Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1916, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Friday, December 1, 1916-
Com In and Hear th .
Victor Records for December
Burgess-Nash Store New for Saturday
The Latest Fiction In the Circu-
lating Library 2 Cante a Day
Phone D. 137
Now to Turn Into the Home Stretch With Christmas Just Ahead
Burgess-Nash Are Splendidly Prepared Throughout the Store
YOU who are plan
ning to make a lot
of the little things that
are so dainty and at
tractive for Christmas
gifts, and yet are quite
inexpensive, will find
Burgess-Nash the logi
cal source of supply for
the necessary mate
rials. There is' really no
limit to the creative
possibilities of a piece
of ribbon, silks, linens,
cretonnes, laces and the
like articles which
possess that charm of a
personal touch.
Our various sections are
brimful of just the right
sort of merchandise for the
purpose, and our salespeople
are ready and eager to of
fer helpful suggestions for
its use, and if it's embroid
ering, crocheting or, in fact,
any sort of needlework,
you'll find an expert in
structress ready to assist
yon t j
There's Still Splendid
Choice in This
at yi Price
EVERY suit in our entire
stock is included in this of
fering fully six weeks before
the time usually given to a
clearaway of this sort right
now when they will do you
most good and offered to you
at exactly half the original
Scores of smart late models
from which to select.
The season's newest and most fa
vored materials in the most approved
colors. If you have a suit need this
is indeed your opportunity. Every one
fully up to the Burgess-Nash Standard
of quality and style.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Second Floor.
Dear Old
Santa Claus
Is Here In
Toy Town,
AND wants you to
come and see him.
Toy Town is located in
the Down Stairs Store
this season, bigger and
better than ever before.
Come Saturday.
YOUR Order for
Christmas Cards
Should be given Saturday to
insure no disappointment
later on.
Our stock of samples is
very extensive, featuring
many new ideas shown this
season for the first time.
The prices are most rea
sonable. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Continuing for Saturday
This Very Important
Sale of Blouses at $2, $3.75 and $4.75
A SALE of supreme importance to women who would
combine quality with economy.
Georgette Crepe Blouses, $4.75
In white, and flesh tints; trimmed with laces or daintily em
broidered; others with soft jabots or dainty tuckings. Sizes
34 to 46.
Crepe de Chine Blouses, $3.75
A variety of styles, fashioned of crepe de chine, net, also
georgette and lace combinations. Very newest models, with
deep sailor or convertible collars. Simple untrimmed blouses,
and others with laces or embroidery, flesh, white, and maize;
sizes 34 to 44. .
Blouses of Crepe de Chine, $2.00
In white, flesh and maize, with hy-lo or flat collars. A dozen
styles from which to choose. Plain-tailored or yenice-lace trim
med models; sizes 36 to 44.
BurgeM-Naah Co. Second Floor.
P re-Holiday Sale
Fancy Ribbons for holiday
fancy work.
35c to 50c Ribbons, 25c
Flowered effects, stripes,
and checks; wide range of
selection; 35c to 50c kind,
15c Ribbons, 10c
3-inch moire ribbons,
white, pink, blue, and car
dinal, also flowered ribbons,
4 to AVt inches wide, at 10c.
Satin Taffeta Ribbons
White, pink and blue only:
No. 14, 5 yards, 10c
No. 2, 5 yards, 15c
No. 3, 5 yards, 20c
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
These Crisp Northwest Winds Make One
Feel Like Wrapping Up in One of These
At $16
AND we feel certain you would make no
mistake. The coats are all strictly hand
tailored throughout, made according to the re
quirements of the
"Burgess-Mash Stainicdlairdl9
of quality, which means the very best possible
at the price. All the best styles, newest
weaves, are represented.
Yes, These Burgess-Nash
Suits at $25.00
Are the Biggest Values in Town
at Anywhere Near the Price
Every garment possesses all the points there
are to a suit thorough satisfaction with the way
it fits, the way it's made and the way it looks and
wears, strictly hand-tailored throughout made
to conform with the most rigid requirements,
which means the best possible at the price. In
styles and fabrics everything that is new is rep
resented. The tailoring shows the master touch
of America's greatest designers.
