THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1916. 11 v -IS Y FOR RENT HOUSES North. H 91 tt Mania. ...w 4-n., it iu,.. ". ' 126.00 swell bungalow, ml Brown. in no i-R.. Dartly mod.. 1407 N. 40tn. We have a large list. EDWARD r. WILLIAMS CO. P. ttC rfc. S210 N. 21st. atrlctTy mod., new elec light fixtures: good residence and achool dlst., water paid. IIS. Haattnga Heyden. 181 namcy. lymr av tBKMIS PARK. 7 rooms, with hot water heat, 1021 N. 33d. Just vacaieo. nasunaa A Meyo.n, nn rtarnay. ii, t-B... mod.; 3514 N. nth Ave.; owner will take 17 for quick- rental, naeunaa m U.,4h Kama. Tvler 60. -R. wuo not water neat auu im Bmmet; vac Dec. 1, iJH.oo. nuuow Heyqen. lot M.rney w. 7-R.. .70s Bristol, hot water heat; good, ... ... - ., 1,11 Wamaw rrasung. Jiejuou, ., Tyler 10. 111! ORANT ST. 7-r- oonm.. modern, Ilk T. F. Hall. 411 Bm Bldg. 7-R. modern house, good, repair. 26th and Charles St. 2. Webster 3603- 7 ROOMS. 38g Seward. Call lor Rogers. Douglas 3138 after 5. New mod, bung, I01 Bristol. Web. 1748. Sooth. FOR RENT. I60( FOPPLETON AVE. A very nice 8-room house, strictly mod ern, good big yard, shade trees, sooth front, good garage or barn in rear. Rente 36 per month. , HIATT COMPANY, 345-7-3 Omaha Nat! Bk. Bldg. Tyler SO. ' PiPi.n r . b. 822 SOUTH 38TH ST. n - i ik, liari rnom. in excellent condition, east front, close to car. Special rale. 40. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 818 Omaha Nat. Bldg.. Phone Dr. 1018. BEAUTIFUL home, facing Hanscom Park, on 32d St. COAD REAL EST ATM CO.. DO. 488. ' CLOSE IN BARGAIN, 60S SOUTH 18TH ST. Slit fine large rooms, every one newly pa pered and woodwork painted throughout. Boors are In fine condition. Hero you have bo car fare. A bargain at 125. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 816 Omaha Nat Bldg.. PhoneJglOlj 70t Georgia avenue, IS rooms, modern, 6'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Doug. 3713, 1018 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. -ROOM new bungalow, all on one floor, all modern, with small garage, 880. 1310 & 35th Ave. Red 1881. , 1 CLOSE In, 708 S. 19th, 5-r. cottage, mod. 1 ex. heat, 1. Hastings & Heyden, 1814 V Harney. Tyler 50. J COTTAGE BARGAIN. 830 SOUTH 23D ST. ! Dandy 8-room cottage, all on one floor, modern except heat, east front, easy walking distance. Special rate, 816.50. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 318 Omaha Nat. Bldg.. Phone Dg. 1016. FOR RENT Reasonable, 8 rooms, gas and water. 1708 So. 16th. Miscellaneous WB HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MUDEitn. , -l.r. 8401 Parker St " 4- r. 1616 Carter-Lake Blvd 14.00 6- r. 811 Martha St 12 50 7- r. 5016 N. 42d St " MODERN EXCEPT HEAT, i-r. 2904 Saratoga St ; 8- r. 3818 N. 27th St. (for colored).. 16.00 STRICTLY MODERN, 5- r. 118 S. 44th St. 86 00 6- r. 4112 Farnam St 36 00 6- r. 1814 Laird St. (with garage).. 36.00 7- r. 1323 S. 8th St. (cloee to both depots ;;; 7-r. 3805 N. lth St M-M 7-r. 4612 S. 23d St 36.00 7- r. 315 S. -6th St. (brand new. strictly modern brick dwelling).. 36.00 8- r. 3840 Charles St. (with large garage) 25-00 8- r. 3901 N. 17th St 30.00 9- r. 2608 Dewey Ave. (strictly mod em brick dwelling very close in. Well arranged for keeping room- .,, l 40.00 5-r. 203 S. 30th St 35.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COMPLETE PRINTED LIST BEFORE RENTING PORTER & SHOTWELL, 203 S. 17th. Doug. 5013. BTroom new bungalow, electric" light. good well and chicken house, 6560 N. 36th St. 325 8-room all modern and garage, 3078 Mason St. 18 5-r. mod. eg. heat, 723 S. 16th St 320 6-r. mod. ex. heat. 1606 Corby St. 123 7-r all mod., 1828 B. 2th St ' 325 8-r.' all mud., 2304 N. 63th Ave. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2182. ROOMING HOUSE, 1913 DOUGLAS ST. Ten large rooms, will put In good con dition for reliable party. Here la an ex eeUent opportunity for aome one. Special rate, 1 30. PAYNE & SLATER CO., tU Omaha Nat. Bldg.. Phone Dg. 10H. The Bne earriefl V I ,VJU JBVCIO- O.A IS " a- aga.Ua IIIBI iW Thla finri EXCEEDS THE COM. B.NED GAIN of the other two Omaha paper try over aio adb. Reawn: Better R'-nulta. Better Rate. $0 8-R. modern brick house, corner 19h and Corby. , 25, 8-r. modern houie, hardwood floor. 162f Lothrop. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Voug. 1594. BRAND new, strictly up-to-the-minute garage In the rear of St. Oeorge apart ments. 3 let Ave. and Dodge. Prtcee $4 and 95 a month. See us. PAYNE ft SLA TER CO.. 616 Omaha Nat'l. Bldg. T ROOMS, modern, 3002 Mason, $Zf. 8-room hotiae, 1720 ,N. 36th, only $12. Nice 7-r. flat, 1907 Cuming, $26. JOHN W. ROBB1N8, 103 FARNAM BT. 818 N. 16TII ST., St. brick flat, (12.50. 