THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1916. FOR RENT Ap'ta and Flats South. 110.60 S lary room Apt., part modem. 1916 Kim St., near 20th and Vinton. Miscellaneous. 8-ROOM flat for rent, 26 per month; dote In. Ph'inw Tougla 15a. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. lltb St. Phone Douglas 394. "METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention lvn to orrjen for moving, packing or storage. OfTtcn at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1613 and 1616 How ard St. Phone P. 5524. FIDELITY SvYcLB FREE Phone Douglas 260 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. AIho for storage, moving. Ifith and .Tarkson Sts. Tit J Van and two men, Maggara $1.2 Per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing, Storage and shipping. Phone Doug. l9ti. StITTS Express and Moving. . j, MXLlSliiJ packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Douglaa 6246. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separale locked roomu for household poods and pianos, moving; packing and shipptiiK. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. R02 S. Kith St. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service try us. Large 3-horse padded vans. Storage, $2 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you glUCKBR. CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phone Tyler 230 or ..guglgj3ag; FOR RENT Business PrVty. Stores 8TORK FOR RENT. .615-17 North 24th St. Store room, Six o, baarment and line large display win dows. Uoud location for retail atore or hP' ARMSTRONG-WALSH Co.. Tvlor 1&:J. 331. Rose Bldg. STORE ROOM at 1807 Farnam St., i. u. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. H06. MODERN atore, 16th St.. near postoftice; low rent. u. P. Hieomns. rSffiroa anrl t)esk RoOITl. DESIR'abLST office rooms In the remodeled Crounae block. 119 N. 16lh St. (opposite poatofflce), 10 to 16 per month. Conrad Young. 322 Brandeie ineater. uuu. DESK room in Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Re ferences, uougiaa on. CHOICE office space. Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. Met -ague lnv. Co. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WHAT have you for rent in the way of four, nve ana ui-rwm up-to-date apartments! Prefer- -ence will be given to those in bet ter districts of the city. Want to deal direct with owners. No ftgenta. Telephone Douglas 1016. WANTED Listing on cottages or houaei to rent or sell on easy payment. Hava cua tomere waiting. Inquire 411 Krbob Block. Douglaa 3fiH vitl look after your rental. Brmndtto Bldg. Doug. SSHS. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO RENT Rooming house fur nished. Will pay 3& to 40 per month or higher if close In. Call at 607 N. 17th or inquire Johnaon'a Restaurant, Drexel hotel, between 7 and 8 morninga or 4 and 6 afternoons. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED ' West. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT A FINE HOME "A beautiful 7-roonl 'house. tmrtammg reception hall, large living; room, dining room, kitchen and pantry on first floor; oak finishing; quarter sawed floors, nice open atatrway to. aecond floor constating of 4 good sized, well-lighted bedrooms; good bath, with up-to-date ftxturea, good Hght fixtures throughout; well decorated; full brick foundation. This property is located 114 block from Hamey car line; lot 62x165 feet; fine shade trees, good garage; located at S40 Burt St and without a doubt the price we are q tip ting would no more than re place the mprovementa. Price $4,260, on reasonable payments. Let us hear from you at once and you will be convinced of the facta we are advertising. Hiatt Company 26-7 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Tyter SO. WEST FARNAM. BRICK AND STUCCO BARGAIN. Exceptionally well built, brand new house. In fine location, block and half off Farnam St. and Presbyterian church; aun parlor, large living room with fire-place, built-in book rases and seat, large din ing room, hutler's pantry and breakfast room, fine kitchen; three bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor; good cloa Ms: tile bath, fine future. Two bedrooms and complete bath on third floor. Full basement, laundry. Very complete, hand somely finished. Let us show you this place. D. V. SHOLES CO., Ma City Nat'. Bank Bldg. Dour. 49. MONTCLAIR NEW BUNGALOW. Large living room, dining room and kitchen on flrttl floor; three bedrooms and hath on second floor: oak finish and oak floor; built-in bookcases and buffet; pan "Ind walla in dining room; clothes chute; full basement; guaranteed furnace. Look at it today; open 2 to 5. