Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Beef Cattle Steady to Stronger
and Feeders Steady to Lower
Sheep Steady to Lower.
Omaha, Navjnrber, SI, lilt-
Rerolpto were: Catlla
Offlclal Monday 11.1
Two days thla week ..;.' "
m Have Mil W. K . tl.l" "
' i.m days I was, sn.ll.IW
game dare I wke. ao. 18.31
Same daya wk. sfo.l'.o"
u lkt vasr.. 11.001
v Rerelpta and JlsposKloB r !! stock st
th. Union Stock ynrde. 0i,?'i' JT
twenty-four houra ending St 1 0 clock yea-
terday: RECEIPT 8 CAR8.t
--Cattle. Hw. Baeep.ltra
C M. St. P..V. 11
Missouri Psclflc... 10
TJnlon Pacific lot
C. N. w., east. . 1
C. N. W. wt,. 41
C, St. P.. il. O.. 1
C, B. Q., out.. 1'
C. B. Q., west.. H
C. R. I. It P., eaet 24
C. R. I P., west 1
Illinois Central 1
-Chicago Ot. Wet.. I
Total receipts.. ..141
S 1
1 I
10 14
21 4
01 II
21 1
(1 7
20 11
1 " I
101 17
Cattle. Hon. Sheep.
Morris Co.. '!
Hwirt Company.,.. l.llt 4.411 4,710
Cudshy Packing Co.. 107 .,! J.l
Armonr Co... MM 1.121
Bchwerts A Co all
J. w. Murphy
Morrell "
Lincoln Packing Co.. 11 ....
8. Omaha Packlnf Co.
w B. Vanaant Co..
Renton, Vanssnt A L.
It '
117 '
lllll Son.
F B. Lewis
J.' R. Root As Co....
J. II. Bulla
. L. r. lluss
Roeenstock Bros. ...
Werthelmer at Degen.
M. r. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros
Rothschild A Kreba.
Mo. A Kan. Call Co.,
Meyers ,
Olsssaorc V
Baker ...t
.Benner Bros.,,......
John Harvey..,..,,,.
Dennis A Frsnela....
Jensen A Lungreu...
Other tuyere 1,711 4,141
Totals... 1,711 10,111 10,101
Cattle Beef eattla ware In fair demand
this morning, the trade being reasonably
i active, while prices were steady to s Utile
stronger. Oood corn fed cattle sold op ss
high ss 110.10. Blockers snd feeders, swing
to the foot snd mouth disease scars which
makes the handling of such esttla osletde
the alate of Nebraska mors or leas uncer
tain snd difficult, were alow. Soma ot the
beat esttla that were picked up by outside
buyers commanded about steady prices, but
the plainer kinds were very difficult to
move ss speculative buyers were pretty gen
erally out of the market Commission men
sa s rule are sdvlalng the country sgslnat
shipping atockers snd feeders until the
Sueallja regarding the foot snd mouth dis
ease has boon definitely settled.
Quotations on cattle: Oood to oholoo oom
fed beeves. lt.7ttMl.00; good to oholoa
weighty beeves. It.l0t?l0.ll; fslr to good
eemfed beeves. Ii.iotjl.oo; common to fair
cornfed heaves, 0.1OcI.IOi good to choice
f rue beeves, fair to good grass
beeves, ll.TSeyl.TIl oommeo to fslr grsaa
be we. 11.710 71; good to oholco heifers,
ll.ilfll.IO; good to choice cows, Me0a)7.ll
fair to good cows, 11,7191,10! common to
fair cowe. It.li0l.7ii good to oholoa feed
ers, I7.ieei.00; fair to good feeders, ll.7la
' 1.10; common to fair feeder., 11.0001. 71;
Eood to oholce atockers, I7.ilfl.0l; stock
elfera, tl.00O7.ll; stock cows, H.lOOI.iO;
shirk calves, lt.0001-00; veal oalves, 11,01
O10.0O; beef bulls stats, etc. li.ior.7;
Bologna bulla. ,
Jtepreeeatativo ssieot
No, V". Pr.
i ti it it
I....... Til I 10
Av. Pr.
"... t.
17i 11 11
71 1 71
11 til
17 1011 f li
21 1111 I 00
14 141 f 40
II 1141 1 71
17 021
t 00
ai,,..,..ii6 i it . it..
...lltl t 41
u nil it oo
It 114 l li it 171 t 71
II, 410 t 0t I....... 174 7 71
i. ....... 451 1,00 1. I S 00
1. ...... 140 I' 71
lot I
I 1
lit 10 00
M .Man. .MM II II ii steers. . Ill It 10
II steers.. Ill I 10
1 steer. .1171 too I cows... Ill t 10
II ate.. 1111 7 11 leteers.,1011 tit
Ilatean,.10ll 7 10 I cows., .till 10
IOOWS...10I0 ill i feeders. Ill I 71
Hogs Another vary liberal run of hon
. was reported In this morning. Receipts
wsre estimated at 170 loads, or 10,000 heed,
which la th hesvleat one-day aupply here
atnce February. Total for the two daya la
also snuaually heavy, amounting to 14,411
head, as eompsred with It.114 last week,
.10.111 two waeka sgo snd 11,114, a year
: sgo. .
. Continued heavy receipts finally Ijid their
i I natural affect on the market,, prices Uklng
.a cover drop today. Early ehtpper pur.
chases war s dim off, while the first hon
packer bought were generslly 10011c
lower, snd the outlet was very reatrlcted on
that beets, most buyers wanting hogs St
. 11021c reductions.
