Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Cj Good Old Home-Made w
Family Cough Remedy a
R Mah Kcttrr tkaa tie Rady- K
5 Made Kind Eullr ffi
jC Cheaply Prrparcd. ru
Good Old
Family Cough Remedy
If you combined the curative proper
tiep of every known "ready-made cough
remedy, you would hardly have in them
all the curative power that lies in this
simple "home-made" couch syrup which
takes only a few minutea to prepare.
Get from any drupgist 2Vi ouncee of
Pinex (50 cents worth), pour it into.
pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain
granulated aiiuar ayrup. Toe total cost
is about 64 cents and give you a full
pint ol really better cough syrup than
you could buy ready-made for $2.50.
Tastea pleasant and never spoila.
This Pinex and sugar eyrup. prepara
tion get right at the cause of a cough
and gives almost immeauue reiiei. u
phlegm, stops the nasty
ihrn.t fickle and heals the sore, irri
tated membranes that line the throat,
chest and bronchial tubes, so gently
and easily that it is really astonishing.
A day's use will usually overcome the
ordinary cough and for bronchitis,
croup, whooping cough and bronchial
asthma, there is nothing better.
Pinex is a most valuable concentrated
MmnminH nt mnnini. Nonv&v Dine ex
tract, combined with guaiacol and has
been used fir generations to break up
To avoid disappointment, be sure to
nsk your druggist for "2',i ounces of
Pinex" with full directions, and dont
nrrent anvthinir else. A Guarantee of
phsnliite satisfaction or money prompt
ly refund.-U. goes with this preparation.
Ihe Pmex Co., it. Wayne, InO.
Thousands of Families Rely
On This Kidney Remedy
I suffered for three month with
what the doctors called .Malaria I'evcr,
but I believe it was kidney trouble.
Three different doctors were unable
to help me, all giving me up and 1
would have died onlv for your Swamp
Koot. My mother read one of your
advertisements that Htted my case,
and before I used four bottles of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root I was entirely
cured. My Mother and Husband
both are using your Swamp-Root and
have been greatly benefited by it. I
always have Swamp-Koot in the house
znd can t say enough tor your wonder
iul remedy, as it has saved my life,
Yours truly,
1105 N. Sheridan Ave.. Tacoma Wash
Personally appeared before me this
5th day of May, 1915. Mrs. Dora
Ryan, who subscribed the above
statement and made oath that the
same is true in substance an in fact.
Notary Public.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer & Co ,
Blng-tuttnton, N. V.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do
For You:
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sampli
size bottle. It will convince anyone.
You will also receive a booklet of
valuable information, telling about the
kidneys and bladder. When writing,
be sure and mention the Omaha Daily
Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar
size bottles for sale at all drug
stores. Advertisement.
ing skin with
The moment that Resinol Oint
ment touches itching skin the itch
ing usually stops and healing begins.
That is why doctors have prescribed
it so successfully for over 20 years
even in severe cases of eczema, ring
worm, rashes, and many other tor
menting, disfiguring skin diseases.
Aided by warm baths with Resinol
Soap, Resinol Ointment makes a
sick skin or scalp healthy, quickly,
easily and at little cost
Resinol Ointment and Resinol Snip also
greatly help to clear mr punplea and dan.
draft. Sold by all druggists. For trial free,
write to Resinol, Dept. 22-R, Baltimore, Md.
Hundreds of Omaha men
and women are saving time and
money by taking advantage of
our treatment.
Why don't you?
Th famous Sulpho-Chlorina
Mineral Water is delivered in
Omaha in S-gal. jugs, $1.50; 80c
refunded when juf is returned.
25th and O SU., South Side.
Pbone South 879.
Osteopathic Physician, in charge.
T',vryon who ha to spend many hours
standing up on hard floors or walking long
distant-en suffers morn or lens from hot, tired,
aching, burnin, .wpaty feet. To all these
li'-rp la h mcusacjp of cheer. They can tfet
rin or mis trounie in a rew minm-n ana
at very alight expense. Secure a package
u r wit-iNfc-ia irom your aruPKini ana when
ou get home bathe your feet for a few
minutes in warm water In which two or
inree taoieta ot thin preparation have been
tllnsolvod. The aches and pains will vanish
UK magic ami the feet will be cool, com
firtabte and .haDoy. Va-N-Ta added ti
our bath is a delightful cleanafr and dis
infectant, removing impurities and banishing
body odors. Wa-Ne-Ta is on sale at nearly
all drug stores for 35 cents. If your drug
Fist hasn't it and you want to tost this
preparation, senn us j cents to cover cost
nf narking and malllnir and we will forward
a sample package to your address prepaid.
i. ' . lianoon v.o.. nouirt, inn.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package j
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Honored Guests of the City Are
These Most Industrious
By A. R. GROH.