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1009. Ground Fir. McCague Bldg. FIELD CLUB HOME FOR SALE. A modern home with 8 rooms and sleeping porch, oak finish, oak floors and every convenience; east front lot, 50x135 feet; hi block north of Wool worth Av. boulevard, in the best part of the Field, club district. Price $7,200. The owner has moved to the new Blackstone and has instructed us to sell thia property, it Is not for rent. The price Is right, hut any reasonable offer will be con sidered. J. IT. DUMONT & Co.. 416-18 Keellne Blrig. Phono Doug. 690. i.8 LINCOLN BLVD 11-room house, strictly modern, with hot water heat. Douglas 1S1B. WBST FARNAM DISTRICT 8-room, 2 aths. nearly new; big discount, only S:j,250. Sec it. 323 N. 38th Ave. North. NEW BUNGALOW. A flve-room, strictly modern bungalow, with bath. It In finished in oak, up-to-date, built-in features and lighting fix tures; full basement, large attic. Located at 3923 North 26th St. Price $3,160; easy terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK 4504 North nth, east front, splendid shade and hedge, white enamel finish on second story; 3 rooms, oak finish on first story; $100 cash and $4S monthly. Also 6 -room house, 4808 N. 27th, $100 cash and $26 monthly. Both In first-class condition and ready for lramedtae occupancy. B. J. Scannell, 609 Ware Blk. Doug. $98 or Colfax 8511. N'KW stucco house, finely located, block to car; 7 rooms and bath; breakfast room; hardwood floors throughout; hardwood finish below; bard pine above; furnace; modern In every respect; will sell for cash or consider part trade for small house or lot well located. By owner, Tel. Walnut 64 or Douglas 744. KOUNTSiB PLACE, restricted district, resi dence fur al. A. V. Knieat. 3515 N. 18th. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. SIX-ROOM HOUSE WITH DOUBLE GARAGE. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. We are just finishing a beautiful (--room bungalow in Field club dis trict that w can offer on good terms. Thfs hoaseUa very elaborately fin ished and no money has been sa.ved to get the best material and the best workmanship. Has a very tine double garage with cement driveway to street and pergola with stucco columns across driveway at the front porch, giving a very pretty effect and appearance to the houac. Property faces east on a lot 60x 128. An Ideal future location and is bound to please the most critical buyers. Would like to have you call us. HI ATT COMPANY, 215 Omaha Nat. Bk. Elds. Tyler SO. HANSCOM PARK, 1929 S. 34TH ST. Six rooms and bath, strictly modern; fire, place in living room, nicely decorated, lot 60x100 feet, nice shade trees, paving and all specials paid. Owners hhs left city and has reduced the price to $3,000. Terms to suit purchaser. Key at our of fice. When can we show you7 OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-3 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid Lwug. 1474. Miscellaneous. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. Thoroughly modern: hardwood floors comer lot, 54x128; additional ground can be had for gardening; sidewalk, sewer, water and gas; close in and a bargain at $2,350; $150 cash required. SHULER & GARY, 204 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 6074. BUT NOW. All building material is going up. We have several brand new bungalnwn of 6-r. and bath; oak ftnifh. strlrtly modern; choice lots; prices $2,800 to $3,200; terms, $100 to $300 cash; balance monthly or will take lot as !irnt payment. Let us show you some bargains. RA8P BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. Douplas 1653, INVESTMENTS. INSURANCE $400 Income on price, $2,600, being 3 houses, 6 rooms each, near high school and Crelghton college. Also 6 and 6 -room bungalows, $200 down, and two 3 -room, $95 down, balance monthly. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. NEW bungalow; also S-i. and gardening; your term and price; lnv. with $400. rent. $ houses cost $3,500). $2,600. D. 2107. HOUSES WANTED. WB HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE MONET IN ALL PARTS OP THB C1TT. LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR RESULTS. O'NEILL'S REAL ESTATE & INS. AGNCT, Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024. WELL BUILT BUNGALOW. Oak finish, up-to-date, furnace, rental. $26; only $2,400. Bargain. GEORGE O. WALLACE, 614 Keellne Bid. FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, all modem, etc., $2,750; $200 cash, balance monthly. Colfax T836. REAL ESTATE Unimproved REDUCE THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Rent the vacant lots In your neighbor hood; an ordinary vacant lot planted tn onlona will soon pay for itself. North. AFTER looking at MINNB LUSJL 100 dlf ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market, and they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF TOU Will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 743 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 187. JVAVERLY PARK. One of the choice Iota tn the addition; toe 46x126; eaat front, and! on the ear tin. Price $750.00; terms $10.00 cash and $7.60 per mouia. C A. GRIMMEL, 849 Om. NaL Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 1616. OWNER must sell eaat front lot on Fonte nelle Blvd., In Clairmontj Will aeU at sac rifle price If taken at once. Call Douglas M22. South. ACRES SOUTH. Improved and unimproved, tn one to ten-acre tracts, on or near Bellerue car line. Best of school facilities,-. C. R. COMBS, Phone Doug;. 