Boy's Knicker Suits, $4.95
K NICKER styles for agea 6 to 17
years. Coats, norfolk, loose
belted and pinch-back styles; pants
lined throughout. Extensive range
of materials and colorings, at $4.95.
Burgess-Naek Co Fourlk Floor.
It's Doubtful If You'll
Find Values to Equal These
New Winter Coats
rHICH we have arranged for your inspection here
Saturday. There's a wide range of the very
newest styles every one a
distinctive Burgess - Nash
type suitable for wear on
every occasion.
At $16.75, $19.50
$24.75 and $33.75
For quality of materials, popu
larity in styles, range of choice
and price, it is easily the most re
markable offering of its kind
made in Omaha this season, and
we realize every woman and miss
who sees these coats will bear
with us in this assertion.
Bnrgeas-Naah Co. Second Floor.
You'll Be Interested
to Know That
You Save at Least $2 On
These Women's Shoes at $3
THE newest of a big purchase of women's fine black
kid skin and patent colt shoes.
Good Serviceable, Seasonable High Shoes
at an Unusual Saving
The patent colt comes in several different lasts
and patterns. The kid skin comes in only one style
They are fine black kid button, front seam, diamond
tips, goodyear welt soles, leather louis and t o (f
cuban heels; priced for Saturday at only 3)oJ, UU
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor.
Sure to please
We have them for every
member of the family.
Women's French kid gloves,
exclusive styles, $2.00 and
$2.50; women's kid gloves,
black, white, and colors,
$1.50; women's white kid
gloves, pretty embroidered
backs, $1.75.
Women's one-clasp tan
street gloves, also 2
clasp white glace kid
gloves, soiled and muss
ed, 'but otherwise per
fect; mostly small sizes;
regular selling price,
$1.50, at 95c.
At 59c Pair
Women's black cashmer
ette gloves, chamoisette
i Women's leatherette
gloves, black with white
stitched backs.
Women's black cashmere
gloves with silk lining.
Women's chamoisette
gloves in white and colors.
At $1.00 Pair
Kayser's extra quality
leatherette gloves, in white,
black, gray, and sand, black
stitched backs, double silk
Gift Suggestions
That are Appreciated
$2.98, $3.45, $3.98 to $8.50
TAILORED shawl and notch collar
interlined, most of them with
three pockets, cuffs, and front of robe
corded, all seams piped; made the
very best possible and offered at 20
lower' than the same class of robes
can be bought elsewhere; the
very newest patterns including
Indian robes. You benefit by the
Each robe packed in a neat box
if to desired.
Men's Smoking Jackets
and House Coats
Waldeman Chain, $1
and Knife, heavy gold plat
ed set in velvet box.
Bracelet Watch, $10
Gold filled, 15 jewel, lever
movement, Wadsworth case
and expansion bracelet.
Borgoss-Nasb Co. Main Floor.
Men's Shirts Saturday
At About Half Price
clearaway of all the broken
lines and "odd" lots before
the holiday season starts; shirts
in a variation of styles and pat
terns mostly neck band with
French and stiff cuffs, but there
will be low and military collars
attached. The price asked will
be one-half less tHan the price
you'd expect to pay, 65c.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store.
Hats $2.49
$5 to $7 Values
OLD and silver lace
hats ; pretty selec
tion of new styles; hats
that were $5 for $2.49.
Hats, $1.00
Made of velvet in the
latest shapes and colors;
wide selection of styles;
were to $5, Saturday,
very special, at $1.00.
Burgess-Nssh Co.
Down-Stairs Store.
Sample Under
wear 15c
SAMPLE winter under
wear for children, flat
fleece-lined vests, ribbed
Women's fleece-lined
vests and other odd lots,
values 25c, 35c and 50c, at
15c each.