2114 Chicago at,, 11-r. bouse, all rod., $46, H. A. WOLF, 614 Ware Blk. Douglas 8068. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIQU, SONS ft CO. Ml BBB BLDQ DODO. W, 1125 S, 3 1ST., with garage for two cars. 2804 North 24th: modern, 7 rooms, $23.00 .JOHN N. FRBWZER. PUUOLA8 664. REDUCED rates and free to December 1. $11 for 6-room house and $18 for $30 bungalow. Tel. evenings, walnut 2687. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. 4111 N. 26th Ave., $18. Call Doug. 161.2. FOR RENT Ap'ts and FlaU West ALIA 116-17 N. 23d: Just completed, the best apartment In the city for the money, high class, up-to-date, every modern con venience; wut farnam district: Murphy Ln-a-loor beds; dressing rooms, built-in chiffonier: sun parlors, French doors be tween living and bedroom; built-in book cases; oak ana wmte enamel finish; cuum system for tenants; gas drier laundry: elevated oven gas rano-ex? frl iterators iced from rear: 4-room with 6. room accommodations; $50 sum., $66 wln- ifir. o-room wnn o-room accommodations, jtf sum., winter. will show you apartments with our csr. Call us for an. pointment, and we will call for you, or janitor win snow you tnrougn any time. OMAHA LAKUEHT KKNTAL AO'CT, HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Har.; Ty. &0. I AND 4-RM. Apis., The Sterling. Trust Co. D. 1161. Pint THREE dandy rooms, part modern, dose In, North: ELEGANT 6-room, modern apartment. $40, Modern 8-room apartment, $30. Phone Web. 72U or Web. 4838. $30 a month for six-room heated apt, light and fully modern. Nov. rent free. 1818 napie en. a.eys with Janitor. South. $10,605 large room Apt., part modern, 1916 Aim bi., near autn ana v in ton. Mitcellaneoac 8-ROOM flat for rent. $26 per month: ela In, FIn Hi B3SS rnone uov,. ibi. E 6-room apartment In the Potter. Tel Harney 32 L. Horses Live Stock Vehicles 4 GOOD l.noo-ib. delivery horse. Phone Col i ax isaso. FOR SALE Mare and colt, $126. 27th St. HORSES for sals. 1718 Webster St. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOU8SL Paoklng, storage and mov ing. 31$ N. 1Kb St Phone Douglas t4. "METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Caretul attention given to orders for moving, paoklng or storage. Office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1618 and 1616 How r Bt Phone D. 662. FIREPROOF WAREHOUBB. Separate locked rooms tor household goods and pianos, moving; packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., t2 . lsth St Douglas 4Ht. Maggard- vtXll van ana storage CO., Moving, racaing, toracs and shipping. Phone Doug. lt- FIDELITY SSSt FREE Phono Douglas 28$ for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta. ' Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving semes try us. Large S -horse padded vans. Storage, $2 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER. rbone vyisr sy or Lraugias man T P PTTTTri Eipress and Moving. packing and storage. Douglss 246. 120T Farnam St FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT. - 1816-17 North 24th St. Store room, 8U 60, basement and fine large display win dows. Good location for retail store or shop. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 16S. 333 Rose Bldg. STORE ROOM at 1897 Farnam St T. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. U. 7.flfl. MODERN store. 16th St., near postotflcs; low rent G. P. Stebblns. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE studio location In Wead Bldg.! 16th and Farnam, and in waiange jtnag., 20th and Farnam; rental reasonable. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bidg. DESIRABLE offloe rooms in ths remodeled Crounse block, lit N. ivtQ bl (.opposite noatfifftte.. 816 to 816 ner month. Conrad Young. 823 Brandcte Theater. Dour 1671. LARGE private office with Joint use of large reception room, best location in mo cuy. Douglas 1661. CHOICE office space. Batrd Bldg., 17th and uougias. lacuague inv. w 1 OR 2 office rooms for rent; rent reason- able. Phone Doug. 3361. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WE want more houses and apartments to rent The fact tttat we nave praciicany cleaned out our big list is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne & . Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Men,"61 Omaha National Bank Bldg. DQUglaS 1018. WANTED Listing on cottages or houses to rem or hii uo ur ii,uuwi, tomers watting. Inquire 418 Karbach Block. Douglas 3607. will took after your rentals. 