1 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1916. 18 LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceipts Large, Prices Steady to Higher Sheep and Lambs Higher. HOGS STEADY TO STEONO Omaha. December 1. Receipt were Official Mondsy ... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ..13.142 14.42& 19,740 .. m:i .. 1,7(3 22,114 JJ.621 1T.S11 i.ioj Holiday Thursday Kattroata Friday 5.000 Five daya this week ..31.646 Same daya lat week. .41.306 Same daya 3 wka .iO.41.7tl Same daya 1 wka. uo. 26,332 Pame days 4 wka. ago. 42.812 Same daya lait year.. 27.022 n.ooo fiK.420 69,675 17.383 38. Ill 42.262 37,310 13.871 S4.621 73,774 66,669 1.663 1,497 HecelpU and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Tarda. Omaha, for twenty four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CABS. Cattle. Hogs. She.p H'rs. C. M. St. P Wabash Missouri Pacific... Union Pacific C. as N. W., east.. C. A N. W.. weal.. C St. P.. M. A O. C, B. at Q., east.. C B. 4 .. west.. C., R. I. P.. east C, B. I. P. west Illinois Central Chicago Ot West. "TTotal receipts...! 8 12 1 .. 13 1 65 29 20 1 3 3 15 28 I 1 9 3 4 2 7 1 78 25 6 28 S 'i 6 !! i 190 14 38' 6 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ' TLIn.H. aV Co " 1.181 1.271 Swift t Co 1,1.1 Cudahy Packing Co.... 393 Armour 4c Co M Schwartz ft Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co.. 10 Cudahy, Kansas City... 43 Benton, Vansant ft Lush 100 2.994 3,182 3.418 913 37 3,730 27 2.181 r. B. 1-ewls 1. B. Boot ft Co J. H. Bulla Koaenstock Bros Vferthelmer ft Degen.. M. r. Hamilton . Sullivan Bros Rothschild ft Krebs. . Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.. Christie Hlggiaa Huffman Baker ' John Harvey Jensen ft Lungren... 71 92 97 522 123 16 . 14 92 1 1 4 10 1 . 95 6 394 Other buyers Ml ' .... !," Total .......6,710 13,773 7.118 ' Cattle Rsoelpt were very large tor a Friday, lit car being reported in, but for the week receipt show a falling off of 30,000 head a compared with one and two weeks ago, and are the smallest for a good many week back, although a mil, larger than a year ago. ' The demand for beef steers waa active and prices were teady to stronger and ta soma eases posslMy . as much a 10c higher. . Good western Vow were alas steady to stronger but stalk :ield cows wars no better than yesterday. Qood atockers and feeders war In active demand at strong prices. Oiuitattnna on oattlet Good to CttalO Oorn- fett beeves, 19.76011.00: good to choice weighty beeves. $9.(0010.11; fair la good corn fed bee res, I,M6I.H; common to fair corafed beeves. It. 1008. 69; good to choice grasa beeves, $7.7508.69: fair to good grass beeves, Il.7l97.7li common to fair graas beeves. $6.7606.76; good to choice heifers. itudl.M! wood to ehotce cows, 6.IO07.t(; (air to good cow. 16.7106.60; common to lair eowa, t.i.is, era. $7.60 01.00: fair to good leaders; II.710 7.60: common to fair feeders, $6.OO0.76; good te choloa stackers, '0OJ;0Jiock helfera, ll..0(7.1l Mock cows, 8.OO0$.$O; stock calvea. $6.09 0 6.00; veal selves. 18.80 010.80; beef bulla, stag. sto lt.M0f.l9 Bologna bulla $6.1006.60. . Representative aalea: BEEF STBERS. tie. Av. Pr. No. t 668 It 19... . 1071 I 10 ' 4... Av. Pr. 31T $6 71 61 7 It 27 1080 I 40 ... ..1131 I 10 76 4 It I 80 II 1 is 1 is II. ....1341 9 SO as.l, COWS. ....'ttl 4 fl It... .... 931 I 7 .,..1041 4 10 I... : BOLLS. ...ilSOt III ,.1174 .. 103 .. 710 ,, 1(1 ..1411 ..1130 H.. .. 4.. It.;. 1... ... ...1870 I M " .. ...1I2 71 , ' - Hogs-tarlr ' satlmltsa placed' the hog .niv at 168 cars, or 11,000 bead. This . -,t.ii. ttim smallest of the week to date, Is tolerably liberal tor a Friday. The total for the- week so far la 66.410. and despits the faot that there was no market v.t.rrf.v thia is only 4,000 smslter than laat week, while It I I.OOt heavier than Iwo week ago and 81.000 larger than a year ago. . In point of weight the run we one of the lightest In a long Urns. Oood heavy hogs were very scarce, and llghte mads up ; a bigger percentage of the offerings than at any previous time this season. Packers who have been complaining that the light hog are telling miner nere loan ai ear ....... Mint m the man tried hard to buy hogs lower this morning. In spite of the faol that other market reported, a tronger ten dency. About all the good thslr elfort to get. price down did waa to allow snippet to get what hogs they wanted on about a toady basis, tor before tbey were able to till any order killer had te give fully toady price, the trade one under way, is anvthlne. atronaer. 1 ' The best time of the day waa toward the close, but most of the packers got filled un before a clearance wa made and the extreme finish waa alow. The only buyer that we left at thie time wanted weighty hogs, and as lsat trains brought nothing but lights, these along with some early arrivals that had tailed to una a auyer, mm till In the nana at a late hour. Compared with the average market two daya ago, today trade waa generally stronger, though the same unevennes that has featured the trade for weeks made It hard to find two traders that agreed on this quotation. Bulk of the offerings landed at $9.4009.80, with a sprinkling of lights 00 down, and best aeavies as ana aa ...... , Representative sales; No. AV. 1..141 0..121 3..I23 7..13l 1..J61 8h. Pr. ... so ... I 46 II I 66 ... I 46 ... Ill No. Av. Sh. Pr. 117.. 