Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1916, Image 6

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Bntered at Omaha aoetofflee ai eeeond-eleea natter.
Iteflr and Snndar
taUr without Sunder..
Evening and Sunday...
Knmg without 8undar
Bundav Be anlr
Br Carrier
par month.
Br Mail
per Tr
Bailr and Bunder Bee, three rar in advance, m.v.
send aotlre of enema of addreea or irret-uianvj w
livery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department
earit br draft, eipreae or poatal order. Onlr -enl etampi
Bui en m parment of email aeeoanie. rem i...
eaoept eaj Omaha and aaatarn aaehanye. not aceoptod.
Omaha Th Baa Bnlldrne;.
South Omaha (111 N atreet.
Council Bluff 14 North Main atreet.
Lincoln ell Little Bnildlnf.
Chicase Sll People'! Cae Bulldine.
New York Room 101, ill f ifth erenue.
St. Louie 101 New Bank of Commerce.
Waahiactoa Jl Fourteen th atreet. N. W.
Addreaa eommnnlcationi relating to newa end editorial
Batter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
53,818 Daily Sunday 50,252
Dwtirht William., eirenlatlon manager of The Bee
nMlehtng eonpanr, being duly awom, eeye that the
aeerace circulation for the month of October, Hie, waa
SM1S daily, and 50.162 Sander.
DW10HT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Snbacribed in my preeence and iworn to before me
thai 4th dar ct November. 1916.
& W. CARLSON, Notary Pobne.
SobaeriWs luring tha city temporarily
abonld ban Th Boa mailed to them. Ad
elrwee will ba changed aa often a required.
Th joy-ride-killer is no respecter of persons.
International courtesy
law to the scrap heap.
follows international
A pipe line to Omaha from the Wyoming oil
fields is entirely feasible, but it will not build
Molasses catches more flies than vinegar.
Why scold folks for not giving to Christmas
On the score of health as much as economy,
there is much to commend the movement ta boy
cott cold storage eggs.
Yes, but isn't it rubbing it in a little to put
all that fine poultry on exhibition right in the
face of Thanksgiving day?
A referendum election costs the taxpayers of
Omaha four to five thousand dollars. The tax
payer, however, is a patient animal.
The fathers of Thanksgiving day deserve a
pious thought for their tasteful impulse in pass-
i ing up lame ducks as a holiday delicacy.
No self-appointed charter-tinkering committee
I yet I And the legislative session only a little
I more than a month off. What's the matter?
An ordinance imposing severe penalties on the
practice of heaving hammers at municipal limou
sines properly takes precedence under the head of
new business.
i If Governor Morehead's "poor food inspector"
had announced his positive and irrevocable re
tirement earlier his constitutional amendment
might have fared better.
If the kindness of the weather man holds out,
' that stretch of repavement on our main thor-
oughfare, which has been kept torn up for two
jt i months, may possibly be completed this year.
,. The notion still persists among the home
I '- guard that Great Britain is fighting the world's
i battle for freedom. The delusion constitutes the
I most satisfying feature of the campaign thus far.
: ' Congressman Fitzgeratd of Brooklyn boldly
: defies rural lightning in urging an embargo on
i exports of American grain. His district con
is tains host of bakers and mighty few farmers,
if The London editor protests too much against
, peace moves in this country. The chief signifi
' cance of the outburst lies in the tone of lofty
( patriotism which distinguishes mouth-fighting in
: war times.
A fashion oracle of the male persuasion in
Chicago tells women what cut of garments they
will wear next spring. Which suggests that
political equality is not the only string in the
emancipation fiddle.
"What might have been," the melancholy spec-
' ter of national folly, haunts Carranza circles. Had
, the supersensitive first chief co-operated with the
American expedition from the start there is hardly
a doubt that Villa would have been captured and
put out of business. Opportunity called, but Tolly
paid no heed and now pays the price.
Nebraska Press Comment
Neligh Leader: The retail dealers in coal in
the cities are certainly putting the crimp into the
consumer. While the retail prices of coal in the
smaller towns has advanced materially, it has
not been nearly so much as the advance in the
cities, coal selling in many places having a
cheaper freight rate than interior points at
hieher prices. It is evidently a lot like many
of the other increases in prices, simply taking
advantage of the general upward trend to squeeze
the public
Aurora Republican: The next election in Ne
braska will be simplified to the extent of elimi
nating two political parties, anyway. The pro
gressives failed to poll 1 per cent of the total
vote of the state and are therefore automatically
retired from the field. The populists failed to
bold a convention and comply with other legal
requirements, and they will also be ruled off the
ballot. Nebraska is said to have been the last
state in which the people's independent party
existed. It was the death bed as well as the
cradle of populism.