644 Brmndsla Oiag. UUU, DO Oat Miscellaneous. WANTED TO RENT Rooming house fur nished. Will pay SSB lo fv per raonin or higher if close In. Call at 807 N. 17th or inquire Johnson's Restaurant Drexel hotel, between 7 and 8 mornings or 4 and 6 afternoons. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED West ) MONTCLAIR NEW BUNGALOW, Large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three bedrooms and bath on second floor; oak finish and oak floor; built-in bookcases and buffet; pan eled walla-Jn dining room; clothes chute; full basement; guaranteed furnace. Look at It today; open 2 to a. y SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1001. Ground Fir. McCagus Bldg. 1 Field Club Special Bargain Practically new 7 -room house, center hall with large living room on one side, fireplace at the end, dining room and kitchen on the opposite side on first floor. Oarage connected with the house. Second floor has large sleeping porch off stair way landing and three nice bedrooms fin ished In white enamel, with mahogany doors, nice bath. Full basement, furnace heat Oak floors throughout, oak finish downstair. $6,760. want an oner. D. V. Sholea Go., 816 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 40. $5,000 BUYS $6,000 HOME Brand new six-room stucco, 8668 Cass St. Large living room, French doors. Dooa case, beautiful dining room, large light kitchen. Three extra fine bedrooms In white enamel and mahogany doors. Full Htrht hauMmnnt. Choice south front lot 44x168. Key at 8662, or during week call Douglas 1474. LIST PROPERTY WITH US TODAY. WE MAY SELL IT TOMORROW. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., D. 8862. 3618 LINCOLN BLVD 1 1 -room bouss. strictly modern, wuo not waior nw. Douglas ISIS. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8-room, t baths, nearly new; Dig discount, wuij $6,360. See it. 823 N, 88th Ave. North. Bemis Park $3,000 Your Own Terms This is a sflven-room house, all modern, with large living room, recently painted and' decorated throughout and In first class condition. This Is not an old prop erty, but something good, and the price le a real sacrifice for quick deal. $800 cash and the balance same as rent, lo cated on an east front lot, 36th and La fayette Ave. Glover & Spain, Douglas 3902. 918-20 City National. CLOSE IN HOME CHEAP This is Incited on east front lot 60x134 feet on paved street. Juttt south of Leav enworth St., in a good home owr'.ng neigh borhood, and Is a 7-room modern cottage, having 6 rooms and bath on 1st floor and 2 rooms on 2d floor. This Is something good and well built, nearly new snd worth the money. Immediate possession. Rea sonable terms. Investigate this. GEORGE AND COMPANY Phone D. 786. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW. A five-room, strictly modern bungalow, wfth bath. It Is finished In oak. up-to-date, built-in features and lighting fix tures; full basement law sttlo. Located at IS3S North 8'tb St Pries, $8,168; easy tsnna. NORRIS & NORRIS, 404 Bes Building. Phono Doug. 4871- KOUNTZS PLACE restricted district resi dence for sale. A. V. Knlest 3616 N. 18th. South. FIELD CLUB HOME 7 FOR SALE. A modern home with 8 rooms and sleeping porch, oak finish, oak flooro and every convenience ; east front lot, 60x136 feet; H block north of Woolworth Ave. boulevard. In the best part of the Field club district. Price 37,200. The owner has moved to the new Blackstone and has instructed us to sell this property. It Is not for rent. The price la right, but any reasonable offer will be con sidered. ' J. H. DUMONT Co., 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phono Doug. 688. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. SIX-ROOM HOUSE WITH DOUBLE GARAGE. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. We are just finishing a beautiful 6-room bungalow In Field club dis- . trlct that we can, offer on good terms. This house Is very elaborately fin ished and no money has been isavetl to get the bent material and the best workmanship. Has a very tine double garage with cement driveway to street and pergola with stucco columns across driveway at the front porch, giving a very pretty effect and appearance to the house. Property (aces east on a lot 60x i:. An ideal future location snd Is bound to please ths most critical buyers. Would like to have you call us. HIATT COMPANY, 246 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 80. HANSCOM PARK, 1929 S. 34TH ST. Six rooms and bath, strictly modern; fire place In living room, nicely decorated, lot 50x100 feet, nice shade trees, paving and all specials paid. Owners has loft city and has reduced the price to $3,09. Terms lo suit purchaser. Key at our of