171 40 It 41 84. .101 , ... I 60 71. .840 19 I 80 16.1401 II I 71 II. .171 ... I II PIGS. 13 124 .1 IS Sheen 4heep and lamb receipta were of very respectable proportion for a Friday, aomething like thirty-two loads, or 7,700 head, being reported In, The total for the Ave daya la 63,871 head, as compared with 64,821 laat week, 73,744 two week ago and 1,497 last year. Packers certainly wanted lambs badly this moraine, the market opening active and anyhow 16e higher than Wedneeday, Values were the highest In the history of the yards for thia time of year, bulk or the good corafed lambs selling at 111.00013.36, with . wheat fields upwards from 111.71, and host at 118.00. Before the close advance of more than a quarter were noted, and the yard record, 112.36. was equaled. Current values arc anywsy 10015c to In some Instance aa . much as 36o hlghsr than a week ago, when best lamb were bringing 111.16. Ocly a few fat sheep were on offer, and these aold fully 16o to possibly a quarter ; higher. A pretty good kind of ewe brought ; 17.90. Real deelrabie ewee are safely quot able high at $8.10. Kwes have made up practically the entire supply of maturs stock this week, and show a net advance of something like 100 160 over a week ago. the trade having followed the course of the fat lamb market right through. Yearllnga and wethers have been lacking, and quota tions are lust a matter of guoss work. ' Whst feeder were here were In urgent demand, and eome 1603(0 higher than Wednesdsy. A new reoord of 111.31 waa 'established on desirable feeding lamba. prices being around 26c hlghsr than a week aae. Out of a two-load ahlpment of ewes one ear went as breeders at 17.16, the other ; load selling at 16.25. feeding ewes have . Deua moving up light along, and are eiuarter or more higher than a week ere. As high at $4.71 Is quotable on atrlctly feeding owes, and stuff that Is little more - than feeder stock, but Is being bought for breeding 1 selling on up to 87.se. Uuotatlono on Sheep and Lambs Lamba, good 10 choice. 112.00012.21; lambs, fair le good. 111.60 0 12.00: lambs, clipped, 11.76 0l.tf(; Ismbs, feeders, 110.00011. 26; year. Unge, good le choice. 19.00 0 10.00: year ' tings, (sir to good. 17.7501.76; yearlings, . leaders. $7.9008.09; wethers, fslr to choice, 17.SW0I.76; ewes, good to choice. $7.7(0 1,10; ewes, fair to good. 11.7607.75; ewes. plain to culls. 14.(006.26; ewes, feeding. 16 0001.71; ewes, breeders, all ages, 16.00 trs 't. , ... , 262 fed lambs 212 fed Ismbs 211 fed Ismbs - 342 fed Ismbs -.30 fed Ismbs . Ut fud lam be . o ,. 70 111 10 12 26 12 36 It 26 13 16 13 II 17 87 77 t 67 13 26 12 36 12 36 12 36 11 00 100 fed lambs 67 14 fed lambs 60 CHICAGO I.IVB STOCK MARKET. Cattle, Finn: Hogs, Weak; Sheep Strong. Chicago. Dec. 1. Cattle Receipts. 10,000 head; market firm; native beef cattle, 17,00 113.00; western steers. 17.fl0tplO.60; storkers and feeders, $4,6047.76; cows and heifers, 33.904ylO.O0; calves, 99.76913.60. Hogs Receipts, 42,000 head: market weak at 10c to 16c above Wednesday's aver age; bulk of ssles. 19.0099.80; light, 98.400 9.60; mixed. Il.00ty9.90; heavy, I9.36O9.90; rough. 19.3609.60; pigs. Il.264jl.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 11,000 head; market strong; wethers, 89.2699.10; ewes, 34.7609.10; lambs. I 906 12 70. St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis, Dec. 1. Cattle Receipts, 8.300 head; market lower; native beef steers, $7.60 011.76; yearling steers and heifers, II.60C 0.60; cows, 86.6007.76; stockers and feed ers, $5.6007.60; prime southern beet steers $8.0009.00; beef cows and Deirers, 4.Z649 .60: prime yearling steers and neirers. .6009.00; native calves. $6.00013.00. Hoe. Receipts. 13,700 head; msrket higher; light. $9.2609.80: pigs. $7.0008.60: mlied and butchers. $9.10010.00; good heavy, $9.90010.00; bulk of sales, 89.300 85. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,110 head; market higher; lambs, $7.60012.60; ewes, $3.7607.60; yearlings, $8.00010.00. Kansas City Live sleek Market. Ksnss City, Mo., Dec. 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000 head; msrket steady to strong: prime fed sleers, $10.60012.70; dressed beef steers, $7.50010.26; western steers. 6.60010.26; cows, $1.76 0 8.60; heifers. $6.00 010.25; storkers and feeders, no trading; bulls, $5.2608.76; calvea. $7.00 011.26. Hugs Receipts, 12.000 head; market higher; bulk of sales, $9.2609.76; heavy, 89.6509.90; packers and butchers, $9,600 80; light, $9.1609.60; pigs $.7bWS.Zb. Hhoep and Iinbs Receipts, 2,200 head; market higher; lambs, $11,50012.36; year- ngs, $8.76010.00; wothera. $7.5008.76: ewes, $7.0008.00. Statu; City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, Is., Dec. 1. Cattle Receipts. 000 head: market for klllera etrong, stock ers steady: beef steers, $9.00 011.00; butch ers. $6.6008.50; fat cows and heifers, $6,500 60; cannera. $4.0005:00; stockers ana teen ers, $6.2607.26: calves, $6.00 0 8.00; ,bu!ls. stsgs, eto., $6.2606.60; feeding cow and helfera, 34.60 0 6.50. Hogs Receipta, i.boo Dead; market steady; lights, $8.7609.30: mixed. $9,360 to; neavy, .socp.s6; pig, si, outs.. zd. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 70O head: market steady; fed muttons, 17,11(8)1.71: wethers, $7.7 6 0 8.60; awes, $7.00 0 7.75; lamb, $10.00013.06, St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph. Dec. 1. Cattle Receipts, 400 head: market stssdy; steers. $8.76010.75: cows and helftr, $1.2(09,76; calves, $7,000 11 25. Hogs Receipts, 1,200 head; market stssdy to 10c higher; top, ((; bulk of sales, $9.1609.76. Sheen and Lambs Receipt. 1,500 head; market strong to 10c hlghsr; lambs, $11.(00 13.36; ewes, $7.0007.76. ' ' toffee Market. New York, Dec. 1. The market for coffee futures was compsratlvely aulet today but the somewhat steadier tone noted since the volume of near-month liquidation aubaided toward the end of the last week, waa again In evidence. After opening unchanged to two . points 1 higbsr, some of lbs active month worked up to a point or two with March celling at 8.370 and July at 8.840, but there was hardly demand enough fully to luatatn price, although offering were light and the do, waa a ehade off from the best, net unchanged to two points high- Sales 12,000. December, 8. 09c; Janu ary, t.lao; February, 1.38c; March. 8.14c: April, 1.42c; Mar, l.49o; June, 8. 6 to; July, t.ilc; August. 8.67c ; September, 1.710; Oc tober, 7.78c; November, 8.81c Snot, quiet. Rio 7 s, 914: - Santo 4', 108$. Cost and freight offera were reported about unchanged over the holiday ranging around loo. for Bantoa 4', London credit. The orrieta cable reported an advanoe of $0 ret at Rio and 16 to 60 rel In Santo future. Clearances of 87,000 bege from Santos for Now Orleans and 47,000 for New York served: to offset further talk of scarcer freight room and firmer rates. New Tork, Ieo. 1. Cottorj Futuis December, none; January,' SQ.7$c; May, SO. 60c; July, opened steady! 30. 48o i March, 30.06c. The eotton market today closed steady at a net decline of five to twenty-five points; present crop deliveries being 21 to 2$ points aat lower. Liverpool. Dae. I.- Cotton -Spot, firmer: good middling, U.31o; middling. 11.31e; low mmaung, ije.uic! aaioa, o.vuo Dales. spot cotton, quiet; middling uplands. J0.30o; sales, S8,30f bales. Metal Market, New Tork. Dec. 1. Metal Lead. $7,200 $7.60; spelter, firm; spot Bast at. Louts de livery, 121.01840. copper Firm: electrolytic, first Quarter. $34.00; second quarter, $33.60038.60. iron, firm; No. 1 northern. $28.00028.60: No. 2, $27.60028.00: No. 1 southern, $37.60 sszb.vo; no. z, laT.ooo-jT.nO. Tin, firm; spot, 146.00046.80, At London Spot copper. 1161: futures. 1143; electrolytic. U70: spot tin. 100 6a: futures,- 162 6s; lead, 30 30s; spelter, 6$ 10s. 1 Oils and Itosla. fTavannah. Oa, Deo. 1. Turnentlne Mirket firm, 48 4 0 00c; sales, 463 bbla.; receipts, 301, bbls.; shipments, 21! 6 bbjs.t stock, 23,126 bbls. , ' Hosin Firm: an lei. 1.5ft 1 bbls.: Receiots. 420 bbls.; ahtpments, 1,273 bbls.; stock, 00,131 bbls. Quotations; A, B. $0.2000.30; 1) JS, lt.3G06.8O: F. 8.80: G. $0,200 0.324; H, $0.27 4 0 6.36; I, $0.3000.40; K, $6.4008.46; M, $6.6600.00; N, l-.7O0S.IO; WO, $7.00i WW, $7.30. Sugar Market. New Tork, Dec, 1, Sugar Raw. steady: centrifugal, 8. 04c; molasses, 4.77o; refined, steady; fine granulated, 7.60c. Sugar futurea were firmer on covering and buying for out side account. At noon prices were 2 to 8 points higher. FLATTERY COUCHED IN PUNS Sheridan'i Famous Compliment and An Anonymous une to ' Britain Beauty. A recent writer, recallinsr famous compliments to famous beauties, in cluded punning tributes to distin guished British belles. It was Sheri dan who, when the charming Miss fayne inquired solicitously concern ing his health, replied with the gal lant couplet: lis true 1 am ill, but cannot com plain. For he never knew pleasure who never knew Payne. The author of the other verse is unknown, but it was addressed to Miss Isabella Poyntz, a lady so beau tiful and popular that tt was a stand ing joke in her family to inauire. when the mail was delivered, "Where is Isabella's proposal?" If Isabella repudiated the receipt of any such interesting missive, her brothers feigned the greatest astonishment; if, as irequently Happened, she main tained a blushing silence, they did not miss the opportunity for teasing. ne nnaiiy married the earl of Exeter. It was a brilliant match for her,' and, in the social sense, a suitable one for him, but since he was the son of the artist-earl who married a village girl, it is probable the suitability lie had in mind was of a better kind. His romantic father, who went awooing incognito, and his lovely mother, Sarah Hoggins whose unpoetic Tennyson was care ful not to mention when he celebrated their courtship in his ballad "The Lord of Burleigh" must surely have transmitted to their heir their own unworldly temperament Miss Poynti, an exquisite blonde, was still young, fair and flower-like when she accepted the earl, but she already rejected so many eligible suitors that some so ciety versifier put a punning compli ment into the mouth of Cupid him self: . "Men arm against my shafts in vain That pierce all armor's joints But Isabel with gay disdain Outdares them, Poynta for points 1" Youth's Companion. 