Sample Hosiery, 15c
Women's and children's
sample cotton hosiery, 25c
values, 15c.
Burgess-Nash Co.
Down-Staire Store.
Furs at About Price
MANUFACTURER'S samples and a few odd
pieces from our own stock, such as fox, coney,
marten, etc., neck pieces and a few muffs at about
12 Price. $3.50 to $7.50.
Coats at $13.50
Mixtures, plaids and checks, loose with very
full flare, large collar that can be worn up to the
neck; special, $13.50.
Silk Petticoats, $2.25 to $3.95
All silk and Jersey tops with silk flounces,
pleated and tucked flounces, in black, navy,
brown, Copenhagen, burgundy and yellow.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down-SUirs Store.
Attractive Prices on
Attractive Christmas
Gifts of LEATHER Goods
NEVER to our knowledge have we been so well pre
pared for the season of Christmas gift selection as
we are this season in leather goods.
A few suggestions:
Children's Hand Bags, 50c
Real leather, with flowered linings, fitted with swinging mir
rors; black, red, green, and tan.
Men's Bill Folds, $1.00 to $3.50
Hip-pocket size, of morocco leather, also Mark Cross make,
of black pigskin.
Playing Card Cases, at 89c
Fitted ,with pack of cards, better and different than the usual
Military Brush Sets, at $2.95
Genuine "Howard" hand-drawn, real bristle, ebony back, in
real leather-lined case.
Leather Tourist Cases, $4.95
Men's cases, leather lined and fitted with nine toilet pieces;
the women's cases have brocaded lining and eight fittings of
white ivory, for $4.96.
Women's Hand Bags, at $1.95
Real pin seal or morocco hand bags, with silk linings, some
with inside frames, all have mirrors.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Always Acceptable
as Christmas Gifts
Crisp, N e w Handkerchiefs
OUR enlarged Handkerchief Section in its new loca
tion, near the elevator, affords exceptional opportu
nity for selection. The stock is very complete; embracing
as fine and lovely and dainty things this year as ever in
our history. All neatly boxed in special Christmas boxes.
Women's Handkerchiefs, Box of Three, for 25c
Fine sheer lawn, embroidered in colors; three in a box.
Women's Handkerchiefs, Box of Three, for $1.00
Linen handkerchiefs, hand embroidered, plain white
or colored embroidery.
Women's Linen Handkerchiefs, at 25c
Pure linen, with embroidered corners, colored edges
and plain white madeira embroidery.
Men's Handkerchiefs, Box of Six, for $1.00
Linen, good quality, with embroidered, initial ; six
in box.
Special, at 10c
Women's linen and shamrock lawn handkerchiefs,
plain white embroidered corners, colored edges and in
itials; slightly soiled; usually to 25c, at 10c.
Burgees-Nash Co Main Floor.
Imported Japanese Lacquer and Dresden BASKETS
Involving Values Up to $5.00 for Saturday Third Floor for $1.00
J A WOIHLK shipment of these splendid baskets, very desirable for gifts. This offering is a
fV Xi direct importation, and you get the benefit og the usual middleman's profit.
Art Flower Baskets
Work Baskets
. Bamboo Baskets
Waste Baskets -
Library Baskets
Jardinieres, Vases
, Values to $5.00 -Lemonade Carriers
Square-Top Baskets
Burgess-Nash Co. Third Floor.
Double-deck Work B'skls
Dresden Baskets Baby Baskets
Dresden Pot Covers Wood Root Baskets
Fruit Baskets, Etc.
ss-ta Got?
$4.85, $6.00, $7.50 to $1.00
All the newest designs, in double-faced cloths, also
velvet collars and cuffs of plaid and striped material to
harmonize with the color of the coat; all sizes to 50. Ex
ceptionally well made and perfect fitting. A coat any
man would be glad to own $4.85, $6.00, $7.50 to $18.00.
Burgew-Nasb Cm. Maia Floor.
&ie Ciristmas Store for &veryodif