fice. When can we show you OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-2 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1474. Miscellaneous. HOUSES WANTED. WB HAVE BtTVWRS FOR HOMF8 WORTH THE MONET IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FO RESULTS. O'NEILL'S REAL BSTATH A INS, AQNCT., Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tyler 1084. Miscellaneous. BUY NOW. All building material is going up. We have several brand new bungalows of 6-r. and bath; oak fmtsh. strictly modern; choice lots; prices, $2,800 to $3,200, terms, $100 to $300 cash, balance monthly or will take lot as first payment. Let us show you some bargains. RASP BROS,, 106 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1663. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. Thoroughly modern; hardwood floors; corner lot 64x128; additional ground ,can be had for gardening; sidewalk, sower, water and gas; close In and a bargain at $2,860; $160 cash required. SHULER & CARY, 204 Keellne Bldg. Phono D. 6074. INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE $400 Income on price, $2,600, being 8 houses, 6 rooms each, near high school and Crelghtoo college. Also 6 and 6-room bungalows, $300 down, and two 8-room. $96 down, balance monthly. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. NEW bungalow; also 8-i. and gardening I your terms and pries; Inv with $400. rent 8 houses ost 83,500). $2,600. D. 2107. FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deoo rated, all modern, etc., $2,760; $280 cash, balance monthly Colfax 188S. WELL BUILT BUNGALOW. Oak finish, up-to-date, furnace, rental, $26; only $2,400. Bargain. QEOROE Q. WALLACE 614 Keellne Bid, REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINNB LUSA, .00 dlt feront buyers decided tbat-lt was th bast proposition on the market and tbey backed their Judgment by buying lota. IK TOU will come out today you will understand why othsrs ar. buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 741 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. " Tyler UT. WAVERLY PARK. x One of the choice lots in the addition; stfee 46x126: east front, and on the car linn. Price $760.90; terms $10.00 cash and $7.60 per month. I C. A. GRIM MEL, 848 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phono D. 1616. OWNER must seJ east front lot on Fonts belle Blvd., in Clairmont Will Mil at acrtftos price U taken at oms. Call Douglas 1731. HAVE you overlooked lots IS, 19 and 20, block 21. Walnut Hill? If yes, then why? W. H. Weller, 30-31 Mann Building, Ullca, N. Y. South. ACRES SOUTH. Improved and unimproved to ons to tsn-acre tracts, on or near Belle vue oar lino. Best of school facilities. a R. COMBS. Phone Doug. 8816. 808 Brandeis ThoaUr. Miscellaneous. 60-FT. LOT. 8103. Fine lots to select from. $1 cash, 60s a week. Box 8181. Beo. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUT THIS LOT. $18.00 drwn snd 818.00 per month; pries 3280.00; alxu 69x116; located on Loons. St., between Clark and Burnham. not far from school and car Una. On. R Wright, Ree offline. Omaha. Florence. NKIHAWAT has 8. 4. 8, 80 and 138-aore impr. tracts for city property, fio. South Side. 6-ROOM residence. South Bid. 81. ; 6 cash, balance 316 per month Doug. 8126. Miscellaneous. One Acre in Fruit Situated only half block from paved road and free Jitney service; has running water on the bark end the year round; net out in all kinds of large and small fruit, which will be ready to bear In a short time. Price $760; terms, $10 down and $10 per month. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvuie. Hastings & Heyden, HI, Harney 8t. ACREAGE. 6-room cottage, modern except hea't, with three large lots, 160x130, a little lens than an acre of ground, with all kinds of fruit, chicken house and large barn for garage or horsee. within thre blocks of street car, pricd at $3,000, less than the improvements are worth. Will sell on easy terms or discount Tor casn. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 171. REAL ESTATE Investments SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY SON. Phons Doug. 602. 1507-s W. O. W. Bldg. TOK BAl.K. P.U01. ,nu i. LMum iiai, wiioiD rou. block, of 19th and Harasy; olos. la;. bar gsln priM. CALKINS Jj CO., Dourlaa 1111. Cttr National Doraas. INVESTMENT. Cornsr, doss In, two houses, annua! rent 1720. Frlc. SB.noo. S. P. BOSTWIUK A SON. 100 Bs. Bldg. Tyl.r 1601. HICAli KSTAT. WM. COLFAX 7M Knlln. BlOg. Doug. 1171. FARM LAND WANTED WANTED Farms and unimproved farm, ' fruit and stock lauds. Consolidated Farm Agency, Marbrldgs Bldg.. New York. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate. Lands, Etc HAVE two 160-acrti tiruj and one 8V-acre farm, eastern Nebraska, to trade for city property. ARCHER REALTY CO. 880 Brandeis Rldr. TRADKS TRADBSTRAPBS Farms. Cattle, lunches. New Apart ments, Flats, tc. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Block. ' 1 k 15-HOOM rooming house for sale or ex change for equity in lots or bouse ana 101. or good car; good location. Call Doug, las 6896 after 6 pm. Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranrhea for city property. H. wrinta. at uranaeis mag GOOD tot, desirable location, wll take used roro as pari payment, wumwr .. WANT 830.000 to $60,000 stock general merchandlie; will exchange tor same 816.000 to $26,000 8 per cent Income property and spot cash for balancs. Write for particulars. Box 481. Fullerton, Neb. WE have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or la. land, Kdwani r. Williams Co.. Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty NCOMli property west Farnam district. St. Louis flats less than 3 years old, newly decorated, 6 rooms each; apts. leased for one year by good tenants. Buy of owner. Save commission fee. $8,000; terms. Phone Web. 3P4 or HOI Blnney. GREAT location for gam go or store rooma, on main car line; lot 60x161; terms. Hoe Owner, Harney 3354. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTKD 4, 6 and -roomed houses that can be sold for $100 cash; balancs 916 per month; give complete description first letter. W FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1820 Fsrnam, Tel, Doug. 1064. HAVE good mortgages drawing fi and s-lOtha per cent Interest to exchange lor vacant lots with water, sewer and gas in Box 8104, Omaha Bee. AM not asking for a listing. I will pay cash for bargains in houses, s&OO to $3,600. lot me know what you have. Amos Orant. l 63H0. Cotfux 4071. 211 Brandeis Thou. WANTED REAL KSTATK. I will buy for upeculatlon a few cot tagss or other income property If priced low enough. Box 8638, Omaha Bee. WB have buyers for your property. INTBR-8TATH REALTY CO.. sl-SO City Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 886$, LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us. WE HKL17 THEM. USBUltWM I CO., Doug. 1474. FUR SALE. See F. D. Wead, 310 8. 18th St FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6, 6i and e per cent. Reasonable com mission. , UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 21! South Hth. Omaha, Nob. . 5 PER CENT. S', PCT. 6 PER CENT City and Farm Loans. Prompt Service. E. H. LOUGEE, INCORPORATED. MS -40 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 81 26. 6 PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residences In amounts $8,000 up; also farm loans. Reanonable commissions, PET ICRS TRUST CO., 182 1 Farnam St. $3,000 MpRTQAGB bearing 6 per cent serai- ann. ; secured by properly vaiuen at jh.uow, Taltnadgn-Loomls lnv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg, REAL ESTATE loans. 6 per cent, flee D. B. BUCK A CO., 813 Omaha Nat. Bank. NO DELAY. V. T. OHAHAM, BEE BLDO. OMAHA homes, East Nebraska farms. - O'KMKFH. KKiAL KHTATK t'U. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Phono Doug. 2716. FARM and city loans, 6-6 H and 8 per bent W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 164R. 60 MONEY HARRISON & MORTON, O 1 Omaha Nat'l. Ban k Bid Uj MONEY to lean on Improved farms and ranches. Wo also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. ' ' ONTPAY IN INSTALLMENTS. PAT IN 8, 3, 4 or 6 TEARS. BEST PLAN. SHOPEN K CO.. KEKLINB HLDU. REAL EflTATW LOANS WANTED. THOS. L. McOARRY, KEEL IN B BLDQ. T BL. RED 4 3 4 4. 6 PER CENT and 6 psr cent money. To and A Trumbull, 448 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6707. $100 to $10,000 mRdepromptly. F. D. Wea Wwai Bmg., intn ana Farnam pis. MONEY on hand for city and ' farm loans. ' H. W. .Binder, City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. JinTX CITT and farm loans, 6, 6H and 6 per cent. J. H. Dumont ft Co., 416 Keellne Bldg. Abstracts of Title. TTctwn Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co., IY.CIT 306 S. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded .by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska,. 208 Brandeis Theater. M. T. BRENNAN, over 80 yrs. experience in Douglas Co. titles. 324 Brandeis theater. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos, Ind. notes as security. $40 6 -mo. H. H. gds., total cost, $;t.6ft. 40 " Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, larger am'ts. proportionals rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organ I led by Omaha Business Men. 433 Rose Bldg., lttth and Farnam. Ty. 66 fl. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 330 ACRES of the very best land In eastern Colorado, unimproved, with the best soli and water, six miles from the Rock Island railroad and seven miles from good town; no rock or wsste land. Price $3,000 cash. Otto Barkes, Hugo, Colorado. Florida Lands. FARMING IN FLORIDA Our landtt are extremely fertile; clay subsoil; praclirally twelve months' growing season; abundant, well distributed rainfall; good for trucking and citrus culture ; close to transportation, on branch of Dixie highway, aettlnd and prosperous community ; chance for big profits to right men. Our book, "Farming in Florida.' tells all. Write for free copy today. O. P. Swop Land Company, Oviedo, Seminole county, Florida. PALM BEACH COUNTY We have the record crop truck, garden and citrus fruit land In the United States. Buy land on asy terms from A. Parson A Son, 662 Brandeis Bldg, Phone Doug. 7846. Note A personally conducted excursion ,to the Sunny South leaves Omaha Janu ary 2d; already some of Omaha's leading business men have Joined us. Make your reservation early. Iowa Lands. FINE Towa farms, clow to Omaha, all sires. priced right. Sea us first. W. T. Smith Co.. 814 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Minnesota Lands. NOTICB Extra fine farm for sale, 120 acres, Brown county, Minn,, the best county In the state, well improved, good house, new barn, new hog house, new hen house, good granary; two good wells and windmill; fine grove, some fruit; 1 4 miles from, town; as 'to soli there Is nons bet ter, land lays floe; this farm will have to be seen to be appreciated. Price $160 acre; good terms. 1 am the owner. L. C. Williams. R, No. 8. Sleepy Eye, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM -$10 cash and $6 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductlve land: close to 3 big markets. Write for photographs and full informa tion. Hunger. A-118. N. T. Ufa Build Kansas City. HO. GREAT BARGAINS 16 (.own, $5 monthly buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box 808, ttxcelslor Springs, Mo. Nebraska Lands. KIMBALL COUNTT. 820 acres choice land in good location. Will give clear deed for two first crops. T. H. CAMPBELL & HONS. Kimball. Ileb. 6 ACRES, woll Improved, two blocks to high school, Tecumseb, Neb. Stewart, 316 S. 17th Ht. CAN sell or exchange any lands you have to offer. C. J. Canan. McCagus Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS South Dakota Lands. ;i20 ACRES HAND COINTY, HOUTIl DAKOTA. Close to Wesalngton and Miller, lo ex eh tinge for income property hi Omaha; or will consider a part payment one or iwo vacant lota. This 3-'0 acres la almnat all In cultivation; fair set of improve mentK and one of the best farina in that locality, II AST! N 08 & HKYDEN. 1614 Harney I'hon WmL5"' Texas Lands. ; EAST TEXAS. Call or writs for my free book describ ing good corn and alfalfa land lo east Texas for $36 per acre. W. 8. FRANK. 301 NevilleJBlIf Wisconsin Lands. UPPER vKiONSIN Best dslry and gen eral crop state In the union. Settlers wanted; lands for sals at low prices oe easy terms; excellent lands for stock raising. Ask for booklet 36 on Wisconsin Central Land Urant; stats acres wanted. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com missioner Son Rallwav. Minneapolis. Minn. Wyoming Lanaa. POR 8AI.E 78 acres coal land, mine work lng good. One mile from Diets. Wyo., Make a price. Must sell account uf death. Mrs. Ellen J. Stork, 613 N. M Bt., Sheridan, Wyo. SSI A Lir Investors write for "printed 'matter, prices and terras on Wyoming nil land lots; warranty deed to all lots. McKlbbln, Agt Box 83, Fort Morgan. Colo. 880 ACRES Well Improved, one mile small town. Price $5,000. Terms to suit. Owner has other business. Write. Box $3, Lust Springs. Wyo. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Thone D. 3383. S047 Farnam SL 31915 Overland, 6 -pass. 3 1816 Overland, 6-pass. 11814 Overland, i-pass. 11917 Overland Roadster. 1 1813 Hupp, 6paHS. 11914 Ford, 6-pane. These cars are In first class condition and at prices of $126 and up. Cars Demonstrated. List furnished to out-of-town pur chasers. Who's setting ths pans now? In thi first ten months of 1816 THE BEE gained 47,840 Paid Ada. EXCEEDING the COMBINED OAIN of the otber two Omaha paper for same period by mors than 80,000 PAID ADS. Good Results. Hood Ratca. Good Bervlee. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 3309 Farnam Ht. IMUflas 3810. 191. Chevrolet Touring I IM 11 Htsarna Knight "4" Touring. . 