Mr. and Mrs. Biddy Rooster are our
honored guests this week. The aris
tocrats of the poultry family are on
exhibition at the Auditorium, some
12,000,000 of the rest of the family
remaining on the job m tne coops
and chjeken yards of the stale. For
the chicken family is too industrious
to "lay off" of laying merely to go
and pose idly before admiring humans
a show.
What an admirable creature is Bid
dy, the hen! And her brave mate
Chanticleer! What models of indus
try, thrift and sobriety!
Did anybody ever sec a lazy hen?
Never! She is un with the dawn, up
and hunting food; intent upon laying
an egg. It would be the easiest thing
in the world tor her to sneak on
somewhere and lie down all (lay, laz
ily enjoying the sunshine. Nobody
would know, when she returned to
Ihe roost in the evening, whether she
had done an honest day's work or
not. There is no clock for her to
She Is No Shirker.
But Biddy is not a shirker. Gen
eration after generation for many
centuries she has gone her honest,
industrious way. And today she has
her reward, for she is held in the
highest esteem. We couldn't get
along without her. She produces
more wealth than all our mines of
gold and silver and copper and coal.
And Chanticleer, her chivalrous
mate, whose morning duty it is to
summon the orb of day from beneath
the horizon, what praise can be too
extravagant for him? How cheery
sounds his crow! (.Provided it isn't
too near your window when you want
to sleep till 8 a. in.) How bravely he
fights any intruder in his domain!
How lustily he joins Biddy in an
nouncing to the world the birth of
each new egg!
Thoughtful of Wife.
"The bravest arc the tendered."
And so it is with Chanticleer. No
selfish bird is he. Watch him in the
barnyard. His scratching feet lay
bare a choice, fat grub. Does he gob
ble this himself? Not he. A peculiar
call summons his beloved wife to his
side. She swallows the morsel and
then hurries on about her business
while her brave mate goes off, satis
fied with his good deed, not even ex
pecting a "thank you."
tven the little chickens are indus
trious. Biddy doesn't have to call
them more than once in the morning.
They're up early, bright and early,
not a single sleepy-head among them.
Hen Good Advertiser.
It has been remarked that the hen
is a great advertiser. So she is. But
there is no egotism in her advertising.
She simply proclaims to the world
that a new egg has been produced.
not that she produced it. You can
plainly hear her say: "See, see, see.
the NEW egg; see, see, see, see the
Nw egg." She repeats this, perhaps
a dozen times and then goes right to
work on the next egg. She doesn't
stand around bragging to Chanticleer
and the other hens about the egg
she has laid.
There are about eight times
many chickens in Nebraska as there
are human beings.
1 would propose a toast to Biddy
and Chanticleer, but 1 know they
wouldn t appreciate it. More eggs
and less hot-air," they would prob
ably say, and go right on industriously
about the serious business ot lite.
Fake Five-Dollar
Gold Piece Costs
Zager a Hundred
Stanley Zager, saloonman of the
South Side, was fined $100 and costs
and remanded in the custody of the
marshal for one hour by Federal
Judge Joseph Woodrough for giving
out a counterfeit $5 gold piece to one
of his patrons. Zager asserted that
he received the money from one of
his customers and that he was trying
to pass it off in order not to be the,
loser. Instead of asking him to make
the gold piece good, the patron took
the matter up with the federal au
thorities. Many
at Funeral
Of Mrs, J. M. Tanner
Mrs. J. M. Tanner, who was fa
tally burned at her home, 3.MJ Pine
street, last Thursday morning, was
buried Tuesday morning from her
late residence. Services were held in
St. Peter's church at 9 o'clock. A
profusion of flowers and the attend
ance of many friends marked the ob
sequies. The deceased was the. wife
of State Senator John M. Tanner.
The Nebraska Press association sent
a large basket of American Beauty
rocse. A 'ales-ajar came from the
Omaha Fire department. The Ladies'
Afternoon club sent a huge Mora!
sheath, and similar tokens came from
the Junior Bridge club, the Omaha
Elks and the Monday Night club.
The printers' club night chapel of the
World-Herald sent a large offering,
and the Dahlman club sent a large
harp. Another striking offering came
from the Willard F. Bailey employees
of Kearney. A huge basket of roses
were sent, together with a heartfelt
note, from a group of old neighbors
in South Omaha. Employees of the
internal revenue office sent a large
The active pallbearers were C. J.