3116. 809 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. IF you want to rent vacant lots ' In any part of the city, for garden purposes, telephone Douglas 2596. 50-FT. LOT, $102. Fine lots to select from, $1 cash, 60c i week. Box. 8181, Bee. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START TOUR HOW K IN BENSONi BUY THIS LOT. $10.00 down and $10.00 per month; price $200.00; size. 60x128; located on Locust St, between Clark and Burn ham, hot far from school and car line Geo. B. Wright, Bee office, Omaha. Dundee. A choice DUNDEE LOT near school and car line in the best part of Dundee. Box 8598, Bee. ABOUT a half acre on the West Dodge Road. A snap. Box 8594, Bee. Florence. NETHAWAT has 8, 4, 5, 20 and 136-acre Impr. tracts for city property, no. 328. South Side. 5-ROOM residence. South Side, $1,600; $60 cash, balance $16 per month. Doug. 6225. Miscellaneous. Acre and House $1,200 $100 Cash Has a good cave and running water on end of tract. Finest garden land In Doug las county. Balance $12 per month. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Phone Trior M. 4 Lots Bungalow . $2,350 $235 Cash 4 large rooms, wide porch; Incubator cellar; splendidly equipped poultry house. Place fenced chicken tight. One block to free Jitney and paved road. Hastings & Heyden H14 Uarney St. 1 Phone Tyler 60. Four Acres $500 Per Acre Fine for Chicken Farm Lays short distance north of West Ben son. South slope. All Id grass. Easy terms. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyl.r 60. One Acre in Fruit $750 $10 Cash Balance monthly. A splendid acre, close to paved road and short distance to car line. Hastings & Heyden 114 Hamey Bt. Phone Tyler 6. ORCHAIV $1,000 buys 10 LARGE 60-FOOT LOTS. Why not raise an orchard on this piece of ground. $2t cash, balance on very easy terms. H. H. HARPER & COMPANY, 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2596 or Walnut 1555. REAL ESTATE Suburban Miscellaneous. GARDEN AND FRUIT FARM On Dodge road. 6 miles from P. O.. IS acres best garden land; acre and half as paragus: 8 acres grapes and other fruit; new 6-room house and good barn. Rent $400. GEORGE & COMPANY D. 7 36 90 J Oily Nat. BankBldg. GARDEN LANDS. VK HAVE OVER 300 ACRES of land tn and near Omaha SUBDIV1DKD INTO LOTS suitable for garden purposes, at prices ranging from $66 to $$00 for large 50 -f not lots.on terms of from $8 to $5 per month. Telephone Douglas lb9, or rest denco Walnut 1565. H. H. HARPER & COMPANY, 1013.14 City National Bank Bldg. Chicken Raising. Almost any else piece of ground you ' want for chicken raising. Phone Douglas 2596. f REAL ESTATE Investment Best Buy on Harnjey Street For a vory few days we can offer 70x130 on Harney St, near 24th, with Improve ment, rental at $2,640 a year. The price is $40,000; mortgage. $26,000, at & per cent, and it takes $14,000 rash to handle, This property I locaUd in line for a quick and substantial increase in value, and in the meantime the rentals pay a safe re turn on the Investment. Quick action required if you want this. Glover & Spain Douclas .1962 918-20 City National. A THANKSGIVING SUGGESTION Figure up bow much money you have wasted in paying rent, then see us Friday and we will explain how you can own your own home In a fw years by paying a moderate casn payment ana montniy payments like rent. THE BYRON REED CO. Phone Doug. 297. Est. 1857. 212 S. 17th. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET 1 SON, Phons Doug. 60S. lS07- W. O. W. Bldg. FOR SALE. Ioubl. brick 8t. Louis flat, within four blocks of lsth and Harney; clos. in; bar. gain price. CALKIN8 A CO., . Douglas 1313. City National Bank. INVESTMENT. Corner, close In, two bouMS. annual rent 17 JO. Price. 16,600. & P. BOBTW1CK SON. 100 Bee Bldg. Trlr 1IH REAL ESTATE. WH. COLFAX, 706 Keellne Bldg. Doug. S37S. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands, Etc HAVE two lAO-acre farms and oaa 80-acre farm, eastern Nebraska, to trade for -city property. ARCHER REALTY CO.. 580 Brandels Bldg. k 11-ROOM rooming house for sate or ex change for equity In lots or house and lot, or good oar; good location. Call Doug las 6895 after 6 p m. WE have for exchange farms, first mort gages, Improved city property. What have you? W. T. Smith Co., 914 City Nat. Bk. WE have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or la. land. Edward F. Williams Co., Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. TRADES TRADES TRADES. Farms, Cattle, Ranches, New Apart ments, Flats, etc. ABBOTT, 1 Patterson Block. 