Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Brief City News
Flat! nam Wrddln Bins Ed holm.
H.V. Soot Print It Now Beacon Preaa.
Ltf btinc FUlorao Baraao-OnDdon Co.
1917 Calrodare rm at Ciiv'i. Wob. 313.
Robt. C. Drnesedow A Co., 860
Omaha Nat'l Bank. Listed and unlisted
securities: bank stocks; several 7 per
cent guaranteed silt-edge Investments.
Ixmni Her Purse Mrs. A. Ander
son. 1902 Military avenue, informs the
police that some time Monday she
in some manner became separated
from a purse containing 19.
Fails to Hear Robber John Shea,
1107 Douglas street, slept so soundly
Monday nlgnt that ne was noi await
ened when some nocturnal visitor en
tered his room and stole a watch
and 2.
Goes With Cold Storage Company
P. J. Rushlau, who for the last year
has been employed with the traffic
bureau of the Commercial club, has
taken a position as traffic man with
the Omaha cola (Storage company.
Accidental Death A coroner's Jury
returned a verdict of accidental death
after inquiring into the circumstances
surrounding tne death oi Antonio fe
dora, laborer, who was killed on the
railroad tracks near Seymour lake last
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland,
library Closes Miss Edith Tobltt.
librarian, has announced that the pub
lic library will be closed all day
Thanksgiving. A number of the li
brary workers have made arrange
ments to spend the day out of the city
with their parents.
Chrensteln to Lecture You are In
vited to attend a lecture on Christian
Science for business men and wonv
en bv Charles I. Chrenstein. C. S. B.
of Syracuse, N. Y., at the Boyd thea
ter Wednesday noon, NovemDer za
at 12:16 o'clock. Admission free.
Beat Meal for the Money Clatremont Inn.
Forced to Write a
Check and Then Go
To Get It Cashed
Betrayed into a strange house on
lower Missouri avenue and forced to
write a check for $10 and latter ac
company the assailant to a South Side
saloon where it was to be cashed, is
the story Pat Beecham, David City,
Neb., told night police last evening.
Beecham managed to elude his be
trayer while the check was being
cashed at the Carlson saloon at Twen
tieth and Missouri avenue. When of
ficers arrived a few minutes later the
man had flown.
Sergeant Sheahan and Detectives
Sullivan and Fleming later arrested
Jim Jones, 1415 Missouri avenue, at
Twenty-sixth and N streets on sus
picion. This man was identified as the
assailant and is being held by the
Beecham explained that he had be
come acquainted with Jones during
the day and the two repaired to a
house on Missouri avenue, where the
assault was threatened. The check
was not cashed.
Churches Will Hold
Union Services On
Thanksgiving Day
The First Presbyterian, First Chris
tian, Hanscom Park Methodist Epis
copal, Westminster, St. Mary's Ave
nue Congregational, Third Presbyte
rian, First Baptist and Parkvale
churches will unite in Thanksgiving
service Thursday morning at 10:30
at the First Baptist church. Following
is the program:
Organ Prelude Allegretto Gullmant
Scripture Lenson Rev. t. Cobbey
Anthem O Come Let Us Worship
Prayer Rev. K. H. Jenks, t. D.
Offertory Berceuse. Haydn Wood
Solo The Lord Is My Light Allttsen
Mr. C. A. Nearing.
President's Proclamation
Rev. O. A. Hulbert
Anthem Every Day Will I Give Thanks.
Sermon Rev. E. D. Hull
Benediction 4tev. W. R. Taylor
Obituary Notices.
P. H. MORRISEY, assistant to the
vice president of the Burlington rail
road and former head of the Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen, died at
his home at Quincy, 111., today after a
prolonged illness. The funeral will be
held there next Thursday.
earalg1a and Shooting Pains,
Sloan's Liniment is a wonderful medicine
for neuralgia and sharp, shooting pains;
applied to painful spot It stops the ache.
Only 2 Sc. All druggists. Advertisement.
Free Turkey Offer
Meets Big Response
Hundreds of 'People Stream
Into Store to Take Advan
tage of "Palace" Offer.