Dakota City Eagle: Some legislator can gain
tame and glory by introducing a bill in the com
ing Nebraska legislature, and see that it be
comes a law, providing for relief in our voting
system, and especially in the counting of the bal
lots. A double shut election board seems to be
the simplest remedy so far suggested. Let the
counting ot votes commence soon alter toe vol
ing commences and then soon after the polls are
closed the result can be ascertained without
hiving to wait from two to five days. The cost
would be no more than under the present sys
tem and the job would not be shunned by high
class persons, which it is advantageous to have
nil these positions.
Great Britain's Ungracious Refusal.
The refusal of Great Britain to grant a safe
passage to the new Austrian ambassador to the
United States is as ungracious as it is uncalled
for. Nor is it made any the more bearable be
cause of the pretext on which the action is predi
cated. To insinuate that the behavior of diplo
matists of the Teutonic powers is warrant for
declining to permit them to visit the countries to
which they are accredited is to exhibit incredible
animosity. Great Britain has no right to assume
that sentiment in the I'nited States is unfavor
ably affected towards one side by reason of the
presence of representatives of the other. If this
were so the British are open to the accusation of
seeking undue advantage by excluding the ambas
sador of an enemy. The dismissal of Dr. Dumba
should be convincing proof of the sincerity of our
government in this regard. Many matters calling
for diplomatic action arise between the United
States and Austria in which Great Britain has
but collateral or remote concern, but these must
be delayed to suit the pleasure of the British
government. The cause of the Allies will not be
helped by this action, nor will John Bull's atti
tude as guardian of the world be strengthened.
It may also be of interest to know if the precedent
will be followed when the American ambassador
to Germany seeks to return to his post at Berlin.
Speculating on the Senate.
Political dopesters down at Washington are
already speculating upon the complexion of the
United States senate after two years from now.
They call attention to the fact that while the
republicans, as a result of the last election, have
cut down the democratic majority from sixteen
to twelve, they would still have to win seven
places on the next round to gain control. It is
further explained that of the batch of thirty-two
senators to be voted on in 1918 thirteen are re
publicans and nineteen are democrats, of which
twelve are from southern states, so that the repub
licans would have to bold their own and gain all
of the expiring democratic senatorships outside of
the south.
On the face of it this looks like an impossible
situation, but it is not altogether hopeless, be
cause we sometimes have kaleidoscopic political
changes. There is always a fair prospect that
we may have more than thirty-two senatorial
places to fill for the next following congress.
Let it be remembered, too, that we have just
chosen two new senators from each of the states
of Maine and Indiana. True, this was due to
deaths of incumbents, and still it will be the
exception, rather than the rule, hereafter, with
our direct popular choice of senators, to have an
election in which some state does not have to
choose two senators at a time.
For republicans to capture the senate may be
a long chance, but no more so than most of the
political maneuvering to change control of a leg
islative body, and stranger things have often hap
pened, as our history attests.
Hunger Strike and Food Prices.
Russian prisoners have been known to bring
hard-hearted jailors to terms by going on a
hunger strike. These are to be imitated by Amer
ican housewives, who propose to abstain from
buying foods on which the price has been inordi
nately increased. As a protest, this may be spec
tacular, but its usefulness remains to be estab
lished. One holder of stored-up food product
calmly defies the public, courts and all to move
him from his purpose. He holds the food in
storage and tells the consumer if he wants to
eat this particular sort of nourishment he must
pay the price. Neither attitude is correct. The
public should have the benefit of all improved
methods for preserving food, that the plenitude
of summer may be extended over the lean months
of winter, and the owners of the storehouses
should have a reasonable profit for their share.
This is another place where the authority of the
whole people must be exercised, for its outcome
does not rest on spasmodic action by a few. A
hunger strike is only a protest and not a remedy.
Omaha's Unemployed Nurses.