7-ROOM house, 4 acres, for western land or relinquishment and stock. Box 267, Red Cloud, Neb. ' Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for city property. E. Franta, 576 Brandels Bldg. GOOD lot, desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment. Webster 4148. REAL ESTATE B'new Pr'pty INCOME property west Farnam district St Louis flats less than 3 yean old, newly decorated, 6 rooms each; apts. leased for one year by good tenants. Buy of owner, Savo commission fee. $8,000; terms. Phone Web. .194 or 1A01 Blnner. iRKAT-location for garago or store rooms, Owner, Harney 3364. . REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE CLiENT FOR ACREAOK. OR ACRE TRACTS; WILL PAY CASH NOT TO KXCEKD 31.000 ACRE; WILL NOT CON SIDER FICTITIOUS VALUES. INTER STATE REALTY CO., 929-30 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 8162. WANTED 4, E and fi-roomed houses that can be sold for 3100 cash, balance $16 per month; give complete description nrst W.WFARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1 0f4. HAVE good mortgages drawing 6 and 8-10ths per cent Interest to exchange for vacant lots with water, sewer and gaa In Box 8604, Omaha Bee. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I will buy for speculation a few cot tages or other Income property if priced low enough. Box 8638, Omaha Bee. VE have buyers for your property. INTER -STATIC REALTY CO., 929-30 City Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 8832. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WE SELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY CO., Doug, 1474. FOR SALE. See F. D. Wead. 310 8. 18th St FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. 5 5J4 6 City and Farm Loans. Prompt Servloe. E. H. LOUGEE, INCORPORATED. 538-40 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 9125. & PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St. $1,100 mortgaaja beating ftft por cent seml ann. ; secured by property valued at $6,000. Tal mage-Loom is lnv. Co.. W Q, W. Bldg. REAL ESTATE loans, 6 per cent. ' See D. E. BUCK ft CO., 912 Omaha Nat Bank. NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDU. OMAHA homes, East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Phono Doug. 2716. FARM and city loans. 6-5 and 6 per cent W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1648. 6 Of MONEY HARRisONlTMORTONC O 916 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farm and ranches. We also buy good faun mort gages. Kloke lnv. Co., Omaha. DON'T PAY IN INSTALLMENTS. PAY IN 2, $, 4 or $ YEARS. BEST PLAN. SHOPEN ft CO., KEELINE BLDU. HEAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED. THUS. L. McGAHRT, KE BL1NE BLDQ. T K L. RED 4J44. 5 PER CENT and 6 per cent money. Toland ft Trumbull, 448 Bee Bldg. Douglas S.07. $100 to$roT6oO madVpromptly" FrbWead, Wead Bldg,. 18th and Farnam Sta. MONEY on hand for city and fHrm loans. II. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. Kj;!H. CITY and farm loan. 6, G,i and 6 per' cent. J. 14 Duinurtt & Co., 41b Kuelinu Uldg. FINANCIAL Abstracts of Title. TOIT Tt'lt'i Ouarantoe and Abstract Co.. IVCII jo& 8. 17th St.. ground door Bonded by Muss. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED AIUSTK U'T CO., oldftit ti.Mtrt.ct t(. flv in Nebraska. 306 B mini eta Theater. M. T. BRRNNAM, over 20 yrs. experiei.,' tn Douglas Co. titles. .124 Brandels theater. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, piano, ind. nnleii security. 40 e-mo. H. 11. gds., total cost, $3.60. 40 " Indorsed notes, total con I. $2.40. Smaller, larger ami, proportionate rale. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organised hy Omaha Huines Men. 4311 Rose Bldg., Hit) and Karnam. Ty. 666. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. PALM BEACH " COUNTY We have " the record crop truck, garden and citrus fruit land tn the United States. Buy land on aay terms from A. Parana A Son, til Brandels Bldg. Phone Doug. 7846. Note A personally conducted excursion to the Sunny South leave Omaha Janu ary Id; already om of Omaha's leading bustneas men have Joined us. Make your reservation early. FARMING IN FLORIDA Our landa are extremely fertile; clay subsoil; practically twelve months' growing season ; abundant, well distributed rainfall; good for trucking and citrus culture; close to transportation, on branch of Dixie highway, settled and prosperous community ; chance for big profits to right men. Our book, "Farming In Florida.'' tells all. Write for free copy today. O. P. Swop I,and Company, Uviedo, Seminole county, F'orida. Kansas Lands. WEST 4 of section 33, township 12. range 29, Gove County. Kansas; this is rich, smooth, bottom land and will sell right; 80 acres broken. F. H. Wells. 