344 fed lamha 164 fed Ismbs 311 fed lambs GRAIN ANHRODUCE Cash Trade in Wheat and Corn is Dull Receipts Very Heavy. MILLING DEMAND DECLINES Omahtv Doc 1, ltll. Orin rMfllpta were Terr hry today, but th cub trd In wbaat and corn wu very dull, with both of the mmrkati MlUnff from unrhanKfttl to lc lower. The demand for whfiat wu vry poor and a lanre part of the amplM were held over (or Saturday-'! mar ket. The tuual mill In demand waa not In I rlMiM .a... nn (a niton there had been DO I durum wheat aold. There waa practically no mand for the poorer grades of wheat and the few rara of No. 2 hard that were aold brought 11.71 Ol. 73, while No. 3 hard aold around 1.70tfl.7G4. Cert, generally eold on a decline and qufeL A few of the trader held their atuff over In the hope of getting better piicee. Most of the corn being received at preaent li of comparatively good quality and the alee today were made up mostly of the commercial grades. White corn aold at a lc premium over the other varieties, the mixed and yellow selling generally at 89$ 6c. Oats receipta were very good and this cereal seemed to be, the best seller on the list The trade In -oats waa brisk and prices rulaMt from unchanged to c above Wednes day's market. There was an active trade In rye and bar ley, with prices remaining practically un changed. Clearancea were, wheat and flour equal to 141.000 bushels; corn, 1,000 bushels; oats. lit. ooo Dusheis. Liverpool close: Wheat, 2d higher; corn fed lower. Primary wheat receipts were 2,2X0,000 bushels, and shipments 1,021,000 bushels against receipts of 2,110,000 bushels, and shipments of 1,221,000 bushels laat year. Primary com receipts were 1,014.000 bush els, and shipments 041,000 bushels against receipts of 702,000 bushels, and shipments of 401,000 bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were 1.122,000 bush els, and shlpmenta 174,000 buahels against receipts of 030,000 bushels, and shipments of 001,000 bushels last year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Com. 117 Oati. 200 Chicago 80 Minneapolis 704 uuiutn 145 Omaha , 101 180 103 83 Kansas City ...,.115 HI. Loull . Winnipeg . , ....130 ...1,00$ Thee sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: I cars, $1.72; 4 cars, ll.Tltt; I cars, $1.71. No. S hard win ter: 1 car (dark), $1.12; 2 cars, $L71tt; 1 car, $1,704; 2 cars; l,7t 2 cars, tl.9. No. 2 spring! 1 car, $1.73. No. 2 durum: 1 car, $1,76. No. 2 durum, mixed : I car, $1.76. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.00. Rye No. 2: 2 cars, $1.44. No. t: S cars, $1.41. No. 4: 1 car, $1.42. Barley No. 2: 1 car, $1.1$. No. 4: 1 car, $1.07. No. 1 feed: 1 car, $1.04. Corn Ne, 2 white, 10 cars, 85Vic; 1 car, 16c. No. 4 white. 1 car. 80c: 1 car. 84Uo: 1 car, 84c, No. I white, 1 oar, Mc. No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 8S4c; 1 car, 88a, No. 3 yellow, 8 cars, 84 Vic. No. 4 yellow, 2 cars, 84c. No. $ yellow, I car, 84c. No. 2 mixed, 1 ear. 84-Vtc No. 8 mixed, 2 cars, 88c; I cars, S4Vio; 4 cars, 14c. No, ( mixed, . car, 83Vsc; 1 car, 83c. Oata No. 8 white, 4 oars. 6 2 Vic; 7 cars, BSe; 1 car, 01 c. No. 4 white, 3 cars. 62c; I cara, 61 c. Sample white, 2 cara, 61c; T cara, 81 c; 1 car, 61 Vic; 1 car, file. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard. $1.7001.72; No. 3 hard, $1.68 401.71; No. 4 hard, $1,614 10$ ; No. 2 spring. $1.7301.71; No. 8 spring, $1.8601.76; No. 2 durum, $; No. 8 durum, $1.70O 1.78. Corn: No. 8 white, B6O80Cet No. 3 white, S606tte; No, 4 white, 84086n; No. B White, 84 0 84a; No. 8 white, 64084 4c; No. 2 yellow, 66 086Vic; No. t yellow, 840 84 4o; No. 4 yellow, 634084c; No. 8 yel low, 63084c; No. 0 yellow. 82t40BSc; No. 2 mixed, 84406(Hci N0..3 mixed, 84065c; No. 4 mixed, 83034c; No. 8 mixed, 630 834c; No. 0 mixed, 83083c. Oats: No. 2 white, 634 0-2Vc; standard, 6240 62Vo: No. 8 white, 62062c; No. 4 white, 61 0620. Barley; Malting, 81.0001-16; No. 1 feed, 6Tc0$l.O4. Ryoi No 2, $1.4301.44: No. I, $1.4201.41. ' Th trade In tha local wheat pit was very qulst again today and prices took another slump. Ths Isck of foreign demand has created a bearish sentlmsnt in wheat, and the fact that ths Intsrstate Commerce commission I looking Into ths car situation has caussd a rally to the bear olds. As corn rscelpts Incresse, the trade Is be- oomlng Inclined to aspect lower price and are taking the short sld of the market Oats, while they wr inclined to ioiiow th other markets on the decline, held within a. narrow range, the December dos ing ejO lower and May about lo off. IXKial range or options.' . Art Open. I High. Low.l Cine.. Te. WhL . j I Deo. 1 II 1 II ! 1 ! 1I May 1 II 474 171 19 1 70' 173 July 1 40 1 41 131 1 it 139 Corn. . ; Dec Si ll 16 li 154. 83 8314 it May 87K8IH . I1M 8', , 6H 171. July 174 . 874 1T4 "Vt 174 Oat Deo. II II 114 4 II May 64 '8U "a 144 " Chicago closing price, rurnlaned The Bee by Logan s. Bryan, stock and grain brok.ra 811 South Sixteenth treat. Omaha! Art. Open. High. LowT Close, 1 7714 1 T14I1IIH 1 17 1 714 1 74 1714 1 '4 1 41 1 44 4l4 1 43 89 4HH iml I8S . !4 924.924 24 894. 