1..60 191 Haion Koadsl.r 860 Hl Maaw.lljrnurlng . AUTO INSURANCE Fire, Theft and Liability st lowest rates, KILLT. ELLIS A THOMPSON, 61814 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1116 DON'T throw away old tires. Ws make ons new tiro from two old ones and save you 60 per csnt. t-ln-1 Vulcanising Co., 1616 Davenport BU. Omaha. Nsb. Douglas $814. WB wlll trads you a nsw' Ford for your old ons. i 1 INDUSTRIAL LARAOB CO., 30th and Harney. Douflas JHIt. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Douglas 868. 8216-18 Farnam St. LEAVINO CITY Will sell Ford car with Westlnghouse self-starter, newly painted and perfect running order, for $276 cash. Phone Tyler 60. CORD tires for Fords, $6x1, $8.66; 80x8 tt. $11.66. Zwlsbel Bros. D, 4113. 3H8 Far nam Bt S.O.S. MOTOR COT 140$ Leavenworth Repairing, Overhauling, Used Can. CROR8TOWN OARAGE, 316 S. 34th. D. 4443. Parts to Hup "10," Flanders "10," A p person. Oldsmoblle, I- H. C truck, ste. blmRBPA.R WORK WILL SATISFirYOu7 TELL B1NKLBY, $818 Barney Bt " Doug. 1648. Automobiles Wanted. COUPKLET body for Ford chassis, $40.80. FRANK BKLBI, DOUGLAS 1610. Auto LWery andOarages expert auto reualring. "service ear al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, S010 Harnoy St. Tyier cos. ' Automobiles for Hire. FORD for ront. Tou m.7 dnv. tt. I eh.rg. by mils. Doug. SS2I. Bvnlngs. Tylsr llil. Auto Repairing and painting; STROMRKRfl REHVICB 8TATION. QffiOROK W. WILLIAMS, liOS Jackson 81 Carburetor, my spoolalty.- KM .its. TodrSward"for w. can't rapalr Colls rep.lrod. B.yadorfar, 110 H. 18th. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Berries, and prices right. 81 f). lthlt-D:Jt01l MnrnrrvctaB antT RicvcleB. HARLET-DAVIDSoS MOTORCYCLES. Bar- gains In used macnine.. victor noo., --u. Motorcycle Man." 3701 L.av.nwortb. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles W. Martin and wife ti William Faulkner et at.. Browne streeU 670.6 feet east nf Thirti eth street, North Side. 40x126....$ Sophia M. Matthews and husband to Bertha S. Colpetser, Ft fly -second street, 264 feet south of , Blondo street. West Side, 127i2f7. Nora Horn to Emma Pease. Twenty-seventh street, 371.6 feet north of Cuming street. West Side, ai.TF.xl26 1 Tryphma M. Coipetser to Frank MeUlnty, northwest corner Twenty-fifth avenue and Dooglas, 147x141 Char if J. Peternon and wife to Franc 8. Klmer. Grant street, S09 Cft wmt of Forty -eighth etreot. North Side, 42xll! Elwlnoro Plane Co. to Km ma O. Bishop, Imogen avenue. Benson, ) .813' feet north of Main stroot, Kast Side, 186x220 Abraham I.. Rp"d et al. to the Smith Brick Co., Porras street, 08-7 feet esst of Twenty-first street, South Side, 30x16 Abraham L. Reed et al. to the Smith Hrlk Co., Martha street, 63.7 feet eaitt of Twenty-Brut street, South Hide, 60x181 Adolf B. Tuchenhagen and wife to Edith Karon, Sixteenth street, north of Central boulevard. West Hide, 9fixl27 Oak C. Hedlc:k and wife to the Ne braska Telephone - company, northwest corner Nineteenth and Douglss strncts, 132x131 2 Hugh E. Wallace and wife to Na than. Bofriberg, Urant street, 60 foet east of Thirty-eighth street, North Bide, B0xl26; alley between Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth streets, 70 feet east of Thirty eighth streets, South Side, 50x 62.6 Nathan Somberg and wife to1 Hugh K. Wallace, Twenty -ninth street, 202 feet north of Klllson avenue, East Side, 40x136 Medora O. Flkk to Beary B. Price, Charles street, 1 20 foet west of Thirty-fourth street. North Side, 60x127.6 Dundee Realty company to Kdwsrd W. Stoltenbcrg, Burt street, 07.4 feet west of Fifty-second street, Bouth Sldo, 70x136 John I. Wear, referee, to Mabel O. Simon et al., Hamilton street, 120 feet west of Thirty-fifth treet. South Side, 40x168; Taylor utreet, 260 feet west of Thirty fourth street. South Side, 50x180.. Enos R. Leigh and wife to Cath erine E. Shamp, Twenty-sixth street, 160 foet south of I) street. West Side, 40x160 Llxisle Helnbunk to Frank Speaks, Fourteenth avenue, 160 feet south of Fowler avenue, West Side, 40x 142 Alice May McDonald to Caroline F. Moore, Lake street, 167 feet east of Twen ty-fourth street, South Side, 60x122 Peter Blrbllls to Harry P. Adam, eouthwiwt corner Thirty-third and California streets, 43x100 Delta R. Hnlden snd h unbend to Samuel Finlayson, Nicholas street, 100 feet went of Fiftieth street. North Side, 60x126 The Sunday Bee is the only Omaha newspaper that gives its readers four big pages of colored comics. Pneumatic Tubes For Omaha's Mails i Omaha's mail will travel at the rate of thirty miles an hour in pneumatic tubes if the recommendation of the Commercial club's executive commit tee to the national congressmen of the state is realized. There are live cities in the country which now have pneumatic mail ser vice, and Omaha should be added to the list, the executive committee be lieves. Secretary Manley explains that the pneumatic tubes would run from the Burlington and Union de pots to the postoflice, thus expediting the handling of mail and allowing a later closing hour for collections. 