai oeiore tne close caused a 3c bresk and the May option cloe5d,t $1.74, the low point of tho day. XT A good export business In corn wm re ported and since the clone yesterday 160,000 buntiels have been sold for export. Corn started out strong and gained about 2c, but followed wheat on the break. The oats market was very oulet and fol lowed the -other markets on the late de cline. i leoral range of options: Art. I Open. High. ) Iow. . Close. Yes. Wht T f Dec 1 70 1 70 170 V 70 170 May 1 77 1 78174 1 74 177 July 1 46 1 46143 1 43 146 Corn. 1 1 Deo. $9 91 S8j 88 89 May 911 91 90 90r91 July 90 91 89 I 89 90 Oats I l Uec. 621 62 621 63 62 May 681 60 6 I 66 6 ty Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 316 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Art. 1 Open. Hlgh. how.f Clotse. TgsT Wht ) I I I I ' Deo. 1 70 1 70 188 1 68 189 May 1 62 1 82 179 1 78 1KI July 1 61 1 62 148 1 48 160 Corn. Dec. 96094 96 91 92 93 May 96 94 93 92 96 July ,96 96 93 93 9i Oats.. Dec.) 64 64 62 I 63 64 May 69 69 67 67 68 July $6 60 6-4 64 66 Jan 27 46 27 46 SO 76 20 '76 27 $6 May 20 66 2$ 66 30 06 20 06 20 66 Lard. Jan. 1$ S$ 10 26 16 07 18 07 10 46 May 1$ 10 1$ 22 10 07 10 10 10 37, Ribs. Jan, 14 IS 14 16 IS 90 IS 93 14 20 May 14 37 14 37 14 17 14 $2 14 46 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, Dec. 7. Probable renewal of the difficulties between the United states and Germany had a bearish Influence on wheal today and emphasised weakness that result ed from a let up In domestic demand. The close was heavy, 1 to 3c net lownx. with May at $1.78 to 1.78. and July at $1.48 to 1.48. Other leading simples, too, all showed a setback corn. lo to 1: oats c to 1, and provisions, 23 o to $0. Although it was known long before noon that the German defense tor the slnkins of the Arabic presented a chance that the United States government waa to take different view of facts, wheat traders did not seem much Impressed with any sense of danger until the last fifteen minutes of the session. Then a Washington message saying that a bJagak with Germany over tha Arabic might occur at any time led to a selling drive in which prices crumpled rapidly. Apparent complete absence of fresh export business had been a previous source 01 oppression, wniuo was aided by roreoasts or large snipmenta rrom Austra lia, and by a talk of lack of adequate raim- ber of freight carriers on the North At- t .antic. Prospects that export buying, which since the first of the week had been on a big scale would continue yday, seemed bright at first, but dwindled to nothing In the end. Temporary advances In tho price of wheat accordingly xortnea the rule In the morning hours, and were haloed bv word that ships would be withdrawn from the Argentine trade, presumably for trips between North America ana Europe. Imrresaed country offerings put corn on the downgrade, together, with the weak ness of wheat. Rainy weather acted as only a. transclent offset. Oats gave way wlthother grain. Scarcity of cars tended to restrict demand from the seaboard, al - thoriigh exporters were, said to have dls puried or .240 0vO bushels. Provisions tell In response to a decline In the hog market. Packers were conspicu ous on the selling side. Chlcagos,Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. $1.$0; No. 3 red. nominal; No. 2 hard, nominal; No. 3 hard, $1.61. Corn: No. 2 yeiiow, 9609c; No. 4 yellow, 930 95c; No. 4 white. 4095c. Oats: No. 3 white. 6466lu: standard, nominal. Rye: No. 2, $1.4701-48. Barley, 95cO$l-2- Seeds: Timothy, $3.6005.60; clover. 313.000 it. ue. Provisions: Pork, $28.50; lurd, $16.370 10.42; ribs, $13.45012.96. Butter-j-Lower; creamery. 