10 984924 "is I 1141 ttS wht. Deo, May July ..am. Dec. May July Oals. Deo. May July Pork. Jan. May Lard Jan. May Ribs. Jan. May 1814 1774 141 91 924 14 64 0 644' 6819694 64 4 11 5 34 68 4 14 114584 574 64 4 52 4 12 134 17 61 21 75 28 76 37 10 27 10 14 10 21 10 37 16 I 11 46 18 II II 16 111 46 II 21 16 ll II 10 lt 16 1 1 1 II 45 14 03 14 03 14 47' 14 16 111 111 14 25 14 66 4 17 41 17 11 II 35 II 20 II 40 14 85 NEW TORK CjENKRAL MARKKT. Quotations of th Day aa Vartaus Leading Commodities. New Tork, Dee. 1. Flour Unsettled. Wheat Snot, weak: No. 1 hard, 11.11: No. 1 northern. Duluth, 11.174; No. 1 north ern, Manitoba, I1.I74. f. o. b. New Tork. Com Spot weak: No. I yellow, 11.03, c. L f. New Tork; ten-day ahlpment. Rnnt sealer: standard. 694 011c. Hay Easy; No. 1, 11.16; No. 3, 11.10; No. . sru., .tnlntilna. 75 0 800. Hope---c!t.sdy: stats, common to choice, 1918. 46060c; 1916, I015e; Paeiflo coast. 1.1 a 1.1lc: 1916. 9011c. Hldss Firm: Bogota, 44041c; Central America, 44c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 17c; ec- Provisions Pork, steady: mess. 131.600 q ... ..miw. tat. 00034. 00: short, clear. 139.00 0 31.00. Beef, steady; mass. 131.000 39.50: fsmlly, 136.50037.00. Lard, weak middle west. 117.00017.11. Tallow Firm: city, lie, nominal; coun try. 114011V' special, imc CHICAGO O HAITI AND PBOV1HOSS. Small Deliveries oa December coatrael i .nu Hisa la v. neai. rhi...n. rc. 1 Absence of export buy ing aalda from amount purchased for tha government of Holland put wheat prlcea on the downgrade today notwlthetandlng that at first advance had been acored. Th clcie was heavy, 14o to IHc net lower, with December at 11.47 and May at 11.734 to 11.74. Other leading stsples, too. sll underwent a decided setback In values corn 24o to 34c. oata, 14c014c to 14c H nnivlNleni 37 U,C lO lOr.. Difficulty in getting to in. eeawara we. Id to account largely for th lack of general European buying . that weakened prices today. Congestion of railway faclll ties between here and the Atlantic was In turn ascribed mors or l.ss to U-boat dangera which had delayed loadings from elevstors to VMsels and had caused a snarp auvancs In marine war risk rates. In this connec tion, much talk or additional railway em bargoes on sas'bound grsln' shipments ac companied ths bearish aentlment that es pecially dominated the market in the last half of the sssslon. Rumors current that Ihe sale of British treasury bills In Ihs United States would be sbsndoned may alao have had a bearish Influence, but as a mat ter of fact the confirmation of rumors did not become tiubllo unUl after the market here had closed. Scantiness of initial deliveries on Decem ber contracts formed the basis of the tem porary atrength which manifeated Itself In wheat prices during th early part of tha day. A proposition to make atorags In Chi cago easier to obtain had been defeated and this fsct did a good deal for a walls to pre vent, aggresslv selling. Such consld.ra- tlons. bowvpr. wore virtually Inst eight of later la vlfw of th rvlilnl pause in the general Kurcip-an nmandt, I'rospfpts of a rapid incm 'of elevator stocks of corn trndpd to wmakn the corn markt Indnprndcnily of depression due to the weakness of wheat. Primary arrivals today were more than double the total, on the correnpofiding day last year. Oats flagged with corn. There was eomri sea board Inquiry for oats, but on account of the railway embargoes no shipping sales were poiaible. Despite higher quotations on hogs, the provision market had no spirit. Helling came chiefly from commission houses and waa due largely from the weakness of grain. Cash prices: Wheat No. 2 red, $1,700 1.74; No. 2 hard, $1.78 1.784 ; No- 2 hard. $1,784. Corn No. 2 yellow, 04O2e: No- yellow, 67000c; No. 4 white, 87408840. Oats No. 3 white, 63 0 H c ; standard, S40E.6-U c. Rye No. 2, $1 48. " J. .;V-jJ ... Tlarley OOt0$1.25 imoiaj, W v.dv , ciirrer, f".w O17.00. Provisions Pork, ribs, $13.60014.00. $38.60; lard, $18.02; Butter Weak; no trading. Egga Lower; receipta, 1,887 eases; firsts. 384038c; ordinary firsts, 37 038; at mark, cases Included, 330364c Potatoes Receipts, 40 cars; unchanged. Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, 14 4c; springs, 164c; turkeys, 16c. OMAHA (iEJiKRAL MARKET. Butter No. 1 creamery. In cartons or tubs, 40c; No. 2. 38c. Cheess quotations by Urlau & Co.: Cheese Imported Swiss, 66c; domestic Swiss, 42c; block Swiss. 32c; twin cheese. 37c; triplets, 27c; (alaies, 27c; younar America. 37c; Blue Label brick, 27c; llm bnrger, 28c; New Tork whits, 27c; Roque fort, 66c. Celery, California Mammoth, per dos., Sc. Beef Cuts Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective November 27 are aa follows: No. 1 ribs. 184c: No. 2. 14c; No. 3, 11c; No. 1 loins. 23c: No. 2, 17 lie; No. 3, 12c; No. 1 chucks, 11 Kc: No. 2, lOHc; No. 3. No. 1 rounds, ltc; No. 2, l.ltc; No. 3, lie; No. 1 plate. 1 1 i c : No. 2. 