10 N. Tcjon. Colorado Springs, Colo. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 oanh and $F. monthly; no Interest or taxes: highly pro ductive land ; cIohr to 3 big markets. Write for photographs and full informa tion. Munger, A-119. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. GREAT BARUA1NS $5 down, $D monthly buye 40 acres, good fruit and poultry la,nd, near town, southern Missouri. Pries only $200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Sprtngs, Mo. Nebraska Lands. KIMBALL COUNTY. 320 acres choice land In good location. Will give clear deed for two flrat crops, T. H. CAMPBELL & SONS, Kimball Neh. CAN sell or exchange any land you have lo offer. C. J. Cqnan, McCague Bldg. South Dakota Lands. WILL sell hi section of good western South Dakota land. Very cheap. Must soil. Box Y 713, Bee. Texas Lands. EAST TEXAS. Call or write for my free book describ ing good corn and alfalfa land In east Texas for $25 per acre. W. S. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Tennessee Land. AVOID HIGH COST OF LIVING BY BEING A PRODUCER. I own and will sell seven tracts of land, ranging in stie from 1,12 to 200 acres. Price $6 per acre. Terms, $1 per acre cash, balance 10 equal annual payments, at 6 per cent Interest. Land Is located In Tennessee and covered with timber and Is good for agricultural purposes. Timber on this land for all Improvements, Including- house, barn and fencing. A. R. LEYSON. 76$ Brandels Theater. Wisconsin Lands. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen eral crop state in the union. Settlers . wanted; lands for sale at low prices or ' easy terms; excellent lands for stock raising. Ask for booklet 36 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant; state acres wanted. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com mlasloner Boo Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. Wyoming Lanaa. FOR SALE 79 acres coal land, mine work ing good. One mile from Diets, Wvo., Make a price. Must sell account of deatb. Mrs. Elton J. Stork, $13 N. M St., Sheridan, Wyo. SMALL investors write for printed matter, price and terms on Wyoming oil land lots; warranty deed to all lots. McKlbbln, Agt., Box 92, Fort Morgan, Colo. POULTRY AND PET JTOCK ANT part of 600 pairs of Homer pigeons for sale or trade. What hav youT All mated and branded. Address T 709, Bes. DAMAGED screenings. Il.ii0a7hundred. A. W. Wagner, ,01 N. Itth. Horses Live Stock Vehicle FOR SALE Mare and coll, 1126. 2116 N. 27th St. HORSES for .ale. 1713 Webster St. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Phone D. $293. 2047 Farnam St, S -191S Overland, B-pass. 2 1915 Overland, 6-pass. . 1 1914 Overland, ft-pass. 1 1917 Overland Roadster. 1 1913 Hupp, &-pass. 11914 Ford, 6 -pa as. These cars are In Arst-rlanfl condition and at prices of $125 and up. Cars Demqnst rated. List furnished to out-of -town pur chasers. Who's setting the pare now ? In the first ton months of I91t THE BKB gained 47,940 Paid Ads. EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers for same period by morn than 20,000 PAID ADS. Good Results. Good Rates. Good Service, AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam Bt, Douglas 3310. 1916 Chevrolet Touring $ 360 1916 Htearns Knight "4" Touring.. 1,86ft 1916 Haxon Roadster 360 1916 Maxwell Touring 225 AUTO INSURANCE Fire, Theft and Liability at lowest rates, KILLY, ELL1M & THOMPSON. 913-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2819. CORD tires for Fords, 30x3, Sit 65; 30x3 Vi, 11.6&. Zwiebel Bros. D. 4878.' 2613 Far nam St. Have You a Good Lot? But not enough money to build a house. If you have we have a Brand New House Seven rooms, strictly modern, oak finish, well arranged and exceptionally well built, located in Dundee. Convenient to the car line. Make a First Payment With That Lot and a small amount of cash ; then pay the balance in monthly installments. The Price Is $4,750 Which is less than the property can be duplicated for today. Ask us about this property. Phone D. 756 and we will show you the house at your convenience. GEORGE & COMPANY 902 City Nat'l. Bank Building YORK WINS TITLE IN STATEjCOLLEGES Right Half Cox, by Superhuman Efforts, Great Aid in Taking Wesleyan's Scalp. TWENTY-ONE TO NOTHING York. Nrli., Nov. 30. (Special Tel cgrain.) Before a crowd of 4,000 foot hall hugs York crimped the in tercollegiate championship today by trimming Wesleyan, 2 to 0, in one of the hardest-fought games ever played on the local field. Wesleyan was clearly outclassed from whistle to whistle and Y'ork's goal was never in