New Shipment Just Received
and No One to Be
That Thanksgiving Day in
Omaha will be celebrated by the
eating of turkeys is now an assur
ed fact. All day Saturday a stream
of men, women and boys poured
into the Palace Clothing Com
pany's store at 14th and Douglas
streets to take advantage of the
opportunity to obtain a free tur
key for Thanksgiving. Eager pur
chasers after obtaining their suit
or overcoat waited in line to se
lect their turkey, many departing
with two or more handsome birds.
The success with which the of
fer was met induced the manage
ment to purchase another ship
ment of 250 turkeys in order not
to disappoint the hundreds who
will come to the store in the last
day, for the offer will close on
Wednesday night.
Palace quality suits and over
coats at $15 are without question
the acme of perfection in clothes,
and when an opportunity is offer
ed to obtain one of these suits or
overcoats and a turkey free at the
same time the Omaha public is
quick to take advantage of the
To take advantage of this offer
do not wait until the last minute,
as the turkeys are going fast.
These large, fine corn-fed turkeys
are now on exhibition in the Pal
ace Clothing Company's windows,
Hth and Douglas streets. Advertisement
owned by Mrs. Agnes Gover in the pet stock section at the
poultry show this week at the Auditorium.
Stockmen of Northwest Say Zero
Cold Not Epidemic Cause of Trouble
Ellsworth, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special
Telegram.) The temporary embargo
placed by the St. Joseph and Kansas
City yards, as well as by the state of
Colorado, against Nebraska cattle be
cause of the apparent evidence of the
hoof-and-mouth disease has created
quite a furore among the cattlemen of
this section because they regard it un
fair to the immediate prospects of the
cattle industry. The snap-shot judg
ment that has called forth this em
bargo, according to the opinion of a
majority of stockmen in this vicinity,
was caused by the extraordinarily
early visit of extreme winter weather.
Only a small number of cattle were
placed on the winter range before the
weather, 16 and 18 degrees below
zero, arrived. The mid-winter condi
tion was accompanied by a heavy fall
of snow. The only thing visible to
the cattle was the frozen rock salt.
This they observed and relished
with an enthusiasm that can only be
known by a hungry human. The deep
covering of snow deprived hcm of
feed and the frosted salt afforded them
a relish without nutrition. The frost
in the salt deprived them jf their ton
gue's coating, as would a piece of
frosted steel to the tongue of a human.
Sore mouth resulted with a plentious
display of blood around each salt
heap, together with a free flow of
saliva. When the condition was dis
covered food was offered, but the
condition of the animals' mouths pre
vented eating, with the result that a
few were so weakened that death en
With proper attention the majority
survived, and a condition that shortly
after the severe weather of a fortnight
ago proved serious in contemplation
has entirely cleared in course of live
days, so that now there is scarcely a
remnant of a threatened epidemic.
Foot and mouth disease, experts de
clare, begins first" with the hoof. There
has been no ailment of the hoof in
this siege. That all the alarm has
i begun since the cold snap just prior
to the middle ot the month, which was
prevalent throughout the state, proves
to stockmen on the ground that its
origin was with the frozen salt. Had
the cattle jeen placed on winte range
the severe weather would not have
caused sufficient damage for passing
Join the Swappers' Club.
r.r, rail at Hoe office.
Membership la
Two Samples of Valuable Hen
Fruit Donated to Associ
ated Charities.
"Look what I've found!" exclaimed
Mrs. George W. Doane, superintend
ent of the Associated Charities, di
recting the Thanksgiving donation
headquarters at 1206 Karnam.
Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Dr. Ira W.
Porter, Major McCormick and others
rushed to the scene of excitement.
Mrs. Doane held in her hands two
eggs which she found among the do
nations. If the owner of the eggs did
not intend to send them as a Thanks
giving offering he may reclaim them
by identifying his property.
Automobile trucks for conveying
the nrovisions and clothing from pub
lie and parochial schools were loaned
by these firms and individuals: Gor
don Van, Omaha Van, John Deere
Plow company, Omaha Transfer com
pany, Maggard Van, Fidelity Van,
Salvation Army, Volunteers ot Amer
ica. Trimble Bros., Omaha Mer
chants' Transfer company, Andrew
Murphy company, Carl Strausser and
City Commissioner Jardine.
Boys and Girls Help.