1044c; No. 3, 10c. fish Catfish, per lb., 17c: trout, per lb., lie; fall aalmon, per lb., ltc; red salmon, per lb., 13c; hsllbut, per lb., 18c; herrlns. per lb., blsck baas, per lb.. 17030c; bullheeds, dressed, per lb., ltc: carp, dressed, per lb., 8c; tile nth. per lb., 10c; red snapper, per lb., 16c; .black cod, per lb., 10c; sunlish. per lb., 7c; croppies, per lb., 9c: flounders, per lb., 11c; smells, per lb., 13c; Selkirk whits, per In., 1.1c; pike, per lb., 114.12c; pickerel, per ,lb., 8ttc; smoked whltedsh, per lb., 16c: kippered salmon, per lb.. 18c; peeled shrimp, per gaL, 11.76; heedless shrimp, per sal, 11.35. Poultry Live springs, all sties, lfitto; hens, 4 lbs. and up, 14Hc; hena, under 4 lbs., lj'.c. old cox. Hit; ducks, P. P. fat, 14c; seese. F F. fsl. 13c; turkeys, I lbs., and over, 18c: under 1 lbs.. 14c; guineas, each, 30c; pigeons, per dosen, 86c. Poultry Dressed: Turkeys, dry picked. No. 1, hens and young toms, 26c; old toms, 33a; turksys. No. 3, 21 fco; ducks, No. 1, 17c; ducks. No. 2, 12c; geese, No. 1, lHi; old cox, 12ija. Other poultry at market price. Fruit and vegetablea prices furnished by Olllnsky Fruit Co. Orangea Vala. 16s, 100s. 334s. 14.60 box; Vals 126s 16.36 box; Vals. 160s, 16.60 box. Val, 176s. 288s, 16.76 box; Vsls, 200s, 216a. 260s. 16.00 box. Florida 126s. 13.76 box; Florida. 160a, 14.00 box; Florida, 1769, 200s. 216. 260s, 14.26 box. Navels, 9tts, 100s, 126s, 14.76 box: Nsvels. 160a, 86.00 box: Navels, other sixes, 16.26 box. Lemons, fancy, 800s, S60s. 18.60 box: choice. 300s. 360s. 96.UO box. Orapefrult, 16s. 14.00 box; 46s. 14.36 box; 64a .14.76 bOX: 64B. BOS. 9SS. S3.VD oox. Grapes, Emperors. 83.60 crate; keg, 14.76 keg; staiagaa, extra choice. .uv Keg; fancy, 17.60 kea: extra fancy. 18.00 keg. Apples, Va Tork imperials. 16.00 bbl. ; Mo. Pip pins, 14.00; R. R. Jonathans, 176s smaller, 11.76 box; Blue Ribbon Jonathans, larger, 12.00 box: 176a. smaller, 11.16 box. Vegetable Potatoea, 11.80 bu.; sweet potstoes, Vlrglnlaa, 14.10 bbl.: hampers, 11.78 hamp. Onions, Spanish. 12.00 crate; red, yellow, 4c lb. Tomatoes, 12.35 lug. Cucunibers. 12.00 do. Cabbage. 344c lb. Rutabagoes. 3o up. Turnips, carrots. 2Ao Celery, Michigan, 4Uc; aox. uaiuornia. 9Ac dos.: In rough, 16.00 crats. Cranberries, Cane cod. 19.00 bbl.: boxes, 13.25 box. Jersey. I9 60 bbl. Belle and Cherry. 19.00 bbl.: Bale Buale. Howes, at 11D.6U ooi. Cocoanuts. 17.60 sack; dosen. 11.00 dosen. Miscellaneous Peaauta, No. 1 raw, lb., le; mast; lb., le; Jumbo, raw, lb., lc; Jum bo., roasted, lb., 10c. Drom. dates, csss, I3.T6; figs, caae, 11.00: No. I English wal nuts, lb., II (sc. Mbuasapolls Grata Market. Mlnnaanolla, , Dec. 1. Wheat December, 1.77: May. 11.31. Cash: No. 1 hard. 11.884 01.88: No. 1 northern, 11.1201.87 4; No. I northern, 11.744 01.824. Corn No. 2 yellow, 83 4 0 81c. Oats No. 1 white, 1040114c. Flaxseed 13.1302.81. Flour Unchanged. Barley 7lc0ll.ll. Rs 11.4301.44. Bran 127.00037.10. City General Market. Kansas City, Mo., Deo. 1. Wheat No. 2 hard: 11.74 01.71; No. 2 red, 11.7401.77: December, 11.874: May, 11.704. Corn No. 2 mixed, 90c; No. 2 white, 91 0914c: No. 1 white. 910914c: No. 2 yel low. 104 091c; December, 164c; May, 174 088c. Oats No. I white, 65016 4c; No. I mixed. 13 0 56c. St. Louis Oram Market. St. Louis. Dec. ' 1. Wheat No. 3 red, 11.7701.80; No. 2 hard, 11.80; December, 11.7041 May, 11.72 4. Corn No. 2, 90c: No. 2 white, 12c; De- eember. 8814c: May. 904c. oats No. 1 white, nominal; ro. z mixeo. 14056c. Dry Goods Market. New Tork, Dec 1. Dry Ooods Cotton goods wars quiet and vsry firm today. Tarns' were higher. Wool market ' were firm and higher. Ready-to-wear line were modsrally active, gtlka wsrs quiet. - Llvsrnwol Grain Market. Llveroool. Dec. 1. Wheat Spot. No. hard winter, Us, Id; No. 1 Manitoba (old) 17s.3dl No. I, none. Corn Spot, American mixed (new) 13s, Id. 42-PIECE DINNER SET TO BE GIVEN AWAYFREE Palace Clothing; Comoanv Lead in Christmas Spirit and Enterprise. Opportunity Offered All to Obtain High Grade Clothing and Free Dinner Set. Following its custom of many years, ths Palace Clothing com pany, 14th and Douglas streets, will, as a special holiday gift to customers, give away absolutely free with each $15 purchase of a suit or overcoat, a forty-two-piece dinner set. 1 This custom of the Palace has always met with instant approval, as it affords an excellent oppor tunity for any man or boy to ob tain a high quality suit or overcoat and present for the mother, wife, sweetheart or sister a fine china dinner set. The dinner sets to be given away this year are of good quality china with a fine gold band around the edge. As there is only about 150 sets it is plain to be seen that late customers will be disappointed. Palace suits and overcoats at $15 are the highest quality clothes you can purchase for the money. Never before in the history of the store has the stock been so com plete as now, and with the added inducement of this fine china set free you will be assured of a real Christmas. This enterprising store, located at 14th and Douglas streets, will unquestionably be the busiest clothing corner in town. Advertisement. NEW YORK STOCKS Shares, With But Few Excep tions, Resume Their Up ward Trend. BAIL ISSUES AE STJCOHG Nbw Tork, Dec. I. Stock, with but few unimportant ei-ceptlona, resumed their np- ward climb today. An laereatw of btrrtnff orders, main I r (or railway trblppars, which dominated the Mat for the first time 1b wkB, waa reported by commission boose ovr the holiday. More than two score lsstieu of the rail-: way division wer coneplcnoos for their un usual activity, ntlna