31 0:7'". Eggs Lower; receipts, 1,800 cases; first,, 37c: ordinary firsts. 36036c; at mark. cas4s Included, 32 0$7c. Potatoes Lower; receipts, 30 car: Mich igan, $1.6501.02; Wisconsin, $l.&0OI.0o; Minnesota and Dakota whites. $1.6601.00; Minnesota and Dakota Ohio. tl.&Ofe 1.65, Poultry Alive, higher; fowl, 16u; springs, 10c; turkeys, 18c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Varloas Leading , Com modi ilea. New Tork. Dec. 7. Flour Steady; spring patent, $9.1009.26; winter patents. $8.6001.80; winter straights, $8.2608.60. Wheat Spot, Irregular; No. 1 durum, $2.18; -No. 2 hard, $1.93: No. 1 northern Duluth, $2.04; No. 1 northern Manitoba. $2.00 t. o. b. New Tork. Corn Spot, easy : No. 2 yellow, 1 1 . db c. 1. f. New Tork, 10-day shipment. Oats -Spot, easy; standard, 61&$lc. Hay Easy; No. 1. $1.10; No. 2, $1.06: No. 3, 9 0o; shipping. 70 076c. lArd- weak ; middle west, ie.7iH?i6.J.u. Hop Steady: state, common to choice. 1310, 45060c; 1916, 8014c? Pacific coast, 1916, 13016c; 1916, 8011c. Hides Firm; Bogota, 44046c; Central America, 44c. Leather Kfrm; hem flock firsts, 67c; sec onds, 66c. Provisions Pork, unsettled ; mess, $31.50 32.00; family. $30.00033.00; short clear. $30.00032-00. Beef, steady; mess, $2H.00 23.60; family, $26.60027.00. Lard, weak; middle west, $10.70016.80. Tallow Quiet. Butter Unsettled: recelots. 4.448 tubs: creamery, 39 0 39c; firsts, 37038c; seconds, Eggs steady; receipts. 47 cases; fresh gathered, extra firsts, 48 O nc ; firsts, 4:s O &c refrigerator. oecla marks. iiic: refrigerator, seconds to first, 3032c. ineese masy; receipts, 3, id ooxes state, held, specials, 24 026c; same, aver age fancy, 24026c. poultry Live. steads: ch ckens. 17c: fowls, 1617c; turkeys. 14016c. Dressed, Irregular; chickens, 16029c; ft wis, 13021c; turxeys, isozbc. Kansas City General Market, Kansas City, Dec 7. Wheat No. 2 hard. $1,7701.84; No. 3 red, $1.7601 31; Decem ber. 11.74; May, $1.76. cent No. 3 mtxed, 90O9Ic; No. 2 white. 93092c; No. 2 yellow, 910$2c; uecemDer, loe; May, ioic- oats No.. 2 white, 67067c: No. 2 mlxedr 66066c , Butter Creamery, 42c; firsts, 39c; sec onds, 37c; packing, 28c. Eggs Firsts, 320. Poultry Hens, 16c;- roosters, 12c; live turkeys, 31c. MlnneapoUs Grain Market. Minneapolis. Dec. 7. Wheat December. $1.83; May, $1.88. Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.86 O1-90; No. 1 northern. $1.830 1.80; No. 2 northern, $).7s 0 1.84 . corn no. 3 yeiiow, xstpsFc. Oats No. 8 whlte,j 610"c. Flaxseed $2.88 O 2,94. Flour Unchanged. Barley 77cO$l. 12. Rye $1.410142. Bran $26.00027.00. St. Iaools Grain Market. St. Louis, Dec. 1 7. Wheat No. 2 red. $1.8601-87; No. 3 hard, $1.8201.82; De- cember $1.76; May, $1.77 Corw No. 3, 93c; No. 2 white, 960 96e; December, 93c; May, 93c. Oats No. I. 6606c; No. Z white, nominal. Uewpool Gram Market. Liverpool; Dec. 7. Wheat bpot. No. 2 hard winter, 16s $d; No. 1 Manitoba, old. 17s 7d. Corn Soot. American mixed, new, 13s lOd. Local Stocks and Bonds. v Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker A Co., 449-62 Omaha National bank building. STOCKS. Btd. Asked. Cudaby Packing Co. 7 pet pfd,. 104 109 Beatrice Cream Co. 7 pet. pfd.... 107 joo Deere A Co. pfd 96 96 Dannebrog Lodge Bldg 60 76 Fairmont Creamery Co. pfd 104 jos Oooch Mill. A Kiev. Co. 7 pet pfd. 99 100 Harding Cream Co. 7 pet pfd.. 99 Lincoln Tel. A .Tel. com. 7pct.. 97 100 Moline Flow Co. ls$ pfd 94 96 Omaha A C. B. Ry. A Bdg. pfd. 00' 06 Omaha A C B. St Ry. com... 46 00 Omaha Elec- Lt A P. -Co. pfd.. 82 87 Omaha Gas Co. pfd .'. -.7 80 Peters Mill Co. pet Tfd. . . ,, .100 101 Smith Form-a-Truck Co. pfd,.., 09 100 Swift Co ...139 140 Union Stock Tarda Co. $ pet.,.. 