Assisting in the work of collect
ing the offerings from the schools
are the following high school boys
and girls: Roy Merger, Harold Eaton,
Charles 1-eldman, Charles Brewer,
Richard Dearmount. Russell Smith,
Fred Bergquist. Clarence Rogers,
Phtlin Vousen. Carl Balbach, Dewey
Kinyomi, John Spencer, Robert Fess-
Will Never Be Without
This Simple Laxative
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Relieved Her Baby When
Nothing Else Would
Little Max Pendergrast is now four
years old, and a fine healthy boy. When
but a tiny baby, in fact almost from
birth, he suffered a great deal from
constipation. His mother, Mrs. Carl
W. Pcndergrast, Red Key, Ind., heard
of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, ob
tained a bottle of it from the drug
store, and with it was able to quickly
correct this condition.
Mrs. Pendergrast says Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin has saved them
from calling the doctor many times,
and that she will never be without a
bottle of it in the house to use when
needed. She found it equally effective
as a laxative for herself and other
members of the family.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup PepMn is a com
bination of simple 1bxrHv herb with pap
ain, ploHHRtit to the tanto, mild In action
and pnttttlve In effect. It does not gripe
or strain, and contains no opiate or narcotic
drug- It is (he ideal family laxative, mild
and pleasant for baby, yet acting quickly
on the ftlrnngexi constitution.
To avoid Imitations and ineffective sub
stitutes be sure to ask for Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr.
Caldwell's signature and his portrait appear
on the yellow carton In which the .bottle
la packed. A trial bottle, free of charge,
can be obtained by writing to Dr. W, B.
Caldwell, 466 Washington St., Montlcello,
VEUE Quality mast be maintained. To do this,
in the face of the enormous rise in cost of supe
rior materials and workmanship used in Velie cars,
it is necessary for us, in common with other
manufacturers of the best cars, to advance prices.
Accordingly, an advance of $50 will be made in Velie
"BUtweT Six with open bodies delivered on and
after January 1, 1917. Cars ordered and delivered
prior to that date will be at the present prices:
Model 28, five-passenger Touring, $1085; with de
tachable Sedan Top, $1285; four-passenger Com
panionable Roadster, $1085; two-passenger Road
ster, $1065. Model 27, seven-passenger Six the
utmost in luxury and refinement, $1550.
The only Velie cars excepted from this advance are the
following exclusively designed models:
Cabriolet, $1485; Touring Sedan, $1685; four-passenger
Sociable Coupe, $1750; Town Car, $2200.
With the powerful Velie Special Continental Motor Timken
Axles front and rear long, easy riding Underslung Springs
Multiple Dry Disc Clutch Remy Automatic Ignition Vacuum
Feed Push-button Starting Everything in and on. And
the famous Velie deep-tufted Genuine Leather and Curled Hair
Upholstery. Better cars are not built at any price.
Do not delay placing your order now. Never again will inch a
thirty-day opportunity be offered you. All open car models deliv
ered after January first will positively be $50 higher. See your
nearest Velie dealer today and sava $50. Don't be disappointed.
Catalog on Request
L. E. DOTY, Inc.
2027-29 Farnam St. Omaha, Nebr.
Icr, Hold Kjilftard, Lelia Hoke. Jean
nette Harsh, Gladys Ambler, Carolyn
Miller, Ilda I.anilgon and Slice Dran.
The Omaha Bemis Bag company
gave 1,000 sacks and twenty workers
from charitable organizations are as
sisting Mrs. Doane at hearquarters
As quickly as the supplies are re
ceived at the store room they are
f ..rted out and distributed into spaces
marked with the names of the organi
sations participating in the work. It
is bi lieved all supplies will have been
collected ann sonea netore ntgnttaii.
On Wednesday the charitable organi
zations will take their shares and in
turn will distribute the offerings
among the poor people whose names
they have.
Safe Blower Gets
One to Five Years
Pleading guilty to a charge of
breaking and entering and attempt
ing to crack a safe at 802 South Thir
teenth street about three weeks ago,
F.dward Williams was sentenced to
from one to five years in the state
penitentiary by Judge Sears.
Charles Sheridan, his "pal," who
was shot by Police Officer Pipkin on
the mght of the attempted robbery,
was removed from the county hospi
tal to the county jail Monday. He
will be tried later.
