Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Number of Last Session Known
as "Economists," Have
Been Returned.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 28. (Special.)
Whether the coming session of the
Nebraska legislature will undertake
to carry out the ideas of the last ses-(
sion on economy is worrying the
heads of -several departments, which
arc now already pressed for money
to carry on their work without creat
ing a deficiency.
Forty-six of the old members of
the lower house two years ago have
been returned this year and of this
number eight were members of the
finance ways and means committee
which reported 'to the house big cuts
in appropriations of the last session.
These "are Norton, chairman; Green
wait, Ostermann, Keischick, HofT
meistcr, Fuller, democrats, and
Steams and Mosaley, republicans.
Whether Mr. Norton will care to take
unon himself the duties of chairman
of this committee again is not known,
but it is understood that he is not
anxious to tackle the job again.
In the senate fifteen old members
are returning, while those coming
back who belonged to the finance
committee, which was instrumental in
stopping the wholesale decapitation
of appropriations, are Kohl, Wallace
Wilson, E. E. Howell and Bushee.
Appropriations to Be High.
Because of the probable necessary
appropriation for repairs to the state
house, or the building of a new one,
it is pretty well known that the ap
propriations OI lite turning SCS3IUII Will
be high and all effortsto make a rec
ord of economy mav go glimmering,
although if the sentiment in favor of
sacrificing efficiency tor the saKe ot
economy eoes through, not only the
state may suffer because of such feel
ing, but Nebraska may be humiliated
by having to build a state house which
will not only be a discredit to the
state but insufficient to meet its de
mands in years to come.
' How to Pay Bill.
Some members favor a building to
cost not less than $3,000,000. Some
believe the building started as a his
torical society tuiilding several years
ago should be fmtshed at once. When
finished move the offices of the state
house to that building and then en
tirely pull down the present capitol
building and build new at one time.
By doing this they insist tnat a special
lew cnulrl be made and collected each
year as the demandsof the building
required, as .is now peing done for
university extension. When the capi
tol building is completed the supreme
court and state library could remain
in the historical society building, with
that society, away from the hustle and
bustle of public affairs, while the regu
lar offices could be returned to the
new capitol.
Piecemeal Plan.
Another plan is to make an appro-
priation sufficient to erect a new east
wing after plans have been made for
an entirely new building. Some op
pose this plan unless such action is
taKen wnicn win insure tne completion
of the new building entire as soon
as the east wing has been completed.
They insist that it would be folly to
begin a new building and leave it to
future legislatures to appropriate
sufficient funds to complete the same.
1 r.
No State Aid for
Bridge Over Blue
' Lincoln, Nov. 28. The State Board
of Irrigation today refused the re
quest of citizens of Fairbury for state
aid in the construction of a bridge
across the Blue river. The law re
quires that a stream shall be 175 feet
wide before state aid can be given,
and the Board of Irrigation said it
found that the Blue river came within
the law only through the artificial
widening of the stream by a dam.
Frank Pilger, president of the
Pierce State bank of Pierce, has just
been appointed a member of the State
Normal board by Governor More
head. Mr. Pilger is secretary of the
Pierce Commercial club and is also
city treasurer of his home town. He
has been connected with school af
fairs for many years, and was editor
of the School Review, published in
Omaha, for some time.
Axtell Lumber Company. Starts
Prosecution at Mmden of
Its Former Agent.
Soldiers' Home Notes.
James H. Nail has returned from Stock
vtlle, where he visited his daughter and
her family. He aays the crops in that part
of the Btate were, fine, there betngr a lame
yield of wheat and corn, as well as hogs
and cattle.
J. C. Wilson has requested a leave of
absence for twenty days to spend Thanks
giving with relatives and friends.
Mike Prelst, who desires to spend Thanks
giving and the Christmas holidays with rela
tives in and around Pes Moines, la., has
usked for a sixty-day furlough. He Is one
of the oldest members of the home.