106 , 106 .06 i 106 00 100 BONDS Argentine Gov. Os, 1920.,,..,..l0i Armour A Co. 4s, 1031 94 94 Am. T. A IVnotes. 4s, 191$. .100 100 BoothCSt ixiunuu o, u. s, Vf ivi Chinese notes 97 98 Chicago Ry. 1st 6s, 1927 97 98 Denver Q. A Bleo. Lt Co. 6s, mi 9 la. Port Cement Co. 4s. 1922... 09 100 Kansas City Ry. 1st 6s, 1944.... 97 98 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. Ss, 193$.. 96 97 Omaha Gas Co. 6s.. 1917 9 98 Packard notes, 1919...; 99 99 Sprlngfd T. Ry. A P. Os, 1920-2S.100 101 Swift A Co, 6s. 1944 101 103 Wilson A CO. U, 1941 102 103 ' Coffee Market. New Tork. Dec 7. The market for coffee futures lost part of Us recent Improvement during today's trading under a renewal of scattering near-month liquidation and mod erate offerings from trade sources, which were taken to be against purcnases in ura- The opening was timet at a decline or one to two points and active months sold about 4 to 9 points net lower, witn iecem ber touching 8.03c and July 8.60c. Closing prices showed slight rallies on December but were at the lowest point of the day on the general list, and from 4 to 0 points net lower. Sales, 40,600 baghr December, 8.07c; January, 8.14c; Jebruary, $.21c; March, 8.2lc: Anrtl. 8.3cNMav. 8.44c: June. 8.61c: July, 8.69c; August, 806c; September, $.70a; October, 8.76c; November, s.soc. Snot dun: Klo7s, vttci Pantos is. idkc. Cost and freight offers from Santos were reported unchanged to 6 pointa lower, with quotations ranging from about $.90 to 10 points for 4s, London credits. The official cables reported a decline of 60 to 76 rels In Santos futures end an ad vance of 1-1-tid in the rate of Rio exchange on London. Hay Market. Omaha, Dec. . Hay Receipts, steady ; demand fair, prices unchanged. Choice up land prairie, oil, 00O--.Q0; No. 1 upland prairie, $10.0$O10.60; No. 2 upland prairie, $8.6009.60; No. $ upland prairie, $6,600 ''.60; No. 1 midland prairie, $10.00010-60; No. 2 midland prairie, $7.6009.60; No. 1 lowland prairie, $0.6007.60; No. 3 lowland, $4.4)00 6. SO; No. 8 lowland prairie, $3,6004.60. Airai ra cnoice. si 7 . bu ; mo. 1. 3 1 &. 60 10.60; standard. $12.00016.00; No. Z, $11.00 O13.00; no. I, 11U.OOOU.QO. Oat straw. $7.0007.60; wheat atraw, $6.00 0&9. United Improvers Now Have Two Men As Club Secretaries M. J. Greevy, secretary" of he United Improvement clubs, declines to relinquish his position or turn the records of the organization over to rred B. Martin, who was elected Wednesday evening to succeed Mr. Greevy. "I was elected secretary to serve until June 7, 1917, and the action of the club Wednesday evening was not regular. The vote to oust me was made by three of twelve clubs affili ating with' the United Improvement clubs, these three clubs being known as K. B. Howell clubs. Back of the action to oust me is the charge that I worked for the five-year street lighting contract, which I did and had the right. I am going to serve as secretary of the club until my term shall have ended next June," said Mr. Greevy. Mr. Martin intends to serve as sec retary, which will give the UnHed Improvement clubs two secretaries. JITNEY TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 LARGE LOANS ON' STOCKS OF FOOD One Chicago Bank Lends Mil lion and Hall on Cold Stor age Warehouse Receipts. PACKERS WILL TESTIFY Chicago, Dec. 7. Federal officials investigating increases in food prices were prepared today to continue their examination of Chicago bankers. A preliminary investigation revealing that one bank had loaned more than 1,500,000 on warehouse receipts will result in an effort to determine just how much money is advanced for the purpose of a Wing commission brok ers in holding foods from the mar ket, i Complaints Have been 'made to Charles F. Clyne, United States dis trict attorney, that if it were not for the money loaned, the storage men could not keep food products in stor age long enough for a scarcity to be created. i jT Representatives ot the packing Wrms at the Union Stock yards also have been subpoenaed and will be questioned, possibly today. Kwaporated Apples and Dried Fruit. New York, Dec. 7y Evaporated Apples Dull; fancy, 9c ; choice, 8 0c; prime, 71. 