After the early rounds the market be
same still draggler, aellera being in no
hurry to make the eofloeeelons packers were
asking. ,AIter later wires from Chicago
1 Indicated s UOlOo, lower trade, however,
' local oslsemen realised that they might as
: well give In, snd s big share of the dealr-
able hogs sold at price that war fully 10c
. summing up the general market, prices
ranged from 10011c lower to as much sa lio
'. lower on lighter kinds, snd the sversge
promised to bo more then lio under y titer
dey. Moot grsdee closed St the low time
. of the dsy, though the beet weighty hoga
- were up to noon no more than lio lower.
-'. Bulk of aalea were quoted at 11.1001. II,
with tops at 111.00. The representative aala
column today does not really reflect the
.merket accurately, for the moat of the
lights cold late In the day, and ooneequisitly
many of them were not weighed la time to
I be quoted.
- ' Reureeentstlvs ssleit
No. Av. Sh. Pr. '
Av. Sh. Pr.
0..111 . .1 II 11
71.. lot 120 I 11
47. .101 10 I II
31. .174 ... t II
II.. 101 It til
10.. 121
It. .103
. 47. ..SI
17. .Ill
... II o
... I 70
10 00
Aheep Th sheep snd lamb run was the
Isrgest for any day ao far thla month, ar
rivals a 4ng estimated at ninety-eight care
or 12,000 head. The tout for the week eo
far of 41.(70 head la 11,701 larger than last
week, lf.iot heavier than two weeka sgo
and s gain of 14,100 ever last year,
i Couetderlng the else of the reoelpta the
rat lame maraet wee s very satisfactory
affair. Only part of the offerlnse had been
yarded when packere etarted out. but they
toon noio oi ine stuir tnat was ready
In good ehape, and by mldforenoon the
bulk of the lambs that hsd srrtved had
changed hands at prices that ware ataady
to In no can more than loo lower. Several
, bunchea of the beet lam be had rsachjid
111.100 12.00, while lha good klnda were
selling largely at 111.71 and better. Clipped
lambs that brought 110.10 were mates of
the ones that sold st oa last waak'a
nose. -
uuotattone on aheeo and lamb: l,m-
good to choice, 111.71011.00; lambs, fair
lo good. tu.liOU.71; lambe, clipped, 11. 1
O10.21; Umbo, feeders. It. 71O11.00; year
lings, good to choice, I1.IIO10.00; yearlings.
ieir u. soma, ei-fas. ; yesrllage, feed
ere, 17.oO0l.OO: wethers, fslr Is choice,
17 0001.71; ewes, good to choice, If. loo
1. 10; awes, fair to good, ll.ioof.IO; ewea.
plain to culls, II.; ewea. feeding
ISO04.iOl ewes, breeders, sll sgea. 11.000
fUpresontstlvs tales:,
No. i , :, . Av.
lit Ollppov) lamb .,
it fed lamb II
Sit fed Umbo , 11
202 Utah owes Ill
12,Utsh feeder Ismbe II
217 South Dakota feeder limb. 41
207 Nebraska feeder lambs..,, tl
321 Idaho feeder lambs ........ II
' lit South Dakota lambs..'.,... It
141 Idaho Ismbe 17
114 fed lambs II
10, Ji
II 00
11 11
7 li
It io
it to
It fl
It 71
11 76
II 10
tit. teas Un Ittsek iMsrkrt. .
St. Lools, Nov. ',- II. ttn Receipts.
M00 bead; market hlirher native beef
ateers, l7.10OH.a0i ycarllntr -.steerr and
heifers.': cows. li.iO07.7i
stockere and feeders, li.20Ol.i0; prime
eouthern beef ateere, 17.0000.00: beer cowe
and helfere, 14.2107.10; prime yearling
steer and heifers, 17.50!. 00; native calves.
14.00 e 1 2 0.
Hoga feecolpta, 10.000 head; market.
lower: lie hie. 10.1101.10: pigs. 17.00 01.71
mlied and butchers. II.100 10.00; good
heavy, ll.lt01O.lOf bulk st aalea. I0.10O
Sheep and lmbe Receipts. I.IOt head;
market, atrong; lambs, 17. 10012.21; awea,
3.7107. 10; yearllnga, 110.0010.00.
Lower Trend of International
Loam floated in This
New Terk. Nov. Jl. Th atlltud of th
Federal Retervfl board npeUng tha fur
Iher fre acceptinc by national banki of
foreign Mourltlci baitd upon war mii
ncie wu tha all-prvadlnK aubject of
dlacuaslon In financial circle today. Varloua
Interpretations wrere placed upon thia Im
portant act and speculative sentiment was
distinctly depreiuied.
One of the direct results was observed In
the lower trend of International loans floated
In this country since the outbreak of the
war. Virtually all Issues of that description
were heavy, Paris sites declining 1 points
to the low record of HH,
Denials from authoritative quarters of
any serious peace negotiations were without
beneficial effect upon foreign remittances,
exchange rates to Germany and Austria!
undergoing further attrition, with s ma
terial easing 'of rubles.
Local and interior financial institutions
were In accord In quoting higher rates for
time loana, and call money rose to t per
cent, duplicating th high rate of the year,
albeit the Inquiry, for accommodations of
this character dlmlninhed pnrceptlbly.
There was no material diminutive of op
erations, sales again approximately 1.340,000
shares, but the great bulk of the day's trad
ing took place In the first and final hours,
with Intermediate periods of apathy. Low
est price were made toward the close, the
list then showing some unsettlement on
rumors of another marine disaster involving
possible International complications.
' Extreme recessions of 1 to t point were
registered by equipments, coppers, and other
metals, sugars, petroleums, motors and In
dustrial comprising the steel and Iron class.
United mate Steel was relatively steady,
but Bethlehem HteeLfell 2b points on a
single transaction.