ran sin from one to over two points. Included in thta stoud were th? aharea of manv road a whtrh re- "ntly unrfo-rwent the rigors of ronraolxa- i tlon and others about to emene from that 1 rordltton. neatlntra In Missouri Pari fie. , Wabash. Rock Island. Chicago. Grt Wret- I m, Texas and Pacific, Ontario and West- j ern, Weatern Maryland, coaler as a whole, i and southern tsau-rs were much larrer In ! the afferent than the turnover In ao- called Investment rails. Marked utrenrth waa ahown. however, by Pacific). Grangers, i Heading, Norfolk and Western and Brles. Utilities claimed more than the uual amount of attention on the advance of 14 points In Ohio Gas. to the new record of JlStt, with 9 for Montana Power and tVt for Columbia Gas, thene also recording new maximums with Pittsburgh Coal, common and preferred. United States Rteel recovered 1 points of Its regular and extra dividend-, of 24 points, with advances of 1 to 2 points1 In related shares. Copper acored similar gains, but yielded on realising. Munition and equipments were more irregular; In duntrlal Alcohol and American Car retained much of the advantage, white Baldwin Lo comotive and Motors were consliitently heavy with shipping Issue. Mexicans also fell away In the later dealings, the Irregu larity or tnat period being ascribed to a rtno In call loans to H per cent, the high rate of the year. Total sales of stocks, 1,1. MA shares. Abandonment of th plan to offer Brit tub and French short term bills In thM market in deference to the wishes of the federal reserve board was without effect on quoted values. Irregular tendencies In the bonds market were again attributed to the lower levels reached by International Irtjnj-s. Total sales. par value. $4,426,000. United Statea bonds' were unchanged on call. Nomber of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks were; Bale. Hlrh. Low. nose. Am. Beet Sugar .. JNfl tiK inl 10li, American Cn .... t.fl0 s'Tt 3 KZ Am. Car A Foundry lir.fiOfl 7 7 Am. Locomotive ,, 3.40ft 0U Kftv, Am. Smelt. A Ref . . 14,nftO 117 lift 14 Am. Rutrar Tl.f. 2(10 llfiU, IIS llfti 3,fSlft 128H 127S 1!7 40 BRi-i Ml &714 12. MO ffft" 9H 9 .ft0 lORtVi, IftTilt, 10fiH 20,4M 7714 TKH 77 Z.Sflft 7 U HflH 4f0 KR Sfi flitt Am. Tel. & T.I Am. Z.. U 8...., Anaconda Copper.. Atrhlson Raldwln Loco R. ft O Tironklyn H. T. ... Butte ft Srnv Cod..' 2.1A0 H t MOO 3 2514 2R-4 1.IMW 1MU 1MH -1J61A 13.200 ins ion no 6.B0O ff- 7 tllU 1,300 4 Sii i,iJ 300 12F-U 125 12BU Cal. Petroleum . . . Canadian Pac Cent. Leather .... ft O . C, M. ft St. P ft N H. I. ft P. Hi... 46,200 3RN 3T 37 H Chlno Cooper C. P. ft I Com Prod. Ref. . . Crucible Steel .... ..one 0.000 BT lO.SOO 2714 14,000 UK son 43; 14,600 .11114 5811 28 '4 mn 43H S8 178 117 44 105SJ 1. 5 2ti "a 43 37 17 117 43 105 1 ntftttller's Sec Krlo Ocn. Fleotrlc 300 180 Oreet North, pfd... G. North. Ore ctfs. 1.600 11 ft 3.500 ' UK 4.500 10(14 200 IS 7.100 70Vi Illinois Centra) ... Inter. Con. Com. . , Inspiration Con. . . Inter. Rarv . N. J. ntio lzt 134 I. M. M. t)M. ctfs. 14.700 lis 113S 11 Eta C. Southern 2.400 Kenneeott Cop. ... I,, ft N. Mex. Petroleum . . Miami Copner M., K. & T. nfd.I. Missouri Pacific .. Montana Power . . National Lead Nevada Opper . . . N. T. Central N. T N. H. AH... N. ft W Zf 36 set, 57 13.700 67 1334, 11,800 1084, 1067, 108 1.800 48 45 4541 1.700 20 18 18 1,000 14 1J 14 6.300 114 107 112 8.400 31 30 30 18.400 100 107 108 1.100 58 88 58 8.60(1 142 13 141 2.000 111 111 no 400 26 25 26 34 7.800 67 68 66 MOO 35 33 33 75,600 112 110 111 14,400 88 87 88 1.200 32 32 32 4.400 18 , Northern Pac. Pacific Mall Pac. Tel. ft Tel. . . Pennsylvania Ray Con. Cop Readtnr Kep. iron ft steel.. Shat. Arlx. Cop. . . . South. Pacific .... South. Railway ... zs The Feet to School Children's Shoes need not be unattractive to withstand hard wear. Fry Shoes are exception ally sturdy, yet distinctive and be coming in appearance. They em body the orthopedic principles that make for comfort in grow ing feet. Our salesmen observe the most scrupulous care in fitting children's shoes. $2.00 :wrm"timmmmm Many of the WANT-ADS in today's paper were phoned in. Save TIME, TROUBLE and MONEY by phoning your ad to Tyler 1 000 Today You are as close to the BEE WANT-AD DEPARTMENT as your phone Is to you BiriBiiiiiEm They will maKe better Photo-Engraved Plates Rata P"feJ.'l( IlOTV? a' w w aaltya aavs.. . Phnna . Tirlar 1000 Bee I t..ilV.- I Studebaker C. Ten a. Copper Texas; uo. Union Pacific pfJ.. 1.1M J 8JJ4 83 U. 8. Ini Alcohol. . ""r 'f U. 8. Staal ptd..... J.000 133 123 j-lj Utah Copper 7,80(1 13314 121 J UJJj Wabash pEL -B-.. 13,100 31 'i wistciSor. !"0 101 Wastlnc. Else. .... 1.700 Hj .., ' Total aalea for tha day. 1,113,000 shaxaa. DCJTU TKADE KEVUSW. Batrisesa Earns am Ftawl State af Its Moat Now TorTx. Dae. 1. Tomorrow Dims ra vlew will say: M Business enters on the frnal stas of Its most prosperous year with activity unahat ed and the rise In prlcea continuinf, yet with clear evidence of commendable Judg. ment and prudence la many quaricra. It still Is a noteworthy and reaaaurinir ..,.. tt... nmdueers In many Instances endeavor lo discourage demand rather than atlmuletA It. and some interests nave virtually withdrawn from the markets in an effort to checic the Influx of ordera which they cannot handle. Buyers, nowever, are imMilMl tn caver far forward needs be cause of apprehensions that the paucity of supplies now witnessed in some lines may later Decome mors general, wouxa ,. mtilLlnlv of the restrtetlna Influence of ths extreme living costs on consumption. Weekly baak clearings, !4,75.,733,zzv. Mew York Money Market. New Tork. Dee. 1. Mercantile Paper 3; sterling sixty-day, bills, 11.71 com mercial sixty-day bills on banks. 