Ordinarily much sympathy goes out to any
unemployed class of workers, but Omaha just now
has one division of its army of toilers on the idle
list which it is willing to have stay there. The
trained nurses set up complaint that the city has
become so healthy that they are unable to earn a
living at their calling. This is unfortunate for
the nurses, but the other inhabitants will try to
abide the condition. It is merely bearing out
claims for the community, made by The Bee for
lo these many years, that Omaha ought to be an
ideal spot for health. Omaha has the correct
combination of salubrious climate, invigorating
altitude and intelligent citizenship, under which
bodily well-being is an assured condition of life.
Here's hoping that nothing like destitution over
takes the nurses, nor that any sudden and urgent
demand for their services overwhelms the city.
Work for the Legislature.
When the Nebraska legislature comes together
in January it will find plenty of work waiting for
it, mostly in the way of making repairs on the
output of preceding legislatures. A general de
mand is heard from all over the state for altera
tion or improvement of existing laws. This evi
dence that efforts at regulation have not all
worked out as well as had been anticipated is not
surprising. Our habit of resorting to the passage
of a law to correct some local or temporary con
dition has led us into a veritable morass of statu
tory complication. Most of the measures enacted
into law by the legislatures have been hastily
constructed and not well considered, and so
bring confusion rather than relief. It is an inevi
table experience of a growing state that its regu
latory statutes must not only be elastic, but must
also be subject to frequent revision, but in Ne
braska following this theory, we have gone to ex
tremes. Much that is now the subject of law
might better have been left to the common sense
of the people. "Be it enacted" is not a magical
formula for the solution of all of man's per
plexities. Will Irvin, war correspondent, just home
from the front, predicts two more years of war.
Other experienced correspondents predict two,
three and even four more years of slaughter.
These prophecies of continued woe fail to indicate
where the cannon fodder will come from.
If it took even ten street lamps to equal a
policeman, the proposed new street lighting con
tract would be the same as adding 100 men to
the force at no additional cost
Jack London's Own Story as
Told Seventeen Years Ago
It would be a fascinating experience, would it
not, if you could ask a famous man to tell you
something about himself and he accommodat
ingly complied? Well, that is what we have here
from Jack London in the following characteristic
and interesting letter written nearly seventeen
years ago to M. L. Osborne, associate editor of
the National Magazine, who encorporates it in an
article in the current issue of that periodical:
Oakland, Cal March 24, 1900. My Friend:
In reply to yours of March 19, in which you
kindly offer to give a review of my book and
ask for data. Find herewith a couple of clip
pings which may be of use to you; also, I shall
supplement them where I may imagine it to be
Please do not be led away by the error in
one of them relating to my birthplace. I was
born in San Francisco and am a Californian by
birth as well as residence. I was 24 years old
last January. I lived on Californian ranches
until my tenth year, when my family removed
to Oakland, a city, I believe, now boasting 80,000
inhabitants. By fits and starts I acquired a
grammar school education, but rough life always
called to me, my whole ancestry was nomadic
(its destiny being apparently to multiply and
spread over the earth), so at 15 I, too, struck
out into the world. I did not run away. My
people knew the strain in the blood, so I went
with consent. I first went faring amongst the
scum marine population of San Francisco hay,
where I got down close to the naked facts of life.
It was a most adventurous experience, and one
(like all the rest) which I have never regretted.
I there learned the rudiments of seamanship,
handling small craft in the sternest of weather,
till, the month I was 17, I was fitted to ship be
fore the mast as an able seaman. Went to Japan,
seal-hunting on the Russian side of Behring sea,
etc. It was the longest voyage I ever took (seven
months); life was too short to admit ot more.
But I have taken many short ones and have
served in divers forecastles, stock-holes, etc.,
and am at home anywhere.
When I turned 18, having taken an interest
in economics and sociology, I went tramping (to
the manner born) throughout the United States
and Canada. Since then have continued those
studies, but in a more conventional and theo
retical way.
I dabbled at high school, took a brief fling
at the state university, b;it failed to complete my
tresnman year (not tailed trom a scnoiany
standpoint) and hurried away with the first rush
into the Klondike. Have mined and camped
through the Sierras and other places, etc Never
having been unwise enough to learn a trade, I
have worked at all sorts of hard labor.
When in the Klondike my father died and I
returned to take charge of the family. Have
never been rash enough to put out a sheet anchor
in the form of a wife. But when I returned from
the Klondike I resolved to make the fight of my
life by making my living with my pen. This
was precarious, for my assets were nil and my
liabilities legion. I was also a beginner, knew
noihing of markets, methods of editors, needs or
how to furnish those needs. My literary life is
thus about 14 months old, during which time I
have striven to find myself, from the writing
of troilets to blank verse, and from feature arti
cles for yellow journals to really ambitious short
stories. Consequently I have turned out a vast
deal of hack work. And little ambitious work.