Ralls were the backbone of the market,
only nominal recession occurring in that
division, these being offset by the compara
tive strength ft Reading and other coalers.
Railroad and industrial bonds war ipr.ii.
on reduced dealings. , Total sales, par value,
United States bonds were unchanged on
oall, but oouDon 4a fall at .. M
sales. " '
Number of sale and quotations on lead
ing stocks wsrei
a J r. . ., ' 8M- W'h- Close.
Am. Beet Inm . . . s as miu uni int.,
American Can 10,300 62 2 U tl
Am. -Car Foundry 17,lt0 n ?i 7J
Am. Locomotive.,, 1,200 $0 gnu
Am. Bmelt. A Ref . , 44,100 m 116 112
Am. Bugar Ref..., loo 11 1172 1172
Am. Tel. Tel .. . 1,200 ugu w i2g
Am. Z., U 8.... 1 S.300 6l2 61 Mli
Anaconda Ooppsr.. 31,300 t ft , f
Atchison 1,30ft 1061 10S 10S
Bald Locomotive., 14,400 S3 0U HO' A
Baltimore e Ohio.. 200 ID -2 85 3 6V
nrooK. napid Tran. ' , sOO ti M 4:
Cat. Petroleum s inn sv
Canadian Paciflo... 1,300 US
central isOather.,. ID.SOO 112 UOlf
Chesapeake V Ohio 1,400 07 44 67
C, M, A St P...
300 IS 13
S.ftOO 12ft 124
v-nicago m n, w.,,
C. R. I. P. Rv..
Chtno Copper
Colo. Fuel Iron,,
Corn Products Ref.
Crucible Hleol. . ,
66 3
44 42
37 86
uistiiiera' Securltleg
6,500 37
t.00 17 Sf 176
General Rlectrlo..,.
Oreat No. pfd
(.treat No. Ore ot,
1,1UU a0
iiimois centra.
Inter. Con. Corp..,, M0 fl
Inspiration Copper. 11,200 70
Inter. Harvester
Int. M, M. pfd. otfs. 13.200 117
Mil 2d
67 t6
Kennecott Copper., 11,100
Louisville ft Nuh.,
mn-t. sreiroieum,,,, T.IOO 100
nnt-mi copper,,.,., J, 999
Missouri Pacific,
Montana rower.,,, TOO 104
17 5
nauona Leaa i.onn
Nevada Copper 10,300 80
New York Central,. 2,300 107
N. T.. N. H. A H.,,;
Norfolk A Westarn A
a zs
lotu iH
..... u
10114 lot
. V4 l4
1i 314
100 100U
2t4 U
lllS us
Northern Pacific,,,
Pacific Mall....,.', 1,400 16
Paciflo Tel. A Tel.. , ,
Pennsylvania 1,800 SOU
Bay Con. Copper... 10,700 33
Reading 4, 63,1100 110
Kep. iron ft Sleet.. Hftti
Nhattuck Art. Cop, 2,600 33
Southern Pacific... 6. loo loo
Houthern Railway., ft.soo 27
Htudebaker Co 7,600 124
innsHHR copper.
Tenaa Company,,
4,t0t 114 13IU 131
Union Pari
t.100 141 i
147 H 147H
Unloa Paelflfl nfd
II. 8. Ind. Alcohol..
Mi.. 11,10! UIV 11! 1S4U
14,400 11744 12i 1S2
.... i.too inn mij
u. n. meal.,..
U. fl. Bteel nfd
utalt coppar..... JI.IM 114 14 111 12114
Wabash pfd. "B".. 1.700 tot. 9IU i2
Western Union...., ., ..... 101T
westlnshouee Blee. ll.ltt 1414 1IU tsat
TqUI aalea for the dev. 1, 140,00a ahsraa.
. . . . i
Naw Isrk Moaer Market.
New Torn, Nov, II. Mercantile Diner lu
per oent. ,
Blerllns Bsehann Rlvtv.riav am.
II.71H1 eommsrclal alstr-day bills. 14 71;
commercial alitv-dav bills on banks, H.10;
w, ...,h, vauiee, ev.ieia.
Silver Bar, 711tc; Ueslcan dollar,, lltte.
Bonda Uovarnment, steady ; railroad,
Tims Lsana-eltronf; sltty and nlnaty
daya and an months 40414 per oent.
Call Money rltrom; hlh 114 per oent:
low. 4 per cent; rullni rate, I per oent!
lata loan, 114 per cent; cloelnc bid. I per
cent; offered st 114 per cent.
U. B. r. Is, re,. II K. 0. 8o. ref. la. II
do coupon 11141,. N. un. 4a... lltl
IJ. 8. la. rel,...100t4a. K. T. 1st 4a "l
do coupon ....lOOfcMo. P. con.
au. . 4a. ref,, ,.110 Mont. Power ie.. 1,2
do coupon ....U014N. r. C. deb.
Am. Smell. la...lllltN. T. Oily 414e.llo2
Am. Tel. Tel N. T N, H. H.
cv. 414s 107 cv. Is Hsu
Anslo-rrench Is, l4U.No. Paciflo 4e... 1(3
Atch. sen. 4a..., 14 do Is tjd
K. O. 4s IlliOre. 8. U ref. 4s tji
Beth. St. ref. l,.l!t I'ac. T. T. is.!l!il3
Central Pac lit., loPenn. con. 414s. loa u
C. O. cv. 414s. IS14 do iren. 4 He. ..103 CI
C, B. Q. Jt. 4s IIHR-jJIn, ,en"ti Il3
C., M. A St. P. 'Df. 1,. Ssn Kl
cv. la 101 ref. 4a it
C, R. I. P. By. .So. Pac. cv. is. .10414
ref. 4a Tt4 do ref. 4n tg
C. a 8. ref. 414a. H4So, Railway 1,. i,i2
D A B. U. c. 4s. llSUllon Pacific 4s. 9S
Brie sen. 4, 7414 dn cv. 4e tnu
Klectrio le.lnKHIJ, S. Rubber te 'lnfti?