danger. Wesleyan made first down hut three times, while York made it tour teen times. Wesleyan made two for ward passes for a total ot lorty yards. York made three for a total of thirty yards. York's lirst touchdown came in the first quarter. Cox tore off thirty-two yards around end and was forced out ot hounds on the two-yard line. Un the next play he smashed through tackle tor a touchdown. (ilur made the second on an end run. Here luck broke with York on a punt. Wesleyan punted from its twenty-yard line. The punt was blocked by Y'ork and after hitting the ground the ball bounced and rolled back twentv-four yards. The last touchdown was made on a forward pass of five yards and a fifteen-yard run. Dad White kicked goal after each touchdown Cox, Glur, Conway and Priebe were the stars tor York. Lox stands out today as one of the greatest half backs ever seen in a Nebraska col lege. Time after time he circled the end for substantial gains, and bis punting was superb. Rlodgett was the main spoke of the Wesleyan of fense, but he was smothered by York s ends. In the second half Wesleyan de pended entirely on forward passes, but York's secondary defense broke them time after time. York has not been scored against this season, mak ing 137 points to its opponents noth ing. 1 he lineup NBB. WKSLKYAN. I TORK. Kahm Williams , . L.K. L.R Conwar . . L.T. L.T Jahn . .L O. L O Bland . . . .C. C Myors , .R.O. R.O Saunders , .R.T. R.T Smith R K. R R Priebe .R.H. R.H Cos . .K B.H-'.B Bhellmedln ..UH.L.H While ..Q.B.IQ.B Olur Hughes (C.) Buckner .. Gentry .... Orover .... Cosier Hlodgott . . Hudson .... Culbertson . Referee: Leslie Mann, Lincoln Y. M. C A. Umpire: Keefe, Notre Dame. Head lines man: Ernie Frank, Nebraska. Substitu tions: Nebraska Wesleysn. Carman Cosier: York, Reynold, for Myers, Larson for Saunders, McKlnley for Priebe, Paulson for Hhellmadtna, Coffey for Whit., Burke for Olur. Eddie Wallace Shades Dundee in Ten Rounds New York, Nov. 30. In a fast ten- round bout m Brooklyn today Eddie Wallace shaded Johnny Dundee. Wallace knocked Dundee down for a count of two in the fourth round and Dundee sent his opponent stag gering to the ropes in the ninth. Wal lace weighed 12844 and Dundee 12914 pounds. AUTOMOBILES DON'T throw away old Urea. We make one new tire from two old ones and save you 60 per cent. 3-ln-l Vulcanlalng Co, 151$ Davenport St., Omaha. Neb. Douglas 3914. WB will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAOR CO., 20th and Harney. Douglas $251. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Douglas SSI. 2S1S-1S Farnam St S.O.S. MOTOR CO. ov"ha"uunJ; 2408 Leavenworth. Used Cars. CROSSTOWN OA RAO Hi, 316 8. 24 th. D. 4442. Parts of Hup "20," Flanders "20," Apperson, Oldsmoblle, I. H. C. truck, etc. OUR REPA IR WOR K W If ,LS AT WfTTOU. TKLL 4 BINKLBY. 2318 Harney Bt. Dou 1640. 1918 Woods Electric, run 2,000 miles, orig inal rout 3,100; 6-passenger, double drive, 1,600. Phone Harney 372. Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue In Advertising. Automobiles Wanted. COUPELKT body for Ford chassis, $400T FRANK 8KLBY. DOUG LA 8 1610. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage. 2010 Harney HI. Tyler 655. Automobiles for Hire. FORD for rnt. You may drive it. I charge by mile. Doug. 3623. Evenings, Tyler 1835. Auto Repairing and Painting. STROM BERG 8KRVICK STATION GEORGE W. WflXIAMH. 1506 Jackson SL Carburetors my wpeclalty, Red 4142. $100 reward f'r magneto we cant repair. Colls repaired. Uaysdorfer, 210 N. 18th. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair ServiceTVnd prices right. 218 H, lfith Ht. D, 7390. "Motorcycles anH" Bicycles. HARLEY-DAVIDHON MOTORCYCLES. Bar gains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Ieavenworth. Today's Calendar of Sports Ptmf Hall Honthwestarn vs. ftonthern Methodist, at leorgeUwsj, T.i. Boslng Charley Whll .a. Ktanley Yoakum, tea round., at New York. iw Chrt.tle ... Battling, fifteen rounds, at Bridgeport Conn. JAYHAWKS FALL BEF0RFJ11SS0URI Powerful Kansas Eleven Help less Against Invaders From Show -Me State. SCORE THIRTEEN TO ZERO Lawrence, Kan., Nov. .10. All claims of the University of Kansas foot ball team to the Missouri Valley conference championship were elim inated today when they went down to defeat before the invading Missouri university team. I.) to 0. The line which held the Nebraskans and caused the greatest upset in the Val ley this year was helpless before the charging of the Missourians. The Tigers tore great holes in the Kan sas line and Stankowski, Collins. Rider and McMillan carried the ball through for gains, some as high as fifteen yards. The first score was made in the sec ond period after five plays had placed the ball on Kansas' two-yard line. Stankowski went over for the touch down, but Collins missed goal. Kansas