07 c. . Dried Fruit Prunes, firm; California. 7 0 10 c ; Oregon. 7 O 7 c. Apricots, light; choice. 15O10c; extra choice, lic; fancy, 1617c. Peaches, firm; choice. 708c;- extra choice, 80Xc; fancy, .100 10c, RslslnB. oulet; choice to fancy. seeded, 10O10c; seedless, 1012c; London layer, $1.80. Nuffar Market. Nw York, Dec. i. ug;ar Raw, firm; centrifugal, 6.69c; molasses, 4.82c. Refined, steady; fine granulated, 7.30c. Sugar futures opened easier under scat 1p red December liquidation by trade Interests and selling by commission houses. At noon prices were I to 10 points lower. o o o o Dimes Grow Into Dollars More fortunes have been made in the Oklahoma Oil Fields in a shorter time than in any other oil field. The biggest buy right now is Sequoyah (S e e-k w ti 1 a h) -OffloieHy Llete and Traded in on th. flaw Yerk Cirfr-- which owns and leases 6,000 acres of the richest oil lands in Okla homa. It is now earning more than 3P and paying 12. Earnings are quickly and steadily increas . ing. Dividend is sure to go up. Larger dividends mean higher prices. Buy turn before the rise. Be sure to ask for Circular! F-18 Why not tend far ft NOW? E. A. FERRON COMPANY TOCKB HHB BONOS Wt Bui mi Sett All Seamf S20.M . U alls SStrMt, Chtoago New Yeft Lea Jhiajelee o O O O AMUSEMENTS. " THE BEST OF, VAUDEVILLE D.Ur Mai, 2:1S. Nlfht, 8il. ' Thla Week. JliTA MARIO AND .Hh,'R ORl'HESTRA; 64MB. CHIiaON-OIIRMAX; 41.LAN U1NKHART A 00.; AMB8 WINTHROI': ItunDar uia Ttnw u.nue.; Ntdtmld'a Babooei: Belief Stater.; Orpbaum Tranl u.i. u .. hII.h kHt lapnt Rain,. Oar and Sunday). SVtcl Nulita, 10c. ?Sc. 60c. '6c- ; "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" -rf. a ijfTxr""' Mate.. i5-!5-SOe. Cast times today gjj i J . Musical I mix's mio-niie Hiamens BuH..qu. Temerrow (Saturday) and Week AL. REEVES' BEAUTY SHOW 1 Md if' Pirn 'w v r V EMPRESS DAY Ceaar Riteli Otte Koahrner e C. Robrneon 41 Romaine NORA AND SYDNEY KELLOG "Th. WarM and lh. Woman ' s in S acta Crarnf Mac day Ch.rii. Cbepltn mmm W n Always 10c AdmUslen HlPaP Whee We Have . Eatraordinary Featuru TODAY AND SATURDAY OWEN MOORE and MARGUERITE COURTOT, in ' "THE KISS" A PUy k Which the Aeraplaa. and th. Kia. Shar. Honor. ( JUNE CAPRICE . r ine Miscnier maKer i fb t7" v Comedy of BoardingJSchool Life, With A Few 'I S j? Dramatic Moments Thrown in For U4" V ! J Good Measure ' ( You'll laugh at the "midnight frolics" of the negligee 8 fj i "1 Kar'e' yunS ladies where joy reigned supreme until , V checked by the non too beautiful preceptress. I Jjf Of course June gets into all kinds of trouble, even elop- I Jjl ing with a handsome chap she never saw before, but everything turns out O. K. in the end, for it seems this is the lad her mother and father wanted her to marry in the first place. ' I We also have comedies galore and the Strand Orchestra Til will be on tap with some tuneful musical selections. TT III li . i Sunday comes a story of microscopes and love called' Til "The Microscope Mystery", and a good one, too. "' IUI MDEH a 6 T? DO0GE FOR FRIDAY ONLY 200 All Styles Black and Colors We Are With Trusts and Our aim it to give the people thjeighest quality mer chandise at the lowest possible price. READ THESE PRICES 48-lb. sacks Best High Grade Diamond H Flour, nothing finer, per 48-!b. Bsck. st .