Cullen. J. M, Hogan, V. T. Ransom.
J. A. Cavers, E. O. Mayticld anil J. C.
Walker. The honorary pallbearers
KdKar Ilowrl
C A. MHrblor,
R. la. Metralfo.
Alfred Horcn.toi
Al l'ovi HI.
J. It. WatMrf.
Iv M. lykinaii
J. V. .Minor.
John Wall.
John rtu-ih
C K. Srarr.
Tt'Otjiap Hoi tor.
If. i". Tin hniftnil
.''hti Mllllrn.
Burial wa
the lioly Sepulchcr
Do Something for Your Co.rt.
At til? fit at. hIkji of 11 ci-ugh tir rold lake
!r. Brll'ji Ptiv-Tar-Hcney. You won't Buf
fer lung. Ziic. Ail driiffrlstfi. Adv.
Youthful Heir To Brandeis Millions and
Coming Head of the Big Stores Brings
Portrait of His Beautiful Bride -To -Be
John Ervinc Brandeis Says that
He Will Settle Down and
Make City of Omaha
His Home.
Also Takes Leading Fart
Charity Work in San Fran
cisco, Where She Will
Wed This Winter.
"I intend to make Onia
home town and settle dow r
John Ervinc Brandeis. onl
n ul
the late Arthur D. Brandt i and heir
to all the Brandeis interest.. re
turned from New York lullowuin tin
announcement of his eitancuuMit to
Miss Madeline Frank, wed umuii
liiid popular San I -'r.iiK'i mj kuI, I If
brought with him the tirt portrait ot
the young woman to In- rcn he if. .
1 he scion ot the tJramleis family sam
he was tired of traveling annum
and now thai he was to be niairuM.
a short while lie had an incentive
to take personal hold oi the bran
deis Omaha interests.
As a start to taking hold, the
young man was elected president of
the Brandeis Kealtv company a few
days ago. George Brandeis, general
manager ot the l.randei.s Mores, was
elected vice president, and G. II. Mal-
chien. secretary and treasurer, ihe
Brandeis theater building, the Bran
deis store building, American theater
building and the hmpress theater
building are some of llie holdings
which the young man has been elect
ed to manage.
Miss Madeline Frank, his fiancee,
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Frank. Her lather is head of the
S. H. Frank Tanners company, one
of the largest leather goods concerns
Harding Cream Co.
Incorporates for a
Million Dollars
A copy of the amended articles of
incorporation of the Harding Cream
company, recently filed with Secre
tary of State I'ool. has been recorded
with the county clerk. The capital
is $1,000,000, 2.500 shares being pre
ferred stock and 7,500 shares com
mon stock.
The South Side Balkan club, or
ganized for "athletic, social, political
and educational purposes." has filed ar
ticles of incorporation with the coun
ty clerk. The capital is $1.000.. Tom
Erca. president ; John Mesharcka, vice
president, and James Thomas, srerr
tary and treasurer, are the incorpora
tors and officers.
Amended articles ot incorporation
if the Omaha Automobile Show as
sociation, filed by the Omaha Auto
mobile Trade association, show a
capital of $10,000. The corporation
terminates November 17, 199. The
incorporators, officers and directors
are: J. T. Stewart, 2d, president; (iuy
1.. Smith, vice president; Clark G.
I'owell, secretary and treasurer, and
George F. Rejm and Lee Huff.
The incorporators of the LeRron
Electric worics, capitalized at $2'i,00O,
are Lawrence LeBron, Harry M.
Binder and Bert LeBron.
The Fonlrnclle Feature Film com
pany, a local motion picture produc
ing concern, has a capital of $25,000.
Max Wintroub and Paul LeMarquand
arc the incorporators.
Government Papers, Suit
Case and Clothing Stolen
J. W. Hutchinson of the Royal
apartments informs the police of the
theft of two suitcases containing
government papers and wearing ap
Tells How To Get Quick
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
in one minute vour cluRRcd nos
trils will open, the air passages of i
your head will clear and ymi can
breathe freely. No more liawlvinp,
snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. ;
No struggling for breath at night ; I
your cold or catarrh will be gone. !
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream j
Balm from your druggist now. Ap
ply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic. !
healing cream in your nostrils. It
penetrates through every air passage
of the head, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes instantly.