fumbled frequently throughout the first half and penalties also added to the advantage of the Missourians. The third period was scoreless, but the playing showed that Kansas was out classed. The Tigers opened the fourth quar ter with a rush. Collins, McMillan, Stankowski and Rider alternated in the gains through the line and around the ends. Two unsuccessful forward passes and a five-yard penalty for the Jayhawkcrs left the bail in Missouri's possession on the Kansas twenty-eight yard line. Six plays placed the ball withm three yards of the second touchdown and Collins went over. Lansing kicked goal and the 1916 sea son in the Missouri Valley was closed for the two teams. The lineup: KANSAS. Rslil LI. L B Olltnsr Burlon L.T. L.T Hamilton Smith L.O. LO McAna Miner c. (' leasing V.rnson R.O. R.O Prsston Frost R.T. R.T drova. Shlnn RE. 11 K Wlld.r Kost.r Q.B. Q.B fitankowsk Woodward ...L.H.B. L.H.B MrMllan Lindsay R.H. B. R.H.B Collins N.llsan K B. r.B Rldsr Hastings High ' Unable to Hold Fairbury Huskies Fairbury, Neb., No. 30. (Special Telegram.) The Fairbury High school foot ball warriors trimmed the Hastings eleven, 54 to 0, this after noon. Hastings did not even glimpse the Fairbury goal line, so closely did their opponents hold them. Poor or ganization of the visitors' weak line and inability to break up the heavy smashes of the Fairburv eleven were responsible for the victory. Collister, Fairbury's right half, was the star player of the local players, as he reg istered the greatest number of touch downs during the game. Quarterback Archer, as welt as Smalldon, Knoble and Neitzel of the Fairbury team, contributed largely to the victory. One of the largest crowds ever as sembled on a Fairbury gridiron saw Fairbury trim the visitors. Today's game closed one of the most successful foot ball years in the history of the Fairbury school, as this team has defeated York, Has tings, Hebron, Edgar and Pawnee. Carl Collister, Fairbury's star right half, will be awarded the loving cup for registering the greatest number of touchdowns during the season. The Fairbury eleven and schools cele brated the decisive victory tonight by a bonfire at the high school grounds. The lineup: HASTINGS. I... PAIRBURT. ... Adoock L.B. r.FJ Brsrks Cams L.T.l,.T Har. Bln I....L.O..L.O Houok Batlan C.C Munn Harms R.G.jR.O Hwo.ney nillow R.T. R.T Smalldon Phllbrlck R.K'tt.E (lately Hull Q.BIQ.B Archer nillow R.H.IR.H Colllsler Way K.B. K B K nobis Brook. L.H.L.H Neltsel Heferea: B. B. Strain ot Kearney. Curtis Aggies Wind Up Season With Win Curtis, Neh., Nov. 30. (Special Telegram.) The Curtis Aggies fin ished their season today by defeating the Minden High school eleven 42 to 0. The Aggies started with a rush but the Minden line showed unex pected strength and held the Aggies scoreless in the first period. Three touchdowns were scored in the second quarter, two in the third, and one in the fourth. The Minden team was able to make consistent gains only in the last quar ter, when two forward 'passes were good for sixty yards. Baskin and Gerdes were consistent ground gain ers for the Aggies, while Carter and Hall also made nice gains. Stoll, at quarter, played a stellar game, while Labounty's returning of punts was responsible for two touch downs. Captain Eitzmiller starred for Minden. The lineup: AllGlKH Labounty ...... Oerdes Saxton Crawford Debensam Basptln (i) Harvey, ward... Stoll, Rouaey .. Carter Hall Artier. Ship .... MINDEN . . Kltsmllter Patterson . . -. Hanson Brown Itrn.n . . . . Carlson Robb G. Eltsmlller Kaldall , . Musfrave Nelson L.E. . .I.T.. .L.O.. ..C... R.O.. . R. T. . . R. E. . Q. B. . . L. H. . . R. H., .F.B.. Yankton's Tim. to Win. Tankton. 8. P., Nov. SO. (Special Tele gram.) Yankton, 42: Dakota Wealeyan of Mitchell, 0. In twenty games each has won ten games. Not Quite Down and Out. Many a man feels that he is down and out when as a matter of fact he still has in him many years of good service that can be brought out by proper treatment. Stomach trouble often makes one despondent. It hits him where he lives, saps his strength and energy and makes him feel like giving up. Give him a few doses of Chamberlain s Tablets to improve his digestion and invigorate his liver and bowels, and in most cases recovery is prompt and effectual. Advertisement. CADDOCK THROWS HORTJN A HURRY Iowan Dumps Henderson in Straight Falls, Ten Minutes and Six Minutes. PLESTINA HURLS DEFI It took Karl Caddock, the Anita, la., whirlwind, sometimes described as the man with a thousand holds, just a little over seventeen minutes to dump Mort Henderson of Altoona, Pa., formerly the Masked Marvel, two straight falls at the Council Bluffs auditorium last night. It took Joe Stecher sixteen minutes to throw Henderson one fall last winter in New York. Caddock didn't waste