Ot. No. 1st 4Ue.lOIlI. 8. Steel S,....107H
I. C. ref. 4s 11 Went
Union 414s
Int. M-. M. 4a.l01,Dom. st c,
'Bid. .
lamdoa rtaaaclal Market.
Indon,-Nav, II, Bar Btlver II t-ltd per
Money 444 per cent.
Dlecount Rates Short and thre,-month
hills. 11401 per cent.
' Bank Clearini.
Omaha. Nov. II. ltank cleartnvs ' for
Omaha today were I4.lit.ltt.21 end for the
correspondent day lest year 11,111,710.11. .
Cattle Steady, Hop Weak and Lower,
. Sheep Steady.
Chtcaro. Nov. II. (Tattle Receipts, 1,000
head: market, steady; nattv, beef rattle,
I.7!OU'10: weetern eleere, lt.7iO10,li;
stockers and feeders, I4.t007.70; rows and
helfere. ll.IVOI.7l; celves,
"Hose Receipts, 11,000 heed; market,
weak; li10c under yeaterday'a averase;
bulk of aalea, li.llet.10; II, hi. Il.liot 71;
mixed, tl.30tIO.OO; heavy, H.10O10.1i;h
rouah, tl; pin.
Sheep Receipts, 17,000 head; steady
wethers,; ewea,. . M.IOOI.Ot;
Kaaeas City IJv Stack Market.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. It. Cattle Re
ceipts, 10.100 bead: market, eteady; orlme
fed ateere, 110. 600 11.71; Oreeeed beef
ateera. t7.10O10.l0; weatara ateere. 11.750
10. Oil cwa, It.liOtiO: helfere, It. 00 a)
lt.ti: atookara and feeder, not trade; bulla,
!,liOI.7t; reives, lt.00OU.00.
Hosa Recelpta 11.000 head; market,
lower; bulk of aalea, ll.3itrMI; heavy,
tf.70OI.l0: packers and butchers, tl.iio
1.10; ll, hi. i.:tf,l.70: piss. I7.oooi.i0.
Sheep and Lambe Recelpte, l.eot head:
market hlsher; lambs, tll.liO12.10; year.
Iln. H.7IOI.7I; wsthers, I7.l0tyl.i0; ewea.
t.7!OI.OO. -
"' Llaaaed OU. "
tluluth, Nov. II l.lneeed OH fin track.
12.77 4; arrive. 11.71; choice on track.
13.7m: November. I!.7C14, aakeds Uetem
bor, II 71: May, 12.71(4.
Cash Wheat Market on Better
Basin and Prices Show a
Slight Advance.
Omaha, November 31, 1U.
Cash wheat sold on a trifle better basts
today and the market ruled from steady to
lo higher. The better grades or nera
wheat were In good demand and the bulk
of today's offerings sold from 1 to 1(
above yesterday's quotations. Millers were
again In the market for durum wheat,
which sold at about a 9c prantium over
the ordinary bard winter variety, A cnotce
car ef d&rk hard wtntsr brouiht 11.80,
but the general run of samples sold for
1.7I and tl.7t and ths bulk of No. 1 bard
brought from 11.73 to $1,74.
The corn markat was outte active, with
yellow corn selling about C off and the
bulk of the mixed corn of good quality
selling around yesterday's prices. There
was not much white corn, sold and the
belter arades of yellow sold for 87 and
the mixed corn oi me, same greae
brought S7o.
The oate market was rather alow, and,
while the run was light, only about half
the umnlM were soiB.
oats was quo ten e lower ana ins nam
of the samples, which graded No. S white,
ild at 62e and a car of on grade eats
brought (lc.
The rve market was quoted unchanged,
with one car of poor quality going at 11.42.
The demand for barley was fairly active,
but the market was weak and sold from
X io to lower.
Clearances were: Wheat ana riour eqaai
to 644.000 bushels: corn, 31,000 bushels;
oats, 11,000 bushels.
Liverpool close; wneat, uncnangea; corn,
Id Inwer.
Primary wheat receipts were 1, 121,000
bushels, and shloments 1.310,000 bushels,
against receipts of 3,10,000 bushels and
shloments of t.011.000 bushels Inst year.
Primary corn receipts were l,2ss,vuu Dusn-
ets, and shipments 380,000 bushels, against
receipts of 744,000 bushels, and shipments
of 343,000 bushels lst year.
Primary oats receipts were uusn-
els. and shipments of 641,000 bushels,
against receipts of 104,000 bushels, and
shipments of 1,074,000 busahels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 130 141 SOS
Minneapolis 441
Duluth 303
Omaha 69 61 31
Kansas City 221 41 13
at. Louis 7 31 18
Winnipeg 1,104
These sales were reported today;
Wheat No, 1 hard winter, 1 car, $1.7;
1 car, SI. 76. No. I hard winter, 1 car
(dark). 3180; 3 cars. 11.76; 3 cars,
11.76; 7 cars, 11.76; 1 car, 31.73. No. 3
hard winter. 0 cars. 1.74; I cars, 91.73;
cars, fl.73; 4 cars, 91.73; 1 car, 91-70.
k 4 hard winter, 3 cars, 31.71; t cars.