14.71: commercial slx-dsy bills. 14.70; demand, 14.75: cables, 14.71. Silver Bar, 75c; Mexican dollars, I7e. Bonds Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. . , . Loans Time, easier; srxty and nlnsty days, 104'4 psr cent; six months, 18) 4 per cent. Call Money Strong; high, per cent; low, 4; ruling rate. 4; last loan, 4; closing bid. 5; offered, 6. U. 8. r. 3s. reg. SM., K. ft T. 1st do coupon .. 4s 77 U. 8. 3s. reg...l00Mo. Pac. e. 6s. .103 do coupon ..100Mont- Power 6s. 100 U. 8. 4s. reg.. .110 N. Y. C. deh. 6s. 113 do coupon ...110 N. T. Clly 4s Am. Smelt. 6s.. 116 (1165) 110 A T. ft 1- cv, rt. x., jv. n- 4a 106 H. cv. 6s ....112 Anglo-French 6fl 13 North. Pac. 4s. 14 Atch. gen. 4a... 94North. Pac. 3s.. 67 B. ft O. 4s .... lOre. S. L. ref. 4s 83 Beth. St. ref. fw.103 P. T. ft T. 5s.. 101 Central Pac. lat 0Penn. c. 4a...l0 C. ft O. cv. 4s 92Penn. gen. 4s,103 C. B. ft Q. jt. 4s 18Readlng gen. 4s. 96 C, M. ft St P. St. L. ft S. jr. cv. Is 105 ref. 4 84 C, R, I. & P. 8. P. cv. 5s. ...104 Ry. ref. 4s .. 7!S. P. ref. 4 .... 93 C. ft S. ref. 4s 848outh. Ry. 5s. ..101 D. ft B. O. c. 4s 81U. P. 4s 99 Brio gen. 4s .... 74 'U. P. cv. 4s .. 93 den. Elec. 6s.106U. S. Rub. 6s. .101 0 N. 1st 4s.l00U. 8. Steel 6s... 107 L C. ref. ta.. 89'West V. 4s.. 96 I M. M. 4s.l08Dom. of C, 1931.100 K. C. 8. ref. 6s 80 'Bid. L. ft N. nn. 4s. 16 Bank Clearings. Omaha, Dec. 1. Bank clearings tor Omaha today were 16,183,118.04, and for the corresponding day laat year, 13,124, 364.12. SEQUOYAH (See kwoi ah) is rnxTretfasma-ua-o-ie. Ittsaprofit able hotibitkm of great rAwibili tJes for tAgger profits. It is now earning more than 30 yearly and paying 12. Its future is assured because it is sobd and substantial rincientiy managed in the inter est of erery stockholder. Seqnovah 00 and Rrfmnig It offloany listed and traded in oo the N. Y. curb. Ttua aaupaiiy owns and leases 6,000 acres of rick oil lands. 1130.000 has recently betat added to His earnings. New production is constantly under way and the drrkkjad rate Is about to be in n.aBnl We advise immediate pur chase before extrs dividends result in s further advance in price. Betaued in formation tree. . , Just ask for oar new circular U"1B WkrntiuiMti rifktmxM? E. A. PERRON & COMPANY vrocc awo mono Wt Bay swat SaV AU Stem tlo-tta S. La tall Street, CHICAGO one voaii Lea ejKuuaa That Go - - - HOBC0. -SIS &. DOUGLAS. Have youk PHOTOS RET0UCHE1 LA ha.Nebr- THE STORE OF THE TOWN Browning, King & Company From start to finish our suits for Men and Young Men are made in our own work shops. We watch every step of the process, thus insuring to our customers good workmanship as well as the best materials Suits, $15 to $40 Overcoats, $1 5 to $50 Our Chfldren's Dept. Is a Perfect Bazaar Browning. King & Company GEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. - Swift & Company Union Stock Yards, Dividend No. 122 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS (12.00) Jwir shara on the capital stock of S-ift It Com pany, will bs paid on January 1st, 1917. to stockholders of record. December S, 1914, as shown on the books of tha Company On account of annual meeting, transfer books will be dosed from Dec 10, 1911, to Jan. 4, 1917, inclusive. F. S. HAYWARD. Swowtarr. Chicago. December 24, 1911. JITNEY TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 AMUSEMENTS. BRANDEIS Mat 2J0; Ev'f S:20 THEATRE last x times Perry J. Kelly Offers Hyams at Mclntire In the Big Musical Comedy Success My Home Town Girl SO People -Augmented Orchestra Nights, 50c to 12.00; Mat.. 25c to 11.50 FOUR DAYS, BEG. SUNDAY, DEC. 3D MATINEE WEDNESDAY SEATS NOW Prices! Nights, 50c to $1.50! Mat.,25c-H Phone Doug, 494. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Last Two Times of Phyllis Neilaon-Terry and Current BUI MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Early Curtain Tonight, 8:15 "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tArmm sJTtl Dally Mats., in-25-Mt. JXOyi5fjf Kven-e-e. 15-lt-6(M5. Those Gloom Eradicators hs Mid-Mite Maidens .XL The Follies and Foibles of th Blase New Yorker Brought 'Way Out Here to Omaha. Fun for All; All for Fun. "A NITE IN A MUSIC HALL" Beauty Chorus. (Final performance Friday Nite) Ladlei' Dime Mattoeo Every Week Day. BOYD Mat. Today TONIGHT Th. JwmmIv Musical Coined "A MILLION DOLLAR DOLL" Mats., 25c, SOc Nights, 2Sc to 11.00. Beshi Matinee Tomorrow "MUTT AND JEFF'S WEDDING" Valeska Suratt -in- Jealousy TODAY Monarch Comedy Four Four Rosas Lo-Ve anal Wilbur TransfieM Sist.rs RUTH ROLAND b "SULTANA" UIDP 15th and HanaTf Sta, nirr P(aB du(. aocn. TODAY VIVIAN MARTIN "Her Father's Son" A SeutWe Story War Tfavse, h wktch the star pbya a dual ral.