1 he cost ot installation would be borne by the national government, but the maintenance cost would have to be paid locally. Dr. King's N.w IMorarjr, Thr 1. nothing b.ur for -our cough or cold than Dr. King's N.w Dlsoov.ry, In us. ov.r 40 year., auarantaed. All druggists. .Adv.rtls.mont. AMISKMKNTH. THERE'S A PLACE FOR "UM IN 'IT-HQ nni n inn ii Farnam Fifteenth Opens Thanksgiving, Day With Clara Kimball Young in ' "The Dark Silence." A Beautiful Story of Love, Romance and Life in Pari, London and on the Battle Field "In France." Exceptional Concert Program. Admiwion 10c THE MUST Flrat Showing Paramount Picturog The Inimitable Marguerite Clark In Humorous Photoplay "Miss George Washington" A picture everyone will enjoy to the utmost. The only fault it. it ends just when you've had : not half enouf h. WAAK AND MANNING "ON THE VERANDA" RALPH CONNORS LESLIE AND SOL BERNS SEQUAL TO "THREE WEEKS" HAVLICEK RECITALS Under Auspice, of George Crook, Woman.' Raliaf Corps AT Y. W. C. A., Nov. 29 AND 30 At 81IS P. M. Associated Retailers of Omaha Georf e Brandeig "1 C. C. Balden Committee in Charge. Louis C. Nagh J ,. . ( ' Fritz Kreisler AUDITORIUM Monday Evening. December 4th Ruwsd SsaU an da ul. at Auditorium Bra Office. LECTURES ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First, Second and Third Churches Announce Lecture, on Christian Science by CHAS. I. OHREBSTEIN, C. S. B. Of Syracuae, N, Y. I At First Church Edifies, SL Mary's Avenue and Twoty-fourth Street TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 28TH, AT 8:00 O'CLOCK At Dunde. Theater, Underwood Avenue, Nitt FiHy.flrst Straet, -THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER I0TU, AT 8:00 O'CLOCK A Noon-Day Ltttur for Business Men and Women, at Boyd's Theater, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH, AT lt:lt O'CLOCK ADMISSION FREE 3 I More and more people every I day are learning that The Bee J is the paper that secures good i room tenants quickly and at j less cost than any other Omaha newspaper. I j A competent ad-taker will help you write your ad. i ! Phone Tyler 1000 Today I Ask for Mr. Addison. ii ii mil t wifiiinnnprii't fwiibhb in iflKMmiiiiiiTiiiii'ii HiiBMnrTiriii t" r i i w urn K TAXI MAXWELL -.,..- Webster 202 AMIMKMENTN. PERRY i. KELLY OFFERS Hyams & Mclntyre In th. Bit Musical Conudy Suchii "My Home Town Girl" WITH NOTABLE SUPPORTING CAST SO PEOPLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRICESi Mats, 2Sc I. $1.50; Evs'fs, 80c lo 2.00. SEATS NOW. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY COMPANY FOUR DAYS. BEG. SUNDAY, DEC. 3D MATINEE WEDNESDAY SEATS NOW I Prion Nllhta, SOctojl.gOl M.L,2Se-il iu. a, a. or vaun.vlLLI Dall" mimst. 1:13 MUM. m Tuts W uvula I "HONOR TUT 1T1IU PHYLLIS I naSN;" TaiMO Kaliia- NIlLtON-TtRRY gi Wet , Mum,: p.- Deluiar: La uracil.: urpbsum Tram wnir. . Prion.; H.tlnae, Gallery. 10o.; Ifcjsl (foals ( Saturdav and Sunday). Ita. Nlghta, 10a, .So. 0o, no. Today 2:30 TBO Y D Tonlga 8:30 ' A of th. South , THE HEART OF DIXIE" M.t, IBs, 18c, Nit.. 25c, 38c, 8Qc, 78c THANK5GIV1NG Mat. and NiirhL Fri.. Sat., Matlna. S.L Th. SpMdy Musical Comady, "Th. MUllDta Dollar Doll.'' Ilhi minattd Runway. Mata 25c, 80c. Nltos, 25c to 11.00. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." itbmufTli DmU ' "- .7--Mrr Kran'r., 1S-M-IHM5-. FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK. A NEW ONE BLUTCH' ClflUT FFR Muslcl cooper's -vni occrvo Burlqu, "Conatabl." Will J. Ksnnedy. "Kalsar" Jack Millar, Carnival Pour and a groat oast Co.. tumn and equ!ntnnt by th. ton. Horn, wracking beauty chorus. Ladle,' Dim. Matrox Et. ry Waak D... gal Hat. and Weak: "Midnight Maiden,." Bessie Birriscale V and Charles Ray A Corner In Colleens mfukmm UIPP Bruahlrd, Paramo tort and Mutual Photoplay.. Ooao 11 to 11 DaUy Last Tinm Today, i LENORE ULRICH In i 'THE INTRIGUE" ! A'nrprUInc PTT with m still more I and aurpruKiy wi . at th. NO COLLECTION. JITNEY AUDITORIUM I No. M to Dc S I V R !' imatMt poultry I V and Pt Mock ahem, a, 000 f 1 bMutlfUl puiv-bract btrda, - I 1 tiaboraU poultry sduua- m tional exhibit. Omaba'i J m fine purw-brwi r wtmmmiq i m