. Matron Waggenori In charge of the West
hospital, Saturday morning reported that
there was no cause for alarm concerning
any of her patients. Mrs. 9tone's condition
was reported to bo about the same.
A talk with the farm superintendent re
vealed the fact that his fall plowing is all
under good headway, and the work for this
time of the year is progressing nicely.
Saturday a large number from here took
advantage of the nice weather and went to
(irand Island to look after shopping and
enjoy a little outing.
There has been some talk smorfg the
different auto bus owners of reducing the
fare to and from Grand Island.
it has been suggested that organiza
tions desiring to do charitable work among
the needy around Thanksgiving and Christ
mas might find quite a little support among
the people here. The majority of the mem
bers of Burkett are always desirous of hear
ing good musical concerts, and It is thought
an entertainment or two given at the chapel
about the time such work Is being con
ducted might add substantially to such
charitable work.
Stomach Trouble and Constipation.
Those who are afflicted with stom
ach trouble and constipation should
read the following: "J have never
found anything so good for stomach
trouble and constipation as Chamber
lain's Tablets. I jiave used them off
and on now for the last two years.
They not only regulate the action of
the bowels, bat stimulate the liver and
keep one's body in a healthy condi
tion," writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper,
Auburn, N. Y. Advertisement.
Mindcn, Neb., Nov. 28. (Special
Telegram.) A complaint has been
filed against D. R. Landes of Lincoln
by Hans Hansen, Hastings, charging
Landes with the embezzlement of
moneys handled by him during his
service as agent-for the Axtell Lum
ber company in Axtell, Neb.
Landes was local manager of the
lumber company a number of years,
and during that time, .it is charged,
embezzled money belonging to the
company. The discovery was made
three years ago, and nothing has been
done toward a prosecution until now,
althoueh he has been in Lincoln with
in reach of the officers during all the
It is presumed trie prosecution is
an outgrowth of- a suit pending in
Gage county for the recovery on
some notes against the son-in-law.
Grant Butman, who signed them and
which were to take up the deficiency,
caused by the alleged embezzlement
and which notes the son-in-law is re
sisting, on the . ground of having
signed them under duress and rorce.
Burman is a prominent business
man of Wyrrtore and stands high with
all parties. Mr. and Mrs. Landes were
highly respected at Axtell and public
sentiment there is aroused over the
apparent effort to prosecute, in order
to collect the debts of the father, from
the son-in-law and daughter. Several
of the substantial citizens offered to
go on Landes' bond, four appearing
this morning voluntarily for that
purpose. M. D. King,, L. W. Hague
and C. P. Aflderbery appear for the
defendant and L. C. Paulson, county
attorney, tor the county.
Fight to a Draw.
Baltimore, Nov. 27. Dick ' T,oadman of
Lockport, N. Y.. and Johnny Ertle of St
Paul, claimant of the bantamweight cham
plonship, fought a ten-round no-declslon
bout here tonight. Ertle was severely pun
tshed In every round.
Eeisner of Thedford
Elected to House
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Nov. 28. (Special.) F. A.
Reisner of Thedford has been re
elected from the Seventy-first district.
It was understood up to a tew days
., . 1 .1 . I 1 '
ago mar, jay wnver, a nau
succeeded Mr. Reisner, but in a let
ter to Secretary of State Pool, Mr.
Oliver admits his defeat.
Mr. Reisner was known in the last
session as the "preacher-orator of the
house." He has spent a great deal
of his life as a preacher-evangelist
among the people of the short grass
country and is a forcible speaker.' His
return nuiKcs lorty repuoncan mem
bers, leaving the democrats with
sixty. -
Nurses Taking "Exams"
For State Certificates
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Nov. 28. (Special.)
About seventy nurses were in the sen-
ale chamber today taking examina
Fairfield Man Killed
v Racing for Medicine
Fairfield, Neb., Nov. 28, (Special
Telegram.) Frank Fowler was killed
when his auto turned over just east
of town, between 1 and 2 o'clock for
morning. He had been to town for
medicine for his 5-year-old son who
has pneumonia and was returning
home when the accident happened.