any time on Henderson. He started right after the I'ennsylvanian and threw him with a top body scissors in ten minutes and thirty and three-fifths seconds. Henderson never even got a hold on Caddock during the first tilt. The second fall was even quicker. A scissors and arm lock vanquished Henderson in six minutes and fifty two and three-fifths seconds. Henderson outweighed Caddock by possibly twenty pounds, but the su perior speed of the Iowan more than made up for the difference in pound age. In the first clash Henderson es caped from two scissors' holds of Caddock's. biit couldn't squirm out of the third. Caddock was on top all the time in both tangles. After the first fall Henderson told the audience that Caddock was the best man he had ever met and that he had met most of the best ones, in cluding Stecher, Lewis, et al. Jack Reynolds of Omaha, who is described as the champion welter weight of the world, and Billie Scott, who says he hails from St Louis, put on an exciting preliminary in which Reynolds finished Scott about as quickly as Caddock did Henderson. He won in straight falls in four min utes and fourteen minutes. During the match Marion Plestina of Omaha challenged Caddock to a finish match, winner-take-all, and $200 side bet. Gus Tylee, Plestina's manager, put the $200 in the hands of Charley Sherman, who refereed the bout. No announcement of acceptance of the challenge was made last night About 200 persons saw the match. Victim Lands Hard Upper Out On Jaw Of a Bold Robber "Up with your mitts, mutt!" spoke, an ungentlemanly highwayman in harsh criminal tones as he waylayed J. C. Sylvester, 2957 Harney atreet, at Twenty-eighth and Harney streets. Sylvester heeded not the fact that a revolver menaced his dome, but be ing and obliging cuss he raised both his mitts. His right caught the high wayman on the jaw just below the left ear and his left countered below the miscreant's right nostril. Syl vester lost nothing, but the robber lost considerable blood and little time in getting away. California Loses To Washingtons Seattle, Wash., Nov. 30. The Uni versity of Washington defeated the University of California here today, 14 to 7. In the first half of the game the Californians held their opponents scoreless and there was little to choose between the teams. In the last two periods Washington solved the California defense and by both straight and aerial foot ball scored two touchdowns which netted goals. California's touchdown came in (Tie : last minute of play after a series of short rushes. Moore's Men Win Y. M. C. A. Basket Ball Tournament Team No. Four, captained by Verne Moore, took first honors in the rapid fire basket ball tournament held at the Young Men's Christian associa tion Thursday morning. Moore's flippers defeated team No. Two, cap tained by Leslie Burkenroad. The score was 25 to 6. In the first con test, Captain Burkenroad's men had little trouble in defeating team No. One, under Captain Comfort, by the count of 22 to 9. In the next round, team No. Three, in charge of Captain Bender, losl to Captain Moore's men, 18 to 24. How they played: NO. ONE ( NO. TWO (t!) Patty R.P Mtllbara Crpwley L.P Brarsoa Comfort C Burkenroad Rsese R.u Smith Nordstrom L.O " Griffith NO. THREE (18) NO. FOUR (IS) Berrv R-P Hansen Krederlrka L.P Moore Bechtold C Klepser Bender R.O Catcher Koran L.O Parish nnaL NO. TWO (S) NO. FOUR IU) Mlllbsrg R.F Hansen Kverson L.P Moora t Burkenroad C Klepaar ' Smith R.O Dutchar Orlfflth L.O Parish Omaha Coyotes Win From the Papillion Five The "Omaha Coyote" basket ball team defeated the Papillion High school team Wednesday night on the latter s floor by a score ot 21 to 12. Fast teamwork on the part of the Coyotes and the star guarding of the Russell brothers were the important ' features of the game. The Coyote team consists of the South Dakota freshman attending Creighton univer-. sity. Field goals: For Papillion, Hiclfey 1; for Omaha, Haley, 1; N. Kearney J, Charles Kearney 4. Foul goals: For Papillion, Hickey 10; for Omaha. Charles Kearney 5. Substitutes; Gartland for Kearney. Referee: Smith. Washington Blanks Si. Lovta. Sr. Louts. Nov. 20. Washington nnjTefslty defeated St. Louis university, I to 0, hern today In the last same ot tn. season. Tha ram. was hotly contested all through and both sides were penalised frequently for rough tactics, Bt. Louis bsins the onlaf ot fendor. Superior Closes With Win. Superior, Neb., Nov. 30. (Special Tele rnDL) Hupeiior and Nelson High schools played too'ay on the Nelson field, Superior winning, 19 to T. Superior has Dsen de feated only by one high school team thia season, when they were beaten by Harvard. Indigestion Bad Breath ham Moaaach. If you suffer any ox these tako a onm fat Dr. King's Nov Ufa Pins tfmtgfet. Only tic. AH draggsrts Ad eel, :