Nor have I yet been so financially situated that I
could try anything long.
"The Son of the Wolf," as -youu discover, is
a collection of short stories. These were written
to supply a pressing need for cash and were pub
lished principally in the Overland Monthly of
San Francisco; also in Atlantic Monthly. Then
they were collected (nine of them) and submit
ted successfully to Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin
k Co.
These gentlemen will supply you with electro
types of myself, I doubt not, though you may
have to ask for them. The Overland Monthly,
April (if the article is not delayed), will prob
ably furnish you with further data should you
need it. Said article is to be written by Mrs.
Ninette Eames, who knows me personally, but
I do not know what she intends saying in it.
Thanking you for past and present kindnesses,
I beg to remain, very sincerely yours,
Goose and Turkey
-Chtcego Tribune-
Dinner table conventions, concerning diet as
well as manners, are a part of the traditions of a
nation. Our conventions are costly as they relate
to food, and just now economy and conventions
are struggling against each other.
American habit demands a turkey on Thanks
giving, and that custom is as firmly fixed as any
thing that American tradition encourages. The
bird not only furnishes noble baked meats, but
it comes to thetable out of pictures the Ameri
cans holds in warm affection, pictures of John
Aldens and Priscillas, of resolute men carry bell
mouthed firearms, pictures of deep forests, snow
bound villages, of hearths and great fireplaces.
On Thanksgiving the American family not only
roasts a turkey but also makes it an offering to
national sentiment but in the produce markets
turkey is offered to the retailer at JO to 32 cents
a pound, and the retailer gets what he can for it.
In the same produce markets the retailer is of
fered geese at 19 to 20 cents a pound.
The goose represents a German, and to a less
extent an English, idea of joviality. As any for
tunate lover of the flesh pots will agree, it is an
extremely good bird. It has as many points in
its favor as the turkey, and economy suggests
that it be substituted for the turkey. It is not a
difficult fowl to raise. The turkey is a risk. There
is tremendous pressure upon the market for tur
keys. The goose market is easy.
It is a fine thing to conserve American tradi
tions, even traditions of eating. We have few
that are solid and enduring, but a tradition which
runs up meat and grocery bills and bleeds the
family pocketbook needs examination for its real
For the sake of tradition, for the sake of the
pictures which are in the mind of the American
household, even economy might yield a point on
Thanksgiving, but why make turkey the essential
fowl for Christmas or other memorable days?
Then, at least, the goose stands temptingly to
appetite as the bird of greater traditions. It is
connected with many of the cheerful festivals of
F.urope. It is a thing of gustatory excellence.
And in American markets its price recommends
it. Its savor is something to make trenchermen
of dyspeptics.
People and Events
St. Paul restaurant men are boosting a nation
wide movement to hit the egg trust by refusing
to serve eggs. Where there's a will there's a
way to fight back.
Boom towns are springing up along the new
government railroad line in Alaska. A real estate
boom in that section dispenses with the strain
of digging through frozen ground for "pay dirt"
Sing Sing prison has the smallest number of
guests it has had in many years. The noted in
voluntary retreat seems to have lost social stand
ing since T. Mott Osborn quit the job.
Back in little old New York an addition of
$1 to the price of coal mounted to $5 a ton when
passed to the consumer buying by the pailful.
Wonderful how a rise in price gathers volume as
it slips along.
A social survey at Gary, Ind., found a girl
earning $6 a week who had just finished paying
for a $22.50 pair of up-to-date boots at the rate of
$1 a week. The girl's ambition matched the
reach of the shoetnan.
Thought Nugget, for the Day.
We ought not to look bark, unless
it la to derive useful lesions from pant
errors, and for the purpose of pruiit
ing by dear-bouKht experience.
Geonce Washington.
One Year Ago Today In the War.
Allien pressed Dardanelles attack by
land and sea.
Earl Kitchener held council with
war chiefs at Paria,
Snow prevented fighting on Allied
front in Herbta.
German emperor attended war
council in Vienna.
Paris reported gains for the
French north of "the labyrinth.'