His auto turned over twice and his
neck was broken. The accident was
not discovered until 6 a. m. He was
4(1 years old and leaves a widow and
eight children, his parents and other
Y. M. C. A. Campaigns to
Secure New Members
Grand Island, Neb.,' Nov. 28. (Spe
cial.) A campaign fjpr new members
has been concluded by the Young
Men's Christian association of this
city. Teams were appointed to work
in rivalry, .and reports were made
at the headquarters in the "Y" build
ing every evening. A total of 2o0
new members were secured, and the
work is generally regarded as most
For All Complexion Ills
If the akin be colorless, sallow, muddy
over-red, blotchy or freckled, nothing will
q surely overcome the condition as ordinary
mercollzed wax. ft literally takes off a bad
complexion absorbs the dead and near-dead
liartlclea of surface skin, gently, gradually,
causing no Inconvenience at all. A new com
plexion is then In evidence, clesr, spolless.
delicately soft and beautiful. One ounce of
thiu wax. nroeurable at any drug store, will
rejuvenate even- the worst complexion. It is
Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That is the joyful try of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab
lets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
or 17 years and calomel's old-time en
emy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
cqntain calomel, but a healing, sooth
ing vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets.
Thty cause the bowels and liver to act
normally. They never force them to
unnatural action.
If you havexa "dark brown mou)m"
now and then a bad breath a dull,
tired feeling sick headache torpid
liver and are constipated, you'll rind
quick, sure and only pleasant results
? . . n. rrsnM-j.'
irom UIIC ui inu luiic tsi.
Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every
night just to keep right. Try them.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Washing Won't Rid
Head of Dandruff
iff rVuW
IU3-I5I5 Howard St.
Thanksgiving Day Is Linked by Tradition
With Dining Room Furniture
, itlond's
And likewise Ray-
Low "Every
Day" prices are linked
with your interest. Get
them before you buy.
It will pay you. Buf
fet in fumed oak 60
inches five feet in
length, $25.75. Others
as low as $12.75T $13.75,
$14.75, $15.75 and
$19.75. Every one a
good one of select quar
tered oak.
This Buffet, golden or fumed
'.t .....
Oak, .
6 leather
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, men you
destroy ,it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when retiring-J
use enougn 10 moisten tne staip auu
rub it in gently with the finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morningy
most, it not, all, ot your dandrutt wii
be Kane, and three or four more an
plications wilt completely dissolve
and entirely destroy every sign anil
trace ot it, no matter now much dand
ruff you may have.
' You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be nutty,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
looK and ieci a nunarea rimes rjeuer.
You can liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive and never
fails to do the work.-Advertisement. I
.1 HI
The Store
with the
Diandeis Stores
The Store
with the
- Spirit -
A Sale of Suits and Petticoats
For Low Pricing
A gathering together of groups
from our own splendid stocks,
gives every woman vho will
come here to share on Wednes
day, an opportunity to outfit
with a Suit and a Petticoat at
prices that will save consider
able money for her.
Very opportune are these of
ferings, right before Thanks
giving time.
190 Tailored Suits,
Values up to $35.00
SURPLUS STOCK of Splendid Tailored Suits, now to be sold at a price, that in
some instances, is almost a third of the fair value.
Suits of every wanted style of the season
Suits that are made of the best of the season's materials
Suits that you have admired and found to be very fairly
valued at $25, $29, $82 and $35-
These Are Yours Now, at $12 each.
Every size, style, color and material.
The window display will enable you to see some of them now.
The table is 45 inches top 6 foot extension. .'
ICbnsider the Mothers Healtlr Qffl
after childbirth by takinf J&SVsM
necessary precautions be- fSJfZj'j t
fore the trying ordeal, tSCbiS
by oslng "Mother1 A? An l'tW
Friend" to assist na- If r-tamal 1 "Mother's Friend"
ture In preparing I for many years has
her for the pby- Remedy tOT I been the means of gir-
sical change. t?- tag relief to thousands of
i "P1" mothers. It Is an exter-
M S" SBgpBav. MOthan 1 .u1w with nT.