$2.25 18 lbs. Best Pure Csne Granulated Sugar for $1.00 7 lb. Best White or Yellow Com meal 19c 1 0 bare Beat-Em-All. Diamond C or Swift's Pride Laundry Soap 25c La France Laundry Tablets or Sstina, per pkg., at. . . . 5c No. 2 cans Early June Peas 10c No. 8 cans Solid Packed Tomatoes, 12VjC pic inner' Famous Macaroni, Vermicelli Spaghetti; made in Omaha by Omaha people, per pkg 7ViC 6 lbs. Choice Japan Rice. 7c quality, at 25c Advo Jeli or Jello, for dessert, pkg. .8V3c Kamo Assorted Soaps, can S'ae R cans Oil Sardines 25c Baker's Chocolate, -lb. pkg ...... 18c MacLaren'e Peanut Butter, lb .lZVic Large bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles, assorted kinds, Horseradish or Prepared Mustard, per bottle, at . . .8'sc 16'OX, cans Condensed Milk 10c 32-ox. jars Pure Fruit Preserves .... 25c 2 8 -oi. jars Pure Strained Honey.... 30c Breakfast Cocoa, per lb 20c Baker's Shredded Cocosnut, can 10c The Best Tea Siftingsper lb. . . . .12'2c inri . . r" i n l me urea ica 1 i i&u iviarivci Fresh Fish Fresh Herring, per lb..., Fresh Sunfish, per lb Fresh Halibut, per lb Freeh Salmon, per lb.... Fresh Trout, per lb Fresh Codfish, per lb...'... Fresh Pike, per lb j 7V,e 7V,c ..19c 15c I7V8c I2'sC 15c 12',c it rays iki haiulh s rmat it rav m ' Phone Tyler 1000 A competent Ad Taker will help ii write your Want Ad if you so desire. Rate, 1 cent rword. you per AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLITAN CLUB. 2301 Harney Street "FRANCES NASH" Piano Recital Sunday, Dec. 10th t 4 o'Clock Single Tickets, $1.00 A Very Limited Number of . Balcony Seats, 50c Phone Douflaa 4419. mjarv.4r.vp Firet Showing rlaeijjllw Paramount Picturea , "The Martyrdom of Philip Strong" with Robert Conness and Mabel Trunnelle SUNDAY AND MONDAY Return Eaf.tem.nt by Popular Demand Jack Pick-ford and Louiae Huff "SEVENTEEN" lliniw . Offering for Your Approval and Consideration DOUGLAS STREETS From lto3 P.M. t Trimmed Hats Worth o $5.00 $ You .To Fightvthe Combinations Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lh 20c The Best Strictly Fresh Egs, doz. . .38c The Best Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, bulk, per lb 40c The Best No, 1 Country Creamery But- i ter, per lb 38c y The Best No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, per lb., at 36c Fancy Table Butterine, equal to Cream ery Butter, per lb 28c The Best Full Cream, New York White. Young America or Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb 30c' Full Cream or Brick ChWse. lb 30c FLORIDA CRAPE FRUIT SALE FRIDAY A Carload of Extra Fancy-Florida Bright, Sweet- and Juicy Grape Fruit. Friday Special, each 5c ! Six for 25c HIGHLAND NAVELS - THE ORANGE OF QUALITY (Friday, per dozen. .. .20c, 25c, 30c, 35c Fresh Vegetables, Shipped Direct From tbe South for Hayden Bros. Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Shal lots, per bunch 5c Radishes, per bunch 4c The Best Cooking Potatoes, peck.... 45c S heads Fresh Leaf lettuce 10c Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Parsnips, per lb., at 2c Red Onions, per lb.. 4c . r i e .i n in viuana lur uie i cupic for Friday FreBh Flounders, per lb I2V"jC Fresh Bull Heads, per lb 17V2c Fresh White Fish, per lb 15c Fresh Black Bass, per lb 20c Fresh Croppies, per lb 12Vic Fresh F.els, per lb 7Vt Fresh Oysters, solid meat, no water added, per quart ...,40c AMUSEMENT. THERE'S A PLACE FOR "U" IN THEATER- Friday and Saturday Theda Biira in ? "THE VIXEN" A Story in Which Passion for Power Ends in Defeat. Hear Prof. Koehle in Organ Concerts Supreme Admissioi? 10c Open 11 A. M. to 11 P M. Daily. I 1