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
President Meyer of the Board of
Trade selected the following gentle
men to present the claims of Omaha
in regard to the removing of the In
dian supply depot from New York:
H. W. Yates, H. Kountze, Guy C. Bar
ton, Joseph Garneau, jr., Max Meyer,
G. L. Miller, J. E. Boyd and John A.
A meeting was held to receive the
newly-organized Hillside Congrega
tional church into full fellowship. The
Congregational pastors of the city and
several from abroad were present
Among the visitors was Dr. G. W.
Crofts, pastor of the Congregational
church of Council Bluffs.
An expressman named Carlyle,
while accommodating a poor family
by moving their household goods for
them, tell and broke his leg. ue was
taken to his home on Pacific street
and the fracture was reduced by Dr.
While Gus Horst, who lives near
Florence lake, was leading a horse to
water, it became frightened and
Jumped upon Mr. Horst, knocking
him down and tramping upon his head
and face. Dr. Carpenter, assistant
Union Pacific surgeon, was called to
attend to Horst's injuries.
J. Sterling Morton smilingly made
his appearance in the rotunda of the
Paxton, his diamond and onyx rings
flashing from the middle finger of his
left hand and an oval cameo encased
In twisted gold reposing upon his
ample scarf;
Sam Jones gave it as his opinion
that the increase in the membership
of the churches, caused by his re
vivals, would be about f0", while he
felt that 1,000 would be so affected as
to become active workers who had
heretofore lain dormant.
This Day in History.
1814 A party of British rairVd
several towns and villages along the
Rappahannock river in Virginia.
1816 Morrison R. Wait for fif
teen years chief Justice of the supreme
court of the United States, born at
Lyme, Conn. Died in Washington,
D. C, March 23, 1888.
1 8 64 General Hood attacked the
federals at Spring hill, without deci
sive results.
1872 Horace Greeley, famous Jour
nalist and presidential candidate,
died at Pleaaantvtlle, N. Y. Born at
Amherst, N. H., February 3, 1S11.
1879 Marriage of King Alfonso
XII of Spain and Archduchess Maria
Christina of Austria.
1881 Missouri river improvement
convention met at St. Joseph, with
four states and two territories repre
sented. 1884 Captain David L. Payne, fa
mous leader of Oklahoma boomers,
died at Wellington, Kan.
1891 The Cherokee Council agreed
with the United States commissioners
to sell the Cherokee strip for $8,700,
000 .
1898 The steamer Portland, bound
from Boston to Portland, Me., foun
dered in a gale off Cape Cod, with a
loss of 118 Uvea.
1904 Fanny Janauschek, famous
actress, died at Amityville, N. Y. Born
at Prague, Bohemia, May 10, 1827
The Day We Celebrate.
R. W. Gardner, in charge of ihe
Omaha branch of the Otis Elevatur
company, of which he is vice presi
dent, is just 48 years old. He was
born In Dearborn, Mich., coming here
from Chicago.
William G. Lee, president of the
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen,
and one of the leaders in the fight for
the eight-hour day, bom at La Prairie,
111., fifty-seven years ago todav.
Dr, Theobald von Bethmann-Holl-weg,
German Imperial chancellor,
born in the province of Brandenberg,
sixty years ago today.
Miss Ellen C. Sabtn. for twenty-five
years president of Milwaukee-Dormer
college, born in Dane county, Wis.,
sixty-six years ago today.
Trixie Friganza, one of the well
known actresses of the American
stage, bora in Cincinnati, forty-six
years ago today.
Joseph E. Davies, chairman of the
Federal Trade commission, born at
Watertown, Wis., forty years ago to
day. Edwin P. Morrow, Kentucky repub
lican leader and candidate for gover
nor in 1915, born at Somerset, Ky.,
thirty-eight years ago today.
Carl E. Weilman, pitcher of the St.
Louis American league base ball team,
born at Hamilton, O., twenty-seven
years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
The first savtngs bank in the United
States was organised in New York
City 100 years ago today, but the first
to go into actual operation opened its
doors in Philadelphia five days later.
Today is the centennial anniversary
of the birth of Morrison R. Waite,
chief Justice of the supreme court of
the United States from 1874 until his
death in 1888.
Jesse Pomeroy, who has passed
forty years In solitary confinement in
the Massachusetts state prison under
life sentence for the diabolical mur
der of little children, reaches his fifty
seventh birthday anniversary today.