1 & ' X an i celled merits, and should be I
j T n tha ham of mrf eipertiit mother. DtwtjV sen It.
Se?d fir ttZ book cm Momwtood. Address Tfc. Brsddeld
Regulator CWUsy Bide, AtUaU. OS.
300 Beautiful Petticoats, d0 QO
of Silk or Satin, at tBaS.UO
A rare opportunity indeed and
simply, wonderful now, when the'
price of silk has so materially ad'
vanced. . '' ' , ..
Add to this the fact that there are
about 75 of the celebrated
in the lot, and you have an offering that no thrifty
woman will permit to pas3 oy
Klosfit Petticbats, as you well know, always" retail at $5.00 the- difference
is youra to save in this sale. Second Hoor.
What a fine Christmas Gift one would make! , r
Negligees. Kimonos and Bath Robes
A Beautiful Assortment Ready
WHEN YOU ARE MAKING up your list of Christmas Gifts, be sure to include
one or the other or all of these. We are showingvcomplete stocks at prices that
are extremely moderate. ' vv ' '
xt i: - -..A In oil tli a nnniilap ariarlpa nf ninlr. rnRR. nnnATtrHMrgrl.
negligees ouvi hiu"""i r-
Navy, Maize, Lavender) Wistaria, etc., in embroidered and lace trimmed effects,
also a few plain tailored styles; made up in Crepe de Chine and Satin, ranging in
price from $5.00 to $25.00.
Bath Robes A wonderful display, Make your selection now, while the col
ors and sizes are complete. Beacon Blankets, in beautiful patterns and colorings,
charmingly trimmed; well cut and full and very neatly made; ranging in price
from $1,98 to $10.00.
Second Floor.
Roasters for Thanksgiving
Genuine "Savory" Roasters, sanitary, seamless and
self-basting. Large size 79
Small Size "Savory" Roaatera 69fr
Genuine "Lisk" 3-Piece Enameled, Self-Basting
Roasters, with new bacon rack in the top. Size 17x
11x6 inches deep. $2.98
Be sure that you buy a good roaster for the turkey.
Basement. -
Blouses at Lowest Prices
And the Best Assortment in Town
THE SALE a few days ago was a perfect demonstra
tion of the remarkable values this Blouse Store offers.
Long before opening time, women flocked to every en
trance to the store and when the doors finally swung
open, the Blouse Shop was thronged with eager buyers.
We disposed of hundreds of Blouses in a few hours
one of the best sales we ever had. '
Now to show the completeness of this stock, we offer these
items for the day before Thanksgiving the best values obtain
able anywhere.
Silk Striped Blouses, $1.98
Of Creoe de Chine and Tub Silk. New merchandise,
just a week ago. Colors are Navy, Brown,
Flesh and Striped Silks.
Green, Purple, White,
Beautiful Blouses, $3.98 to $6.50
Other new Georgette, Crepe and Crepe de Chine.
Dressy Lace Blouses, $5 to $15
In Black and Flesh wonderful assortment.
Second Floor.
50c Damask, 39c
Very fine quality,
English Mercerized.
Patterns are copied
from very high class
linens. 64 inches wide.
Yard 39
15c Napkins, 10c s
Full bleached, hem
med ends; ready for
use. Made of mercer
ized damask. Size 18x
18 inches. Special, each,
at 10t
$1.25 Round Table
Cloths, 89c
These are made of a
fine quality Damask, in
the breakfast or lunch
eon size. They are scal
loped all around, in a
range of pretty pat
terns. Very special,
each ...89
$1.50 Damask,
A Thank sgiving;
Special All-Linen
Table Damask, full
bleached, 2 yards
wide. The most ex
quisite patterns. Yard
at ...y $1.25
Main Floor.
used like cold cream. Aiiveruscmeni.