Prosperity is King, Says
Brandeis Store Manager
George Brandeis, general manager
of the Brandeis stores, returned from
ew York Tuesday morning follow
ing a business conference concerning
the Brandeis Realty company. He
said that conditions in the east were
very prosperous, that prices on all
goods had taken an advance and that
many large manufacturers had
stopped making the cheaper grades.
He said there were more jobs than
could be filled and predicted that
prices concerning wearing apparel
would remain at the present high
state until after the war.
gess-Nash Com
effie Christmas Store for &vertjbody
TuwcUy, NoTmbr 28, 1916-
-Pho O. 137.
Santa Claus
Is Coming
HE WILL be at Burgess-Nssh
Toy Town Friday morning,
and he wants to meet every lit
tle boy and girl there.
He'll have a little gift for ev
ery child accompanied by a parent.
Burgess-Nash Offer $100 in Prizes
for Letters About Santa Claus
We offer the following prizes to the boys and
girls of school age, either public, parochial or high
school, who write the best letters about Santa
$25.00 for the best letter.
$15.00 for the aecond-best letter. '
$10.00 for the third-beat letter. '
To the boys and girls who write the bestiletter
about our Christmas goods:
$25.00 for the beat letter. ,,
$15.00 for the second-best letter. ft
$10.00 for the third-best letter.
The letters will be judged by their composition- orfcrnaV
ity and neatness, and the age of the contestant will be taken
under consideration.
Competent judges will be secured to pass-em tha merlla
of each letter.
All letters entered in the contest must be in our office
before 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, December 6. Be sore and
give your full name, address, grade of school and age. Ad
dress letters to
Burgess-Nash Santa Claus Contest Department,
Omaha, Neb.
Here's indeed a
remarkable offering
Your Unrestricted Choice Wednesday
"of Our Entire Stock of
Tailored Suits
At 2 Price
ITS the opportunity of the season.
An occasion when you can secure a smart new
suit that measures fully up to the Burgess-Nash
Standard of style and quality, at half the former
or original price.
The offering affords a wide range of selection
tailored suits individual styles that will appeal
to the most exacting.
Every favored material is represented in prac
tically all the new shades.
The prices range from Jf!
$9.75 up to $100.00
Bwf ma-NaMsii
YOUR Order for
Christmas Cards
Should be given as early as
possible to insure no disap
pointment later on.
Our stock of samples is very
extensive, featuring many new
ideas shown this season for the
first time. Prices most reason
able. To mora conveniently aerve you we
have moved thia aeetton to the Dreee
Good Section, at right of elevatora.
Burgaaa-Naah Co. Main Floor.
CUT Flowers
For Thanksgiving
A splendid assortment of
fresh cut flowers for the
Thanksgiving table. Including,
large size chrysanthemums,
white or yellow; fresh cut roses,
assorted colors; violets, potted
plants, ferns.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor.
A Sale of Fresh Nuts'
TjIRESH nuts for the Thanksgiving dinner, the best grade,
first quality, 1916 crop, no better grown; special prices
for Wednesday:
Peanuti, fr.ih roasted,
large bag C
Engliih walnuta, largo OC
aiza, pound, 21 and )C
Almonds, California,
paper shall, per pound
Brazil nuts, large six., OC
washed, pound aWC
Almonds, hard shall, 01
p.cial, at, pound... ailC
Paeans, th. largo land, OCg,
at, pound faJC
Burgoaa-Naah Co. Down-Stair. 5 tort.
Untrimmed Hats at 25c
A GOOD selection of untrimmed shapes of good
quality silk velvet and plush; were to $2.00,
very Bpecial, Wednesday, 25c.
Wednesday 8:30 A. M. to 1 2 M.
Misses' and children's hats in a selection of
pretty styles; were $1.50, very special, Wednes
day, from 8 :30 A. M. to 12 M for 10c
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down-Stair, Star.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really successful.
Use Zemo for Eczema
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can atop jurning, itching
eczema quickly by applying i little zemo
furnished by any druggist for 25a Ex
tra large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins
the moment zemo is applied. In a short
time usually every trace of eczema, tet
ter, pimples, rash, black heads and sim
ilar skin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve and it does not stain. When
others fail it is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds.
The E, W. Rom Co., Clavolano, O