91.70. No, 3 durum, 1 ear, $1.78; 1 car, 91.77.
No, 3 durum, 3 cars, 91.77: 3 cars 1.7;
3 cars, 91.79. No. 9 mixed durum, 1 car,
91.77; 9 cars, 31.74. No. 9 mixed, I car,
aye no. s. l car. ii.ct. ampi, i ear.
$1.43. 4
Barley no. 1, l car, i.ift. Rejected, l
ear, He
CornNo. 3 white, I cars, S7o. No. 4
white, S cars, lo. No. 6 white, 1 car,
8 6 Ho, ,No. 3 yellow, 1 ear, 38c. No. 3 yellow,
4 cars, 87c.tN, 6 yellow, 1 car, 8c. No.
mixed, 11 cars, 87c. No. 4 mixed, l car.
86 o. ,
oats no. i wnite, i cars, ezo. no.
white, 1 car, S2c; 1 car, 63c. Sample
white, 1 car (old), 61 c.
omana cash frices wneat: no. x nam.
81.731.76; No. 9 hard, $1.70 1.74 : No. 4
hard, 81.7001.71 ; No. . spring, 91.7901.78;
No. 3 spring, 91.734jl.76; No. 3 durum,
91.7101.71; No. 9 durum, 91-7301-78. Corn;
No. 8 white, 87087c; No. 3 white, S60
87o; No. 4 white, 9d)8c; No. t white,
36 0 66o; No. 9 white, 84086c; No. 3
yellow, 87OS8c; No. 9 yellow, 87087c;
No. 4 yellow, sOB8c; no, yellow, 80O
8r; No, yellow, 844 086Hc; No. 3 mixed,
87087c; No. 9 mixed, 86087c; No. 4
mixed, U084c; No. 6 mixed, 86080c; No.
0 mixed. 84086c. Oats: No. 3 white, 62 0
63c; standard. 62069c No. 9 white,
62062c; No. 4 whit, fi206irc. Barley:
Matting, 91-O601.16; No, 1 feed, 87c091.OS.
Rye: No. 3, 91-4401.46; No. 9. 91.4801.44.
Omaha Futures
The seaboard reported rather large ex
port salea te the British government, but
In spite ot this the wheat market haa a
bearish tendency and closed about 7 He
under the opening quotations. The subma
rine have caused much uneasiness In wheat
and with the underwriters raising the
freight rates on foreign shlpmsnts the trade
is Inclined to prefer the short side of the
market. ,
There was very little export business In
corn and oats and both of these markets
followed wheat on the decline. The corn
situation In Argentina has been helped con
siderably by recent rainfalls and this was
a. bearish factor In the market.
The trading In the local pit was very
active and was featured by heavy selling
at the eloee, with May wheat carrying most
of the trades. December wheat:
JjOcal range of options!
Art Open. I High! Low.) Close. Tea.
Wht. " j "T
Deo. 1 TO 1 70 104 1 1 84 1171
May 1 76 1 7 187 1 176
July 143 143 197 1 37 Il44
Corn. t - I I
Deo. 91 0 88 96 84 1 94 1 96
May 89 , K 87 87 10
July r. 89 9 87) 87 90
Deo. ' t S3 J 61 61 j 63
May - 68 661 B41 t4j 66
Chicago rloslna pticwa. furnished The Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broker
319 Mouth sixteenth street, Omaha:
Art L I Open, j High. 1 Low. Close. Yes 7
Wht. i
Dec. 1 71 1 14 10 1 fJ7 178
May 1 81 1 81 1701 78 180
July 1 49 1 49 139 I 1 44 160
Vj.rii ,
1)ec. . 89 90 87 87 90
Mny 98 tSk 10 91 93
July 89 93 90 90 93
Oat.- i
Dee, 64 . 64 68 62 66
May 61 69 66 66 69
July 96 36 63 63 66
Jan. 37 66 37 70 2T 37 37 80 27 86
May 37 60 3T 60 37 36 37 36 27 6
Uru. '
Jan. 18 13 1$ 96 19 70 18 T7 18 66
May 16 40 18 93 19 36 18 32 16 46
Kibe. i f
Jan. 14 87 14 87 14 47 14 60 14 66
May 14 77 1 14 77 14 TO 14 70 (14 80
Ob Bullish Now From Abroad Wheat Takes
, An upturn.
Chicago, Nov. 39. Railroad embarcoes
and marine perils that threatened to bring
to a standstill snipments of grain, led to
a semUpanlo In the wheat market today.
Exciting break la values, as ismich at one
time as 13u a bushel, were followed by
partial rallies. The close, nevertheless, was
wild, at to $1.87 for December and
91.74 to 91.76 for May, with the market as
a whole 6 to 7o under yesterday's tin Is h.
Other leading staples, too, all showed a set
backcorn 2o to 203c, oat 3o to 3c,
and provision 10 to 30c.
Although much nervousness was shown by
the wheat trado at various periods through
out the session, it was not until the last
hour that the fall In prices became ot an
extraordinary character. The fact, however.
that final buying orders seemed to have al
most vanished from the pit brought traders
to a sudden realisation of what was Impltod
by a virtual embargo on railroad tranauort
of grain to the seaboarda. One after an
other of late the railroad lines have been
giving notice that temporarily grain ahip
men ts could not be accepted. Thla was
especially the case today and' ultimately
proceeded 10 sucn an extent tnat nearly all
road east from Chicago were shown to be
Involved .in a general oongeetton of facili
ties, a shakeup due. In a measure, to the
evident impossibility of obtaining an ade
quate number of ocean freight vessels for
immediate aetlmg. 1 t
la the last thirty minute ef trading the
whtt crowd, stirred by accumulating de
tails of this situation and by report of nu
merous -successes of the Oerman subma
rines, ss well as by the torpedo boat raid
on the English coast, threw wheat holdings
on the market with a reckless energgy that
haa seldom been equaled. Th result was
that prices fluctuated as much ae 4 cent at
a time between trades, and th pit nearly
a bedlam, while wheat that owners had
hoped to realise 93 or even 83 bushel on
was sacrificed. In seme case as low a
31.38. v
loars grains tumbled With wheat. The
restrictions on shipping affected corn and
oats equally with the more expensive cereal.
nut me liquidation of holdings, althouxh
sever, did not draw out the half-frenaled
eagerness shown In wheat.