A strike of waiters and cooks em
ployed in Boston hotels and restaur
ants is possible Thanksgiving morning
if the demand of the employes, calling
for a wage advance. Is not granted at
today's conference with the employers.
The federal committee on arms
plants Is to meet in Washington today
to consider the advisability of the
government manufacturing Its own
arms, instead of purchasing them from
private manufacturers.
Storyctte of the Day.
Samaon snored peacefully while De
lilah snipped at his locks.
"Do you want it cut round or square
on the neck?" she asked.
No answer.
"Would you like a seafoam or
shampoo ?
No reply.
"Hair is getting a trifle thin on top.
Would you like a little tonic?
"Have yoor whiskers trimmed?"
More silence.
Whereupon Samaon climbed out of
the chair, gazed into a mirror, then
rushed into the street and pulled
down a temple. Indianapolis Star.
Cocktails and Turkey.
Chicago, 111., Nov. 28. To the
Editor of The Bee: "I say, why do you
omit the cherry in this Manhattan
cocktail?" waa the query put to the
genial and economical waiter in one
of the popular rstauranta in this city
last night by a reputable clever young
civil engineer.
"We can't afford that now with the
prices of everything advanced," was
the reply. "We must have 20 cents
straight for Manhattans without
cherries. All farm products cost more
now than formerly and before the
The engineer man and his partner
drank the insipid, weak but expensive
mixture in silence and left the place,
vowing never to return, and wonder
ing what next would happen in the
"high cost of living" game.
The president of the United States
raised the wages of a few railroad
laborers and promised the railroad
presidents to use his best efforts to
secure an advance of $100,000,000 an
nually in freight rates, and for ail
these blessings showered on these men
by Mr. Wilson they will renew their
thanks to Woodrow and a kind provi
dence next Thursday while eating
their 38 to 40-cent-per-pound turkey
that they have been enabled to buy
at the expense of the rest of the un
fortunate consumers not engaged in
the railroad or farming business.
It is said the president will oppose
Congressman Fitzgerald's embargo bill
for foodstuffs in the interest of the
farmers, who in solemn council at
Washington this week protested
against embargo legislation and lower
prices for farm products.
At Baltimore on the same day the
official representatives of American
workingmen asked for an embargo
and cheaper food for their children.
Woodrow Wilson, with his railroad
supporters and farmer friends, will
feast and be thankful while eating
turkey the American bird while the
rest of "humanity," especially in Chi
cago, where it is so strenuously be
ing suggested that they eat goose and
try and give thanks for their bounteous
"privations" and higher cost of liv
ing than is being enjoyed in London
or Berlin; the result of the November
election, and the goose, the bird that
Is held in such high esteem in Ger
lar school of medicine whether In
will or not. It is not fair. It is ru t
open competition.
publicity will destroy the effort, and
Christian Science, if it has done noih
ing more, has earned the right lo a
fair field and it ought not to be com
pelled to fight this battle for public
ity. It should come from fair-minded,
liberty-loving citizens, no matter what
their attitude toward Christian Science
may be. CARL E. HERRING.
Mistake Cheerfully Corrected.
Kearney, Neb., Nov. 27. To the
Editor of The Bee: When you pub
lished ' the political standing of the
officers in the different counties you
have me as sheriff of Buffalo county
as a democrat, which is a mistake, as '
I am a republican and always have
been. S. B. FUNK.
Foolishness in the Schools.
Omaha, Nov. 28. To the Editor of
The Bee: I went down to the Audi
torium to Jerry Howard's banquet the
other night and there were many good
things said there. One that interested
me was what the doctor said about
the school teachers' pay. I agree with
him they should have all that can
possibly be given them. They cer
tainly work hard enough for it, hav
ing from twenty-five to thirty or more
of other people's spoiled kids to look
after for from five and a half to
six hours a day. But there ia one
thing I would like to see done and
that is all the foolishness cut out of
the school. Now my little girl, who
is in the eighth grade, has spent sev
eral hours these last ten days sticking
the end of a spool into liquid paint
and patting it on a piece of paper,
and like foolishness, time that should
have been spent in learning something
that will be of use to her in after
life. It seems hard to the average
man, who has a hard struggle sending
his children to school, to have to see
them waste their valuable time in
some of the foolishness that they do.