It's just fine. Don't stay stufTed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief
comes so quickly. Advertisement.
is one of the greatest foes of
womanly beauty. It is quickly
cleared by correcting the cause
sluggish liver with the aid
of the gently stimulating, safe
and dependable remedy
UrMt SaU of Abt M4iew la tha Warli!.
5kft varrwhra In box. 10c, 25c
Quick, Safe Way
to Remove Hairs
(Toilet Talks)
Keep a little delatone powder on
your dressing tabic and when ugly,
hairy growths appear, make a paste
with a little of the povder and sonic
water, apply and let remain on the
h.iirv surface fn.- I or .1 minutes, then
I rub u(T. wash the skin and the hair:;
have vanished. 1 his treatment is
quite harmless and rarely more than
one application is required, hut to
avoid disappointment care should be
used to buy the real Jelatoiic. Adv.
) jj Iff
Madeline. Iran
on the Tacitic coast. Miss
onlv IH years old, but ha
Frank is
taken a very active interest ill charity
work in Sail Francisco. As an ama
teur on the st.itre she took one of
the leading parts in a playlet given
for the benefit ot thr I hildrcn's hos
pital several weeks av;o. She is also
described as an outdoor iirl, excel
lent horseback rider and adept at
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th Street.
w ,
Order a Hoosier Kitchen
Cabinet Sent Out Today
A new model Hoosier, all
white enamel inside, fitted with
glass-ware for spices- tea and
coffee and sugar jar. Metal
tilting flour bin, bread and cake
boxes, sliding aluminum top
28x42 inches and the sliding
doors. A genuine Hoosier cabi
net like this for
Several sample cabinets offered at price reductions.
See them today and have delivered before Thanksgiving.
Kitchen table with bass wood top 26x40 inches, with
drawer for cutlery. Price $2.25.
White enamel kitchen tables with metal tops and
cabinet bases.
Kitchen chairs in golden gloss finish or white enamel.
Step ladder chairs, etc., shown complete for kitchen
Jjm a ia i mulling at iuii opccui a iicdc aic hcai is
"THE GL0VE RlNG " Taft
fckfL il The story has been novelized by C. N. and A. M. Williamson. f
- J g" j A new episode appears each Monday in the Ef'W'-Mt' 1
f-'T Sg OMAHA BEE if.'' I
M ' ' :i 1 he corresponding mol ion pictures F r B g
' k i - ' J Wn ' '''CalrC' ? .
i I &4 Produced by The
I 1 ijl Greater Vitagraph aLrj I
! tfolf. tennis and other athletic games,
I W hile she has traveled around the
world several tunes ami Mas visited
nearly every section of ihe I'nited
States, she has never been in Omaha
It develops that the young couple
met in San Francisco first more than
a year ago when the young Mr. Bran
deis was en route to Japan with his
father. The acquaintance was re-
A death-defying dash againtt time in a
"speed demon"; a thrilling (lightina balloon
to rescue an imperilled girl; a nerve-racking
auto race ending in the explosion of
a car running at full speed. These are
' .' t..ll J n. m. :. X . jCT I
lU'wcd tins Mimmcr wlirn Mr. Bran
deis uent west with hi cousin,
alter I'olm.
Plans are heitiR made for a wedrlmtf
in San Francisco at the home of the
bride's parents the latter part of
January or early in the following
month, with a honevmoon r.t l'alm
John Frvine liranileis is now lo
cated at llie lllaeksioiie anil ill he
Whether It's at Dinner
at the Game
Theater or Movie
There mijrht be sonv article of dress that would
fit the occasion anil afford estra satisfaction
Suita $15.00,
Shirts $1.00, $1.80,
Clnvx $1.00, $1 50
Neck'veai- 50e. $1.00.
Mufflcn 60c, $1.00, $1.50.
H.ta $2.00, $3.00, $5.00.
WIUing ( j, 00 j1S0 12.00.
Stickt I
Our Windows Offer Many Suggestions.
Save Your Steps with
An Extension Telephone
Wear Out Your Shoes
Without One
75 cents a month With extra bell.
50 cents a month Without a bell.
but suggestions of the action which r .if
crowds each episode of "The Scarlet 4
Runner." These big moments are domin- ff
ated bv the personality of Earle Williams. i m
joined in a few weeks by Ilia mothrr,
Mrs. Arthur D. Brandeis, and sister,
Miss l.cola, who arc still in thr rast.
After llie honeymoon the young
couple will make their home at the
llhu-kstone pending the building of
a home in the western part of the
city. Mr. Brandeis had little to say
about the plans of the house, declaring
that it would be built entirely to the
wishes of his fiancee.
(20.00, $25.00.