Provision gave way, chiefly owln to
weakness In the hog market. Arrivals of
bogs throughout th weet were greatly In
excess or ine nomoer on tne corresponding
day yrer ago.
Lash Prices Wheal No. X red. 3176;
No. I red, 91.73; No. I hard. $1 10; No. 3
hard, 91 78. Com: No. yellow, 6204c;
So. 4 yellow, 88 Otic; No. 4 white, 8t
001. Oats: No. 3 white. 6406c; stan
dard, nominal. Rye: No. t, 91.62; Barley:
IOC091.36. Heeds: Timothy, $3.3606.60:
clover, 911.00016.09. Provisions: Pork,
128.60; lard, 116.87; ribs, 814.00014. 62.
Butter Lower; creamery, 34042c,
Eggs Receipts; 3,878 eases; unchanged.
Pole toes Receipts, 30 care; unchanged.
Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, 16c; spring,
17c; turkeys, 36c
Rang of Prices of the Varisns Leading
' CesDmodlUes.
New York, Nov. 28. Flour Easier; spring
patents, 99-2009.40; winter patents, $8,300
8.60; winter straights, 36.1008.36.
Wheat Spot weak; No. 2 hard, $1.97;
No, 1 northern, Duluth, 91-98; No. 1 north
ern. Manitoba, 92.06, t. o. b. New York.
Corn Spot weak; No. 2 yellow, $1.02,
e. I, f. New, York. ;
, Oat Boot easier; standard, 6908Oe.
Hay Quiet; No. 1, 9120;. No. 2, $1.10;
No. 9, 9100; snipping, 90085c.
Hops Ateady; state, common to choice,
1916, 4606Oo; 1918, 8016c; Paciflo coast,
1918, 1301e; 191E, 9012c.
Hide ilteady; Bogota, 44046c; Central
America, 44c.
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; sec
onds, 66c.
Provisions Pork, steady: mess, 31.600
33.00; family, 933.00034.00 short, clear,
929.00031 00, Beef, quiet; mess, 928.000
22.60; family, 926.60027.00, Lard, easy;
middle west, 917.20017.30.
Tallow Quiet; city, lie, nominal; coun
try, U011c; special. iro.
Butter Steady; receipts, 9,074 tubs;
0 (Pleasurable Savings
Do Your Buying
Wednesday Store
Will Be Closed
All Day Thursday,
Several Hundred
Coats, Surplus Stock
Eastern Maker.
100 Beautiful Coats
Nearly .all exclusive models in
Velour de Nords, Baffin Plushes,
Wool Velours, S u e d e s,d
Bolivia Cloths, etc., nearl-V
ly all fur trimmed, all
most wanted colors. Spe'l.
Hundreds of
In all sizes and most de
sirable modes for ladies
and misses. Great val
ues Wednesday, choice
U 10 A. M.
Women's Long Kimonoa,
Houae SUp-ona and Bunga
low Aprona, worth 91.00.
Second Floors
I tl i. nrr
l n an k? giving uuerings in
Women's Novelty Silk
Hosiery, in dainty stripes
and embroidered designs,
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, in all silk
and silk with lisle tops, black and colors, worth
op to 1.50, special, . : Jl QQ
Women's Silk Hosiery, in black and colors,
with Way-new Foot, the kind that gives sat
isfaction, with double garter top, high spliced
heel and double sole, regular and (M OC
out size, special epl.aij
You know the close relation of
the Brassiere to the Corset, and
the importance of the fit.
r s
are up-to-date, attractive gar
ments at reasonable prices, made
in different designs, materials
and sizes- they accord with the
latest fashion demands.
' We will be pleased to
show you our selection of
Warner's Brassieres, and we
are confident they will meet
with your approval.
Price Range from 50c up.
Corset Section
Second Floor Front Room.
Drugs and Toilet Preparations
Tee Perfume Atomiser Bulbs. .... .49c
Perfume Atomlaera. at 49c, 7Sc and 8c
IKOO bottle Woodworth'e Violet Toilet
Water, for ,Wc
$1.50 box L. Trefler Asurea Powder
for as.
2fte Jap Ro. or Cram. d. Merider
Cold Cream, for lac
Me Sanitol Cold Vanishing Cream.
for lc
60e Jar Pompeian Nirht Cream, for 36c
(Oo bottle White Pin. Couth Cur.
for 3Sc
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens for Thanksgiving
We have the finest line and highest quality that
money can buy. , ,
Buy something you can eat and enjoy for your
xnanKsgiving Dinner. '
FRESH BULK OYSTERS, quart. ......... .45
creamery, 43043o; first. 38041c;
seconds, 38JISc,
Uggs Irregular; receipts, 9,416 cases;
fresh gathered extra fine, 49 0 60c; extra
firsts, 47048c; first. 44049c; seconds, 400
Cheese Steady; receipts, 1,842 cartons;
state whole milk flats, fresh specials, 26c;
do average fancy, 24&24c.,
Poultry Dressed, Irregular; chickens, 23
031c; fowla, 16023c; turkeys, 22030c.