The doctor spoke of a technical
high school, after they had finished
the high school. Now a great many
people are unable to send their chil
dren through the high school and the
most that they can plan for is one
year in high school. Would it not
be a better plan to have a school
where the children are taught only
the things that will be useful to them
In the future in the way of studies?
My plan would be a school where
they came to school at 9 o'clock; at
10:30 they would all be turned out
to run around in the fresh air for
ten or fifteen minutes and then home
at 12 o'clock, the same plan being
carried out in the afternoon, the time
being taken up with studies such as
I had when I went to school arith
metic, geography, grammar, spelling
and reading.
As it looks to me now children in
the eighth grade are wasting a great
deal of their time on kindergarten
I have often wished there was some
public school in Omaha that would
teach only the useful things where I
could put my children. It seems to
me there would be a great demand for
entrance to such a school.
Fair Play for Christian Science.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. 28. To the
Editor of The Bee: A writer in a
sectarian paper that circulates among
your readers criticise a Christian
Scientist for making a distinction be
tween a physician and a surgeon and
suggests that God intended "man
should profit by the skill of physi
cians and surgeons, else he never
would have given man the mental
capacity to do some of the miracles
of modern surgery "
The underlying mistake of this writ
er, shared by a great many people, is
in thinking that Christian Scientists
have some kind of a warfare against
The most casual observer will have
noted that whatever activities Chris
tian Scientists have shown in legis
lation, litigation of publicity, and we
will admit not often having been
asleep at the switch, there never has
been one step taken seeking to cur
tail the right of the physician to prac
tice his profession or the freedom of
the citizen to select the healing meth
od of his choice.
Christian Scientists appeal to the
legislatures and to the courts only for
the purpose of obtaining the same
freedom freedom to practice and
freedom to select Christian Science.
The medical fraternity, through the
specious argument of protecting the
public against itself, has invoked leg
islatures and the couvts to deny to
the citizen this freedom of choice.
This system of curtailment appears
in two forma one to make unlawful
the practice of Christian Science and
the other, by a brood of bills presented
and to be presented to the legislatures
of the various states, relating to in
surance, compensation acts, medical
inspection and a number of others
not yet fully incubated, by which the
citizen will not be entitled to his con
tract rights, his remedy for injuries
sustained, Insurance, educational ad
vantages for his children and so on,
unless he has In some form come in
contact with a physician as defined and
limited by the act itself.
It is needless to say that Christian
Science and a number of other schools
are without the pale in these propo
sals and So fast as legislatures are in
duced to see the merits of these meas
ures and overlook their relation to the
practice of medicine Just so fast will
the citizen be harnessed to the regu-
"Jim always manages to stty the wrong
"What's'he been sayinir now?"
"When he saw Smith under his auto, which'
had turned turtle, he laughed and said,
'Welt. Jims, this is a horse on you." Balti
more American.
Mother (coming from pantry) Robert,
did you pick all the white meat off this
chicken ?
Bobby Well, ma, to make a clean breast
of It, I did. Boston Transcript
ftflHQ Iti LAM VttU. BE fMED
Mrs. Cornier (on a tour of Inspection tn her
friend's house) Gracious! Why do you have
such a high bed for your little boy?
Mrs. Housler So we can hear him If he
folia out. You have no idea what heavy
sleepers my husband and I are. Chicago
News. 4
"What will we do for light? Here's the
current gone and the gas turned off. It we
only had some candles."
"Well, tell Gladys to tend us those taper
fingers she makes so much fuss over."
Baltimore American.
Edith M. Thomas.
I found one flower of heavenly blue
Upon a southward bourne;
"What bloom art thou, that wakeat now,
On verge of days forlorn.
No kin of thine the fields to bless r'
Then, spirit-eyed, the flower replied:
"I am the plant of Thankfulness,
I bloom when all the fields be shorn."
I heard one last sweet song on wing
It rose at sunset lone;
"What bird is this, when woodlands raiaa
The chorus once their own
Dismantled by the tempest's stress?"
A fluted note did earthward float:
"I am the song of Thankfulness.
Set free when other songs be flown."
Thanksgiving comes In autumn! Aye,
Thou heart within my breast;
Now thou art old, thy best Joys told
Yet one outlives the rest.
Though Loss and Age upon thee press.
One Inward Joy naught can destroy;
It Is the Joy of Thankfulness:
It flowers It sings 4t makes thee blest!
621 Residents of Nebraska
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Prescription Service
Use the same care in the
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