Poultry Live; turkeys, steady (o firm;
prime, generally 10c; other price not set
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Minneapolis. Nov. 28. Wheat December,
9177; May, 91.81. Cash: No. 1 hard, 91.81
01.34; No. 1 northern, 91.1701.60; No. 3
northern, $1.7201.76.
Corn No. yellow, 84 086c.
Oats No. 3 white. 4906Oc.
Flaxseed 93.6902.74.
Flour -Unchanged.
Barley 78c0$t. 14.
Rye 11. 44s 1.46,
Bran $27.66028.00.
Sugar Market.
New Tork, Nov. 28. Sugar Raw. easy;
centrifugal. 6.64c: molasses. 4.77c. Refined.
dull; fine granulated, 7.60tv Futures opened
steadier and 406c points higher on un
favorable weather advices from Cuba; Jater
the list eaaed off under liquidation and at
noon prices were about unchanged.
i-ate in the afternoon a sale or 13,000
bags of Cuban was made on the basis of
6.440 for centrifugal and 4.77c for mo
lasses. Slonx City Live Rtoek Market.
Sioux CUT. Is.. Nov. 28. Cattle Reenlnts.
260 head; market strong; killers and stock-
dull; beef steers, 96.60010.60; Texas
Beautiful New
of a Prominent
t:SO TO 10:30 A. M.
100 pairs Children'a Leg
gings, worth 76e, 11.00
50c .
Ia Babies' Sectica.
10 TO
Babies' and
Bath Robes,
worth :$1.50,
Dainty Fancy
Silk Topped Union Suits, worth to
at2-00:. ; ..$1.25
Ladies' Silk and Wool Union Suits,
at8,:y.rtyte:..... :.$1.9S
' Dainty Hand-Embroidered Silk
Vests, worth to $2.98, (Jg
Ladies' Knit Wool
all wool
Ladies' Medium
Suits, low neck,
Children's Black
an sizes, tuc quality, nC-
weeeeMieeieeeeeeeeeee)eJ at
(Oo bottle Whit. Pin. Couth Cure
for 19c
Whit. Rose and Locust Blossom Per
fume, tha ounce 25c
25e bottle Lambert'e Llaterine. . . .19c
26c can Tolleteer or Sani Flush, for I9c
Four 10c rolls Crepe Toilet Paper.
for 75c
Four 10c bars Peroxide Soap 25c
10a ban Jap Ross er Castile Soap.
for ,.c
11.00 Bath Brashes with handles.
for 69c
11.26 Bath Sprays, red rubber. .. .79c
steers. 97.9008.60; fat cows and heifers,
96.7609.60: canners. 94.0005.26; atockers
and feeders, 9C.2607.6O; calves, 96.2608.60;
feed ins: cows and heifers, 34.7607.00.
Hons Receipts , 16,000 head; market
loftS&c lower: Ilcbt. $8.7609.96: mixed.
90609.60; heavy. 99-7C01O.OO; bulk of
!.. IS 3& ft ft to.
Bhecp and Lambe Receipts. 2.600 head;
market steady; westerns, 38.0008.76; ewes.
7. 1668.00; iambs, all. 00012.00.
ITs mas City Grain market.
Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 38. Wheat No.
X hard, 91 76 01.11; No. 3 red, 91.7601.30;
December. $1.06: May. 91.68.
Corn No'. 1 -mixed, 91091c; No. 3
whit. 3092o; No. 2 yellow. 8302c;
December, 86c; May, 88088c.
Oate No. 3 white, 66 0 66c; No. 2
mixed, (6 0 660.
St. Louis Grain Market.
St. Louis, Nov. 28. Wheat No. J red.
81.8001.82; No. 2 haraV.91.8201. 88; Decem
ber. 81-68; May; 17"C
Corn No. 2, 91092c: No. 1 whit. 93c;
December. 89c; May, 90c
Oats No. 3 mixed, 66c; No. 2 white,
Liverpool Grain.
( Liverpool, Nov. 28. Wheat Spot, dull;
No. 1 northern, Duluth, 16s 9d; No. 1, Man
itoba, old, 17s Id; No. 3, new, 16s 8d.
Corn Spot, easy; American mixed, new,
13 6d.
Coffee Market.
v. z 5 . (J one e i nero was
.ta.HiAf ton in th marltnt fnr futurns here
today, owing to a diminished volume or
months' liquidation covering, ana a
little fresh buying for long account, which
in Thanksgiving Sales V
Underpricings on Women's Coats
High Class
Classy Modes,
11 A. M.
Little Tots'
sixes 2 to 6,
on. hour sale.
10:30 TO 11:30 A. M.
100 Women's Silk Waista.
worth (3.00
Second Floor.
Aprons, worth . to
Kid Gloves
For Thanksgiving
Women's Guaranteed
Washable Kid Gloves, in
all shades; Ivory, Putty,
Gray, White and -Canary,
with beautiful contrast
Weight fnion
no sleeves, Qgg
Sateen Bloomers,
kerchiefs for
styles to
Broadcloth, Georgette and
Crepe de Chine Collars and
Sets, in all the new shapes, spe
cial, at, set $1.75 and $1.98
Stock Collars, in net and lace
trimmed, each, 98. $1.75
Feather Boas, in black and
white each, $1.98. $2.98
Mambone Throws, in natural
brown and black, at. .$3.98
nd $4.98
fancy Mesh Veiling with nar
row borders, in all colors, at,
Per yard .35s
Chiffon Veils, two yards long,
in all shades; special 9S
Good Things to Eat for
.wi vcuauij sv
13 lbs. Bent Granulated Sumr for $1.00
For your Thankssivinff Pudding, Pies or
Cakes, ate our Famous Diamond H.
Flour, made from the finest selected
No. 1 Nebraska wheat; nothinir finer;
for 48-lb. sack $2.35
Pure Apple Cider, per gallon k.30e
The best mixed, 1916 new crop Nuts, per
lb, 20c
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure To
mato Catsup, Pickles, assorted; Horse
radish or Prepared MuatavH. n TL
Condensed Mince Meat, pkg
Condensed Mince Meat, bulk, lb.
cans Oil or Mustard Sardines..
a-Wiles famous Cookies, p
r lb..
id 15c
h.uut vaiwn nice. . ,
Skinner's famous Macaroni, Vermicelli or
ivinHU, pes. ,e BV.C
MacLaren'e Peanut Butter, lb. .-. .12V4c
Fancy Queen Olives, quart 35c
Ripe Olives, per can loc
2-oa. jar. Pure Fruit Preserves. .. .26c
28-oa. jars Pure Strained Hone.,.. 25c
16-oa, cans Condensed Soups 10c
Advo Jell or JeUo. for dessert, per
Pk. :sVc
lCa. cans Condensed Milk. . r. ... .10c
limisiic view oi pe I'l'i"" -----
mnnfh. anlH ahnil S to S OOlillS HOOVC I"-'
March touching 8.30c and July 8.67c. "in
close was 8 to 8 points net blither. Sales,
36,760 bags; November and December, 8.03c;
T.n.n t tiw.' w hpiiarv. i.lftn: March,
October, x.iic. soot, auu; mo n,
in th rout end fret i lit market. There wax
. . ' . . lie- Tha
tnat ngure up to iwc, mnaon ernm.. -official
cables reported no change in the
primary markets except for a decline of 26f
to 60 reis In Santos futures.
. St. Joseph Live Stock Market
St. Joseph, Nov. 38. Cattle Receipt.
1,700 head; market steady to loc higher;
steers, $7.00010.75; cows and heifers, 84.6
010.00; calves. 96.00012.00.
Hoge Receipts, 17.000 hoad; market
6010c lower; top, $9.86; bulk of sales. 99.26
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 4,000 head;
market steady; lambs, 91L6O012.1O; ewe.
OU and Boaw. .
Savannah. Oa.. Nov. 28. Turpentine-
Firm; 49c; sales,
261 bbls.; receipts, 466
obis.; shipments,
26 bbls.; stocks, 21,702
bbls. v ...
Rosin Firm; sale. 2M35 bbls.; receipts,
a rod . -vi OT tihla Btfifk. 88.
ai.,o.o uuit., Binpuicnu,, o -
1178 Ob IB. Quote: A. 15, l, V,
$6.25; F.
96.30fti36; O, 3326.36; H, 36..J7W
6.40; I. 96.4006.42; K, 96.50; M, 96-660
6.80; N, $6.70; WQ. $7.00; WW, 37.20-
Saving Specials
In All Departments
Wednesday Store Will
Close All Day Thursday,
Thanksgiving. .
Garments in Scores oi
on Sale at Far Below
( Nearly 200 Coats
In a splendid assortment of
choice new models and in the
season's most- wanted materials
' and colors. Many extra d
size Coats in this lot. y
special values,
Beautiful Afternoon
Hundreds of new ones for selec
tion, in Fine Georgettes, Satins,
Velvets and Combinations, at
$25.00, $35.00 and $45.00
10:30 TO 11:30 A. M.
Women's Silk Petticoats,
II colors, one hour i
Second Floor.
Special Offering in Women's
stitching,, special, at pair, $1.19 to S2.50
Special offering in Women's Lamb Skin, in
white with black, black with ' Aa g
white, tan, gray and brown, lk I I H
worth up to $1.36, at, pair
Women's Real French Kid Gloves, in Chun.
Perrin make, new shipment just received, all
the new colors and h 4 pv l)o"l,A
bacL?at"-.'Pl50 I" $2.50
Children's Linen Kid . A, A. n
atpa!ra?d.MAttr: 59C-$1 1 9
in Neckwear and Hand
Broadcloth, Organdy and Poplin Collars, in
round and deep back; special, each. .39,
Organdy Collars, Vestees and Sets, em
broidered and lace trimmed, manv nUe
select from. Wednesday,at . .19
aaies , unen, embroidered
Handkerchiefs, wide and nar
row hem, worth up to 50c, spe
cial, at, each.. :.. ..25t
Ladies' Plain Linen Handker
chiefs, at 7H
Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, 6
in a box, per box 75
Men's Plain Linen Handker
chiefs 19i and 25
Children's Handkerchiefs, em
broidered in - colors and plain
white, special, at. . . 5
Children's Initial Hand'kerl
chiefs, at
Thanksgiving Hayd
tk D' La. n
aJl. JYlgUl rnCC,
Dried Fruits for Your Puddto,.,
The beat Lemon or Orange Peel,
'thlb.i"t hrn Citron Peei.' per
Fancy 'ciean'ed Currants,' IhliiSc
ancy Muscatel Raisins, lb 10c
Jancy Muir Peaches, lb. . .TiivS
Fanj, California Prunes, b. 12c
California Kiss, pk...... ,St
B.?'"a Raisins,
The best California Tokay orlm
ported M.l. Grapes'b 2te
perb? C'"" hX
Th Bi Stf'fctly Fresh Ei,;,
Fnney No.
.1 19""tr' "CreVmir?
' Butter, ner lh
Fancy No. 1 Dairi'Ta'hu'n:.;?!?
P" lb., at "
Fane, Tab). Butterine'."M;i3?;
Creamery Butter, lb iii
Tha Best Fall cl rlL'22 '.c
'aw York
White, Wiaeonain Cream
or Youni America Full
Cream Cheese, par lb.,
-1 -